Legislative Assembly |
Assemblée législative |
Votes and Proceedings |
Procès-verbaux |
No. 15 |
No 15 |
1st Session |
1re session |
Tuesday |
Mardi 7 août 2018 |
9:00 A.M. |
9 H |
Second Reading of Bill 4, An Act respecting the preparation of a climate change plan, providing for the wind down of the cap and trade program and repealing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016. |
Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 4, Loi concernant l’élaboration d’un plan sur le changement climatique, prévoyant la liquidation du programme de plafonnement et d’échange et abrogeant la Loi de 2016 sur l’atténuation du changement climatique et une économie sobre en carbone. |
Debate resumed, during which the Acting Speaker (Mr. Hatfield) interrupted the proceedings and announced that there had been more than six and one-half hours of debate and that the debate would be deemed adjourned. |
Le débat a repris. Le président suppléant (M. Hatfield) a interrompu les travaux et a annoncé qu’il y avait eu plus de six heures et demie de débat et que le débat est réputé ajourné. |
The Minister of Education directed that the debate should continue. |
Le ministre de l’Éducation a indiqué que le débat devrait se poursuivre. |
Debate resumed and after some time the House recessed at 10:11 a.m. |
Le débat a repris et après quelque temps, à 10 h 11, la Chambre a suspendu la séance. |
10:30 A.M. |
10 H 30 |
The House recessed at 11:40 a.m. |
À 11 h 40, la Chambre a suspendu la séance. |
3:00 P.M. |
15 H |
The following Bills were introduced and read the first time:- |
Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et lus une première fois :- |
Bill 14, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Cana Lake, Canal Bay, Canal Lake, Canard Lake, Canard River, Canary Lake, Cancer Lake, Candide Creek, Candide Lake, Candler Lake, Candybar Creek, Candybar Lake, Candy Creek, Cane Lake, Canisbay Creek, Canisbay Lake, Canis Lake, Canister Creek, Canister Lake, Can Lake, Canna Creek, Canna Lake, Cannard’s Bay, Canniff Creek, Canniff Lake, Canning Lake, Cannings Falls, Cannon Creek, Cannon Lake, Canoe Bay, Canoe Bay Channel, Canoe Channel, Canoe Creek and Canoe Lake. Mr. Bisson. |
Projet de loi 14, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Cana Lake, Canal Bay, Canal Lake, Canard Lake, Canard River, Canary Lake, Cancer Lake, Candide Creek, Candide Lake, Candler Lake, Candybar Creek, Candybar Lake, Candy Creek, Cane Lake, Canisbay Creek, Canisbay Lake, Canis Lake, Canister Creek, Canister Lake, Can Lake, Canna Creek, Canna Lake, Cannard’s Bay, Canniff Creek, Canniff Lake, Canning Lake, Cannings Falls, Cannon Creek, Cannon Lake, Canoe Bay, Canoe Bay Channel, Canoe Channel, Canoe Creek et Canoe Lake. M. Bisson. |
Bill 15, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Carcass Lake, Card Bay, Carder Lake, Cardiff Creek, Cardiff Lake, Cardinal Creek, Cardinalis Lake, Cardinal Lake, Card Lake, Cards Lake, Cardwell Lake, Carew Lake, Carey Creek, Carey Lake, Carfrae Lake, Cargill Lake, Cargill Mill Pond, Carhess Creek, Cariad Lake, Carib Creek, Carib Lake, Cariboo Creek, Cariboo Lake, Caribou Bay, Caribou Creek, Caribou Lake, Caribou Rapids, Caribou River, Caribou Throat Lake, Caribus Lake, Carillon Rapids, Carkner Lake, Car Lake, Carl Bay, Carlbom Lake, Carl Creek, Carleton Lake, Carling Bay, Carling Lake, Carl Lake, Carlo Lake, Carlson Lake, Carlstead Bay, Carlton Lake, Carlyle Lake, Carman Bay, Carman Creek, Carman Lake, Carrnichael Lake, Carnachan Bay, Carnahan Lake, Carney Creek, Carney Lake and Carnilac Lake. Mr. Bisson. |
Projet de loi 15, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Carcass Lake, Card Bay, Carder Lake, Cardiff Creek, Cardiff Lake, Cardinal Creek, Cardinalis Lake, Cardinal Lake, Card Lake, Cards Lake, Cardwell Lake, Carew Lake, Carey Creek, Carey Lake, Carfrae Lake, Cargill Lake, Cargill Mill Pond, Carhess Creek, Cariad Lake, Carib Creek, Carib Lake, Cariboo Creek, Cariboo Lake, Caribou Bay, Caribou Creek, Caribou Lake, Caribou Rapids, Caribou River, Caribou Throat Lake, Caribus Lake, Carillon Rapids, Carkner Lake, Car Lake, Carl Bay, Carlbom Lake, Carl Creek, Carleton Lake, Carling Bay, Carling Lake, Carl Lake, Carlo Lake, Carlson Lake, Carlstead Bay, Carlton Lake, Carlyle Lake, Carman Bay, Carman Creek, Carman Lake, Carrnichael Lake, Carnachan Bay, Carnahan Lake, Carney Creek, Carney Lake et Carnilac Lake. M. Bisson. |
Bill 16, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Caro Lake, Caroline Lake, Carol Lake, Carolyn Creek, Caron Creek, Caron Lake, Carpenter Lake, Carpenter River, Carpet Lake, Carp Lake, Carp River, Carre Lake, Carrick Creek, Carrick Lake, Carrie Lake, Carrie Lake, Carriere Lake, Carrigan Lake, Carrington Lake, Carroll Creek, Carroll Lake, Carroll Wood Bay, Carrot Lake, Carruthers Lake, Carrying Lake, Carry Lake, Carscallen Lake, Carson Bay, Carson Creek, Carson Lake, Carss Creek, Carstens Lake, Carswell Lake, Cartan Lake, Carter Bay, Carter Lake, Carter Rapids, Carthew Bay, Cartier Lake, Cartier Creek, Cart Lake, Cartwrights Creek, Carty Creek, Carty Lake, Carver Lake, Cascade Falls, Cascade Lake, Cascaden Lake, Cascade Rapids, Cascade River, Cascanette Lake, Case River, Casey Creek and Casey Lake. Mr. Bisson. |
Projet de loi 16, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Caro Lake, Caroline Lake, Carol Lake, Carolyn Creek, Caron Creek, Caron Lake, Carpenter Lake, Carpenter River, Carpet Lake, Carp Lake, Carp River, Carre Lake, Carrick Creek, Carrick Lake, Carrie Lake, Carrie Lake, Carriere Lake, Carrigan Lake, Carrington Lake, Carroll Creek, Carroll Lake, Carroll Wood Bay, Carrot Lake, Carruthers Lake, Carrying Lake, Carry Lake, Carscallen Lake, Carson Bay, Carson Creek, Carson Lake, Carss Creek, Carstens Lake, Carswell Lake, Cartan Lake, Carter Bay, Carter Lake, Carter Rapids, Carthew Bay, Cartier Lake, Cartier Creek, Cart Lake, Cartwrights Creek, Carty Creek, Carty Lake, Carver Lake, Cascade Falls, Cascade Lake, Cascaden Lake, Cascade Rapids, Cascade River, Cascanette Lake, Case River, Casey Creek et Casey Lake. M. Bisson. |
Bill 17, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Casgrain Creek, Casgrain Lake, Cash Creek, Cashel Lake, Cashman Creek, Cashore Creek, Casino Lake, Caskie Bay, Caskill Lake, Cask Lake, Casper Lake, Casque Lake, Cassdaga Lake, Casselman’s Lake and Casselman’s Creek, Cassels Lake, Cassidy Bay, Cassidy Creek, Cassidy Lake, Cassidys Bay, Cass Lake, Casson Lake, Castellar Creek, Castellar Lake, Castlebar Creek, Castlebar Lake, Castle Bay, Castle Creek, Castle Lake, Castleman Lake, Castlewood Creek, Castlewood Lake, Castor Creek, Castor Lake, Castoroil Lake, Castor Ponds, Castor River, Castra Lake, Casurnmit Lake, Caswell Bay, Casvell Lake, Cataract Falls, Cataract Lake, Cataraqui Bay and Cataraqui River. Mr. Bisson. |
Projet de loi 17, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Casgrain Creek, Casgrain Lake, Cash Creek, Cashel Lake, Cashman Creek, Cashore Creek, Casino Lake, Caskie Bay, Caskill Lake, Cask Lake, Casper Lake, Casque Lake, Cassdaga Lake, Casselman’s Lake and Casselman’s Creek, Cassels Lake, Cassidy Bay, Cassidy Creek, Cassidy Lake, Cassidys Bay, Cass Lake, Casson Lake, Castellar Creek, Castellar Lake, Castlebar Creek, Castlebar Lake, Castle Bay, Castle Creek, Castle Lake, Castleman Lake, Castlewood Creek, Castlewood Lake, Castor Creek, Castor Lake, Castoroil Lake, Castor Ponds, Castor River, Castra Lake, Casurnmit Lake, Caswell Bay, Casvell Lake, Cataract Falls, Cataract Lake, Cataraqui Bay et Cataraqui River. M. Bisson. |
Bill 18, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Catastrophe Creek, Catastrophe Lake, Catawba Lake, Cat Bay, Catchacoma Lake, Catcher Lake, Cat Creek, Caterpillar Lake, Cat Falls, Catfish Bay, Catfish Creek, Catfish Lake, Catfish Rapids, Catharine Lake, Cathro Lake, Cathy’s Lake, Catlonite Creek, Catlonite Lake, Cat River, Cat Tail River, Cattral Lake, Cauchon Creek, Cauchon Lake, Caulfield Lake, Cauley Lake, Cauliflower Creek, Cauliflower Lake, Caulkin Lake, Caution Lake, Cavalary Creek, Cavalary Lake, Cavanagh Lake, Cavan Creek, Cavano Lake, Cave Harbour, Cave Lake, Cavell Creek, Cavell Lake, Cavendish Lake, Caverly’s Bay, Cavern Creek, Cavern Lake, Cavers Bay, Cavern Creek, Cavern Lake, Cavers Creek, Cavers Lake, Caviar Lake, Cawanogami Lake, Cawdron Creek, Cawdron Lake, Cawing Lake, Cawston Lakes, Cawthra Creek, Caya’s Lake and Cayer Creek. Mr. Bisson. |
Projet de loi 18, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Catastrophe Creek, Catastrophe Lake, Catawba Lake, Cat Bay, Catchacoma Lake, Catcher Lake, Cat Creek, Caterpillar Lake, Cat Falls, Catfish Bay, Catfish Creek, Catfish Lake, Catfish Rapids, Catharine Lake, Cathro Lake, Cathy’s Lake, Catlonite Creek, Catlonite Lake, Cat River, Cat Tail River, Cattral Lake, Cauchon Creek, Cauchon Lake, Caulfield Lake, Cauley Lake, Cauliflower Creek, Cauliflower Lake, Caulkin Lake, Caution Lake, Cavalary Creek, Cavalary Lake, Cavanagh Lake, Cavan Creek, Cavano Lake, Cave Harbour, Cave Lake, Cavell Creek, Cavell Lake, Cavendish Lake, Caverly’s Bay, Cavern Creek, Cavern Lake, Cavers Bay, Cavern Creek, Cavern Lake, Cavers Creek, Cavers Lake, Caviar Lake, Cawanogami Lake, Cawdron Creek, Cawdron Lake, Cawing Lake, Cawston Lakes, Cawthra Creek, Caya’s Lake et Cayer Creek. M. Bisson. |
On motion by Mr. Bisson, Bill 19, An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15 (1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act to determine the zebra mussel content of Cayer Lake, Cayiens Creek, Caysee Lake, Cayuga Creek, Cayuga Lake, Cebush Lake, Cecebe Lake, Cecil Creek, Cecile Lake, Cedar Bay, Cedarbough Lake, Cedarclump Lake, Cedar Creek, Cedar Falls, Cedargum Lake, Cedar Harbour, Cedar Lake, Cedar Rapids, Cedar River, Cedarskirt Lake, Cedric Lake, Cee Creek, Ceepee Lake, Celastruc Lake, Cellist Lake, Celt Creek, Celtis Lake, Celt Lake, Cemetery Creek, Cemetery Lake, Centennial Lake, Centralis Creek, Centralis Lake, Central Lake, Centre Channel, Centre Creek, Centre Falls, Centrefire Creek, Centrefire Lake, Centre Lake, Centreville Creek, Ceph Lake, Ceres Lake, Cerulean Lake, Cerullo Lake, Chabbie Lake, Chabbie River, Chabot Lake, Chadwick Lake, Chagma Lake, Chagnon Lake and Chaillon Lake, was introduced and read the first time on the following division:- |
Sur la motion de M. Bisson, le projet de loi 19, Loi visant à exiger que le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs assume ses responsabilités en application du paragraphe 15 (1) de la Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario pour établir la quantité de moules zébrées dans les cours d’eau suivants : Cayer Lake, Cayiens Creek, Caysee Lake, Cayuga Creek, Cayuga Lake, Cebush Lake, Cecebe Lake, Cecil Creek, Cecile Lake, Cedar Bay, Cedarbough Lake, Cedarclump Lake, Cedar Creek, Cedar Falls, Cedargum Lake, Cedar Harbour, Cedar Lake, Cedar Rapids, Cedar River, Cedarskirt Lake, Cedric Lake, Cee Creek, Ceepee Lake, Celastruc Lake, Cellist Lake, Celt Creek, Celtis Lake, Celt Lake, Cemetery Creek, Cemetery Lake, Centennial Lake, Centralis Creek, Centralis Lake, Central Lake, Centre Channel, Centre Creek, Centre Falls, Centrefire Creek, Centrefire Lake, Centre Lake, Centreville Creek, Ceph Lake, Ceres Lake, Cerulean Lake, Cerullo Lake, Chabbie Lake, Chabbie River, Chabot Lake, Chadwick Lake, Chagma Lake, Chagnon Lake et Chaillon Lake, est présenté et lu une première fois à la suite du vote suivant :- |
AYES / POUR - 55 |
Anand Armstrong Baber Babikian Bailey Berns-McGown Bisson Bouma Bourgouin Burch Calandra Cho (Scarborough North) Coe Coteau |
Crawford Cuzzeto Downey Fee Ghamari Gill Hardeman Harden Harris Hassan Karahalios Kernaghan Kramp Kusendova |
Lindo MacLeod Mantha McKenna Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka) Monteith-Farrell Morrison Pang Rakocevic Rasheed Romano Sabawy Sattler Scott |
Simard Singh (Brampton Centre) Skelly Smith (Bay of Quinte) Stiles Tabuns Tangri Taylor Thanigasalam Thompson Vanthof Wai Walker |
Pursuant to Standing Order 33(f), the Acting Speaker (Mr. Hatfield) interrupted the proceedings and called “Motions”. |
Conformément à l’article 33 f) du Règlement, le président suppléant (M. Hatfield) a interrompu les délibérations et a passé aux « Motions ». |
Mr. Smith (Bay of Quinte) moved, |
M. Smith (Baie de Quinte) propose, |
That the meeting schedule of the House for Wednesday August 8 as set out in Standing Order 8(a) be revised by substituting “1:00 p.m.” and “1:05 p.m.” for “3:00 p.m.” and “3:05 p.m.”, respectively. |
On a question being raised as to the orderliness of the motion by the Official Opposition House Leader (Mr. Bisson), the Acting Speaker (Mr. Hatfield) cited the definition of “Routine motion” as set out in Standing Order 2, as follows:- |
“ “Routine motion” means any motion, including motions under Standing Order 6, made for the purpose of fixing the days or times of the meetings or adjournments of the House, or its committees; establishing or revising the membership of committees, and the meeting schedule thereof; arranging the proceedings of the House; or any other motion relating strictly to the technical procedure of the House or its committees and the management of the business thereof.”; |
and the Acting Speaker ruled the motion was in order. |
The question having then been put, it was carried on the following division:- |
La question ayant ensuite été mise aux voix et est adoptée à la suite du vote suivant :- |
AYES / POUR - 66 |
Anand Baber Babikian Bailey Barrett Bouma Calandra Cho (Scarborough North) Cho (Willowdale) Clark Coe Crawford Cuzzeto Downey Dunlop Elliott Fedeli |
Fee Fullerton Ghamari Gill Hardeman Harris Hillier Hogarth Jones Karahalios Ke Khanjin Kramp Kusendova MacLeod Martin McDonell |
McKenna McNaughton Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka) Nicholls Oosterhoff Pang Parsa Pettapiece Phillips Piccini Rasheed Roberts Romano Sabawy Sandhu Sarkaria |
Schreiner Scott Simard Skelly Smith (Bay of Quinte) Surma Tangri Thanigasalam Thompson Tibollo Triantafilopoulos Wai Walker Wilson Yakabuski Yurek |
NAYS / CONTRE - 21 |
Armstrong Begum Berns-McGown Bisson Bourgouin Burch |
Harden Hassan Kernaghan Lindo Mamakwa |
Mantha Monteith-Farrell Morrison Rakocevic Sattler |
Singh (Brampton Centre) Singh (Brampton East) Stiles Taylor Vanthof |
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Sessional Paper No. P-1) Miss Taylor. |
Health and physical education curriculum (Sessional Paper No. P-2) Ms. Stiles. |
Implementing minimum wage (Sessional Paper No. P-4) Ms. Singh (Brampton Centre). |
Poppy symbol (Sessional Paper No. P-23) Mr. Mantha. |
School repair funding (Sessional Paper No. P-24) Ms. Armstrong. |
Pursuant to Standing Order 30(c), the Acting Speaker (Mr. Hatfield) interrupted the proceedings and called “Orders of the Day”. |
Conformément à l’article 30 c) du Règlement, le président suppléant (M. Hatfield) a interrompu les délibérations et a passé à « l’Ordre du jour ». |
Second Reading of Bill 5, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 |
Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 5, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2006 sur la cité de Toronto, la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités et la Loi de 1996 sur les élections municipales. |
Debate resumed and after some time the House adjourned at 5:56 p.m. |
Le débat a repris et après quelque temps, à 17 h 56, la Chambre a ajourné ses travaux. |
le président Ted Arnott Speaker |