Letter: T
Tamil community
Tamil genocide.
see also Sri Lanka; Sri Lankan Civil War (1983-2009)- Kanapathi, 13373–13374
- Black July (1983)
- Singh, G., 8549, 13372–13373
- commemoration
- Babikian, 13375–13376
- Begum, 13374–13375
- Horwath, 13377
- Hunter, 5196, 13654–13655
- Kanapathi, 13653
- Kusendova, 5195
- Lecce, 5193–5194
- Morrison, 5195
- Rakocevic, 13376–13377
- Rasheed, 5195
- Singh, G., 5193, 13372–13373
- Stiles, 13377–13378
- Thanigasalam, 2000, 5192–5193, 5197, 13371–13372
- intergenerational trauma
- Rakocevic, 13376–13377
- Thanigasalam, 13372
- Jaffna Library burning (1981)
- Kanapathi, 13374
- language-use restrictions
- Mullivaikal Massacre (2009)
- pogroms
- Kanapathi, 13374
- public education campaigns
- general remarks
- Tamil Genocide Education Week. see under Public education campaigns - historical/national
Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
- first reading
- Thanigasalam, 4629
- second reading, 5191–5197
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 5198
- third reading, 13371–13378
- Babikian, 13375–13376
- Begum, 13374–13375
- Horwath, 13377
- Kanapathi, 13373–13374
- Rakocevic, 13376–13377
- Singh, G., 13372–13373
- Stiles, 13377–13378
- Thanigasalam, 13371–13372
- Royal assent, 13538
- first reading
Tapir Corporation Act, 2020 (Bill Pr25)
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario)
- board of directors
- consumer protection
- mandate
- oversight mechanisms
Tarion reform
- consultation
- Kernaghan, 13454
- general remarks
- Andrew, 8603
- Bailey, 7651
- Bell, 8601
- Cho, S., 4859
- Fife, 8592
- Gates, 6341, 7701
- Ghamari, 8600
- Harden, 7646, 7651
- Harris, 8595
- Hogarth, 6660–6661, 8605–8606
- Karahalios, 7701
- Kramp, 7649
- Martin, 3338
- Morrison, 8608–8609
- Oosterhoff, 7651
- Parsa, 6782
- Rakocevic, 6339–6340, 7525–7526
- Rasheed, 7597–7598
- Sabawy, 7536, 7705
- Schreiner, 7649–7651
- Singh, G., 8600
- Singh, S., 7560, 7599
- Skelly, 7597–7598, 7604
- Tangri, 7702, 7704–7705
- Taylor, 7706
- Thanigasalam, 6614
- Thompson, 6782–6783, 6874–6875, 7516, 7519–7520
- Wai, 8532–8533
- Walker, 4859
- removal of regulator role
- statements by stakeholders
- consultation
Tarion Warranty Corp.
see also New home warranties- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario)
- customer service
- Sabawy, 3122–3123
- dual mandate
- Final report: Review of the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act and the Tarion Warranty Corporation (Justice Honourable J. Douglas Cunningham)
- funding model
- Harden, 7648
- mandate
- consumer protection
- Gates, 7697
- consumer protection
Tarion Warranty Corp.- governance
Tarion Warranty Corp. - governance
Tarion Warranty Corp.- governance
Tarion Warranty Corp. - governance
- performance incentives
- Andrew, 8104
- performance incentives
Tarion Warranty Corp. - reform.
see also New home warranties - reformTarion Warranty Corp. - warranty administration
- claims process
- filing deadlines
- Rakocevic, 7238
- filing deadlines
- claims process
Tax avoidance/evasion
- revenue loss due to
- Harden, 699
- revenue loss due to
Tax Fairness for Real Estate Professionals Act, 2018 (Bill 38)
- corporate tax rate
- deductions
- for Lifeline services
- Bisson, 137
- for Lifeline services
- economic impact
- Phillips, 294–295
- enforcement
- Harden, 699
- federal vs. provincial trends
- Calandra, 334
- to fund public services
- Natyshak, 546
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact on employment
- Lecce, 1454
- of low-income earners
- West, 71
- personal tax rate
- policy
- Karahalios, 10535
- residential tax rate
- in Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 2848
- in Sault Ste. Marie
- revenue
- Ford, 6871
- tax credits
Taxation Amendment Act (Travel Ontario Tax Credit), 2020 (Bill 199)
- first reading
- Gates, 8896
- first reading
Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
- eligibility
- general remarks
- Bouma, 2346
- Coe, 2626
- Cuzzetto, 2598
- Dunlop, 2560
- Fedeli, 2320, 2345–2346, 2411, 2451–2452, 2457–2458, 2511–2512, 2515, 2517, 2914, 4034, 5129
- Ford, 2306–2307
- Fraser, 2322
- Gill, 2022
- Horwath, 2306–2307
- Karpoche, 2445
- Kernaghan, 2018
- MacLeod, 2635, 4641
- Parsa, 1954
- Phillips, 6463
- Roberts, 6396
- Scott, 2440
- Skelly, 2014
- Smith, D., 2555
- West, 2602
- vs. minimum wage increase
- rates
- Nicholls, 5185
Taxation reform
- as economic strategy
- Roberts, 2616
- as economic strategy
Taxi industry
- and COVID-19
- illegal operators
- insurance rates
- licensing
- market competition
- West, 9758–9759
Taxi industry - COVID-19
Teach the Reach Act, 2019 (Bill 89)
Teacher candidates
- employment opportunities
- Gates, 5257–5258
- math proficiency assessment
- Anand, 3685
- Andrew, 3016, 3688
- Armstrong, 2249–2250
- Arthur, 2366–2367
- Bailey, 3625
- Barrett, 2371–2372
- Begum, 3498
- Bell, 2385
- Bouma, 2179, 2388, 4016
- Burch, 2391–2392, 3687
- Coe, 2366
- Dunlop, 2389–2390
- Fee, 3063
- Ford, 4160
- Gates, 2387
- Gill, 2194
- Gretzky, 3683
- Harden, 2249
- Harris, 4024–4025
- Martin, 2250–2251, 3681
- Natyshak, 4067
- Oosterhoff, 2177, 2237
- Piccini, 3632
- Roberts, 2387
- Sattler, 2198, 4022
- Skelly, 3012–3013
- Stiles, 2046, 2182–2183, 2236, 2386, 3113, 3629
- Thompson, 1990, 2044, 3490, 3885, 4079, 4124–4125
- employment opportunities
- appreciation
- assessment of, other jurisdictions
- Oosterhoff, 2177
- attrition protection
- attrition protection funding
- BC recruitment campaign
- Horwath, 4224
- compensation
- continuing education
- Education Program—Other (EPO) funding. see under Education funding - elementary/secondary
- demographic representation
- government funding
- Collard, 12659
- government relationship with
- hiring process
- hiring vs. student enrolment rates
- layoffs
- math proficiency
- math proficiency, development of
- professional development
- recall notices
- relationship with parents
- Stiles, 2191
- roster review
- shortage
- Wynne, 3759
- shortage, French-language
- Lecce, 9570
- surplus notices
- Bell, 5431
- Burch, 4474
- Fife, 5292
- Harden, 4581
- Horwath, 4224, 4328, 4394–4395, 4489–4490
- Karpoche, 4652–4653
- Lindo, 4127–4128
- Pang, 4599
- Shaw, 4349, 4587–4588
- Singh, G., 4503
- Singh, S., 4483–4484, 4578
- Stiles, 4159–4160, 4446, 4475, 4542, 4571, 5508
- Taylor, 4664
- Thompson, 4128, 4224, 4446, 5508
- West, 4665
- Yarde, 4623
- training
- in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
- Martin, 10269
- Wynne, 10267–10268
- in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Teachers - additional qualifications
Teachers - collective bargaining
Teachers - guilty of sexual abuse
- revocation of certificate of registration
- Thompson, 4078
- revocation of certificate of registration
Teachers - labour dispute
- bargaining process
- general remarks
- independent mediation
- job action
- negotiations
- province-wide strike (February 21, 2020)
- public response
- Support for Parents program
Teachers - professional misconduct
- definition, changes to
- Skelly, 3013
- definition, changes to
Teachers - recruitment
Teachers - sexual misconduct
- disciplinary committee
- Stiles, 3631
- general remarks
- prevention
- revocation of certificate of registration
- disciplinary committee
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
Technology sector.
see Innovation and technology sectorTeddy's Law (Anti-Declawing), 2020 (Bill 240)
- infrastructure development. see Infrastructure - telecommunications
- regulation of
- jurisdiction over
- Scott, 9014
- jurisdiction over
see Health care services - deliveryTelevision industry.
see Film and television industryTemporary workers
10 Paid Sick Days for Ontario Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 305)
- first reading
- Fraser, 14073
- first reading
see also Rental housingTerrorism
Terrorist Activities Sanctions Act, 2018 (Bill 46)
Terrorists - return to Ontario
- government strategy
- service restrictions
Terry Fox Run
- Downey, 843
Tesla Inc.
- electric vehicles. see Electric vehicles
- student opportunities
- Fife, 14041
Tesla, Nikola
- life and achievements
- Rakocevic, 14036–14038
- Rasheed, 14039
- Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC)
- Rakocevic, 14041
- recognition day. see under Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
- life and achievements
Textile industry
- equity and
- Singh, G., 3546
- fast fashion
- impact on waste diversion. see under Waste diversion - textiles—donation and recycling
- waste diversion. see Waste diversion - textiles
- worker demographics
- Begum, 3548
- working conditions
- Begum, 3548
- equity and
- awareness of
- treatment
- Phillips, 12032–12033
The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- first reading
- ministerial statement
- Elliott, 3250–3251
- second reading, 3436–3452, 3455–3465, 3507–3516, 3575–3591, 3593–3602, 3647–3657, 3695–3702, 3713–3714
- Andrew, 3600
- Armstrong, 3458–3459, 3585–3589, 3591, 3647
- Arthur, 3442, 3463
- Barrett, 3583–3587
- Bell, 3451–3452
- Bisson, 3579–3583, 3700
- Bouma, 3442–3443, 3590, 3596–3597
- Bourgouin, 3597–3599
- Calandra, 3589–3590, 3596
- Cho, S., 3586
- Coe, 3601–3602, 3648
- Cuzzetto, 3699
- Elliott, 3436–3438, 3443–3444
- Fee, 3651–3654
- Fife, 3443
- Fraser, 3464–3465, 3507–3509
- Gates, 3698–3701
- Gélinas, 3444–3450, 3452, 3596, 3697
- Ghamari, 3599
- Glover, 3458, 3647–3648, 3656
- Gretzky, 3699–3700
- Harden, 3513–3516, 3595–3596
- Harris, 3451, 3513, 3700
- Hassan, 3577–3578, 3590–3591
- Hatfield, 3582–3583, 3586, 3590
- Hogarth, 3512
- Hunter, 3459
- Kanapathi, 3695–3698
- Karahalios, 3455–3459
- Karpoche, 3648–3651, 3653–3654
- Ke, 3654
- Kernaghan, 3509
- Kusendova, 3593–3595, 3597–3598
- Mamakwa, 3650, 3653
- Mantha, 3598–3599
- Martin, 3438–3440, 3647, 3655–3656
- McKenna, 3578
- Morrison, 3578, 3583
- Oosterhoff, 3582, 3650
- Pang, 3583
- Park, 3586
- Parsa, 3508–3509
- Pettapiece, 3578–3579
- Piccini, 3458
- Rasheed, 3575–3577, 3579
- Roberts, 3462
- Romano, 3653
- Sabawy, 3463
- Sandhu, 3509–3513
- Sarkaria, 3650–3651
- Sattler, 3601
- Schreiner, 3599–3601
- Shaw, 3459–3464, 3651, 3656–3657
- Singh, G., 3451
- Skelly, 3600
- Smith, D., 3443, 3697
- Stevens, 3512, 3599
- Surma, 3701–3702
- Taylor, 3654–3655, 3657
- Triantafilopoulos, 3440–3442, 3648, 3656
- Wai, 3600–3601
- West, 3512, 3696
- division (carried), 3713–3714
- time allocation motion, 3807–3817, 3861–3867, 3879–3880
- third reading, 4275–4286, 4291–4300, 4412–4431, 4435–4444, 4487–4488
- Armstrong, 4412, 4414–4416, 4418, 4441
- Arthur, 4430, 4438
- Baber, 4417
- Bailey, 4413
- Bell, 4417
- Berns-McGown, 4425–4426, 4431
- Bouma, 4416–4417, 4430–4431
- Calandra, 4420–4421
- Cuzzetto, 4296
- Elliott, 4275–4277
- Fee, 4283
- Fife, 4417, 4426–4431
- Fraser, 4418–4420, 4422
- Gélinas, 4283–4286, 4291–4298
- Glover, 4441–4442
- Karahalios, 4297
- Ke, 4441
- Kernaghan, 4421
- Khanjin, 4438, 4442–4444, 4487
- Kramp, 4425
- Kusendova, 4487–4488
- Mamakwa, 4439–4442
- Mantha, 4282–4283
- Martin, 4277–4279
- McDonell, 4412–4413
- Miller, N., 4423–4425
- Monteith-Farrell, 4437–4438
- Rakocevic, 4413, 4421–4422
- Roberts, 4435–4439
- Sabawy, 4438
- Sarkaria, 4282, 4441
- Singh, G., 4425
- Skelly, 4422–4423, 4426
- Smith, D., 4298–4300, 4413, 4421, 4430
- Stevens, 4297
- Stiles, 4282
- Triantafilopoulos, 4279–4283
- Wai, 4426
- West, 4296–4297
- division (carried), 4499–4500
- amendments
- legislative timeline
- Royal assent, 4501
The United Church of Canada Act, 2019 (Bill Pr10)
- of mail
- of packages. see under Trespass to property
- penalties
- Kernaghan, 11321
Therapy animals.
see Service animalsThrone speech,
3–5Throne speech debate
- participation, 25–76, 91–125, 141–161, 165–167
- Andrew, 118–119
- Armstrong, 48–49, 66, 75
- Arthur, 53, 60–61
- Baber, 98–99
- Bailey, 53, 58–60
- Barrett, 60
- Bisson, 33–36, 52–53, 55, 65, 99, 111, 142–143, 147, 165
- Bouma, 38–41
- Bourgouin, 122–123
- Calandra, 67–68, 71, 75, 94–95, 108
- Clark, 55–56
- Coe, 48, 91–93, 95–96
- Crawford, 46–48
- Des Rosiers, 148–149, 151
- Downey, 25–27, 39–40, 61, 70, 118
- Dunlop, 154
- Fife, 41–45, 70
- Fraser, 100–104
- French, 40
- Gates, 71–76
- Gélinas, 143, 151, 166
- Ghamari, 27–28, 44, 150
- Gill, 36–38
- Gretzky, 155–158
- Harden, 94, 100, 112
- Horwath, 29–33
- Karahalios, 68–70, 103
- Khanjin, 115–116
- Kusendova, 116–119
- Lecce, 103–104, 122, 165–166
- Lindo, 49–54, 75–76, 146–147, 154
- MacLeod, 66, 104
- Mamakwa, 144–148
- Mantha, 44, 48, 95–98, 100
- Martow, 166
- McKenna, 52, 107
- Miller, N., 95
- Morrison, 119–121, 123
- Natyshak, 108–109, 113–114, 150
- Oosterhoff, 119, 143, 155
- Pang, 160–161, 166
- Park, 75, 99, 143
- Pettapiece, 40
- Piccini, 146, 151–153, 155–156
- Roberts, 45–46, 49
- Romano, 43
- Sarkaria, 153–154
- Schreiner, 54, 56
- Singh, G., 43–44, 60
- Skelly, 147
- Smith, D., 49, 71, 112, 122
- Smith, T., 65–66
- Stiles, 104–107, 109
- Tangri, 109–110, 113, 150
- Taylor, 39, 122
- Thanigasalam, 110–111
- Thompson, 93–94
- Vanthof, 56, 62–64, 66–67
- Wai, 159–160
- Walker, 56–58, 61
- West, 70–71, 118
- Yakabuski, 123–125, 141–142, 144
- Yurek, 55
- participation, 25–76, 91–125, 141–161, 165–167
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- budget
- Monteith-Farrell, 4783
- budget
Thunder Bay Jail
Thunder Bay Police Service
Thundering Waters development (Niagara)
- LPAT appeal
- Burch, 5082
- LPAT appeal
Tibetan community
Tibetan Heritage Month Act, 2020 (Bill 131)
Ticket sales
Time allocation motions
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
- presented
- Khanjin, 10667–10668
- responded to
- Andrew, 10693–10694
- Bisson, 10690–10691
- Collard, 10669–10670
- Fife, 10692–10693
- Hunter, 10691–10692
- Morrison, 10670–10671
- Sattler, 10668–10669
- Schreiner, 10671–10672
- Taylor, 10672
- division (carried), 10783–10784
- presented
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- Franco-Ontarian Emblem Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 182)
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario's Power Supply), 2018 (Bill 67)
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 167)
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117)
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
- presented
- Khanjin, 10575–10577
- responded to
- Hunter, 10580–10581
- Sattler, 10577–10580
- Schreiner, 10583
- Tabuns, 10581–10583
- Taylor, 10583–10586
- division (carried), 10641–10642
- presented
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
- presented
- Khanjin, 14166
- responded to
- Armstrong, 14171–14172
- Arthur, 14169–14170
- Baber, 14168–14169
- Begum, 14167–14168
- Calandra, 14174–14182
- Gretzky, 14166–14167
- Harden, 14172
- Hunter, 14167
- Lindo, 14170–14171
- Morrison, 14172–14173
- Natyshak, 14173–14174
- Taylor, 14174
- division (carried), 14202
- division (lost), 14183
- presented
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
- Standing orders
- Standing orders (on the amendments to the main motion)
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- presented
- Khanjin, 12100–12102
- responded to
- Fife, 12109–12111
- Fraser, 12107
- Hatfield, 12107–12109
- Sattler, 12102–12104
- Schreiner, 12104–12105
- Vanthof, 12105–12107
- division (carried), 12142
- presented
- Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 (Bill 236)
- presented
- Khanjin, 10943
- responded to
- Bisson, 10943–10944
- Collard, 10944
- presented
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- presented
- Khanjin, 10046–10047
- responded to
- Armstrong, 10055–10056
- Berns-McGown, 10053
- Bisson, 10047–10050
- Blais, 10054
- Fife, 10050–10052
- Hillier, 10053
- Schreiner, 10050
- West, 10054–10055
- division (carried), 10087
- presented
- Tibetan Heritage Month Act, 2020 (Bill 131)
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
- first reading
- Roberts, 9623
- second reading, 9664–9670
- referred to Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, 9670
- third reading, 10835–10840
- Gélinas, 10837–10839
- Roberts, 10835–10837
- Royal assent, 10941
- first reading
Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13)
- first reading
- Armstrong, 482
- second reading, 10106–10113, 10137
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 10137
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 10056
- first reading
Toby's Act, 2012,
SO 2012, c 7
Tornadoes in Ottawa (September 2018)
- Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism
- Lindo, 3781
- amalgamation (1998). see also Government downsizing
- attack in (April 23, 2018)
- attack in (July 22, 2018). see also Special Investigations Unit (SIU)—investigative process
- Church and Wellesley Village
- Morrison, 7977–7978
- Danforth neighbourhood
- economic impact
- Coteau, 702
- fiscal management
- governing principles
- re co-operation collaboration with province
- Tabuns, 618
- re co-operation collaboration with province
- infrastructure
- Jane and Finch community
- King Street Pilot project. see under Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- official plan
- provincial transfer payments
- Horwath, 5109
- relationship with province
- Morrison, 5030
- revenue generation
- Calandra, 5252–5253
- waterfront
- Glover, 2776
- Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto City Council.
see also City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 11, Schedule A; MunicipalitiesToronto City Council downsizing
- alignment with provincial ridings
- as constitutional issue. see also City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151; Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONCA 761
- consultation. see under Government downsizing—consultation process
- and democracy
- economic impact
- Calandra, 650
- fiscal impact. see Government downsizing—as fiscal policy
- general remarks
- impact on land-use planning
- jurisdiction
- Clark, 836
- jurisdiction over
- public opinion
- public response to
- referendum on, cost
- timing of
- and voter representation
Toronto City Council downsizing - legal challenge
Toronto City Council downsizing - use of notwithstanding clause
- general remarks
- legal challenge to
- legal community, response of
- political community, response of
- public response to
- role of election timeline
Toronto City Council - election (2018).
see also Municipal and regional governments- advanced polling
- Burch, 968
- candidates
- legitimacy of
- nomination period
- organization of
- procedural uncertainty
- advanced polling
Toronto City Council - wards, redrawing of
Toronto city councillors
- impact of council downsizing
- response to council downsizing
- ward redrawing, impact of
Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONCA 761
- decision re stay
- Clark, 1023
- decision re stay
Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONCA 761
- decision re stay
- Downey, 1021
- decision re stay
Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONCA 761
Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONCA 761
- impact on Bill 31 (re Toronto City Council downsizing)
- Smith, T., 1012
- impact on Bill 31 (re Toronto City Council downsizing)
Toronto (City) v Ontario (Attorney General),
2018 ONCA 761
- quoted
- Clark, 1023–1024
- quoted
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
Toronto Police Service
- community relations
- Lindo, 3781
- government funding
- and LGBTQ+ discrimination
- Morrison, 13264
- report, A Collective Impact (2018, Ontario Human Rights Commission). see under Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC)
- report, Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism (City of Toronto). see under Toronto
- training, anti-Black racism
- Lindo, 3781
- community relations
Toronto Public Health
- budget
- government funding
- reports
- Health Streets: Design Features and Benefits (2014)
- Gélinas, 4777
- Health Streets: Design Features and Benefits (2014)
- services
Toronto Raptors
Toronto Stock Exchange Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.15
- repeal of
- Cho, S., 6732
- repeal of
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- accessibility
- bus routes
- capacity and overcrowding
- congestion
- funding sources
- general remarks
- Surma, 7108–7109
- government funding
- Andrew, 9681
- infrastructure funding
- maintenance and repair
- maintenance and repair funding
- Thanigasalam, 5803
- operation of
- Bell, 4887
- provincial funding
- relationship with government
- Bell, 4887
- ridership rates
- Oosterhoff, 7198
- service quality
- stations
- Union station redevelopment
- Baber, 7130
- Union station redevelopment
- streetcars
- vehicle cameras
- Bell, 5036
- vehicle manufacturing
- vehicles
- Bell, 10025
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- analysis of
- Stiles, 4907
- cost-benefit analysis
- Glover, 7199
- development contracts
- content
- Hassan, 8400
- content
- economic impact
- employment creation
- existing plan, consultation process
- Tabuns, 7143–7144
- existing plan, redevelopment of
- funding
- general remarks
- Baber, 5207
- Bouma, 7137–7139
- Cho, S., 5027
- Coe, 7135, 7202–7203
- Fedeli, 4322
- Ford, 3920, 7485
- Ghamari, 8216–8217
- Harris, 5052, 5286
- Hogarth, 4852, 5509, 7189
- Kanapathi, 4662–4663
- Karahalios, 4894
- Martin, 11065
- Martow, 4901, 7485
- McNaughton, 4880
- Mulroney, 7103, 7107
- Nicholls, 7126
- Oosterhoff, 7197
- Phillips, 5964
- Rasheed, 7185
- Skelly, 7175
- Surma, 4841, 4882, 5006, 5147–5148, 5328, 11019–11020
- Thanigasalam, 7119–7121, 7999–8000, 8199–8201
- Wai, 7148
- Yurek, 3923, 4304, 4662–4663, 4707, 4877, 4885
- government funding
- ground levels
- impact on commute times
- Thanigasalam, 8000
- impact on other communities
- impact on transit congestion
- Calandra, 8397–8398
- Metrolinx, role of
- municipal agreements
- municipal and federal government consultation
- municipal consultation
- municipal response
- Ontario Line
- partnership agreement
- Skelly, 7176
- project amendments
- public notification
- Hassan, 8400
- public notification
- public consultation
- Bell, 4890
- public response to
- and public-private partnerships
- Glover, 5342
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- public-private partnerships, use of
- Scarborough subway
- Scarborough subway extension
- Sheppard east expansion
- Babikian, 8400
- stakeholder consultation
- stakeholder response to
- Ghamari, 8217–8218
- stations
- cost of
- Bell, 8794
- development around. see also Land use planning - Transit-Oriented Communities Program
- funding sources
- site decision-making
- Fife, 7184
- cost of
- subways
- Cho, S., 13531, 13710
- Surma, 10022, 13531–13532, 13710–13711
- terms of reference
- Toronto City Council endorsement
- track length
- Oosterhoff, 7196
- transparency
- Bell, 4840
- vehicle procurement
- Yonge North subway extension
- Yonge subway north extension
- analysis of
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
- community impacts
- mitigation of
- Hassan, 8399
- mitigation of
- compensation
- deliverables
- development on adjacent lands
- environmental assessment
- general remarks
- land expropriation
- Metrolinx
- ministerial authority
- municipal assets
- municipal consultation
- obstruction and interference
- performance incentives
- Gates, 7136
- property access
- public-private partnerships
- Bell, 6988–6989
- Scarborough subway
- secondary costs to municipalities
- French, 7125
- stakeholder consultation
- tree removal
- utility relocation
- community impacts
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - construction process
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - funding
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - implementation timeline
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- above/underground
- capacity
- Bell, 4890
- community impact
- Wynne, 12728
- completion date
- Bell, 10024
- consultation
- environmental assessments
- Bell, 11028
- general remarks
- Andrew, 7181
- Baber, 5208, 7132
- Bell, 3923, 7115
- Cho, S., 13534
- Ford, 3921, 4492
- Hogarth, 7189–7190
- Horwath, 3921
- Ke, 4492, 4538
- Martin, 4265, 4478, 5638
- Mulroney, 5638, 7111
- Rakocevic, 7187
- Rasheed, 7184
- Skelly, 7177
- Surma, 5759, 7109, 10024
- Tabuns, 7143–7144
- Thanigasalam, 7120
- Wai, 7148
- Yurek, 4305, 5207–5208
- land expropriation
- first Parliament site
- Glover, 11507
- first Parliament site
- public-private partnership
- Glover, 10599
- vs. relief line
- route
- University of Toronto study re
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - fares
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway.
see also Transit system expansion by region—Scarborough- extension approvals process
- general remarks
- government funding
- Surma, 9911
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Baber, 2518
- Bell, 1279
- Fedeli, 4322
- Ford, 412
- Ghamari, 8219
- Hogarth, 3029
- Lecce, 4530
- Martow, 4305
- Yurek, 2516–2517
- and accountability
- compensation
- and efficiency
- and funding
- Surma, 4841
- general remarks
- impact on other communities
- Triantafilopoulos, 5105
- and infrastructure expansion
- vs. local planning
- negotiations with city
- and private sector
- provincial-municipal role division
- public consultation
- public response to
- terms of reference
- transparency
Toronto ward boundary review (2016)
Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant
Tourism industry.
see also Northern Ontario—tourism promotion- Amazing Places project
- Miller, N., 7506
- Community Building Fund. see Community Building Fund
- consumer protection
- culinary tourism
- domestic tourism
- promotion of
- Mantha, 12912
- promotion of
- economic impact
- economic impact by sector
- food tourism
- Ke, 14082
- MacLeod, 14804–14805
- general remarks
- Hunter, 2869–2870
- government funding
- Coe, 10445
- government strategy
- in Indigenous communities
- Tibollo, 2868
- infrastructure funding
- Monteith-Farrell, 7505
- land use permit fees
- Vanthof, 8767
- liability insurance rates
- northern Ontario
- regulations, Niagara region
- southwestern Ontario
- staff compensation
- Gates, 8814
- stakeholder consultation
- Tibollo, 2868
- tourism apps
- McDonell, 13600
- Trent-Severn Waterway trail town strategy
- Piccini, 7504–7505
- visitors from United States
- in winter
- Amazing Places project
Tourism industry - COVID-19
- consultation
- MacLeod, 10518
- domestic tourism
- tax credits
- Gates, 10101–10102
- tax credits
- economic impact
- general remarks
- round tables
- Calandra, 8079–8080
- by sector
- economic impact by region
- northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, 12815
- northern Ontario
- economic recovery
- tax credits
- Andrew, 13882
- tax credits
- general remarks
- Calandra, 11197
- Gates, 10513–10514, 11887
- Miller, P., 10518
- Vanthof, 10507
- government funding
- government strategy
- MacLeod, 13004–13005
- government supports
- Begum, 10700–10701
- Cho, S., 10445, 11686
- Cuzzetto, 12412
- Gates, 10513–10514, 10701
- Glover, 13716
- Khanjin, 10577
- MacLeod, 10513–10514, 12412, 12417
- Miller, N., 12531, 12557
- impact of
- Calandra, 13716
- and Indigenous businesses
- Fife, 8779–8780
- insurance rates
- Mantha, 12904
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant
- Anand, 14020
- Bethlenfalvy, 12202, 12465–12466
- Bouma, 13607–13608
- Cho, S., 12319, 13767
- Fife, 12327–12328
- Harris, 12556
- MacLeod, 13608, 13923
- Miller, N., 12531
- Park, 12372
- Pettapiece, 12650
- Sandhu, 13923
- Sarkaria, 14002–14003
- Smith, D., 13767
- reopening
- Sandhu, 13924
- reopening process
- Mantha, 12892–12893, 12910–12911
- tax credit
- travel incentive
- MacLeod, 13924
- TSSA and ESA fees
- consultation
Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
Tourism industry - COVID-19. government response
Tourist industry - COVID-19, government response
- grants and loans
- general remarks
- Calandra, 12911
- general remarks
- grants and loans
Tourist outfitters
- fee waiver
- Harris, 12556
- fee waiver
Towing industry
- consumer protection
- Miller, N., 13689
- crime and fraud prevention
- Ghamari, 13823
- Glover, 13752
- Hassan, 13114–13115
- Mantha, 13691, 13758
- Miller, N., 13689–13690, 13692
- Mulroney, 13022
- Nicholls, 13685, 13752
- Thanigasalam, 13052–13053
- licensing
- operators, safety of
- French, 6127
- oversight
- Babikian, 13073
- Crawford, 13110
- Hassan, 13114–13115
- Hogarth, 13033–13034
- Martin, 13110, 13116
- Mulroney, 13023, 13034, 13644
- Pang, 13073–13074
- Skelly, 13755
- Tangri, 13061–13062
- Thanigasalam, 13053, 13649
- Vanthof, 13048–13049
- oversight task force
- possessory liens
- French, 13672
- reform
- French, 13687
- restricted tow zones
- Towing Task Force recommendations
- violence and criminal activity in
- consumer protection
Toxic substances
Toxic substances - regulation of
Toxics Reduction Act, 2009,
SO 2009, c 19
Toxics Reduction Act, 2009,
S.O. 2009, c. 19
- RAV4 production
- Smith, T., 3963
- RAV4 production
Trade with United States.
see also North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - renegotiation- automotive industry
- collaboration between provincial and federal governments
- Wilson, 14
- dairy industry
- Vanthof, 62–63
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Lecce, 3168–3169
- government advocacy
- government strategy
- Michigan
- National Governors Association meeting
- softwood lumber tariffs
- tariffs, steel and aluminum
- trade relationship
- trade representative
- trade representative, compensation
- trade representative, firing of
Traffic congestion
- commute times
- Khanjin, 8402
- and density
- Andrew, 13131–13132
- economic impact
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Crawford, 9757
- Harmony Road (Oshawa)
- Fife, 10489
- health impact
- Bouma, 7138
- impact of COVID-19
- Tangri, 11375
- impact of housing affordability
- Bell, 7112
- lost productivity
- commute times
Traffic signs
Trailer parks
- rent increases
- above-guideline
- Morrison, 8100
- above-guideline
- rent increases
Training schools
Transfer Payment Ontario
- Parsa, 7678
Transfer payments
- accountability and transparency
- Bethlenfalvy, 1308
- accountability and transparency
Transgender persons.
see also LGBTQ+ community; Toby's Act, 2012, SO 2012, c 7- discrimination and violence against
- Dunlop, 6181
- Kernaghan, 6184
- McKenna, 10555–10556
- discrimination and violence against, in schools
- education, reflection in. see under LGBTQ+ community
- services for
- support for
- violence against
- discrimination and violence against
see also specific type- 905 area
- Horwath, 7563
- access to
- and access to employment
- and access to health care
- Sattler, 5051
- accessibility
- affordability
- bus services
- to York University
- Bell, 3128
- to York University
- capacity and overcrowding
- corridor control
- Bell, 11026
- and COVID-19
- during COVID-19
- Hassan, 13113
- as economic policy
- Coe, 7202–7203
- employment opportunities
- Bell, 9916
- as environmental policy
- and equity
- Andrew, 7181
- fares
- impact on ridership
- Bell, 7117
- impact on ridership
- general remarks
- government strategy
- historically
- Rakocevic, 7186
- intercommunity bus service
- in other jurisdictions
- ownership
- Calandra, 5253
- private delivery
- Bell, 10597–10598
- Blais, 11048
- Glover, 10598–10599
- Harden, 11048
- impact on fares
- Stiles, 10599
- by region
- regional integration
- ridership rates
- Bell, 7173
- and road safety
- Oosterhoff, 13681
- route exclusivity
- Bell, 10597
- safety
- Khanjin, 13687
- service quality
- social impact
- Singh, G., 4152
- subways
- Baber, 7129
- Toronto Pearson Airport
- Bell, 11024
- and traffic congestion
- Nicholls, 13681–13682
- in underserved communities
- Bell, 10598
- 905 area
Transit by region
Transit - fares
Transit funding
- Brampton
- Sandhu, 13273
- Yarde, 13128–13129
- during COVID-19
- Mulroney, 10017–10018, 10024, 11016
- Rakocevic, 11508
- Durham region
- Park, 9450
- economic impact
- Stiles, 6887
- federal
- federal-provincial transfer agreement. see Infrastructure development—Integrated Bilateral Agreement
- funding source
- general remarks
- Hamilton
- historically
- Sattler, 6887
- infrastructure
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). see under Infrastructure development
- municipal, matched by province
- in northern and rural Ontario
- northern Ontario
- Oakville
- operational
- Schreiner, 9916
- project review
- Yurek, 2516–2519
- provincial
- provincial, historically
- by region
- Sudbury
- transfer payments to municipalities
- Waterloo
- Brampton
Transit funding - COVID-19
Transit infrastructure
Transit infrastructure development
- approval processes
- Martin, 11066
- community benefits agreements
- community compensation
- community consultation
- community impact
- Andrew, 6886–6887, 11053–11054
- Bell, 10118
- community rights standards
- Bell, 10118, 11028–11029
- completion timelines
- construction working group
- Bell, 10118
- and COVID-19
- impact on project timelines
- Calandra, 8397
- impact on project timelines
- Crown liability
- restrictions on
- Stiles, 8396
- restrictions on
- dedicated bus/streetcar lanes
- Bell, 10116
- delays and cancellations
- Bell, 10119–10120, 10122–10123, 11030
- development timelines
- Skelly, 7151
- economic impact
- Calandra, 8397
- as economic policy
- and economic recovery
- employment opportunities
- Bell, 9915, 10121–10123
- Gélinas, 11072
- Khanjin, 11072
- McNaughton, 13944–13945
- Monteith-Farrell, 9912, 10123
- Smith, D., 11060
- environmental assessments
- Bell, 11027–11028, 11033
- Hatfield, 11032
- environmental impact
- expert consultation
- Bell, 10122
- federal funding
- general remarks
- Baber, 7130
- Bell, 7117–7118, 7174
- Blais, 10488
- Calandra, 2628
- Ford, 987
- French, 7123, 7127
- Hassan, 13116
- Khanjin, 8402, 11068
- Martin, 11068
- Martow, 3522, 7127
- Morrison, 7132
- Mulroney, 8165
- Parsa, 7128
- Sarkaria, 5334
- Sattler, 5051, 7174–7175
- Schreiner, 7127
- Shaw, 7119
- Skelly, 7176
- Stiles, 5339
- Surma, 8171
- Tabuns, 7147
- Tangri, 4884
- Thanigasalam, 5804
- government funding
- Bell, 10444–10445, 10599, 11023–11024
- Cho, S., 10445
- Karahalios, 5012
- Rasheed, 11071
- Thanigasalam, 11051
- government strategy
- Skelly, 10122
- Thanigasalam, 7564–7565
- general remarks
- Calandra, 14181–14182
- Greater Toronto Area
- hearings of necessity
- historically
- impact on community
- impact on employment
- Kernaghan, 1854
- impact on traffic congestion
- Calandra, 8397
- intergovernmental coordination
- Mulroney, 8173
- land expropriation
- Mississauga
- Cuzzetto, 12405
- municipal assets, control of
- Bell, 10116–10119, 11026
- municipal consultation
- municipal participation
- Cuzzetto, 11051
- Thanigasalam, 11051–11052
- Niagara
- Oosterhoff, 6990–6991
- pedestrian safety
- Andrew, 7182–7183
- and persons with disabilities
- Hassan, 8398
- priority projects
- project delays
- project management
- French, 7125
- project prioritization
- public delivery model
- public-private partnerships
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- public-private partnerships, use of
- Surma, 8172
- by region
- stakeholder consultation
- stakeholder response
- time to completion
- Calandra, 8396–8397
- approval processes
Transit infrastructure development - acceleration
- community impact
- environmental assessments
- general remarks
- Bell, 11024–11025
- Cuzzetto, 11022, 11057
- Ghamari, 11048
- Ke, 11023, 11071
- Martin, 11065–11066
- Mulroney, 10020, 10024, 11017
- Surma, 10023, 11020, 11022–11023, 11031–11032
- Thanigasalam, 10024, 11049
- government funding
- governmental discretion
- Blais, 11048–11049
- Gélinas, 11052
- Sattler, 11048–11049
- Thanigasalam, 11052
Transit infrastructure development by region
Transit system expansion
Transit systems by region
Transit vehicles
Transition Child Benefit
Transitional housing
- government funding
- Dunlop, 13718
- government funding
Transit-oriented communities
- and affordable housing
- Bell, 11024, 11029–11030
- construction process
- consultation
- McDonell, 12539
- Corktown station
- Surma, 12539
- designation of
- McDonell, 12538
- developer transparency
- Bell, 10121
- East Harbour transit hub
- Surma, 12539
- general remarks
- government agencies, delegation to
- Andrew, 11053
- Cuzzetto, 11057–11058
- Mulroney, 11017
- Surma, 11021
- Thanigasalam, 11050
- and housing affordability
- Calandra, 13537
- land expropriation
- station selection
- Bell, 11027
- zoning, changes to
- Bell, 11026–11027
- and affordable housing
Transparent and Accountable Health Care Act, 2018 (Bill 8)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 481
- first reading
- commute times
- commute times, economic impact
- during COVID-19
- economic impact
- Smith, D., 5150
- government strategy
- greenhouse gas emissions
- gridlock
- economic impact
- Thanigasalam, 5803
- economic impact
- Hamilton task force recommendations
- northern Ontario
- fly-in communities
- Glover, 13753
- Mamakwa, 13752–13753
- fly-in communities
Transportation - Brampton
- gridlock
- Singh, G., 5734
- gridlock
Transportation enforcement officers
Transportation - Greater Toronto Area
Transportation industry
Transportation infrastructure
Transportation policy
Transportation services
- in northern Ontario
- airports
- bus services, changes to
- general remarks
- passenger rail cancellation
- in northern Ontario
- and Indigenous communities. see Indigenous communities—and trauma
- intergenerational transmission
Treasury Board Secretariat
Treaties with First Nations
- Dish with One Spoon wampum treaty
- recognition of
- Downey, 5951
- Kanapathi, 10356
- Karpoche, 10228
- Mamakwa, 5796, 5950, 5959, 6005, 10155, 11127, 12941–12942
- Morrison, 10673–10674
- Smith, D., 10356
- Robinson-Huron Treaty
- Mamakwa, 13704–13705
Tree planting.
see also Forestry industryTrespass to property
- citizen's arrest
- Hardeman, 8127–8128
- general remarks
- loss and damage due to
- Barrett, 8160
- offences
- package theft
- cost to consumers
- enforcement
- Skelly, 11323
- general remarks
- Crawford, 11324
- Kernaghan, 11320
- Khanjin, 11323
- Skelly, 11322–11323
- impact on consumer confidence
- offences
- Crawford, 11319
- offender demographics
- Skelly, 11323
- penalties
- fines
- Crawford, 11319–11320, 11324
- Harris, 11321
- Kernaghan, 11320–11321
- Skelly, 11323
- in other jurisdictions
- Crawford, 11319–11320
- Skelly, 11323
- fines
- prevalence
- prevention
- citizen's arrest
Trespass to Property Amendment Act (Protecting Consumers from Package Piracy), 2021 (Bill 243)
- first reading
- Crawford, 11214
- second reading, 11318–11324
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 11324
- stakeholder response
- Crawford, 11320
- first reading
Tribunal proceedings
see also specific tribunalTributes
- Abdi, Abdirahman
- Achen, Dan
- Shaw, 7692–7693
- Adams, Peter
- Afzaal family
- Allen, Richard Alexander
- Armstrong, George
- Smith, D., 11675
- Arulpirarangah, Abivarman
- Thanigasalam, 3570
- Bader Ginsberg, Ruth (U.S. Supreme Court Justice)
- Wynne, 9411
- Basrur, Sheela
- Battochio, Lou
- Bisson, 2210–2211
- Beer, George
- Kramp, 90
- Benson, Gerry
- McDonell, 2640
- Bigelow, Jane
- Kernaghan, 14058
- Blais, Jody
- Bourgouin, 3570
- Blais, Nicole
- Bourgouin, 3570
- Bleyer, Steve
- Berns-McGown, 4140
- Boughton, Mike
- Gill, 581
- Bozzo, Natale
- Hogarth, 12184
- Braley, David
- Skelly, 10126
- Brar, Jagrajan
- Cuzzetto, 9713–9714
- Breithaupt, James Roos
- Brown, Leanne Holland
- Fullerton, 4560
- Burton, Edgar
- West, 2992–2993
- Campbell, Judith Ann
- Ghamari, 9003–9004
- Caplan, David
- Coteau, 5960
- Casey, Cpt. Jennifer
- Smith, T., 7823
- Cavanagh, Thomas
- Ghamari, 6787
- Clark, Justin
- Roberts, 11674
- Clarke, Daphne
- Hatfield, 4626
- COVID-19, victims of
- Cripps, Jason
- Fee, 2979–2980
- Crowell, Rev. Dr. George Harvey
- Armstrong, 683
- Cruickshank, Les
- McDonell, 2776
- Dalmar, Sumaya
- Andrew, 2889
- D'Amico, Anne Marie
- Dancey, Ronald
- Karahalios, 1237
- Depratto, Michel
- McDonell, 8318
- Dewar, Paul
- Fife, 3049
- Diab, Marc
- Tangri, 1087
- Dillon, Dave
- Barrett, 6126–6127
- Dingwall, Floyd
- McDonell, 8085–8086
- Downie, Gord
- Dunn, James L.
- Hatfield, 7300
- Elliot, Walt
- Gill, 8111
- Fairall, Dennis
- Hatfield, 10673
- Fallon, Reese
- Berns-McGown, 319
- Fienberg, Joyce
- Martow, 2101
- Flaherty, Jim
- Coe, 6368
- Fobister, Steven, Sr.
- Foley, Mike
- Fraser, 2863
- Foote, John Weir
- Kramp, 10289
- Fox, Terry
- Kramp, 10127
- Gadwa, Jerry
- Gendron, Bruno
- Roberts, 10555
- Gervais, Gaétan
- Glover, Bob
- Glover, 3168
- Gordon, Fitzroy
- Graham, Frank Edward
- Dunlop, 182
- Grenon, Andrew
- Hatfield, 10201–10202
- Gretzky, Walter
- Bouma, 11971
- Gretzky, 11842–11843, 11845
- Hovingh, Marc
- Mantha, 10631
- Hum, Ed
- Smith, D., 9902–9903
- Hunter, Bill
- Hassan, 7478
- Hunter, Chief Edmund
- Mamakwa, 7246
- Jackson, Albert
- Hatfield, 3247
- James, Lois
- Thanigasalam, 5848
- Javed, Yusra
- Begum, 5699–5700
- Jenkins, Ferguson Arthur
- Nicholls, 13475
- Jones, Denise
- Andrew, 11138
- Kagan, Keira
- Kamenawatamin, Karlena
- Mamakwa, 1084
- Kaneff, Ignat
- Cuzzetto, 8815
- Keeley-Meloche, Ann
- Bouma, 8937
- Keeping, Max
- Roberts, 9347
- Kelly, Leonard "Red"
- Keon, Dr. Wilbert
- Fraser, 4168
- Khalra, Jaswant Singh
- Singh, G., 1086
- Kim, Albert
- Cho, S., 7027
- Kishkon, Elizabeth
- Hatfield, 1034
- Koostachin, Shannen
- Stiles, 2186
- Kurdian, Sirvard
- Babikian, 2212–2213
- Kyereh-Addo, Bruce
- Phillips, 3333
- Lahay, Gerry
- Kernaghan, 9562
- Lauroza, Evangeline
- Andrew, 7028
- Lecce, Theresa
- Smith, T., 4748
- Lefrançois, Eddy
- Mantha, 5563
- Lista, Aldo
- Cuzzetto, 12971
- López, Saúl Arias
- Andrew, 13982
- Lum, Foon Hay
- Bell, 7802
- MacDonald, Coleman
- McDonell, 10629
- MacDonald, Joan
- McDonell, 10629
- MacDonell, Archibald
- McDonell, 3082
- Macfie, John
- Miller, N., 2210
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Lecce, 3715
- Macri, Mason
- Natyshak, 2892
- Mandamin, Josephine
- Mantha, 3297
- Mandegarian, Christine
- Hunter, 9982
- Manning, Joel
- Des Rosiers, 4158
- Maracle, Henry
- Karahalios, 1440
- Maynard, Ken
- Parsa, 12462–12463
- McDonald, Larry
- Nicholls, 9153
- McKay, Audrey
- Burch, 6060
- McLean, Roland
- Mantha, 12032
- McNeill, Wilma
- Bailey, 10345
- Mehrab, Karima
- Bell, 11245–11246
- Mengistab, Abel
- Harden, 8319
- Moeser, Ron
- Thanigasalam, 1493
- Mohammad, Aslam Mahida
- Hassan, 11382
- Moreira-Laidlow, Beatrice
- Cuzzetto, 10076
- Munro, Julia
- Armstrong, 10843–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10841–10842
- Thompson, 10847–10848
- Musson, Doug
- McKenna, 2944
- Nixon, Robert "Bob" (former member for Brant—Haldimand)
- Bouma, 180
- Noonan, Pat
- Hatfield, 780
- Norwest, Henry
- Barrett, 2050
- Nova Scotia, shooting victims
- MacLeod, 7804
- Nunney, Claude
- McDonell, 1387
- Offutt, John
- Bell, 11084
- Oosterhoff, Jake
- Oosterhoff, 12460–12461
- Paniccia, Domenico
- Hassan, 10227
- Patchett, Bill
- Piccini, 4981
- Pitman, Walter
- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Calandra, 12527–12528, 12531
- Fraser, 12527–12528
- Miller, N., 12651
- Vanthof, 12527
- Rajkumar, Riya
- Singh, S., 3020
- Rehhorn, Angela
- Dunlop, 3569–3570
- Roberts, Wayne
- Schreiner, 11622
- Russell, Regan
- Shaw, 8815
- Schultz, Stefan
- Bouma, 8814
- Scott, Reid
- Shangrow, Richard Arthur
- Hogarth, 6520
- Sikh genocide, victims of
- Singh, G., 8087
- Simcoe, John Graves
- Barrett, 238
- Smith, Dave
- Fraser, 8938
- Smith, Harry Leslie
- Horwath, 2678
- Smith, John
- Skelly, 2931
- Smith, John Roxburgh
- Smolensk plane crash (2010), victims
- Kusendova, 4264
- Smyk, Dennis
- Rickford, 2208
- Stafford, Shane
- Martin, 9779
- Stephenson, Bette
- Stewart, Anita
- Ke, 10289, 14081–14082
- MacLeod, 14085
- Sarkaria, 14087
- Schreiner, 14083–14084
- Vanthof, 14085
- Strang, Chief Jacob
- Mamakwa, 7246
- Strickland, Jude
- Taylor, 11128
- Stringer, Rowan
- Thomson, Murray
- Harden, 5172
- Tinsley, Peter
- Kramp, 4719–4720
- Trebek, Alex
- West, 10377
- Turner, John (former Prime Minister of Canada)
- Turner, June
- Smith, D., 11201
- Tweedale, Neil
- Roberts, 1528–1529
- Vanier, Jean
- Roberts, 4871–4872
- Vari, George
- Martow, 6724
- Viegas, Emily Victoria
- Viersen, Andries
- Oosterhoff, 12460–12461
- Watts, Harry
- Fee, 3672
- Whetung, Murray
- Smith, D., 11768–11769
- Whittamore, Gilbert Francis
- Calandra, 5471
- Winegard, William
- Schreiner, 4627
- Wood, Sue
- Glover, 3168
Tributes - COVID-19
Trillium Gift of Life.
see also Ontario Health—agencies transferred under; Organ and tissue donationTruck drivers
Trucking industry
- driver training
- Vanthof, 13049–13050
- general remarks
- Gill, 6235
- hours of service
- insurance
- Bourgouin, 13186–13187
- Singh, G., 13187–13188
- Vanthof, 13188
- Yarde, 13188
- rate increases
- and international trade
- Hatfield, 6235
- oversized load permits
- processing timelines
- Vanthof, 8767–8768
- processing timelines
- owner-operator strategy
- Bourgouin, 13185–13186
- recruitment of women
- Harris, 12578
- regulatory reform
- safety
- Piccini, 13651
- time-of-day restrictions
- driver training
Trucks - commercial
- air brake endorsements
- collisions and fatalities
- Yarde, 6234
- dump trucks
- emissions testing
- Pang, 4997
- hours driven, electronic logs
- Baber, 10061
- Bailey, 10060–10061
- Bourgouin, 10058
- Cho, S., 10061
- Khanjin, 10060
- Martow, 10060
- Thanigasalam, 10057–10058
- insurance rates
- Bourgouin, 10059, 13145
- Hatfield, 6236
- Mantha, 12903–12904
- Singh, S., 6237
- insurance requirements
- International Registration Plan
- safety and emissions tests
- Skelly, 9854
- sticker renewal, online
- Harris, 12766–12767
- Sarkaria, 13992, 14003–14004
- weight restrictions
Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- recommendations
- public education
- Sattler, 8536
- public education
- recommendations
Tuition fees
- affordability
- ancillary fees
- general remarks
- West, 5153
- historically
- OSAP. see Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- vs. other provinces
- rate reduction
- reform
- support programs in other jurisdictions
- Sattler, 3953
TV Ontario/TFO
- online education
- administration of
- French, 13263
- Hatfield, 12773–12774
- administration of
- online education
2063434 Ontario Limited Act, 2018 (Bill Pr2)
2257248 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr35)
2271767 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr43)
2345260 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr12)
2353043 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr44)
2372830 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr30)
2404907 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr24)
2560462 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr41)
2585303 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr26)
Tyendinaga blockade
Typhoon Mangkhut
- Martin, 1034