Index des intervenants à la Chambre

Letter: C

  • Calandra, Hon. P. (PC, Markham—Stouffville)

    • Accessibility standards
      • government strategy, 1471
    • Anti-Asian Racism Education Month Act, 2021 (Bill 34)
      • third reading, 1682
    • Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
      • appointment process
        • general remarks, 2945
    • Armenian community
      • appreciation of, 2653
      • general remarks, 2653
      • members'/ministers' personal narrative, 2653
      • public education campaigns - cultural
        • Armenian Heritage Month, 2653
    • Armenian Heritage Month Act, 2022 (Bill 105)
      • second reading, 2653
    • Auto insurance - rates
      • general remarks, 2621
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • technological change, 2485
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • general remarks, 528
      • target communities
        • Far North, 636
    • Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
      • second reading, 881
    • Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
    • Business investment
    • Cap-and-trade program
      • cancellation
    • Carbon pricing
    • Carbon tax
    • Child care
    • Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
    • Climate change mitigation
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 1649
    • College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO)
    • Colleges and universities - COVID-19
      • government response
        • general remarks, 3038
    • Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
    • Correctional facilities
      • capital projects, 1197
    • Correctional facilities - youth detention centres
    • Cost of living
      • general remarks, 628
      • government strategy, 1967
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • general remarks, 2636
      • government strategy, 197
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
      • general remarks, 47
      • reporting requirements
        • written reporting, 46
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - prevention
      • international entry restrictions, 1411
      • masking mandates, termination of
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • implementation timeline, 2174
    • COVID-19 - public health protests
    • COVID-19 - testing
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • infection rates
        • modelling projections, 2343
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • as economic policy, 900
      • effectiveness
        • impact on hospitalization rates, 1411
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 48
      • medical exemptions
        • validation of, 152
      • registration portal
        • data protection, 1141
      • third dose
        • access locations, 1699
        • eligibility expansion
      • vaccination rates
    • COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
      • termination date, 1898
      • and travel, 1411
      • verification app, 197
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • COVID-19 response
        • responded to, 1629
      • Employment standards
    • Driver examination centres
      • drive test backlog
        • general remarks, 1095
    • Economic conditions
    • Economic development
      • general remarks, 3122
      • government strategy, 3122
    • Economic development - northern Ontario
    • Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
      • infection control
        • general remarks, 2274
        • HVAC and ventilation, 2274
        • masking mandates, termination of, 2274
        • ventilation, HEPA filters, 1735–1736
      • testing
        • rapid antigen testing
      • vaccination policies
        • vaccination clinics, 2274
    • Education - curriculum
      • employment readiness, 3115
    • Electoral process
      • reform
        • general remarks, 342
    • Electric vehicle infrastructure
      • charging stations
    • Electric vehicles
      • incentive programs
      • manufacturing strategy
        • general remarks, 2455
    • Electricity rates
      • government strategy, 1728
    • Emergency management
      • pandemic preparedness
        • general remarks, 1467
        • health care capacity, 1406
        • post-SARS, 2272
    • Employment
    • Employment - COVID-19
      • government response
      • sick days
        • Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
          • general remarks, 1644
        • COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit program
        • for vaccination appointments, 1142
      • vaccination policies
        • exemptions
        • mandatory vaccination, 900
    • Employment services
      • reform
        • results-based evaluation, 3115
    • Employment standards - minimum wage
      • $15/hour
        • implementation timeline
          • general remarks, 1349
    • Energy industry
      • economic impact, 151
    • Energy policy
      • clean energy, 1649
    • Energy rates
      • mitigation programs
        • as economic strategy, 2572
      • reduction
        • general remarks, 2572
    • Expenditure estimates
      • committee referred to
      • review of
    • Farmer's markets
      • alcohol sales
    • Federal government
      • Emergencies Act (RCS, 1985, c.22), use of, 1731
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Francophone community
      • general remarks, 469
    • French-language debates
      • Période de questions
        • Affaires francophones, 155
        • Garde d'enfants, 2462
        • Invasion de l’Ukraine, 2017
        • Préposés aux services de soutien personnel, 3370
        • Prix de l'essence, 367
        • Progrès du gouvernement, 468
    • French-language services
      • organisational designation
        • general remarks, 2040
    • Fuel prices - taxation
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
      • second reading, 2485
    • GO Transit expansion
      • government strategy, 3123
    • GO Transit - service expansion
      • general remarks, 2275
    • Government advertising
      • general remarks, 3042
    • Government finances
      • transparency and accountability
        • budgets, presentation deadline
    • Government notices of motion
      • Legislative reform
      • Parliamentary broadcast and recording service
      • Retiring members of provincial Parliament
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
    • Government orders
    • Government record
    • Gun violence
      • community-based programming, 1475
      • government strategy, 3186
    • Hate and hate-related activities
      • criminal offences
        • enforcement of, 369
      • government response to, 369–370
    • Health care - federal strategies
      • national pharmacare and dental care, 2454
    • Health care funding
      • general remarks, 3360
      • regional allocations
    • Health care services
      • programs evaluation, 2848
    • Health care system
      • government strategy, 3123, 3184, 3191
      • service capacity
        • government strategy, 1539
    • Health care workers
      • compensation
      • recruitment and retention
      • vaccination policies
        • hospital variation in, 1474
    • Health policy
    • Highway maintenance and repair
      • general remarks, 1088
    • Highway tolls
      • regional highways
        • Highways 412 and 418, 1990
    • Home ownership
      • employment, role of, 2508
    • Hospitals - capacity
      • capital projects
        • general remarks, 2018
      • capital projects by region
    • Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • intensive care units
    • Hospitals - funding
      • COVID-19
        • surgical backlog remediation, 1407
    • Housing - affordable
      • development of, 1897
    • Housing market
      • housing speculation
        • general remarks, 468
    • Housing policy
      • government strategy, 3184
    • Immigration policy
      • as economic policy
        • employment, 301
    • Indigenous relations - Truth and Reconciliation
      • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
    • Infrastructure development
    • Innovation and technology sector
      • job creation, 2636
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
      • as economic policy, 2618
    • International trade
      • trade representatives
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Laurentian University
      • document production
        • jurisdiction over, 1703
      • insolvency proceedings
        • jurisdiction over, 1703
    • Legislative buildings
      • during COVID-19
        • access requirements, 87
      • renovation project
        • oversight and coordination of, 338
    • Legislative procedure
      • background materials
        • digital distribution, 1945
      • business, scheduling of
        • House Leaders' meetings, 2346
      • committee reports
      • general remarks, 1322
      • legislative agenda, 1834
      • parliamentary calendar
        • election year, 1951
    • Legislative procedure - COVID-19
    • Legislative procedure - daily routine
      • members' statements, 1944
      • Mondays
      • private member's public business, 1947
      • sitting period
    • Legislative procedure - debate
      • speeches
        • question-and-answer period, 1947
    • Legislative procedure - members
    • Legislative procedure - motions
    • Legislative procedure - order of business
    • Legislative procedure - orders of the day
      • calling of
      • same-day debates
        • same business, 1946
    • Legislative procedure - private bills
    • Legislative procedure - private members' public business
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • broadcast of
        • television guidelines, 1719
    • Legislative procedure - question period
      • answers
        • parliamentary assistants, 1945
        • referring of, 1945
    • Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
    • Legislative procedure - voting
      • division procedure, 644
    • Legislative process
      • during COVID-19
        • sittings of the House, 47
      • government oversight mechanisms
        • take-note debates, 46
      • legislative agenda, 368, 632
      • moments of silence, 1690
      • private members' bills
    • Liberal Party election platform (2021)
      • electoral process reform, 240
    • Liberal Party of Ontario
      • election platform (2022)
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees exemption
          • government revenue, impact on, 2042
    • Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
      • construction delays
        • business compensation, 1094
      • general remarks, 1093
    • Light rail transit (LRT) - Ottawa
      • general remarks, 2171
    • Long-term care
    • Long-term care - beds
      • by region
        • Sioux Lookout, 3317
    • Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
      • general remarks, 1833
      • geographic allocation, 3318
      • by region
    • Long-term care facilities
      • government funding, 2885
      • government strategy, 2885
    • Long-term care facilities - COVID-19
      • Patient Ombudsman report (2022)
        • government funding, 2413
    • Long-term care facilities - operators
      • for-profit vs. not-for-profit, 2886
    • Long-term care - facility construction
      • cost per site, 2619
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - reform
    • Long-term care - sector capacity
    • Long-term care - staff
      • recruitment and retention
        • personal support workers (PSWs), 1361
    • Long-term care - standards of care
    • Manufacturing industry
    • Manufacturing industry - automotive sector
      • closure and decline, 2342
      • general remarks, 2509
    • Members'/ministers' conduct
      • Hillier, Randy (LanarkFrontenac–Kingston), 519–520
    • Members/Ministers of Provincial Parliament (MPP)
      • COVID-19 vaccination
        • medical exemptions, 79
      • diversity and representation, 341–342
    • Members'/ministers' privileges
      • special items
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
      • withdrawn, 368
    • Mines and mining
      • Indigenous consultation and consent
      • Indigenous economic development
    • Minister of Legislative Affairs
    • Ministerial statements
      • COVID-19 protocols at the Legislative Assembly
    • Motions
      • House sittings
    • Myasthenia gravis
      • public education campaigns, 3299
    • Myasthenia Gravis Month Act, 2022 (Bill 117)
    • Nuclear energy industry
      • government strategy, 3124
    • Nurses
      • recruitment and retention
        • general remarks, 1539
    • Occupational health and safety
      • public education campaigns, safety
        • National Day of Mourning, 3358
    • Opposition day motions
    • Opposition parties
      • support for government policy, 3362
        • general remarks, 3360
    • Ottawa, Ontario
      • tourism and culture, 2579
    • Our London Family Act (Working Together to Combat Islamophobia and Hatred), 2022 (Bill 86)
      • public consultation, 3316
    • Our London Family Act (Working Together to Combat Islamophobia and Hatred), 2022 (Bill 86)
    • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
    • Parliamentary privilege
      • and freedom of speech, 3033
      • jurisdiction of courts, 1703
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • production in Ontario, 3244
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • compensation
        • wage enhancement
          • general remarks, 2215
      • education and training
        • accelerated training program
          • general remarks, 1588
        • government funding, 404
        • Willis College (Ottawa), 1588
    • Persons with disabilities
      • accessibility for
        • general remarks, 469
    • Political fundraising - campaign financing
      • independent members, 157
    • Population
      • growth projections by region
        • Golden Horseshoe, 340
    • Private members' public business
      • Seniors' health services
        • responded to, 2817
    • Professional sports
      • and COVID-19
        • return-to-play protocols, 197
    • Protest convoys
      • Ottawa
        • businesses impacted by, financial supports
          • government strategy, 2173
        • government response to, 1834, 2173
      • participant motivations, 1901, 2619
      • participant penalties
        • commercial licence suspensions, 1901
      • provincial state of emergency
        • general remarks, 1901
    • Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
      • Anti-Asian Racism Education Month, 1682
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap
      • general remarks, 1539
    • Question period
    • Questions of order
      • private members' public business
        • notice requirements
          • responded to, 2320
    • Questions of privilege
      • committee procedure
    • Racism
      • anti-Asian racism
        • government response to, 1682
    • Rental housing
      • general remarks, 468
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
      • general remarks, 468
      • rent increases
        • limitations on, 363
    • Rental housing - development
    • Reports by committees
      • Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly
        • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37), 1361–1362
      • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
        • Request for a Speaker's Warrant to Produce Documents from Laurentian University, 1703–1704
    • Ring of Fire development
      • Indigenous participation
        • general remarks, 636
      • infrastructure development
        • roads and highways, 636
    • Rouge National Urban Park
      • creation of, 340
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
      • appearances before committee
        • frequency of, 47
        • by role
      • chair
        • joint position, 47
      • creation of, 46
      • resumption of business, 48
    • Speaker
    • Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
      • policy areas, 1950
    • Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policies
      • policy areas, 1950
    • Standing Committee on Justice Policy
      • policy areas, 1950
    • Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
      • areas of responsibility
        • legislative affairs, 1950
        • private bills, 1950
        • regulations, 1950
      • chair
        • party affiliation, 1950
    • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
      • proceedings re Laurentian University
        • production of documents
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • policy areas, 1950
    • Standing Committee on the Interior
      • policy areas, 1950
    • Stellantis
      • battery manufacturing plant (Windsor)
        • general remarks, 2758
    • Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • general remarks, 2572
    • Tourism industry
      • government funding, 3123
        • francophone businesses, 155
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • economic impact
        • general remarks, 2510
    • Transit
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 2275
    • Transit development
      • as economic policy, 2040
      • general remarks, 2275
    • Transit system expansion
      • government strategy, 3123
    • Ukraine
    • Wineries and wine industry
      • general remarks, 407
      • sale locations
        • farmer's markets, 407
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • employer premiums
        • reduction in, 1895
      • surplus funds
        • employer return
          • general remarks, 1895
    • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
      • second reading, 109
  • Cho, Hon. R.S.J. (PC, Scarborough North)

    • Business
      • accessibility for persons with disabilities, 296
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform
    • Legislative buildings
      • accessibility, 2082
    • Legislative procedure
    • Persons with disabilities
    • Private members' public business
      • Anti-Asian Racism Education Month Act, 2021 (Bill 34)
        • second reading, 1524
    • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
    • Public education campaigns - racism and discrimination
      • Anti-Asian Racism Education Month, 1524
    • Question period
      • Seniors and accessibility
        • responded to, 296
    • Racism
      • anti-Asian racism, 1524
    • Retirement homes
      • consumer protection
        • financial abuse, 1460
      • pricing information
        • disclosure on request, 1460
      • regulatory enforcement, 704
      • resident satisfaction, 1459–1460
    • Retirement homes - COVID-19
      • infection control
        • government funding, 296
      • resident vaccination
        • Accessible Drive to Vaccines program, 1460
      • staff vaccination policies, 1460
    • Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
      • data collection and management, 1460
      • order-making authority, 1460
      • regulatory reform
        • consultation, 1460
      • unlicensed homes
        • oversight during application period, 1460
  • Cho, Hon. S. (PC, Willowdale)

    • Anti-Asian racism, 1928
    • Committee process - standing committees of the Legislature
      • amendments
        • general remarks, 2495
    • Cost of living
      • government strategy, 1927
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • funding
        • general remarks, 241
    • Driver examination centres
      • drive test backlog
      • temporary
      • year-round service, 300, 409
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Food prices
      • general remarks, 1927
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
    • GO Transit - fares
    • Government expenditures
      • ministerial allocations
        • general remarks, 1926
    • Government finances
      • revenue generation
        • annual rate of, 1926
    • Government finances - debt and deficit
    • Government procurement - supply chain management
      • health sciences sector, 242
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • environmental policy, 202
        • legislative process
          • budget presentation, 1806
      • Liberals (2003-2018)
        • transportation infrastructure development, 3365
    • Government services
      • digital delivery
        • business services
          • single-window access point, 1927
    • Government supply chain
      • broader public sector
        • monetary value, 1926
      • domestic procurement
        • Building Ontario Business initiative (BOBI)
          • general remarks, 1927
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
      • industry contributions
        • transporation, 526
    • Health care system
      • administration
        • supply chain procurement, 1926
    • Highway 413
      • environmental assessment, 202
    • Highway tolls
    • Housing development
      • transit-oriented housing
        • consultation process, 257
        • general remarks, 256–257
        • neighbourhood allocations, 257
    • Infrastructure development
      • procurement policies
        • Canadian content requirements
          • in other jurisdictions, 1893
    • Infrastructure - highways and roads
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees
          • increase over time, 1927
        • annual renewal fees exemption
          • general remarks, 1926
          • retroactive rebate, 1927
    • Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
      • economic impact, 3317
      • procurement policies
        • community benefits agreements
          • equity-seeking groups, hiring targets, 2117
    • Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Ottawa
      • government funding
        • general remarks, 85
      • procurement process
    • Manufacturing - employment
      • Alstom (Thunder Bay)
        • procurement contracts, 1894
    • Manufacturing industry
      • decline and recovery, 1932
    • Manufacturing industry - employment
      • Alstom (ThunderBay)
    • Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 1928
    • Metrolinx
      • community engagement
        • general remarks, 1894
    • Population
      • growth projections
        • general remarks, 1925
      • growth projections by region
        • Golden Horseshoe, 202, 526
        • Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 202
    • Question period
    • Regulations - business
      • reduction
        • as economic policy, 1932
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
      • economic impact, 1893, 2639
      • government strategy, 2639
      • transit vehicles
        • Canadian content requirements, 1893
    • Toronto Transit system (TTC) expansion - Scarborough subway extension
      • economic impact, 3365
    • Transit development
      • government funding
        • general remarks, 526
      • transit vehicles
    • Transit vehicles
      • content requirements
        • Ontario Line, 1831
  • Clark, Hon. S. (PC, Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes)

    • Appreciation
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government strategy, 2301
      • northern and rural Ontario
        • provincial-municipal relationships, 2303
      • provincial-municipal partnerships, 2301, 2303
    • Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
      • Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN)
    • Broadband services
      • and COVID-19, 2301
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
      • proceedings
        • broadcast of, 2009
      • reform, 2009
    • Committee process - standing committees of the Legislature
      • amendments
    • Community housing
      • administration
        • service coordination, 1030
      • government funding
        • regional allocation, 1589
    • Community Housing Renewal Strategy
    • Correctional facilities
      • capital projects by site
        • Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex (Kemptville)
          • community consultation, 1003
          • general remarks, 1003
        • St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre expansion, 1003
    • Dolime quarry housing development
    • Expenditure estimates
      • committee referred to
        • member expertise, 2009
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • French-language debates
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
      • Période de questions
        • Logement en milieu de soutien, 1589
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform
        • amendment to the amendment
          • responded to, 2009
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • land use planning, 1354
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Green Shirt Day Act, 2022 (Bill 112)
      • second reading, 3022
    • Greenbelt
      • public consultation, 827
    • Highway maintenance and repair
      • jurisdiction
    • Home ownership
      • Co-owning a Home guide, 2677
    • Homelessness
      • community outreach
        • by-name lists, 1030
      • funding program reform
      • government funding
        • Homelessness Prevention Program, 2778
      • support services
        • government funding, 2220
    • Hospitals - funding
      • general remarks, 1135
    • Housing
      • government strategy, 3287
      • National Housing Strategy (federal)
        • funding
          • provincial allocation, 2778
    • Housing - affordable
    • Housing development
    • Housing policy
    • Housing supply
      • government strategy, 3040
    • Indigenous communities - health care
      • mental health and addictions services, 1133
    • Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
      • broadband infrastructure development
        • procurement processes
          • reverse auctions, 2302
    • Land use planning
      • administration
        • applications and permits
      • approval timelines
        • ministerial responsibility
          • Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA), 2776
      • development applications
        • reporting of, 2775
      • development charges
      • for future growth, 1476
      • ministerial discretion, 2777
      • municipal approvals
        • application fees, refund of, 2777
        • committee and council delegation, 1428–1429
        • general remarks, 1354
        • site plan control, delegation of, 2776
        • surety bonds, 2777
      • municipal consultation, 2775
      • municipal official plans
      • urban boundary expansion, 1476, 2762–2763
    • Land use planning - development charges
      • community benefits charge
        • review process, 2777
      • municipalities
        • annual financial reports
          • availability of, online, 2777
      • use of, 2777
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 1133
    • Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2851
    • Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 2299–2300
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Military
      • reservists
        • job-protected leave, 2878
    • Ministerial statements
    • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
    • Municipal councillors
      • harassment and abuse
        • government response, 955
        • penalties, 955
    • Municipalities
      • modernization fund, 2774
      • programs, 2774
    • National Housing Strategy
    • New home construction industry
      • consumer protection, 1136
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
      • ministerial authority
        • review timelines, 2777
    • Organ and tissue donation
      • public education campaigns
        • Green Shirt Day, 3022
    • Public assets - surplus
      • conversion
        • to affordable housing, 3321
    • Public health
      • government funding
        • general remarks, 1135
    • Question period
    • Rental housing
      • evictions
        • illegal evictions
        • investigations
          • Rental Housing Enforcement Unit, 1092
      • rent control
      • tenant protections, 900–901, 2765
    • Rental housing - development
    • Rental housing supply
      • purpose-built, 1963
    • Social Services Relief Fund
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
    • Supportive housing
      • program review, 1589
    • Throne speech debate
    • Transit-oriented communities
      • development charges
    • Veterans
      • housing
        • Homes for Heroes, 955
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
      • third reading, 2878
  • Coe, L. (PC, Whitby)

    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • economic impact, 2312
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Cap-and-trade program
      • cancellation
        • fuel prices, impact on, 3014
    • Carbon tax
      • fuel prices, impact on, 3014
    • Colleges and universities
      • accessibility services
        • David C. Onley Initiative, 1640
      • mental health and addictions
        • support services, 1017
      • micro-credential programs, 558–559
    • Cost of living
    • Court administration
      • order of precedence at the bar, 560, 1432
      • reform, 559
    • COVID-19
      • public response to, 1066
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • government communications, 173
      • public health measures
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • general remarks, 633
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • vaccination rates
        • general remarks, 174
    • COVID-19 - vaccination passports and certificates
      • as economic policy, 174
    • Emergency management
      • government authority
        • accountability, 2715
    • Employment standards
      • disconnecting from work, 1234
    • Farms and farmers
      • farmer mental health
        • general remarks, 1147
        • outreach and advocacy, 1147
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Fuel prices - taxation
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
      • second reading, 2312
    • GO Transit expansion
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency orders
    • Government orders
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • long-term care, 1609
    • Government services
      • digital delivery
        • business services
          • general remarks, 2035
          • single-window access point, 1852, 1992
      • service standards
        • customer service guarantees
        • general remarks, 1851
    • Government supply chain
      • domestic procurement
        • Building Ontario Business initiative (BOBI)
          • general remarks, 1992
    • Highway tolls
    • Hospitals - capacity
      • capital projects by region
      • capital projects by site
        • Lakeridge Health (Durham), 2209
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • intensive care units
        • service capacity, 174
    • Hospitals - funding
      • general remarks, 1277
    • Housing
      • government funding, 2809
    • Housing - affordable
    • Housing development
      • approvals and permits, timelines
        • government funding, 2820
        • municipalities, 2826
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • Canadian experience
        • general remarks, 1218
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
        • recognition of, 733
    • International border crossings
      • economic impact, 2613
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
      • police response
        • government funding, 2586
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Land use planning
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • by site
        • veterans' village (Kingston Provincial Campus), 955
    • Legislative procedure
      • committee reports
        • debate in House, 173
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees
          • increase over time, 1849
        • annual renewal fees exemption
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 873
    • Long-term care - accountability and oversight
      • violations
        • penalties
    • Long-term care - facility construction
      • regional allocation, 174
    • Long-term care - funding
    • Long-term care - reform
      • consultation, 1123
      • general remarks, 1501
      • statements by stakeholders, 1123
    • Long-term care - sector capacity
      • bed development and redevelopment
      • interim supports
        • community paramedicine program, 406
        • general remarks, 406–407
      • wait-lists, 406
    • Long-term care - staff
      • occupational mix, 1461
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • care plans
        • mental health and psychosocial care, 1506
      • hours of care
        • implementation timeline, 1123
        • staffing requirements, 1123
    • Long-term-care facilities - operators
      • transparency and accountability, 217
    • Members' statements
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
      • government strategy, 1301
      • regional allocation, 74
    • Mental health and addictions services - providers
      • specialty and rehabilitation hospitals
        • Ontario Shores Centre (Whitby), 74
    • Military
      • Canadian campaigns
      • reservists
        • job-protected leave, 2929
    • Mines and mining
      • Critical Minerals Strategy
        • general remarks, 1875
    • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
    • Nuclear energy industry
      • government strategy, 3184
    • Nurses
      • training and education
        • BEGIN initiative: Bridging Educational Grant in Nursing, 1123–1124
        • Nursing Program Transformation in Ontario's Colleges, 1124
    • 1664503 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr53)
      • first reading, 1263
      • second reading, 1710
      • third reading, 1710
    • Ontario Trillium Foundation
      • grant streams
        • Community Building Funds
          • operating stream
            • recipients, 290
    • Opposition day motions
    • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • inventory development, 2699
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • education and training
        • BEGIN initiative: Bridging Educational Grant in Nursing, 1123–1124
        • government funding, 1123
    • Police services
      • criminal and judicial matters checks
        • processing fees
          • volunteers, 559
    • Post-secondary education
      • colleges
        • degree granting authority
          • general remarks, 559
        • new programs approvals, 558
      • community partnerships
    • Private members' public business
      • Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
        • second reading, 1886
      • Provincial Day of Service Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
      • Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2021 (Bill 14)
    • Protest convoys
      • police response
        • authority to act, 2597
    • Protest convoys - Ambassador Bridge
      • supply chains, impact on
    • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
    • Provincial Day of Service Act, 2022 (Bill 51)
    • Public assets - surplus
      • centre of realty excellence (CORE)
    • Public education campaigns, national/historical
      • Provincial Day of Service, 1675, 1679
        • statements by stakeholders, 1676
    • Question period
    • Regulations - business
    • Regulatory process
      • government strategy
        • guiding principles, 558
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
    • Retirement homes
      • combined facilities
        • long-term care and supporting housing, 1512
      • consumer protection
        • financial abuse, 1512
        • resident information package, 1514
      • general remarks, 1512
      • pricing information
    • Retirement Homes Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 11
      • guiding principles, 1512
    • Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
      • data collection and management, 1513
      • order-making authority, 1512
      • regulatory reform
      • residents' rights
        • promotion of, 1513
      • unlicensed homes
        • oversight during application period, 1512
    • School facilities - capital projects
      • new school construction
        • regional projects, 559
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
      • appearances before committee
        • by role
      • chair
        • joint position, 173
      • creation of, 172–173
      • dissolution and reconstitution, 172
      • transparency and accountability, 173
    • Senior citizens
      • community development
        • Age-Friendly Cities, 3105
      • community services
    • September 11, 2001 attacks
      • emergency first responders, 1675
      • general remarks, 1675, 1747
      • public response
        • statements by stakeholders, 1748
    • Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
      • proposal assessment process
        • advisory panel, 128
        • consultation, 128
    • Skilled trades
      • training programs, 1272
    • Small Business Support Grant
      • general remarks, 3016
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
      • support grants, 689
    • Sports and recreation
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
    • Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
    • Taxation
      • government strategy, 3016
    • Temporary employment agencies
      • licensing
        • statements by stakeholders, 1210
    • Throne speech debate
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
      • government strategy, 2639
    • Tributes
      • Shore, Marvin Leonard (former member for London North), 2631–2632
    • Tributes - Members of Provincial Parliament
    • Veterans
      • appreciation for, 689
      • housing
        • homelessness, 955
    • Veterinary services
      • facility services
        • species accreditation, 560
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
    • World War I
      • Battle of Vimy Ridge, 3030
    • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
      • second reading, 128
  • Collard, L. (LIB, Ottawa—Vanier)

    • Access to Sexual Assault Evidence Kits and Provision of Sexual Assault Education Act, 2022 (Bill 108)
      • first reading, 2644
    • Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
      • appointment process
        • transparency, 2945
      • conflicts of interest, 2173
    • Autism services
      • general remarks, 2839
      • service capacity
      • transitional services
        • childhood budgets, 2845
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Cap-and-trade program
      • cancellation
        • revenue loss due to, 898
    • Carbon tax
      • government response to, 898
    • Child care
    • Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
    • Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000, SO 2000, c 1, 933
    • Civic engagement
      • education and awareness
        • Local Government Week, 290
    • Climate change
      • UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), 897–898
    • Climate change mitigation
      • government strategy
    • Committee process - standing committees of the Legislature
      • amendments
        • consideration of, 2155
    • Community housing
      • government funding
        • regional allocation, 1589
      • wait-lists
    • Correctional facilities
      • capital projects by site
        • Eastern Ontario Correctional Complex (Kemptville)
      • custodial costs
      • pre-trial custody, 2514
      • services
        • mental health and addictions, 1198
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • general remarks, 836
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • children under 12
        • government strategy, 158
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • Sexual assault
    • East Holland River
      • phosphorus treatment plant, 269
    • Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
      • testing
        • rapid antigen testing
          • distribution strategy, 31
          • implementation timeline, 2765
      • transmission and outbreaks
        • case rates, 31
        • risk classification, 32
        • school closures, 158
      • vaccination policies
        • students, 158
    • Electric vehicle infrastructure
    • Electric vehicles
      • incentive programs
    • Employment standards
      • disconnecting from work
        • general remarks, 1221
    • Environmental Bill of Rights
      • consultation requirements
    • Environmental policy
      • government strategy, 1095
    • Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 35)
      • first reading, 471
    • Food security
      • food banks
        • seasonal food donation drives, 1641
    • Foreign Credentials Advisory Committee Act, 2021 (Bill 30)
      • first reading, 414
    • French-language debates
      • Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
        • Anciens combattants, 1995
        • Loi de 2021 modifiant la Loi sur le changement de nom, projet de loi 39
          • deuxième lecture, 933
        • Loi de 2021 visant à stopper la contrebande d'armes de poing illégales, projet de loi 52
          • deuxième lecture, 1623
        • Loi de 2022 pour une plus grande équité envers les travailleurs de l’Ontario formés à l’étranger, projet de loi 98
        • Loi de 2022 sur l’égalité raciale dans le système d’éducation, projet de loi 67
          • deuxième lecture, 2049
        • Loi de 2022 visant à mettre fin au harcèlement et aux abus commis par les dirigeants locaux, projet de loi 10
          • deuxième lecture, 2249
        • Services de santé dans le Nord, 2921–2922
        • Services en français, 501–502
      • Débat sur la motion d’ajournement
        • Agression sexuelle, 2726
      • Débat sur le discours du trône
        • participation, 455
      • Déclarations des députées et députés
        • Déjeuner Flocons de neige, 1641
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Journée Passez au mauve, 473
      • Dépôt des projets de loi
        • Loi de 2021 modifiant la Loi sur le poète officiel de l'Ontario (poète officiel de l'Ontario de langue française), projet de loi 47
          • première lecture, 828
      • Loi de 2021 visant à bâtir l'Ontario (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 43
      • Loi de 2021 visant à oeuvrer pour les travailleurs, projet de loi 27
        • troisième lecture, 1220
      • Loi de 2022 visant à ce que l’Ontario reste ouvert aux affaires, projet de loi 100
        • deuxième lecture, 2593
      • Période de questions
        • Éducation en français, 3320
        • Responsabilité gouvernementale, 1733
      • Pétitions
        • Agression sexuelle, 3194
      • Rapports de comités
        • Comité permanent des comptes publics
          • Demande auprès du président d'émettre un mandat obligeant l'université Laurentienne à produire des documents, 1706–1707
    • Gender-based violence
      • public education campaigns
        • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 1201
      • sexual assault
      • sexual assault assessment
    • Government notices of motion
      • Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform
        • amendment to the amendment
          • responded to, 2155
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • environmental policy
          • general remarks, 898
    • Health care - gender-affirming
      • access to, 277
    • Health care workers
      • recruitment and retention, 1221
    • Highway 413
      • cost of, 634
      • environmental impact, 526
    • Home and community care
      • government funding, 2132
    • Homelessness
      • general remarks, 2506
      • housing supports
        • general remarks, 2506
    • Housing - COVID-19
      • general remarks, 591
    • Housing development
    • Housing supply
      • impact on housing costs, 836
    • Human trafficking
      • awareness and prevention, 1743
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • license requirements, 1221
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
        • recognition of
          • bridging programs, 1219
          • general remarks, 413
          • medical professionals, 1219
          • statements by stakeholders, 1220
    • impact on traffic congestion, 635
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
      • as economic policy, 2591
    • Intimate partner violence
      • victim support services
        • general remarks, 1201
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Land use planning
      • and environmental protection
        • general remarks, 269
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
      • general remarks, 2155
    • Legislative process
      • government bills
        • legislative timelines, 2155
      • legislative agenda, 3334
      • public consultation, 2155
    • Members' statements
      • Affordable housing, 2506
      • Autism treatment, 2839
      • Government accountability, 1722
      • Local Government Week, 290
      • Snowflake Breakfast, 1641
    • Mental health and addictions
      • and incarceration, 1198
    • Ministerial statements
      • Human trafficking
        • responded to, 1743
      • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
        • responded to, 1201
      • International Women's Day
        • responded to, 2177
    • Motions
    • Municipal councillors
      • harassment and abuse
    • New Edinburgh Property Management Service Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr55)
      • first reading, 471
      • second reading, 1710
      • third reading, 1710
    • Ontario Autism Program (2021)
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • income calculation
        • veteran allowance, 1995
    • Opposition day motions
      • Affordable housing
        • responded to, 591
      • Government policies
        • responded to, 836
      • Home care
        • responded to, 2132
      • Long-term care
        • responded to, 222
    • Petitions
    • Private members' public business
      • Carbon Budget Accountability Act, 2021 (Bill 32)
        • second reading, 565
      • Change of Name Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 39)
        • second reading, 933
      • Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act, 2021 (Bill 17)
        • second reading, 277
      • Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 67)
      • Rent Stabilization Act, 2021 (Bill 23)
        • second reading, 1245
      • Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
        • second reading, 2249
      • Veterans
        • responded to, 1995
    • Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2022 (Bill 99)
      • first reading, 2279
    • Protest convoys
    • Protest convoys - Ottawa
    • Question period
    • Rail service
      • environmental impact, 635
    • Rent control
      • general remarks, 1245
    • Rental housing
    • School boards
      • trustees
        • general remarks, 290
    • School facilities - capital projects
      • government funding
        • allocation
          • maintenance and repair, 634
    • Schools
      • dress codes
        • gendered nature of, 1201
    • Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
      • Indigenous consultation and consent, 269
      • proposal assessment process
    • Sex offenders
      • legal name change, 933
        • provincial jurisdiction, 932
    • Social Services Relief Fund
      • funding allocation, 1589
    • Students - special needs
      • medical support
        • staff qualifications, 2765
    • Supportive housing
    • Teachers - French-language
      • recruitment and retention
        • foreign-trained
          • certification requirements, 413
    • Throne speech debate
    • Water protection
    • Women
      • public education campaigns
        • International Women's Day, 2177
      • socio-economic standards
        • general remarks, 2177
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
  • Crawford, S. (PC, Oakville)

    • Agriculture industry
      • recruitment and retention
        • labour shortage, 898
        • skills gap, 899
    • Auto insurance - rates
      • general remarks, 940
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Business
      • commercial deliveries
        • washroom facility access
    • Business - COVID-19, financial assistance
      • general remarks, 1055
    • Business investment
      • government strategy, 3132
    • Cap-and-trade program
      • cancellation
    • Carbon tax
      • fuel prices, impact on, 3131
    • Child care
    • Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
      • contents
        • rate projections, 3132
      • general remarks, 1315
      • government funding, 3132
    • Child care - spaces
      • development
        • general remarks, 3132
    • Community events
    • Consumer protection
      • price gouging, 1056
    • Cost of living
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
      • legislative codification of
        • alcohol delivery, 1055
        • digital services
          • estate administration, 1057
      • price gouging, 1056
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • capacity restrictions, removal of, 1055
      • general remarks, 1055
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • funding allocations, 1055
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • infection rates
        • in other jurisdictions, 1055
    • Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions
    • Dolime quarry housing development
      • water protection, 1539
    • Electric vehicle infrastructure
      • charging stations
    • Electric vehicles
      • manufacturing agreements
        • general remarks, 3131
      • manufacturing strategy
        • general remarks, 3131
      • transit fleets, 3131
    • Employment
      • non-compete agreements
    • Employment - COVID-19
      • pandemic pay
        • general remarks, 1056
    • Employment standards
      • app-based gig workers
      • disconnecting from work, 1266, 1268
        • in other jurisdictions, 1266
        • policy
          • implementation timeline, 1267
      • employee privacy, protection of
        • electronic device monitoring, 2369
    • Employment standards - minimum wage
      • $15/hour
        • general remarks, 939
    • Energy policy
    • Energy rates
      • general remarks, 3132
    • Energy transmission
    • Food security
      • food banks
        • regional programs, 2571
    • Fuel prices
    • Fuel prices - taxation
      • gas tax program
        • revenue allocation
          • municipal transit, 3131
      • rate reduction
        • as economic policy, 3132
        • general remarks, 3131
    • GO Transit
      • fares
        • connection discounts, 3131
        • student discounts, 3131
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency orders
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • energy policy
      • NDP (1990-1995)
        • energy policy
          • general remarks, 2121
      • PC (2018-present)
        • economic policy
        • energy policy
          • general remarks, 2121
        • general remarks, 3355
    • Greenbelt
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • emergency orders
        • building code exemptions
          • temporary capacity expansion projects, 1057
    • Housing development
      • general remarks, 1539
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
    • International border crossings
      • economic impact, 2607
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
    • Intimate partner violence
      • public education campaigns
        • Women Abuse Prevention Month, 1016
      • victim support services
        • community organizations, 1016
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
      • government funding, 280
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees exemption
          • retroactive rebate, 3131
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 937, 939
    • Long-term care - COVID-19
      • emergency orders
        • multiple site placements
    • Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
      • Ontario Together Fund
        • general remarks, 1056
    • Members' statements
      • Food and toy drive, 1529
      • Glen Abbey Golf Club, 3105
      • Government's record, 3355
      • International Women's Day, 2112
      • Little Canada, 1402
      • Patty's Place, 816–817
      • Violence against women, 1016
      • Volunteer organizations in Oakville, 2571
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • Ontario Energy Board, 2375
    • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
      • second reading, 2805
    • Nurses - COVID-19
      • compensation
        • pandemic pay, 1056
    • Occupational health and safety
      • injuries and fatalities
        • employer penalties, 2370
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
      • government funding, 2805
    • Polish community
      • 3 May Constitution Day, 1564
      • immigration, 1564
      • notable members, 1564
      • public education campaign - cultural
        • Polish Heritage Month, 1564
    • Polish Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 18)
      • third reading, 1564
    • Post-secondary education
      • tuition
    • Private members' public business
      • Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2022 (Bill 91)
    • Question period
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
      • general remarks, 1057
    • Restaurants
    • Senior citizens
      • housing
        • Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, 3132
      • Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, 938
    • Skilled trades
      • recruitment and retention
        • promotion
          • Red Seal trades, 2370
    • Sports and recreation
      • golf clubs
        • Glen Abbey Golf Club (Oakville), 3105
    • Stellantis
      • battery manufacturing plant (Windsor)
        • economic impact, 3108
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
      • third reading, 1436
    • Tax Relief at the Pumps Act, 2022 (Bill 111)
    • Taxation
      • general remarks, 3130
      • government strategy, 3132
    • Temporary employment agencies
      • licensing
        • general remarks, 1274
    • Throne speech debate
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • economic recovery
    • Transit development
      • transit vehicles
        • electricification of fleets, 3131
    • Trucking industry
    • Ukraine
      • invasion of (February 2022)
        • public response to, 2571
    • Veterinary services
      • facility services
        • species accreditation, 1436
    • Women
      • community advocacy organisations, 2112
      • public education campaigns
        • International Women's Day, 2112
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
      • stakeholder consultation, 1268
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
  • Cuzzetto, R. (PC, Mississauga—Lakeshore)

    • Appreciation
      • Gilgan, Peter, 1889
      • Kaneff family, 1138–1139
      • local youth
        • MississaugaLakeshore, 1053
      • McCallion, Hazel, 948
    • Auto dealerships
    • Bradford Bypass
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • implementation timeline, 2292
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Community events
      • festival funding
        • Reconnect Festival and Event Program, 1251
      • fundraising, 2754
      • by region
        • MississaugaLakeshore, 1251
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • in other jurisdictions
        • general remarks, 1051
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • general remarks, 1051
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • service capacity, 1052
      • wastewater surveillance program, 3203
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • infection rates
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • children under 12
        • government strategy, 1052
      • mobile and pop-up clinics, 1052
      • vaccination rates
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
      • Pfizer
        • age-based dosages, 1052
    • Doctors - training and education
      • enrolment spaces, 2942
    • Economic conditions
      • inflation rate, 1807
    • Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
      • infection control
        • HVAC and ventilation, 1052
      • testing
        • rapid antigen testing
          • distribution strategy, 1052
        • take-home tests, 1052
    • Electric vehicles
      • manufacturing agreements
    • Emergency management
      • pandemic preparedness
        • government strategy, 2690
    • Emergency management - preparedness
      • pandemic planning, 3202
    • Employment standards
      • app-based gig workers
        • bill of rights, 2377
        • working conditions, 2379
      • employee privacy, protection of
        • electronic device monitoring, 2377
    • Employment standards - minimum wage
      • app-based gig workers
    • Expenditure estimates
      • committee referred to
        • general remarks, 2093
      • review of
        • time allotment, 2093
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Food security
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
      • second reading, 2292
    • Government finances
      • transparency and accountability
        • budgets, presentation deadline
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency orders
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • infrastructure policy
          • general remarks, 1808
    • Government services
      • digital delivery
        • accessibility of, 1817
        • business services
          • general remarks, 1817
          • single-window access point, 1808, 1816
      • service standards
        • customer service guarantees
          • general remarks, 1808
    • Government supply chain
      • domestic procurement
        • Building Ontario Business initiative (BOBI)
          • general remarks, 1815
    • Health care funding
      • general remarks, 2234
    • Health care funding - by region
    • Health care workers
      • recruitment and retention
        • foreign-trained
          • credential recognition, 2942
        • government funding, 378
    • Highway 413
      • general remarks, 945
      • tolling, 1808
    • Highway tolls
      • regional highways
        • Highways 412 and 418, 1808
    • Home ownership
      • Non-Resident Speculation Tax
    • Hospitals - beds
    • Hospitals - capacity
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
      • intensive care units
        • occupancy rates, 1051
    • Hospitals - funding
    • Hospitals - funding by site
    • Housing
      • average cost over time, 2824
      • irregularly occupied or vacant, 2825
    • Housing - affordable
      • funding sources
    • Housing development
      • approvals and permits, timelines
        • municipalities, 2826
      • community relations, 2823–2824
      • completion timelines
        • in other jurisdictions, 2824
      • construction starts, 2824, 2826
      • consumer protections, 2825
      • and population growth projections, 2826
    • Housing policy
      • government strategy
        • statements by stakeholders, 2825
    • Housing supply
      • general remarks, 2826
      • government strategy
        • public consultation, 2825
      • statements by stakeholders, 2823
    • Hungarian community
      • appreciation of, 1714, 3089
      • history of, 1712
      • Hungarian Republic Day, 1713
      • immigration
      • notable members, 1713
      • public education campaigns
        • Hungarian Heritage Month, 3089
      • public education campaigns - cultural
    • Hungarian Heritage Month Act, 2022 (Bill 50)
      • first reading, 961
      • third reading, 3089
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • Canadian experience, 1274
      • general remarks, 1274
    • International border crossings
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
    • International trade
      • "buy-American" policies
      • Council on U.S. Trade and Industry Competitiveness, 1815
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Land use planning
      • approval timelines
        • ministerial responsibility
          • Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA), 2824
      • municipal approvals
        • application fees, refund of, 2824
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • by region
        • Mississauga-Lakeshore, 2824
      • restrictions on
    • Laurentian University
    • Legislative procedure
    • Legislative procedure - orders of the day
      • calling of
    • Legislative procedure - private members' public business
      • ballot items
        • selection of business, 2093
      • ballot order
        • exchanging of
          • notice timelines, 2093
      • scheduling
        • from session start, 2093
    • Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees
          • increase over time, 1808
        • annual renewal fees exemption
          • general remarks, 1807
          • retroactive rebate, 1808
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 944
    • Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
      • government funding, 3041
    • Long-term care - funding
      • general remarks, 2235
    • Long-term care - government funding
      • allocation
        • bed development/redevelopment, 970
    • Long-term care - sector capacity
      • bed development and redevelopment
    • Long-term care - staff
    • Manufacturing industry - automotive sector
      • "buy-American" policies
        • economic impact, 1815
      • general remarks, 2558
      • investment agreements
      • working conditions
        • compensation during shutdowns, 2586
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
      • MississaugaLakeshore, 2264
    • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
    • Nurses
      • compensation
        • annual rate of increases, 1959
      • training and education
        • Learn and Stay Program, 2942
    • Occupational health and safety
      • naloxone kits
        • mandatory businesses, 2378
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
      • emergency response team
    • Opposition day motions
    • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • recruitment and retention
        • general remarks, 865
    • Polish community
      • 3 May Constitution Day, 813
      • heritage events
      • immigration, 813
      • Polish Independence Day, 813
      • public education campaign - cultural
        • Polish Heritage Month, 813
    • Polish Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 18)
    • Private members' public business
      • Hungarian Heritage Month Act, 2022 (Bill 50)
      • Polish Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 18)
        • second reading, 813
    • Protest convoys
      • police response
        • general remarks, 2586
      • provincial government response
      • provincial state of emergency
        • emergency orders, critical infrastructure and highways
          • authority granted under, 2558
    • Protest convoys - Ambassador Bridge
      • businesses impacted by
      • cross-border nurses, impact on, 2584
      • economic impact, 2559, 2584
      • statements by stakeholders, 2585
    • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
      • second reading, 970
    • Public assets - surplus
      • centre of realty excellence (CORE)
        • online information repository, 1815
      • general remarks, 1815
    • Public sector compensation - increase cap
      • health care workers, 379
    • Question period
    • Regulations - business
      • reduction
        • monetary value, 1807
    • Rental housing
      • and housing supply, 2826
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
      • government authority under
        • termination date, extension, 1051
    • Ring of Fire development
      • general remarks, 1019–1020
      • Indigenous participation
        • general remarks, 1020
    • Senior citizens
      • community development
        • Senior Community Grant, 2264
      • community services
        • general remarks, 2264
    • Skilled trades
      • training programs
        • government funding, 1274
    • Stellantis
      • battery manufacturing plant (Windsor)
        • general remarks, 2558
    • Supply Act, 2022 (Bill 96)
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
      • third reading, 1431
    • Taxation
      • government strategy, 1896
    • Transit - infrastructure development
      • by region
    • Wastewater Surveillance Initiative
      • general remarks, 2791
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
      • general remarks, 1275
      • statements by stakeholders, 1275
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
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