Letter: F
Fair Hydro Plan
Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017,
S.O. 2017, c. 22
- consultation process. see Changing Workplaces Review (2015-2016)
- impact on business environment
- impact on employment
- impact on small-/medium-sized business
The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns About Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value for Money
(Auditor General of Ontario, 2017)
Family law
- access to justice
- Singh, S., JP566
- case backlog
- Singh, G., JP548
- geographical variation
- Downey, JP548
- Triantafilopoulos, JP547–JP548
- social determinants of
- Singh, G., JP583
- family violence screening
- Collard, JP555–JP556, JP575
- Downey, JP546–JP547
- Morrison, JP546–JP547, JP553, JP570–JP571
- mediation
- Collard, JP583
- access
- Collard, JP563–JP564
- Kusendova, JP564
- and family violence
- Collard, JP580
- self-represented litigants
- support payments. see also Family Responsibility Office (FRO)
- automatic payment options
- Sarkaria, G930–G931
- automatic payment options
- access to justice
Family law reform
- and 2SLGBTQ families
- Morrison, JP549
- alignment with federal legislation
- Bouma, JP557, JP574–JP575
- Downey, JP547
- Park, JP562
- Triantafilopoulos, JP547
- appeals process
- child protection cases
- Collard, JP588–JP589
- Downey, JP545
- Park, JP587–JP588
- Singh, G., JP589
- Taylor, JP545, JP556, JP562–JP563, JP573, JP586–JP587
- child protection cases
- digital services
- general remarks
- Downey, JP544
- general remarks
- general remarks
- Downey, JP541–JP543
- Gill, JP544
- public consultation
- Downey, JP546
- Kusendova, JP545–JP546
- terminology and definitions
- "best interest of the child"
- Morrison, JP553
- "best interest of the child"
- unified Family Courts
- and 2SLGBTQ families
Family law reform - alternative dispute resolution
Family Responsibility Office (FRO).
see also Family law–
support payments- general remarks
- service delivery model
- Smith, T., E1013–E1014, E1068–E1069
Family Services Ottawa.
see also Gender-based violence—victim support services; Mental health services- populations serviced
- program funding
- Downey, F399
Far North Act, 2010,
SO 2010, c 18
see also Greenhouse industry- agri-food. see Agri-food industry
- animal welfare
- automation, use of
- Pettapiece, E108–E109
- broadband access
- chemical spills
- detection of
- Pettapiece, G513–G514
- detection of
- classification of
- crop insurance
- Gates, A446
- economic development
- Arthur, F2541
- economic impact
- Shaw, F583
- Farm Business Registration Program
- appeal body
- Gates, A475
- appeal body
- impact of aggregate extraction on. see Aggregate extraction—air particulates released from; Aggregate sites—and water source protection
- impact of climate change
- income over time
- labour shortage
- Pettapiece, E109–E110
- natural gas
- impact of expansion
- Piccini, F956
- impact of expansion
- public perception of
- regulatory environment
- Piccini, F1099
- smart farming
- Smith, D., G626
- tourism
- general remarks
- Pettapiece, G611
- general remarks
- transfer, cost of
- trespass on. see also Trespass to Property Act, RSO 1990, c T.21
- use of neonicotinoids
Farms - security from trespass.
see also Agri-food facilities - security from trespassFashion industry
- body inclusion
- Andrew, M258
- body inclusion
- and COVID-19. see Arts and culture - COVID-19; Tourism industry - COVID-19
- economic impact
- MacLeod, E457
- government funding
- government strategy
- MacLeod, E459
- volunteers
- MacLeod, E457
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fiera Foods
- health and safety
- Harden, SP981
- health and safety
Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 217)
- Begum, T226
Film and television industry
- animation and visual effects
- training programs
- Harden, F1912
- Roberts, F1908–F1909
- Schreiner, F1912–F1913
- training programs
- broadcast funding
- use for production
- Skelly, F1673
- use for production
- content
- digital streaming services
- Canadian content quota
- Arthur, F653
- Canadian content quota
- economic impact
- Arthur, F3122–F3123
- Film and Television Advisory Panel
- film sets, public access to
- Khanjin, F1809
- government strategy
- labour market
- recruitment and retention
- Roberts, F3122
- recruitment and retention
- Ottawa
- Harden, F1833
- production sites
- regulatory environment
- Crawford, F1894
- studio space, definition of
- support crew
- tax credits
- animation and visual effects
Film and television industry - COVID-19
- animation and visual effects
- employee compensation
- Karpoche, F1896
- film festivals
- Cho, S., F1609–F1610
- MacLeod, E486
- Morrison, F1910
- Piccini, F1675
- Schreiner, F1609, F1913
- Stiles, F1608, F1674–F1676
- general remarks
- health and safety measures
- infection control
- Shaw, F3123
- insurance coverage
- Gélinas, F1965
- and insurance coverage
- marketing of
- Hunter, F1791
- and other jurisdictions
- Anand, F1816
- performer maintenance
- Hunter, F3126
- post-production
- Andrew, F1892–F1893
- Crawford, F1894
- Simard, F1894–F1895
- regulatory reform
- Piccini, F1736
- remote work environments
- reopening
- Hunter, F1755
- sector recovery from
- Sabawy, F1844
- WSIB tax credit deferral
- Hunter, F1792
Film and television industry - film festivals
- digital programming
- employment impact
- Stiles, F1675–F1676
- by festival
- social impact
- Morrison, F1909
Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO)
- role of
- Vanthof, FT113
- role of
Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013, S.O. 2013, c. 4
- review of
- Fife, FT118
- review of
Financial professionals
Financial services.
see also Insurance industry- Aboriginal financial institutes
- Rickford, E1245
- consumer protection
- Shaw, F859
- environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing
- Crawford, G1177–G1178
- financial technologies (fintech)
- Cho, S., F3234
- industry reform
- loans
- regulatory environment. see also Legislative drafting—principle-based vs. prescriptive
- Aboriginal financial institutes
Financial services - investment management
Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA)
Fire Code,
O. Reg. 213/07
- compliance
- in-home cannabis cultivation
- Singh, S., SP49
- in-home cannabis cultivation
- compliance
Fire extinguishers
- maintenance inspections
- Fraser, SP476–SP477
- maintenance inspections
Fire services
- firetruck warning systems
- multi-coloured lights
- Bouma, JP704–JP705
- multi-coloured lights
- firetruck warning systems
First Nations communities.
see Indigenous communitiesFirst Nations Technical Institute
- graduation rates
- Skelly, F2173
- graduation rates
FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre (St. Catherines)
- COVID-19
- impact on
- Stevens, F1969–F1970
- impact on
- COVID-19
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997,
SO 1997, c 41
- general remarks
- Monteith-Farrell, E400
- licences granted under
- ministerial amendment
- Sattler, G1046–G1047, G1052
- ministerial amendment
- general remarks
Fisheries - commercial
see Hunting and anglingFitness centres and gyms
- and COVID-19
- Coteau, F2394
- Dunlop, F2395–F2396
- Harden, F2393
- Pang, F2394–F2395
- and COVID-19
598968 Ontario Limited Act, 2019 (Bill Pr11)
- Martow, T27
Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
Flood management.
see also Conservation authorities- capital projects funding
- and climate change
- development restrictions
- Yakabuski, E414
- as economic policy
- Shaw, F3129
- general remarks
- Indigenous flooding claims. see under Indigenous communities
- and the insurance industry
- regional variation
- Arthur, F3115
- response and recovery
Flood management - by region
Flood management - flooding events
Flood management - government strategy
- consultation process
- Yakabuski, E405
- governance
- preparedness
- stream gauge network
- Yakabuski, E405
- stream gauge network
- public education
- Yakabuski, E405
- risk reduction. see Flood management—prevention
- special adviser
- consultation process
Flood management - prevention
Flu shot.
see Influenza—vaccinationFood banks - COVID-19
- usage rates
- Vanthof, E969
- usage rates
Food Day Ontario (Food Day Canada in Ontario) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
Food delivery services
- commission fees
- cap on
- application
- Sarkaria, G1264
- application
- cap on
- commission fees
Food labelling
- organic
- regulation of
- Oosterhoff, F1265–F1266
Food prices
Food processing facilities
Food processing facilities - security from trespass
- and biosecurity
- definitions
- general remarks
Food safety
- dairy. see Dairy Farmers of Ontario; Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- food contamination
- fatalities
- Barrett, P350–P351
- fatalities
- handling and preparation
- education
- Vanthof, P353
- education
- impact on international trade
- inspection reports
- inspections
- and producer biosecurity. see Agri-food industry
- relative to other jurisdictions
- Barrett, P351
- restaurant regulation
- franchises
- Barrett, P355
- franchises
Food security
FoodLand Ontario
- advertising and marketing
- Hardeman, E953
- advertising and marketing
Foreign investment.
see also under Business environment; International trade- impact of regulatory environment
- Skelly, G507
- promotion of
- Hunter, F3289–F3290
- Piccini, F3289
- impact of regulatory environment
Forensic testing
- forensic pathology units
- autopsy completion time
- Shaw, P392–P393
- body management
- evidence protection
- Blais, P397
- transportation. see under Funeral homes
- evidence protection
- case eligibility
- long-term care deaths
- Gélinas, P388
- long-term care deaths
- and COVID-19
- general remarks
- Parsa, P395
- general remarks
- death investigation system. see under Coroners
- forensic pathologists. see under Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- governance structure
- Cuzzetto, A230
- Hamilton closure
- autopsy completion time
- forensic pathology units
Forest access roads
Forest fires.
see WildfiresForest industry.
see also Mills- afforestation vs. reforestation
- Monteith-Farrell, E399
- annual harvest rate
- biodiversity
- habitat protection. see also Endangered species
- and climate change
- competitiveness
- economic impact
- electricity rate mitigation programs
- employment
- recruitment and retention. see under Forest industry - Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy
- forest management manuals
- forest resources inventory
- general remarks
- glyphosate, use of
- government strategy. see Forest industry - Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy
- impact of electricity rates. see under Electricity rates
- impact of global markets
- Yakabuski, E412
- information portals
- Yakabuski, E402
- logging permits
- operational costs
- vs. other jurisdictions
- Skelly, F295–F296
- vs. other jurisdictions
- product retail
- products
- mass timber
- Roberts, F291
- mass timber
- regulatory environment
- Bisson, F326
- Cho, S., F327
- Smith, D., F607–F608
- Yakabuski, E402
- and environmental protection. see also Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 25; Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6
- general remarks
- Cho, S., F293
- impact on Indigenous relations
- Downey, F273
- vs. other jurisdictions
- stumpage fees
- Arthur, F293–F294
- taxation
- capital investments
- Yakabuski, E402
- capital investments
- tree planting
- tree removal rate
- Stevens, G531
- trucking operations. see Trucking industry
- afforestation vs. reforestation
Forest industry - COVID-19
Forest industry - economic development
- cross-laminated timber
- Yakabuski, E412
- economic fibre supply model
- Yakabuski, E397
- Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program
- general remarks
- Indigenous communities. see under Indigenous communities—economic development
- revenue sharing agreements. see under Indigenous communities—economic development
- cross-laminated timber
Forest industry - forest management plans
Forest industry - processing sector
Forest industry - Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy
- consultation process
- economic development. see under Forest industry
- general remarks
- product innovation
- recruitment and retention
- reforestation plans
- Monteith-Farrell, E689
- sustainable forest policy framework
- tree-planting reforestation
Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program
Fossil fuels industry
Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
- Burch, SP412, SP417, SP424, SP426
- Harden, SP417–SP418, SP421–SP422, SP430
- Harris, SP418, SP422–SP423, SP429–SP430
- Hogarth, SP413, SP427–SP428
- Karpoche, SP412–SP413, SP415–SP417, SP420, SP422, SP424–SP427, SP429–SP430
- Kernaghan, SP416
- Kusendova, SP418, SP422, SP429
- Martin, SP413–SP415, SP419–SP420, SP424
- amendments
- Gélinas, SP431–SP443
- Harden, SP434–SP435, SP438, SP441–SP442
- Harris, SP437, SP443–SP444
- Hogarth, SP440
- Kusendova, SP438, SP443
- Martin, SP431–SP435, SP437, SP439, SP441–SP443
- Wai, SP439
- West, SP434
- consultation process
- general remarks
- Gélinas, SP431
- Martin, SP431–SP432, SP442
- Schedule 2: Opioid Damages and Health Costs Recovery Act, 2019
- section 11
- Gélinas, SP440–SP443
- Martin, SP441–SP442
- section 13
- Gélinas, SP443
- section 11
Francophone community
Freedom of expression
Freedom of information
- restrictions and exemptions
- commercially sensitive information
- Fife, G550–G551
- commercially sensitive information
- restrictions and exemptions
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
RSO 1990, c F.31
Freedom of religion
French-language debates
- budget des dépenses 2019-2020
- consultations prébudgétaires
- consultations prébudgétaires (2019)
- consultations prébudgétaires (2020)
- Roberts, F1095–F1096
- Shaw, F1096–F1097
- étude sur la COVID-19
- Clark, F1999–F2001
- Étude sur la COVID-19
- Gélinas, F1960
- Roberts, F1962
- Simard, F1961–F1963
- Étude sur les décrets d'urgence
- Bisson, EM91
- Loi de 2018 visant à rétablir la confiance, la transparence et la responsabilité, projet de loi 57
- Loi de 2019 pour des écoles sûres et axées sur le soutien , 2019 (projet de loi 48)
- Harden, SP174–SP175
- Oosterhoff, SP175–SP176
- Stiles, SP174
- Loi de 2019 pour protéger l'essentiel (mesures budgétaires) (projet de loi 100)
- Loi de 2019 sur les soins de santé pour la population (projet de loi 74)
- Gélinas, SP230–SP231, SP253
- Loi de 2020 pour connecter la population aux services de soins à domicile et en milieu communautaire (Projet de loi 175)
- Loi de 2020 sur le l'accès public aux défibrillateurs et leur enregistrement (Projet de loi 141)
- Gélinas, SP448
- Loi de 2020 sur les soins de compassion (Projet de loi 3)
- Loi de 2021 soutenant l'expansion de l'Internet et des infrastructures
- amendements
- Bourgouin, G1185–G1186
- amendements
- Loi de 2021 sur le soutien à la relance et à la compétitivité (Projet de loi 276)
- Bisson, G1375–G1376
- Bourgouin, G1322, G1328–G1329, G1374–G1375
- Tabuns, G1318–G1319
- Loi de 2021 visant à accélérer l'accès à la justice (Projet de loi 245)
- Loi de 2021 visant à assurer à la population Ontarienne des déplacements plus sûrs (Projet de loi 282)
- Mulroney, G1201–G1202
- Loi de 2021 visant à protéger la population Ontarienne (mesures budgétaires), 2021 (Projet de loi 269)
- Bethlenfalvy, F3209–F3210
- Nominations prévues
- Projet de loi 161, Loi de 2020 pour un système judiciaire plus efficace et plus solide
- Collard, JP507–JP508
- Park, JP506–JP507
- Projet de loi 184, Loi de 2020 visant la protection des locataires et le renforcement du logement communautaire
- Blais, SP774
- Projet de loi 282, Loi de 2021 visant à assurer à la population ontarienne des déplacements plus sûrs
- travaux du comité
- sessions fermées
- Bourgouin, G1195–G1197, G1199
- Mantha, M396
- sessions fermées
French-language services
- federal funding transfer
- Lecce, E142
- general remarks
- Lecce, E142
- health care
- Fraser, SP334–SP335, SP347–SP348, SP350, SP356–SP357, SP379–SP380, SP383
- Gélinas, SP253, SP334, SP348, SP350, SP354, SP356–SP357, SP378, SP380, SP382–SP383, SP401
- Kusendova, SP252–SP253
- Martin, SP231, SP233, SP252, SP335
- Sabawy, SP252, SP334–SP335, SP350
- federal funding transfer
Front-Line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230)
Fuel - coloured.
see Coloured fuelFuel industry
Funeral homes