Letter: K
Kamloops Indian Residential School
- human remains, discovery of
- Mamakwa, 1199
- human remains, discovery of
Kashechewan First Nation
Keeping 2SLGBTQI+ Communities Safe Act, 2023 (Bill 94)
- first reading
- Wong-Tam, 3382–3383
- first reading
Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- amendments, proposed
- Tabuns, 8936
- first reading
- Smith, T., 7208
- consultations
- second reading, 7243–7282, 7283–7293, 7310–7334, 7339–7343, 7364–7365
- Bailey, 7289, 7315, 7327
- Bell, 7289–7293
- Bouma, 7288
- Bourgouin, 7316, 7332–7333
- Burch, 7288
- Clancy, 7339–7340
- Coe, 7325–7327
- Dixon, 7275–7280
- Fife, 7252
- Fraser, 7292, 7330, 7333
- Gallagher Murphy, 7342–7343
- Gates, 7274, 7340
- Gélinas, 7312, 7320, 7326
- Ghamari, 7285–7289
- Glover, 7284
- Harden, 7263, 7267–7272, 7278–7279
- Hsu, 7253–7254, 7263–7264, 7272–7275
- Karpoche, 7293
- Kernaghan, 7253
- Khanjin, 7312, 7316
- Kusendova-Bashta, 7339, 7343
- MacLeod, 7288, 7321, 7326
- Mamakwa, 7285, 7292
- Mantha, 7322–7324
- McGregor, 7284, 7324
- McMahon, 7292, 7310–7312, 7320
- Oosterhoff, 7253, 7263, 7275
- Pang, 7311–7312, 7326
- Rae, 7253, 7266–7267, 7271, 7275, 7279–7280, 7332
- Rakocevic, 7315, 7324, 7327, 7330–7334
- Sabawy, 7262, 7274
- Sarrazin, 7264–7267, 7320, 7323, 7333, 7341, 7342
- Saunderson, 7267, 7270–7271, 7279, 7312–7317
- Schreiner, 7283–7285, 7288, 7289, 7340
- Shaw, 7262–7263, 7271, 7272, 7275, 7280–7282, 7342
- Smith, L., 7292, 7321, 7329–7330
- Smith, T., 7244–7254
- Tabuns, 7254–7264
- Taylor, 7272, 7316, 7321, 7326
- Vanthof, 7340–7342
- Vaugeois, 7287, 7342
- West, 7317–7322, 7324, 7333
- Wong-Tam, 7267, 7279
- division (carried), 7364–7365
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 7364–7365
- third reading, 8847–8857, 8934–8956, 9102–9108, 9126–9140, 9176–9177
- Bourgouin, 8856, 9131
- Byers, 9131
- Coe, 8856, 9106–9107, 9127
- Cuzzetto, 8945–8948
- Dowie, 9105, 9128, 9140
- Gallagher Murphy, 8954
- Gélinas, 8944, 8950, 8954
- Ghamari, 9134–9136
- Glover, 8855–8856
- Harden, 9102–9107, 9136
- Hsu, 8951–8952
- Jones, T., 8951, 9107–9108, 9126–9128
- Karpoche, 8943–8944, 8948–8951, 8953
- Kernaghan, 8951, 9105
- Kerzner, 8953
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8856
- MacLeod, 8954
- Martin, 8947, 9136
- McMahon, 8944, 8952–8954
- Rakocevic, 9132
- Sarrazin, 8950
- Sattler, 8857, 8951
- Saunderson, 8857, 9139
- Schreiner, 9132–9134
- Shaw, 9127–9128, 9128–9132, 9134, 9136, 9139
- Smith, Dave, 8954–8956
- Smith, David, 8948
- Smith, T., 8847–8852, 8856–8857, 9131–9132, 9134, 9138–9139
- Stevens, 8947, 8953–8954
- Tabuns, 8935–8944, 9106
- Vanthof, 9136–9140
- Vaugeois, 8948, 9106
- West, 9139
- Yakabuski, 8852–8855, 8943, 8944
- division (carried), 9176–9177
- Royal assent, 9244
- amendments, proposed
Keeping People Housed Act, 2024 (Bill 170)
Keeping Primary Care Fair Act (Restricting Private Payments for Nurse Practitioner Services), 2024 (Bill 203)
Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- first reading
- collective agreements, extension of
- Lecce, 1023
- collective agreements, terms of
- second reading, 1021–1065, 1098–1123, 1231–1232
- Anand, 1031
- Andrew, 1050, 1100–1102, 1104–1105
- Armstrong, 1044, 1110, 1192–1193
- Barnes, 1053–1057
- Begum, 1057, 1110–1111, 1113–1114
- Bell, 1040, 1111–1114
- Bouma, 1060, 1062, 1102, 1114, 1116
- Bourgouin, 1041
- Bowman, 1103, 1105
- Brady, 1109
- Burch, 1051, 1106
- Coe, 1187, 1192
- Crawford, 1040
- Dunlop, 1063–1065, 1118, 1121–1122
- Fife, 1057–1058, 1061–1062
- French, 1041, 1056–1057, 1109, 1116–1119
- Gallagher Murphy, 1056
- Gates, 1031, 1052, 1058–1059, 1060–1061
- Gélinas, 1108, 1118–1119, 1122–1123
- Ghamari, 1185–1188
- Glover, 1047–1048, 1102, 1115, 1121
- Gretzky, 1048–1050
- Harden, 1056, 1098–1099, 1101–1103, 1115, 1121
- Harris, 1030
- Hogarth, 1045
- Holland, 1105
- Hsu, 1103, 1105
- Hunter, 1049, 1050–1053
- Kanapathi, 1044–1045
- Karpoche, 1060, 1118
- Ke, 1056, 1119
- Kerzner, 1114–1116
- Leardi, 1049, 1051–1052, 1061
- Lecce, 1021–1031
- Mamakwa, 1113
- Mantha, 1049, 1113–1114, 1119–1122
- McCarthy, 1052, 1061, 1106–1110
- McMahon, 1103–1106
- Pang, 1041, 1057
- Pasma, 1031–1036, 1188–1193
- Rae, 1041–1046
- Sandhu, 1188
- Sattler, 1059–1061, 1187–1188, 1192
- Schreiner, 1062–1063
- Shamji, 1104–1105
- Smith, L., 1040, 1050, 1052, 1104, 1113, 1120
- Stevens, 1031, 1045, 1055–1056, 1101
- Stiles, 1030, 1052
- Tabuns, 1045–1047
- Tangri, 1030
- Taylor, 1045
- Thanigasalam, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1108, 1113, 1118, 1121
- Vaugeois, 1062, 1099, 1105
- Wai, 1045, 1192
- West, 1030, 1036–1041, 1062–1063
- Wong-Tam, 1061, 1099–1100
- division (carried), 1231–1232
- legal challenges, protection from
- Tabuns, 1047
- public response
- repeal of
- Supports for Students Fund
- staff, hiring of
- Lecce, 1023
- staff, hiring of
- time allocation motion, 1135–1144, 1164–1165, 1221–1222
- third reading, 1232–1248
- Royal assent, 1254
Keeping Students in Class Repeal Act, 2022 (Bill 35)
Kidney disease
Kids' Online Safety and Privacy Month Act, 2024 (Bill 133)
- as a regulated health profession
- Armstrong, 5850
- as a regulated health profession
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
Krever Inquiry.
see Blood and blood products - donation and collection