Letter: N
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
Names, legal
Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2019 (Bill 114)
Nanjing massacre
Native Child and Family Services
Natural gas
- consumer protections
- commencement of
- French, 1471
- commencement of
- conversion to
- impact on heating costs
- Andrew, 1856
- Arthur, 1817–1818
- Baber, 1856
- Bailey, 1815
- Bisson, 1866–1867, 1873
- Calandra, 2649
- Cuzzetto, 1669–1670
- Downey, 1857–1858
- Fee, 1860, 2672
- French, 1460
- Gélinas, 1804
- Ghamari, 1812, 1814
- Gill, 1806, 2829
- Harris, 1477, 1479, 1665–1666, 2723
- Karahalios, 1457
- Kernaghan, 1857, 2837
- Khanjin, 1666
- Lecce, 1452, 1455, 1880
- Martin, 1864
- McDonell, 1673
- McNaughton, 1448, 1451–1452
- Miller, N., 2834
- Pang, 1472, 2719
- Pettapiece, 2832
- Piccini, 1865
- Rasheed, 1820, 1853, 2835
- Roberts, 1853, 1866
- Romano, 2847–2848
- Sarkaria, 1856
- Simard, 2468
- Skelly, 1819, 2658–2659
- Surma, 1671–1672
- Tangri, 2717
- Taylor, 1816
- Thanigasalam, 1670, 1819, 2659, 2724–2725
- Walker, 6223
- West, 1472
- impact on heating costs
- environmental impact
- extraction, impact on aquifer
- Fraser, 550
- general remarks
- vs. geothermal energy
- Schreiner, 2831
- in other jurisdictions
- Arthur, 1818
- sale of, revenue restrictions
- French, 1470
- storage
- Downey, 1858
- supply
- consumer protections
Natural gas - access to
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Andrew, 1856
- Bailey, 1815
- Bethlenfalvy, 2499
- Bisson, 1866
- Bouma, 2314
- Fee, 2669–2670
- French, 1469–1470
- Ghamari, 1812
- Lecce, 1454, 2501, 2503–2504, 2507–2508
- Martow, 2838
- McDonell, 1811
- McNaughton, 1448
- Pettapiece, 2832
- Rasheed, 1851, 2835
- Schreiner, 2829
- Shaw, 2672
- Tangri, 1667
- Thanigasalam, 2724
- West, 1472
- in northern and rural Ontario. see also Farmers—natural gas, access to
- Arthur, 1818
- Bisson, 2665–2666
- Bourgouin, 2845
- Fedeli, 2320
- French, 1470, 2654
- Gélinas, 1804–1805, 2720
- Ghamari, 1812
- Gill, 1806
- Harris, 1815
- Karahalios, 1457
- Kernaghan, 2836
- Lecce, 1458
- Martin, 1863
- Natyshak, 2669
- Romano, 1852, 2847
- Shaw, 2673
- Surma, 1671
- Tangri, 2719
- Taylor, 1816
- Thanigasalam, 1819
- Vanthof, 1860
- West, 1810, 2718
Natural gas - compressed
- greenhouse gas emissions
- Tabuns, 6861
- greenhouse gas emissions
Natural gas distribution
Natural gas expansion
- Chatham-Kent
- cost. see Natural gas expansion - cost of
- economic impact
- as economic policy
- environmental impact
- and facilitation of renewable natural gas
- Schreiner, 2829–2830
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 2830
- Babikian, 2673
- Bell, 2829
- Berns-McGown, 2835
- Bisson, 1872
- Downey, 1857–1858
- Dunlop, 2838–2839
- Fee, 2670
- French, 1471, 2658–2660
- Gélinas, 1875–1876
- Ghamari, 8665
- Gill, 2660
- Harris, 4612
- Kanapathi, 2719
- Karahalios, 2668, 2722
- Kernaghan, 2837
- Khanjin, 1458
- Kramp, 2840
- Lecce, 2506, 2508
- Martin, 1864
- Martow, 4120
- McNaughton, 1026, 1118, 2468
- Nicholls, 1032
- Park, 7490
- Pettapiece, 7717–7718
- Rakocevic, 2825, 2834, 2839
- Rickford, 7614–7615
- Romano, 2848
- Sabawy, 2830
- Skelly, 1029
- Smith, T., 1185
- Surma, 1672
- Tangri, 2717–2718
- Thanigasalam, 2673, 2724, 2825–2826
- Walker, 7552, 8665
- impact on agriculture industry
- McNaughton, 1030
- impact on infrastructure development
- Lecce, 2505
- impact on residential customers
- impact on rural communities
- as incentive for development
- oversight by Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- phase I
- phase II
- private sector distribution
- program criteria
- program reach
- Arthur, 1818
- Berns-McGown, 2838
- Bethlenfalvy, 2499
- Bisson, 2665–2667, 2669, 2847
- Downey, 1858, 1860
- Fee, 2672, 2674
- French, 1463, 1470
- Gélinas, 2721–2722, 2824–2825
- Ghamari, 1812
- Harden, 2719
- Harris, 1476–1477, 1665–1666, 2723, 2843
- Karahalios, 2668, 2722
- Kernaghan, 1819
- Kramp, 2841
- Martin, 1864
- McDonell, 1811
- McNaughton, 1448–1449, 2314
- Rakocevic, 2834
- Rasheed, 1821
- Sarkaria, 1856
- Simard, 2467
- Thanigasalam, 2724
- Vanthof, 2675, 2846
- public consultation
- Scugog
- Park, 6223
- target communities
- Arthur, 1818
- Baber, 1862
- Bailey, 1031
- Begum, 1859, 1862
- Bell, 2826
- Berns-McGown, 2659, 2843
- Bisson, 1865, 1867, 1873, 2665
- Bourgouin, 1666
- Calandra, 1806
- Fee, 2671
- French, 1458–1460, 1463, 1469, 1471, 1473, 2654–2655
- Gélinas, 1666, 1804–1805, 2721–2722
- Glover, 2673, 2846
- Harris, 1476–1477, 2723, 2825, 2843
- Karahalios, 2722
- Kernaghan, 1819, 1854–1855, 1857, 2723, 2835–2836, 2838
- Kramp, 2509
- Lindo, 1807
- McNaughton, 1030–1031, 1450
- Monteith-Farrell, 1457
- Piccini, 1865
- Roberts, 1853
- Romano, 1852
- Schreiner, 2830
- Shaw, 2673
- Singh, S., 1863
- Tabuns, 2651
- Tangri, 2719
- Taylor, 1816–1817, 1852
- Vanthof, 1852, 1861, 1863, 2675
- Walker, 6223
- West, 1472, 1810, 2509, 2718
- via private sector
- Arthur, 1820
- Bailey, 1815
- Bisson, 2666
- Downey, 1860
- Fee, 2670–2671
- French, 1459
- Ghamari, 1812–1813
- Gill, 1472
- Gretzky, 1865
- Harris, 1477–1478
- Lecce, 1453, 2501–2502, 2507
- McNaughton, 1448–1450, 2314
- Natyshak, 2669
- Pettapiece, 2832
- Sabawy, 2830
- Surma, 1672
- Tangri, 2719–2720
- Taylor, 1857
- Thanigasalam, 1819
Natural gas expansion - cost of
- funding source. see also Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- Bisson, 1865, 1867–1868, 2666–2667
- Calandra, 1806
- Coteau, 1808–1810
- Fee, 2674
- French, 1461–1464, 1469–1471, 2654, 2656–2657
- Gélinas, 1876–1877
- Ghamari, 1812, 1814
- Harris, 1476–1478
- Kernaghan, 1855, 2836–2837
- Lecce, 1453, 2501
- McDonell, 1811
- McNaughton, 1450
- Monteith-Farrell, 1457
- Rakocevic, 2659
- Rasheed, 1821, 1853
- Tabuns, 2651
- Vanthof, 1860–1861
- West, 1472
- infrastructure development
- infrastructure development, disclosure
- rate protection program. see Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- funding source. see also Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
Natural gas expansion - project approval
- authority to approve
- cost disclosure. see Natural gas expansion - cost of—infrastructure development, disclosure
- prioritization of projects
- French, 2655
- return on investment
Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
- invoices. see also Government advertising
- recovery for distributors. see Natural gas expansion—project approval—return on investment
- regulatory charge
- amount
- application
- evaluation of ratepayer benefit
- general remarks
- overrun protection
- ratepayer notification
- use of
Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
- cancellation
- funding
- general remarks
- program reach
- projects, status of
Natural gas infrastructure
Natural gas rates
- affordability
- affordability over time
- general remarks
- impact of cap-and-trade cancellation
- relative cost. see also Home heating—means of, relative cost
Natural gas - renewable
- greenhouse gas emissions
- Tabuns, 6861
- greenhouse gas emissions
Natural resources
- development
- resource sharing agreements
- Smith, D., 7510
- resource sharing agreements
- development
Neonicotinoid use
Neskantaga First Nation
Nestlé Canada
- collective bargaining (2021)
- Stiles, 13799
- collective bargaining (2021)
New Brunswick
New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Aging Ontarians Deserve the Best
- Taylor, 10416
- business policy
- Sarkaria, 9680–9681
- caucus demographics
- Morrison, 3534
- election platform (2018)
- energy policy
- general remarks
- Horwath, 196
- Green New Democratic Deal
- French, 11929
- health and long-term care
- housing policy
- Bell, 10370
- justice policy
- labour relations, investigation
- Ford, 2461
- party status, historically
- privatization
- Horwath, 197
- Save Main Street plan
- Andrew, 12962
- Armstrong, 10605
- Begum, 10889–10890
- Bell, 10144–10146
- Bouma, 9395
- Burch, 9366
- Fife, 11882, 11962
- Glover, 10607
- Hassan, 9386
- Hogarth, 9393
- Karpoche, 9392–9393
- Kernaghan, 11335, 12583–12584
- Mantha, 10143
- Monteith-Farrell, 10624
- Morrison, 10885–10886
- Natyshak, 11531
- Sattler, 10624
- Singh, S., 10504
- Stiles, 11540
- West, 9387
- Aging Ontarians Deserve the Best
New Democratic Party (NDP) caucus
New home construction industry
New home construction industry - reform
New home industry
- building inspections
- during COVID-19
- Rakocevic, 8036
- during COVID-19
- consumer protection
- warranty administration
- building inspections
New home warranties.
see also TarionNew home warranties - reform.
see also Tarion reformNew Zealand
News media.
see also MediaNewspapers.
see also Journalism- community and local
- circulation rates
- Lecce, 3940
- publication frequency
- Fife, 3938
- publication of municipal notices. see also Legislation Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 21, Schedule F—"newspaper," definition of
- cost savings
- revenue from
- Barrett, 3941
- role of
- circulation rates
- economic impact
- Mantha, 3939
- and government advertising
- revenue generation
- Barrett, 3941
- community and local
Niagara Health
- diagnostic imaging
- MRI services
- Gates, 10700, 13879, 13982–13983
- MRI services
- diagnostic imaging
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
Niagara region
Niagara Region Public Health
Nicotine addiction
- general remarks
- Gélinas, 1651
- general remarks
Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
- first reading
- Rakocevic, 13614–13615
- second reading, 14036–14042
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 14042
- third reading, 14050–14052
- Bailey, 14051–14052
- Rakocevic, 14050–14051
- Walker, 14051
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2019 (Bill 75)
see September 11, 2001 attacks911 services
Nipissing First Nation
- economic strategy
- Fedeli, 4080
- economic strategy
No COVID-19 Evictions Act, 2021 (Bill 244)
- first reading
- Morrison, 11259
- second reading, 11277–11284, 11309
- first reading
No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2020 (Bill 224)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 10040
- second reading, 10934–10941, 10957–10958
- first reading
Noah and Gregory's Law (Transition to Adult Developmental Services and Supports), 2019 (Bill 64)
Non-profit organizations
Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
- first reading
- Wai, 13158
- second reading, 13349–13354
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 13354
- preamble
- Park, 13354
- first reading
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
see also United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)- legal challenges under
- Adams mine landfill site
- Vanthof, 288
- Adams mine landfill site
- legal challenges under
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - renegotiation.
see also Trade with United StatesNorth Spirit Lake First Nation
Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2019 (Bill 144)
Northern Ontario
- Vanthof, 12488–12489
- affordability
- Harris, 6462–6463
- conditions in
- Monteith-Farrell, 6366–6367
- economic strategy
- employment recruitment
- Northern Ontario Internship Program
- Fedeli, 4464
- Northern Ontario Internship Program
- general remarks
- government strategy
- northern services boards
- registered mail
- Smith, D., 9865
- registered mail
- remoteness coefficient
- Mamakwa, 6686
- resource development
- service funding
- Hunter, 5113–5114
- tourism promotion. see also Tourism
- transportation and transit development. see also Rail service
- transportation strategy
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- general remarks
- mandate
- Gélinas, 14021–14022
- Schreiner, 14027
Northern Ontario School of Medicine - as independent institution
- accreditation
- Schreiner, 14025
- consultation
- financial impact
- Fife, 14011–14013
- general remarks
- Anand, 14020
- Fife, 14015
- Mantha, 12760, 12801–12802
- Piccini, 12802, 12931
- West, 14030–14031
- impact on physician training
- Gélinas, 14021–14025
- impact on student recruitment
- Vanthof, 14032
- accreditation
Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010, S.O. 2010, c. 15
- repeal, resolution to prevent
- West, 9191
- repeal, resolution to prevent
Not-for-profit organizations
Not-for-profit organizations - COVID-19
Nova Scotia
- mass shooting (April 2020)
- MacLeod, 7804
- mass shooting (April 2020)
Nuclear energy
- benefits of
- Calandra, 1538
- Candu reactors
- environmental impact
- Park, 7502
- as environmental policy
- general remarks
- MAPLE reactors
- Tabuns, 7498–7499
- rates. see also under Nuclear generating facilities - refurbishment
- Calandra, 4185
- waste management
- benefits of
Nuclear energy industry
Nuclear generating facilities,
Nuclear medicine—radioisotopes- Bruce Power
- MCR project
- economic impact
- Crawford, 8815
- economic impact
- MCR project
- community safety
- Bell, 7501
- economic impact
- Pickering
- small modular reactor development
- construction, cost of
- economic impact
- environmental impact
- Piccini, 7499
- general remarks
- interprovincial MOU
- physical footprint
- Smith, D., 7500
- projected cost per kilowatt
- prototype completion timeline
- Small Modular Reactor Roadmap (federal)
- Park, 7497
- waste management. see Nuclear energy—waste management
- Bruce Power
Nuclear generating facilities - decommissioned
- Rolphton
- waste leaks
- Harden, 7500
- waste leaks
- Rolphton
Nuclear generating facilities - refurbishment
- general remarks
- Park, 2264–2265
- general remarks
Nuclear generation facilities
- closures in other jurisdictions
- Walker, 557
- economic impact
- efficiency of
- Harden, 4106
- Pickering
- private operation
- siting, municipal jurisdiction
- Tabuns, 2231
- small modular reactor development
- closures in other jurisdictions
Nuclear generation facilities - refurbishment
Nuclear medicine
Nurse practitioners
- accreditation
- Piccini, 11175
- appreciation
- appreciation for
- Hatfield, 7892
- compensation
- education and training
- through college programs
- Piccini, 11413
- through college programs
- employment models
- historically
- Gélinas, 13166
- historically
- employment opportunities
- Fife, 43
- general remarks
- Elliott, 3565
- government funding
- Gill, 12424
- labour relations
- layoffs
- recruitment
- recruitment and retention
- government funding
- Kusendova, 13860
- government funding
- registered
- layoffs
- Gretzky, 5845
- layoffs
- registered practical nurses
- staffing levels
- Burch, 10287
- staffing levels
- shortage
- Lindo, 7360
- supports for
- working conditions
- accreditation
Nurses - COVID-19
- appreciation
- Elliott, 13567
- working conditions
- Gélinas, 13568
- Hunter, 13568–13569
- appreciation
Nurses - education and training
- enrolment spaces
- general remarks
- Bailey, 13663–13664
- Cho, S., 13712
- stand-alone degrees
- Piccini, 13663