Letter: F
Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15)
- Bell, HE632–HE633, HE644–HE645
- French, HE629–HE638, HE641–HE642, HE644, HE647–HE648, HE651
- Glover, HE650
- Grewal, HE634–HE635, HE648–HE649
- Mantha, HE636, HE645–HE646
- Martin, HE637–HE638, HE643–HE644, HE651–HE652
- McGregor, HE652
- McMahon, HE633, HE642–HE643, HE648, HE651
- Pang, HE640–HE641
- Sabawy, HE641
- Sattler, HE635–HE636
- Smith, L., HE638, HE649–HE650
- general remarks
- French, HE1277–HE1278
- Sarkaria, HE1277–HE1278
- public consultation
Family law
- geographical proximity to businesses
- effect on food security
- Burch, HE355
- effect on food security
- geographical proximity to businesses
Fertility services
Film and television industry
Financial Accountability Officer
- reports
- government finances, surplus
- Fife, F22
- government finances, surplus
- reports
Financial services - Regulatory Authority of Ontario
- consulting period
- Kernaghan, JP405
- consulting period
Financial services sector
Fire safety
Fire services
- municipal delivery, reform
- Rae, HE954
- municipal delivery, reform
- illegal
- Ke, JP71
- illegal
Firefighters and fire services
First responders
- mental health supports
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP78
- mental health supports
Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part), 2022 (Bill 21)
- committee process
- legislative timelines
- Fife, SP1199–SP1200
- legislative timelines
- committee process
Flood management
Flood mitigation
- government funding
- Brady, F508
- government funding
Floods and flooding
- financial impact
- data collection
- Schreiner, IN42–IN43
- data collection
- financial impact
Food and retail distribution
Food banks
Food banks - usage
- and food insecurity
- Wong-Tam, F1078–F1079
- rates of
- by region
- Ottawa
- Blais, F1447
- Ottawa
- and food insecurity
Food insecurity
- northern Ontario
- Ghamari, F1691
- northern Ontario
Food prices
Ford Motor Company
- Oakville Assembly Plant
- electric vehicle manufacturing
- Crawford, IN609, IN611–IN612
- Shaw, IN609
- electric vehicle manufacturing
- Oakville Assembly Plant
Forest access roads
Forest fire management.
see also Firefighters and fire servicesForest fire management - northern Ontario
- emergency response coordination
- firefighters, Indigenous
- Mamakwa, IN41
- firefighters, Indigenous
- emergency response coordination
Forest industry
- Smith, G.
- government strategy, IN560–IN561, IN576
- biomass faculties
- Bowman, F278
- biomass utilization
- Kernaghan, F283
- clean energy by-products
- Harden, F1418
- commodity prices
- Hsu, F1419
- economic development
- forest sector strategy, components of
- Smith, G., IN37–IN38
- forest sector strategy, components of
- employment
- job creation/loss
- Pirie, F281
- job creation/loss
- foreign workers, employment
- Bowman, F1637–F1638
- forest biomass
- Bowman, F1646
- Holland, F1644
- Rickford, IN631–IN632
- Smith, G., IN566–IN567
- Yakabuski, IN566
- forest biomass resources
- Smith, G., IN38
- forest management
- government strategy
- land sharing
- Vanthof, F279
- regulations, reduction
- Babikian, F279
- residual fiber, use of
- Bowman, F278
- road maintenance
- shutdowns
- Dowie, F1433
- Smith, G.
Forest industry - shutdowns
- economic impact
- Bourgouin, IN627–IN628
- Rickford, IN627–IN628
- economic impact
French-language debates
- Budget de dépenses
- Ministère du Développement du Nord
- Bourgouin, IN631
- Ministère du Développement du Nord
- budget des dépenses 2019-2020
- Ministère des Affaires francophones
- Collard, JP304, JP306–JP307
- Gélinas, JP301–JP302, JP304, JP310–JP312, JP316–JP317
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP307–JP308, JP314
- Mulroney, JP299–JP301, JP303–JP308, JP310–JP316
- Ministère des Affaires francophones
- budget des dépenses 2023-2024
- consultations prébudgétaires
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- Gallagher Murphy, PH109
- Loi de 2023 concernant votre santé (Projet de loi 60)
- Loi de 2023 sur la prestation commode de soins à domicile, projet de loi 135
- Gélinas, SP728–SP729
- Loi de 2023 sur l’amélioration des écoles et du rendement des élèves, projet de loi 98
- Bourgouin, SP441
- Gélinas, SP442, SP444–SP445
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP417–SP420, SP440–SP441, SP445
- Pasma, SP418–SP419, SP446
- amendments
- Gélinas, SP493, SP519, SP522–SP524
- Pasma, SP522
- Loi de 2023 visant à bâtir un Ontario fort (mesures budgétaires), 2023 (Projet de loi 85)
- Bethlenfalvy, F623–F625
- Loi de 2023 visant l'aménagement de davantage de mines
- amendements
- Bourgouin, IN162–IN163, IN166–IN167, IN169–IN172, IN179
- amendements
- Budget de dépenses
French-language services
Fuel prices
Fuel prices - taxation