Letter: R
see also Anti-racism; Anti-racism strategy; Employment discrimination; Public sector, race-based data collection- in northern Ontario
- Gates, A250
- in northern Ontario
Ranger Survey Systems Canada Inc. Act, 2016 (Bill Pr55)
Rapid transit.
see also Transit; Transit system expansion- in London
- McNaughton, F1764–F1765
- Sattler, F457
- in London
Rare diseases
- coverage for high-cost drugs. see also Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODBP); Prescription drugs
- working group, report of
Real estate agents
- multiple representation
- Gretzky, SP707–SP708
- Malhi, SP708
- multiple representation
Real estate industry.
see also Housing; Housing prices; New homes sectorReal estate transactions.
see also Land transfer tax; Municipal property tax assessmentsReal-Time Generation Cost Guarantee program (RT-GCG)
Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee program (RT-GCG), overbilling by facilities
Reconciliation with indigenous peoples.
see also Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Indigenous Forum; Indigenous communities; Truth and Reconciliation CommissionRed light cameras.
see also Automated speed enforcement; Community safety zones; Road safety; Speed limits- revenue
- Anderson, G237
- revenue
see also Immigration and refugee servicesRegional councils.
see Municipal councils, upper-tierRegistered nurses.
see also Nurse practitioners; Nurses; Payments to health care professionals/organizations- as authorized prescribers. see also Prescription drugs—authorized prescribers
- and medical assistance in dying (MAID). see Medical assistance in dying (MAID), providers—individual
- shortage
Registered practical nurses
see also Business regulationsRegulatory colleges.
see by specific college/professionRenewable energy.
see also Energy sector; Ontario Green BondsRenewable energy contracts.
see also Electricity generation; Electricity supply; Wind turbine projectsRenewable fuels
Rent control.
see also Affordable housing; Housing prices; Rental housing; Retirement homes- exemptions
- general remarks
- housing supply, effect on
- retroactive
- vacancy decontrol
Rent increases.
see also Housing pricesRental Fairness Act, 2017 (Bill 124)
- Anderson, G349, G362, G371–G372, G378
- Baker, G376, G383, G387–G388
- Colle, G345, G357–G358, G366–G367
- Des Rosiers, G347, G351, G353–G354, G359, G366, G373, G384–G385
- Hardeman, G342, G345, G347, G350, G353, G357, G360–G361, G367–G371, G375, G380, G383, G385
- Hatfield, G342–G344, G347–G349, G351–G353, G355–G357, G359, G361–G362, G366, G369, G371, G373–G378, G380–G383, G385–G387
- Hoggarth, G368, G381
- Munro, G373, G379, G388
- Rinaldi, G355
- Thompson, G351, G355, G360
- Vernile, G343
- amendments
Rental housing.
see also Affordable housing; Co-operative housing; Housing; Landlords; Rent control; Senior citizens—housing for; Tenant evictions- advisory committee
- in condominiums
- development of
- geared-to-income units. see Affordable housing—rental units
- maintenance and repair
- radon testing and mitigation
- rent registry
- smoking in
- standard lease
- supply
- taxation
- vacancy rates
- Hatfield, G343
Reports referred to committee
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Economic Development and Growth; Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science, university intellectual property (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, electricity power system planning (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Long-Term-Care Home Quality Inspection Program (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: public accounts of the province (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development, Employment Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Children and Youth Services, child and youth mental health (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, immunization (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, large community hospital operations (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, physician billing (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportation, road infrastructure construction contract awarding and oversight (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat, information and information technology general controls (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2016 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat, review of government advertising (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Independent Electricity System Operator—market oversight and cyber security (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx—public transit construction contract awarding and oversight (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2017 Annual Report: public accounts of the province (Auditor General of Ontario)
- draft report on regulations
- Coe, T78–T89
- Crack, T9
- French, T8–T10, T14–T15, T18–T22, T78–T81, T103–T108, T114–T118, T132–T136
- MacLaren, T104, T133
- Matthews, T136
- Rinaldi, T132–T133, T135
- Vernile, T10, T16–T18, T21, T79–T80, T103–T105, T114–T118
- Walker, T7, T11–T14, T17–T18, T20–T21, T102–T104, T106–T108, T116–T118, T132, T134–T137
- Wong, T9–T10
Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 152)
Research and development.
see by specific industryRestaurant industry.
see also Hospitality industry- alcohol, cost of
- Colle, F1051
- Sattler, F1056–F1057
- gratuities. see also Minimum wage
- liquor servers
- Forster, F1194
- menu labelling
- Dong, F459
- turnover rate
- Colle, F1174
- alcohol, cost of
- environmental handling fee
- cost disclosure
- Barrett, F352
- cost disclosure
- environmental handling fee
Retirement homes.
see also Long-term-care facilities; Senior citizensRichard L. Hearn Generating Station.
see Ontario Power Generation (OPG)Ring of Fire.
see also Indigenous communities; Mining industry; Transportation infrastructureRoad asphalt.
see also Aggregate; Highways; RoadsRoad safety.
see also Community safety zones; Pedestrian safety; Red light cameras; School buses; School zones- and cannabis. see Driving, drug-impaired
- and children
- Anderson, G236
- distracted/careless driving. see Driving, distracted/careless
- general remarks
- and police presence
- Gates, G271–G272
- public education
- snow tires, tax credit for
- Oosterhoff, F1687
- speed bumps
- speed limits. see Speed limits
- speeding
- strategies
see also Highways; Road asphalt; Transportation infrastructureRowan's Law.
see Concussion prevention and managementRowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 (Bill 193)
- Coe, SP754–SP755, SP758, SP766–SP767, SP778–SP779
- Colle, SP758, SP761, SP763, SP767, SP769, SP771, SP773, SP775
- Dhillon, SP770
- Fife, SP752, SP754, SP758–SP763, SP765–SP769, SP771, SP774, SP777, SP779
- Fraser, SP752–SP753, SP764–SP765
- Hoggarth, SP761, SP774–SP775, SP779
- MacLeod, SP752, SP754, SP760, SP763–SP765, SP769, SP771, SP773, SP775–SP777
- Mangat, SP754, SP757–SP758, SP777
- amendments
Roy Wilson Real Estate Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr62)
Rural Economic Development program
- review
- Leal, E145
- review