Letter: P
Palliative care.
see also Health care; Medical assistance in dying (MAID)Pan/Parapan American Games (2015)
- executive compensation
- Fedeli, F134
- executive compensation
Paramedic services.
see also Nurses—off-load positions, in emergency rooms; Patients—transfers between hospitals- community paramedicine
- dispatch models
- Jones, F406
- fees, prohibition
- funding for
- off-loading times
- patient transport, non-hospital. see also Mental health care
- shortage
- Gates, A281
see also Firefighter paramedics; Health regulatory collegesParental leave.
see also Employment, leaves of absence- commencement of
- Colle, F1286–F1287
- for municipal councillors
- Hardeman, SP406–SP407, SP439–SP440, SP451–SP453
- Hatfield, SP406–SP407, SP440, SP452
- Rinaldi, SP451–SP452
- Vernile, SP321, SP335, SP406–SP407
- for school board trustees
- Hardeman, SP449
- Hatfield, SP323, SP448–SP449
- McMeekin, SP449
- Rinaldi, SP449
- commencement of
Parental recognition.
see also Child custody- for multiple co-parents
- for parents using assistive reproduction technologies
- reform
- for same-sex co-parents. see also LGBTQ community
Parental rights.
see also Adoption servicesPatient Ombudsman.
see also Health carePatients.
see also Alternate-level-of-care (ALC); Health care; Home and community care; Hospitals; Palliative care; Personal health information; Primary health care- care of
- in long-term care. see Long-term-care patients
- and medical assistance in dying (MAID). see Medical assistance in dying (MAID), patients
- transfers between hospitals. see also Paramedic services
- unrostering
- Yurek, P118–P119
Patients First Act, 2016 (Bill 41)
- Anderson, M85, M92, M99
- Armstrong, M80, M82–M83
- Bradley, M111
- Dhillon, M53–M54, M127
- Fraser, M43, M48, M66, M68, M70–M71, M73, M75, M90–M91, M95–M98, M100–M102, M104, M120–M121, M125, M132
- Gélinas, M40–M42, M46, M48, M50, M53–M54, M57, M59–M61, M64–M65, M67–M71, M74–M75, M77–M78, M86, M88, M90, M93, M95, M97, M104, M109–M110, M114, M116, M118, M121, M123–M124, M127, M129, M131
- Kiwala, M41, M59–M60, M63, M80, M83, M88, M102, M113, M119
- Wong, M45, M50, M56, M61–M62, M77, M109, M116–M117, M123, M130
- Yurek, M40, M43, M45–M47, M52–M53, M55–M57, M59, M62–M63, M65, M68–M69, M72–M75, M77–M78, M80, M83, M85, M88, M91–M92, M95, M98, M100–M101, M104, M108, M111, M113, M115–M116, M119, M121–M122, M125, M127, M129, M132
- amendments
- consultation process
- general remarks
Patients, sexual abuse of.
see also Health care providers—prohibition on relationships with former patients; Health regulatory collegesPatients, sexual abuse of—investigations
Pay equity.
see also Employment standards; Midwives—compensation; Minimum wage- gender wage gap
- for work of equal value
- Barrett, F1185–F1186
- Colle, F1102, F1184, F1209, F1435–F1436
- Dong, F1252
- Fife, F1209, F1229
- Forster, F712, F726, F874, F882, F1283–F1285, F1338–F1340
- Martins, F1187
- Milczyn, F710, F719, F729, F762, F868, F892, F951, F956, F997
- Potts, F1284
- Sattler, F996, F1018, F1030, F1046, F1067
- Yakabuski, F1209, F1390
Payday loan borrowers
Payday loan industry.
see also Debt collection industry- consumer protection
- Fraser, SP275
- Martow, SP227, SP252–SP253, SP275, SP277
- McDonell, SP282–SP283
- Rinaldi, SP283
- Singh, SP230, SP275, SP277, SP282–SP283
- Vernile, SP277
- general remarks
- Rinaldi, SP276
- operating costs
- Singh, SP195–SP196
- public education
- McDonell, SP215
- regulation of
- Dhillon, SP238
- Martow, SP238, SP240–SP241
- McDonell, SP228
- zoning restrictions
- Coe, SP276
- Des Rosiers, SP254–SP256
- Martow, SP276
- Singh, SP226
- consumer protection
Payday loans
Payments to health care professionals/organizations.
see also Health care providers; Independent health facilities (private); Pharmacies; Prescription drugs; specific health care providersPayments to health care professionals/organizations, disclosure of
Pedestrian safety.
see also Automated speed enforcement; Community safety and well-being plans; Community safety zones; Road safety; School zones—safety; Speed limitsPension plans.
see also Financial services industry; Government finances; Senior citizens- defined benefit vs. defined contribution
- as first creditor
- Hatfield, F933
- government, accounting standards
- Sandals, P296
- investments made by
- Pension Asset Expert Advisory Panel
- Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund
- maximum benefit
- Baker, F1475, F1483, F1495–F1496
- Vanthof, F1496
- maximum benefit
- solvency ratio
- Fedeli, F1483
- Vanthof, F1483, F1496–F1497
Personal health information.
see also eHealth Ontario; Electronic health records (EHRs); Local health integration networks (LHINs); Medical laboratory services; Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; Patients- access to, by LHIN investigators
- de-identification
- protection of
- Dhillon, M157
- Fraser, G626–G627, G672–G673, G676, G710, G715, M48, M120, M125, M134–M135, M166
- Gélinas, G626–G628, G630–G632, G641, G672–G673, G683, G704, G707, G710, G715, G718, G722, G727–G728, M54, M86, M90, M121, M124, M134, M157
- Thompson, G672–G673, G676
- Wong, G683
- Yurek, G626, G628, G641, G683, G714–G715, G719, G722, M91, M121, M134, M157, M159, M166
Personal injury lawyers.
see also Lawyers and legal services- referral fees
- Hoggarth, F343
- referral fees
Personal property securities register.
see also Debt collection industry- reform of
- Des Rosiers, JP505–JP506
- searches
- reform of
Personal support workers (PSWs).
see also Employment standards; Home and community care providersPersonal support workers (PSWs), provincial agency for
Personal support workers (PSWs), registry
Persons with developmental disabilities.
see also Developmental services- access to legal services, assistance
- Fedeli, F462
- access to legal services, assistance
Petitions procedure, e-petitions
see also Payments to health care professionals/organizationsPhysiotherapists
- advanced practice
- Gélinas, P141
- advanced practice
Police officers.
see also Ontario Special Investigations Unit (OSIU); Police services oversight- complaints against
- process for
- Natyshak, JP745
- Sandals, JP745
- Wong, JP691
- Yakabuski, JP745–JP746
- sexual assault allegations
- French, JP644
- Scott, JP730–JP731
- Wong, JP730
- Yakabuski, JP729
- process for
- with disabilities, employment rights
- Natyshak, JP719–JP720
- Yakabuski, JP719
- disciplinary process
- female representation
- Scott, JP719
- inappropriate use of force, victims of
- Natyshak, JP712–JP713
- Scott, JP712
- Wong, JP713
- occupational health and safety
- Romano, JP639
- responding to mental health crises
- Scott, JP659
- Yakabuski, JP696–JP697, JP715
- whistleblower protection
- French, JP668–JP669
- Scott, JP668
- complaints against
Police officers, special constables
Police service boards
- composition of
- Scott, JP666
- Municipality of North Grenville
- Natyshak, JP700
- Sandals, JP700–JP701
- Yakabuski, JP701
- Region of Peel
- Town of Caledon, representation for
- French, JP656
- Mangat, JP665
- Sandals, JP656–JP657
- Scott, JP743
- Wong, JP657
- Town of Caledon, representation for
- role of
- in rural Ontario
- Sandals, JP748
- Yakabuski, JP747–JP748
- composition of
Police services.
see also Ontario Provincial Police (OPP); Public sector, race-based data collection; Security services, private- anti-racism training
- Scott, JP724
- collective bargaining
- French, JP648
- conducted energy weapons, training
- Natyshak, JP714–JP715
- human-rights-based data, collection of
- outsourcing to private organizations
- French, JP636–JP637, JP661, JP671
- Natyshak, JP686, JP694, JP707–JP708, JP710, JP717, JP734, JP740–JP741
- Sandals, JP637, JP688–JP689, JP708–JP710
- Scott, JP739–JP740, JP744
- Wong, JP671, JP734–JP735, JP739
- Yakabuski, JP689, JP708, JP710, JP739
- anti-racism training
Police services oversight
- civilian representation
- French, JP675–JP676
- Potts, JP678
- Scott, JP675
- general remarks
- by Inspector General of Policing
- Natyshak, JP742
- Potts, JP754
- Sandals, JP741–JP742
- Wong, JP659, JP669
- Yakabuski, JP740, JP753–JP754
- Ombudsman of Ontario, role of
- Wong, JP676
- civilian representation
Political advertising.
see also Government advertisingPolitical fundraising events
Political fundraising reform.
see also Election campaign contributions; Election financing- constituency association allowance
- Baker, G43
- consultation with Chief Electoral Officer
- donation limits
- Hillier, G42
- fundraising by cabinet ministers
- fundraising by members
- general remarks
- impact on resource needs of Elections Ontario
- nomination process
- oversight by the Integrity Commissioner
- per-vote allowance
- constituency association allowance
Political parties
Post-secondary education.
see Education, post-secondaryPost-secondary students.
see Students, post-secondaryPoverty.
see also Child poverty; Cost of living; Income inequalityPoverty reduction.
see also Homelessness, prevention and eliminationPregnancy loss and infant death.
see also Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)Prescription drugs.
see also Nurse practitioners; OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program; Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODBP); Payments to health care professionals/organizations; Rare diseases—coverage for high-cost drugsPrimary health care.
see also Doctors; Family health groups/organizations/teams; Health care; PatientsPrincipals and vice-principals
Professional regulation.
see by specific college/professionPromoting Affordable Housing Act, 2016 (Bill 7)
- Anderson, SP142, SP160–SP161, SP168–SP169
- Coe, G140–G141, SP127, SP138–G139, SP147–SP148, SP151, SP154–SP155, SP159, SP165–SP166
- Dhillon, SP152
- Dong, SP123–SP124, SP136, SP147, SP154, SP156, SP165
- Hardeman, SP122–SP123, SP125–SP126, SP130, SP132–SP133, SP136, SP145, SP150–SP151, SP156, SP159, SP161, SP166–SP168
- Hatfield, SP123, SP126, SP131, SP133, SP135–SP136, SP141–SP142, SP144, SP151, SP153–SP154, SP157, SP160, SP167–SP168
- Mangat, SP129–SP130, SP133–SP134, SP144–SP145
- McMeekin, SP138
- Rinaldi, SP160
- amendments
- Dong, SP171–SP175, SP177–SP185, SP187–SP188
- Hardeman, SP174–SP183, SP185–SP187
- Hatfield, SP171–SP175, SP177–SP180, SP182–SP185
- Martow, SP171–SP173, SP175–SP176, SP180–SP181, SP183, SP186–SP187
- McMeekin, SP179
- consultation process
- Dong, SP116, SP118
- Fraser, SP109
- Hardeman, SP96–SP98, SP114–SP115, SP120
- Hatfield, SP96–SP97, SP102–SP103, SP106–SP109, SP119
- McMeekin, SP117
see also Gas; Gasoline prices- as vehicle fuel
- Vanthof, F477–F478
- as vehicle fuel
Property tax assessments.
see Municipal property tax assessmentsProsper Legal Management Inc. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr57)
Protecting a Woman's Right to Access Abortion Services Act, 2017 (Bill 163)
Protecting Interns and Creating a Learning Economy Act, 2016 (Bill 64)
Protecting Patients Act, 2017 (Bill 87)
- Bailey, M194–M195, M205–M207, M216, M227, M229, M232, M236
- Bradley, M262
- Fraser, M203, M206, M209, M213, M217–M220, M223, M226–M227, M232–M234, M249, M251, M261–M262, M273–M274, M278–M280, M282
- Gélinas, M195, M197, M200–M204, M207, M209, M211, M214, M216–M218, M221–M225, M227, M229, M231, M234, M236, M245–M249, M252, M254, M256, M259–M261, M264–M266, M269, M271, M273, M275–M279, M282–M285
- Kiwala, M195–M196, M199, M204–M205, M211, M244, M259, M272, M275
- Malhi, M197–M198, M249, M285
- Scott, M219–M220, M222, M225, M227, M232, M234, M236
- Vanthof, M240, M242
- Wong, M225–M226, M230, M237, M241–M242, M247, M255–M257, M265–M269
- Yakabuski, M198, M200, M202, M208–M209, M211–M214
- Yurek, M240, M242–M246, M249, M251–M254, M257, M259, M261, M264, M267, M269, M271, M274–M275, M277, M280, M282, M284
- amendments
- consultation process
Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47)
Protecting Students Act, 2016 (Bill 37)
see also Health care providers; Mental health carePublic assets, sale of
Public education campaigns
Public health inspectors
- qualifications
- Yurek, E545
- qualifications
Public health services.
see also Health carePublic health units.
see also Immunization; Public sector, race-based data collectionPublic sector accounting practices.
see Crown corporations—accounting standardsPublic sector compensation.
see also Government financesPublic sector employment
Public sector, race-based data collection.
see also Anti-racism strategy; Police services; Public health units; Racism- disclosure
- general remarks
- in health sector
- re hate crimes
- retention period
Public-private partnerships.
see also Construction liens; Government tenders; Health carePutting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017 (Bill 59)
- Baker, SP209–SP210, SP217–SP218, SP229–SP230, SP235–SP236, SP242–SP243, SP254, SP260–SP261, SP263
- Des Rosiers, SP253–SP256
- Dhillon, SP196, SP215–SP216, SP220, SP224–SP225, SP238, SP244, SP251–SP252
- Mangat, SP205, SP220, SP227, SP233, SP244, SP247
- Martow, SP201–SP202, SP204, SP207–SP208, SP214–SP215, SP221, SP223–SP224, SP227, SP232, SP236–SP241, SP250–SP251, SP254–SP259
- McDonell, SP194–SP195, SP199, SP202–SP203, SP210–SP211, SP215, SP218–SP221, SP223, SP228, SP230, SP244–SP245, SP248
- McMeekin, SP196, SP207
- Singh, SP194–SP195, SP202, SP204, SP206–SP207, SP211–SP212, SP215, SP217, SP221–SP222, SP224, SP226–SP227, SP230–SP233, SP239, SP245, SP247, SP251, SP253, SP257, SP259–SP260, SP262–SP263, SP267
- Vernile, SP200–SP201, SP205, SP207, SP252, SP256, SP265–SP266
- Walker, SP263–SP264, SP266–SP267
- amendments
- Coe, SP269, SP271–SP272, SP278, SP281
- Fraser, SP271–SP273, SP275
- Mangat, SP276, SP279–SP280, SP282–SP283
- Martow, SP270–SP278
- McDonell, SP280–SP284
- Rinaldi, SP271–SP272, SP274, SP278–SP280, SP283–SP284
- Singh, SP273–SP279, SP282–SP284
- Vernile, SP269–SP270, SP273–SP275, SP280–SP281, SP283–SP284