Letter: C
Cabinet ministers
- mandate letters, legal proceedings
- cost of
- Wong-Tam, JP28
- cost of
- mandate letters, release of
- number
- Fife, F2014–F2015
- Kernaghan, F1929
- Mulroney, F2014
- number of
- Fife, F1934–F1935
- Harris, F1935
- parliamentary assistants
- number of
- Bowman, F63
- number of
- mandate letters, legal proceedings
Cabinet Office
- programs, definitions of
- Smith, Dave, IN296
- Royal Canadian Air Cadets
- programs, definitions of
Cambie Surgeries Corporation v. British Columbia (Attorney General),
2022 BCCA 245
- judicial reasoning
- health care services, wait times
- Saunderson, SP180
- health care services, wait times
- judicial reasoning
Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
Canadian Charters of Rights and Freedoms
- rights under
- s.7: life, liberty and security of the person
- health care services, wait times. see Cambie Surgeries Corporation v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2022 BCCA 245
- trial within a reasonable time. see also Court administration–case backlog, resolution of
- s.7: life, liberty and security of the person
- rights under
Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- return or repayment
- social assistance recipients
- Kernaghan, F38
- social assistance recipients
- return or repayment
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
- education and awareness
- Bowman, F496
- education and awareness
Cancer - breast cancer
Cancer - lung cancer
- screening
- Byers, F498
- screening
Cannabis retail
Cap-and-trade cancellation
- legal challenges to
- Fife, F439
- legal challenges to
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
Carbon pricing
- government strategy (federal)
- Blais, F319
- government strategy (federal)
Carbon pricing programs - provincial
- Emissions Performance Standards program
- Clancy, HE1161
- McMahon, HE1163
- Shaw, HE1118, HE1160–HE1161
- Emissions Performance Standards program
Carbon pricing programs, provincial
Carbon sequestration.
see Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)Carbon sequestration technology
Carbon tax
- economic impact
- economic impact - food prices
- Dowie, F1081
- fuel prices, impact on
- Rae, HE1273–HE1274
- Sarkaria, HE1273–HE1274
- general remarks
- Crawford, F317
Carbon tax (federal)
Carbon tax - impact by industry
- agri-food
- Leardi, F1234
- agri-food
- compensation
- Gates, SP715
- compensation
Casinos and gaming sector
- general remarks
- Bethlenfalvy, F722–F723
- money laundering, prevention strategies
- reports and recommendations
- Bethlenfalvy, F724
- reports and recommendations
- operating contracts, selection of
- evaluation process
- Fife, F724
- evaluation process
- provincial revenue guarantee
- renegotiation of
- Fife, F722–F723
- renegotiation of
- reports
- Value-for-Money Audit: Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation: Casinos, Lotteries and Internet Gaming (Auditor General, 2022)
- Fife, F724
- Value-for-Money Audit: Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation: Casinos, Lotteries and Internet Gaming (Auditor General, 2022)
- slot machines
- regulations
- Wong-Tam, JP29–JP30
- regulations
- general remarks
Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector
Celiac disease
Cervid populations
- chronic wasting disease
- Smith, Dave, P115
- chronic wasting disease
Chair's statements
- committee procedure
- discussion in closed session, P13–P14
- committee process
- legislative precinct
- rehabilitation and restoration, PH39–PH40
- legislative precinct - rehabilitation and restoration
- consultation with Indigenous communities, PH52, PH202–PH203
- role of committee, PH55
- stakeholder consultation, PH58
- members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawal requested, SP179
- regulations, creation of, SP365
- speaking to the topic
- clause-by-clause, SP316
- witness appearances
- representatives per organization, F672
- committee procedure
Chair's statements on legislative procedure
- amendments out of order, SP148
- amending a statute or parent act not before committee, F712–F714, F717, HE519–HE520, SP355
- amending a statute or section of the parent act not before committee, F691, F693–F694, F698, F703–F704
- amending indirectly what cannot be amended directly
- Ghamari, SP342
- amendment beyond scope of bill, SP351, SP354–SP355
- amendment is governed by a negated amendment, F694, JP495, JP498
- amendment is inconsistent with previous decisions on section, SP354, SP361
- amendment not relevant to subject matter, F699
- dependent on previous amendment that did not carry, SP521, SP528
- filing deadline, SP1204
- previous committee decisions, SP139, SP141, SP155
- closed sessions, confidentiality of, P33
- division of time
- estimates
- question and answer format, F748
- inflammatory language, SP196
- matters out of order, F63
- order and decorum, SP297
- parliamentary language
- honorifics/title, JP34
- points of order
- use of, HE328–HE329
- questions and comments
- rotation, F582
- speaking rotations, F628
- speaking through the chair, F583
- speaking through the Chair, F678, SP264, SP293, SP299, SP358
- speaking to the topic, F583, F609, SP95
- amendments out of order, SP148
Charities and non-profit organizations
Charities and non-profits
Child and youth services
- wait-lists
- Brady, F528
- wait-lists
Child care
Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- negotiation
- Kernaghan, F1356–F1357
- negotiation
Child care - funding
- home child care
- Kernaghan, F291
- home child care
Child care funding
Child care - providers
- Collard, F1546–F1547
- Pasma, F1546
Child care - spaces
Child care - staff
Child protection system
- entrance into
- entrance into, preventative measures
- kin placements
- financial assistance
- Clancy, SP1204
- financial assistance
- police record checks and declarations
- Grewal, SP1171
- Pang, SP1143
- Parsa, SP1191–SP1192
- Pierre, SP1172
- policy development
- evidence-based research
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP1151
- evidence-based research
- racism in
- MacLeod, SP1159
- reform
- Clancy, SP1159, SP1186
- Parsa, SP1189–SP1190, SP1197–SP1198
- Smith, L., SP1197
- Taylor, SP1152
- government funding
- Clancy, SP1193–SP1194
- Taylor, SP1161–SP1162, SP1167, SP1187, SP1193
- stakeholder consultation
- Clancy, SP1153, SP1202–SP1203, SP1212
- regulatory college and agency information sharing practices. see also Specific regulatory college
- youth homelessness, prevention
- Clancy, SP1150
Child protection system - Indigenous
- reform
- Clancy, SP1205
- reform
Child protection system - staff
Child welfare
Children and youth in care
- adoption-placement settings
- regulation
- Parsa, SP1191
- regulation
- alternative placements
- unlicenced settings
- Clancy, SP1213–1214
- Gélinas, SP1214
- Smith, L., SP1213
- Taylor, SP1213
- unlicenced settings
- care environment
- impact of
- Clancy, SP1177
- impact of
- data collection and reporting
- Clancy, SP1189, SP1207–SP1208
- Gélinas, SP1177, SP1185, SP1208–1209
- Pierre, SP1207
- Smith, L., SP1208
- Taylor, SP1192, SP1207–SP1208
- destigmatization
- Gélinas, SP1185
- experience in, permitted to disclose
- government funding
- reflection in estimates
- Parsa, SP599
- reflection in estimates
- government supports
- Anand, F1189
- housing
- mental health care
- Ombudsman of Ontario, role of
- personal files
- accuracy of
- Pierre, SP1168
- accuracy of
- protection of privacy
- rights, Ombudsman of Ontario
- supports and services
- third-party placement providers
- Fife, F1063
- transfer payment agencies
- transition out of care. see Also Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
- Jordan, SP609
- adoption-placement settings
Children and youth in care - former
- personal files
- access and amendments to
- Clancy, SP1216–SP1217
- Gélinas, SP1169, SP1184, SP1216–SP1217
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP1176
- Quinn, SP1171, SP1178
- Smith, L., SP1187, SP1216
- Taylor, SP1166, SP1187, SP1192–SP1193, SP1216
- Wai, SP1186
- access and amendments to
- protection of privacy
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP1151
- Parsa, SP1192, SP1195
- Pierre, SP1168, SP1171
- Smith, L., SP1157
- personal information, ministry access
- Clancy, SP1214–SP1215
- Gélinas, SP1215
- Pierre, SP1215
- statements by stakeholders
- Parsa, SP1192
- Youth Criminal Justice Act (S.C. 2002, c. 1), adaption of
- Gélinas, SP1169, SP1195–SP1196
- personal files
Children and youth in care - foster and group homes
- accountability and oversight
- disciplinary measures
- education and awareness
- Quinn, SP1178
- education and awareness
- funding models, impact of
- government funding
- Taylor, SP1144
- inspections
- Smith, L., SP1140
- requirements
- Clancy, SP1211–SP1212
- Gélinas, SP1211
- Pierre, SP1211
- Taylor, SP1211
- placements, availability of
- Clancy, SP1196–SP1197
- social worker visits
Children and youth in care - Indigenous
Children and youth in care - models of care
Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
Children and youth in care - transition out of care
- supports
- government funding
- Anand, F1061
- government funding
- supports
Children's aid societies (CASs)
Children's aid societies (CASs) - by site
- Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
- Rights Unrecognized: Mia’s Story (2024)
- Taylor, SP1196
- Rights Unrecognized: Mia’s Story (2024)
- Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
Children's treatment centres
- funding allocation
- northern Ontario
- Gélinas, SP619
- northern Ontario
- programs and services
- programs and services, access to. see Also Autism services — non-autism specific, access to
- children with autism
- Gélinas, SP619–SP620
- children with autism
- funding allocation
Chronic pain
- management of. see also Opioids—harm reduction
- national chronic pain strategy
- Anand, F57
- nerve blockers
- access to
- Fife, F55
- access to
City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 11, S A
- land use planning, ministerial authority
- prevailing regulations. see also Rental housing–demolition or conversion
- land use planning, ministerial authority
Class sizes
- average
- vs. other jurisdictions
- Smith, David, F686–F687
- vs. other jurisdictions
- average
Climate change
- extreme weather events due to
- derecho (Ottawa 2022). see Weather events–derecho
- government strategy
- homeowner protections
- Shaw, P103
- impact of
- digital resource tool
- Tabuns, IN51–IN52
- digital resource tool
- impact on northern Ontario
- provincial impact assessment
- extreme weather events due to
Climate change impact
Climate change mitigation
Coal-fired gas plants
Collective bargaining
- as a right
- Kernaghan, F143–F144
- as a right
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
- cross-jurisdictional registrations
- Martin, SP184
- cross-jurisdictional registrations
Colleges and universities
- alternative funding sources
- Crawford, F1657
- capital projects
- medial schools
- Thanigasalam, HE387–HE388
- medical schools
- Dunlop, SP50
- medial schools
- college programs
- education and awareness
- Saunderson, F663
- education and awareness
- French-language
- funding models
- Martin, SP52
- government funding
- Lakehead University
- Bowman, F1653
- micro-credential programs
- operational funding
- Dunlop, SP53–SP54
- part-time students
- private. see Private universities
- public vs. private
- revenue streams
- tuition
- Dunlop, SP64
- tuition
- tuition freeze
- Dunlop, SP63
- tuition gees
- government strategy
- Dunlop, SP52
- government strategy
- alternative funding sources
Colleges and Universities.
see also Post-secondary educationColleges and universities - facilities
Colleges and universities - faculty
- employment models
- temporary vs. permanent
- Pasma, SP71
- temporary vs. permanent
- employment models
Commercial property
- vacancy rates
- Kernaghan, F1626
- vacancy rates
Commercial vehicles
- parking and storage
- regulation and enforcement
- Armstrong, HE1256
- Bresee, HE1258
- Kanapathi, HE1258
- McMahon, HE1256–HE1257
- regulation and enforcement
- parking and storage
Committee procedure
- amendments
- filing deadline
- Bouma, SP1204
- timelines
- Brady, SP797
- Gates, SP796–SP797
- Gélinas, SP796–SP797
- Martin, SP795–SP796, SP797
- Shamji, SP796–SP798
- filing deadline
- closed sessions
- confidentiality of
- McCarthy, P33
- confidentiality of
- division of time
- members not present
- Gates, SP379, SP420–SP421
- Gretzky, SP379, SP401, SP441
- Martin, SP379, SP420–SP421
- Rae, SP379
- members not present
- points of order
- dilatory use
- Harden, HE328
- dilatory use
- reports by research officers
- speaking to the topic
- amendments
Committee process
- broadcast of proceedings
- closed session
- used for organizing of business
- Gretzky, F613
- used for organizing of business
- closed sessions
- use for organization of business
- use of, transparency
- Burch, HE307
- Fife, F25, F577
- Gates, SP161–SP162
- Gretzky, SP162
- Kernaghan, F25
- McMahon, HE307
- Shamji, SP162–SP163
- Vanthof, JP158
- media asset management system
- implementation timeline
- Harris, PH8
- implementation timeline
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- members' and staff attendance
- Harris, PH76–PH77
- members' and staff attendance
- non-amendable motions
- Fife, F1943
- public engagement
- schedules and agendas
- selection of estimates (2022-2023)
- Gates, SP47
- witnesses
Community health centres (CHCs)
Community Health Centres (CHCs).
see Also Health care - primary care — service coordination, team basedCommunity Health Centres (CHCs) - staff
Community housing
Community land trusts
- general remarks
- Bowman, F1493–F1494
- government funding
- Pasma, F1489
- general remarks
Community Outreach and Support Teams (COAST)
- programs and services. see Police services–crisis response partnerships
Community safety
Community service organizations
- Woodgreen Community Services
- fundraising
- Wong-Tam, F1045
- fundraising
- Woodgreen Community Services
Community services
- government strategy
- Harris, HE1807
- government strategy
Conservation authorities
- general remarks
- Skelly, P99
- mandate
- mandate and oversight
- Shaw, IN562–IN564, IN569, IN575
- Smith, G., IN562–IN563, IN569–IN570
- municipalities, partnerships with
- Burch, HE1001
- reforestation programs
- McMahon, HE86–HE87
- role in development process
- authority and jurisdiction
- Bell, HE85–HE86, HE88, HE93, HE233, HE264–HE265, HE267–HE269
- Burch, HE123–HE124, HE264
- Fife, F1811–F1812
- Grewal, HE237–HE238
- Holland, HE90, HE97
- Pang, HE234
- Smith, L., HE264
- Thanigasalam, HE88
- authority and jurisdiction
- water source protection program
- Dowie, F500
- general remarks
Conservation officers
Construction Act. R.S.O. 1990, Chapter C.30.
- reform
- Dowie, F858
- reform
Construction industry
- building materials
- general remarks
- Dowie, F597
- occupational health and safety
- personal protective equipment (PPE)
- women
- sexual harassment and violence against
- Fife, F775–F776, HE161, HE233–HE234, HE264–HE265, HE269
- McNaughton, F776
- sexual harassment and violence against
- work sites
Consumer protection
- accessibility and accommodations
- Rakocevic, JP471–JP472
- Riddell, JP472
- paper-based correspondence
- Hogarth, JP472, JP474
- McMahon, JP472
- Rakocevic, JP472–JP474
- Riddell, JP473–JP474
- Wong-Tam, JP473–JP474
- administrative and regulatory authorities
- advocacy organizations
- government funding
- Rakocevic, JP453
- government funding
- advocate, creation of
- Hogarth, JP491
- Rakocevic, JP420, JP427–JP428, JP439–JP440, JP444, JP447, JP453–JP454, JP464, JP490–JP491
- advocate for
- in other jurisdictions
- Blais, JP451
- in other jurisdictions
- class action lawsuits
- Hogarth, JP489–JP490
- Rakocevic, JP475
- consumer choice
- Rakocevic, JP444
- contracts
- Byers, JP476
- McCarthy, JP414–JP415
- accessibility
- amendments, renewals, and extensions
- cancellation
- Rakocevic, JP446
- cancellation, exemptions
- cooling off period
- Rakocevic, JP484
- "key information," disclosure of
- Rakocevic, JP478–JP479, JP497
- language and terminology
- monetary threshold
- no waiver of substantive or procedural rights
- online
- McMahon, JP476
- Rakocevic, JP475–JP476, JP495–JP496
- Riddell, JP496
- personal development services
- prohibited terms
- Riddell, JP453
- unfair practices
- void
- Dixon, JP480–JP481
- Rakocevic, JP480
- contracts, rescission time periods
- corporate pricing behaviours
- penalties
- Stevens, JP43
- penalties
- credit reports
- Bailey, JP445
- Coe, JP499
- McCarthy, JP415–JP416
- security freezes
- dark patterns
- data broker industry
- jurisdictional responsibility
- Blais, JP440
- jurisdictional responsibility
- education and awareness
- Hogarth, JP448, JP462–JP463
- Enbridge Inc.
- Tabuns, IN243
- financial institutions
- federal vs. provincial legislation
- Rakocevic, JP456
- federal vs. provincial legislation
- general remarks
- Rakocevic, JP439
- gift cards
- government strategy
- McCarthy, JP413–JP414
- Rasheed, JP49
- Riddell, JP49
- impact on business environment
- impact on product availability
- Blais, JP437
- international students
- Dixon, JP463
- leases
- long-term leases
- McCarthy, JP415
- natural gas prices
- Smith, Dave, IN243
- in other jurisdictions
- Rakocevic, JP437
- persons with cognitive disabilities
- Stevens, JP443–JP444
- prepaid cards
- Hogarth, JP460
- Rakocevic, JP464
- maintenance and use fees
- Blais, JP462, JP464–JP465
- Rakocevic, JP460
- price gouging
- federal-provincial jurisdiction
- McCarthy, JP419–420
- fines and penalties
- McCarthy, JP420
- fines and penalties, during Covid-19
- Blais, JP420–JP421
- industry-wide
- Rakocevic, JP419–JP420, JP444–JP445, JP447, JP457
- federal-provincial jurisdiction
- prizes and rebates
- reform
- public consultation
- Hogarth, JP372–JP373
- Rasheed, JP373
- public consultation
- regulations and enforcement
- Dixon, JP434
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP455
- McCarthy, JP415, JP419
- Rakocevic, JP454, JP461, JP463–JP464
- civil litigation
- corporations, directors and officers of
- as deterrent
- Dixon, JP435
- disgorgement
- Rakocevic, JP488
- fines
- Hogarth, JP448
- Rakocevic, JP430–JP431
- statutory damages
- Rakocevic, JP489
- voluntary compliance
- Dixon, JP492
- right to repair. see also Automotive industry–right to repair
- financial impact
- government strategy
- Anand, F346
- policy development
- Bowman, F348
- seniors citizens
- stakeholder consultation
- Dixon, JP438
- time shares
- accessibility and accommodations
Consumption and treatment services
Consumption and treatment services - funding
- allocation
- Gélinas, SP542
- applications for, Greater Sudbury
- approval timelines
- Gélinas, SP541–SP542
- approval timelines
- by region
- Sudbury
- Gélinas, SP541
- Sudbury
- allocation
Consumption and treatment services - sites
- operational funding
- Sudbury
- West, F217–218
- Sudbury
- operational funding
Convenience stores
Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- Barnes, SP728, SP730, SP750–SP751, SP774–SP775, SP788
- Brady, SP712–SP713, SP720, SP726–SP727, SP738–SP739, SP742, SP750, SP755, SP758, SP793–SP794
- Gates, SP714–SP715, SP722–SP723, SP731–SP732, SP740–SP742, SP749–SP750, SP760–SP761, SP767–SP768, SP775, SP781–SP782, SP784, SP792–SP793
- Gélinas, SP711–SP712, SP715, SP719–SP720, SP728–SP729, SP732, SP737–SP738, SP746–SP747, SP757–SP758, SP765–SP766, SP772–SP773, SP775–SP776, SP789–SP790
- Hogarth, SP740
- Jones, S., SP785–SP788, SP789–SP794
- Jordan, SP713, SP723–SP724, SP759, SP777, SP792
- Martin, SP710–SP711, SP713–SP714, SP720–SP722, SP727–SP728, SP730–SP731, SP748, SP756–SP757, SP760, SP764–SP767, SP777–SP778, SP780–SP783
- Pierre, SP721, SP736–SP737, SP788, SP791
- Quinn, SP724, SP759, SP788
- Shamji, SP713, SP715–SP716, SP723, SP727, SP729, SP747, SP750, SP768–SP769, SP773–SP774, SP776–SP777, SP779, SP782, SP790–SP791
- Wai, SP711, SP739, SP774, SP791
- amendments
- Barnes, SP799–SP801, SP806, SP811
- Brady, SP797, SP799
- Gates, SP796–SP797, SP801–SP803, SP805
- Gélinas, SP794–SP820
- Jordan, SP796, SP799, SP807, SP812
- Martin, SP795–SP798, SP803, SP805, SP807–SP808, SP810, SP813
- Pierre, SP801, SP809
- Quinn, SP804–SP805
- Shamji, SP795–SP800, SP802–SP803, SP805, SP807–SP811, SP813
- stakeholder consultation
Co-operative housing
Coroner inquests
- Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest (Renfrew)
- recommendations
- Wong-Tam, JP357–JP358
- recommendations
- Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest (Renfrew)
Coroner's inquests
- Culleton, Kuyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- jury recommendations
- Parsa, SP599
- jury recommendations
- Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- Wong-Tam, JP807–JP808
- Culleton, Kuyk & Warmerdam Inquest
Correctional centres
- capacity
- Blais, JP70
- construction by region
- eastern Ontario
- Kerzner, JP348–JP349
- northern Ontario
- Kerzner, JP348
- eastern Ontario
- capacity
Correctional facilities - inmates
- Indigenous persons
- fly-in communities
- Downey, JP278–JP279
- Mamakwa, JP278–JP279
- fly-in communities
- justice centres
- release and return to home communities
- Indigenous persons
Correctional facilities - youth justice facilities
Correctional services
Correctional services - staff
- employment models
- OPS vs BPS
- Taylor, SP617–SP618
- OPS vs BPS
- occupational health and safety
- WSIB coverage
- Taylor, SP618
- WSIB coverage
- employment models
Correctional services - youth.
see Also Youth justice- government funding
- Taylor, SP617–SP618
- government funding
Cost of living
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, F1990, F1994
- Hamid, F1990–F1991, F2017
- Kernaghan, F1994
- Mulroney, F2017–F2018
- inflation
- rate of inflation
- support programs
- Bethlenfalvy, F19
- support programs
- rate of inflation, impact on
- support programs
- government strategy
Cost of Living
Court administration
- case backlog
- prioritization, criteria of
- Wong-Tam, P28
- prioritization, criteria of
- case backlog, resolution of
- Wong-Tam, P22
- criminal trials. see also Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms–rights under
- Smith, L., P23
- Wong-Tam, P27–P28
- funding
- Crawford, P24
- performance framework
- Wong-Tam, P20–P21
- progress reporting
- Wong-Tam, P26–P27
- court documents
- online platform
- Downey, JP12
- online platform
- court rooms, operational usage
- average vs. optimal
- Wong-Tam, P20
- average vs. optimal
- data collection and tracking
- digital
- Skelly, P25
- digital
- digital services
- French-language services
- Collard, JP273
- Downey, JP273, JP275–JP276
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP275–JP276
- hearings, virtual and hybrid
- in-person proceedings
- Skelly, P31
- process efficiency
- province-wide resource sharing
- security requirements
- staffing requirements
- Downey, JP268–JP269
- Wong-Tam, JP268–JP269
- staffing shortages
- Wong-Tam, JP352–JP353
- virtual proceedings
- case backlog
Court administration - backlogs
Court administration - civil
- jury trials, removal
- Barnes, F1760, F1762–F1763
- trial by jury vs. trial by judge
- Crawford, F368
- jury trials, removal
Court administration - criminal
Court administration - reform
- digital services
- electronic filing
- Downey, JP701–JP702
Court administration - staff
Court cases/actions
Court facilities
Court houses
- construction
- Toronto
- Downey, JP267–JP268, JP274
- Saunderson, JP274
- Wong-Tam, JP268
- Toronto
- construction
- Brampton (A. Grenville and William Davis) Courthouse
- construction
- Downey, JP706–JP707
- Saunderson, JP706
Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43
- long COVID
- government strategy
- Fife, F1023
- government strategy
- long COVID
COVID-19 - economic recovery
- variation by industry
- Bethlenfalvy, F18
- variation by industry
COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- impact on senior citizens
- Dowie, F175
- impact on senior citizens
COVID-19 - government response
- general remarks
- Jones, S., SP17
- general remarks
COVID-19 - testing
COVID-19 - vaccination
- government strategy
- Jones, S., SP17–SP18
- government strategy
COVID-19 - vaccination, target populations
COVID-19 - variant strains
- government response
- Jones, S., SP18
- government response
Craft breweries
Credit unions and caisse populaires
- deposit insurance, expansion
- First Home Savings Account (federal). see Home ownership–First Home Savings Account (federal)
- deposit insurance, expansion
Crime prevention
- Kerzner, JP364
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP364
- social determinants
- Glover, JP359–JP360
Crime - victims
- Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+)
- Wong-Tam, JP947
- Victim Quick Response Program + (VQRP+)
Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
Criminal Injuries and Compensation Board
- intimate partner violence victims
- compensation
- Wong-Tam, JP947
- use of
- Dixon, JP948–JP949
- compensation
- intimate partner violence victims
Criminal offences
- offenders, services for
- Downey, JP274–JP275
- Saunderson, JP274
- offenders, services for
Critical Minerals Innovation Fund
- general remarks
- Pirie, IN250
- general remarks
Critical Minerals Strategy
- for electric vehicle production
- Crawford, F1579
- general remarks
- Dowie, F1620
- Gallagher Murphy, IN605
- Pirie, IN248–IN250, IN257, IN605–IN606
- lithium
- Anand, F1618
- processing in Ontario
- Hsu, IN149
- for electric vehicle production
Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81)
- Andrew, HE594–HE595, HE602
- Armstrong, HE601, HE606
- Burch, HE594, HE601
- Martin, HE595–HE596
- McMahon, HE595, HE602, HE607–HE608
- Pang, HE602
- Sabawy, HE604
- Skelly, HE591–HE597
- Smith, L., HE596, HE604–HE605
- Thanigasalam, HE608
- creation process
- Barnes, SP487
- employment readiness
- financial literacy
- mental health literacy
- Lecce, SP577
- ministerial review and revision
- Lecce, SP380
- Martin, SP401–SP402
- criteria, accessibility and inclusion
- Pasma, SP489–SP490
- stakeholder consultation
- Martin, SP486
- Pasma, SP486–SP487
- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
- Lecce, SP80
- wars and conflicts
- Flack, IN316–IN317
- Smith, Dave, PH99
- Smith, David, PH107
- student trauma
- creation process
Curriculum - educational materials
Curriculum - elementary
- skilled trades
- Lecce, SP591
- skilled trades
Curriculum - French-language
Curriculum - Indigenous content
Curriculum - racism and anti-racism
- general remarks
- McMahon, HE1323
- general remarks
Curriculum - reform
Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- stakeholder consultation
- Harris, F1933
- stakeholder consultation
- government strategy
- in the public sector
- Dixon, JP371–JP372
- Rasheed, JP372