Letter: S
Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- Begum, SP167, SP173, SP180, SP191–SP192, SP205
- Fee, SP164, SP166–SP167, SP172, SP176, SP178, SP184, SP190–SP191, SP195, SP202
- Harden, SP167–SP168, SP181–SP182, SP185–SP186, SP194, SP201
- Martin, SP182–SP183
- Oosterhoff, SP163–SP166, SP169, SP171, SP177, SP184–SP185, SP188–SP189, SP194–SP197, SP201–SP204
- Stiles, SP162–SP163, SP167, SP172, SP179, SP181, SP187–SP188, SP193, SP197–SP198, SP201, SP204–SP205
- Triantafilopoulos, SP169
- amendments
- Begum, SP219, SP222–SP223, SP228
- Harden, SP207–SP210, SP214–SP218, SP220–SP221, SP223–SP226
- Oosterhoff, SP208–SP211, SP215–SP216, SP219, SP221, SP228
- Stiles, SP207–SP209, SP211–SP219, SP221–SP222, SP226–SP228
Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)
see also School buses - safety- Babikian, JP704, JP706
- Bouma, JP704–JP706, JP711–JP712, JP724
- Harris, JP699–JP707, JP709, JP712, JP718–JP719, JP725–JP726
- Hogarth, JP702–JP703, JP710, JP719
- Miller, N., JP722
- Morrison, JP701–JP702, JP704–JP705, JP710–JP711, JP713, JP723–JP725
- Park, JP703, JP706, JP721
- Yarde, JP703, JP705–JP706, JP712–JP713, JP717–JP720, JP723–JP725
- amendments
- Harris, JP727–JP729
- stakeholder consultation
- Harris, JP700–JP702
- stakeholder response
School board trustees
- training
- racism and discrimination
- Lecce, E377
- racism and discrimination
- training
School boards
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) in classrooms. see under Autism services - children—Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy
- cybersecurity
- data collection
- demographic information
- Lecce, E356
- demographic information
- deficit allowance
- during COVID-19
- Lecce, E361
- during COVID-19
- enrolment rates
- expropriation of land applications
- ministerial approval over
- Burch, JP173
- ministerial approval over
- guidance counsellors
- Stiles, F693
- information sharing
- child welfare agencies
- Andrew, E1120–E1121
- child welfare agencies
- professional services
- representation and diversity
- reserve fund allocations
- service animal policies
- speech therapy services. see Speech-language pathology services
- staff mental health
- Oosterhoff, E393
- staffing decisions
- Lecce, E78
- student well-being
- legislated responsibility for
- Fife, F525
- legislated responsibility for
- support programs
- Indigenous students
- Skelly, F1110
- Indigenous students
- transportation funding
School buses
- driver shortages
- Glover, G419
- driver shortages
School buses - safety
- all-red warning system
- general remarks
- Morrison, JP710–JP711, JP723
- Yarde, JP718
- illegal passing
- fines
- Bouma, JP723–JP724
- Yarde, JP723–JP724
- general remarks
- Bouma, JP724
- Morrison, JP724–JP725
- Park, JP721
- incident rates
- Harris, JP700–JP701
- Hogarth, JP719
- Miller, N., JP722
- Yarde, JP723
- infractions
- Morrison, JP713
- fines
- legislative framework
- legislative strategy
- Morrison, JP701–JP702
- Yarde, JP703
- lifespan
- public education
- "school bus," definition of
- Harris, JP727
- seatbelt systems
- Harris, JP703
- stop-arm cameras
School buses - safety, amber-red warning system.
see also Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)- bus signage
- Harris, JP727–JP728
- Park, JP721
- Yarde, JP719–JP720, JP723–JP724
- driver response to
- Yarde, JP712
- general remarks
- Bouma, JP711
- Harris, JP699–JP703, JP718, JP725
- impact on enforcement
- Harris, JP712
- implementation timeline
- Harris, JP705–JP706, JP729
- Yarde, JP705, JP720
- manufacturing
- Harris, JP703
- in other jurisdictions
- public education
- Harris, JP706–JP707
- Morrison, JP713
- Park, JP706
- retrofitting
- trigger mechanism
- bus signage
School facilities
- capacity
- capital repair backlog
- child care services located in. see under Child care
- closure policy
- collaboration with public health units. see Public health units—school collaboration
- community use
- Martow, F221
- condition index
- Internet access
- new
- new, geographic allocation
- renovation and additions
- Lecce, E348
- repurposing
- for child care
- Anand, F945
- for child care
- vacant
- violence in. see also Students - elementary/secondary—learning conditions; Teachers—working conditions
- water quality
- Stiles, E133
School facilities - capital projects funding
Schools - demonstration schools
Science North
Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208)
Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- Bailey, G618–G619, G672–G673, G688
- Barrett, G593–G594, G596, G600–G601, G610–G611, G633, G635, G645–G646, G652–G653, G662–G663, G673, G680, G688, G695
- Glover, G594, G603–G604, G612–G613, G619–G620, G627–G628, G636–G637, G644–G645, G654–G655, G660, G667–G669, G680–G681, G689, G695–G696
- Harris, G593–G594, G603, G626, G652, G684–G685
- Kramp, G607–G608, G643, G659, G677, G695
- Pettapiece, G595–G596, G608–G609, G611–G612, G620–G621, G632–G633, G642–G643, G654, G670–G671, G685, G697
- Schreiner, G592–G593, G595, G599–G600, G610, G617–G618, G625–G626, G634–G635, G641–G642, G651, G661–G662, G669, G676–G677, G686–G687, G694
- Smith, D., G593, G601–G602, G618, G626–G627, G645, G670, G679–G680, G685, G687
- Vanthof, G591–G592, G595, G602–G603, G609, G616–G617, G628–G629, G633–G634, G640–G641, G653–G654, G660–G661, G663–G664, G671–G672, G678–G679, G685–G686, G693
- amendments
- constitutional challenges to
- general remarks
- government response to
- Glover, G612
- public response to
- in the United States
- consultation process
- general remarks
- purpose and explanatory notes
- schedules
- stakeholder response
Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- committee business, EM19
- COVID-19 modelling, EM67–EM85
- emergency orders review, EM1–EM17, EM19–EM34, EM35–EM49, EM51–EM66, EM87–EM101, EM103–EM119, EM121–EM136, EM153–EM170, EM171–EM185, EM201–EM214, EM215–EM228, EM229–EM242
- hearings, broadcast of
- Bisson, EM103–EM105
- Fraser, EM103
- Martin, EM104
- Park, EM105
- Rakocevic, EM103
Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- committee business, FT1–FT2, FT3–FT11, FT135–FT140, FT141–FT146, FT181–FT182, FT267–FT268, FT295, FT319–FT321
- committee witnesses
- Campbell, Gordon and Al Rosen, Michael Horgan, FT77–FT111
- Clark, William Edmund, FT209–FT242
- Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), FT147–FT182
- Office of the Auditor General of Ontario, FT13–FT49
- Ontario Financing Authority (OFA), FT243–FT267
- Ontario Power Generation, FT183–FT208
- Orsini, Steve and Scott Thompson, Serge Imbrogno, Karen Hughes, FT51–FT75
- Teliszewsky, Andrew, FT209–FT242
- Wynne, Kathleen O., FT295–FT319
- role and scope
Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2010-2011)
Senior citizens
- elder abuse
- Harden, M195–M196
- housing
- campus-of-care models
- Fife, F1168–F1169
- Piccini, F1168
- campus-of-care models
- renovation tax credit. see Home renovation–Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit
- tax credits
- elder abuse
Service animals
Service animals - in schools
- policies governing
- Begum, SP191–SP192
- Fee, SP164, SP166, SP182, SP184, SP190–SP191, SP195, SP202
- Harris, SP210
- Martin, SP185
- Oosterhoff, SP163, SP194, SP201–SP202, SP208, SP210
- policies governing
Service clubs
- and COVID-19
- impact on community services
- Miller, P., E480
- impact on community services
- and COVID-19
Sewage and wastewater management
Sewer and water main infrastructure
Sex workers
- criminalization of
- Singh, G., JP803–JP804
- and police
- Collard, JP795
- supports for
- Singh, G., JP803–JP804
- criminalization of
Sexual assault crisis centres
Sexual violence and harassment.
see also Gender-based violenceShaw Festival
- COVID-relief funding
- Gates, F1581
- COVID-relief funding
Shuang Ying Company Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr46)
SickKids Hospital
- revenue generation
- Anand, F979
- revenue generation
Sidewalk Toronto.
see Toronto waterfront redevelopment - Sidewalk TorontoSioux Lookout
Six Nations of the Grand River
- history
- Barrett, E1248
- land claims. see Indigenous relations - land claims
- history
Skilled trades
- college training programs
- student demographics
- international students
- Smith, D., F1059
- international students
- student demographics
- compulsory trades
- role of Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB). see under Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)–jurisdiction
- de-prescription of
- employment
- Indigenous communities
- Mamakwa, F3385–F3386
- Piccini, F3384–F3385
- Thanigasalam, F3386
- services
- Gates, F3326
- Indigenous communities
- employment stability
- Shaw, F3133
- foreign accreditation program
- Cho, S., F2278–F2279
- government strategy
- health and safety
- innovation and technology
- Arthur, F3232–F3233
- labour shortage
- Piccini, G1008
- legislative terminology
- Gates, F3310
- materials, shortage of
- Gates, F3380
- perception of
- promotion of
- racism in
- secondary education
- self-regulation
- Hunter, F3329
- sexism in
- Hunter, F3351
- shortage
- system navigation
- and technology
- Gates, F3339
- trade unions. see also Unions—health and safety training
- Natyshak, A381
- training
- apprenticeships. see Apprenticeships
- direct employment, challenges
- Downey, F579
- micro-credentials. see under Education - post-secondary
- reform
- training and education
- underground economy
- Gates, F3379–F3380
- college training programs
Skilled trades - certification
- compulsory vs. voluntary
- whole trades vs. skill sets
- Fife, F3306, F3328, F3358, F3367, F3393
- Gates, F3307, F3316, F3325–F3326, F3345, F3358, F3372, F3377, F3387–F3388, F3391–F3393, F3395
- Hunter, F3359
- McKenna, F3320
- McNaughton, F3306–F3307
- Tangri, F3327
Skilled trades - education
Skilled trades - enforcement
- inspectors
- by Labour Relations Board
- by ministry
- penalties
- Gates, F3345
- regulatory development
Skilled trades - occupational health and safety
Skilled Trades Ontario
- board membership
- Cho, S., F3404
- Fife, F3402–F3403
- Gates, F3311, F3325, F3333–F3334, F3345–F3346, F3403
- Harris, F3403
- Hunter, F3309, F3392–F3393, F3402–F3403
- Mamakwa, F3403–F3404
- McKenna, F3402
- McNaughton, F3309, F3311
- creation of
- Kanapathi, F3308–F3309
- industry advisory committees
- Fife, F3317, F3404–F3405
- Gates, F3405–F3406
- Hunter, F3360, F3368, F3405
- McKenna, F3404–F3405
- services, centralized
- McNaughton, F3305–F3306, F3309
- services, digital
- McNaughton, F3306, F3310
- Piccini, F3346–F3347
- Roberts, F3310, F3314–F3315, F3368–F3369
- Thanigasalam, F3342
- transition from Ontario College of Trades
- McKenna, F3370
- board membership
Skilled trades - promotion of
Skilled trades reform
Skilled tradespeople
- average age
- Smith, D., F1274
- compensation
- and COVID-19
- infection control
- Shaw, F3081
- infection control
- credential verification
- Fife, F39
- demographic representation
- Hunter, F2077
- Indigenous
- international credentials
- licence and certifications
- renewal process
- Skelly, F2115
- renewal process
- and safety
- shortage. see also Skilled trades—promotion of
- women
- McKenna, F3359
- average age
Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
- diversity
- Fife, F3393, F3399–F3401
- Gates, F3338, F3379, F3391, F3399–F3401
- Hunter, F3307–F3308, F3323–F3324, F3328, F3336, F3378–F3379, F3389, F3392, F3400–F3401
- Kanapathi, F3337
- McKenna, F3400
- McNaughton, F3309
- Thanigasalam, F3342
- general remarks
- youth
- Hunter, F3317, F3356, F3369–F3370
- diversity
Skills gap
Slots at racetracks program (SARP)
- cancellation of
- Skelly, F508
- cancellation of
Small Business Support Grant
- accountability and transparency
- applicant support
- Bisson, G1368
- application assistance
- application processing
- Schreiner, G1351
- disbursement timeline
- Andrew, E1117
- eligibility
- Glover, G1260–G1261, G1319
- Sarkaria, G1261–G1262
- eligibility appeals
- Arthur, F3213
- eligibility criteria
- Arthur, F3213
- Bethlenfalvy, F3213–F3214, F3218
- Fife, F3243, F3266, F3276
- Hunter, F3217–F3218, F3233, F3244, F3264, F3285–F3286, F3294
- general remarks
- ministry contact
- Lindo, G1346–G1347
- program uptake
- Bethlenfalvy, F3213
- qualification period
- recipient use of
- reform
- second round grants
- third payment
Smart cities
- policy framework
- Sidewalk Labs project. see under Toronto waterfront redevelopment - Sidewalk Toronto
Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- Bouma, JP365–JP366, JP386, JP405–JP406, JP414, JP432, JP452, JP459, JP476–JP477, JP486, JP493
- Coe, JP485–JP486, JP502–JP503
- Collard, JP365, JP378, JP395–JP396, JP404, JP413–JP414, JP423, JP431–JP432, JP439–JP441, JP449, JP474, JP483, JP492, JP500, JP507–JP508
- Gill, JP367–JP368, JP389–JP390, JP396, JP430, JP442, JP457–JP458, JP465–JP466
- Mamakwa, JP449
- McDonell, JP501
- McKenna, JP484
- Morrison, JP364, JP370, JP372, JP374, JP379, JP389, JP405, JP425, JP451, JP456–JP457, JP484–JP485, JP490–JP491, JP503–JP504, JP508–JP509
- Nicholls, JP376, JP378, JP397–JP398, JP412, JP424–JP425, JP444, JP450–JP451, JP475–JP476
- Pang, JP372, JP388, JP403–JP404
- Park, JP368, JP371, JP373, JP376–JP377, JP388–JP389, JP407–JP408, JP422, JP425–JP426, JP434, JP452, JP473, JP491, JP495, JP501, JP506–JP507
- Singh, G., JP364, JP366–JP367, JP369–JP370, JP373, JP377–JP378, JP381, JP385–JP389, JP395, JP397–JP399, JP402–JP403, JP406–JP407, JP413–JP415, JP421–JP422, JP425, JP431, JP433–JP434, JP441–JP442, JP460, JP464–JP465, JP468, JP474–JP475, JP482–JP483, JP494–JP495, JP499–JP500, JP509
- Tangri, JP363, JP394, JP439–JP440, JP491–JP492, JP499
- Tangri ., JP464, JP481–JP482
- Wai, JP448–JP449, JP467
- West, JP453
- Yarde, JP366, JP368–JP369, JP371, JP373–JP374, JP379–JP381, JP385, JP388, JP395, JP399, JP403, JP405, JP413, JP415, JP423–JP424, JP433–JP434, JP438–JP439, JP443, JP458, JP466–JP467, JP472–JP473, JP486, JP492–JP493, JP506
- amendments
- Bouma, JP533
- Collard, JP513–JP514, JP519–JP520, JP522–JP524, JP526, JP528–JP530, JP532–JP534
- Gill, JP521, JP531
- Park, JP512–JP522, JP524–JP525, JP527–JP536
- Singh, G., JP513–JP515, JP520, JP526–JP529, JP531–JP532, JP536–JP537
- scheduling and agenda, JP355–JP357
Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017,
S.O. 2017, c. 26, Sched. 3
Smoke-Free Ontario Modernization (report).
see Public health—smoking cessation—strategy modernization reportSmoking.
see also Cannabis consumption; Tobacco products; Vaping- cessation services. see Public health - programs—smoking cessation
- health impacts
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Gélinas, SP957
- Harden, SP947
- Kanapathi, SP946–SP949, SP951
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Ontario Tobacco Research Unit. see Ontario Tobacco Research Unit
- promotion and marketing
- on social media
- Cho, S., F3149–F3150
- on social media
- and youth
Smoking rates
Snow removal industry
Snowmobile industry
Social assistance
- general remarks
- Harden, E1052–E1053
- general remarks
Social assistance benefits
Social assistance programs.
see also specific programs- access to
- administration
- benefit rates
- Andrew, E1137–E1138
- Gates, A420–A421
- Glover, G1322, G1337, G1406
- Gretzky, E1024, E1035, E1038–E1041
- Harden, E1047–E1048, E1051–E1053, E1059–E1060, E1083
- Lindo, G1305
- Shaw, F397
- Smith, T., E1040–E1041, E1064, E1137
- caseworkers
- administrative workload
- Roberts, P406
- Smith, T., E1025, E1034–E1036
- caseload
- Barrett, P150
- Gates, A421
- Gretzky, E1027–E1028, E1045, P148–P149
- Harden, E1057
- Smith, T., E1027–E1028
- caseload targets
- Harden, E1078–E1079
- number of
- Gretzky, E1044–E1045
- administrative workload
- delivery partners
- eligibility determination
- benefit unit
- Harden, E1084
- benefit unit
- fraud investigation
- cost of
- staff. see Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- fraudulent claims
- funding models
- discretionary benefits
- Gretzky, E1033
- discretionary benefits
- general remarks
- Gretzky, E1005
- government funding
- Canada Social Transfer
- Gretzky, E1029
- Canada Social Transfer
- memorandum of understanding
- re provincial-federal information coordination
- Ghamari, P151–P152
- re provincial-federal information coordination
- in other jurisdictions
- overpayments
- program exit rates
- Harden, E1070
- program funding
- per capita
- Shaw, F266
- per capita
- program uptake
- diversion strategies
- Gretzky, E1032
- due to COVID-19
- Miller, P., F1664
- over time
- Gates, A421
- post-COVID-19 projections
- Gretzky, E1027
- Smith, T., E1027–E1028
- diversion strategies
- recipients
- reform
- regulations
- service transfer, municipal jurisdiction
- Social Benefits Tribunal. see Social Benefits Tribunal
- unspent funding
- use of
- Gretzky, E1027–E1029
- Harden, E1057–E1058
- Smith, T., E1028–E1029, E1057
- use of
Social assistance programs - COVID-19
- caseload
- Tabuns, G1308
- general remarks
- Hunter, F2323
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). see Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - COVID-19
- Ontario Works (OW). see Ontario Works (OW) - COVID-19
- short-term emergency assistance fund
- Smith, T., E1118
- Social Services Relief Fund
- Smith, T., SP877
- caseload
Social assistance programs - digital services
- caseworker contact systems
- Smith, T., E1059
- digital payment options
- Smith, T., E1036
- general remarks
- Oosterhoff, E1035
- Pettapiece, E1138
- Smith, T., E1035–E1036
- MyBenefits platform
- general remarks
- Smith, T., E1036
- general remarks
- online application
- Smith, T., E1036
- stakeholder response
- Smith, T., E1038
- technological access
- technological access requirements
- Gretzky, E1005
- caseworker contact systems
Social assistance programs - employment services
- administration contracts. see under Employment Ontario
- assessment tools
- Gretzky, E1040–E1041, E1045
- employer outreach
- Smith, T., E1071
- employment suitability
- Gretzky, E1045–E1046
- Smith, T., E1082
- general remarks
- mental health and addictions referrals
- Smith, T., E1054
- in other jurisdictions
- Smith, T., E1046
- performance measurement
- readiness programs
- Roberts, P406
- reform
- Gates, F1260–F1261
- Piccini, F1260
- Stevens, F1261
- general remarks
- Barrett, E1024
- Smith, T., E1025, E1027, E1047–E1048
- implementation timelines
- Smith, T., E1071
- projected savings
- Harden, E1078
- target occupations
- Harden, E1076–E1077
- Smith, T., E1076
Social assistance programs - reform
- digital services. see Social assistance programs - digital services
- funding model
- municipal portion
- Gretzky, E1023
- municipal portion
- general remarks
- Barrett, E1024
- Harden, E1047
- Smith, T., E1003–E1004, E1024–E1025, E1036, E1047, E1054, E1137
- provincial-municipal operational model
- administrative capacity
- Gretzky, E1022, E1044–E1045
- Smith, T., E1045
- role division
- Gretzky, E1023
- Smith, T., E1003, E1022–E1023, E1025, E1045, E1137–E1138
- administrative capacity
- stakeholder engagement
Social assistance recipients
Social Benefits Tribunal
Social impact bonds
- Downey, F434
Social policy
- as economic strategy
- Lindo, F2134
- poverty reduction. see Poverty reduction
- as economic strategy
Solar energy
- cost per kilowatt hour
- projections
- Arthur, F1139
- projections
- cost to generate
- Tabuns, SP148
- generation infrastructure
- lifespan
- Arthur, F1139
- lifespan
- government contracts
- cancellation
- Arthur, F1139
- cancellation
- net metering
- third-party ownership
- Skelly, F1138
- third-party ownership
- net metering of
- regulatory environment
- Rasheed, F1138
- system funding models
- Skelly, F1138
- cost per kilowatt hour
Soldiers' Aid Commission
- awareness of
- Roberts, SP892, SP899–SP900
- eligible services
- Smith, T., E1067
- expenditures, reporting of
- financial assistance
- grant amounts
- Smith, T., E1067
- grant amounts
- government funding
- history of
- Smith, T., E1067, SP869–SP870
- mandate expansion
- support eligibility
- Smith, T., E1067
- awareness of
Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- Babikian, SP873–SP875, SP897–SP898
- Bailey, SP876
- Harris, SP884–SP885
- Karahalios, SP875, SP883, SP889, SP900–SP901
- Kernaghan, SP896–SP897
- Martin, SP889
- McDonell, SP872–SP873, SP881
- Roberts, SP891–SP892, SP899–SP900, SP903–SP905
- Smith, T., SP869–SP877
- Stevens, SP871–SP874, SP877, SP882–SP884, SP890–SP893, SP898–SP899, SP904
Soldiers' Aid Commission - financial assistance
- access timeline
- Harris, SP885
- Karahalios, SP883
- Kernaghan, SP896–SP897
- Stevens, SP884
- amount per applicant
- applicant eligibility
- Bailey, SP876
- Harris, SP885
- Karahalios, SP875
- Martin, SP889
- McDonell, SP881
- Roberts, SP891, SP899
- Smith, T., SP870–SP872, SP875–SP876
- Stevens, SP882
- application data
- Stevens, SP877
- for employment services
- Smith, T., SP871
- for family members
- Babikian, SP897
- Roberts, SP903–SP905
- Smith, T., SP872
- Stevens, SP872
- general remarks
- Smith, T., SP874
- impact on other social assistance benefits
- for mental health services
- Martin, SP889–SP890
- re poverty
- access timeline
Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- general remarks
- Coe, E1066–E1067
- general remarks
Special Ability Riding Institute Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr14)
Special education
- access rates
- advisory council
- autism services. see Autism services
- government funding
- integrated classrooms
- provincial demonstration schools. see Schools - demonstration schools
Special events industry
- convention centres
- economic impact
- Hunter, F1631–F1632
- economic impact
- convention centres
Special events industry - COVID-19
- capacity limitations
- Anand, F2567
- convention centres
- as an interdependent economy
- Smith, D., F1632, F1648–F1649, F1668
- occupancy levels
- social distancing
- Lindo, F2348
- Smith, D., F1632, F1648–F1649
- as an interdependent economy
- economic impact
- Hunter, F2630
- general remarks
- Skelly, F2965
- weddings and celebrations
- general remarks
- Harden, F2364
- general remarks
- capacity limitations
Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
Speech-language pathology services
Speed limits
- automated speed enforcement
- geographic variation
- Bourgouin, G1227
- increase of
- speeding fines
- stunt driving and street racing. see Driving - stunt driving and street racing
Sporting events
- government funding
- MacLeod, E489
- government funding
Sports and recreation
Sports and recreation - COVID-19
- amateur sporting events
- Harden, F1356–F1357
- Roberts, F1356
- Smith, D., F1361
- Canadian Elite Basketball League
- Canadian Foosball League
- general remarks
- Simard, F1568–F1569
- general remarks
- Canadian Football League
- general remarks
- Smith, D., F1564–F1565
- team owners, financial contributions
- Skelly, F1565
- general remarks
- civil liability
- protection from
- Miller, P., E474
- protection from
- consumer confidence
- MacLeod, E486
- economic impact
- facility capacity restrictions
- Miller, P., E483
- facility closures
- golf tournaments
- government supports
- impact on seasonal employment
- Miller, P., F1567
- international athletes and staff, safety
- Miller, P., F1567
- live, requirements for
- Skelly, F1569
- operational supports. see Business - COVID-19
- performer maintenance
- Arthur, F1944
- reopening
- Schreiner, F1945
- sporting events
- attendance restrictions
- Miller, P., T164
- attendance restrictions
- stakeholder consultation
- amateur sporting events
Sports and recreation - government funding
Sports - professional
St. Michael's Hospital (Toronto)
Standing Committee on Estimates
- committee business
- estimates (2019-2020)
- estimates (2020-2021)
- estimates (2021-2022)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, E943–E960, E961–E1001
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, E1001–E1015, E1017–E1085, E1087–E1139
- Ministry of Education, E803–E812, E813–E834, E835–E877
- Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, E1139–E1156, E1157–E1215, E1217–E1226
- Ministry of Health, E497–E526, E527–E546, E547–E577, E579–E598, E599–E624
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs, E1226–E1260
- Ministry of Infrastructure, E877–E900, E901–E943
- Ministry of Long-Term Care, E743–E782, E783–E803
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, E624–E661, E663–E721, E723–E743
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
- bills referred to committee
- Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288), F3303–F3362, F3363–F3389, F3391–F3407
- Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215), F2935–F2995, F2997–F3005
- clause-by-clause, F3007–F3010
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47), F3–F52
- clause-by-clause, F53–F92
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138), F837–F872
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures) 2020 (Bill 229), F3011–F3064, F3065–F3097, F3099–F3151
- clause-by-clause, F3153–F3201
- Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 260), F3209–F3271, F3273–F3282
- clause-by-clause, F3283–F3297
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100), F719–F766, F767–F815
- clause-by-clause, F817–F833
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57), F101–F151
- clause-by-clause, F153–F183
- committee business, F93–F99
- appointment of subcommittee, F835, F2931, F3203
- election of chair, F1, F835
- election of vice-chair, F1, F3203–F3204
- schedules and agendas, F925–F927, F2428, F2933, F2995, F3205–F3207
- subcommittee reports, F925–F927, F1293–F1294, F1323, F1503–F1505, F2297
- submission requests
- Fife, F3270
- Hunter, F3262, F3269–F3270
- COVID-19 study, F1293–F1321, F1310, F1323–F1390, F1391–F1427, F1429–F1502, F1503–F1552, F1553–F1623, F1625–F1694, F1695–F1721, F1723–F1795, F1865–F1930, F1931–F1998, F1999–F2054, F2055–F2108, F2109–F2155, F2157––F2225, F2227–F2296, F2297–F2366, F2367–F2428, F2429–F2499, F2501–F2567, F2569–F2634, F2635–F2704, F2705–F2730, F2819–F2868, F2869–F2929
- pre-budget consultations, F185–F257, F317–F384, F453–F520, F587–F650
- pre-budget consultations (2019), F259–F315, F385–F451, F521–F586, F651–F718
- pre-budget consultations (2020), F929–F998, F999–F1031, F1033–F1086, F1087–F1153, F1155–F1222, F1223–F1291
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on General Government
- bills referred to committee
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32), G101–G127
- clause-by-clause, G129–G157
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213), G929–G994, G995–G1041
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4), G3–G39, G41–G79
- clause-by-clause, SP81–SP100
- Compassionate Care Act, 2020 (Bill 3), G829–G881, G883–G916
- clause-by-clause, G917–G927
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87), G235–G255
- clause-by-clause, SP257–SP275
- Food Day Ontario (Food Day Canada in Ontario) Act, 2021 (Bill 163), G1210–G1211
- Front-Line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230), G1211
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107), G277–G321
- clause-by-clause, G337–G360
- Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 112), G1210
- Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282), G1201–G1210, G1213–G1256
- clause-by-clause, G1267–G1299
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124), G363–G409
- clause-by-clause, G411–G419
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159), G721–G792
- clause-by-clause, G793–G823
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66), G159–G297
- clause-by-clause, G209–G233
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156), G588–G646, G647–G697
- clause-by-clause, G699–G719
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257), G1119–G1128, G1129–G1178
- clause-by-clause, G1179–G1194
- Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276), G1257–G1265, G1301–G1341, G1343–G1380, G1381–G1389, G1391–G1420
- Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145), G565–G582
- clause-by-clause, G583–G585
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amednment Act, 2021 (Bill 238), G1075–G1109
- clause-by-clause, G1111–G1118
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32), G101–G127
- committee business
- appointment of subcommittee, G1, G361, G1071
- broadast staff, presence during closed session, G827–G828
- committee schedules/agendas, G421–G422, G563–G564, G721, G827–G828, G1073–G1074, G1195–G1197, G1199–G1200
- Coe, G582
- election of acting chair, G583
- election of chair, G1, G361
- election of vice-chair, G361, G825
- motions
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, deeming and presumptive language, G1111–G1112
- subcommittee reports, G421, G587, G721
- voting/non-voting members
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on Government Agencies
- committee business, A163, A195–A196, A197–A198, A274–A275, A295, A297, A315–A316, A458–A459
- appointment of subcommittee, A1, A155, A348–A349, A430
- broadcast of meetings, A407–A408
- committee schedules/agendas, A158, A172–A173, A183–A185, A224–A226, A241–A242
- election of acting chair, A49
- election of chair, A1
- election of Chair, A347
- election of vice-chair, A1
- election of Vice-Chair, A347–A348
- LCBO, review of management and operations, A214
- membership, A198
- subcommittee reports, A3, A19, A43–A44, A49, A57, A63, A77, A85, A105, A125, A137, A147, A155–A162, A163, A187, A198, A205–A206, A215, A227, A233, A243–A244, A256–A257, A267, A277, A317, A327, A335, A362–A363, A373, A383, A407–A408, A439, A449, A461, A471
- not available, A348–A349
- committee procedure, A155, A184, A196–A198
- intended appointments
- Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal, A443–A448, A471–A476, A479
- Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, A207–A211
- Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A367–A371
- College of Nurses of Ontario, A147–A153
- Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, board of governors, A378–A382
- Consent and Capacity Board, A45–A47, A163–A172
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, A270–A274
- Death Investigation Oversight Council, A227–A230
- Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A408–A413
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, A281–A285
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario., A281–A285
- Fire Safety Commission, A249–A254, A255–A256, A327–A330
- Grants Review Team—Hamilton—Ontario Trillium Foundation, A180–A183
- Guelph Police Services Board, A230–A232
- Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, A137–A142
- Human Resources Professionals Association, A220–A224
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, A245–A249, A255, A262–A266
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Ontario Tribunals), A175–A180, A183
- Infrastructure Ontario, A25–A30, A37–A41, A63–A67
- Landlord and Tenant Board, A383–A389, A393–A394, A449–A453, A458
- Liquor Control Board of Ontario, A49–A52, A69–A72, A77–A81
- Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology-board of governors, A302–A305
- Niagara Parks Commission, A11–A17, A52–A55, A453–A458
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp., A297–A302, A476–A480
- Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario), A215–A220
- Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp, A30–A35
- Ontario College of Art and Design board of governors, A118–A123
- Ontario Educational Communications Authority, A434–A437
- Ontario Energy Board, A19–A23, A211–A214
- Ontario French-language Educational Com-munications Authority, A335–A340
- Ontario Heritage Trust, A100–A103, A340–A346
- Ontario Heritage Trust board of directors, A330–A334
- Ontario Honours Advisory Council, A311–A315, A349–A354
- Ontario Internal Audit Committee, information and information technology sector audit committee, A373–A378, A382
- Ontario Labour Relations Board, A465–A470
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp, A105–A111
- Ontario Media Development Corp., board of directors, A423–A425
- Ontario Media Development Corp.-board of directors, A427–A430
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, A430–A434
- Ontario Parole Board, A255–A261, A395–A400, A405, A439–A443, A448, A461–A465, A470
- Ontario Securities Commission, A95–A100
- Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corp., board of directors, A363–A367
- Ontario Trillium Foundation, A57–A61, A85–A90, A85–A94
- Ontario Trillium Foundation board of directors, A317–A321
- Ontario Trillium Foundation, Simcoe-York grant review team, A142–A146
- Provincial Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs, A125–A136
- Public Accountants Council, A3–A6
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority board of directors, A287–A291, A291–A295
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, board of directors, A389–A394, A395
- Social Benefits Tirbunal, A400–A405, A418–A423
- Social Benefits Tribunal, A267–A270, A321–A326
- Species at Risk Program Advisory Committee, A236–A241
- St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A354–A358
- Town of Midland Police Services Board, A81–A84
- University of Guelph, board of governors, A233–A236, A240–A241
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology-board of governors, A277–A281
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A113–A118
- motions
- broadcast of meetings, A415–A418
- committee business, A163, A195–A196, A197–A198, A274–A275, A295, A297, A315–A316, A458–A459
Standing Committee on Justice Policy
- bills referred to committee
- Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251), JP735–JP787, JP789–JP807, JP809–JP819
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68), JP3–JP43
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108), JP101–JP161
- clause-by-clause, JP163–JP188
- Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207), JP541–JP584, JP585–JP592
- clause-by-clause, JP593–JP602
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136), JP191–JP236
- clause-by-clause, JP237–JP245
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159), JP249–JP286, JP287–JP304, JP305–JP337
- clause-by-clause, JP339–JP353
- Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246), JP699–JP726
- clause-by-clause, JP727–JP729
- Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161), JP359–JP416, JP417–JP477, JP479–JP510
- clause-by-clause, JP511–JP538
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218), JP619–JP669
- clause-by-clause, JP671–JP693
- committee business, JP97–JP100, JP617–JP618
- appointment of subcommittee, JP1, JP189, JP339, JP603–JP616
- appointment of subcommittee`, JP1
- broadast staff, presence during closed session, JP539
- election of acting chair, JP697, JP731
- election of chair, JP1, JP189, JP695
- election of vice-chair, JP1, JP189, JP696
- schedules and agendas, JP247–JP248, JP355–JP357, JP698, JP732–JP733
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- committee business, P511–P513
- appearance before committee, Waterfront Toronto, P314–P315
- appointment of subcommittee, P1, P261, P381
- audit of costs assocaited with renewable energy contracts cancellation, P267–P270
- audit of costs associated with persons crossing border at non-designated points of entry, P24–P45, P47–P49
- briefings, Auditor General Annual Report, P423–P425
- committee schedule/agenda, P317, P381, P422–P424
- committee schedulesagendas, P512–P513
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report, request for Auditor General follow-up, P422–P423
- election of acting chair, P421, P487
- election of chair, P1, P427–P428
- election of vice-chair, P261
- subcommittee reports, P3, P44–P45, P113, P265, P317, P428, P551
- virtual proceedings, P381, P421
- committee procedure, P263
- reports referred to committee
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (Auditor General of Ontario), P3–P19
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; Infrastructure Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P91–P111
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Cancer Care Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P71–P90
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; Cancer Care Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P71–P90
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Public Health Care Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P115–P140
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Public Health Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P49–P69
- 2017 Annual Report: Ministry of Infrastructure (Auditor General of Ontario), P24–P45
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (Auditor General of Ontario), P141–P159
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Ontario Power Generation (Auditor General of Ontario), P181–P199
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Infrastructure, Waterfront Toronto (Auditor General of Ontario), P293–P315
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportatin, Metrolinx—GO station selection (Auditor General of Ontario), P319–P338
- 2018 Annual Report: Ministry of Transportation, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P221–P239
- 2018 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat (Auditor General of Ontario), P241–P260
- 2018 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Ontario Financing Authority, Independent Electricity System Operator (Auditor General of Ontario), P161–P180
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Auditor General of Ontario), P339–P357
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Progam (Auditor General of Ontario), P403–P420
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: Climate Change: Ontario's Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Auditor General of Ontario), P359–P379
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, Ontario Hospital Association (Auditor General of Ontario), P551–P568
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of the Solicitor General, Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensice Pathology Service (Auditor General of Ontario), P383–P402
- 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), P270–P292
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health (Auditor General of Ontario), P515–P531
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, Canadian Blood Services (Auditor General of Ontario), P533–P550
- 2020 Annual Report: Public Accounts of Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P449–P466
- 2020 Annual Report: Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (Auditor General of Ontario), P489–P505
- 2020 Special Report: COVID-19 Preparedness and Management (Auditor General of Ontario), P429–P447, P467–P486
- The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns About Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value for Money (Auditor General of Ontario, 2017), P201–P219
- committee business, P511–P513
Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills
- bills referred to committee
- A&One Fashion Jewellery Wholesale Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr13), T28–T29
- Apollo Shawarma and Grill Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr34), T152
- Castleform Developments Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr40), T157–T158
- Castleform Holdings Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr36), T146
- Cherry Hill Orchards Pelham Limited Act, 2020 (Bill Pr23), T45–T47
- Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262), T221
- Crystal-Kirkland Mines, Limited Act, 2018 (Bill Pr1), T7
- Darvey Holdings Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr48), T224–T225
- Dundas Valley Masonic Hall Inc. Act, 2018 (Bill Pr5), T14–T15
- 850148 Ontario Inc. Act, 2018 (Bill Pr4), T11
- Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 217), T226–T227
- 598968 Ontario Limited Act, 2019 (Bill Pr11), T27–T28
- Haggart Belting Canada Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr15), T29–T30
- Hawke-Lea Holdings Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr42), T229–T230
- Hot Docs Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr20), T139–T142
- Huron University College Act, 2020 (Bill Pr28), T65–T67
- Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario's Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021 (Bill 228), T181–T208
- clause-by-clause, T209–T210
- Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201), T53–T60
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118), T75–T133
- Olympic Floor Cleaning Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr22), T37–T38
- 1549408 Ontario Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr19), T31–T32
- 1040062 Ontario Incorporated Act, 2020 (Bill Pr31), T142
- 1191650 Ontario Limited Act, 2019 (Bill Pr18), T23–T25
- 1825821 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr45), T158
- Ontario Day Act, 2021 (Bill 173), T159–T175
- clause-by-clause, T177
- Parya Trillium Foundation Act (Tax Relief), 2020 (Bill Pr37), T146–T147
- Parya Trillium Foundation Act (Tax Relief), 2021 (Bill Pr37), T152–T153
- Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021 (Bill 271), T227
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (in Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
- clause-by-clause, T32–T33
- Quadrant Consulting Services Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr29), T71–T72
- Recovery Month Act, 2021 (Bill 250), T220
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019 (Bill 123), T39–T40
- clause-by-clause, T41–T43
- Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr39), T157
- Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208), T226
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270), T221
- 704176 Ontario Limited Act, 2020 (Bill Pr33), T144
- Shuang Ying Company Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr46), T231–T232
- Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day and Thalassemia Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 255), T220–T221
- Skypride Travel & Tours Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr32), T142–T143
- Special Ability Riding Institute Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr14), T38–T39
- Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104), T226
- Tapir Corporation Act, 2020 (Bill Pr25), T49–T50
- 2063434 Ontario Limited Act, 2018 (Bill Pr2), T7–T8
- 2257248 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr35), T145
- 2271767 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr43), T230–T231
- 2345260 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr12), T28
- 2353043 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr44), T211–T212
- 2372830 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr30), T72–T73
- 2404907 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr24), T47–T48
- 2560462 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr41), T212
- 2585303 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr26), T63–T65, T64–T65
- The United Church of Canada Act, 2019 (Bill Pr10), T19–T20
- Wemax Real Estate Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr47), T215–T217, T223–T224
- Whittrick N D T Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr50), T212–T213
- Woodex Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr49), T232–T234
- committee business, T9–T10, T27, T69–T70, T219
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on Social Policy
- bills referred to committee, SP55–SP83
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283), SP1003–SP1048
- Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario’s Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283), SP1049–SP1057, SP1059–SP1097
- Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171), SP521–SP575, SP577–SP619, SP621–SP643
- clause-by-clause, SP635–SP671
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36), SP3–SP53, SP55–SP83
- clause-by-clause, SP85–SP96
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175), M45–M102
- COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 157), SP945–SP957
- clause-by-clause, SP959
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141), SP447–SP472, SP473–SP509
- clause-by-clause, SP511–SP518
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116), SP411–SP430
- clause-by-clause, SP431–SP444
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34), SP97–SP123, SP125–SP151
- clause-by-clause, SP153–SP160
- Occupational Safety and Health Day Act, 2021 (Bill 152), SP963–SP993
- clause-by-clause, SP995–SP996
- Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222), SP909–SP932, SP933–SP942
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74), SP229–SP275, SP277–SP325
- clause-by-clause, SP327–SP384, SP385–SP408
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184), SP673–SP725, SP727–SP786
- clause-by-clause, SP847–SP865
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48), SP161–SP198, SP199–SP205
- clause-by-clause, SP207–SP228
- Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202), SP869–SP901, SP903–SP905
- committee business, SP907
- appointment of subcommittee, SP1, SP409
- broadast staff, presence during closed session, SP867
- committee schedules/agendas, SP519–SP520, SP999–SP1001
- election of chair, SP1, SP409, SP943
- election of vice-chair, SP1, SP409, SP944, SP997
- schedules and agendas, SP961–SP962
- subcommittee reports, SP445–SP446, SP521, SP673
- bills referred to committee, SP55–SP83
Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly
- bills referred to committee
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245), M289–M337, M339–M373
- clause-by-clause, M375–M394
- Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175), M103–M153, M155–M164
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61), M253–M282
- clause-by-clause, M282
- Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214), M237–M249
- clause-by-clause, M251
- Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245), M289–M337, M339–M373
- committee business
- bills referred to committee
Statements by stakeholders
- aggregate extraction sites
- Fife, G559–G560
- broadband infrastructure expansion
- target communities
- French, G1180
- target communities
- broadband service and infrastructure
- Scott, E886–E887
- Budget 2021
- Hunter, F3294
- commercial transit deregulation
- Fife, G1057–G1058
- conservation authorities, reform
- Hunter, F3170–F3171, F3176–F3177
- Shaw, F3173
- cormorant hunt
- Monteith-Farrell, E400
- COVID-19
- developmental services
- funding
- Smith, T., E1099–E1100
- funding
- employment services
- administrative contract vendor
- Gretzky, E1045–E1046
- administrative contract vendor
- estate administration reform
- Park, M330
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Morrison, JP154
- Humewood House
- Andrew, E1117
- Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
- Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, SO 2004, c.3, Sched. A, amendment of
- Shaw, F897–F899
- Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, SO 2004, c.3, Sched. A, amendment of
- judicial appointments
- land use planning
- development charges
- Shaw, F906–F909
- ministerial zoning orders
- French, G1187–G1188, G1191
- development charges
- Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
- Harden, SP223–SP226
- Stiles, SP226–SP228
- palliative care
- polystyrene water pollution
- Miller, N., T182–T184
- Resilient Communities Fund
- MacLeod, E463
- social assistance programs
- Tarion Warranty Corp.
- Rakocevic, P283
- water extraction permits
- Schreiner, G1062–G1063
- aggregate extraction sites
Statute of limitations
- purpose of
- Schreiner, G716
- purpose of
Stem cell transplants
- wait times
- Parsa, P83
- wait times
- flow-through shares
- Downey, F777
- flow-through shares
Stratford Festival
Stratford glass factory development
- Clark, G1126–G1127
Structured settlements
- general remarks
- Gates, F1241–F1242
- in other jurisdictions
- Cho, S., F1241
- general remarks
Student debt
- increase in
- Arthur, F482–F483
- increase in
Students - international
- tuition fees
- Gates, A357
- tuition fees
Students - post-secondary.
see also Canadian Federation of Students- government loans. see Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- graduation rates
- international vs. domestic students
- Arthur, F1091
- international vs. domestic students
Substance addictions.
see also Mental health and addictions; OpioidsSuicide - youth
Supply Ontario
- creation of
- Elliott, E581
- creation of
Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- Bailey, G1141–G1142
- Burch, G1168–G1169
- Clark, G1122–G1128
- Crawford, G1124, G1132–G1133, G1142, G1144–G1145, G1151–G1154, G1158–G1159, G1167–G1170, G1177–G1178
- Cuzzetto, G1127–G1128
- French, G1122–G1123, G1125–G1126, G1133–G1134, G1136–G1137, G1143–G1144, G1146, G1149–G1150, G1152–G1153
- Glover, G1126, G1143, G1146
- Harris, G1127
- McDonell, G1136
- Schreiner, G1124, G1126–G1127, G1134–G1135, G1137–G1138, G1141, G1144, G1150–G1151, G1153, G1160–G1161, G1163, G1166–G1167, G1169, G1173–G1174, G1176
- Scott, G1119–G1125, G1127
- Shaw, G1159–G1160, G1162–G1163, G1170–G1178
- Smith, D., G1125, G1161–G1162, G1174–G1175
- Wai, G1151, G1167
- Walker, G1135–G1136, G1145–G1146, G1151, G1154–G1155
- amendments
- Bailey, G1182–G1183
- Bourgouin, G1181, G1185–G1186
- Crawford, G1179–G1180, G1183–G1185, G1190
- Fraser, G1190–G1193
- French, G1180–G1188, G1190–G1192
- Harris, G1181, G1193
- Sabawy, G1180, G1185
- Schreiner, G1179–G1180, G1182–G1184, G1188–G1193
- Vanthof, G1181, G1186, G1191
- consultation process
- general remarks
- title
- Fraser, G1193
Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- Armstrong, JP627–JP628, JP641–JP642, JP651–JP652, JP668
- Bouma, JP642–JP643, JP667–JP668
- Collard, JP624, JP635–JP636, JP638, JP646, JP652, JP654–JP655, JP668
- Downey, JP619–JP627
- Gill, JP633, JP662–JP663
- Hunter, JP626–JP627, JP643, JP661, JP663–JP664
- Kusendova, JP622–JP623, JP650, JP659–JP660
- Park, JP627, JP645–JP646
- Sattler, JP658–JP659, JP661–JP662
- Singh, G., JP623–JP624, JP626, JP634, JP637–JP638, JP644–JP645, JP653–JP654
- Tangri, JP636, JP652–JP653
- Triantafilopoulos, JP625
- amendments
- Armstrong, JP672–JP674, JP677, JP680–JP681, JP683, JP690, JP693
- Collard, JP673–JP676, JP682, JP686, JP691
- Gill, JP685–JP686
- Kusendova, JP675
- Park, JP673–JP674, JP677–JP679, JP684, JP686, JP689
- Sattler, JP673–JP676, JP678–JP692
- Singh, G., JP672–JP674, JP677–JP684, JP692
- committee process, broadcast of
- Collard, JP675–JP676
- Park, JP675
- Sattler, JP661, JP675–JP676
- Singh, G., JP645, JP654, JP674
Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- Bailey, G1338–G1339, G1351–G1352
- Bisson, G1367–G1368, G1375–G1378
- Bourgouin, G1259–G1260, G1311–G1312, G1322, G1328–G1329, G1347, G1357–G1358, G1368, G1370–G1371, G1374–G1375
- Crawford, G1260, G1304–G1305, G1323–G1324, G1376–G1377
- Glover, G1260–G1262, G1306, G1315, G1319, G1321–G1322, G1331–G1332, G1337–G1338, G1340, G1350–G1351, G1360–G1361, G1371, G1387, G1393–G1394, G1396–G1398, G1400, G1403–G1404, G1406–G1409, G1412, G1418
- Gravelle, G1395–G1396, G1399, G1402
- Harris, G1265, G1310–G1311, G1320–G1321, G1356–G1357, G1366
- Lindo, G1305–G1306, G1346–G1347
- Monteith-Farrell, G1393, G1396, G1398–G1403, G1406
- Piccini, G1306–G1307, G1327–G1328, G1330–G1331, G1336, G1366–G1367, G1369–G1370, G1379–G1380, G1397, G1399–G1401, G1403, G1410–G1411, G1413–G1414, G1416, G1419
- Sabawy, G1262–G1264, G1348–G1349
- Sandhu, G1313–G1314, G1336, G1359–G1360
- Sarkaria, G1257–G1265
- Schreiner, G1310, G1312–G1313, G1320, G1322–G1323, G1329–G1330, G1332–G1333, G1335, G1338, G1348, G1351, G1358–G1359, G1361–G1362, G1365–G1366, G1368–G1369, G1376, G1379, G1385–G1386, G1388, G1392–G1394, G1397–G1398, G1402, G1404–G1409, G1412–G1419
- Skelly, G1383–G1384
- Tabuns, G1263–G1264, G1307–G1308, G1314–G1315, G1318–G1319, G1332, G1339–G1340, G1349–G1350, G1392, G1394, G1405, G1408, G1411
- Wai, G1261, G1386–G1387
- West, G1384–G1385, G1387–G1388
Supportive housing.
see also Congregate care centres- annual unit cost
- Gretzky, E1038
- for complex needs
- Fee, F1196
- construction by project
- Norfolk Inn (Simcoe)
- Barrett, F2016
- Norfolk Inn (Simcoe)
- general remarks
- Skelly, F1275
- government funding
- Andrew, E1126–E1127
- Bisson, F343
- Gélinas, E567, E570–E571
- Schreiner, F2015–F2016
- Smith, T., E1002, E1039
- Tibollo, E48
- government strategy
- Karpoche, SP430
- Homes for Special Care Program
- Tibollo, E48
- modular construction projects
- Clark, F2001
- Multi-Ministry Supportive Housing Initiative
- Smith, T., E1039
- service capacity
- social impact
- Barrett, F2016
- Shaw, F2012–F2013
- wait-lists
- Andrew, E1122
- and well-being
- Schreiner, G1335
- annual unit cost
Supportive housing - by site
Surgical procedures
- backlog
- cardiovascular services
- in northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, E517
- in northern Ontario
- geographic transfers
- Elliott, E522
- Northwestern Ontario Regional Surgical Network
- Mamakwa, E510
- service capacity
- during COVID-19. see under Hospitals - COVID-19–medical procedures
- wait times
- geographic variation in
- York Region
Surveys Act,
RSO 1990, c S.30
- "survey records," definition
- Skelly, G1067
- "survey records," definition
Syl Apps Youth Centre
- closure
- Armstrong, E1132–E1133
- Smith, T., E1133
- utilization rate
- Armstrong, E1132–1133
- closure
see Cultural organizations—orchestras and symphonies