Copyright and privacy

Electronic channels

The term "electronic channels" is used in this policy to refer to technology managed by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario ("Assembly") including but not limited to websites, mobile applications, and video streaming services. 

Terms of use

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario gives you permission to display, print, reproduce, and otherwise use excerpts of the materials/images found on our electronic channels without charge, subject to the following:

  • The use must be reasonable, fair and non-commercial, and must credit the Assembly; 
  • The use is subject to Canadian intellectual property laws and/or the Assembly's parliamentary privileges; 
  • The permission is not acknowledgement that the use is being made under the authority of the Assembly; 
  • You are responsible for determining whether a person other than the Assembly has intellectual property rights in the materials/images; and 
  • You must not use the Assembly's coat of arms and other Assembly trademarks without the permission of the Speaker.

Privacy statement 

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. This privacy statement explains our information management practices as they relate to our various electronic channels. 

You can also view our privacy statement for job applicants.