Letter: T
Tabuns, P. (NDP, Toronto—Danforth)
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 172)
- first reading, 7670
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214)
- second reading, 9982, 10027–10036
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- second reading, 5208
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- facilities with COVID-19 outbreaks, 1550
- Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation (Grassy Narrows)
- mining exploration permits
- digital administration system, provincial, 2163
- mining exploration permits
- Budget 2022/2023
- Budget 2023/2024
- regional allocation
- Toronto, 3063
- regional allocation
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- third reading, 9155
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- second reading, 3063
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- third reading, 4121
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216)
- Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CMELCC)
- child care operators
- funding formula, 7964–7965
- child care operators
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s. 33: notwithstanding clause
- use of
- historically, 1046
- use of
- Carbon pricing programs, provincial
- Carbon tax
- government response to, 6047–6048
- Child care
- government funding, 7557–7558
- Children and youth in care
- preventative measures, 8634
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
- Climate change
- Climate change mitigation
- Committee procedure
- chairs
- selection process, 41
- chairs
- Consumption and treatment services
- general remarks, 10595
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- buffer zones and closures
- impact on clients, 10422
- buffer zones and closures
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- third reading, 6600
- Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- emergency care
- wait-time
- impact on patient health, 1609
- wait-time
- emergency care
- Cost of living
- COVID-19 - prevention
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10595–10596
- time allocation motion
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve
- Economic conditions
- inflation
- price gouging, 50
- inflation
- Education funding
- statements by stakeholders, 1235
- Education - in-school learning
- COVID-19, infection control
- funding, 1235
- COVID-19, infection control
- Education workers
- Education workers - collective bargaining
- Education workers - compensation
- statements by stakeholders, 1237
- Education workers - labour disputes, union contracts and negotiations
- Education workers - role in schools
- Electricity rates
- affordability, 8343–8344
- Electricity supply
- Employment standards
- Employment standards - wage theft
- Enbridge Gas
- Enbridge gas - natural gas rate application denial
- Enbridge Gas - natural gas rate application denial
- Energy conservation
- Energy generation
- requirement predictions, 10028
- Energy policy
- climate change
- preparation for, 10030–10031
- history, 10028
- Integrated Energy Resource Plan
- mandation of priorities, 9982
- politicization, 10027
- climate change
- Energy rates
- government strategy, 10340
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- compliance with, 3858
- Environmental policy
- Flood management
- Food banks - usage
- Food security
- social assistance recipients, 1088
- Fuel prices
- supply chain, 10981–10982
- Gas plant cancellations
- Gas plants
- contracts, 1870
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- Government notices of motion
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Greenbelt - boundary adjustments, process
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 5805
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
- Health care funding
- general remarks, 2157
- Health care services
- access to
- uninsured patients, 7788
- access to
- Health care services - delivery
- Health care services - diagnostic services
- service capacity, 284
- Health care services - hospital and physician services
- reimbursement program, termination of
- uninsured patients, 4065–4066
- reimbursement program, termination of
- Health care system
- Health care system - capacity
- services
- government strategy, 1958
- services
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- Health care workers - unions
- public communications, 1669
- Heat Stress Act, 2024 (Bill 222)
- first reading, 10316
- Highway 407 ETR
- Highway 413
- and the greenbelt, 5805
- Home and community care - delivery models
- for-profit
- return on investment, 6600
- for-profit
- Home heating
- Hospital services
- Hospital services - emergency
- Hospitals
- staff shortages, 49
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- staff shortages, impact of, 2024
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- transferal of costs, taxes, 3295
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- Independent health facilities
- service fees
- regulations, 1707
- service fees
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Labour disputes
- replacement workers, use of
- ban on, 6562–6563
- replacement workers, use of
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- reform, 3858
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- Land use planning - municipal official plans
- urban boundary expansion, 8789
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- energy-efficient technologies, 2838
- Legislative procedure
- public consultation, 486
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- third reading, 2894
- Liability for Climate-Related Harms Act, 2023 (Bill 120)
- first reading, 4713
- Long-term care - accountability and oversight
- general remarks, 8098
- Mathur v. Ontario, 2024 ONCA 762
- judgment, Ontario Court of Appeal, 9800
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- Methane gas
- leaks, preventing, 10179
- Metrolinx
- communication with elected officials
- government transparency, 2186
- communication with elected officials
- Mining industry
- digital administration system
- mining claims, 2163
- digital administration system
- Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- Indigenous consultation and consent, 4121
- Ministry of Transportation
- ministerial accountability, 2186
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- Municipal by-laws
- passage
- prescribed number of councillors, 1610
- passage
- Municipal governance
- legislative reform, 2119
- Natural gas
- Natural gas expansion
- Natural gas rates
- affordability, 7257–7258
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- housing policy, 10188–10189
- Niagara Escarpment Commission
- oversight, 1824
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 14)
- first reading, 560
- Nurses
- Nurses - recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 219
- Occupational health and safety
- Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Amendment Act (Anti-Fracking), 2023 (Bill 130)
- first reading, 4984
- 1485997 Ontario Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr51)
- Ontario Child Advocate
- office, closure, 8691–8692
- Ontario Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Act, 2024 (Bill 198)
- first reading, 9224
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates, increase
- general remarks, 1087
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates, increases
- general remarks, 1087
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assoc. v His Majesty, 2022, ONSC 6658
- Ontario Health
- recommendations, capacity rates
- transfers to adult hospitals, pediatric patients, 1451
- recommendations, capacity rates
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
- Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
- Governance Advisory Council
- repeal of, 3926
- Governance Advisory Council
- Ontario Science Centre
- relocation, 4226
- Ontario Works (OW)
- benefit rates, 1087
- Opposition day motions
- Orthodox Christian community
- Greek Orthodox Church, 7809–7810
- Pediatric hospitals
- Pediatric hospitals - services
- Persons with disabilities
- poverty
- impact on health and well-being, 1086
- poverty
- Petitions
- Police services - community relations
- crisis intervention partnerships
- mental health and addictions, 4848
- crisis intervention partnerships
- Post-secondary education - funding
- general remarks, 7696
- Preventing Unethical Puppy Sales Act, 2024 (Bill 159)
- Private members' motions
- Taxation
- responded to, 6046–6048
- Taxation
- Private members' public business
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 172)
- Affordable Home Heating Act, 2024 (Bill 213)
- second reading, 10981–10982
- Anti-Scab Labour Act, 2023 (Bill 90)
- second reading, 6562–6563
- Cancer screening
- responded to, 2591
- Fewer Floods, Safer Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 56)
- second reading, 3232
- Injured Workers Day Act, 2024 (Bill 118)
- second reading, 9457–9458
- No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 14)
- Orthodox Christian Week Act, 2024 (Bill 167)
- second reading, 7809–7810
- Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019, SO 2019, c12
- Protest convoys
- provincial state of emergency
- enactment of, timeline, 931
- provincial state of emergency
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
- Puppy mills
- enforcement and inspections, 9537
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2838
- Question period
- Child care
- presented, 7557–7558
- Climate change
- Consumer protection
- presented, 8006
- Court decision
- COVID-19 response
- Education funding
- presented, 8318
- Electricity supply
- Energy conservation
- presented, 4572
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- presented, 8577
- Energy rates
- presented, 10340
- Environmental protection
- presented, 1455
- Government accountability
- Government policies
- presented, 2119
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health care workers
- presented, 26
- Hospital services
- Indigenous protected and conserved areas
- presented, 2163
- Labour dispute
- Land use planning
- Long-term care
- Municipal government
- presented, 1610
- Natural gas leaks
- presented, 10179
- Natural gas rates
- presented, 7232
- Noise pollution
- presented, 3256–3257
- Ontario Science Centre
- presented, 4225–4226
- Premier's comments
- presented, 1611
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- presented, 930–931
- Public transit
- presented, 2185–2186
- Tenant protection
- presented, 8188
- Workplace safety
- Child care
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regulatory policy
- general remarks, 2582
- Renewable energy
- economic impact, 1870
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- second reading, 10973–10976
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10422
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10595
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10595–10596
- Skilled trades
- unions, 9893–9894
- Social assistance programs - benefit rates
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2024 (Bill 210)
- first reading, 9647
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 7696
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Surgical procedures
- Teachers
- shortage
- impact on students, 9918
- shortage
- Teachers - French-language
- shortage, 8318
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 48–51
- Time allocation motions
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- responded to, 10595–10596
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- responded to, 10595–10596
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- construction impact, noise levels
- schools, 3256–3257
- construction impact, noise levels
- Transit funding by region
- Toronto
- history of, 5191
- Toronto
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- Tributes
- government funding, 4912–4913
- Unhoused persons
- seniors, 10371
- Watersheds and wetlands
- protection of, 1823–1824
- Weather events
- general remarks, 445
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- second reading, 2986
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 6424
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10748
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
- second reading, 2429
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 172)
Tangri, Hon. N. (PC, Mississauga—Streetsville)
- Affordable housing
- government strategy, 4571–4572
- Affordable housing - access
- general remarks, 4859
- Agricultural land - residential lots
- public consultation, 4478
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- government strategy, 9771
- Budget 2023/2024
- housing, 3252
- Budget speech 2024 (March 26, 2024)
- Business - small- and medium-sized
- Business - small-and medium-sized
- government strategy, 10444
- new and youth-led
- government supports, 10178–10179
- training programs
- technology & digitization, 10444
- Business - taxation
- Carbon pricing programs, provincial
- implementation requirements
- referendum, 7357
- implementation requirements
- Carbon tax
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- Career colleges
- TriOS College, 437
- Cost of living
- government strategy, 1981
- Curriculum - skilled trades
- general remarks, 1982–1983
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- second reading, 8409–8413
- Cybersecurity
- government strategy, 9770
- Election of Speaker, 1
- Employment
- creation/loss, 9927
- Employment services
- training and retraining
- Better Jobs Ontario, 1980
- training and retraining
- Entrepreneurship - funding
- support programs, 9431
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction, extension, 5999
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- GO Transit - service expansion - by region
- Mississauga
- bidirectional, 8782
- Mississauga
- Government policies and directives
- general remarks, 4676
- Government record
- PC (2018-present)
- supportive housing policy, 8090
- PC (2018-present)
- Government record - NDP (1990-1995)
- housing policy, 3797
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- housing policy
- rental housing, 4635
- housing policy
- Government services
- digital delivery
- accessibility of, 3619
- digital delivery
- Greenbelt - development on
- housing, 3747–3748
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Highways and roads
- government strategy, 2445
- Highways and roads - infrastructure development
- government strategy, 2445
- Hospitals - capital projects by site
- Mississauga Hospital, 1980
- Housing Affordability Task Force
- recommendations, 4489
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- reduction
- impact on small businesses, 8409
- reduction
- Housing development - construction
- Housing policy
- Housing supply
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- government strategy, 4767
- Infrastructure development
- government strategy, 1712
- International trade
- missions
- India, 2120–2121
- missions
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- second reading, 1030
- Land use planning - municipal official plans
- employment zones
- and housing development, 4768
- employment zones
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- accessibility standards, 2838
- Life sciences industry
- government strategy, 2442
- Manufacturing industry
- Members' statements
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 4478
- Mining industry
- regulatory reform, 7440–7441
- Ministerial statements
- Small business
- presented, 9805–9806
- Small business
- Municipal governance - structure
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- Municipalities
- manufacturing and businesses
- municipal-based assistance, 8410
- manufacturing and businesses
- Nanticoke industrial park
- employment zone
- and housing development, 4768
- employment zone
- Nurses
- education and recruitment support program
- Learn and Stay grant, 1983–1984
- education and recruitment support program
- Opposition day motions
- Tenant protection
- responded to, 3812–3813
- Tenant protection
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- third reading, 1980–1984
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- second reading, 2838
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- Employee ownership
- responded to, 11111
- Government accountability
- responded to, 3863
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Infrastructure funding
- presented, 1712
- Job creation
- responded to, 9927
- Land use planning
- Life sciences sector
- presented, 2442
- Manufacturing jobs
- presented, 28–29
- Municipal restructuring
- responded to, 4568
- Ontario farmers
- responded to, 4478
- Shelter services
- responded to, 4574
- Small business
- Taxation
- Tenant protection
- Trade mission
- presented, 2120–2121
- Transportation infrastructure
- presented, 2445
- Regulations - business
- Rent control
- and housing supply, 3813
- Rental housing
- Rental housing - evictions
- Rental housing - tenant protections
- Residential Tenancies Act, SO 2003, c 17
- penalties and fines, increase to, 4636
- Retirement homes - by site
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- resident eviction and transition, 8412
- Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement, closure
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- Shelters and transitional housing
- government funding, 4496
- Skilled trades
- recruitment initiatives
- youth, 1982–1983
- recruitment initiatives
- Skilled trades - education and training
- government funding, 1980
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- second reading, 7699
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- second reading, 9770–9772
- Supportive housing - funding
- general remarks, 4479
- Transit infrastructure development
- government strategy, 1980
- Unhoused persons
- Unhoused persons - support programs and services
- Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190)
- second reading, 9243
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- presumptive coverage, fire rangers
- cancers, heart injuries & PTSD, 8943
- presumptive coverage, fire rangers
- Affordable housing
Taylor, M. (NDP, Hamilton Mountain)
- Affordable housing
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- transferals
- wait-list, 2378
- transferals
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
- Appreciation
- Arkell, Denise, 4913
- Autism services
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- education and awareness
- World Autism Awareness Day, 3188
- education and awareness
- Automobile thefts
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142)
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 3687
- Blood and blood products - donation and collection
- prohibition on payment, 7609
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget 2024/2025
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180)
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- third reading, 4145
- Child protection
- Child protection system
- Child protection system - Indigenous families
- children and youth in care, 8601
- Child welfare
- Children and youth
- supports and services
- access to, 7965, 10769–10770
- supports and services
- Children and youth in care
- alternative placements, 9390, 10174
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders, 9386–9387
- complex medical care, 9388
- experience in, permitted to disclose, 8595
- foster and group homes
- foster and group homes, for-profit
- living conditions, 9387
- general remarks, 9383
- mental health care
- access to, 9384
- protection of privacy, 9362
- rights, Ombudsman of Ontario, 9385, 9389, 9391
- siblings, joint placements, 9388
- alternative placements, 9390, 10174
- Children and youth in care - former
- Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
- general remarks, 9388
- Children's aid societies
- government funding, 8597
- Children's aid societies (CASs)
- Children's aid societies (CASs) - by site
- York Region Children's Aid Society
- Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
- Rights Unrecognized: Mia’s Story (2024), 8800
- Ombudsman investigation and recommendations
- York Region Children's Aid Society
- Colleges and universities
- government funding, 10651–10652
- Committee process
- and public consultation, 4587
- Consumer protection
- gift cards, 6970
- Consumer protection - home owners
- notice of security interests (NOSIs)
- HVAC equipment, 6968
- notice of security interests (NOSIs)
- Consumption and treatment services
- general remarks, 10596–10597
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- buffer zones and closures, 10457
- impact on clients, 10455–10456
- closure, 9701
- buffer zones and closures, 10457
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- Co-operative housing
- general remarks, 8446–8447
- Cost of living
- Court administration - staff
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- second reading, 10514
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10596–10597
- Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- Debates re answers to question period
- Developmental services
- government funding, 8924
- Doctors - family doctors
- access, 8168
- Education workers - collective bargaining
- Education workers - labour disputes, union contracts and negotiations
- general remarks, 1077
- Educational assistants (EAs)
- shortage
- impact on students, 3687
- shortage
- Elections
- general election (2022), 177
- Electricity rates
- affordability, 3548
- Employment - COVID-19
- Employment services
- Employment services - target populations
- social assistance recipients, 5079
- Employment standards - sick days
- general remarks, 5081
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 157)
- committee process
- amendments, consideration of, 7566
- committee process
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- Food banks - usage
- Food prices
- general remarks, 1091
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 7581–7584
- Government record - PC (1995-2003)
- municipal affairs policy, 4521
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- second reading, 5806
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Police Services
- crisis intervention partnerships
- mental health and addictions, 4801
- crisis intervention partnerships
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- Health care - children
- medically fragile
- government funding, 3616
- medically fragile
- Health care funding
- Health care services
- Health care services - delivery
- private vs. public, 4022
- Health care system
- privatization, 5637
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Home and community care
- Home and community care - delivery models
- for-profit
- quality of care, 5624
- for-profit
- Home and community care - services
- critical care nursing
- cost of, 5621
- critical care nursing
- Home and community care - staff
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- third reading, 5673–5674
- Honouring Veterans Act, 2024 (Bill 218)
- second reading, 10217
- Hospital services
- capacity and overcrowding
- impact on patient health, 3802
- capacity and overcrowding
- Hospitals - staff
- retention
- impact on patient care, 2378–2379
- retention
- Housing developers
- approvals and permits, timelines
- expiry of, 8448
- approvals and permits, timelines
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- pre-approved designs
- accessibility requirements, 8448
- pre-approved designs
- Housing development - construction
- Housing development - major transit station areas
- parking minimums, removal of
- accessibility requirements, 8449
- parking minimums, removal of
- Housing policy
- Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- general remarks, 7565
- Improving Real Estate Management Act, 2024 (Bill 151)
- Independent health facilities
- ministerial oversight, 2426
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
- real estate services
- management of, 6408
- real estate services
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- support services
- shelters and transitional housing, funding, 7564–7565
- support services
- Justice system
- community programs and services
- funding allocation, 3193
- community programs and services
- Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, 2024 (Bill 165)
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- second reading, 1045
- Labour disputes
- replacement workers, use of, 9372
- Landfills
- GFL Stoney Creek Regional Facility
- odour, 5999
- GFL Stoney Creek Regional Facility
- Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- access, 3824
- Legal aid services
- eligibility requirements
- income, 7047
- eligibility requirements
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
- Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation, project planning process
- Legislative buildings - Parliament Hill
- rehabilitation and restoration
- architectural design, 2841
- rehabilitation and restoration
- Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023 (Bill 139)
- second reading, 5789–5790
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- Locates
- Long-term care - staff
- shortage
- impact on patient care, 598
- shortage
- McMaster Children's Hospital
- Members' statements
- Addiction services, 7480
- Affordable housing, 7480
- Arkell, Denise, 4913
- Assistance to persons with disabilities, 3861
- Children's services, 7965
- Cost of living, 4321, 10371
- Employment standards, 281–282
- Food banks, 2152
- Food drive, 7055–7056
- Grey Cup, 6355
- Halloween pumpkin party, 5767
- Homelessness, 8917, 9420
- Member for Hamilton Mountain, 10875–10876
- Missing persons, 2661
- Morris-Miller, Rebecca, 1547
- National Volunteer Week, 8419–8420
- Remembrance Day, 10166
- Social assistance, 1066–1067, 5266
- Volunteers, 3736
- World Autism Awareness Day, 3188–3189
- Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 10875–10876
- Members/ministers quoting
- Mayor of Hamilton
- unhoused persons, 10361
- Mayor of Hamilton
- Members'/ministers' remarks
- withdrawn, 5936
- Mental health and addictions
- Mental health and addictions services
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
- general remarks, 6062
- Ministerial statements
- Dress Purple Day
- responded to, 5784–5785
- Dress Purple Day
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
- Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74)
- Missing persons - investigative tools
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- public response, 2124
- Municipal finances
- municipal-provincial up/downloading, 10361
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
- general remarks, 176
- Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- Naloxone kits
- New Democratic Party (NDP)
- housing policy, 10189
- Nurses - temporary agencies
- wage premiums, 5384
- Occupational health and safety
- Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- transition to school-based supports, 3042
- Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
- AccessOAP
- stakeholder communications, 6776
- consultation
- statements by stakeholders, 5440
- core services, 2941
- determination of needs assessment
- funding allocation, 7414
- enrolment rate, 227, 350
- government funding, 3138–3139
- intake process, 2940–2941
- programs and services
- access, 5440–5441
- service capacity
- treatment wait-list, 349
- treatment wait-list, 2623
- wait-list, 5409, 8698–8699
- AccessOAP
- Ontario Child Advocate
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- Ontario Health atHome
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- service eligibility
- uninsured service fees, 5622
- service eligibility
- Ontario One Call
- Opposition day motions
- Personal support workers (PSWs)
- Petitions
- Addiction services, 10502
- Adoption disclosure, 2971
- Air and water quality, 8649
- Chronic pain treatment, 3045–3046
- Health care workers, 4138
- Hospital services, 4018–4019, 5331–5332
- Laboratory services, 8488, 9318
- Labour legislation, 6371, 10959
- Missing persons, 3081, 3201, 3383–3384, 3620–3621, 3677–3678, 3807, 3875, 7154, 7308, 7495, 8256, 8327, 8434, 8489, 8649, 8709, 10958
- Nurses, 1787–1788, 8257, 8329
- School safety, 10960
- Social assistance, 232, 499–500, 604–605, 643–644, 748, 1084, 1789, 2172–2173, 2449–2450, 3876, 4716–4717, 5066–5067, 5467, 5661, 6525, 7156, 7495, 8199, 8257, 8328, 8434, 9319
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2)
- second reading, 246
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- Police officers - education and training
- Police services
- government funding, 4803
- Police services - community relations
- Post-secondary education - mental health and addictions
- government funding, 8833
- Private members' public business
- Public health labs
- closures, 8480
- Public health units - funding
- and lab tests, 7237–7238
- Public libraries - Toronto
- opening hours, 4523
- Public sector compensation - increase cap, health care workers
- impact on retention, 281
- Public sector services
- government funding, 7566
- Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- Question period
- Autism treatment
- Blood and plasma donation
- presented, 7609
- Child and family services
- presented, 8800, 9114–9115, 9744–9745, 10174, 10769–10770
- Children's aid societies
- presented, 6519
- Children's health services
- presented, 3616
- Children's mental health services
- Employment standards
- presented, 4866–4867
- Government policies
- presented, 2124
- Health care funding
- Home care
- presented, 158–159
- Hospital services
- presented, 1266
- Housing
- presented, 8741
- Laboratory services
- presented, 8480
- Labour dispute
- presented, 1077
- Land use planning
- presented, 1524–1525
- Landfill
- presented, 5999
- Long-term care
- presented, 598
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented, 2159
- Mental health services
- presented, 5525
- Ministry spending
- presented, 9590
- Missing persons
- presented, 3250–3251, 4652–4653, 5780, 8699, 10047–10048
- Municipal planning
- presented, 5112
- Natural gas rates
- presented, 3548
- Nurses
- presented, 1780–1781
- Public health
- presented, 7237–7238
- Replacement workers
- presented, 9372
- Services for persons with disabilities
- presented, 8924
- Social assistance
- Social services
- presented, 3193
- Special-needs children
- presented, 4015
- Special-needs students
- presented, 9476
- University and college funding
- presented, 10651–10652
- Women's issues
- presented, 2723
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Rent control
- exemptions, 8447
- Rental housing
- Resource Management and Safety Act, 2024 (Bill 228)
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- second reading, 10455–10458
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation, 10596
- time allocation motion
- responded to, 10596–10597
- Senior citizens
- housing, 8673
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- government funding, 7545
- Skilled trades - employment
- recruitment and retention
- women, 5073
- recruitment and retention
- Social assistance programs
- Social assistance programs - benefit rates
- Social assistance programs - recipients
- personal information
- collection of, 5079
- personal information
- Sporting events
- Grey Cup, 6355
- St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 (Bill 63)
- Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024 (Bill 166)
- third reading, 8833
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022
- scope of, 143
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Students - special needs
- injuries and fatalities
- Ferris, Landyn, 9476
- injuries and fatalities
- Support for Seniors and Caregivers Act, 2024 (Bill 235)
- second reading, 11018–11019, 11021, 11023, 11046, 11049
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Supportive housing
- privatization, 8442
- Supportive housing - funding
- general remarks, 8924
- Surgical procedures
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 536
- Time allocation motions
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- responded to, 10596–10597
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- responded to, 4587–4589
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223)
- responded to, 10596–10597
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- Tributes
- Unhoused persons
- Veterans
- Veterans - commemoration
- Remembrance Day and Remembrance Week, 10166
- Victim Quick Response Program
- access to, 7565
- Victim services
- Volunteers
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79)
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - coverage
- residential care workers, 5091
- Your Health Act, 2023 (Bill 60)
Thanigasalam, Hon. V. (PC, Scarborough—Rouge Park)
- Appreciation
- Shanmuganathan, Varathaledchumy, 1549
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- Budget 2023/2024
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- Carbon pricing programs, provincial
- implementation requirements
- referendum, 7920
- implementation requirements
- Carbon tax
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- Colleges and universities
- capital projects by site
- Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health, 3133
- capital projects by site
- Crime - government response
- general remarks, 1524
- Driving - careless/distracted
- penalties, 9326
- Driving - impaired
- Education - COVID-19
- impact on student development, 1113
- Education funding
- general remarks, 1101–1102
- Education - in-school learning
- students, 1118
- Entrepreneurship
- government strategy, 3310
- Fuel prices - taxation
- rate reduction, extension, 1342
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- second reading, 7372–7373
- GO Transit
- GO Transit - service expansion - by region
- York, 5099–5100
- Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- education policy, 1105
- Government record - Liberals (2003-2018)
- education policy, 1105
- Highways and roads safety
- northern Ontario
- government strategy, 5223
- northern Ontario
- Housing development - construction
- municipal-provincial relationship, 88
- Housing supply
- government strategy, 798
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- general remarks, 1575–1576
- Infrastructure development
- capital projects
- government strategy, 2513
- capital projects
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
- Land use planning - environmental assessments
- Land use planning - environmental assessments, class environment assessments
- Legions
- Remembrance Day tributes, 1310
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1762–1764
- Long-term care - services
- expansion of
- behavioural supports, 1376–1377
- expansion of
- Members' statements
- Municipal councillors
- legislative tools, 2099
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- public response, 342
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
- general remarks, 343
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system - effect on housing development
- general remarks, 87
- Muslim community
- community organizations
- Muslim Welfare Canada, 2660
- community organizations
- Ontario Place
- Paramedics and paramedic services
- occupational health and safety, 2600–2601
- Police services
- role and duties
- impaired driving, 9326
- role and duties
- Post-secondary education - faculty/staff
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36)
- second reading, 1342
- Public assets
- Question period
- Community safety
- presented, 1524
- Government accountability
- responded to, 8524
- Government advertising
- responded to, 7919–7920
- Government contract
- responded to, 5216–5217
- Highway safety
- responded to, 5223
- Housing
- Municipal government
- presented, 342–343
- Ontario Place
- responded to, 3615
- Paramedic workplace safety
- presented, 2600–2601
- Public transit
- Seniors' health services
- presented, 1376–1377
- Small business
- presented, 3310–3311
- Sports and recreation funding
- presented, 2027
- Taxation
- Community safety
- Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69)
- Regulatory policy
- government strategy, 3879
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197)
- second reading, 9325–9326
- Scarborough
- regional development, 5322
- Sporting events
- government funding, 2027
- Sports
- athlete funding, 2027
- Sports and recreation
- athlete funding, 2027
- Sports teams
- regional
- Scarborough, 544
- regional
- Strengthening Post-secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Supply Act, 2024 (Bill 174)
- second reading, 7792
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- name change from Ryerson University, 1290–1291
- Toronto Police Services
- general remarks, 1524
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- general remarks, 6457
- Transit
- Transit infrastructure development
- Transit infrastructure development - by region
- Scarborough, 7373
- Transportation
- affordability
- government strategy, 7889
- affordability
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- Transportation infrastructure development
- Transportation policy
- regulatory reform, 1763
- Western University
- sexual violence and harassment
- institutional response, 1291
- sexual violence and harassment
- Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (Bill 149)
- second reading, 6256
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229)
- second reading, 10735
- Appreciation
Thompson, Hon. L.M. (PC, Huron—Bruce)
- Agricultural land
- Agricultural land - zoning
- residential lots, 3748–3749
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 155)
- Agriculture industry
- Agriculture industry - employment
- Agriculture industry - food processing
- employment
- federal-provincial partnerships, 2666–2667
- government strategy
- Grow Ontario Strategy, 1770, 1778, 1830, 3913–3914
- innovation and technology, 7145
- funding for, 1080
- partnership agreements, funding
- Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, 3039
- production costs, reduction programs, 3672–3673
- promotion of, 1321
- international trade, 1322
- supply chain, memorandum of understanding
- ginseng farmers, 2252–2253
- supply management
- international trade, memorandums of understanding, 2490
- technology, 1730
- Agriculture industry - support programs
- Risk Management Program (RMP), 6065
- Agri-food industry
- Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario
- government funding, 5155, 5279, 9314
- government strategy, 4224, 4447, 5155, 5278–5279, 6751, 6753–6755, 8262, 8699–8700
- Grow Ontario Strategy
- progress, 7144
- innovation and technology
- government strategy, 6919
- research, innovation and technology, 6752–6753, 6756
- support programs
- funding, 5775
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85)
- second reading, 3151
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146)
- second reading, 6118
- Building Infrastructure Safely Act, 2024 (Bill 153)
- second reading, 6658–6660
- Carbon tax
- home heating, impact on cost of
- northern and rural Ontario, 9854
- northern and rural Ontario, impact on, 7890, 9483–9484, 9997
- rural Ontario, impact on, 10179–10180, 10440–10441
- home heating, impact on cost of
- Carbon tax - impact by industry
- College of Veterinarians of Ontario
- College of Veterinary Professionals of Ontario
- Cost of living
- Economic development
- rural and northern Ontario, 11112
- Enhancing Professional Care for Animals Act, 2024 (Bill 171)
- Food banks - usage
- donations
- agri-food industry, 6522
- donations
- Grow Ontario Strategy
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- second reading, 1728–1730
- Livestock care
- ultrasound pregnancy checks, 7819
- Locates
- Ontario One Call
- Pharmacists
- role of, expansion
- veterinary prescriptions, fulfillment, 7818
- role of, expansion
- Question period
- Agri-food industry
- Beef farmers
- responded to, 5278–5279
- Consumer protection
- responded to, 9172–9173
- Farmers
- responded to, 744
- Food banks
- responded to, 6522
- Land use planning
- Nutrient management
- responded to, 5820
- Ontario farmers
- Rural economic development
- responded to, 11112
- Services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- responded to, 3744
- Taxation
- Veterinary services
- Soil management
- soil health programs
- funding, 3302
- soil health programs
- Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership
- Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative, 6918
- Throne speech debate
- participation, 478
- Tributes
- Riddell, John Keith (former member of Huron), 7115–7117
- Veterinarians
- Veterinarians Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. V.3
- Veterinarians and veterinary technicians
- Veterinary services
- Veterinary technicians
- registered
- scope of practice, 7817
- registered
Tibollo, Hon. M.A. (PC, Vaughan—Woodbridge)
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- second reading, 1477–1482
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98)
- second reading, 3755
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- government funding, 9586
- Consumption and treatment services
- Consumption and treatment services - sites
- Correctional facilities - inmates
- mental health and addictions services, 4704
- Correctional services
- mental health and addictions services, 4704
- Crime - government response
- mass violence events
- impact on communities, 680
- mass violence events
- Drugs - illegal
- decriminalization
- Toronto, 8988
- decriminalization
- Eating disorders
- Education - mental health
- Emergency service providers
- mental health supports, 9263
- French-language debates
- Période de questions
- Services de santé mentale pour enfants, 6062
- Période de questions
- Health
- social determinants of
- housing, 1479
- social determinants of
- Health information
- Electronic Health Record
- patient access, 10846
- Electronic Health Record
- Housing
- availability
- impact on mental health and well-being, 1479–1480
- availability
- Housing development - approvals and permits
- timelines
- impact on costs, 1478
- timelines
- Housing development - municipal charges
- Housing policy
- government strategy, 1480
- Housing supply
- Housing Supply Action Plan Implementation Team (HSAPIT)
- municipal-provincial partnerships, 126
- Housing supply - population growth projections
- general remarks, 1478
- Indigenous communities - mental health and addictions services
- Indigenous education
- mental health supports, 4249
- Indigenous students
- mental health supports, 4249
- Members'/ministers' privileges
- wearing of paraphernalia
- pins, 9469–9470
- wearing of paraphernalia
- Mental health and addictions
- Mental health and addictions - children and youth
- prevention, 10710
- Mental health and addictions - housing
- Mental health and addictions services
- community organizations
- base funding, 3254
- community programs, peer support, 4367
- government funding, 9993
- northern Ontario, 9315
- government strategy, 1780, 6919, 9853
- intergovernmental health system
- data collection and sharing, 1872
- mobile crisis intervention units, 1674
- peer support workers
- training and certification, barriers to, 4367
- regional programs, 2606
- treatment models, 2670
- community organizations
- Mental health and addictions services - by region
- Sioux Lookout, 5002
- Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
- Mental health and addictions services - providers
- North Bay Addictions Centre of Excellence, 1780
- Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
- More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231)
- third reading, 10846–10849
- Municipal governance - strong mayor system - effect on housing development
- Opioid addiction
- Private members' public business
- Question period
- Addiction services
- Beverage alcohol sales
- responded to, 9315
- Children and youth mental health services
- Children's mental health services
- Correctional services
- Education funding
- First responders
- responded to, 9263
- Government accountability
- responded to, 7198
- Health care
- responded to, 2722
- Homelessness
- responded to, 2165–2166
- Indigenous affairs
- responded to, 5522
- Indigenous health care
- responded to, 5814
- Indigenous mental health and addiction services
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health services
- Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation
- responded to, 10379
- Northern and Indigenous mental health and addiction services
- responded to, 1780
- Social services
- responded to, 879
- Violence in schools
- responded to, 9120
- Skilled trades - employment
- labour shortage, 126
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- second reading, 125–127
- Unhoused persons
- Unhoused persons - support programs and services
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
Triantafilopoulos, E.J. (PC, Oakville North—Burlington)
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- placement of, 287
- Automobile thefts
- rate of, 4805
- Bill C-233 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Judges Act (violence against an intimate partner)
- Kiera's Law, 3935
- Budget 2023/2024
- Budget speech 2023 (March 23, 2023)
- responded to, 3283–3286
- Carbon tax
- Children and youth in care
- transition out of care
- programs and services, 3199
- transition out of care
- Court administration - reform
- digital services, 7568–7569
- Court facilities - by site
- Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto, 7568–7569
- Debates re answers to question period
- Electric vehicles
- responded to, 8460–8461
- Electric vehicles
- Doctors - education and training, medical schools
- Economic conditions
- international supply chain
- impact of, 1215
- international supply chain
- Electric vehicles
- government strategy, 8460–8461
- Electric vehicles - batteries, manufacturing
- investments, 8460
- Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- investments in, 8319
- Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2024 (Bill 157)
- third reading, 7568–7570
- Entrepreneurship
- women in, 1678–1679
- Family law
- Family violence
- definition of, 1848
- Gender-based violence
- Gender-based violence - prevention
- Government orders
- Member's conduct
- amendment to the amendment
- responded to, 5539–5541
- amendment to the amendment
- Member's conduct
- Government record - PC (2018-present)
- general remarks, 483
- Greek community
- education and awareness
- Hellenic Heritage Month, 2848
- education and awareness
- Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- government strategy, 2622
- Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- government strategy, 2622
- Housing development
- government strategy, 10176
- Intimate partner violence
- Intimate partner violence - prevention
- education and awareness
- in justice system, 1847
- education and awareness
- Intimate partner violence - victims
- Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
- membership appointments
- conflict of interest, 7570
- membership appointments
- Judicial education
- Legal Aid Ontario
- roster lawyers
- compensation, increase, 7570
- roster lawyers
- Long-term care - beds, development and redevelopment
- government strategy, 3286
- Long-term care - services
- service delivery
- models of care, 288
- service delivery
- Manufacturing industry
- by region
- Burlington, 6055
- by region
- Members' statements
- Anniversary of invasion of Ukraine, 2299
- Education funding, 8352
- Events in Oakville North–Burlington, 9470
- Gender-based violence, 1771, 3792, 11054
- Government's agenda, 483
- Government's record, 4761
- Hellenic Heritage Month, 2848, 7914
- Holiday events in Oakville North–Burlington, 10817–10818
- Kagan, Dr. Jennifer, 4699
- National Association of Women and the Law, 7480
- Rapid Dose Therapeutics Inc., 6055
- Remembrance Day, 10371
- Rootree, 6055
- Small businesses, 9986
- Victim Support Grant Program, 5517
- Violence against women, 1067–1068
- Volunteers, 9041
- Mental health and addictions services
- pre-budget consultations, 2622–2623
- Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
- government funding, 2623
- MS Remedies Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr52)
- first reading, 10000
- second reading, 11097–11098
- third reading, 11097–11098
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
- general remarks, 3286
- Opposition day motions
- Mental health services
- responded to, 2622–2624
- Mental health services
- Orthodox Christian community
- Greek Orthodox Church, 7811
- Petitions
- Private members' public business
- Question period
- Affordable housing
- presented, 10176
- Electric vehicles
- responded to, 8319
- Gender-based violence
- Government policies
- presented, 1214–1215
- Health care post-secondary education
- presented, 491–492
- Labour legislation
- presented, 10707–10708
- Long-term care
- presented, 287–288
- Refugee services
- presented, 3668
- School facilities
- Services for children and youth
- presented, 3198–3199
- Skilled trades
- presented, 7149
- Taxation
- presented, 8194
- Women's employment
- presented, 10832
- Women's services
- presented, 1678–1679
- Affordable housing
- Regional development
- Oakville North—Burlington, 4761
- School facilities - capital projects
- Skilled trades - education and training
- women, 7149
- Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 (Bill 102)
- Tributes
- Reed, Julian Alexander Arnott (former member for Halton–Burlington), 841–842
- Ukraine - invasion of (February 2022)
- Ukrainian community
- in Canada, 10687
- Veterans - commemoration
- peacekeepers, 10371
- Victims of crime
- Volunteers
- awards, 9041
- Women
- in the workforce, 10832
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients