Letter: E
Early childhood educators (ECEs)
Eating disorders
Economic conditions
- COVID-19, impact of
- Bethlenfalvy, F27
- general remarks
- Bethlenfalvy, F18–F19
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, F1727–F1728, F1983–F1985
- Clark, F1925, F1930
- Hazell, F1929–F1930
- rate of inflation
- Bethlenfalvy, F19
- COVID-19, impact of
Economic conditions - downturn
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, F27–F29
- government strategy
Economic conditions - inflation
- price gouging
- fines and penalties
- Mamakwa, JP47
- fines and penalties
- price gouging
Economic development
- and environmental sustainability
- government funding
- Bethlenfalvy, F19
- government strategy
- international investment
- by region
- northern and rural Ontario
- Cuzzetto, IN667
- Gallagher Murphy, IN667
- Thompson, IN656–IN657, IN667
- northern and rural Ontario
- Rural Economic Development Program
Economic development - northern Ontario
- government strategy
- Holland, F1628–F1629
- Rickford, IN632
- government strategy
- academic destreaming
- Lecce, SP79–SP80
- Black Youth Action Plan
- class sizes
- impact on students
- Pasma, SP387
- impact on students
- course destreaming
- Lecce, SP566–SP567
- course streaming
- Hsu, F1402–F1403
- employment-readiness
- Saunderson, F663
- EQAO testing and results
- factors impacting
- Gretzky, SP410
- factors impacting
- EQAO testing and results, math
- External credits
- Pasma, SP461
- learning supports
- literacy skills
- math skills
- math coaches
- Lecce, SP589
- math coaches
- mental health services
- government funding
- Bowman, F1060–F1061
- government funding
- mental health support programs
- Lecce, SP86
- mental health supports
- government strategy
- Pierre, SP85
- government strategy
- program pathways
- impact of
- Martin, SP462–SP463
- impact of
- reports and recommendations
- student supports
- access to
- Pasma, SP398–SP399, SP403
- general remarks
- access to
- teaching methods
- science of reading
- Pierre, SP392
- science of reading
- academic destreaming
Education - Catholic
Education - COVID-19
Education - French-language
- community impact
- Pasma, SP493
- francophone authority over
- general remarks
- post-secondary. see Colleges and universities–French-language
- community impact
Education funding
Education - funding
Education funding
- and enrolment
- Lecce, SP570
- funding streams
- Barnes, SP388–SP389
- Lecce, SP566
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Fife, F535–F536
- Kernaghan, F454
- Lecce, SP570–SP571
- and enrolment
Education - funding
Education funding
- Grants for Student Needs (GSN), allocation
- consultation process
- Pasma, SP587–SP588
- consultation process
- and inflation
- Pasma, SP378, SP570–SP571
- Grants for Student Needs (GSN), allocation
Education - funding
- math program and curriculum
- Lecce, SP87
- math program and curriculum
Education funding
Education - funding
Education funding
Education funding - special education
- allocation
- Martin, SP408
- general remarks
- Lecce, SP592–SP593
- and inflation
- Pasma, SP592
- supports and services
- Lecce, SP575–SP576
- Martin, SP530, SP575
- Pasma, SP429
- government funding
- Pasma, F1474–F1475
- allocation
Education - mental health
- data collection and benchmarking
- Pasma, SP578
- student mental health survey
- Lecce, SP578–SP579
- mental health professionals. see Education workers - mental health professionals
- school and community supports
- service coordination
- Lecce, SP583–SP584
- service coordination
- service funding
- Pasma, F367
- services and supports
- Pasma, SP408
- student access to
- Pasma, SP484–SP485
- Pierre, SP576–SP577
- services, student access to
- northern and rural Ontario
- Pasma, F356
- northern and rural Ontario
- students
- impact on learning
- Pasma, SP387
- impact on learning
- data collection and benchmarking
Education - online learning
- digital learning partnerships
- Lecce, SP80
- digital learning partnerships
Education - parents.
see Also School boards - information sharingEducation policy
- consultation process
- Barnes, SP483–SP484
- Gélinas, SP498–SP499
- government strategy
- Lecce, SP78
- ministerial authority. see Also School boards — strategic planning
- consultation process
Education - secondary
- dual credit programs
- Bethlenfalvy, F32
- skilled trades. see Also Apprenticeships; Apprenticeships — training programs
- dual credit programs
Education - skilled trades
- government strategy
- Barnes, SP505, SP590
- Lecce, SP590–SP591
- instructors
- impact on student outcomes
- Pierre, SP453, SP455
- Rae, SP459–SP460
- impact on student outcomes
- government strategy
Education - special education.
see Also Students - special needs- funding formula
- Pasma, F367
- K-12 Education Standards Development Committee, report (2022 )
- implementation of
- Pasma, SP490–SP492, SP525
- implementation of
- funding formula
Education - special education services
- access to
- Pasma, SP429
- impact on students
- Pasma, SP407–SP408
- special education classrooms, removal
- impact of
- Pasma, SP416
- impact of
- access to
Education - student outcomes
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Lecce, SP374, SP376–SP377, SP588–SP589
- Quinn, SP397, SP585
- graduation rates
- Lecce, SP374
- impact of
- Barnes, SP471
- performance metrics
- policies and guidelines
- Martin, SP485
- accessibility and inclusion
- Pasma, SP485–SP486
- provincial priorities
- provincial priorities, implementation
- consultation process
- Pasma, SP497–SP499
- consultation process
- student well-being
Education system
Education workers.
see also by specific professionEducation workers - mental health professionals
Elder abuse
- general elections (2022)
- voter turnout
- McMahon, HE339
- voter turnout
- general elections (2022)
Electoral process
- involvement in, target populations
- youth
- McMahon, HE339
- youth
- involvement in, target populations
Electric vehicle infrastructure
- electricity supply
- Bresee, HE1277
- French, HE1276–HE1277
- availability of
- electricity supply
Electric vehicles
- government strategy
- Smith, L., F1339–F1340
- increase in number of
- Cuzzetto, F50
- manufacturing
- government strategy
- Hogarth, F518
- government strategy
- manufacturing strategy
- government strategy
Electric vehicles - batteries, manufacturing by site
- St. Thomas (Volkswagen Group and PowerCo SE)
- employees, housing availability
- Calandra, HE762
- employees, housing availability
- St. Thomas (Volkswagen Group and PowerCo SE)
Electric vehicles - charging stations
Electric vehicles - manufacturing
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Fedeli, F1954–F1955
- Kernaghan, F1953–F1955
- agents general, role of
Electricity conservation
- efficiency programs
- funding
- Smith, T., IN13
- funding
- efficiency programs
Electricity generation
Electricity rates
- consumers
- industrial vs. individual
- French, IN22
- industrial vs. individual
- government strategy
- Smith, T., IN22
- subsidies
- Lecce, IN581–IN582
- Shaw, IN580–IN581
- consumers
Electricity rates - factors affecting
Electricity rates - reduction
Electricity rates - time-of-use (TOU) pricing
- as conservation initiative
- Smith, T., IN26
- as conservation initiative
Electricity supply
Electricity supply - surplus
- general remarks
- Smith, T., IN26–IN27
- general remarks
Electricity system
Electricity transmission
- transmission line projects
- economic impact
- Smith, T., IN13
- economic impact
- transmission line projects
- Northern Energy Advantage Program
- Bouma, IN624–IN625
- Mamakwa, IN622, IN624, IN626–IN627
- Rickford, IN620, IN624–IN627
- Northern Energy Advantage Program
Elevators and escalators.
see also Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)Emergency management
- general remarks
- Barnes, F2024–F2025
- Hogarth, F2023
- Jones, T., F2023–F2025
- Triantafilopoulos, F2025
- government funding
- government strategy
- waste water surveillance program
- general remarks
Emergency Management Ontario
- role of
- Byers, F794
- Jones, T., F2020–F2021
- Mulroney, F794
- role of
Emergency Management Ontario (EMO)
- Jones, T., F2012–F2013
- role of
- Mulroney, F784
Emergency Measures Ontario (EMO)
- role of
- Fife, F796
- role of
Emergency service providers
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- support services, access to
- Rakocevic, HE955
- support services, access to
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Emergency services
- immigrants. see also Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- job creation
- job creation/loss
- Dowie, F357–F358
- labour shortage
- training and recruitment initiatives
- government strategies, other jurisdictions
- Triantafilopoulos, F621
- government strategies, other jurisdictions
Employment - COVID-19, sick days
- elimination of
- Fife, F460–F461
- elimination of
Employment creation
- government strategy
- Fedeli, F1944, F1949–F1950
- government strategy
Employment creation - by region
- Mississauga
- Sabawy, 1951
- Mississauga
Employment Ontario
Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009,
SO 2009, c. 32.
see also Temporary foreign workersEmployment services
- accountability and oversight
- information sharing requirements
- Gretzky, F622
- information sharing requirements
- employer participation incentives
- Gretzky, F621
- racialized groups
- Service System Manager. see Also Employment services - target populations — social assistance recipients
- bidding process
- Taylor, SP609
- bidding process
- skills development
- Dowie, F358
- Skills Development Fund
- skills training
- Skills Development Fund. see also by specific sector
- accountability and oversight
Employment services - target populations.
see also specific populationEmployment services - training and retraining
- Skills Development Fund
- Hogarth, F1975–F1976
- Piccini, F1976
- funding application process
- Piccini, F1978–F1979
- West, F1978–F1979
- Skills Development Fund
Employment standards
- compensation rates
- over time
- Bowman, F404
- over time
- enforcement
- general remarks
- McNaughton, F589
- gig workers
- government strategy
- Piccini, F1963–F1966
- layoffs and terminations
- remote employees
- McNaughton, F580
- remote employees
- portable benefits
- Dowie, F50
- sick days, paid
- impact on women
- Gretzky, F606
- impact on women
- wage theft
- Piccini, F1967–F1968
- West, F770, F1967–F1968
- workplace violations
- barriers to reporting
- Gretzky, F611
- barriers to reporting
- compensation rates
Employment standards - enforcement
- fines
- Piccini, F1966–F1967
- West, F1966–F1967
- fines
Employment standards - sick days
- paid
- cancer patients
- Fife, F1346
- cancer patients
- paid
Enbridge Gas - natural gas rate application denial
- government response
- Lecce, IN593–IN594
- Shaw, IN593–IN594
- government response
Enbridge Inc
- billing practices
- third-parties included
- Kernaghan, JP190
- third-parties included
- billing practices
- oil and gas wells
- inspection of
- Kernaghan, F428–F429
- inspection of
- oil and gas wells
Energy conservation
- conservation demand management
- Schreiner, IN245
- Smith, T., IN241, IN245
- Tabuns, IN240–IN241
- programs
- Sarrazin, IN238
- Smith, T., IN238–IN239
- conservation demand management
Energy conservation programs
Energy contracts
Energy generation
- capital projects
- cost of
- Schreiner, IN18
- cost of
- government strategy
- Gallagher Murphy, IN590
- Jordan, IN591
- Lecce, IN577–IN579, IN591–IN592
- capital projects
Energy generation - government strategy
- heat pump systems
- Smith, T., IN234
- Tabuns, IN234–IN235
- pumped storage
- heat pump systems
Energy industry
Energy policy
- clean energy
- Bresee, IN245
- Flack, IN239
- Schreiner, IN236–IN237
- Smith, T., IN236–IN237, IN239, IN245
- clean energy initiatives
- Lecce, IN579–IN581, IN583–IN587
- Shaw, IN586
- Yakabuski, IN583
- general remarks
- Smith, T., IN230–IN232, IN246
- government strategy
- Harden, HE216
- procurement
- Lecce, IN585
- clean energy
Energy rates
- government funding
- Fife, F749
- mitigation programs
- commercial and industrial consumers
- Northern Energy Advantage Program
- Pirie, IN30
- Northern Energy Advantage Program
- as economic strategy
- Schreiner, IN244
- Smith, T., IN235–IN236, IN244
- Tabuns, IN235–IN236
- rural Ontario
- commercial and industrial consumers
- government funding
Energy transmission grid
- expansion
- Dowie, IN592
- Lecce, IN590, IN592
- Yakabuski, IN589–IN590
- expansion
Engineering technicians and technologists
- labour availability
- immigrants
- Byers, F661
- immigrants
- labour availability
- equity-seeking groups
- Saunderson, F641
- francophone groups
- Coe, JP308, JP314
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP315
- Mulroney, JP308–JP309, JP313–JP315
- Saunderson, JP313
- Futurpreneur Canada
- Byers, F641
- government funding
- provincial vs. federal
- Bowman, F640
- provincial vs. federal
- support programs
- Saunderson, F638
- equity-seeking groups
Environmental hazards
Environmental hazards - toxic spills
- St. Clair river
- remediation, cost
- Tabuns, IN50
- remediation, cost
- St. Clair river
Environmental protection
- government strategy
- Dowie, IN641–IN642
- McCarthy, IN642–IN643
- Yakabuski, IN47–IN48
- land conservation
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Leardi, F1225
- general remarks