- Gélinas, F. (NDP, Nickel Belt)
- AgustaWestland Corp., P102, P229
- Air ambulance services
- budget, P318–P319
- business model, P435, P436–P437
- emergency health services (EHS) branch
- inspections, P382, P383, P444, P512, P548
- launch policy, P445, P669, P670
- performance agreement, P130, P131, P245, P246, P279, P293, P294, P391, P517
- provincial oversight, P58, P61, P62, P69, P70, P76, P83, P88, P89, P98, P102, P106, P115, P120, P133, P134, P137, P161, P165, P174, P180, P181, P182, P183, P184, P189, P197, P237, P247, P265, P273, P274, P278, P370, P377, P384, P392, P393, P457, P458, P459, P460, P467, P469, P475, P476, P496, P497, P505, P506, P512, P516, P517, P518, P525, P537, P558, P559, P560, P565, P566, P575, P576, P577, P581, P582, P585, P592, P601, P622, P623, P624, P635, P642, P643, P704, P705, P706, P713, P738, P739, P743
- quality of care, P98, P106, P120, P161, P183, P220, P504, P505, P506, P511, P512, P537, P538, P550, P602
- Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Audits, request for, P12, P14, P16, P17, P18
- Blood and blood products, E354
- Childbirth
- Children
- dental care, E310
- Committee briefs/exhibits/documents, P643, P699, P700
- Committee business
- Committee procedure
- Committee process, P50, P51
- Committee schedules/agendas, P21, P23
- Committee witnesses, P22, P23, P142, P158
- anonymous submissions, P325–P326
- Community care access centres (CCACs)
- Consultants, P197
- Consumer protection
- energy contracts, door-to-door sale of, A57
- Counselling services, E355
- Doctor shortage
- underserviced area program, E320
- eHealth Ontario, E346, P165
- Emergency services
- Gas-fired plants, cancelled in Oakville and Mississauga, P10
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Health policy
- advisory councils, E348
- Health promotion
- government funding, E331
- Home care
- Hospital beds, E312
- Hospital funding, E311, E313
- Hospitals
- Lobbyists, P488
- provincial registry, P680
- Lobbyists Registration Act, S.O. 1998, c. 27
- amendments, P680
- Local health integration networks (LHINs), E311, E312, E313
- Long-term care
- Long-term care facilities
- Members'/ministers' conduct
- Mental health care
- comprehensive mental health and addictions strategy, E348
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- Motions
- Nurses
- employment, E321
- Office of Francophone Affairs
- Office of the Integrity Commissioner
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- privatization, A57–A58
- Ornge
- audit, P172, P183, P367, P394, P409, P496, P497, P513
- board of directors, P119, P120, P133, P161, P162, P172, P173, P174, P189, P486, P487, P497, P542, P577, P622, P624, P635, P636
- Canadian Helicopters Ltd. (CHL), contract with, P660–P662
- corporate executives, P44, P173, P174, P181, P183, P189, P206, P208, P229, P275, P584, P585, P613, P736
- corporate structure, P73, P299, P300, P311, P359, P402, P689–P691, P698
- dispatch centre, P651–P652
- staffing model, P658
- financial statements, P412
- flight tracking, P506, P549, P550, P653–P654, P661–P662, P715
- for-profit entities, P43, P44, P73, P82, P83, P101, P134, P138, P165, P172, P180, P181, P183, P184, P189, P228, P237, P243, P244, P263, P273, P274, P276, P287, P391, P392, P458, P459, P467, P468, P469, P487, P497, P498, P507, P511, P516, P517, P535, P536, P538, P565, P566, P576, P577, P582, P584, P585, P619, P620, P622, P623, P642, P703, P704, P705, P706
- revenue, P318
- freedom of information (FOI) requests, P34, P35, P36, P44, P83, P84, P97, P120, P134, P148, P149, P165, P172, P238, P246, P264, P273, P459, P537, P557, P558, P559, P575, P576, P592
- helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, P101, P102, P209, P210, P211, P219, P222, P248, P293, P376, P401, P476, P486, P547, P549, P550, P555, P600
- information requests from government, P691–P692
- investigations
- legal counsel, P123, P137, P152, P286, P363, P468, P469, P488, P497
- fees, P89
- lobbying activity, P678–P679
- non-profit entities, P101, P207, P208
- operational decisions, P58, P115, P179–P180, P329–P332, P377, P600, P711, P713
- Ornge Global, P311, P312
- Oshawa flight base
- establishment of, P416–P417
- promotional activities, P182, P183, P395
- staffing, P505, P535, P541, P601, P602, P712
- stocks/bonds, P202, P278
- whistle-blower protection, P486, P505, P511, P537, P538, P547, P550, P559, P575, P582, P607, P612, P613, P614, P713, P714, P715, P736, P737, P742, P743
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Primary health care
- Public health care, E313
- Public health units, E319, E320
- Public sector employees
- Public-private partnerships, P152
- Infrastructure Ontario, P152
- Radiation safety, E354
- Reports
- Reports referred to committee
- Ornge Air Ambulance and Related Services (Auditor General of Ontario), P61, P62, P69, P70, P73, P74, P82, P83, P84, P88, P89, P97, P98, P101, P102, P106, P115, P119, P120, P123, P124, P130–P131, P133–P134, P138–P139, P142, P148–P149, P152–P153, P158, P161–P162, P165–P166, P172–P174, P179–P184, P189–P190, P197, P202–P203, P206, P207–P211, P219–P222, P228–P229, P237–P239, P243–P244, P245–P248, P262–P266, P273–P276, P278–P280, P325–P326, P329–P332, P337–P339, P341–P342, P341–P344, P362, P363, P364, P365, P367–P370, P376, P377, P382–P384, P391–P395, P401–P402, P408–P412, P416–P417, P434–P436, P436–P437, P438, P443, P444, P445, P446, P447, P448, P457–P460, P466–P470, P475–P478, P485–P488, P496–P498, P504–P506, P511–P513, P516–P518, P525, P535–P538, P541–P542, P547–P550, P555, P556–P560, P565–P566, P570, P571, P575–P578, P581–P582, P584–P585, P587, P592, P600–P602, P606–P608, P612–P615, P619–P620, P622–P624, P635–P636, P642–P643, P651–P652, P653–P654, P658–P659, P660–P663, P669–P670, P672, P678–P681, P689–P692, P698, P699, P700, P703–P707, P711, P712–P715, P722, P736–P739, P742–P743
- Telemedicine, E303
- Ontario Telemedicine Network, E303
- Tobacco products
- ban on flavoured products, E331
- Wind turbines
- health effects, E319