Letter: E
Early Childhood Educators (ECEs)
- compensation. see under Child care - staff
- recruitment and retention
- training and education
- graduation rates
- Schreiner, 2681
- graduation rates
Early Years and Child Care Worker Advisory Commission Act, 2021 (Bill 25)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 347
- first reading
EarlyON centres
- general remarks
- Mantha, 948–949
- general remarks
East Holland River.
see also Lake Simcoe; Sewer and water infrastructure - York region—water reclamation centre (East Gwillimbury proposal)Eating disorders
École Polytechnique
Economic conditions
Economic development
- equity-seeking groups
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- by region
Economic development - northern Ontario
- academic destreaming
- academic streaming
- class sizes
- course streaming
- destreaming
- Gill, 1741
- destreaming
- EQAO testing
- equity programming
- general remarks
- Wynne, 1536
- government funding
- general remarks
- Oosterhoff, 2406
- general remarks
- government strategy
- graduation rates
- Wynne, 1537
- graduation requirement
- community service
- digital reporting
- Tangri, 394
- digital reporting
- community service
- mandatory volunteer hours
- digital submissions
- Tangri, 1334
- digital submissions
- mental health services
- privatization
- Glover, 1435
- staff
- government funding
- Oosterhoff, 2407
- government funding
- staff shortages
- Stiles, 2345
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 430
Education Amendment Act (Civic Education), 2022 (Bill 118)
- first reading
- Simard, 3247
- first reading
Education - COVID-19
- general remarks
- government funding
- government response
- hybrid teaching model
- Baber, 693–694
- learning gap
- mental health
- students
- Glover, 189
- students
- mental health supports by region
- Thames Valley District Schoolboard
- Armstrong, 2381–2382
- Thames Valley District Schoolboard
- quadmester system
- staff
- statements by stakeholders
- Kernaghan, 3109
- timetabling
- Lecce, 1022
Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- alternative class locations
- Glover, 189
- class sizes
- infection control
- staff
- hiring of
- Lecce, 206
- hiring of
- statements by stakeholders
- Morrison, 1425
- testing
- transmission and outbreaks
- vaccination policies
- alternative class locations
Education - COVID-19, online learning
Education - curriculum
- employment readiness
- Calandra, 3115
- Indigenous content
- math
- science
- employment readiness
Education - French-language
Education funding
- allocation
- Hunter, 909
- anti-racism
- Safe Restart Agreement
- Glover, 1525
- Safe Restart Agreement
- fall economic statement (2021)
- Fife, 1603
- general remarks
- Grants for Student Needs (GSN)
- Special Education Grant
- Oosterhoff, 2406
- Special Education Grant
- Indigenous programming. see under Indigenous communities - education
- math strategy
- Oosterhoff, 2516
- mental health and well-being
- operational allocation
- Priorities and Partnership Fund (PPF)
- Babikian, 3103
- review reports
- Financial Accountability Office
- Glover, 189
- Financial Accountability Office
- allocation
Education - online learning
Education policy
- consultation
- Wynne, 2580–2581
- consultation
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
- chair
- appointment and compensation
- Stiles, 2516
- appointment and compensation
- chair
Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2021 (Bill 69)
- first reading
- Wynne, 1543
- first reading
Education support workers
- recruitment and retention
- general remarks
- Lecce, 826
- general remarks
- recruitment and retention
Educational assistants
- recruitment and retention
- northern Ontario
- Mantha, 429
- northern Ontario
- recruitment and retention
Elder abuse
Eleanor Fulcher Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr71)
Elections and by-elections
- municipal
- London (2018)
- ranked-ballot system
- Sattler, 421
- ranked-ballot system
- London (2018)
- municipal
Electoral procedure
- ranked ballot
- cost of
- Sattler, 421
- cost of
- ranked ballot
Electoral process
Electric vehicle infrastructure
Electric vehicles
- environmental impact
- Smith, T., 1412
- government funding
- government strategy
- Kernaghan, 1225
- hybrid models
- gas usage
- Vanthof, 1976
- gas usage
- incentive programs
- manufacturing agreements. see also under Manufacturing industry - automotive sector
- batteries
- factories. see Stellantis
- mineral supply. see Mines and mining–Critical Minerals Strategy
- company funding
- general remarks
- government funding
- market value
- Schreiner, 3011
- batteries
- manufacturing strategy
- operational challenges
- sale rates
- transit fleets
- Crawford, 3131
- environmental impact
Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Electricity rates
Emancipation Month Act, 2021 (Bill 75)
Emergency first responders
Emergency management
- Auditor General recommendations 2017
- emergency volunteer program
- Gill, 1316
- government authority
- pandemic preparedness. see also Wastewater Surveillance Initiative
- provincial states of emergency
- and COVID-19. see COVID-19 - provincial states of emergency
- historical use of
- Triantafilopoulos, 49
Emergency management - preparedness
- pandemic planning
- Cuzzetto, 3202
- pandemic planning
Emergency services - COVID-19
- careers, economic impact
- Anand, 603–604
- foreign credentials
- recognition of. see under Immigration policy; specific profession
- gig workers
- government strategy
- job creation/loss
- labour mobility
- license requirements
- Sabawy, 651
- license requirements
- labour shortage
- non-compete agreements
- ban on
- general remarks
- intellectual property
- McNaughton, 598
- non-disclosure agreements
- part-time work
- prevalence of
- Sattler, 606
- prevalence of
- recruitment and retention
- general remarks
- Anand, 601
- general remarks
- training and retraining programs
- McNaughton, 3369
- training programs
- general remarks
- Pang, 1211
- general remarks
- work-life balance
- workplace trends
- careers, economic impact
Employment - COVID-19
- general remarks
- Miller, P., 1319
- government funding
- McKenna, 3183
- government response
- health and safety. see under Occupational health and safety - COVID-19
- health care workers
- isolation days
- Andrew, 1115
- isolation days
- infection disease emergency leave
- Anand, 2107
- layoff and termination
- Baber, 2104
- loss and recovery
- Fedeli, 2984
- mandatory vaccination
- mandatory vaccination (see also specific industry)
- Karahalios, 735
- pandemic pay
- remote work environments
- sick days
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
- COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit program
- employer offset compensation
- general remarks
- number of days
- termination date
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- Anand, 1116
- for vaccination appointments
- training and retraining
- vaccination policies
- general remarks
Employment - COVID-19, sick days
Employment creation
- government strategy
- Sarkaria, 2231
- government strategy
Employment policy
- general remarks
- Piccini, 2846–2847
- general remarks
Employment services
- delivery contract
- provider
- performance history
- Gretzky, 637
- performance history
- provider
- delivery models
- youth services
- Hassan, 3114–3115
- youth services
- by organization
- Martin, 72
- reform
- retraining programs
- general remarks
- Bailey, 2810
- general remarks
- Second Career program
- target populations
- training and education
- Ontario Jobs Training Tax Credit
- Second Career program
- Youth Job Connection program
- Hassan, 3115
- delivery contract
Employment services - private.
see Temporary employment agenciesEmployment standards
- app-based gig workers
- benefits
- government strategy
- Bailey, 2889
- government strategy
- disconnecting from work
- Andrew, 1214
- Arthur, 738
- Bailey, 676
- Coe, 1234
- Crawford, 1266, 1268
- Fraser, 648
- Hatfield, 654
- Hogarth
- Karahalios, 735–736
- Khanjin, 615
- Kusendova, 1234
- McNaughton, 597, 1176
- Piccini, 1224
- Roberts, 646
- Sabawy, 652, 654
- Skelly, 659
- Taylor, 679
- Thanigasalam, 1213–1214
- Vanthof, 646
- West, 657
- enforcement
- exemptions
- general remarks
- in other jurisdictions
- Crawford, 1266
- policy
- implementation timeline
- Crawford, 1267
- implementation timeline
- regulations
- statements by stakeholders
- "employee," definition of
- employee privacy
- general remarks
- Yarde, 737
- general remarks
- employee privacy, protection of
- enforcement
- exemptions
- general remarks
- gig workers
- government strategy
- part-time
- general remarks
- Hassan, 3369
- general remarks
- reform
- general remarks
- Anand, 862–863
- general remarks
- sick days
- statements by stakeholders
- Hassan, 1238
- statements by stakeholders
- sick days, paid
- vaccination policies
- Sattler, 2105
- worker misclassification
- workers - contract
- West, 662
Employment Standards Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 41
- business consultants and information technology consultants
- entitlements, exclusion from
- Fraser, 2366
- entitlements, exclusion from
- business consultants and information technology consultants
Employment standards - annual leave days
- bereavement leave
- Andrew, 1115
- infectious disease emergency leave
- McNaughton, 2873
- sick days
- documentation of proof
- Andrew, 1114
- economic impact
- federally regulated sectors
- Sattler, 1117
- impact on equity-seeking groups
- Andrew, 1114
- infectious disease emergency leave
- Hassan, 1118
- in other jurisdictions
- paid
- for personal leave
- transitional business supports
- Andrew, 1114
- workplace demographics
- documentation of proof
- statements by stakeholders
- bereavement leave
Employment standards - minimum wage
- $15/hour
- annual increase
- app-based gig workers
- Bailey, 2889
- application during engaged hours
- application during engaged time
- general remarks
- pay transparency
- tips
- and cost of living
- general remarks
- increase (2021)
- and living wage
- tiered classification
Endangered species - protection of
- local campaigns
- Tale of a Thousand Turtles project
- Miller, N., 1140
- Tale of a Thousand Turtles project
- local campaigns
Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2022 (Bill 103)
- awareness of
- diagnosis and treatment
- diagnosis of
- Stiles, 1448
- diagnostic services
- availability
- Morrison, 2089–2090
- availability
- general remarks
- Morrison, 2089
- impact of
- Kusendova, 1685
- mental health
- impact on
- Kusendova, 1685
- impact on
- public education
- Endometriosis Awareness Month
- Morrison, 2089–2090
- Endometriosis Awareness Month
- public education campaign
- research and development
- statements by stakeholders
- symptoms of
- Martin, 1450
- treatment services
- availability
- Morrison, 2090
- availability
Endometriosis Awareness Month Act, 2021 (Bill 58)
Energy conservation
- programs
- general remarks
- Tabuns, 1007
- general remarks
- programs
Energy consumption
Energy generation - government strategy
Energy industry
Energy policy
- clean energy
- Clean Energy Credit (CEC) Registry
- as economic policy
- general remarks
Energy rates
- commercial and industrial consumers
- economic impact
- Smith, T., 1337
- economic impact
- general remarks
- mitigation programs
- reduction
- regulated price plan
- retrofit programs
- commercial and industrial consumers
Energy rates - COVID-19
Energy transmission
- equity-seeking groups
- government funding
- Gill, 1670
- government funding
- government funding
- support services
- equity-seeking groups
Environmental Bill of Rights
Environmental hazards
Environmental policy
- climate emergency
- declaration of
- Shaw, 126
- declaration of
- general remarks
- government strategy
- regulatory environment. see also Land use planning–environmental regulations
- transparency. see also Environmental Bill of Rights
- Fife, 1367
- climate emergency
Environmental protection
Environmental Protection Amendment Act (Microfiber Filters for Washing Machines), 2022 (Bill 102)
- first reading
- Bell, 2416
- first reading
Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 35)
- first reading
- Collard, 471
- first reading
Expenditure estimates
- committee referred to
- legal fees
- conflict of interest
- Natyshak, 632
- conflict of interest
- review of