Letter: H
Hague Conference on Private International Law
- conventions and other instruments
- Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (2007). see Family law–support orders
- conventions and other instruments
Haliburton County
- amalgamation, history of
- capital project funding
- Impact on taxes
- Shaw, 897
- Impact on taxes
- official plan
- urban boundary expansion
Hamilton Police Services
- crisis intervention partnerships
- mental health and addictions
- Taylor, 4801
- mental health and addictions
- crisis intervention partnerships
Hands Off the Greenbelt Act, 2023 (Bill 109)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 4394
- first reading
Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 115)
- first reading
- Flack, 4577
- first reading
Harvest Season Road Safety Week Act, 2023 (Bill 143)
Hate and hate-related activities
- government response
- prevalence
- prevention
- protection from and prevention
Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112)
- amendment of
- by regulation
- Shaw, 4593
- by regulation
- first reading
- Clark, 4452
- second reading, 4488–4510, 4511–4551, 4576
- Anand, 4544–4546
- Armstrong, 4509, 4520
- Bell, 4529–4533, 4537, 4541, 4546, 4550
- Bourgouin, 4537, 4546
- Burch, 4497–4506
- Coe, 4514, 4527–4528, 4536
- Cuzzetto, 4507–4510
- Fife, 4528–4529, 4532, 4538–4542, 4550
- Fraser, 4514–4515, 4515–4517
- French, 4496, 4533, 4541, 4547–4551
- Gates, 4511–4515, 4519–4520, 4524
- Grewal, 4542–4547
- Harden, 4506, 4514, 4517, 4523
- Hogarth, 4497, 4532
- Jama, 4536, 4545
- Kernaghan, 4496, 4506
- Khanjin, 4506, 4509, 4524, 4532
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4524–4529, 4533
- McGregor, 4506, 4528, 4533–4538, 4541–4542, 4546–4547, 4550, 4551
- Oosterhoff, 4515, 4537, 4540
- Rae, 4492–4496, 4510, 4520, 4523–4524, 4541, 4549–4550
- Rasheed, 4517–4520
- Romano, 4523
- Sattler, 4551
- Saunderson, 4496, 4505, 4510, 4516, 4519, 4545–4546
- Tangri, 4488–4492, 4496–4497
- Taylor, 4520–4524, 4527, 4528, 4542
- West, 4497, 4510, 4515
- Williams, 4520
- Wong-Tam, 4505, 4509, 4519
- division (carried), 4576
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 4576
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation motion, 4580–4595, 4656
- third reading, 4725–4753, 4815–4841, 4867
- Armstrong, 4734
- Bell, 4744, 4747, 4818–4822, 4829, 4833, 4836
- Burch, 4734, 4735–4744
- Byers, 4747–4748
- Clark, 4725–4729, 4734–4735
- Coe, 4821, 4822–4824, 4835, 4840
- Crawford, 4747, 4752
- Cuzzetto, 4817
- Dowie, 4821, 4840
- Fife, 4817, 4821, 4824–4828, 4839–4840
- Flack, 4734, 4746
- Glover, 4751, 4818, 4821–4822, 4824, 4827, 4830–4834, 4840
- Harden, 4823, 4833, 4837
- Hogarth, 4822
- Jama, 4744, 4747, 4748–4749, 4752
- Khanjin, 4829, 4836
- Lecce, 4834
- McCarthy, 4735, 4743, 4751, 4752–4753
- McGregor, 4817, 4828, 4830, 4832–4833, 4839
- Oosterhoff, 4826–4827
- Rae, 4731–4735, 4751, 4823, 4836, 4837
- Rakocevic, 4743, 4751–4752
- Riddell, 4828–4830
- Romano, 4833
- Sabawy, 4744–4748
- Sarkaria, 4815–4818
- Sattler, 4816, 4837–4840
- Saunderson, 4827, 4834–4837
- Shaw, 4735, 4749–4752
- Tangri, 4729–4731, 4734, 4744
- Vaugeois, 4827, 4830, 4836
- division (carried), 4867
- Royal assent, 4983
- amendment of
H.B. Arndt & Associates Ltd. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr5)
Health care
- access
- access to
- administrative forms
- digitization
- Gallagher Murphy, 7745–7746
- digitization
- Assistive Devices Program
- capital projects
- culturally appropriate
- Anand, 435
- culturally appropriate
- and climate change as a public health issue. see Climate change
- culturally and linguistically appropriate care
- access to
- Bell, 7662
- access to
- delivery models
- public vs. private
- Gélinas, 2246
- public vs. private
- government funding
- government strategy
- home care
- Bell, 6350
- illness while abroad
- men, education and awareness
- Sarrazin, 10328
- Patient's Bill of Rights
- privatization
- structural stressors
- virtual care
- Quinn, 9300–9301
- women
- women, education and awareness
- Women's Health Week
- Rae, 8793
- Women's Health Week
Health care - capital projects
Health care - children
Health care funding
- annual allocation
- annual rate
- Coe, 1251
- Canada Health Transfer (federal)
- emergency departments
- funding programs
- Jones, S., 1266
- funding programs
- fall economic statement
- Byers, 1358
- FAO report: 2022-23 Interprovincial Budget Comparison
- Shaw, 8321
- FAO report: Expenditure Monitor 2022-23: Q2
- FAO report: Expenditure Monitor 2022-23: Q3
- federal government transfer
- Bethlenfalvy, 2441
- federal-provincial coordination
- federal funding
- Kernaghan, 502
- federal funding
- gender specific
- Stevens, 3424
- general remarks
- Anand, 241
- Bethlenfalvy, 3057, 9074
- Bowman, 1345
- Byers, 1978, 9091–9092
- Dunlop, 736
- Fife, 1272, 1333, 1387–1388, 1972
- Fraser, 1409
- French, 1997
- Gallagher Murphy, 6505
- Gélinas, 1408
- Jones, S., 1374
- Kernaghan, 2647
- Kerzner, 9158
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1343
- Martin, 2943, 5323, 6442, 7202
- McCarthy, 1347
- Oosterhoff, 3042
- Quinn, 8738, 9423
- Sarkaria, 3317–3318
- Sarrazin, 409
- Schreiner, 1359
- Shaw, 10328
- Stevens, 1583, 4320
- Tabuns, 2157
- Wong-Tam, 4060
- government strategy
- inflation
- Stiles, 1417
- and inflation
- Fife, 9092
- northern Ontario
- Calandra, 154
- per person
- French, 2403
- planned vs. actual
- public vs. private
- statements by stakeholders
- McCarthy, 201
Health care funding - by region
Health care - gender-affirming
- access
- advisory comittee, creation of
- Kernaghan, 7463
- advisory committee, creation of
- barriers to
- Clancy, 7465
- definition of
- education and training standards
- Clancy, 7465
- family health teams
- LGBTQ+ services
- Jones, S., 7490–7491
- LGBTQ+ services
- general remarks
- Wong-Tam, 206–207
- policy development
- service delivery, virtual
- service delivery, virtual access
- Gallagher Murphy, 7466–7467
- services
- statements by stakeholders
- Wong-Tam, 7462
- statements from stakeholders
- Wong-Tam, 206–207
- transition-related
Health care industry - operators
- private
- political donations
- Stiles, 4918
- political donations
- private
Health care infrastructure
Health Care is Not for Sale Act (Addressing Unfair Fees Charged to Patients), 2022 (Bill 24)
Health care - medical supplies
Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
- amount
- government strategy
- program funding
- Mantha, 7216
- reimbursement model
- reimbursement rates
- reimbursement timelines
- reimbursements
Health care - northern Ontario
Health care policy
Health care - primary care.
see also doctors — family doctors- access
- access to
- access to, by region
- Nickel Belt
- Gélinas, 1406
- Nickel Belt
- community health centres
- doctors. see Doctors - primary care
- family doctors. see Doctors
- family health teams. see also by site
- government funding
- government strategy
- interdisciplinary teams
- in Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Gates, 5788
- nursing stations
- patient-physician matching programs
- referrals to specialist
- wait-time
- Burch, 494
- wait-time
- service coordination, team-based
- service fees
- site application assessments
- staff
- government funding
- Hsu, 9799
- government funding
- team-based
- virtual appointments and telehealth
- access
- Begum, 1875
- access
Health care services
- access
- access to
- availability of
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, 3242
- northern Ontario
- billing structure
- Kernaghan, 600
- accountability and oversight
- Gélinas, 1653
- Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds. see also Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
- capacity
- government strategy
- Jones, S., 2029
- government strategy
- clinics, service fees. see also Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) — service coverage
- community programs
- equity-seeking groups
- Martin, 1650
- equity-seeking groups
- French-language services
- Fraser, 506
- government funding
- government strategy
- insured services
- Jones, S., 440
- Patient Ombudsman Annual Report 2021/22
- Stiles, 2664
- public vs. private
- service fees
- wait-time
Health care services - by region
- Barrie–Innisfil
- Khanjin, 1249–1250
- Barrie–Innisfil
Health care services - delivery
Health care services - diagnostic services
- diagnostic tests
- general remarks
- Jones, S., 2623
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- service capacity
- Tabuns, 284
- service expansion
- Leardi, 9902
- tests, wait-time
- Anand, 2349
Health care services - hospital and physician services
Health care services - providers
- non-profits
- SE Health
- Rae, 1256
- SE Health
- non-profits
Health care system
- administration
- supply chain centralization
- Gallagher Murphy, 1511
- supply chain centralization
- aging population
- Gates, 10143–10144
- Khanjin, 1248
- Martin, 2388
- capacity
- capacity and overcrowding
- capital projects
- Sarkaria, 226
- climate change, impact on
- delivery models
- digital tools
- government strategy
- Quinn, 9300–9301
- government strategy
- e-forms
- Quinn, 9301
- fax machines
- Quinn, 9301
- federal-provincial collaboration
- Jones, S., 1319
- federal-provincial relations
- Tabuns, 548
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Calandra, 548, 2728
- Ford, D., 4060, 4473, 6268
- Ghamari, 1128
- Jones, S., 31, 84, 86, 218, 1780, 4474, 6501, 8321
- Leardi, 9922
- Martin, 2308, 7200
- Sarkaria, 2024–2025
- programs
- Jones, S., 1713
- public consultation
- Stiles, 4473
- public consultation, external
- Shamji, 4471
- stability and recovery plan, elements of
- Jones, S., 600
- statements by stakeholders
- health human resources
- funding
- Coe, 1251
- government funding
- government strategy
- Begum, 420–421
- Brady, 1078
- Calandra, 1006, 1262
- Dunlop, 2428, 4444
- Gallagher Murphy, 2621
- Jones, S., 601, 1078, 1267, 1317, 1678, 2025, 2028–2029, 2664, 3803
- Kanapathi, 680
- Karpoche, 822
- Martin, 876, 2304, 2388, 3506
- Oosterhoff, 2305
- Quinn, 4021
- Sarkaria, 1867, 1958, 2620, 2870
- Shamji, 4043
- Wong-Tam, 4035, 4036
- recruitment and retention
- Karpoche, 3282
- recruitment initiatives
- Jones, S., 1711
- funding
- health human resources, shortage
- agency staff, hiring of
- Tabuns, 1669
- agency staff, hiring of
- health records
- sharing
- Quinn, 9301
- sharing
- innovation in
- Skelly, 220
- intersectoral communication
- population growth projections
- impact of
- Martin, 2388
- impact of
- privatization
- Fife, 82
- Gélinas, 439, 790, 1451, 4619
- Glover, 3298, 5644
- Harden, 4619
- Karpoche, 4619
- Kernaghan, 600
- Rakocevic, 1253
- Sattler, 86
- Shamji, 339, 2021
- Stiles, 2902
- Tabuns, 84, 548, 3188
- Taylor, 5637
- Wong-Tam, 6541
- government communications
- impact on economy
- Gates, 10143
- relation to staff compensation
- Stiles, 3372
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 3105
- service capacity
- government strategy
- Wai, 3314
- government strategy
- structural stressors
- and systemic racism
- Andrew, 2590
- administration
Health care system - capacity
- infection control
- services
Health care system - reform
- consultation process
- Kernaghan, 504
- consultation process
Health care workers.
see also by specific profession- as-of-right initiative. see Health care workers - recruitment and retention, as-of-right initiative
- compensation
- Armstrong, 10706
- Burch, 7226
- impact on retention
- increase cap. see under Public sector compensation - increase cap
- vs. other jurisdictions
- Schreiner, 2884
- pandemic pay
- Martin, 1388
- pay equity, legal challenges
- Stiles, 8424
- public vs. private sector
- Mantha, 454
- standardization
- Jones, S., 5366
- wage parity
- education and recruitment programs
- Learn and Stay Grant
- Dunlop, 7592–7593
- Learn and Stay Grant
- Learn and Stay Grant
- Dunlop, 9116
- recruitment and retention
- scope of practice, expansion
- shortage
Health care workers - COVID-19
Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- as-of-right initiative
- compensation. see also Public sector compensation - increase cap
- Fife, 3104
- compensation, role of
- Stiles, 7721
- education and training
- employment
- temporary agencies. see also by specific agency
- factors affecting
- Karpoche, 3281
- funding
- general remarks
- government consultation
- Gates, 2401
- government funding
- government relations
- Begum, 4408
- government strategy
- Ford, D., 7095
- Gallagher Murphy, 1411, 2621, 3525
- Holland, 2265, 2266, 2267
- Jones, S., 27, 88, 93, 219, 5362, 5594, 5888, 6442, 7780
- Jordan, 3279
- Kanapathi, 1675
- Khanjin, 2267
- Kusendova-Bashta, 2265
- Martin, 1458, 1459
- Rae, 5387
- Sarkaria, 31, 87, 222, 2379–2380
- Sattler, 379, 515–516, 3279
- Shamji, 9230
- Triantafilopoulos, 2622
- Wong-Tam, 206
- hiring of
- Martin, 2377
- initiatives
- internationally trained
- inter-provincial mobility, regulations
- Learn and Stay Grant
- northern and rural Ontario
- pandemic pay
- eligibility
- Begum, 1699–1700
- eligibility
- scope of practice, expansion
- Jones, S., 7659
- shortage
- staffing agencies
- poaching, prohibition of
- Leardi, 6555
- poaching, prohibition of
- staffing levels
- Tabuns, 49
- sterilization technicians
- compensation
- Vaugeois, 2379
- compensation
- support programs
- temporary agencies, wage premiums
- violence against
- wage gap
- Sattler, 10327
- wage parity
- women, representation in
- working conditions
- working conditions, role of
Health care workers - recruitment and retention - international
Health care workers - recruitment and retention, international
Health care workers - unions
Health Connect Ontario
Health facilities
- clinical assessment centres. see Clinical assessment centres
- community health centres (CHCs). see Community health centres (CHCs)
- geographical accessibility
- impact on patient health and well-being
- Andrew, 2071
- impact on patient health and well-being
- independent. see Independent health facilities
- surgical procedures
- public vs. private delivery. see Surgical procedures
Health facilities - by site
Health facilities - development of
- by site
- Blenheim Medical Health Foundation Health Hub (Blenheim)
- Jones, T., 6685
- Blenheim Medical Health Foundation Health Hub (Blenheim)
- by site
Health facilities - health clinics, by site
Health information
Health Professionals' Week Act, 2023 (Bill 72)
- first reading
- Shamji, 2554
- first reading
Health Protection and Promotion Amendment Act (Sodium Content), 2023 (Bill 116)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4658
- first reading
Health Sciences North
Healthcare Staffing Agencies Act, 2023 (Bill 144)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 5889
- first reading
Heart disease
- Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
- Ghamari, 2236
- and early detection
- education and awareness
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 2237, 11117–11118
- Gates, 11118
- Gélinas, 11118
- Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2023 (Bill 66)
Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2024 (Bill 66)
- first reading
- Cuzzetto, 2254
- second reading, 3533–3538
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 3538
- third reading, 11117–11119
- Cuzzetto, 11117–11118
- Fraser, 11118
- Gates, 11118–11119
- Gélinas, 11118
- first reading
Heat Stress Act, 2024 (Bill 222)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 10316
- first reading
Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- amendments, consideration of
- first reading
- Clark, 3510–3511
- second reading, 3556–3595, 3622–3636, 3637–3644, 3758–3773
- Anand, 3765–3768
- Armstrong, 3626–3630, 3636, 3640–3641, 3759, 3767
- Babikian, 3760
- Bell, 3566–3575
- Blais, 3583–3584, 3586–3587
- Bouma, 3641
- Bowman, 3584–3586
- Bresee, 3764, 3771
- Burch, 3630, 3636
- Clark, 3556–3559, 3564–3566
- Coe, 3575–3579
- Crawford, 3771–3772
- Dixon, 3582, 3587–3591
- Dowie, 3590, 3760–3762, 3764, 3770
- Fedeli, 3623–3626
- Fife, 3564
- Gates, 3578, 3583, 3586, 3590, 3594, 3762, 3767
- Glover, 3565
- Gretzky, 3761, 3770–3771
- Harden, 3579–3583, 3587, 3589–3590
- Hogarth, 3564–3565, 3578
- Jama, 3626, 3633, 3635, 3641
- Jordan, 3761–3762
- Kanapathi, 3767–3768
- Karpoche, 3763–3765, 3770
- Kernaghan, 3574, 3765, 3768
- Leardi, 3762, 3765, 3767, 3770
- McMahon, 3586, 3626, 3630–3633
- Oosterhoff, 3574
- Pang, 3625, 3630, 3635–3636, 3640
- Pierre, 3642
- Rae, 3560–3562, 3574, 3578, 3582, 3583, 3585, 3587, 3590, 3594, 3626, 3630, 3632
- Rakocevic, 3625, 3637–3642
- Rasheed, 3562–3564
- Sabawy, 3632, 3633–3636
- Sattler, 3565, 3762, 3771
- Saunderson, 3565
- Schreiner, 3758–3760
- Shaw, 3575, 3583, 3591–3594
- Smith, L., 3629, 3633, 3636, 3641
- Tangri, 3559–3560, 3565, 3759
- Taylor, 3579, 3629, 3642–3644
- Vaugeois, 3625, 3630, 3632
- West, 3577–3578, 3582, 3586, 3591
- Wong-Tam, 3764, 3768–3771
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 4633–4642, 4661–4682, 4687–4697, 4717–4725, 4772–4773
- Armstrong, 4693, 4718
- Babikian, 4719
- Bell, 4641–4642, 4661–4671
- Bourgouin, 4722
- Bresee, 4723
- Byers, 4692–4693, 4696, 4721–4722
- Clark, 4633–4635, 4642
- Cuzzetto, 4680–4681
- Fife, 4673–4674
- Flack, 4718, 4725
- French, 4670, 4677–4678
- Gallagher Murphy, 4670, 4672–4675
- Gates, 4689–4690, 4696, 4718, 4724
- Gélinas, 4678, 4680, 4688
- Glover, 4693–4694
- Harris, 4641
- Holland, 4678
- Jordan, 4719
- Kanapathi, 4696–4697, 4717–4719
- Karpoche, 4722
- Kernaghan, 4670, 4678, 4690–4694
- Kerzner, 4671, 4689
- Khanjin, 4642, 4689, 4693, 4724, 4725
- Leardi, 4671–4672, 4674, 4678
- MacLeod, 4675
- Mantha, 4679–4680
- McCarthy, 4694, 4695–4696
- Pierre, 4674
- Rae, 4637–4639, 4641–4642, 4722
- Rasheed, 4639–4641
- Schreiner, 4723–4725
- Shamji, 4694–4696
- Shaw, 4719
- Smith, L., 4642
- Tangri, 4635–4637
- Vanthof, 4689, 4719–4723
- Vaugeois, 4675–4679
- Wai, 4677
- Yakabuski, 4669–4670, 4680, 4682, 4687–4690
- division (carried), 4772–4773
- Royal assent, 4983
Heritage properties
Highway 11
Highway 407 ETR
- congestion penalties
- Wong-Tam, 8772
- general remarks
- Glover, 3455
- Indigenous consultations
- Stiles, 7497
- purchasing
- Stiles, 10305
- tolls
- tolls, increase
- Stiles, 10603
- tolls, removal of
- traffic volume targets
- congestion penalties
Highway 413
- agricultural impact
- commute times, impact on
- Bowman, 617
- construction
- cost of
- development of
- economic impact
- environmental assessment
- environmental assessment exemption
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- government funding
- Kernaghan, 609
- government strategy
- and the greenbelt
- Highway 7, impact on
- French, 714
- vs. highway 407 toll removal
- impact assessment (federal)
- impact on commute times
- Sarkaria, 8521
- impact on traffic congestion
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- statements by stakeholders
- tolls, 8778–8779
- traffic congestion, impact on
Highway and roads - construction and expansion
Highway construction and expansion
Highway Memorials for Fallen Police Officers Amendment Act (In Memory of Officers Impacted by Traumatic Events), 2024 (Bill 234)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 10834–10835
- first reading
Highway safety
Highway tolls
- Leardi, 7393
- freeze
- Riddell, 8759
- highways 412 and 418
- Gretzky, 6287
- prohibition of
- Sarkaria, 8753
- removal
- Bresee, 8727–8728
- removal of
Highway Traffic Act,
RSO 1990, c H.8
- fines under
- French, 1587–1589
- fines under
Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2024 (Bill 233)
- first reading
- Bourgouin, 10834
- first reading
Highways and roads
- closures
- Highway 17
- Mamakwa, 8055
- Highway 17
- economic impact
- Khanjin, 344
- government strategy
- municipal
- uploading to province
- Vanthof, 8763–8764
- uploading to province
- rest areas
- Sarkaria, 9785
- tow-zone pilot
- Sarkaria, 9783
- traffic congestion
- Anand, 793, 8772
- Bouma, 8878–8879
- Coe, 8879
- Cuzzetto, 8772
- Flack, 10136
- Harding, 793
- Hogarth, 10136
- Mulroney, 595
- government strategy
- Babikian, 10885–10886
- Bresee, 10270, 10704–10705, 10885–10886
- French, 9790
- Gallagher Murphy, 8781
- Hamid, 10704
- Hogarth, 10270
- Sabawy, 8781
- statistics
- Sarkaria, 8752
- Toronto
- Grewal, 10543
- closures
Highways and roads - construction and expansion
- Garden City Skyway twinning
- Oosterhoff, 8351
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Highway 3
- Highway 7
- Highway 40 widening (Sarnia–Lambton)
- public consultation
- Bailey, 6683
- public consultation
- Highway 69
- Highway 69 widening
- Gélinas, 8879
- Sarkaria, 10115–10116
- completion rates
- timeline
- West, 10115–10116
- Highway 401
- Highway 401 tunnelling
- Stiles, 9846–9847
- Highway 401 widening
- Highway 413
- timelines
- Garden City Skyway twinning
Highways and roads - infrastructure
Highways and roads - infrastructure development
- economic impact
- Khanjin, 344
- government funding
- government strategy
- Northern Link Road Project
- Indigenous consultation and consent. see also Neskantaga First Nation
- Mamakwa, 2794
- Indigenous consultation and consent. see also Neskantaga First Nation
- northern Ontario
- timelines
- government strategy
- Sarkaria, 9801
- government strategy
- traffic congestion
- traffic lights, by region
- Caledonia
- construction timelines
- Brady, 9801
- construction timelines
- Caledonia
- economic impact
Highways and roads - maintenance and repair
- backlog
- Schreiner, 10157
- and the economy
- Karpoche, 8768
- Garden City Skyway bridge
- Gates, 9789
- Gardiner Expressway
- timelines
- Bresee, 9925
- timelines
- government funding
- Grewal, 2142
- Highway 174/17
- government strategy
- Blais, 8482
- government strategy
- jurisdiction
- Vanthof, 6873, 10118–10119
- Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway
- Highway 174
- Highway 174/17
- Blais, 6867–6868
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, 6689
- northern Ontario
- pothole prevention and repair program
- Sarkaria, 9784
- by region
- Algoma–Manitoulin
- Mantha, 215
- Algoma–Manitoulin
- rest stations
- Jordan, 1396
- in winter
- standards
- Grewal, 1589
- standards
- backlog
Highways and roads safety
- 2+1 system. see Highway 11
- careless driving
- and commercial trucks
- Vanthof, 4158
- mandatory waiting period
- Anand, 10249
- Grewal, 10250
- Sandhu, 10245–10246
- Sarkaria, 10249
- and commercial vehicles
- Coe, 9328
- dump trucks
- Harden, 8998
- fines and penalties
- eligible vehicle types
- Blais, 6234
- eligible vehicle types
- government strategy
Highways and roads - safety
Highways and roads safety
Highways and roads - safety
Highways and roads safety
- Highway 69
- West, 526
- Highway 69
Highways and roads - safety
- Highway 69
- West, 9952
- Highway 69
Highways and roads safety
- Highway 144
- illegal left turns
- fines and penalties
- Gates, 1590
- fines and penalties
- impact on animal transport
- injuries and fatalities
- injuries and fatalities, prevention
- road safety audits
- Mantha, 7056
- road safety audits
- inspection stations
- municipal-provincial partnership
- northern Ontario
- passing, double solid yellow lines
- passing, unsafe
- enforcement
- Sarkaria, 6778
- enforcement
- pedestrians
- regulations
- fines and penalties
- Sarkaria, 5001–5002
- fines and penalties
- rural Ontario
- Trans-Canada Highway
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, 6430
- northern Ontario
- Vision Zero strategy
Highways and roads safety - motorcycles
Highways and roads safety - vulnerable road users
- dooring collisions, prevention
- detection devices
- Glover, 9208
- detection devices
- dooring collisions, prevention
Highways and roads safety - vulnerable users
- defining
- Grewal, 6231
- government strategy
- injuries and fatalities
- defining
Highways and roads - snow clearance
Highways and roads - vulnerable users
Hillsdale Land Corp. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr29)
History - Canada
- Persons Case, the
- Persons Day
- Clancy, 11135
- Dixon, 11136–11137
- McMahon, 11135
- Wong-Tam, 11135–11136
- Persons Day
- Persons Case, the
Hockey Canada
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
- Holocaust Remembrance Day/Yom ha-Shoah
- Martin, 8917
- Holocaust Remembrance Day/Yom ha-Shoah
Home and community care
- access
- access to
- Bell, 8101
- administration
- complaint process
- Shamji, 6532
- complaint process
- and aging population
- care environment
- community organizations
- operational funding
- Karpoche, 2249
- operational funding
- community paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program. see Long-term care
- compensation
- wage parity
- Kernaghan, 9009
- wage parity
- culturally and linguistically appropriate care
- family caregivers
- French-language
- Gélinas, 10839
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- vs. health care institutions
- homemaking services
- Gélinas, 3008
- hours of care, amount
- Gélinas, 433
- integrated models of care
- medical supplies shortage. see Ontario Health atHome — medical supplies, procurement contracts
- in other jurisdictions
- Harden, 5607
- patient groups
- Gélinas, 6593–6594
- patients
- personal health information
- ministerial access to
- Gélinas, 6598
- ministerial access to
- privatization
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders
- Pasma, 5636
- respite services
- rural Ontario
- service availability
- service availability, northern Ontario
- due to staff shortages
- Bourgouin, 5614
- due to staff shortages
- service capacity
- service fees, regulations
- Stevens, 5388
- service maximums
- removal of
- Martin, 6549
- removal of
- service wait-list
- French, 5612
Home and community care - delivery models
- for-profit
- not-for-profit vs. for-profit
- private
- public vs. private
Home and community care - funding
Home and community care -funding
- general remarks
- Quinn, 9052
- general remarks
Home and community care - funding
- general remarks
- allocation of funds
- Jones, S., 634
- allocation of funds
- impact on service availability
- Gélinas, 6601
- impact on services
- Pasma, 2540
- planned vs. actual
- program allocation
- Jones, S., 791
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders
- Fife, 5612
- return of funds
- Fife, 5710
- statements by stakeholders
- Pasma, 5625–5626
- general remarks
Home and community care providers
- accountability and oversight
- Bayshore Healthcare
- best practices
- information sharing
- Gélinas, 6597
- information sharing
- billing practices
- Gélinas, 6600–6601
- Billy Bayou (Moose Factory)
- closure
- Bourgouin, 5613
- closure
- care bundles
- funding for
- Gélinas, 5371
- funding for
- community support organizations
- operational funding
- statements by stakeholders
- Pasma, 5625–5626
- statements by stakeholders
- operational funding
- executive compensation
- disclosure of
- Harden, 5634
- disclosure of
- not-for-profit
- VON (Nickle belt)
Home and community care - reform.
see Also Ontario Health Teams — home and community care- administrative centralization. see Also Ontario Health atHome — regional organizations, consolidation into
- community consultation
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- integration into health care system
- ministerial accountability and oversight
- Shamji, 5621
- Ontario Health. see Ontario Health
- Ontario Health atHome. see Ontario Health atHome
- oversight
- McCrimmon, 5386–5387
- partnership with municipalities and non-profit providers
- Begum, 6551
- service navigation
- Jordan, 6508
- service providers
- accountability and transparency
- Jones, S., 5366
- accountability and transparency
- stakeholder consultation
- standardization of care
- transition to Ontario Health Teams. see Also Ontario Health Teams — home and community care
Home and community care - services
- critical care nursing
- cost of
- Taylor, 5621
- cost of
- dementia services. see Dementia and other neurocognitive conditions
- hospital-to-home transition
- units of care
- flexibility
- Wong-Tam, 6540
- flexibility
- critical care nursing
Home and community care - staff
- care coordinators
- compensation
- compensation and other benefits
- Gélinas, 1322
- employment models
- Gates, 5620
- gender-appropriate care
- Begum, 6550–6551
- general remarks
- Taylor, 6538
- nurses. see Nurses
- patient abuse and neglect
- reporting requirements
- Gélinas, 6599–6600
- reporting requirements
- patient-staff continuity
- Gélinas, 6597–6598
- personal support workers. see Personal support workers (PSWs)
- recruitment and retention
- shortage
- staffing agencies
- staffing agencies, use of
- impact on patient care
- Gélinas, 6599
- impact on patient care
- turnover
- Shamji, 6531
- working conditions, for-profit providers
Home builders
- occupational health and safety
- education and awareness
- Clark, 4063
- education and awareness
- occupational health and safety
Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
- administrative authority
- enforcement
- Pasma, 6973–6974
- enforcement, license suspension
- Mariman Homes
- McCarthy, 8194
- Mariman Homes
- general remarks
- Rasheed, 4640
- Ontario Builder Directory
- information sharing
- Kernaghan, 4691
- information sharing
- Ontario Building Directory
- information availability and transparency
- Rakocevic, 8194
- information availability and transparency
- pre-construction sale agreements
- pre-construction sales agreements
- complaint process
- Pasma, 9054–9055
- complaint process
Home heating
- affordability
- McMahon, 10980
- Rakocevic, 10977
- Stevens, 10979–10980
- government strategy
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 10977–10978
- affordability and climate mitigation initiatives
- affordability programs
- Smith, T., 6367
- Clean Home Heating Initiative
- federal heat pump subsidies
- heat pump subsidies
- heat pumps
- HST exemption
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 10978–10979
- building retrofits
- rebates
- West, 6236
- rebates
- cost of
- Schreiner, 6163
- cost of by method
- cost of, by method
- heat pumps
- hybrid heat pumps
- natural gas vs. electric
- Tabuns, 8940–8941
- sustainable and eco-friendly
- Harden, 9106
- transition from natural gas to electric
- types of
- Dixon, 2059
- affordability
Home heating - oil
Home ownership
- access
- affordability
- barriers to
- consumer protection
- first-time homebuyers
- foreign investors
- general remarks
- halal mortgages
- Fife, 9631
- as investment opportunity. see Real estate market - financialization of housing
- by region
- taxes
- in other jurisdictions (British Columbia)
- Bell, 683
- in other jurisdictions (British Columbia)
Home prices.
see Housing market — pricesHomelessness.
see Unhoused personsHomelessness Task Force Act, 2024 (Bill 204)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 9433–9434
- first reading
Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 200)
Homes and community care
- by site
- Grandview Kids Jerry Coughland Building
- Coe, 10372
- Grandview Kids Jerry Coughland Building
- by site
Homes You Can Afford in the Communities You Love Act, 2023 (Bill 156)
- first reading
- Schreiner, 6618
- first reading
Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
Honouring Veterans Act, 2024 (Bill 218)
- first reading
- McGregor, 10180
- consultations
- second reading, 10209–10218, 10253–10261, 10282–10292
- Cho, R.S.J., 10214–10216
- Coe, 10216, 10217
- Fraser, 10288–10289
- Gates, 10260–10261
- Gélinas, 10291
- Glover, 10286–10288
- Harden, 10285–10286
- Kernaghan, 10291–10292
- Kerzner, 10212–10214
- McCrimmon, 10288
- McGregor, 10209–10211, 10216–10217
- Sabawy, 10211–10212, 10259–10260, 10261
- Sattler, 10289–10291
- Schreiner, 10289
- Smith, L., 10283–10285
- Stevens, 10216–10217, 10217–10218, 10253–10261
- Taylor, 10217
- Yakabuski, 10260, 10282–10283
- third reading, 10292
- McGregor, 10292
- Royal assent, 10385
- first reading
Horse racing industry
Hospice care.
see Palliative careHospices.
see Palliative care facilitiesHospital services
- access
- Harden, 2942
- birthing units, department closures
- Fife, 1973–1974
- capacity and overcrowding
- closures due to staffing. see also specific sites
- department closures
- factors affecting
- staff shortage
- Shamji, 4478
- staff shortage
- sexual assault. see Sexual violence and harassment — services and supports
- wait-time
- impact on patient health
- Sattler, 2395–2396
- impact on patient health
- access
Hospital services - emergency
- availability
- Leardi, 10768–10769
- Stiles, 7779, 9475–9476, 10768–10769
- prevention funding
- Fife, 9083
- capacity and overcrowding
- care models, programs
- department closures
- Gélinas, 674, 2183, 3911
- Pasma, 737
- Sattler, 379
- Shaw, 10851, 10852
- Stiles, 4474
- Tabuns, 26, 49, 632
- due to staff shortages
- government funding
- Stevens, 7065
- government strategy
- impact of
- impact on patients
- Shamji, 6442
- northern and rural Ontario
- due to staff shortages
- Mantha, 5061
- due to staff shortages
- northern Ontario
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders
- in rural communities
- Sattler, 379
- St. Joseph's Health Centre
- department closures, by region
- government funding
- Leardi, 10707
- government strategy
- Leardi, 10995
- high-urgency patients, target times
- service capacity
- impact on patient health
- Gélinas, 2666
- impact on patient health
- staff shortages, impact of
- staff shortages, northern Ontario
- government strategy
- Jones, S., 5061
- government strategy
- temporary service reduction
- due to staff shortages
- Brady, 1078
- due to staff shortages
- training and support programs
- Jones, S., 391
- wait-time. see also specific sites
- wait-times
- Pasma, 10219–10220
- availability
Hospital services - pediatric units.
see also Pediatric hospitalsHospital services - surgical procedures
- agency nurses, use of
- closures
- government funding
- Jones, S., 7065–7066
- health information sharing
- Kernaghan, 5745
- mergers
- Northwestern Health Unit and Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Vaugeois, 6289
- Northwestern Health Unit and Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- operational models
- Shamji, 1652
- parking fees
- staff shortages
- transfer of hospital patients
- regulations
- Calandra, 389
- regulations
Hospitals - beds
Hospitals - budgets
Hospitals - by site
- Douglas Memorial hospital (Fort Erie)
- McMaster Children's Hospital
- public donations
- Shaw, 10037
- public donations
- Niagara Health - Niagara-on-the-Lake
- closure
- Gates, 5767
- closure
- St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
- special care nursery
- Skelly, 10370–10371
- special care nursery
- Trillium Health Partners
- public donations
- Cuzzetto, 2661
- public donations
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- dialysis treatment
- regional access. see Kidney disease–treatment services
- EMS offload delays
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- impact on patient health
- by region
- staff shortages, impact of
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 1997–1998
- dialysis treatment
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding by site
Hospitals - capital projects
- allocation
- Surma, 3314–3315
- Community Infrastructure Renewal Fund
- regional allocation
- Coe, 1515
- regional allocation
- development models
- public vs. public-private partnerships (P3s)
- Gates, 1251
- public vs. public-private partnerships (P3s)
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Jones, S., 33
- Grand River Hospital and St. Mary's General Hospital merger
- Fife, 9918
- Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund
- allocation
Hospitals - capital projects by region
Hospitals - capital projects by site
- Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital (Petrolia)
- Bailey, 9041
- Mississauga Hospital
- The Peter Gilgan Mississauga
- Surma, 2903–2904
- Queensway Health Centre
- Surma, 2904
- Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
- statements by stakeholders
- Khanjin, 1249
- statements by stakeholders
- Southlake Regional Health Centre
- Gallagher Murphy, 1414
- St. Joseph's Health Centre
- Dowie, 3282
- Stevenson Memorial Hospital
- Jones, S., 2902
- Windsor-Essex Regional Hospital
- Dowie, 1665
- Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital (Petrolia)
Hospitals - children's.
see Pediatric hospitalsHospitals - construction
Hospitals - construction by region
Hospitals - construction by site
Hospitals - COVID-19.
see also specific sites- patient transfers
- Hunter, 571
- patient transfers
Hospitals - funding
Hospitals - funding by site
- Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
- Saunderson, 1253–1254
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Gélinas, 1420
- Roberts Smart Centre for very vulnerable youth
- Royal Ottawa hospital
- Scarborough Health Network
- Begum, 421
- Southlake Regional Health Centre
- Gallagher Murphy, 1411
- Stevenson Memorial Hospital
- Saunderson, 1253
- Collingwood General and Marine Hospital
Hospitals - maintenance and repairs
- government funding
- by site
- Brantford General Hospital
- Bouma, 9986
- Brantford General Hospital
- by site
- government funding
Hospitals - staff
- clinical tools and resources
- Emergency Department Peer-to-Peer Program
- Jones, S., 6991
- Emergency Department Peer-to-Peer Program
- French-language
- Collard, 396
- government funding
- Stiles, 6992
- nurse practitioners
- funding for
- Bourgouin, 391
- funding for
- retention
- impact on patient care
- Taylor, 2378–2379
- impact on patient care
- staffing levels, impact of
- working conditions
- Pasma, 10220
- clinical tools and resources
Hotel industry
- accommodation as temporary social housing
- Pasma, 953
- accommodation as temporary social housing
- access
- access to
- affordability
- availability
- cost
- relocations due to
- Clancy, 8224
- relocations due to
- cost of
- government funding
- government strategy
- Calandra, 8675
- Rae, 10191–10194, 10196
- as a human right
- Harden, 9520
Housing Affordability Task Force
- membership
- Parsa, 1598
- recommendations
- Bell, 121, 1540
- Clark, 97, 1596–1597, 2550–2551
- Dowie, 5911
- Glover, 1584
- Hazell, 6844–6845
- Holland, 103
- Karpoche, 10128
- McCarthy, 132
- Parsa, 99–100
- Schreiner, 726–727, 1659, 2040, 7585, 10156
- Stiles, 764
- Tangri, 4489
- exclusionary zoning
- Stiles, 6435
- greenbelt
- Burch, 1475–1476
- implementation of
- land availability
- municipal consultation
- municipal consultation, timelines
- statements by stakeholders
- Burch, 5262
- statements by stakeholders
- statements by stakeholders
- report (2022)
- membership
Housing - affordable
Housing - affordable by region
- London
- Sattler, 8083
- London
Housing - by region
Housing - construction
- population growth projections
- Surma, 8490
- population growth projections
Housing developers
Housing development
- accountability and oversight
- annual rate
- Building Faster Fund, by region
- Chatham-Kent
- Jones, T., 8660
- Chatham-Kent
- building targets
- building targets, municipalities
- commerical real estate
- community housing
- Fife, 8658
- community relations
- completion timelines
- connection costs
- construction starts
- consultation, timelines
- Shamji, 9509
- conversion, commerical to residential
- density
- energy costs, impact on
- Dowie, 9105
- factors affecting
- Calandra, 9742–9743
- factors impacting
- Jones, T., 8659
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Calandra, 8114–8115, 10332, 10333, 10334, 10556, 10646–10648, 11056–11057
- Crawford, 9589
- Cuzzetto, 8656–8657
- Dowie, 9776
- Flack, 8742, 8928, 9469, 9589
- Ford, D., 10647–10648
- Gallagher Murphy, 8928
- Jones, T., 8659, 9515
- Karpoche, 10263
- Kernaghan, 8381–8383
- Leardi, 8742
- McGregor, 8662
- Rae, 10176
- Sabawy, 8403, 8405
- Smith, Dave, 10643–10644
- Stiles, 10332, 10646–10648, 11056–11057
- Triantafilopoulos, 10176
- and infrastructure development
- intergovernmental cooperation
- Harden, 8398
- low-density
- transportation methods, impact on
- Bell, 9493
- transportation methods, impact on
- market vs. non-market housing
- impact on affordability
- Harden, 9517
- impact on affordability
- mass timber construction
- municipal role in
- natural gas installation
- costs
- Coe, 9106
- costs
- northern Ontario
- Calandra, 8311
- provincial fees, freeze
- Bell, 7453
- skilled tradespeople, recruitment
- Flack, 8654
- stakeholder consultation
- Clancy, 9562
Housing development - approvals and permits
- general remarks
- Parsa, 859–860
- pre-approved designs
- process reform
- rate of issuance by region
- record of site condition
- reduction
- by region
- Toronto
- Wong-Tam, 968
- Toronto
- site plan control
- site plan control, exemptions
- Rae, 4638–4639
- standardized pre-approved designs
- timelines
- Clark, 1963
- Dowie, 1640
- Ford, M., 114
- Holland, 861
- Oosterhoff, 9499–9500
- Pang, 1573, 1585
- Sabawy, 1579, 8402–8403
- Smith, Dave, 730
- Stiles, 131
- Vanthof, 148
- applicants
- application fees, refund of
- government strategy
- Sabawy, 1662
- impact on costs
- increase of
- Anand, 968
- municipalities
- by region
- statements by stakeholders
- Parsa, 2052–2053
- type of housing
- general remarks
Housing development - by region
- Amherstburg
- Leardi, 3664
- general remarks
- Ford, D., 3671
- Guelph
- Haldimand—Norfolk
- Ford, D., 5156
- Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Bresee, 1549
- Kitchener-Waterloo
- Clark, 4385
- Mississauga
- Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 8393
- Ottawa
- Ghamari, 1363
- Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, Dave, 140
- St. Catherines
- Burch, 1695
- Thunder Bay
- Toronto. see Also Waterfront Toronto development
- Waterloo
- Harris, 973
- Amherstburg
Housing development - construction
- construction starts
- consumer protection, new builds. see New home construction industry
- cost of
- cost of vs. income
- by region
- Niagara
- Burch, 4317
- Niagara
- by region
- delays
- development models
- for-profit
- Kernaghan, 5300
- for-profit
- economic impact
- energy-efficient design
- Schreiner, 6164
- factors affecting
- Jones, T., 9516
- fees and taxes
- Flack, 6683
- format diversity
- funding sources
- Clark, 874
- general remarks
- government funding of
- historically
- Glover, 5748–5749
- historically
- government strategy
- Anand, 3766
- Bethlenfalvy, 918
- Bouma, 4926, 5221, 5778
- Burch, 4741, 4744
- Calandra, 2967, 3248, 3428, 3500–3501, 5237, 5806, 6363, 6673–6674, 10223
- Clark, 669, 737, 855, 1453, 2486–2487, 2854, 3069, 3073, 4655, 4726, 4727
- Crawford, 3771, 3772
- Cuzzetto, 1646, 8771
- Dixon, 635, 3588
- Dowie, 969
- Fedeli, 3623
- Flack, 5778, 5799
- Ford, D., 5651
- Holland, 862
- Hsu, 247
- Jama, 4744, 4748
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1690
- Martin, 737
- Parsa, 90–91, 635–636, 1316
- Rae, 432, 7585
- Rakocevic, 3641
- Sabawy, 1715, 4746
- Sandhu, 8495
- Schreiner, 10156
- Skelly, 5905
- Smith, T., 3460
- Stevens, 3460
- Stiles, 3069
- Tangri, 4744, 4926
- Vanthof, 7077
- building target
- progress reporting
- stakeholder consultation
- statements by stakeholders
- Burch, 111–112
- impact on municipalities
- Clark, 3141
- inclusionary zoning
- infrastructure development
- and infrastructure development
- interest rates
- impact of
- Calandra, 9459
- impact of
- interest rates, impact of
- inter-generational housing programs
- McMahon, 2083
- intergovernmental cooperation
- irregularly occupied or vacant
- McMahon, 755
- land availability
- maximum-height restrictions, ban on
- methods
- mid-density
- mid-density format
- Schreiner, 4725
- municipal policy
- municipal role in
- municipal-provincial collaboration
- municipal-provincial partnerships
- municipal-provincial relationship. see also Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- neighbourhood walkability
- Karpoche, 2482
- northern Ontario
- Mantha, 182
- policy development
- population growth projections
- and population growth projections
- on previously developed land
- Cuzzetto, 117
- privatization
- Glover, 5748
- project deferrals. see also Housing development - municipal charges
- provincial fees, freeze
- public consultation
- public vs. private
- cost of
- Bouma, 5906
- cost of
- regionally
- Clark, 2051
- regulations, reduction
- public consultation
- Khanjin, 1507
- public consultation
- regulatory environment
- rural Ontario
- Dowie, 3762
- in rural Ontario
- Yakabuski, 896
- and sewage and wastewater infrastructure. see Sewage and wastewater infrastructure
- shared accommodation
- French, 4001
- skilled tradespeople, recruitment
- as social determinant of health. see also Health—social determinants of
- starts
- Bethlenfalvy, 920
- Bouma, 695
- Byers, 114
- Clark, 1437, 1596, 2289, 3810, 4634
- Coe, 4428
- Crawford, 130
- Cuzzetto, 4681
- Fife, 7623–7624
- French, 2001
- Gallagher Murphy, 4673
- Ghamari, 166
- Harris, 975
- Ke, 1584
- Khanjin, 959–960
- Kusendova-Bashta, 704, 1488
- McCarthy, 132
- Oosterhoff, 3819–3820
- Parsa, 99, 350, 664, 2038
- Rae, 3814, 5679
- Shamji, 9778
- Tangri, 3812
- annual rate
- Glover, 3297–3298
- Durham
- McCarthy, 949
- projected
- Burch, 1473
- statistics
- suburban areas
- Blais, 3587
- support programs
- funding
- Quinn, 1088
- funding
- target populations
- low incomes earners
- Tabuns, 5208
- low incomes earners
- taxation
- rebates
- Parsa, 1599
- rebates
- timelines
- statements by stakeholders
- Parsa, 2053
- statements by stakeholders
- tiny homes
- Pierre, 2482–2483
- transit-oriented. see Transit-oriented communities
- Calandra, 3427
- transit-oriented communities
- types of
Housing development - densification.
see Also Housing policy — upzoning- additional residential units
- community response
- density requirements, municipalities
- format density, types of
- general remarks
- government strategy
- high density vs. low density
- cost of
- Schreiner, 4347
- cost of
- high vs. low density
- high-density vs. low-density
- impact of
- infill development
- McMahon, 3073–3074
- low-density
- Bell, 3544
- mid-density
- mix density
- government strategy
- Pierre, 5929
- government strategy
- policy development
- Bell, 1540
- by region
- Guelph
- Schreiner, 4724
- Guelph
- secondary units
- unit size, prioritization of
- Hsu, 904
Housing development - government funding
- Flack, 5221
- Building Faster Fund
- Building Faster Fund, by region
- Brantford
- Bouma, 7546
- Brantford
- federal-provincial
- Clark, 3316
- general remarks
- Surma, 9674
- municipal
- municipal allocation
- Kernaghan, 7201
- provincial vs. federal
Housing development - in other jurisdictions
Housing development - infrastructure
Housing development - major transit station areas
Housing development - municipal charges
- community benefit charges
- development charges
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- Armstrong, 3759
- Bell, 889, 4546
- Clark, 4727
- Flack, 5465
- Kanapathi, 4718
- Leardi, 3179
- McCarthy, 951
- Parsa, 1323, 1716
- Rae, 8309
- Schreiner, 3759
- Skelly, 4352
- Smith, Dave, 3129
- Stevens, 5210
- Tibollo, 1478
- affordability requirements. see Also Affordable housing — "affordable," definition of
- affordable residential units
- as development incentive
- impact of
- statements by stakeholders
- Bell, 8371
- statements by stakeholders
- impact on affordability
- impact on development
- impact on housing services
- Bell, 9490
- impact on municipalities
- Armstrong, 1541, 3636, 3759
- Bell, 874, 890, 892, 1539, 1541, 1672, 2854, 3178–3179, 3317, 6834, 10132
- Blais, 1481, 1487
- Burch, 1694, 3316, 3431, 4315, 4319, 5258
- Clark, 4220, 4222
- Fife, 1827, 2124, 2489, 2878, 3106, 3240
- Ford, D., 4220
- Gates, 1477, 1481, 1485, 1603, 1689–1690, 2109
- Glover, 3297, 4318, 4832
- Gretzky, 4309
- Harden, 1485
- Karpoche, 977, 3280
- Kernaghan, 5303
- McMahon, 1637, 4221, 4222
- Rakocevic, 980–981, 983
- Sabawy, 3636
- Sattler, 948, 3799, 5303
- Saunderson, 4837
- Schreiner, 5654, 5685–5686
- Stiles, 1504, 2543
- Vaugeois, 1655
- Wong-Tam, 966, 1503, 1504
- impact on municipalities, project deferrals
- municipal programs
- Clark, 2124
- municipal response
- not-for-profit housing
- not-for-profits
- reversal
- Bell, 9494
- statements by stakeholders
- transferal of costs, taxes
- Bell, 1519–1520, 2489, 4665
- Blais, 1486
- Burch, 5261–5262, 7301
- Fife, 924, 1553, 3106
- Fraser, 903
- Glover, 971, 2009, 2011–2012, 4693–4694
- Karpoche, 980
- Kernaghan, 1614, 4694, 5301, 8384
- Rakocevic, 2122
- Sattler, 970
- Schreiner, 2006
- Shaw, 897
- Stevens, 6854
- Stiles, 1663, 2543
- Tabuns, 3295
- Vanthof, 1665, 1685
- West, 2295, 6850–6851
- statements by stakeholders
- development charges, timelines
- by region
- Ottawa
- Ghamari, 9512
- Ottawa
- by region
- exemptions and discounts
- impact on housing costs
- parkland dedication fees
- rates
- reserve funds. see Municipal finances
Housing development - provincial building targets
Housing Equity and Rental Transparency Act, 2024 (Bill 230)
- first reading
- Bowman, 10657–10658
- first reading
Housing market
- affordability
- interest rates
- interest rates, impact of
- Calandra, 10112
- interest rates, increase
- Smith, Dave, 6150
- investor ownership
- Glover, 2011
- prices
- speculation
- speculation taxes
Housing policy
- accountability and transparency
- development
- federal
- Bell, 8652
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Babikian, 1528
- Bell, 1538, 2108, 4669
- Burch, 4317, 4501
- Calandra, 2901, 3427
- Clark, 1438, 2050, 2853–2854
- Fife, 4541, 4826
- Flack, 5203
- Kernaghan, 4559, 5299–5300
- Khanjin, 4724
- Oosterhoff, 2593, 3820
- Parsa, 1528, 2038, 2067, 2158, 2309
- Pierre, 2110
- Rae, 4541, 5804–5805
- Sabawy, 1580, 2910, 3644
- Schreiner, 8399–8400, 9522–9523
- Shaw, 5896
- Stevens, 1585, 8668–8669
- Stiles, 3426
- Tangri, 4491, 4492
- Tibollo, 1480
- Wai, 934
- Wong-Tam, 8671–8672
- Yakabuski, 4689
- building target
- Flack, 2095
- consultation, outcomes
- consultations
- Rickford, 2121
- statements by stakeholders
- historically
- inclusionary zoning
- and Indigenous communities, 180 see also Indigenous communities - housing
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- major transit station areas
- McMahon, 7554
- municipal-provincial consultation
- Clark, 1611
- municipal-provincial partnerships
- Holland, 1444
- in other jurisdictions
- public consultation
- reversal
- impact of
- Shamji, 9509
- impact of
- review of
- stakeholder consultation
- statements by stakeholders
- Toronto, city of
- Bell, 8652
- upzoning. see Also Housing development - densification
- zoning
Housing supply
- economic impact
- factors affecting
- format diversity
- general remarks
- government funding
- Wong-Tam, 753
- government role in
- funding
- Wong-Tam, 1503
- funding
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, 607, 917, 918–919
- Calandra, 1959, 1960, 2025, 4257
- Clark, 669, 1555, 1597, 2049, 4388, 4633
- Coe, 1586
- Cuzzetto, 1073
- Flack, 1661, 1664, 5800, 6298, 6299
- Ford, D., 4166, 4388
- Ford, M., 114
- Gallagher Murphy, 731
- Ghamari, 1831
- Gill, 142
- Grewal, 4166
- Harden, 1485
- Holland, 1443, 1917, 2062–2063
- Jordan, 1688–1689
- Khanjin, 959
- McGregor, 4170–4171
- Parsa, 290, 2052
- Pierre, 6855
- Sabawy, 1664
- Schreiner, 726
- Smith, Dave, 142
- Smith, G., 2162
- Tangri, 3812, 4063, 4171
- Thanigasalam, 798
- Yakabuski, 728, 731, 4680
- building target
- Holland, 1916
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Housing Supply Action plans
- Flack, 7006–7007
- Housing Supply Action Plan, 2019
- Clark, 1596
- Housing Supply Action Plan, 2022
- Clark, 1596
- impact on housing costs
- Anand, 963
- Bell, 6830
- Burch, 899, 903
- Dixon, 980
- Fedeli, 1545
- Ford, M., 117
- Glover, 2009
- Jordan, 956, 1485
- Kanapathi, 4718
- Khanjin, 962, 1538
- MacLeod, 8445
- Martin, 903, 6851–6852
- McCarthy, 132–133
- McGregor, 1575
- Oosterhoff, 9499, 9502
- Rakocevic, 8449
- Smith, Dave, 139, 1420
- Smith, L., 700
- Vaugeois, 4676
- West, 1422–1423, 6848, 6851, 6852
- Wong-Tam, 965
- Yakabuski, 4687–4688, 5286, 5288
- historically
- McCarthy, 949
- impact on labour shortage
- statements by stakeholders
- Parsa, 2052
- statements by stakeholders
- inclusionary zoning
- increase
- land speculation
- municipal role
- municipal-provincial consultation
- Holland, 2065
- municipal-provincial consultations
- Coe, 1586
- per capita
- property tax revenue
- relationship between
- Tibollo, 1481
- relationship between
- and rate of immigration
- Calandra, 5200
- ratio of
- vs. other jurisdictions
- Ke, 1572
- vs. other jurisdictions
- rural Ontario
- Byers, 963
- shortage
Housing Supply Action Plan Implementation Team (HSAPIT)
Housing supply - by region
Housing supply - construction
- delays
- impact of
- Holland, 1442
- impact of
- delays
Housing supply - population growth projections
- general remarks
- government strategy
- immigration
- by region
- Mississauga
- Cuzzetto, 4681
- Mississauga
- regionally
Human Rights Code,
RSO 1990, c H.19
- back-to-work legislation. see Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28)
Human trafficking
Human trafficking - labour trafficking
Human trafficking - law enforcement
Human trafficking - prevention
Human trafficking - sex trafficking
Human trafficking - survivor services
Human trafficking - victims
- age demographics
- Hunter, 1787
- barriers to leaving
- children and youth
- children and youth in care
- coerced debts
- demographics
- supports
- age demographics
Humboldt, Saskatchewan
- bus accident (April 2018)
- Boulet, Logan. see Organ and tissue donation
- bus accident (April 2018)
Hungarian community
- education and awareness
- Hungarian Heritage Month
- Cuzzetto, 811
- Hungarian Heritage Month
- education and awareness
Hunting and angling
- dogs, use of
- training and trialing. see Dogs–hunting, training and trialing
- Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
- collaboration with
- Smith, Dave, 5220
- Smith, G., 5220–5221
- collaboration with
- safety measures
- wildlife conservation
- dogs, use of
Hunting and angling - licensing
Hydroelectricity generating facilities
- Sir Adam Beck, Niagara Falls
- refurbishment
- Smith, T., 8642
- refurbishment
- Sir Adam Beck, Niagara Falls
Hydroelectricity industry
- government strategy
- Smith, T., 9048
- government strategy