Letter: A
Abilities Centre
Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134)
- Calandra, HE761–HE769
- Coe, HE765, HE774, HE783, HE793
- Harden, HE776, HE781–HE782
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE768, HE786–HE787
- McMahon, HE764, HE767–HE768, HE773–HE774, HE782–HE783, HE786, HE791–HE793
- Pang, HE777–HE778
- Rae, HE783–HE784, HE791–HE792
- Sabawy, HE765, HE769, HE772–HE773, HE777
Affordable housing
- access
- newcomers
- Harden, HE781
- newcomers
- "affordable," definition of
- alternative financing model
- life leases
- Rae, HE1089
- life leases
- availability
- Hazell, F1283
- availability of
- Kernaghan, JP909
- community land trusts
- Bowman, F1493–F1494
- Pasma, F1489–F1490
- construction
- private sector, role
- Bell, HE773
- private sector, role
- definition of
- Bell, HE112–HE113, HE141, HE144, HE160, HE217, HE271–HE273, HE294, HE763, HE773, HE790, HE1178
- Burch, HE1020, HE1226–HE1227, HE1235
- Calandra, HE763–HE764, HE1178
- Fife, HE271, HE273
- Harden, HE199, HE272, HE277
- McMahon, HE773
- Pang, HE166
- Rae, HE784
- Sabawy, HE146, HE777
- implementation timeline
- time limits
- Bell, HE784
- federal-provincial cooperation
- Smith, L., HE154–HE155
- formats, types of
- Triantafilopoulos, F647
- government funding
- Bell, HE375
- government strategy
- Bell, HE39, HE45, HE53, HE76–HE77, HE169
- Bethlenfalvy, F2000
- Burch, HE11
- Calandra, HE761, HE834
- Clark, HE5–HE6, HE12–HE13, HE77
- Cuzzetto, F891
- Fife, F1999–F2000
- Harris, F1318
- Hazell, F1318
- Kernaghan, F1317
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE833–HE834
- McMahon, HE9, HE12, HE28, HE31–HE32, HE54
- Shaw, HE1148
- rural and northern Ontario
- Clark, HE81
- Housing Affordability Task Force. see Housing Affordability Task Force
- and housing supply
- other jurisdictions
- public buildings, conversion of
- redevelopment of
- tenant displacement
- Hsu, F378–F379
- tenant displacement
- rural Ontario
- Holland, HE218
- stakeholder recommendations
- Bell, HE366
- supply
- Harden, HE163–HE164
- Sabawy, HE171
- support programs
- access
Affordable housing - by region
Affordable housing - development of
- adaptation of existing buildings
- Harden, HE775–HE776, HE782
- McMahon, HE782–HE783
- builder incentives
- general remarks
- government strategy
- municipal government funding
- municipal government, role of
- Coe, HE747
- municipal role in
- Harden, HE452
- municipally-owned properties
- McMahon, HE746
- municipal-provincial cooperation
- Dowie, F1091
- non-profit organizations
- Woodgreen Community Services
- Hazell, F1044
- Woodgreen Community Services
- not-for-profit developers
- on provincial lands
- on public lands
- small and rural communities
- government strategy
- Fife, F1347
- government strategy
- stakeholder consultation
- Coe, HE774
- unit sizing
- McMahon, HE783
- adaptation of existing buildings
Aggregate extraction
Aggregate industry
Agricultural industry
- government funding
- Kernaghan, F1233
- government strategy
- Thompson, IN657–IN658
- innovation and technology
- Jones, T., F1232
- productivity
- Byers, F1348
- government funding
Agricultural industry - temporary foreign workers
Agricultural land
- conservation of
- conservation/loss
- cost
- development on
- loss of
- annual rate
- McMahon, HE355
- annual rate
- minimum distance separation
- McMahon, HE446
- price of
- policies, impact on
- Bell, HE448
- policies, impact on
- residential lots
- Harden, HE445–HE446
- Holland, HE447
- zoning
Agricultural land - conservation
- effect on food security
- Hazell, F1233
- effect on food security
Agriculture industry
- asparagus growers
- Thompson, IN217
- expansion
- northern Ontario
- Pirie, F270
- northern Ontario
- export rate
- McMahon, HE355
- fertilizer, access to
- government strategy
- McGregor, HE389–HE390
- innovation and technology
- McGregor, HE390
- insurance programs
- Risk Management Program
- Vanthof, F269
- Risk Management Program
- northern Ontario
- Thompson, IN218
- Vanthof, IN217–IN218
- nutrient management
- Vanthof, IN671–IN672
- occupational health and safety
- McMahon, HE449
- Ontario Poultry Research Centre
- Thompson, IN215
- production costs
- Byers, F348–F349
- productivity
- Thompson, IN222–IN223
- Vanthof, IN223
- regulatory environment
- Brady, F113
- soil mapping
- support programs
- technology, use of
- Smith, Dave, IN221
- Thompson, IN221–IN222
- asparagus growers
Agriculture industry - food processing
Agriculture industry - livestock
- vaccine bank
- Fife, F347
- vaccine bank
Agriculture industry - support programs
- Risk Management Program (RMP)
- government funding
- Kernaghan, F447
- government funding
- risk management programs
- Brady, F144
- Bresee, IN228
- Flack, IN660–IN661
- Gill, JP172
- Kernaghan, F143, F193–F194, F428, JP172
- Thompson, IN223–IN224, IN228
- Vanthof, IN223–IN224, IN660–IN661
- expansion of
- Kernaghan, F530
- Risk Management Program (RMP)
Agriculture industry - temporary foreign workers
Agri-food facilities
Agri-food industry
- beef farming
- energy costs
- Kernaghan, F193
- government strategy
- Dowie, IN663
- Flack, IN655–IN656, IN661–IN663
- Jordan, IN661
- Yakabuski, IN662
- northern Ontario
- Flack, IN664–IN665
- Thompson, IN665
- Vanthof, IN664–IN665
- regulation of
- Brady, F191
- temporary response orders, purpose of
- Leardi, F189
Agri-food industry - eggs
- production process
- Leardi, F192–F193
- production process
Agri-food industry - pork
Agri-food industry - poultry
Air quality
- Hamilton
- Shaw, IN204
- Hamilton
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
- as regulator for online gaming industry. see Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector — regulation of
Alcohol consumption
- health effects of
- Collard, F124
- health effects of
Alcohol retail
Alcohol retail - expansion
- early implementation agreement
- Bethlenfalvy, F1987, F1989, F1992
- Fife, F1986–F1987, F1989
- Kernaghan, F1992–F1993
- point-of-sale locations
- and public safety
- Crawford, F337
- early implementation agreement
Algoma University
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfer to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- factors affecting
- Pasma, F339
- factors affecting
Alzheimer's disease.
see also Dementia and other cognitive diseases- support program funding
- support services
- in hospitals. see Hospital services - emergency care
Ambulance services
Ambulance services - offload services
- delays
- Shaw, HE926
- delays
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- assistive devices
- government funding
- Triantafilopoulos, F1013–F1014
- government funding
- diagnosis
- general remarks
- Collard, F1543–F1544
- Harden, F1549
- MacLeod, F1544–F1545
- government funding
- Bethlenfalvy, F1754
- Gates, F1172–F1173
- patient care
- prescription drug coverage
- eligibility
- Anand, F1168
- eligibility
- services
- Stevens, F1169–F1170
- assistive devices
- Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant
- government strategy
- Ford, M., HE672–HE674, HE677, HE680, HE682–HE683
- Pang, HE680
- Sabawy, HE682
Anti-Racism Directorate
- annual budget
- Andrew, HE677–HE678
- Ford, M., HE678
- Indigenous relations
- government funding
- Mamakwa, JP298–JP299
- government funding
- annual budget
Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissions
Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Algonquin Forestry Authority
- Animal Care Review Board, A5–A9
- appearances before committee
- Begum, A40–A41
- appointment process
- Child and Family Services Review board
- Consent and Capacity Board
- Council of the College of Opticians of Ontario
- Council of the College of Optometrists of Ontario
- Council of the Ontario College of Teachers
- Custody Review Board
- Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
- Fire Safety Commission, A9–A12
- Human rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Invest Ontario
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Anand, A88–A89
- Begum, A89–A91, A148–A149
- Coe, A88
- Cuzzetto, A186, A191–A192
- Dixon, A229
- Fraser, A256
- Gallagher Murphy, A186–A187, A190–A191, A229
- Gates, A219–A220
- Glover, A218–A219, A229–A230, A232, A253–A254, A270–A271
- Hardeman, A253
- Harris, A191, A217, A228, A269
- Holland, A147, A186–A187, A190, A217, A252, A269–A270
- Kanapathi, A268
- Kusendova-Bashta, A268–A269
- MacLeod, A147
- Martin, A252
- McGregor, A148, A253
- Pang, A89, A186, A191–A192, A217, A269
- Pasma, A149–A150, A187–A189, A192–A194, A231–A232, A255–A256
- Sabawy, A88
- Sandhu, A88, A217, A229, A252
- Sarrazin, A253
- Saunderson, A147
- Smith, Dave, A88
- Wong-Tam, A91–A92, A220
- Licence Appeal Tribunal
- Begum, A151–A152
- Bourgouin, A84–A85, A165–A167
- Coe, A82
- Dixon, A307
- Fraser, A85
- Gallagher Murphy, A82, A151, A164–A165, A286–A287
- Ghamari, A83
- Glover, A287–A288, A304–A305, A307–A308
- Harden, A166–A167
- Harris, A164–A165, A286, A306
- Hogarth, A165
- Holland, A151, A287, A301
- McGregor, A286, A303, A306–A307
- Pang, A82, A165, A303, A307
- Pasma, A83–A84, A153, A288–A289, A303–A304, A309–A310
- Sandhu, A83, A164, A302, A307
- Saunderson, A164
- Smith, L., A302, A306
- Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission, A28–A33
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ontario Financing Authority
- Ontario Honours Advisory Council
- Ontario Labour Relations Board
- Ontario Land Tribunal, A23–A27, A35–A40, A48–A52
- Begum, A27, A38, A40, A50
- Bourgouin, A39, A102
- Coe, A24, A36, A48, A100
- Fraser, A39–A40
- Gallagher Murphy, A25
- Ghamari, A25
- Harris, A37
- Hogarth, A38
- Jones, T., A25, A101
- Kusendova-Bashta, A49
- Pang, A24, A101
- Pasma, A51–A52
- Rakocevic, A26–A27
- Sabawy, A49, A101
- Sandhu, A25, A37, A100
- Saunderson, A102
- Smith, L., A101
- West, A25–A26
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Province of Ontario Council for the Arts
- Provincial Schools Authority
- Public Service Grievance Board
- Royal Ontario Museum
- Social Benefits Tribunal
- Species at Risk Conservation Trust
- Toronto Metropolitan University board of governors
- University of Toronto Governing Council
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit board of health
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A43–A47
- completion rate
- unionized vs. non-unionized
- Gates, SP453
- unionized vs. non-unionized
- journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio
- French, F955
- student supports
- training programs, secondary students. see also Education - secondary — skilled trades
- Barnes, SP509–SP510
- Leardi, F1249
- health and safety
- Gates, SP505
- implementation process
- Fraser, SP510
- Gélinas, SP503
- Martin, SP504
- Pasma, SP465, SP482, SP488, SP492, SP503–SP504, SP509–SP510
- Rae, SP488
- stakeholder consultation
- completion rate
Artificial intelligence
- economic impact
- Dowie, F1282
- economic impact
Arts and culture
- government funding
- Andrew, HE674
- government funding
Arts and culture industry
- community outreach initiatives
- McMahon, HE615, HE617–HE618
- Sattler, HE620
- economic impact
- Oosterhoff, F1197
- Experience Ontario grant
- allocation of
- Lumsden, HE656–HE657
- Stevens, HE656–HE657
- allocation of
- festivals
- government funding
- government strategy
- Lumsden, HE655
- grants
- Community Museum Operating Grant
- Andrew, HE1341–HE1342
- Cho, S., HE1342
- Experience Ontario
- Andrew, HE1340–HE1341
- Cho, S., HE1340–HE1341
- Indigenous Culture Fund
- Andrew, HE1342
- Community Museum Operating Grant
- Indigenous artists
- supports for
- Sattler, HE626
- Shaw, HE623–HE624
- supports for
- municipal facilities
- adaptive reuse of
- Lumsden, HE660
- McMahon, HE659–HE660
- use of
- Lumsden, HE659
- adaptive reuse of
- music
- supports
- Cho, S., HE1339–HE1340
- Kanapathi, HE1339
- supports
- outdoor events
- patrons
- Kernaghan, F1383
- SAG-AFTRA labour action
- government response to
- Andrew, HE665–HE666
- Lumsden, HE665–HE666
- government response to
- tax credits
- Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit
- Andrew, HE1343
- Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit
- community outreach initiatives
Assistive devices
Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
Auditor General of Ontario
- appearance at Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- reports
- 2019 Annual Report: Reports on Correctional Services and Court Operations. see also Court administration
- recommendations
- Wong-Tam, P27
- recommendations
- Public Colleges Oversight (2021)
- Review of the Pre-Election 2022 Multi-Year Fiscal plan (2022)
- Fife, F21
- 2019 Annual Report: Reports on Correctional Services and Court Operations. see also Court administration
Autism services.
see Also Ontario Autism Program- access to
- northern and rural Ontario
- Gélinas, SP607
- northern and rural Ontario
- children's treatment centres. see Children's treatment centres
- non-autism specific, access to. see Also Children's treatment centres — programs and services, access to
- Integrated Services for Northern Children
- Gélinas, SP619–SP620
- Integrated Services for Northern Children
- access to
Autism spectrum disorder
- variation in needs
- Pasma, SP416
- variation in needs
Auto insurance
Auto insurance - claims
Auto insurance - coverage
- catastrophic
- deductible
- Kernaghan, F1763–F1764
- deductible
- optionality
- catastrophic
Auto insurance - rates
Auto insurance reform
- government strategy
- Coe, F1089
- government strategy
Automobile insurance - rates
- snowplows
- Oosterhoff, JP197–JP198
- snowplows
Automobile thefts
- government response
- Downey, JP700–JP701, JP713–JP714
- Kanapathi, JP713
- government response
Automotive industry
Automotive industry - employment
- recruitment and retention
- Cuzzetto, F349
- recruitment and retention
Automotive industry - investments
Automotive industry - manufacturing
Automotive industry - repair and maintenance
- right to repair
- Bowman, F345
- right to repair