Letter: A
see also Agri-food industry—meat processing- capacity
- Arthur, F1140–F1141
- Piccini, F1141
- classification of
- Arthur, F280
- drug residue testing
- source farm, follow-up
- Miller, N., P344
- source farm, follow-up
- inspectors
- regulatory environment
- Parsa, P357
- staff training and recruitment
- Arthur, F1140–F1141
- Piccini, F1141
- vs. stand-alone processors
- Natyshak, F2489
- taxation
- Rickford, F281
- capacity
Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- Bell, M292–M293, M304–M305, M311–M312, M335–M337, M360–M361, M364
- Bouma, M310–M311
- Bourgouin, M296–M297, M327–M328, M330–M332, M350–M351, M354–M355
- Collard, M294–M295, M297–M298, M303–M304, M306–M307, M312–M313, M315–M316, M321, M329, M332, M345, M347–M348, M353, M356, M362, M365
- Downey, M289–M298
- Hassan, M312, M314, M322–M323, M372–M373
- Kanapathi, M294, M301, M330, M371–M372
- McDonell, M296, M305, M323, M336, M372
- Mitas, M293, M323, M361–M364
- Oosterhoff, M295, M319–M320, M328, M336, M352, M354
- Park, M294, M301–M302, M306, M328, M330, M334–M335, M345–M346, M353–M354, M363
- Singh, G., M297, M302–M303, M305, M313–M314, M320–M321, M342–M343, M346–M347, M364–M365, M369–M370
- Skelly, M314–M315, M343–M344, M370–M371
- amendments
- general remarks
- Schedule 3: justice reform
- Park, M383
- Schedule 5: land tribunals
- Park, M384
Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- Coe, G102, G116
- French, G103, G105, G108–G111, G113, G115–G116, G119, G121, G125–G126
- Hoggarth, G105–G106, G116, G124
- Kramp, G106, G114, G118, G127
- Kusendova, G109–G110, G124
- Lecce, G102–G103, G107–G108, G116, G122, G127
- amendments
- French, G129–G141, G143–G144, G146–G151, G153–G157
- Glover, G130–G131, G145–G146, G154
- Hoggarth, G157
- Kramp, G130, G138–G140, G143–G144, G149–G153
- Kusendova, G139
- Lecce, G130, G132–G137, G140–G142, G144–G146, G148, G151–G154, G156–G157
- Schreiner, G132, G138, G141–G142, G144, G155, G157
- Stevens, G144–G145
Accessibility for persons with disabilities
Addictions services.
see Mental health and addictions servicesAdministration of justice.
see Justice - administration ofAdministrative tribunals.
see TribunalsAdoption.
see also Child protection system- child funding
- child outcomes
- Dunlop, E1048
- government funding
- allocation of
- Dunlop, E1049
- allocation of
- and Indigenous communities
- Roberts, F1023–F1024
- parent recruitment
- public education and awareness
- Dunlop, E1049
- public education and awareness
- parental support services
- training programs
- trauma-informed parenting
- Dunlop, E1049
- trauma-informed parenting
Adoption system - reform
Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario’s Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- Babikian, SP1010, SP1017, SP1056
- Elliott, SP1003–SP1010
- Fee, SP1047–SP1048
- Fraser, SP1062, SP1064–SP1067, SP1071–SP1078, SP1081–SP1083, SP1085–SP1086, SP1090–SP1093
- Gélinas, SP1006–SP1007, SP1053–SP1056, SP1059–SP1060, SP1063, SP1065, SP1067–SP1070, SP1072, SP1074–SP1075, SP1077–SP1078, SP1080–SP1084, SP1086–SP1087
- Harden, SP1007, SP1009–SP1010, SP1018–SP1019, SP1025–SP1026, SP1033–SP1034, SP1040–SP1042, SP1055, SP1061–SP1062, SP1064, SP1066–SP1067, SP1070–SP1071, SP1073–SP1074, SP1076–SP1077, SP1081–SP1086, SP1088–SP1096
- Hunter, SP1040, SP1043, SP1062–SP1063, SP1066, SP1068, SP1072–SP1074, SP1077–SP1079
- Kusendova, SP1010–SP1011, SP1023–SP1025, SP1039–SP1040, SP1042–SP1043, SP1071
- Martin, SP1011, SP1015–SP1018, SP1026–SP1027, SP1039, SP1046, SP1056–SP1057, SP1061, SP1063, SP1065, SP1067, SP1069, SP1071–SP1072, SP1074–SP1075, SP1077–SP1084, SP1086–SP1095
- McKenna, SP1007–SP1008, SP1015, SP1030–SP1031
- Pang, SP1047, SP1054–SP1055
- Sattler, SP1016–SP1017, SP1022–SP1023, SP1032, SP1038, SP1048
- Triantafilopoulos, SP1031–SP1033
Advertising Review Board
Advertising - third party
- registry access. see Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)—location registry—access to
- in vehicle
- Fraser, SP472
Affordable housing.
see also Housing market- and economic development
- Burch, F210
- economic impact
- Lindo, F1212–F1213
- in Far North communities
- Mamakwa, F3281
- general remarks
- government strategy
- health care partnerships. see Health care housing partnerships
- jurisdiction over
- and private sector
- and private-public partnerships
- Shaw, F236–F237
- social impact
- Lindo, F2086
- and economic development
Affordable housing - development
- funding sources
- Arthur, F1018–F1019
- Hassan, M312
- general remarks
- Lindo, F1175
- Schreiner, F2032–F2033
- funding sources
Affordable housing - supply
- general remarks
- impact of economic conditions on
- Shaw, F439
- impact of foreign buyers on. see also Housing market—impact of foreign buyers' tax
- Arthur, F676–F677
- impact on cost
- inclusionary zoning. see under Housing development
- and non-profit developers
- Skelly, F1275
- and rent control
Aggregate extraction
Aggregate industry
Aggregate Resources Act, RSO 1990, c A.8
Aggregate sites.
see also Water protection- community relations
- lands open to
- oversight mechanisms
- rehabilitation
- and water source protection
Aggregate sites - by site
Aggregate sites - licences and permits
Aggregate sites - vertical zoning
- appeal process
- evaluation process
- general remarks
- Yakabuski, E453
- jurisdiction over
- legal challenges to
- municipal liability
Aggregate transportation
Agricultural lands
- aggregate extraction on. see Aggregate extraction
- agricultural impact assessments
- availability of
- crown land
- designated by municipality
- development on
- drainage
- farm forestry exemption
- Arthur, F956
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, A477
- protection of
Agricultural societies
Agricultural workers - temporary foreign workers
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
Agriculture industry
- aging workforce, impact of
- Arthur, F642
- biosecurity. see under Agri-food facilities
- and climate change
- and conservation authorities
- Piccini, F1089
- innovation and technology
- marketing, youth
- Khanjin, F1938–F1939
- natural gas access, impact of
- nutrient management plans
- organic
- oversight of
- public education
- Glover, G696
- public perception of. see also under Farmers
- recruitment and promotion
- professional development
- Pettapiece, E110
- in schools. see Curriculum reform—agricultural content
- professional development
- regulatory environment
- supply management
- Vanthof, E969
- transparency
- Glover, G696
- in the United States
- Barrett, G635
- use of pesticides
- aging workforce, impact of
Agriculture industry - COVID-19
Agriculture industry - COVID-19, temporary foreign workers
- bunkhouse capacity
- Barrett, E559
- financial supports
- Barrett, E982, E985–E986
- Hardeman, E982–E983
- Lindo, F1341–F1342
- general remarks
- McDonell, F2730
- government response
- infection control
- public health requirements
- appeals process
- Barrett, E559
- appeals process
- response coordination
- Gretzky, F2059
- Hatfield, F2058–F2059
- transmission rates
- McNaughton, G1081
- work site inspections
- McNaughton, G1081
- bunkhouse capacity
Agriculture industry - support programs
Agri-food facilities.
see also Abattoirs; Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)- animal tracing systems
- biosecurity
- inspections
- meat processing
- risk classification
- Miller, N., P346
- trespass on
Agri-food facilities - security from trespass
- animal protection zones
- and constitutional rights
- definitions
- animal protection zones
- false pretense
- interaction
- occupier
- prescribed premises
- Schreiner, G702
- exemptions
- farmer education
- Pettapiece, G685
- general remarks
- and investigative journalism
- offences
- enforcement
- entry under false pretense
- Barrett, G600–G601, G707–G708
- Glover, G644, G655, G688, G706, G709–G710
- Harris, G707
- Kramp, G708–G709
- Pettapiece, G642–G643, G670–G671, G697, G709
- Schreiner, G618, G642, G651, G662, G669, G677, G687, G705–G706, G717
- Smith, D., G618, G679, G706
- Vanthof, G617, G641, G663, G671–G672, G693, G705, G707–G709, G711, G717
- entry without consent
- interference or interaction with farm animals
- limitation period
- penalties
- retroactive application
- Schreiner, G715–G716
- use of motor vehicle
- in other jurisdictions
- owners/occupiers
- citizen's arrest
- civil and criminal liability
- right to reasonable force
- vs. right to protest
- vs. transparency
- whistle-blower protection clauses
- Vanthof, G641
Agri-food industry
- beef industry. see also Abattoirs
- environmental impact
- Arthur, F546
- environmental impact
- dairy industry. see Dairy industry
- economic development
- Arthur, F2541
- eggs
- fish farming and processing
- food inspection programs
- and animal welfare inspectors
- Coe, JP229
- and animal welfare inspectors
- global exportation rates. see specific product industry
- impact of food guide reform on
- local food production
- market conditions
- public education
- Glover, G696
- research and innovation
- value-added activities. see also Food safety—inspections—by location—multi-function facilities
- Vanthof, P343
- beef industry. see also Abattoirs
Agri-food industry - grain
- crop dessication
- glysophate, use of
- Vanthof, P353
- glysophate, use of
- crop dessication
Agri-food industry - produce
Agri-Food Open for E-Business Initiative
Agri-food Workplace Protection Program
- government funding
- Hardeman, E944
- government funding
Air quality
- condo rentals. see also Condominiums—short-term rentals
- shooting incident (January 31, 2020)
- Glover, G571
- shooting incident (January 31, 2020)
- condo rentals. see also Condominiums—short-term rentals
see Travel industryAirports
- alcohol sales. see under Alcohol retail expansion—hours of sale
- aviation fuel tax
- classification of
- Mamakwa, F1080
- and COVID-19. see under Travel industry
- in Far North
- economic impact
- Hunter, F2025–F2026
- economic impact
- government funding
- jurisdiction over
- Skelly, F1081
- jurisdiction over
- Hamilton International Airport
- expansion, economic incentives for
- Miller, P., F1352
- expansion, economic incentives for
- municipal
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
Alcohol retail
- "beverage alcohol," definition of
- Smith, D., F2980
- and COVID-19
- with food delivery and takeout
- market expansion
- marketing
- target demographics
- Martin, SP11
- target demographics
- mixed drinks
- price floor
- Smith, D., F2980
- price floor
- point-of-sale regulations
- in rural locations
- Skelly, F852
- taxation
- verification process
- wholesale pricing
- "beverage alcohol," definition of
Alcohol retail expansion
Alcoholic consumption
- and chronic disease prevention
- Miller, N., P53
- and chronic disease prevention
Algoma University
Algonquin Provincial Park
All-terrain vehicles (ATV)
Alternate Land Use and Services Program for Agricultural Land Act, 2018 (Bill 28)
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC)
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
- shortage
- Triantafilopoulos, SP250
- shortage
Alzheimer's Disease.
see also Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseasesAmbulance services
- funding through development charges. see Housing development - development charges
- land ambulances
- shortage
- Shaw, F618
AMP It Up 2.0 program.
see Municipal government—asset management programAn Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, 2019, SC 2019, c 24
- Mamakwa, E1251, E1258
- Rickford, E1251–E1252, E1258
Animal control
- wild pigs
- sightings, reporting of
- Yakabuski, E450
- sightings, reporting of
- wild pigs
Animal protection system
- advisory committee
- complaint-based
- Glover, G668
- definition of animal
- Singh, G., JP220, JP227, JP230–JP231, JP233
- enforcement officers. see also Animal welfare inspectors
- French, JP244
- Yarde, JP243–JP244
- funding model
- Singh, G., JP210–JP211
- general remarks
- Harris, G626
- government funding
- independence of
- Singh, G., JP210–JP211
- municipal bylaws
- Yarde, JP226–JP227
- in other jurisdictions
- transparency
- Martin, JP197
Animal protection system - reform
- application
- agricultural animals
- Glover, G667
- agricultural animals
- consultation process
- framework review
- Coe, JP217
- general remarks
- Barrett, G635
- Gill, JP197–JP198, JP205
- Glover, G668
- Hogarth, JP225
- Kusendova, JP223
- Martin, JP229–JP230
- public education
- regulations under
- risk-based inspection regime
- Martin, JP217
- role of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- Crawford, P356
- scope
- application
Animal welfare
- cosmetic alteration
- Hogarth, JP213
- critical distress in motor vehicle
- Kusendova, JP193
- euthanasia
- general remarks
- Hogarth, JP225
- mobile large animal programs and unaccredited zoos
- Hogarth, JP235
- Kusendova, JP235–JP236
- psychosocial care
- Singh, G., JP227
- public education campaigns
- Kusendova, JP223
- standards of care. see also under Animal welfare - livestock
- cosmetic alteration
Animal welfare inspectors
- chief animal welfare inspector
- data collection and disclosure
- French, JP238–JP239
- Kusendova, JP238
- Yarde, JP239–JP240
- discretionary authority
- Hogarth, JP242
- general remarks
- data collection and disclosure
- duties and responsibilities
- general remarks
- investigations
- powers of
- reports
- publication of
- Yarde, JP194
- publication of
- training
- chief animal welfare inspector
Animal welfare - livestock
- advocacy
- Glover, G636
- cage-free egg production
- Glover, G636
- disease transmission
- Barrett, G662–G663
- food inspection programs
- Coe, JP229
- general remarks
- livestock guardian dogs
- Coe, JP225
- psychological distress. see Animal welfare offences—"distress," definition of
- public education
- Glover, G628
- reporting process
- standards of care
- during transportation
- Singh, G., JP202, JP204–JP205, JP221
- advocacy
Animal welfare offences
- abuse and neglect
- animal fighting
- livestock guardian dogs. see under Animal welfare - livestock
- "distress," definition of
- definition of psychological distress
- Singh, G., JP227–JP228, JP230, JP234
- Yarde, JP217–JP218, JP233
- inclusion of psychological distress
- definition of psychological distress
- exemptions
- limitation periods
- French, JP243
- offenders
- corporations, definition of
- Yarde, JP230
- corporations, definition of
- penalties
- possession, purchase or sale of prescribed items
- prosecution
- reporting process
Anti-Racism Act, 2017,
S.O. 2017, c. 15
- anti-racism-strategy, requirement for
- Lindo, P48
- anti-racism-strategy, requirement for
Anti-Racism Directorate
- data collection
- Indigenous populations
- Mamakwa, E1250–E1251
- Rickford, E1250–E1251
- Indigenous populations
- government funding
- data collection
A&One Fashion Jewellery Wholesale Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr13)
Apollo Shawarma and Grill Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr34)
- Harris, T152
Applied behaviour analysis
Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
- Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
- Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
- appearance before committee. see also Committee procedure—intended appointees
- appointment process
- Baber, A43
- Bouma, A223
- Coe, A156
- Hogarth, A423
- Khanjin, A153
- Martin, A247
- Miller, N., A451
- Natyshak, A43, A152–A154, A155–A162, A156, A162, A165, A193, A197, A205–A206, A206, A214
- Nicholls, A152–A153, A157
- Pang, A219
- Stiles, A43, A145–A146, A152–A153, A156–A161, A157, A177–A178, A184, A187, A205–A206, A223, A362–A363
- Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors
- candidate conduct
- College of Nurses of Ontario
- committee broadcast
- Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, board of governors
- conflict of interest
- Consent and Capacity Board
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
- Death Investigation Oversight Council
- Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors
- Durham Regional Police Services Board
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario.
- Fire Safety Commission
- Grant Review Team—Hamilton—Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Guelph Police Services Board
- Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Human Resources Professionals Association
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunals Ontario)
- Infrastructure Ontario
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Liquor Control Board of Ontario
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (Tribunals Ontario)
- Metrolinx
- Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology-board of governors
- Niagara Parks Commission
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.
- Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario)
- Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp
- Ontario College of Art and Design board of governors
- Ontario Educational Communications Authority
- Ontario Energy Board
- Ontario French-language Educational Com-munications Authority
- Ontario Heritage Trust
- Ontario HeritagenTrust board of directors
- Ontario Honours Advisory Council
- Ontario Internal Audit Committee, information and information technology sector audit committee
- Ontario Labour Relations Board
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp
- Ontario Media Development Corp., board of directors
- Ontario Media Development Corp.-board of directors
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
- Ontario Parole Board
- Bisson, A398–A399, A462–A463
- Bouma, A396, A442–A443, A464, A470
- Bouma ., A258–A259
- Coe, A258, A443
- Gates, A398–A400
- Kusendova, A396–A397
- Martin, A397
- Miller, N., A258, A464
- Mitas, A397
- Natyshak, A261
- Nicholls, A396, A405, A442, A448, A464–A465
- Pang, A259, A443, A465
- Roberts, A465
- Stiles, A259–A260, A440–A441, A462–A464
- Tangri, A258
- Wai, A465
- Ontario Securities Commission
- Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corp., board of directors
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Ontario Trillium Foundation board of directors
- Ontario Trillium Foundation, Simcoe-York grant review team
- partisan
- Provincial Advisory Committee on Francophone Affairs
- Public Accountants Council
- Rabies Advisory Committee
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority board of directors
- Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority, board of directors
- Social Benefits Tribunal
- Social Benefits Tribunal, vice-chair
- Species at Risk Program Advisory Committee
- St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors
- Town of Midland Police Services Board
- University of Guelph, board of governors
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology-board of governors
- University of Windsor board of governors
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
see also Colleges and universities–
apprenticeship training programs; Pre-apprenticeship training programs- barriers to entry
- Cho, S., F3351
- Certificate of Qualification exam timelines
- Fife, F3397–F3398
- Gates, F3326, F3338, F3362, F3397–F3398
- McKenna, F3397
- Smith, D., F3398
- compensation
- West, F18
- educational partnerships
- with private sector
- Skelly, F2116
- with private sector
- employer incentives
- Bourgouin, F2470–F2471
- Fife, F579
- government incentives
- Fife, F603
- journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio
- modernization initiative (BC)
- northern Ontario
- Bisson, F335
- occupational health and safety
- Hunter, F3359
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- eligibility requirements
- Smith, D., F3059
- eligibility requirements
- pathways to
- Fife, G537
- private sector training
- Skelly, F603
- recruitment, diversity
- Gates, F3311
- reform
- McNaughton, G1083
- registration process
- Skelly, F2115
- sponsorship
- system navigation
- tax incentives
- Schreiner, F2471–F2472
- barriers to entry
Apprenticeships - government funding
Aquaculture industry
Art galleries and museums
- Black history preservation initiatives
- and COVID-19. see under Arts and culture - COVID-19
- cultural impact
- Shaw, F305
- digital programming
- donations
- economic impact
- Lindo, F1638–F1639
- Schreiner, F1927
- Shaw, F305
- educational programming
- government supports
- operating grants
- Andrew, F1748
- operating grants
- marketing and promotion
- resource sharing
- French, F1926
- resource sharing
- municipal tax relief
- Barrett, F1747
- product sale
- digital platform
- Lindo, F1639
- digital platform
- promotion of
- property tax exemption
- Schreiner, F1927
- reporting requirements
- Piccini, F306
- social impact
- Kusendova, F1682–F1684
- Miller, P., F1679–F1680
- social media
- as revenue source
- Blais, F1640
- as revenue source
- visitor demographics
- domestic vs. foreign
- Smith, D., F1926
- domestic vs. foreign
- Windsor
- Gretzky, F1590–F1591
Art galleries and museums - funding
Art Gallery of Hamilton
- collection
- Skelly, F1681
- funding model
- Miller, P., F1684–F1685
- Skelly, F1682
- programming
- Kusendova, F1683
- Miller, P., F1679–F1680, F1684
- Skelly, F1682
- collection
Arts and culture.
see also Art galleries and museums; Cultural organizations; Public libraries- artists
- compensation
- Andrew, E487
- studio space
- Karpoche, F1896–F1897
- compensation
- community dance studios
- community theatre
- government funding
- Gretzky, F1986
- government funding
- community-based, independent
- market development
- Skelly, F1879–F1880
- Smith, D., F1877
- market development
- digital programming
- audience access to
- and broadband expansion
- Piccini, F1871
- general remarks
- Rasheed, F1885–F1887
- infrastructure cost
- Lindo, F1886
- economic impact
- economic impact of
- education programs
- in schools
- Harden, F2593
- in schools
- employment models
- Smith, D., F1904
- equity initiatives
- fashion sector
- film and television. see Film and television industry
- general remarks
- Shaw, F1166
- government supports
- community radio
- Blais, F1719
- Skelly, F1716–F1717
- community radio
- live performance sector
- marketing and promotion
- business management training
- Smith, D., F1903–F1904
- international audiences
- Blais, F1639
- resource sharing
- French, F1926–F1927
- Schreiner, F1929
- business management training
- operating grants
- heritage organizations
- Schreiner, F1744
- persons of colour, access to
- Hunter, F1620
- Lindo, F1617–F1618
- Schreiner, F1742–F1743
- heritage organizations
- publishing industry
- in rural Ontario
- Piccini, F1869–F1870
- social impact
- special event venues
- tax credits. see under Arts and culture - funding
- youth employment
- French, F1869
- artists
Arts and culture - COVID-19
- consumer confidence
- dance studios
- economic impact
- festivals
- cancellation, economic impact of
- Kernaghan, F1608
- cancellation, economic impact of
- film and television. see Film and television industry - COVID-19
- galleries and museums
- collections, security of
- Smith, D., F1805, F1836–F1837
- digital programming
- financial supports
- MacLeod, E489
- general remarks
- Miller, P., F1679
- retrofitting, cost of
- Andrew, F1781
- socially-distant events
- collections, security of
- general remarks
- MacLeod, E456
- government consultation
- Simard, F1884–F1885
- government response to
- Arthur, F1725–F1726, F1818
- Fife, F2721
- MacLeod, F1327, F1724–F1727
- Miller, P., F1327–F1328
- Oosterhoff, F1826, F1858
- Simard, F1825
- impact, long-term
- Schreiner, F1764
- layoffs as a result of
- live performance
- alternate presentation models
- digital programming
- employee layoffs
- Stevens, F1972
- employment change due to
- financial assistance
- Andrew, F2540
- Blais, F1657
- French, F1868
- Lindo, F1653–F1654
- MacLeod, E485
- Morrison, F2862
- Schreiner, F1929
- Skelly, F1672–F1673
- Tabuns, F2859
- general remarks
- health and safety measures
- open air events
- in other jurisdictions
- Simard, F1893
- performer maintenance
- taxation
- Gates, F1666
- promotion of
- Harden, F2918
- Lindo, F1872, F1887–F1888
- publishing industry
- government funding
- Arthur, F1805–F1806
- Schreiner, F1804
- government funding
- reopening
- second wave planning
- Smith, D., F1903
- sector partnerships
- stakeholder consultation
- MacLeod, E457
- venues
- worker mental health
- Hunter, F3126
Arts and culture - COVID-19, government supports
- ethnic and cultural media
- government supports
- Andrew, F1845
- government supports
- festivals
- government supports
- Arthur, F1711
- Blais, F1398–F1399, F1710
- Crawford, F1489, F1728
- Gates, F1492
- Hunter, F1490, F1727
- Lindo, F1398, F1487
- MacLeod, F1727–F1729
- Miller, P., F1549–F1550
- Morrison, F1536
- Piccini, F1546
- Roberts, F1390–F1391, F1396
- Sabawy, F1489
- Schreiner, F1488, F1767, F1955
- Skelly, F1397
- Smith, D., F1397
- Stiles, F1737
- government supports
- financial assistance
- funding for PPE
- galleries and museums
- general remarks
- government supports
- general remarks
- Hunter, F2703
- general remarks
- grants and loans
- general remarks
- Roberts, F3121
- general remarks
- for individual artists
- live performance
- marketing and promotion
- Morrison, F2594–F2595
- operating grants
- Skelly, F1656
- program termination dates
- Armstrong, F2433
- by region
- northern Ontario
- MacLeod, E484–E485
- northern Ontario
- and regulatory reform
- Crawford, F1762
- ethnic and cultural media
Arts and culture - funding
- annual allocation
- Andrew, E463
- availability of
- Celebrate Ontario
- donor matching programs
- Hunter, F2595–F2596
- Morrison, F2594–F2595
- for equity-seeking communities
- general remarks
- Lindo, F1196, F1900–F1901
- MacLeod, E470
- Wai, F2594
- Heritage Organization Development Grants
- MacLeod, E462
- Indigenous Culture Fund
- for individual artists
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
- MacLeod, E470
- Ontario Arts Council
- Ontario Creates
- Ontario Music Investment Fund
- Rural Economic Development Fund
- Piccini, F306
- tax credits. see also specific sector
- annual allocation
Assisted living.
see Supportive housingAssistive Devices Program (ADP)
Asylum seekers.
see Immigration and refugee policyAttawapiskat First Nation
- water quality
- Skelly, F333
- water quality
Auditor General
Autism services
- access to
- for adults
- northern Ontario
- service capacity
- Armstrong, E1008
- travel expenses, family
- Armstrong, E1008–E1009
- service capacity
- respite services
- northern Ontario
- Downey, F377
- northern Ontario
- school-based supports
- treatment services
- service level transitions
- Arthur, F1122
- service level transitions
- wait-lists
- workforce capacity
- Special Needs Workforce Survey
- Smith, T., E1135
- Special Needs Workforce Survey
Autism services - providers
Autism services - reform.
see also Ontario Autism Program (OAP) (2020-2021)- advisory panel recommendations
- consultation
- Smith, T., E1006
- general remarks
- Roberts, E1079
- impact on schools
- Harden, SP182, SP185–SP186, SP194, SP201, SP207–SP209, SP220–SP221
- Stiles, SP163, SP193
- Implementation Working Group
- Smith, T., E1079, E1090–E1091
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- access, public buildings
- Fraser, SP450
- cost of
- data collection and use
- from the device
- Gélinas, SP513–SP514
- Harris, SP482, SP497–SP498
- Kernaghan, SP499
- Martin, SP482, SP506–SP507, SP513–SP514
- from the device
- delivery by drone
- Gélinas, SP508
- device donations
- Gélinas, SP462, SP470–SP471
- education and training
- education and training materials
- Hogarth, SP481
- first-responder vehicles
- Fraser, SP472
- funding for
- Gélinas, SP449
- indoor vs. outdoor
- Babikian, SP485–SP486
- Harris, SP485
- Kernaghan, SP486
- maintenance
- inspections
- Fraser, SP476–SP477, SP490
- Gélinas, SP495–SP496
- Martin, SP477–SP478
- non-compliance penalties
- Fraser, SP476–SP477, SP480, SP516
- Gélinas, SP475, SP483, SP487, SP490, SP495, SP502, SP508, SP516
- Martin, SP466–SP467, SP477–SP478, SP492, SP516
- remote monitoring
- Kernaghan, SP482–SP483
- requirements
- Fraser, SP450
- inspections
- personal liability
- portability
- Martin, SP451
- use criteria
- shockable rhythm
- Martin, SP494
- shockable rhythm
- use on women
- access, public buildings
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) - designated spaces
- based on occupant number
- based on prevalence data
- criteria
- "designated premises." see under Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
- general remarks
- Fraser, SP488, SP490–SP491, SP493, SP499
- government buildings
- Gélinas, SP483
- police stations
- Babikian, SP457
- rural Ontario
- Harris, SP451
- schools
- Fraser, SP491
- Kernaghan, SP470
- Martin, SP469–SP470
- specification in regulations
- Martin, SP477–SP478
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) - location registry
- Roberts, F960
- access to
- Babikian, SP457
- Fraser, SP459, SP481, SP502, SP515
- Gélinas, SP454–SP455, SP458–SP459, SP476, SP502, SP515
- Kernaghan, SP454, SP489
- Martin, SP453–SP454, SP515
- administration of
- content
- impact on response time
- Martin, SP503
- mandatory listing
- in other jurisdictions
- private devices
- registration at sale
- Fraser, SP449
- registration rates
- smart technology
- Gélinas, SP499
- Harris, SP497–SP498
- Kernaghan, SP498–SP499
- Martin, SP498
Automobile accidents/fatalities
Automobile insurance
- access to
- Fife, F1205
- catastrophic injuries
- health care costs
- Shaw, F1131
- maximum benefit rate
- Gates, F1241–F1242
- structured settlements
- Cho, S., F1241
- health care costs
- claims process
- coverage benefits
- digitization of
- Skelly, F810
- eligibility restrictions
- Smith, D., F1205
- fraud
- general remarks
- Fife, F526–F527
- industry market trends
- Fife, F1204
- in other jurisdictions
- Sabawy, F975–F976
- policies
- product choice
- Skelly, F988
- profitability of
- Arthur, F751
- providers
- regulatory environment
- trends in
- Downey, F726
- uninsured drivers
- access to
Automobile insurance rates
- during COVID-19
- and credit ratings
- general remarks
- geographic ratings
- in other jurisdictions
- rate approval process
Automobile insurance reform
Automotive industry
Automotive industry - dealerships
Automotive industry - repair and maintenance
- certification
- government strategy
- role in
- Gates, F2403
- role in
- labour market supply
- Gates, F2402
- part selection
- Cuzzetto, F2405
- parts manufacturing
- exportation
- Cuzzetto, F2405
- exportation
- personal vs. commercial vehicles
- Downey, F2400
- regulatory environment
- Downey, F2401
- supply chain
- during COVID-19
- Downey, F2401
- and intellectual property restrictions
- Coteau, F2402–F2403
- during COVID-19
- training and apprenticeships
- Cuzzetto, F2405
- Downey, F2400–F2401
- Gates, F2402
Awards and honours - citizen
- award nominations
- partisanship in
- Stiles, A353
- partisanship in
- award nominations