Letter: S
Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2022 (Bill 60)
Safe Night Out Act, 2022 (Bill 124)
- first reading
- Sattler, 3375
- first reading
Sandy Lake First Nation
- house fire in
- Mamakwa, 1826
- house fire in
Sauble Family Health Team
- community support initiatives
- funding
- Walker, 1827–1828
- funding
- community support initiatives
- arts and culture
- Clark Centre for the Arts
- Hunter, 194
- Clark Centre for the Arts
- arts and culture
Scarborough Health Network (SHN)
School boards
School facilities
School facilities - capital projects
- government funding
- new school construction
- repair backlog
School facilities - maintenance and repair
- bullying and cyberbullying
- dress codes
- gendered nature of
- Collard, 1201
- gendered nature of
- emergency closures
- Triantafilopoulos, 49
- protest safe zones. see under COVID-19 - public health protests; Hate and hate-related activities
- student immunization
Scottish community
Select Committee of Emergency Management Oversight
- procedure
- Bisson, 1276
- procedure
Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
- appearances before committee
- agenda and procedure
- calls to appear
- frequency of
- general remarks
- Hogarth, 1040
- notification timelines
- by role
- Brown, Dr. Steini
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- Minister of Health
- Premier
- Solicitor General
- chair
- creation of
- dissolution and reconstitution
- general remarks
- mandate
- reports
- resumption of business
- time rotation
- transparency and accountability
- appearances before committee
Select Committee on Financial Transparency (2018)
- Triantafilopoulos, 50
Senior citizens
- active living centres
- community accessibility
- Sabawy, 2507
- community development
- community services
- cost of living
- and COVID-19, impact of
- Gates, 2627
- elder care models
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 2570
- statements by stakeholders
- financial stability
- Monteith-Farrell, 836
- fraud committed against
- Begum, 2207
- general remarks
- Stevens, 3233
- government strategy
- Parsa, 1318
- health and well-being
- housing
- housing, affordable
- Andrew, 2827
- population growth
- Miller, N., 1281
- population growth projections
- Miller, P., 1394
- Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit
- support services
- culturally appropriate
- Bell, 1524
- culturally appropriate
September 11, 2001 attacks
Service animals
- accreditation process
- cost of
- West, 774
- cost of
- accreditation process
Service clubs
- local fundraising
- Smith, D., 2010–2011
- local fundraising
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- general remarks
- Yakabuski, 1111
- general remarks
Sewer and wastewater infrastructure
- consultation
- Martin, 133
- future planning. see also Land use planning—for future growth
- historically
- Miller, P., 144–145
- sewage spills
- general remarks
- Piccini, 1261
- incidents of
- monitoring. see Water protection - water quality–monitoring programs
- public notification of
- remediation costs
- recovery of
- Shaw, 1261
- recovery of
- special advisory committee
- Khanjin, 71
- general remarks
- water treatment facilities
- capital projects funding
- contaminant removal rate
- Harris, 121
- environmental compliance approvals (ECAs)
- Kitchener Wastewater Treatment Plant. see Kitchener Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Mannheim Water Treatment Plant. see Mannheim Water Treatment Plant
- role of
- Miller, P., 144
- technological development
- Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant (Hamilton). see Woodward Wastewater Treatment Plant (Hamilton)
- consultation
Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- jurisdiction over
- Oak Ridges moraine
- impact on
- French, 98
- impact on
- proposal assessment process
- advisory panel
- Bailey, 113
- Burch, 121
- Coe, 128
- Collard, 269–270
- French, 92, 96, 98, 101
- Ghamari, 143
- Harden, 117–118
- Harris, 118–122, 128
- Khanjin, 117, 231
- Mamakwa, 117
- Mantha, 113, 132, 135–137, 139
- Martin, 109, 131–132
- McDonell, 110–111, 113
- Monteith-Farrell, 143
- Parsa, 226–227
- Pettapiece, 117
- Piccini, 141, 143–144, 264–265, 267
- Rakocevic, 106–109
- Shaw, 127–128
- Vanthof, 268
- Wai, 139
- consultation
- Crown liability. see under York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
- environmental considerations
- financial considerations
- Martin, 131–132
- general remarks
- guiding legislation
- Barrett, 103
- timeline
- transparency
- advisory panel
- Southeast Connector (SEC) Trunk expansion proposal. see also Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant
- stakeholder response
- Upper York Sewage Solutions project. see also East Holland River
- consultation process
- French, 95
- Crown liability. see under York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
- environmental assessment
- general remarks
- impact on land development
- Miller, P., 146
- ministerial assessment
- phosphorus off-setting program
- water reclamation plant
- discharge into East Holland River
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- treatment capacity
- treatment technologies
- consultation process
Sewer and wastewater management
- COVID-19 testing. see COVID-19 - testing
- government funding
- in other jurisdictions
- Barrett, 102
Sex Offender Registry
- general remarks
- Sandhu, 934
- general remarks
Sex offenders
Sexual assault assessment
- kit availability
- McKenna, 2727
- kit availability
Sexual violence and harassment
Sikh Genocide (1984)
- Singh, G., 570
Sikh Genocide Awareness Week Act, 2021 (Bill 33)
- first reading
- Singh, G., 415
- first reading
Skilled trades.
see also specific trade- classification of
- Bouma, 1397
- compensation
- employment opportunities
- statements by stakeholders
- Hassan, 1239
- statements by stakeholders
- foreign-trained workers
- general remarks
- government funding
- Skilled Trades Strategy
- Parsa, 1571
- Skilled Trades Strategy
- government strategy
- labour shortage
- Gates, 2364
- occupational health and safety
- Gates, 1273
- recruitment and retention
- registration. see Skilled Trades Ontario
- training and education
- training programs
- classification of
Skilled Trades Ontario
Skills Development Fund.
see under Employment - COVID-19Skills training
- Skills Development Fund
- Anand, 2565
- Skills Development Fund
Small Business Relief Grant
Small Business Support Grant
- administration of
- application support
- application system
- communication with applicants
- general remarks
- administrative communications
- Tangri, 1734
- appeals
- application process
- eligibility
- enrolment rate
- funding allocation
- funding disbursement
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- payments to ineligible businesses
- rounds of funding
- stakeholder response
- Hassan, 1734
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 2027
- third round funding
- use of
- administration of
Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Vaping is not for Kids), 2022 (Bill 85)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 1783–1784
- first reading
Social assistance - federal programs
- Canada disability benefit
- Fullerton, 2889
- Canada disability benefit
Social assistance programs
- benefit rates
- annual increase rate
- COVID-19 top-up benefit
- discretionary benefits
- Fullerton, 2123
- general remarks
- review of
- community support services
- by region
- Sudbury
- Gélinas, 1195–1196
- Sudbury
- by region
- and COVID-19
- government funding
- Fullerton, 2169
- government funding
- development of
- eligibility
- Armstrong, 412
- employment rates
- Roberts, 637–638
- employment services. see Employment services
- funding allocation
- general remarks
- government funding
- federal-provincial coordination
- Fullerton, 2169
- federal-provincial coordination
- income calculation
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). see Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Ontario Works (OW). see Ontario Works (OW)
- reform
- benefit rates
Social assistance programs - federal
Social Assistance Research Commission
Social services
- and intersectionality
- Lindo, 1673
- and intersectionality
Social Services Relief Fund
Soldiers' Aid Commission
- fire in (April 1, 2022)
- Hassan, 3177
- fire in (April 1, 2022)
Southlake Regional Health Centre
- nursing capacity
- intensive care units
- Gélinas, 1536
- intensive care units
- nursing capacity
Speaker rulings quoted
Speaker's rulings
Speaker's statements
- appointments
- Clerk at the Table
- Tyrell, Christopher, 1891
- Clerk at the Table
- commemorations
- Davis, William Grenville (18th Premier of Ontario), 764
- legislative chamber
- Seven Grandfather Teachings carving (Nahdee), 1702
- legislative pages
- introduction of. see Legislative pages–introduced
- program return post-COVID-19, 75
- role of, 1901
- legislative staff
- member resignations
- Coteau, Michael (Don Valley East), 5
- members'/ministers' conduct
- member from Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston
- COVID-19 infection control protocols, 20–21
- member from Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston
- members'/ministers' remarks
- members'/ministers' resignations
- Yurek, Jeff (Elgin-Middlesex-London), 1955
- Ontario Legislature Internship Programme (OLIP) interns
- introduced, 1465
- appointments
Speaker's statements on legislative procedure
- addressing the Speaker, 172
- bills, public
- discharge of, 2334
- cannot say indirectly what cannot be said directly, 106, 2971
- commenting on attendance, 1501, 2014, 3002
- committee procedure
- scheduling and agendas, 683–684
- correction of record
- COVID-19 protocols
- building access requirements, 1583
- imputing motive, 1023, 1879, 1895
- inflammatory language, 1029, 3235–3236
- introduction of bills
- explanatory statement, 88
- members must sit when the Speaker stands, 574
- members' statements
- parliamentary language, use of, 1165, 2971
- points of order
- private member's motions
- question period
- questions of privilege
- procedure, 21
- referring to members by role or riding, 988, 1006, 1090, 1144, 1361, 1409, 1461, 1493, 1873, 2182, 2214, 2550, 2569, 2844, 3025–3026, 3153
- routine motion
- definition of, 683–684
- Speaker's rulings
- appeals not permitted, 1029
- speaking limits
- speaking through the Chair, 25, 28, 85, 122, 142–143, 150, 467, 486, 631, 685–686, 894, 1001, 1003, 1088, 1094, 1142, 1161, 1189, 1192, 1428, 1469, 1592, 1692, 1898, 2067–2068, 2070, 2119, 2271, 2545, 2976, 3110, 3112, 3245
- speaking to the topic, 2090, 2092, 2540
- substantive motions
- notice requirements, 77
- unanimous consent motions
- withdrawing remarks
- without qualification, 3243
Speaker's statements on legislative procedure.
see also
Speaker's rulings
- parliamentary language
- honorifics/title, 840
- parliamentary language
Speaker's warrant
Speaking Out About Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment Act, 2021 (Bill 68)
Speech-language pathology
- preschool programming
- government funding
- Bailey, 73
- government funding
- preschool programming
see Road safetySporting events
- 2022 World Cup
- Parsa, 2879
- Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
- athletes
- Ella Shelton
- Hardeman, 1953
- Ella Shelton
- athletes
- Beijing 2022 Paraolympic Winter Games
- athletes
- Garrett Riley
- Hardeman, 1953
- Garrett Riley
- athletes
- football
- lacrosse
- Smith, D., 1687–1688
- New Holland Canadian Under-21 Curling Championships (2022)
- Pettapiece, 3233
- Olympic and Paralympic athletes
- Ontario Winter Games (2022)
- Yakabuski, 998
- 2022 World Cup
Sporting events - COVID-19
- Olympic and Paralympic athletes
- Ideson, Mark
- Miller, N., 2755
- Ideson, Mark
- Olympic and Paralympic athletes
Sports and recreation
- community organizations
- Kramp, 2628
- COVID-19
- economic impact
- Smith, D., 2340
- economic impact
- cricket clubs
- Begum, 2569
- golf clubs
- Glen Abbey Golf Club (Oakville)
- Crawford, 3105
- Glen Abbey Golf Club (Oakville)
- government funding
- soccer clubs
- Coe, 2570–2571
- women in sports
- college- and university-based. see under Colleges and Universities
- underrepresentation
- Smith, D., 2340
- community organizations
Sports teams
St. James Town Act (Residential Tenancies Amendments), 2021 (Bill 72)
- first reading
- Morrison, 1594
- first reading
St. James Town fire (650 Parliament)
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policies
- policy areas
- Calandra, 1950
- policy areas
Standing Committee on Justice Policy
Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
Standing Committee on Social Policy
Standing Committee on the Interior
Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 8)
Steel industry
- Algoma Steel. see Algoma Steel
- emissions
- battery manufacturing plant (Windsor)
- electric vehicle production. see Electric vehicles
- Windsor Assembly Plant
Stopping Anti-Public Health Harassment Act, 2021 (Bill 3)
Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022 (Bill 10)
Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
Strategic Priorities Infrastructure Fund
- funding streams
- general remarks
- Harris, 2291
- general remarks
- funding streams
- menstrual products. see under Women
Students - elementary/secondary
- community-based resources
- Education Bank program
- Babikian, 682
- Education Bank program
- community-based resources
Students - special needs
- bullying of
- medical support
- nursing and rehabilitation services
- priority schools
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 430
- statements by stakeholders
Superior Corporate Services Limited Act, 2022 (Bill Pr63)
- first reading
- Fraser, 1902
- first reading
Supply Act, 2022 (Bill 96)
Supply Ontario
Support for Adults in Need of Assistance Act, 2021 (Bill 40)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 582–583
- first reading
Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 48)
- first reading
- West, 829
- first reading
Supporting Economic Recovery and Renewal in the Niagara Region Act, 2022 (Bill 122)
- first reading
- Gates, 3374–3375
- first reading
Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
- first reading
- Tangri, 160
- second reading, 391–401, 417–437, 474–496, 535–560
- Anand, 490
- Armstrong, 432
- Bailey, 482
- Barrett, 485
- Bell, 542, 545, 557
- Bourgouin, 423, 436, 483–486
- Burch, 398, 428
- Coe, 557–560
- Downey, 487–491
- Fedeli, 479–483
- French, 399, 429–434, 478, 490
- Ghamari, 400
- Glover, 537, 543–546, 551, 556, 559
- Harden, 474–479
- Harris, 478, 486, 495–496
- Hatfield, 535–538, 541, 548, 553–554
- Ke, 495
- Khanjin, 423–429, 479, 550, 554, 560
- Mantha, 429, 436–437, 490–495, 542, 545, 554
- Martin, 477, 552–555
- McDonell, 399, 428, 542, 551–552, 557
- McKenna, 537, 544–545, 547, 552
- McNaughton, 546–548
- Miller, P., 481–482, 485–486, 495
- Monteith-Farrell, 544, 551
- Morrison, 482–483
- Parsa, 428, 436, 494, 538, 557
- Pettapiece, 433, 541, 551, 554–555
- Rakocevic, 482, 491, 548–552, 555–557
- Roberts, 559
- Sabawy, 398, 434–437, 490–491
- Sandhu, 433
- Sattler, 400–401, 417–424, 547
- Shaw, 399, 424, 427, 433
- Skelly, 432, 482, 486, 491, 538–543, 545, 548, 556
- Stiles, 547–548, 559
- Tabuns, 538
- Tangri, 391–400
- Triantafilopoulos, 437
- Wai, 424, 555–557, 560
- referred to Standing Committee on General Government, 560
- third reading, 1331–1341, 1365–1384, 1391–1401, 1420–1439, 1476–1477
- Armstrong, 1382
- Bailey, 1377
- Bell, 1432–1437
- Bouma, 1340, 1394–1400, 1423, 1435–1436, 1438
- Bourgouin, 1395, 1400–1401
- Burch, 1340
- Clark, 1428–1429
- Coe, 1381–1382, 1399, 1432
- Crawford, 1436
- Cuzzetto, 1431
- Fife, 1339–1340, 1365–1374
- Glover, 1428, 1434–1436
- Harden, 1423, 1429, 1431, 1436–1437
- Kanapathi, 1394–1395
- Kusendova, 1429–1432
- Mantha, 1373–1374, 1424, 1435, 1438
- Miller, N., 1399, 1438–1439
- Miller, P., 1377, 1382, 1391–1395, 1398–1399
- Monteith-Farrell, 1394, 1399
- Morrison, 1341, 1424–1429
- Oosterhoff, 1395, 1420–1424
- Parsa, 1378
- Piccini, 1382
- Rakocevic, 1377
- Roberts, 1431–1432, 1438
- Sattler, 1373
- Schreiner, 1437–1438
- Shaw, 1395, 1400
- Singh, S., 1378–1383
- Skelly, 1340, 1372–1373
- Smith, D., 1374–1378, 1383, 1423–1424
- Smith, T., 1337–1340, 1374
- Stiles, 1422–1423, 1431–1432
- Tabuns, 1428
- Tangri, 1331–1336, 1340–1341
- Walker, 1378, 1383–1384
- Yakabuski, 1373
- division (carried), 1476–1477
- and environmental protection
- Fife, 1365
- general remarks
- as omnibus legislation
- stakeholder engagement
- Royal assent, 1498
- first reading
Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021
- general remarks
- Tangri, 1333
- general remarks
Supportive housing