Letter: C
Cabinet ministers
Caisses populaires.
see Credit unions and caisses populairesCambridge
- Galt Gaslight District
- Riddell, 4760
- Galt Gaslight District
Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- foundation
- community-based fundraising
- Riddell, 3541
- community-based fundraising
- foundation
- history of
- types of government
- Leardi, 2085
- types of government
- history of
Canada Christian College
Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit program
Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CMELCC)
Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
- child care operators
- child care staff
- child care workers
- recruitment and retention
- consultation
- Karpoche, 1829
- consultation
- recruitment and retention
- financial impact
- financial impact, projected
- per family
- Lecce, 1320
- per family
- general remarks
- government strategy
- implementation process
- Shaw, 3379
- implementation timelines
- staffing requirements
- Karpoche, 1828
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- s. 33: notwithstanding clause.
see also Education workers - collective bargainingCanadian Health Labs
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
- strike (2022). see under Education workers - labour dispute
- Canadian Cancer Society
- causes
- diagnosis
- delays, impact of
- Burch, 7999
- delays, impact of
- education and awareness
- screening
- services and supports
- government strategy
- Martin, 2589
- government strategy
Cancer - breast cancer
- screening, access to
- Stiles, 7972
- screening, age eligibility
- screening, wait-time
- surgical procedures
- screening, access to
Cancer - colon
Cancer - lung
- causes
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9623–9624
- diagnosis and survival statistics
- screening
- causes
Cancer - pediatric
- community support program
- events
- Kernaghan, 4159
- events
- community support program
Cancer - prostate cancer
- Black community, incidence rate
- diagnostic testing
- Martin, 2589
- early detection, importance of
- physical exam vs. prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
- Shamji, 2590
- prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. see Ontario Health insurance Plan (OHIP) — service eligibility
- general remarks
- incidence rates
- Gates, 2591
- risk factors
- Shamji, 2590
Cancer surgeries
- breast cancer
- wait-time
- Fraser, 4003
- wait-time
- breast cancer
Cancer treatment
- decriminalization
- Jama, 4468
- decriminalization
Cannabis production
Cannabis retail
Cap-and-trade program
Cap-and-trade program - cancellation
Captain Craig Bowman Act, 2023 (Bill 127)
- first reading
- Burch, 4929
- first reading
Captive Wildlife Protection Act, 2024 (Bill 236)
- first reading
- Collard, 10892
- first reading
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
- carbon storage
- combined with carbon reduction
- Schreiner, 2925
- committee submissions
- Kernaghan, 2644
- in dormant oil and gas wells
- Kernaghan, 2643
- economic impact
- and emission reduction
- and enhanced oil recovery
- Kernaghan, 2643–2644
- environmental impact
- Smith, G., 3485
- general remarks
- geological
- government strategy
- greenhouse gas emissions
- Bailey, 1963
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- and no-till agriculture
- regulatory framework
- reports and recommendations
- Schreiner, 2924
Carbon monoxide
- education and awareness
- Hardeman, 994
- education and awareness
Carbon pricing programs, provincial
Carbon sequestration.
see Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)Carbon tax.
see also Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction- cost of
- cost of housing, impact on
- cost of living, impact on
- Anand, 6148
- Bethlenfalvy, 6270, 8427
- Bouma, 5937–5938, 6060
- Bresee, 6157, 7417
- Clark, 8189
- Coe, 6195
- Crawford, 6176, 9048
- Dixon, 6612
- Fedeli, 6142
- Gallagher Murphy, 6153
- Ghamari, 6440
- Harris, 8425–8426
- Hogarth, 9425–9426
- Jones, T., 6612
- Jordan, 6043, 9853
- Ke, 8060–8061
- Leardi, 5995, 6179
- McCarthy, 9432–9433
- McGregor, 7293–7294, 7413
- Oosterhoff, 7724
- Pang, 8926, 9480
- Romano, 6160–6161
- Sabawy, 5818–5819, 5943
- Sandhu, 8427
- Sarkaria, 7414
- Skelly, 5906
- Smith, Dave, 6067, 6151, 7181–7182, 7786
- Smith, G., 6067
- Smith, L., 6176, 6613, 9432–9433, 9477
- Smith, T., 5819, 5937–5938, 5995, 9426, 9477
- Surma, 6140–6141
- Thanigasalam, 6179
- Yakabuski, 6052
- northern and Indigenous communities
- definition
- Saunderson, 7177
- economic impact
- Barnes, 8574
- Bethlenfalvy, 5882, 6515
- Bouma, 5996, 6173, 6880–6881, 8358
- Bresee, 6159
- Calandra, 1556, 5200, 5234
- Clark, 7782, 8432, 9372
- Coe, 6195–6196, 6877
- Crawford, 6025, 6878–6879
- Dixon, 3582
- Dowie, 8701–8702, 9312
- Fedeli, 5939, 6142, 6173, 7783, 7835, 8432–8433, 8701–8702
- Gallagher Murphy, 6153
- Harden, 3582
- MacLeod, 6026
- Pierre, 5939
- Rae, 6154
- Rickford, 7787
- Sarrazin, 6880–6881
- Smith, G., 5996
- Smith, L., 5881–5882, 6025, 6362, 6515, 6878–6879
- Tangri, 6275, 6877, 9482–9483
- international trade
- small businesses
- Bouma, 8528
- Coe, 6521
- Gallagher Murphy, 8010, 9054
- Ghamari, 5886
- Hardeman, 8122–8123
- Jones, T., 6444
- Kanapathi, 8061
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8193
- Martin, 7558
- Pierre, 6616
- Saunderson, 7182, 9642–9643
- Smith, David, 9266
- Smith, L., 5999, 6275, 6689
- Tangri, 5886–5887, 5999, 6444, 6521, 6616, 7357, 7558, 8010, 8061, 8193, 8529, 9054, 9266, 9642–9643
- Wai, 7357
- statements by stakeholders
- Tangri, 6877
- small businesses, northern Ontario
- women
- Williams, 8425
- economic impact - food prices
- effectiveness
- Holland, 8035
- emission reductions, impact on
- farming, impact on
- Jordan, 11062–11063
- Rae, 11062
- first responders, impact on
- on food-related industries
- forestry industry
- fuel prices, impact on
- Bresee, 6157–6158
- Coe, 6195, 7553
- Harris, 7666–7667
- Leardi, 6254–6255
- Pierre, 5884
- Sandhu, 7486
- Sarkaria, 6875, 7486
- Saunderson, 7177
- Skelly, 7833
- Smith, Dave, 6875
- Smith, G., 8251
- Smith, T., 8482–8483, 8521, 8865
- Thanigasalam, 5884, 7667
- Yakabuski, 8191
- diesel
- Rickford, 8122
- northern and rural Ontario
- northern Ontario
- Rickford, 6610
- general remarks
- government response
- government response to
- grocery prices, impact on
- home heating, exemptions
- Blais, 6050
- Calandra, 6182–6183
- eligible heating methods
- Bouma, 6360, 6437
- Bresee, 6066, 6159
- Calandra, 6165, 6238
- Dowie, 6199–6200
- Gallagher Murphy, 7727
- Ghamari, 5997–5998, 6364
- Jones, T., 6145–6146, 6146–6147, 6196–6198
- Jordan, 6044–6045, 6200
- Leardi, 5994, 6144–6145
- Oosterhoff, 7488
- Pierre, 6695
- Rae, 6154–6155, 7608, 7784
- Smith, Dave, 5814, 6149
- Smith, L., 5817
- Smith, T., 5814, 5817, 5998, 6360–6361, 6437, 7488
- Yakabuski, 6051–6052, 6140
- public response
- home heating, impact on cost of
- home prices, impact on
- housing, impact on
- Saunderson, 7178
- and HST
- Dowie, 6198–6199
- immigration, impact on
- impact of
- impact on cost of living
- Sarkaria, 7371
- independent power authorities, impact on
- Rickford, 8705
- inflation, impact on
- jobs, impact on
- Saunderson, 7178
- natural resources sector, impact on
- northern and Indigenous communities, impact on
- Bouma, 6516–6517, 6610, 6874, 7410, 8007–8008
- Byers, 8324
- Gallagher Murphy, 9317, 9376–9377
- Holland, 7410, 8923–8924, 9055
- Quinn, 9481
- Rickford, 6517, 6610, 6874, 7612, 7788, 7924, 8705–8706, 8924, 9317, 9481–9482
- Romano, 7612, 7787–7788
- Smith, Dave, 7924, 8121–8122, 8705, 9173–9174, 9590–9591
- legal challenge, Chiefs of Ontario
- northern and rural Ontario, impact on
- Bailey, 9998
- Bouma, 5882–5883, 6775, 7062–7063
- Bresee, 6065, 8251
- Coe, 6196
- Gallagher Murphy, 8648
- Holland, 6995, 7731, 8484–8485
- Jones, S., 6995
- Jones, T., 6178
- Rickford, 5883, 6775–6776, 8484–8485, 8648
- Romano, 7886
- Sarkaria, 7886
- Scott, 7922
- Smith, Dave, 9483–9484
- Smith, G., 8251
- Thanigasalam, 7731
- Thompson, 7890, 9483–9484, 9997
- in other jurisdictions
- Bresee, 6157
- pan-provincial response
- provincial. see Carbon pricing programs, provincial
- rebate
- as revenue-generating source
- rural Ontario, impact on
- Coe, 10179–10180
- Leardi, 10440
- Thompson, 10179–10180, 10440, 10441
- small businesses, impact on
- trucking industry
- impact on
- Triantafilopoulos, 7179–7180
- impact on
Carbon tax - impact by industry
- agri-food
- Babikian, 9262
- Bouma, 5775, 6442–6443
- Bresee, 6158, 7925
- Flack, 10229
- Gallagher Murphy, 7490, 8870
- Ghamari, 5944–5945
- Holland, 8577–8578
- Jones, T., 6146–6147, 6178, 9218–9219, 9643–9644
- Jordan, 9644
- Leardi, 6063–6064, 8526
- Pinsonneault, 9314, 10228
- Rae, 8248
- Sabawy, 8987
- Saunderson, 8526
- Scott, 8989
- Smith, T., 5818–5819, 6178, 7922, 8248, 8700, 9584
- Tangri, 8123, 8870
- Thompson, 5775, 5944–5945, 6064, 6443, 7490, 7925, 8577–8578, 8989, 9218–9219, 9262–9263, 9314
- Yakabuski, 8987
- government response
- statements by stakeholders
- Bresee, 6158
- construction
- education
- emergency services
- Babikian, 9552
- Barnes, 8323
- Bouma, 6773–6774, 8062–8063
- Byers, 8579
- Gallagher Murphy, 7838–7839, 8990, 9267–9268
- Hogarth, 9122
- Jones, T., 6518–6519
- Jordan, 8805–8806
- Kerzner, 6518–6519, 6694, 6773–6774, 7613–7614, 7838–7839, 8062–8063, 8323, 8527–8528, 8579, 8747, 8805–8806, 8990, 9122, 9157, 9267–9268, 9552–9553
- McGregor, 9584
- Sabawy, 6694
- Smith, Dave, 8527–8528
- Smith, G., 9740
- Smith, L., 8747
- Smith, T., 9371
- Wai, 7613
- health care system
- life sciences
- Fedeli, 9586
- long-term care sector
- manufacturing
- natural resources
- not-for-profit organizations
- Rae, 9214
- restaurant and foodservice
- skilled trades
- tourism and hospitality
- trucking
- agri-food
Career colleges
- education and certifications
- completion timeline
- Sattler, 2329
- completion timeline
- education and certifications
Casinos and gaming sector
Casinos and gaming sector - iGaming sector
Central York Fire Services
- general remarks
- Gallagher Murphy, 1819–1820
- general remarks
Chad’s Law (Enforcing Safer Passing), 2023 (Bill 152)
- first reading
- Bourgouin, 6369
- first reading
Change of Name Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 138)
Charities and non-profit organizations
- corporate governance
- virtual proceedings
- Ghamari, 3452
- virtual proceedings
- donations
- education and awareness
- Non-profit Sector Appreciation Week
- Gallagher Murphy, 7137
- Wai, 2151–2152, 7404, 10938–10939
- Non-profit Sector Appreciation Week
- government funding
- Kernaghan, 2640
- Jays Care Foundation
- ministerial representation
- reform
- Kernaghan, 2640
- reform
- operational funding models
- corporate governance
Charities and non-profit organizations - by site
- Homebound Wellness Centre (Ajax)
- Barnes, 1448
- Homebound Wellness Centre (Ajax)
Charles III (King)
- capital projects
- community support initiatives
- Jones, T., 1517
- community support initiatives
- capital projects
Child care
Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
- Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC). see Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CWELCC)
- general remarks
- Hsu, 247
- negotiation
- Crawford
- 442
- Lecce
- 442
- Crawford
Child care funding
Child care - providers
Child care - spaces
- access
- development
- development, by region
- sector capacity
- FAO report: Ministry of Education: Spending Plan Review
- Pasma, 1320
- FAO report: Ministry of Education: Spending Plan Review
- wait-list
Child care - staff
Child protection
Child protection system
- agency information sharing practices
- capacity and overcrowding
- Taylor, 9388
- conditions in
- Taylor, 9744–9745
- entrance into, preventative measures
- social services
- Clancy, 9438
- social services
- foster or treatment beds
- availability of
- Taylor, 9114–9115
- availability of
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- group homes
- group homes, reports
- for-profit
- Gretzky, 1670
- for-profit
- inspectors, number of
- kin placements
- operators, for-profit
- Gretzky, 1710
- reform
- Anand, 9451
- Bresee, 8603
- Clancy, 9438
- Cuzzetto, 9448
- Dowie, 9449–9450
- Fullerton, 942
- Gélinas, 8715, 8716, 9397, 9399
- Grewal, 9441
- Harden, 8621
- Kanapathi, 8588, 8589, 9358, 9359
- Kernaghan, 8688
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9393
- Pang, 8713
- Parsa, 8584, 8585, 9114–9115, 9298–9299, 9353–9354
- Quinn, 8718
- Saunderson, 8630, 8631, 8632, 9438, 9439–9440
- Smith, Dave, 9396
- Smith, L., 8590, 8688, 9360
- Wai, 8689, 8690
- Yakabuski, 9362
- stakeholder consultation
- Dunlop, 9400
- statements by stakeholders
- service providers
- transparency
- Gallagher Murphy, 8717
- transparency
- staff
- stakeholder consultation
- Parsa, 9362
- support programs
- Fullerton, 942
Child protection system - Indigenous families
Child protection system - reform
Child welfare
- abuse and neglect
- education and awareness
Child welfare services
Childcare and Early Years Workforce Strategy Advisory Committee Act, 2024 (Bill 191)
Children and youth
- 4H clubs
- Jordan, 10261
- accessing pornography
- Clancy, 9663–9664
- community events and initiatives
- by region
- London
- Sattler, 4254
- London
- by region
- community organizations
- mental health
- online privacy
- political engagement
- programs and services
- supports and services
- access to
- Parsa, 10769–10770
- Taylor, 7965, 10769–10770
- complex-needs
- Gélinas, 10219
- access to
- supports for
- Schreiner, 5785
- vape use
- 4H clubs
Children and youth in care
- adoption-placement settings
- aging out
- finanical supports
- Kernaghan, 8685
- finanical supports
- alternative placements
- complaints registered, number
- Wong-Tam, 8616
- complex medical care
- Taylor, 9388
- culturally and linguistically appropriate care
- Gélinas, 9397
- demographics
- Clancy, 9438
- education outcomes
- educational opportunites, access
- experience in, permitted to disclose
- fatalities
- Vaugeois, 9437
- foster and group homes
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- inspections
- oversight
- vetting
- foster and group homes, for-profit
- living conditions
- Taylor, 9387
- living conditions
- general remarks
- Taylor, 9383
- government funding
- kin placements
- mental health care
- Ombudsman of Ontario, role of
- preventative measures
- protection of privacy
- Ready, Set, Go Program
- regulations
- rights
- rights, Ombudsman of Ontario
- services, access
- Armstrong, 8610
- siblings, joint placement
- McCarthy, 8615
- siblings, joint placements
- Taylor, 9388
- support programs
- education
- Shaw, 4345–4346
- education
- transition out of care
Children and youth in care - former
Children and youth in care - Indigenous
Children and youth in care - Ready, Set, Go Program
Children's aid societies
Children's aid societies (CASs)
- budget deficits
- government funding
- Armstrong, 10162–10163
- Clancy, 9437–9438
- Taylor, 6519
Children's aid societies (CASs) - by site
Children's aid societies (CASs) - Indigenous
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Chinese community
- appreciation
- Fraser, 9147
- arts and culture
- Ke, 9143–9144
- in Canada
- Shaw, 9144
- contributions by
- Ke, 9144
- Cultural Heritage Month
- Ke, 11131
- Pang, 11132
- Wong-Tam, 11132–11133
- education and awareness
- heritage events
- Crawford, 83
- notable members
- in Ontario
- Ke, 9143
- racism, history
- Harden, 9147
- racism, history of
- awareness and education
- Babikian, 2297
- awareness and education
- appreciation
Chinese Heritage Month Act, 2024 (Bill 183)
- first reading
- Ke, 8065
- second reading, 9143–9148
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 9148
- third reading, 11131–11133
- Babikian, 11131
- Hsu, 11132
- Ke, 11131
- Pang, 11132
- Wong-Tam, 11132–11133
- first reading
Chosen Family Day Act, 2023 (Bill 64)
- first reading
- Wong-Tam, 2253
- first reading
Christopher's Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000,
SO 2000,
Labour Relations Act, S.O. 1995, c.1
Chronic diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
City of Toronto Act, 2006,
SO 2006, c 11, s A.
Civic education
- education and awareness
- Wong-Tam, 2090
- education and awareness
Civil liability exemption - COVID-19
- application
- long-term care
- Armstrong, 4299
- long-term care
- application
Clean energy industry
- investment in
- electric vehicles
- Bethlenfalvy, 80
- electric vehicles
- investment in
Cleaning Up Corruption Act, 2023 (Bill 148)
Clearpoint Surgical Toronto
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
- clerks
- role of
- Mantha, 1941
- role of
- clerks
Climate change
- agricultural industry, impact on
- climate impact assessments
- cost projections
- Sattler, 2572
- Schreiner, 2535–2536, 3231, 10157
- infrastructure
- Schreiner, 3151
- public infrastructure. see Public infrastructure–maintenance and repair
- effects and impact of
- emergency, declaration of
- McMahon, 5461–5462
- extreme weather due to
- flooding
- Shaw, 7908–7909
- food prices, impact on
- Fridays for Future
- Harden, 2437
- global temperature rise
- predictions
- Harden, 2931
- predictions
- government strategy
- home heating
- Harden, 9104–9105
- impact of
- impact on municipalities
- Ottawa
- Pasma, 2558
- Ottawa
- insurance industry, impact on
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023
- Schreiner, 2898
- AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023
- as public health issue
- reports and recommendations
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders
- IPCC: AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023
- Pasma, 3065
- IPCC: AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023
- and transportation policy
- and winter
- Vanthof, 7122
- youth, impact on
- Karpoche, 8949–8959
Climate change - cost of
- general remarks
- infrastructure
- per household
- Schreiner, 7181
- projections
- Sattler, 2572
- Schreiner, 2535–2536, 3231, 6164
- infrastructure
- Schreiner, 3151
- public infrastructure. see Public infrastructure–maintenance and repair
Climate change mitigation
- and affordability initiatives
- community initiatives
- Beaches—East York
- McMahon, 4160
- Beaches—East York
- economic impact
- energy infrastructure
- Schreiner, 2061
- federal policy
- Jordan, 6045
- general remarks
- government role in
- Tabuns, 1510
- government strategy. see Also Mathur v. Ontario, 2024 ONCA 762
- government strategy, legal challenge
- Glover, 1511
- health care facility programs
- Quinn, 9569–9570
- heat pump subsidies
- impact on insurance rates
- Schreiner, 7181
- policy development
- McMahon, 444
- reports and recommendations, stakeholders
- Harden, 2930
- skilled trades, role in
- Schreiner, 5197
Climate Crisis Health Action Plan Act, 2023 (Bill 160)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 7072
- first reading
Clinical assessment centres
College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO)
College of Veterinarians of Ontario
College of Veterinary Professionals of Ontario.
see also College of Veterinarians of OntarioColleges and universities
- advisory panel
- financial sustainability
- Dunlop, 2605–2606
- financial sustainability
- board of governors
- capital projects
- capital projects by site
- college awards
- creation of
- Glover, 3454
- debt and deficits
- Gates, 8834
- employment readiness
- funding, research
- Schreiner, 8284
- gender-based violence
- government funding
- government strategy
- Jones, T., 2605
- hate-related incidents
- international students
- private universities
- privatization. see Post-secondary education–privatization
- public-private partner agreements, colleges
- recruitment and retention
- Sattler, 8679
- by region
- Brampton
- McGregor, 1277
- Brampton
- advisory panel
Colleges and universities - COVID-19
- vaccination mandates
- Brady, 590
- vaccination mandates
Colleges and universities - funding
Commercial tenancies
- rent control
- Wong-Tam, 10321
- rent control
Commercial to Residential Conversion Act, 2024 (Bill 201)
Commissions of inquiry
- Walkerton (O'Connor commission)
- Fife, 5238
- Walkerton (O'Connor commission)
Committee procedure
Committee procedure - standing committees of the Legislature
Committee process
Committee process - standing committees of the Legislature
- social needs of
- Armstrong, 3965
- Begum, 3977
- McMahon, 3965
- and policing. see also Police services–community partnerships
- social needs of
Community Building Fund
Community centres
Community events - by region
- Ajax
- Barnes, 929
- Brampton East
- Grewal, 484
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Don Valley East
- Shamji, 630
- Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 2114
- Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Skelly, 340
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Brady, 1821
- Kiiwetinoong
- Mamakwa, 338
- Kitchener–Conestoga
- Markham–Unionville
- Mississauga
- Anand, 927
- Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Sabawy, 2849
- Mushkegowuk-Baie James
- Bourgouin, 81
- Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 1819
- Mushkegowuk—James Bay
- Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 865
- Oakville
- Crawford, 787
- Oshawa
- French, 544
- Oxford
- Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke
- Richmond Hill
- Wai, 2958–2959
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 1704–1705
- Ajax
Community events - fundraising
- by region
- Ottawa–Vanier
- Collard, 2114
- Ottawa–Vanier
- by region
Community festivals
Community Health Centres (CHCs)
Community housing
Community housing - maintenance and repair
- government funding
- Stiles, 129
- government funding
Community organizations
Community Outreach and Support Teams (COAST)
- programs and services. see Police services-crisis response partnerships
- by region. see specific police organizations
Community safety
- education and awareness
- general remarks
- government funding
- by region
- Peterborough–Kawartha
- Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 10472–10473
- Thornhill
- Smith, L., 10471
- stakeholder consultation
- statements by stakeholders
- Kernaghan, 3972
- support services, access
- supportive housing programs
- Wong-Tam, 4788
Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019,
SO 2019, c 1, s1
Community services
Community services - by region
Community services - providers
- Woodgreen Community Services
- Smith, David, 1147
- Woodgreen Community Services
Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
- schedule 1
- Community Safety and Policing Act, enactment of. see also Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, s1; Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, S1
- Hogarth, 4781
- Community Safety and Policing Act, enactment of. see also Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, s1; Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 1, S1
- schedule 1
Concussion management and prevention
- Beardy, Elaina, family of
- Mamakwa, 5807
- Beardy, Elaina, family of
Condominium Authority Ontario (CAO)
Condominium Authority Tribunal
Condominium corporations
- accountability and oversight
- board governance
- board governance, decision making process
- accountability
- Kernaghan, 4554
- accountability
- community safety
- Hogarth, 10415
- Pierre, 10411–10412
- Smith, L., 10414–10415
- consumer protection
- industry expansion
- Riddell, 2701
- oversight
- Value-for-Money Audit Condominium Oversight in Ontario (Auditor General, 2020)
- Kernaghan, 4553
- Value-for-Money Audit Condominium Oversight in Ontario (Auditor General, 2020)
Congratulatory remarks
Congregate care facilities
Consent Awareness Week Act, 2022 (Bill 18)
- first reading
- Wong-Tam, 684–685
- first reading
Conservation authorities
- authority owned land
- and climate change
- collaboration with government
- Clark, 1555
- conservation officers
- creation, history of
- environmental impact
- Burch, 901
- flood management. see Flood management
- mandate and oversight
- municipalities, partnerships with
- requirements
- ministerial approval
- Fife, 922
- ministerial approval
- role in development process
Conservation officers
Conservative Party of Canada (CPC)
Constituency offices
- location change
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Byers, 4381
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- location change
Constitution Act, 1867
- history of
- McCarthy, 1139–1140
- history of
Construction industry
- diversity and inclusion practices in
- human remains, discovery of
- policy and procedure
- Mamakwa, 9791
- policy and procedure
- injuries and fatalities. see Also Coroners; Coroner's inquests; Coroner's inquests — Picano, Michael Inquest
- labour shortage
- occupational health and safety
- Scott, 3311–3312
- personal protective equipment (PPE) standards
- recruitment and retention
- regulatory reform
- renovation sector
- consumer protection
- Gélinas, 5956
- consumer protection
- water-taking regulations
- women in
- work sites
- menstrual products availability
- safety equipment availability
- washroom conditions
- washroom facility access
- workplace injury investigation
- worker safety
- Armstrong, 6645
- workers
Consumer protection
- administrative and regulatory authorities, role of
- McCarthy, 6947
- advocate
- Rakocevic, 4851
- advocate, creation of
- and artificial intelligence (AI)
- bereavement industry
- Gélinas, 10094–10095
- Hardeman, 10090–10091
- Martin, 10095
- Riddell, 10093–10094
- comparison shopping
- Hardeman, 10091–10092
- "buy now, pay later"
- Rakocevic, 10819
- class action lawsuits
- Rakocevic, 6955
- contracts
- credit reports
- dark patterns
- Rakocevic, 6951–6952
- door-to-door sales
- food prices
- regulation and enforcement
- Sattler, 5949
- regulation and enforcement
- gag orders
- Pasma, 6973
- general remarks
- gift cards
- government strategy
- homebuyers
- Andrew, 10487
- impact on business environment
- legislated review
- Hsu, 6977
- legislative history
- McCarthy, 6938–6939
- mediation services
- McCarthy, 5957
- notices of security interest (NOSIs)
- and online reviews
- Rae, 6961
- in other jurisdictions
- statements by stakeholders
- Rakocevic, 6955–6956
- statements by stakeholders
- payday loan industry
- Harden, 6946–6947
- personal data
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
- Riddell, 9751
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
- personal technology
- right-to-repair
- Rakocevic, 9791
- right-to-repair
- prizes and rebates
- Rakocevic, 6953
- regulation and enforcement
- Fife, 5951
- Glover, 5960, 5961
- Jones, T., 6970, 6971
- Leardi, 5950, 5951, 5960, 5961, 5963
- McCarthy, 5829, 6943–6944
- Rakocevic, 6957
- Sattler, 5875, 5876, 5950, 5951, 5960
- Stevens, 5951, 5963
- Wai, 6971
- disgorgement
- Rakocevic, 6954
- minimum transaction threshold
- Rakocevic, 6953
- statutory damages
- Rakocevic, 6953–6954
- senior citizens
- Mantha, 8111
- statements by stakeholders
- statutory refunds
- third-party billing
- time shares
- vulnerable persons
- administrative and regulatory authorities, role of
Consumer protection - home owners
Consumer protection - homeowners
- notice of security interests (NOSIs). see Notice of security interests (NOSIs)
Consumption and treatment services
- clinics, for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Vaugeois, 2152
- crime
- Kernaghan, 10598–10599
- general remarks
- Bell, 10592
- Tabuns, 10595
- Taylor, 10596–10597
- Vaugeois, 10597
- government funding
- Tibollo, 8120
- Homeless and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs
- Leardi, 9939
- methadone clinics
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Vaugeois, 1874
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- mobile crisis intervention units
- in northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, 10594–10595
- operational funding
- Karpoche, 8051–8052
- and overdose prevention
- Clancy, 7827
- by region
- Sudbury
- West, 7718
- Sudbury
- wraparound services
- Collard, 6063
- clinics, for-profit vs. not-for-profit
Consumption and treatment services - sites
- buffer zones and closures
- Carepoint Consumption and Treatment Service (London)
- Kernaghan, 2483
- closure
- general remarks
- impact on community safety
- review
- SafePoint (Windsor-Essex)
- The Spot (Sudbury)
Consumption and treatment services - sites by region
- free access
- prescribed
- prescribed, insurance coverage
- in other jurisdictions
- Jones, S., 2621
- in other jurisdictions
- universal access
Convenience stores
Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135)
- first reading
- Jones, S., 5281
- second reading, 5358–5388, 5581–5582, 5606–5627, 5629–5637, 5639–5646, 5659–5660
- Armstrong, 5374, 5384, 5619–5620, 5629
- Bailey, 5379
- Blais, 5617–5620
- Bouma, 5644–5645
- Bourgouin, 5613–5617, 5633
- Burch, 5639–5642
- Cho, R.S.J., 5363–5365
- Coe, 5365, 5636
- Fife, 5365, 5608–5609, 5612, 5616
- Flack, 5620–5621
- Fraser, 5385–5386, 5387–5388
- French, 5366, 5608, 5612
- Gallagher Murphy, 5607–5608, 5609–5613, 5619, 5623, 5630, 5633, 5634, 5640–5641, 5641–5642, 5644
- Gates, 5380–5385, 5620, 5623, 5630
- Gélinas, 5365, 5366–5375, 5380, 5387
- Ghamari, 5629
- Glover, 5641, 5644
- Harden, 5379, 5581–5582, 5606–5609, 5634
- Hogarth, 5616, 5637
- Jones, S., 5358–5363, 5365–5366
- Kernaghan, 5617
- Kusendova-Bashta, 5366, 5379, 5388, 5608, 5612, 5624, 5630, 5633–5634, 5642–5645
- Leardi, 5380, 5383, 5612–5613, 5623–5624
- Mamakwa, 5613
- Martin, 5374, 5375, 5376–5380, 5385, 5387
- McCrimmon, 5386–5388
- Pang, 5641, 5645
- Pasma, 5375, 5624–5627, 5629–5630, 5636, 5642
- Pierre, 5629
- Rae, 5384, 5387, 5620, 5637
- Sabawy, 5620
- Sattler, 5641, 5645
- Saunderson, 5366, 5634–5637
- Shamji, 5617, 5618–5621
- Stevens, 5378, 5388, 5624, 5630–5634
- Taylor, 5383–5384, 5621–5624, 5637
- Vanthof, 5636–5637
- Vaugeois, 5644
- division (carried), 5659–5660
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 5659–5660
- third reading, 6499–6508, 6526–6557, 6593–6601, 6671, 6696–6697
- Begum, 6549–6554, 6556
- Byers, 6538
- Dowie, 6546
- Flack, 6545
- Fraser, 6546–6549
- French, 6557
- Gallagher Murphy, 6504–6507, 6530, 6533–6534, 6537, 6542, 6548–6549, 6556
- Gates, 6526–6531
- Gélinas, 6507, 6508, 6593–6601
- Glover, 6548, 6552–6553
- Jones, S., 6499–6502, 6507–6508
- Jordan, 6508, 6534–6538, 6553
- Kernaghan, 6542, 6545, 6553
- Kerzner, 6542–6546
- Leardi, 6554–6557
- Mamakwa, 6537
- Martin, 6502–6504, 6533, 6541, 6546, 6548, 6549, 6552, 6553–6554, 6600
- Pierre, 6507
- Shamji, 6507, 6508, 6530, 6531–6534, 6537
- Shaw, 6545, 6549
- Smith, L., 6534, 6541–6542, 6557
- Stevens, 6538, 6541
- Tabuns, 6600
- Taylor, 6531, 6534, 6538, 6556
- Vaugeois, 6600
- Wai, 6529–6530
- Wong-Tam, 6530, 6533, 6538–6542, 6546
- division (carried), 6696–6697
- Royal assent, 6932
- first reading
Co-operative housing
Cornwall Community Hospital
- local fundraising
- Quinn, 2714–2715
- local fundraising
- 2019 Auditor General's Annual Report
- Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- Shaw, 7044
- Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
- construction-related deaths. see Also Coroner's inquests
- postmortem examinations
- availability by region
- collection, retention, and storage of samples
- sample collection, retention, and storage
- samples, collection, retention, and storage
- 2019 Auditor General's Annual Report
Coroner's inquests
- construction-related deaths. see Also Coroners
- Culleton, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- Karpoche, 5808
- jury recommendations. see also Intimate partner violence; Judges–continuing education
- Andrew, 2042, 2191, 2198
- Bowman, 2044
- Downey, 3921
- Fullerton, 1785
- Gretzky, 8247
- Harden, 4808, 4813, 8251–8252
- Kernaghan, 3971
- Kerzner, 2191
- Sattler, 1413, 1425, 1848, 3347, 3348, 5697, 6987, 7042
- Shaw, 4810, 4813
- Stevens, 1283, 1516, 3947, 8249–8250
- Stiles, 8246
- Williams, 2191
- Wong-Tam, 2252, 2625, 4048–4049, 6988
- Yakabuski, 4047–4048
- government response
- Williams, 2626
- review of
- Culletoni, Kuzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- Ebbers, Bradley Inquest
- McCrimmon, 7035
- Faqiri, Soleiman. see Also Correctional facilities - inmates
- Ferris, Landyn. see Also Students - special needs — injuries and fatalities
- Humeniuk, Kritz, Bertrand and Missen Inquest
- jury recommendations
- Gélinas, 7049–7050
- jury recommendations
- mine-related deaths
- Gélinas, 7049
- Picano, Michael Inquest
- recommendations
- implementation of
- Sattler, 7044
- implementation of
- role of
Coroner's inquests, Culleton, Kyzyk & Warmerdam Inquest
- jury recommendations
- Andrew, 7075
- jury recommendations
Corporate governance
- regulatory reform
- Gill, 4463
- regulatory reform
Correctional facilities
Correctional facilities - capital projects
Correctional facilities - inmates.
see also Justice system — pretrial detention- demographics of
- fatalities
- Indigenous persons
- overrepresentation of
- Wong-Tam, 530
- overrepresentation of
- mental health and addictions services
Correctional services
- community reintegration supports
- community reintegration tables, membership
- inmate transfers
- mental health and addictions
- Stiles, 2627
- mental health and addictions services
- religious and spiritual supports, access
Correctional services - staff
Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
- emergency care
- wait-time
- impact on patient health
- Tabuns, 1609
- impact on patient health
- wait-time
- emergency care
Cost of living
- affordability
- community supports for
- funding
- Pasma, 386
- funding
- energy costs
- factors affecting
- fees and fines
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, 73, 89, 293, 1271, 1302–1303, 1457, 1946, 2031, 2032, 3614, 4442, 6515–6516, 6695, 8002, 9050, 10655
- Blais, 3037, 5726, 6394, 6395
- Bouma, 4442
- Bowman, 1272–1273, 6087
- Brady, 5156
- Bresee, 6159, 10045
- Byers, 75–76, 1948–1949, 3252
- Calandra, 2908, 6693
- Coe, 6395
- Crawford, 1306, 3037, 4219, 4220, 6775, 6777, 9078
- Dixon, 89
- Ford, D., 5156, 5272, 5652
- Fraser, 3252, 5721
- French, 6085
- Gallagher Murphy, 9121
- Ghamari, 1362, 6441
- Grewal, 1981–1982
- Hardeman, 9640
- Hunter, 2031
- Jones, T., 4219, 6197
- Karpoche, 9875, 10655
- Khanjin, 1425
- Kusendova-Bashta, 5722, 5723
- Leardi, 1402, 6085
- Lecce, 2006–2007
- McCarthy, 2873, 6085
- McGregor, 2004
- Oosterhoff, 1995, 8188
- Pang, 9121
- Parsa, 6918
- Pasma, 10655
- Sabawy, 5943
- Sandhu, 1420
- Sarkaria, 7098
- Sattler, 1342
- Saunderson, 2003, 10172
- Shaw, 6081
- Smith, Dave, 10045, 10439
- Smith, L., 6515, 7098
- Smith, T., 5943, 6060, 6440–6441, 8865, 8868, 9051
- Stevens, 1730, 6084
- Stiles, 3666
- Surma, 3783
- Tabuns, 6046
- Tangri, 1981
- Thompson, 9853, 9998
- Vanthof, 6081
- Vaugeois, 9875
- Yakabuski, 6053, 8188, 10439
- fall economic statement (2022)
- Dowie, 1521
- fall economic statement (2023)
- Hsu, 6775
- support programs
- Crawford, 4308
- impact of
- Wong-Tam, 2092
- inflation
- interest rates, impact of
- low income earners
- low-income earners
- government strategy
- Crawford, 1309
- government strategy
- models of measurement
- Market Basket Measure (MBM)
- Taylor, 5079
- Market Basket Measure (MBM)
- northern Ontario
- and privatization
- Glover, 8788
- skilled tradespeople
- students
- support programs
Cost of living - by region
Court administration
- French-language services
- Downey, 9374
- general remarks
- government funding
- legal representation
- self-represented litigants, impact of
- Sattler, 7041–7042
- self-represented litigants, impact of
- process efficiency
- provincial offence proceedings, judicial reviews
- filing of, court staff
- Saunderson, 3924
- filing of, court staff
- provincial offences proceedings
- rules of court committees
- record disclosure
- Wong-Tam, 6983
- record disclosure
- service demand
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 7572
- statements by stakeholders
- sheriffs
- staff
- Kerzner, 10231
- trial delays, unconstitutional
- impact of
- Wong-Tam, 3314
- impact of
- virtual proceedings, access
- French-language services
Court administration - backlogs
- Sattler, 1791
- Saunderson, 6116, 6122
- Wong-Tam, 1757
- Yakabuski, 6134
- effective punishment, impact on
- general remarks
- impact of
- by region
- Durham
- French, 9334–9335
- Durham
- regulatory reform
- sexual assault and harassment cases
- statements by stakeholders
Court administration - civil
- emotional distress, presumption of. see Victims of crime
- jury trials
- legislation governing, timelines
- Brady, 8927
- legislation governing, timelines
- small claims court
- vexatious proceedings
Court administration - criminal
Court administration - reform
Court administration - staff
Court facilities
Court facilities - by site
COVID-19 - child benefits
- general remarks
- Rae, 1043
- general remarks
COVID-19 - economic recovery
- government strategy
- northern Ontario
- Romano, 223
- Northern Energy Advantage Program. see Northern Energy Advantage Program
- northern Ontario
- government strategy
COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
- consultation process, legislative amendments
- legal challenge
- French, 2504
- legal challenge
- consultation process, legislative amendments
COVID-19 - equity-seeking groups
- economic impact
- Kernaghan, 193
- economic impact
COVID-19 - essential service workers
COVID-19 - government response
COVID-19 - immunization and vaccinations
COVID-19 - prevention
COVID-19 - treatment
- Paxlovid
- prescribed by, pharmacists
- Jones, S., 2157
- prescribed by, pharmacists
- Paxlovid
COVID-19 - vaccines
- geographic allocation
- Auditor General's annual report (2022)
- Andrew, 2069
- Auditor General's annual report (2022)
- geographic allocation
Credit unions and caisses populaires
- first home savings accounts
- deposit insurance
- McCarthy, 5833
- deposit insurance
- first home savings accounts
Credit unions and caisses populaires, regulations
see also DebtorsCrime.
see also Cybersecurity — cybercrimeCrime - government response
- funding
- Kerzner, 938
- general remarks
- government funding
- Grewal, 4255
- gun smuggling
- gun violence
- guns, gangs and violence reduction strategy
- mass violence events
- impact on communities
- Tibollo, 680
- impact on communities
- police services. see Police services
- victim services. see also Victim services
- Kerzner, 1457
- victims of
- Ghamari, 1457
- funding
Crime - prevention
- fines
- Leardi, 6242
- government strategy
- Grewal, 10556
- Kerzner, 10230–10231, 10384, 10556
- Martin, 10499
- McGregor, 10499–10500
- Pang, 10230–10231
- Sabawy, 10940
- Skelly, 10384
- support programs and services
- in communities
- Wong-Tam, 4787–4788
- in communities
- fines
Crime rates
Crime - violent
- prevention
- early intervention
- Harden, 7530
- early intervention
- prevention
Criminal Code
RSC, 1985, c C-46
- bail provisions
- Downey, 3329
- bail provisions
Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
- bail provisions
- Downey, 3329
- bail provisions
Criminal justice system.
see Justice system - criminalCritical Minerals Innovation Fund
- Pirie, 2654
Critical Minerals Strategy
- Canadian relations with
- Skelly, 3646
- Canadian relations with
Croatian community
Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023
Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2024 (Bill 81)
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
- education and awareness
- McMahon, 4644–4645
- education and awareness
Crown agencies
- regulatory environment
- Fife, 3462–3463
- regulatory environment
see also Education - secondary — graduation requirements- Asian Canadian heritage
- Wai, 4905–4906
- Black history
- civics and citizenship
- Wong-Tam, 2090
- consultation process
- Collard, 3726
- employment readiness
- financial literacy
- gender identity and sexual orientation
- statements by stakeholders
- Wong-Tam, 5000
- statements by stakeholders
- general remarks
- Quinn, 639
- government strategy
- language
- mental health literacy
- ministerial review and revision
- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
- technical skills programs
- Gates, 3272
- Asian Canadian heritage
Curriculum, Black history
Curriculum - elementary
Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
- general remarks
- Scott, 1296
- general remarks
Curriculum - Indigenous content
Curriculum - kindergarten
- reform
- Lecce, 7234
- reform
Curriculum - math
Curriculum - reform
curriculum - secondary
- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
- Pierre, 6432
- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
Curriculum - skilled trades
Custodians/custodial staff
- role in schools
- Pasma, 1033
- role in schools
Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227)
- first reading
- Harris, 10447
- second reading, 10475–10486, 10504–10542, 10582–10588, 10715, 10778–10779
- Anand, 10483, 10510, 10526–10528, 10532
- Armstrong, 10523
- Byers, 10513, 10536
- Crawford, 10515–10519
- Flack, 10507–10511
- Gallagher Murphy, 10527, 10530–10531, 10540
- Gates, 10586
- Glover, 10531, 10536–10537, 10540
- Harden, 10586
- Harris, 10475–10479, 10483–10484, 10506, 10511, 10514
- Hogarth, 10479–10485
- Karpoche, 10484, 10505–10506, 10518
- Kernaghan, 10483
- Leardi, 10484, 10505, 10522, 10523, 10539, 10540–10542, 10586
- Mamakwa, 10504–10506
- Martin, 10506
- McCarthy, 10532–10536
- Oosterhoff, 10582–10587
- Pang, 10514, 10518
- Pasma, 10484, 10485–10486
- Rakocevic, 10526, 10535–10536, 10537–10540
- Sabawy, 10535
- Saunderson, 10523–10528, 10587
- Shaw, 10506, 10510–10511, 10523, 10528–10532, 10535, 10539, 10540, 10587
- Smith, Dave, 10510, 10519, 10523
- Smith, L., 10484
- Taylor, 10514
- Vanthof, 10510, 10511–10515
- Wai, 10527
- West, 10514, 10522, 10527, 10528, 10531, 10587–10588
- Wong-Tam, 10517–10518, 10518–10519, 10519–10523
- division (carried), 10778–10779
- legislative process, motions
- time allocation
- Kernaghan, 10661
- time allocation
- time allocation motion, 10591–10599, 10661, 10711–10712
- presented
- Jones, T., 10591
- responded to
- Bell, 10591–10593
- Glover, 10593–10594
- Kernaghan, 10598–10599, 10661
- Mamakwa, 10594–10595
- Tabuns, 10595–10596
- Taylor, 10596–10597
- Vaugeois, 10597–10598
- division (carried), 10711–10712
- presented
- third reading, 10791–10798, 10832–10833
- Harris, 10791–10795
- Wong-Tam, 10795–10798
- division (carried), 10832–10833
- Royal assent, 10903–10904
- first reading
Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185)
- first reading
- Calandra, 8256
- committee process
- second reading, 8301–8311, 8367–8408, 8409–8419, 8435–8452, 8487
- Andrew, 8388, 8437, 8439, 8442, 8447, 8451
- Armstrong, 8393, 8440–8443, 8448
- Bell, 8367–8377, 8379, 8411, 8412
- Blais, 8412
- Bourgouin, 8398
- Bresee, 8416, 8417, 8441, 8451
- Burch, 8416, 8417–8419
- Byers, 8311, 8397–8398, 8400
- Calandra, 8301–8303, 8310–8311, 8387, 8388, 8397, 8436, 8438, 8448
- Coe, 8412, 8415–8416, 8437, 8439, 8445
- Cuzzetto, 8438–8440
- Dixon, 8449
- Fife, 8375, 8380
- Flack, 8303–8305, 8311, 8376
- Fraser, 8376, 8394, 8398, 8436–8438
- French, 8380, 8384–8385
- Gates, 8404, 8405–8408
- Gélinas, 8311
- Harden, 8310, 8389, 8394–8399
- Harris, 8376, 8393, 8398
- Hogarth, 8305–8307
- Holland, 8380
- Hsu, 8388
- Jones, T., 8401, 8445
- Kanapathi, 8379–8380, 8384, 8404
- Kernaghan, 8376, 8381–8385, 8416, 8437, 8440, 8445, 8446, 8448
- Khanjin, 8412–8413
- Leardi, 8384, 8385
- MacLeod, 8443–8446
- McCarthy, 8375, 8377–8381
- McGregor, 8451
- McMahon, 8435–8438
- Oosterhoff, 8389–8394
- Pierre, 8310
- Rae, 8307–8310, 8393, 8404, 8450, 8452
- Rakocevic, 8444–8445, 8449–8452
- Riddell, 8448
- Sabawy, 8401–8405, 8442
- Saunderson, 8443, 8446
- Schreiner, 8399–8401
- Shamji, 8385–8389
- Shaw, 8384, 8392, 8397, 8400–8401, 8404, 8405
- Smith, Dave, 8401
- Tangri, 8409–8413
- Taylor, 8442, 8446–8449, 8451
- Vaugeois, 8413–8417
- West, 8310
- division (carried), 8487
- referred to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 8487
- stakeholder response
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 9459–9469, 9489–9516, 9517–9528, 9557–9562, 9591–9592
- Armstrong, 9511
- Babikian, 9506, 9510
- Bailey, 9502
- Bell, 9468–9469, 9489–9498
- Bourgouin, 9523
- Bowman, 9498
- Byers, 9469, 9497, 9502, 9520
- Calandra, 9459–9461, 9468, 9509–9510, 9511
- Clancy, 9561–9562
- Dowie, 9515, 9561–9562
- Fife, 9502, 9503–9507
- Flack, 9461–9463, 9469
- Gates, 9514, 9521, 9527
- Gélinas, 9557–9560
- Ghamari, 9511–9513
- Gretzky, 9520
- Harden, 9507, 9510, 9515, 9517–9521
- Harris, 9507, 9524
- Hogarth, 9466–9469, 9521, 9527–9528
- Jones, T., 9513–9516, 9520–9521
- Kanapathi, 9468
- Kernaghan, 9501–9502
- Khanjin, 9562
- Leardi, 9497–9498, 9501–9503, 9515, 9523
- Oosterhoff, 9498–9503
- Rae, 9463–9466, 9468–9469, 9506, 9560
- Rakocevic, 9559–9561
- Riddell, 9560
- Sattler, 9503
- Saunderson, 9559
- Schreiner, 9521–9524, 9562
- Shamji, 9507–9511
- Shaw, 9506, 9515–9516, 9524–9528, 9562
- Taylor, 9524, 9559–9560
- West, 9497
- Wong-Tam, 9498
- division (carried), 9591–9592
- Royal assent, 9646
- first reading
Cutting Taxes on Small Businesses Act, 2024 (Bill 195)
- first reading
- Bowman, 9123
- second reading, 10318–10325, 10342
- first reading
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- children and youth
- collaboration with broader public sector
- cybercrime
- advisory panel, report
- recommendations
- Rasheed, 1874
- recommendations
- education and awareness
- Rae, 1006
- general remarks
- McCarthy, 10576
- government funding
- Kerzner, 1006
- government strategy
- impact on government
- McCarthy, 10577
- incidents of
- McCarthy, 10574
- nonprofit institutions
- Hsu, 10581
- reporting, mandatory
- McCarthy, 10577
- statistics
- McCarthy, 9294
- advisory panel, report
- definition
- McCarthy, 9303
- expert panel
- report
- McCarthy, 9294
- report
- government funding
- Gélinas, 9811
- government strategy
- and the health care system
- Quinn, 9300
- incidents
- centralized reporting
- Gallagher Murphy, 9763
- centralized reporting
- jobs
- municipalities, impact on
- Rakocevic, 9769–9770
- privacy commissioner
- private sector
- public agencies
- stakeholder statements
- Rakocevic, 9767–9768
- whistle-blowers
- Rakocevic, 9766
Cybersecurity industry
Cystic fibrosis
- general remarks
- Saunderson, 2595
- prescription drug coverage. see Prescription drugs
- general remarks
Cytology tests
- papanicolaou (pap) test
- results, wait-time
- Burch, 2622
- results, wait-time
- papanicolaou (pap) test