Letter: S
School board trustees
- accountability
- Martin, SP422
- audit process
- information sharing practices
- Pasma, SP429
- information sharing practices
- code of conduct breach resolution
- role of
- training and code of conduct
- Barnes, SP407, SP460, SP487–SP488
- Lecce, SP375
- Quinn, SP417
- Wai, SP469
- accessibility and inclusion
- Barnes, SP490–SP491
- Pasma, SP490–SP491
- stakeholder consultation
- Gretzky, SP401
- Pasma, SP487–SP488
- accountability
School boards.
see also specific boards- accountability and transparency
- board improvement plans. see Education - student outcomes
- business activities, ministerial authority
- Gélinas, SP494
- Pasma, SP494, SP496–SP497
- consultation process
- Gélinas, SP493–SP494
- Pasma, SP493
- collaboration with municipalities
- controlled entities
- ministerial authority
- Barnes, SP496
- Gélinas, SP495–SP497
- Martin, SP496
- Pasma, SP495–SP496
- ministerial authority
- development of childcare
- process
- Barnes, SP512
- process
- expenditures
- due to COVID-19
- Pasma, SP571–SP572
- special education
- Pasma, SP592–SP593
- due to COVID-19
- flags and symbols
- LGBTQ2S+ community
- Gates, SP585
- Lecce, SP585–SP586
- LGBTQ2S+ community
- government funding
- public assets, surplus
- development of
- Blais, F368
- development of
- regional differences
- Pasma, SP483
- support personnel, minister assigned
- criteria
- Fraser, SP507
- Gélinas, SP507
- Pasma, SP506–SP507
- Quinn, SP507
- criteria
School boards - capital projects
- approval timelines, impact of
- inflationary costs
- Smith, David, F365–F366
- inflationary costs
- approval timelines, impact of
School boards - directors of education
- training and performance appraisal
- Barnes, SP407, SP420
- Lecce, SP375
- Shamji, SP391
- ministerial role
- Gélinas, SP530–SP531
- Pasma, SP530–SP531
- training and performance appraisal
School boards - executive compensation
- government funding
- Kernaghan, F933
- government funding
School boards - expenditures
- due to COVID-19
- Pasma, SP470
- general remarks
- Gretzky, SP389–SP390
- special education
- due to COVID-19
School boards - French-language
- collaboration with municipalities
- Barnes, SP511
- Gélinas, SP511
- Pasma, SP511–SP512
- development of childcare
- collaboration with municipalities
School boards - funding
- general remarks
- Sabawy, F996–F997
- small vs. large boards
- Kernaghan, F933
- student nutrition programs
- Kernaghan, F1015–F1016
- general remarks
School boards - information sharing practices.
see Also Education - parents- accessibility requirements
- Gélinas, SP505
- Martin, SP506
- Pasma, SP505–SP506
- financial reporting requirements
- Lecce, SP374–SP375, SP377, SP576
- Pierre, SP377
- Rae, SP396
- to parents
- accessibility requirements
School boards - strategic planning.
see Also Education policy — ministerial authority- consultation process
- Martin, SP483
- Pasma, SP398, SP450–SP451, SP460–SP461, SP470, SP483
- ministerial role
- Shamji, SP451
- multi-year plans. see Also Education - student outcomes — performance metrics
- requirements, accessibility and inclusion
- Gélinas, SP508
- Martin, SP509
- Pasma, SP508–SP509
- requirements, accessibility and inclusion
- consultation process
School bus drivers
School buses
School buses - routes
- delays and cancellations, by region
- Ottawa
- Pasma, F1471
- Ottawa
- delays and cancellations, by region
School closures
- moratorium
- Bowman, F993
- moratorium
School facilities
- accessibility of. see Also School facilities — inventory
- in alternative locations
- condominiums
- Lecce, SP575
- condominiums
- inventory, data collection and disclosure
- to ministry
- public access
- Barnes, SP514
- Fraser, SP514–SP515
- Gélinas, SP513–SP514
- Martin, SP515
- Pasma, SP514
- inventory, ministerial oversight
- Lecce, SP375–SP376
- Shamji, SP451
- repurposed uses
- ventilation
School facilities - capital projects
- government funding
- Lecce, SP567
- allocation, planned vs. actual
- Pasma, SP579–SP580
- government funding by region
- Ottawa
- Blais, F1472
- Ghamari, F1472–F1473
- MacLeod, F1476
- Ottawa
- government strategy
- Lecce, SP81
- maintenance funding, annual rate
- Lecce, SP82
- new school construction
- new school construction, timelines
- planning process
- design standardization
- Blais, F367
- Shamji, SP454–SP455
- ministerial authority, accessibility requirements
- design standardization
- repair backlog
- selection process, criteria
- Collard, SP574, SP580–SP581
- government funding
School facilities - excess properties, sell of
- to coterminous boards
- criteria
- site accessibility
- Pasma, SP523
- site accessibility
- general remarks
- land subdivision regulations
- process
- school board compensation
School facilities - maintenance and repair
- backlog
- Kernaghan, F902
- cost of
- Kernaghan, F1255–F1256
- workers
- backlog
School facilities - maintenance and repairs
- backlog
- Pasma, SP569
- government funding
- Lecce, SP569–SP570
- government strategy
- Lecce, SP570
- inspections
- Pasma, SP569–SP570
- backlog
- barrier-free access
- government funding
- Fife, F1012
- government funding
- dysregulation and violence
- joint-use schools
- Lecce, SP575
- rural and northern Ontario
- impact of
- Pasma, SP474–SP475
- impact of
- student nutrition programs
- general remarks
- Lecce, SP382
- government funding
- Gates, SP382–SP383, SP585
- Lecce, SP585
- general remarks
- barrier-free access
Schools - facilities
- broadband infrastructure development
- programs
- Lecce, SP80
- programs
- broadband infrastructure development
Schools - libraries
Schools - provincial and demonstration schools
Schools - student nutrition programs
- general remarks
- Bowman, F1589
- Hazell, F1592
- Hsu, F1410–F1411, F1417–F1418
- Kernaghan, F1588
- West, F1589
- government funding
- return on investment
- Clark, F1409
- Pasma, F1409–F1410
- summer break period
- Anand, F1617
- Bowman, F1616
- Gélinas, F1619
- Hazell, F1620
- Kernaghan, F1615–F1616
- wait-list
- general remarks
Schools - violence in
- government response
- Kernaghan, F709
- prevention
- Lecce, SP568
- funding
- Lecce, SP572–SP573
- Pasma, SP573
- government strategy
- Lecce, SP582–SP583
- Wai, SP582
- school-based resources
- Pasma, SP572
- safety measures
- Babikian, F689
- government response
Schools - violence in, prevention
- general remarks
- Harris, F1742–F1743
- Kernaghan, F1744–F1745, F1809
- general remarks
Science North (Sudbury)
Senior citizens
Senior citizens - community supports, services, and programs
- by region
- Ottawa
- Ghamari, F1480
- Harden, F1481
- MacLeod, F1480, F1483
- Pasma, F1483–F1484
- Ottawa
- by region
Senior citizens - housing
- by region
- Peel
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE964–HE965
- Rakocevic, HE963
- Peel
- by region
Service coverage
- impact on patient health
- Bowman, F58
- impact on patient health
- access to, fly-in communities
- appointments, online booking
- health cards. see Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) — health cards
- Indigenous-run centers
- service delivery models
- service models
- Rasheed, JP42
ServiceOntario - by site
ServiceOntario - retail partnerships
- small business delivery models
- impact on
- Kernaghan, F1558
- impact on
- small business delivery models
Sewage and wastewater infrastructure
- government funding
- and housing development
- Burch, HE994, HE1020–HE1021, HE1234–HE1235, HE1240–HE1241
- Coe, HE1060
- Gallagher Murphy, HE995–HE996
- Harris, HE1064, HE1073
- McMahon, HE992, HE1044
- Rae, HE1014
- Sandhu, HE1295
- Surma, HE1295
- funding sources
- McMahon, HE1141
- long-term care facilities
- McMahon, HE1070
Sewage and wastewater infrastructure - by region
Sewer and wastewater management
Sexual abuse victims
- children
- recovery
- Fife, JP876
- recovery
- children
Sexual assault assessment
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston Inc.
- community partnerships
- Triantafilopoulos, F379
- government funding
- Crawford, F376
- operational budget
- rate of inflation, impact on
- Hsu, F376
- rate of inflation, impact on
- operational funding
- Triantafilopoulos, F379
- service delivery
- service recipients
- number of
- Triantafilopoulos, F379
- number of
- services
- wait-lists
- Brady, F375–F376
- wait-lists
- staff, recruitment and retention
- factors affecting
- Hsu, F379
- factors affecting
- community partnerships
Sexual assault centres
- funding allocation. see also by specific site
Sexual assault nurse examiners
Sexual violence and harassment
- language and terminology
- definitions
- definitions, advisory council
- Gélinas, SP149–SP151, SP159
- Pasma, SP149–SP151, SP159
- "sexual misconduct" definition of
- Gélinas, SP138–SP139
- Pasma, SP138–SP139
- Pierre, SP138–SP139
- Shamji, SP138–SP139
- non-disclosure agreements
- prevention approaches
- language and terminology
- Shamji, SP123–SP124
- language and terminology
- language and terminology
Shaw Festival
- government funding
- Dowie, F1165
- Gates, F1160
- Hazell, F1163
- Oosterhoff, F1160–F1162
- government funding
Shelters and transitional housing
- for youth
- government funding
- Clancy, SP1203
- government funding
- for youth
Short-term rental properties
Skilled trades
- education and training
- tuition funding
- Fife, F653
- tuition funding
- government strategy
- labour availability
- pipe trades
- Byers, F755
- pipe trades
- labour shortage
- mental health and addictions
- Fife, F649
- promotion
- recruitment and retention
- women
- Williams, SP603
- women
- support programs
- equity-seeking groups
- Saunderson, F655
- equity-seeking groups
- training centres
- service capacity
- Saunderson, F655
- service capacity
- training centres, expansion
- Saunderson, F655
- women in
- Anand, F774
- Dowie, F1685
- McNaughton, F774
- Piccini, F1977–F1978
- Triantafilopoulos, F1977
- women in, promotion of
- Dunlop, SP75
- worker-to-retiree ratio
- Byers, F654–F655
- education and training
Skilled trades - apprenticeships
- support programs
- Indigenous communities
- Bowman, F654
- Indigenous communities
- support programs
Skilled trades - employment
Skilled trades training
- Skills Development Fund
- Rae, F644
- Skills Development Fund
Skilled trades training - facilities
- government funding
- McNaughton, F589
- government funding
Skills trades
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
- Anand, F368–F369
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
Skills training
- training and retraining
- Skills Development Fund
- Bethlenfalvy, F32
- Skills Development Fund
- training and retraining
Small business
Snowmobiles and snowmobiling
- ridership
- Khanjin, F447–F448
- ridership
Soccer goalposts - unanchored
- regulation of
- Gallagher Murphy, SP646
- Martin, SP648
- implementation timelines
- Gates, SP647
- ministerial authority
- Bresee, SP636, SP639–SP641
- Gates, SP639
- ministerial-manufacturer collaboration
- municipal contracts
- Bresee, SP640–SP641
- Quinn, SP640
- in other jurisdictions
- Bresee, SP636–SP637
- Martin, SP637
- regulation of, enforcement
- fines
- Bresee, SP636, SP641
- Gates, SP641, SP645–SP646, SP650
- Glover, SP649–SP650
- Martin, SP650
- inspections
- fines
- risk of injury or death
- Bresee, SP635–SP636
- education and awareness
- regulation of
Social assistance programs
Social assistance programs - benefits rates
- general remarks
- Kernaghan, F298
- general remarks
Social assistance programs - recipients
Social assistance recipients
- employment services
- Kernaghan, F1973–F1975
- Piccini, F1973–F1975, F1980
- West, F1980
- employment services
Social Benefits Tribunal
- backlogs
- Harris, A162
- backlogs
Social services
Social Services Relief Fund
- general remarks
- Kernaghan, F298
- general remarks
Social workers and social service workers
Soldier's Aid Commission.
see Also Veterans- government funding
- Parsa, SP616
- history of
- Parsa, SP614–SP615
- support services. see Veterans — support services
- government funding
Species at Risk Conservation Fund
- management of
- McCarthy, IN652–IN653
- Shaw, IN652–IN654
- revenue from
- management of
Spirits industry
- taxation
- Bethlenfalvy, F2005–F2006, F2008
- Kernaghan, F2005–F2006
- Smith, Dave, F2008
- taxation
Sports and recreation
- 2026 World Cup
- general remarks
- revenue generation
- Lumsden, HE1335–HE1336
- McMahon, HE1335
- Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
- event hosting
- Grewal, HE669
- Lumsden, HE661, HE669–HE670
- Sabawy, HE661
- hockey, community events
- promotion
- Lumsden, HE1329–HE1330
- students, suports for
- Barnes, HE662–HE663
- 2026 World Cup
Sports and recreation - amateur
- community facilities
- general remarks
- Lumsden, HE1347
- Smith, Dave, HE1346–HE1347
- Greater Toronto Hockey League
- financial oversights, investigation
- Lumsden, HE659, HE664–HE665
- Stevens, HE659, HE664–HE665
- financial oversights, investigation
- hockey
Sports facilities
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
- bills referred to committee
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180), F1727–F1813
- clause-by-clause, F1847–F1853
- Building a Strong Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 85), F623–F690
- clause-by-clause, F707–F716
- Building a Strong Ontario Together Act (Budget Measures), 2023 (Bill 146), F847–F842
- clause-by-clause, F895–F909
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022 (Bill 46), F108–F116, F181–F201, F265–F303, F421–F440
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2023 (Bill 46)
- clause-by-clause, F571–F574
- Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), F27–F59
- clause-by-clause, F61–F67
- Working for Workers Act, 2023 (Bill 79), F579–F613, F615–F622
- clause-by-clause, F691–F704
- Building a Better Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 180), F1727–F1813
- committee business, F841, F843, F845, F882–F883, F1943
- appointment of subcommittee, F1
- closed session, F577, F613
- closed sessions, F25, F1725
- consideration of estimates
- election of chair, F1
- election of vice-chair, F1, F575
- ministerial appearances
- Fife, F15
- schedules and agendas
- schedules and agendas, closed session
- selection of estimates (2022-2023), F3–F13
- selection of estimates (2023-2024), F705–F706, F717–F719
- estimates (2022-2023)
- Ministry of Finance, F17–F24
- estimates (2023-2024)
- estimates (2024-2025)
- Cabinet Office, F1923–F1941
- Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, F1943–F1961
- Ministry of Finance, F1983–F2010
- Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, F1963–F1980
- Office of the Premier, F1923–F1941
- Treasure Board Secretariat, F2011–F2029
- motions
- pre-budget consultations
- extension
- Fife, F419
- extension
- pre-budget consultations
- pre-budget consultations (2023), F117–F179, F203–F244, F265–F303, F371–F419
- pre-budget consultations (2024), F1155–F1257, F1259–F1385, F1387–F1503, F1505–F1553, F1555–F1621, F1623–F1675, F1677–F1723
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on Government Agencies
- appointments process
- committee business
- intended appointments
- Algonquin Forestry Authority, A73–A77
- Animal Care Review Board, A5–A9
- Child and Family Services Review Board, A273–A282
- Consent and Capacity Board, A210–A214
- Council of the College of Opticians of Ontario, A55–A59
- Council of the College of Optometrists of Ontario, A95–A99
- Council of the Ontario College of Teachers, A239–A243
- Custody Review Board, A232–A236
- Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors, A173–A178
- Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, A115–A119
- Fire Safety Commission, A9–A12
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, A13–A17, A135–A140
- Invest Ontario, A119–A123
- Landlord and Tenant Board, A87–A92, A146–A150, A185–A195, A215–A220, A227–A232, A251–A256, A267–A271
- Licence Appeal Tribunal, A81–A85, A151–A154, A163–A167, A285–A289, A301–A310
- Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology Board of Governors, A167–A171
- Ontario Energy Baord, A295–A300
- Ontario Financing Authority, A199–A204
- Ontario Honours Advisory Council, A244–A248
- Ontario Labour Relations Board, A125–A129, A140–A144
- Ontario Land Tribunal, A99–A102
- Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, A263–A267
- Province of Ontario Council for the Arts, A77–A80
- Provincial Schools Authority, A220–A225
- Public Service Grievance Board, A105–A108
- Royal Ontario Museum, A129–A133
- Social Benefits Tribunal, A108–A113, A157–A161
- Species at Risk Conservation Trust, A66–A71, A205–A210
- Toronto Metropolitan University board of governors, A61–A66
- University of Toronto Governing Council, A256–A261
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit board of health, A179–A183
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, A289–A293
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, A18–A22
Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy
- bills referred to committee
- Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023 (Bill 134), HE761–HE794
- Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39), HE309–HE319
- clause-by-clause, HE321–HE377
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81), HE591–HE609
- Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2022 (Bill 15), HE629–HE652
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162), HE1115–HE1150
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136), HE825–HE835
- Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97), HE423–HE472
- clause-by-clause, HE493–HE531
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23), HE73–HE193, HE195–HE247
- Reducing Inefficiences Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023 (Bill 69), HE401–HE418
- clause-by-clause, HE419
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3), HE5–HE58
- Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), HE697–HE731
- committee business, HE3, HE69–HE72, HE421, HE690–HE693, HE695, HE1113, HE1145, HE1193, HE1247–HE1248
- closed session, HE307
- closed sessions, HE399, HE1173
- election of acting chair, HE419
- election of chair, HE1
- election of vice-chair, HE1, HE653, HE733
- selection of esimtates
- Bell, HE531–HE532
- Thanigasalam, HE531
- selection of estimates, HE1171
- selection of estimates (2023-2024), HE489–HE491
- Bell, HE490–HE491
- McMahon, HE491
- Thanigasalam, HE490–HE491
- community celebrations
- government funding
- Karpoche, HE1321–HE1322
- McCarthy, HE1321–HE1322
- government funding
- Croatian Heritage Day Act, 2023 (Bill 81)
- clause-by-clause, HE609
- estimates (2023-2024)
- Cabinet Office, F820–F839
- Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, HE672–HE690
- Ministry of Infrastructure, HE533–HE552
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, HE571–HE590
- Ministry of Transportation, HE552– HE570
- estimates (2024-2025)
- Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, HE1307–HE1327
- Ministry of Infrastructure, HE1285–HE1305
- Ministry of Muinicpal Affairs and Housing, HE1175–HE1193
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, HE1175–HE1193
- Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, HE1329–HE1348
- Ministry of Transportation, HE1265–HE1284
- Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- clause-by-clause, HE1151–HE1169
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- clause-by-clause, HE837–HE848
- Group of Seven Day Act, 2023 (Bill 78)
- clause-by-clause, HE626–HE627
- Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93)
- clause-by-clause, IN279–IN282
- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- clause-by-clause, HE249–HE305
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150)
- clause-by-clause, HE817–HE823
- regional governance, HE849–HE940, HE1195–HE1245
- Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- clause-by-clause, HE59–HE62
- Unlicensed event venues, HE1249–HE1263
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on Justice Policy
- bail reform
- appointment of subcommittee, JP59–JP121, JP123–JP156
- bills referred to committee
- Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 (Bill 142), JP413–JP448, JP449–JP465
- Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023 (Bill 91), JP169–JP198
- clause-by-clause, JP203–JP208
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41), JP319–JP345
- committee business, JP720, JP969–JP970, JP1002
- appointment of subcommittee, JP1, JP635
- closed sessions, JP385, JP637
- election of chair, JP1, JP157, JP720
- election of vice-chair, JP1
- motions
- schedules and agendas, JP57
- schedules and agendas, closed session, JP55
- selection of estimates, JP3–JP13
- selection of estimates (2022-2023), JP3–JP10
- selection of estimates (2023-2024), JP199–JP202
- subcommittee reports, JP697–JP698
- estimates (2022-2023)
- estimates (2023-2024)
- Ministry of Francophone Affairs, JP299–JP317
- Ministry of Indigenous Affairs, JP283–JP299
- Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, JP365–JP379
- Ministry of the Solicitor General, JP347–JP365
- estimates (2024-2025)
- Ministry of the Attorney General, JP699–JP718
- Intimate partner violence study, JP761–JP853, JP855–JP968, JP1005–JP1046
- Protection from Coerced Debts Incurred in relation to Human Trafficking Act, 2023 (Bill 41)
- clause-by-clause, JP379–JP383
- bail reform
Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs
- assignment of ministries, PH3, PH199
- bills referred to committee
- 405456 Ontario Limited Act, 2022, Bill Pr2, PH11 – PH12
- Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65), PH91–PH116
- clause-by-clause, PH116
- committee business
- appointment of subcommittee, PH1, PH159
- election of chair, PH1
- election of vice-chair, PH1
- independent members, consideration of
- Fife, PH203
- Hsu, PH203–PH205
- Rae, PH204–PH205
- schedules and agendas, PH216
- Sergeant-at-Arms, appearance before, PH17–PH18
- subcommittee, PH51–PH58
- subcommittee reports, PH17, PH29, PH31, PH59–PH60, PH75–PH76, PH161–PH162
- Television Broadcast System, PH12–PH14
- Legislative precinct, PH33–PH49, PH127–PH134
- subcommittee reports, PH5
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- committee business
- reports referred to committee
- 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of the Attorney General (Auditor General of Ontario), P12–P31
- 2021 Annual Report: Ministry of Health/ Ontario Health (Auditor General of Ontario, P33–P52
- 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Finance/Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), P129–P143
- 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Infrastructure (Auditor General of Ontario), P91–P109
- 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Auditor General of Ontario), P91–P109
- 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (Auditor General of Ontario), P91–P109, P111–P127
- 2022 Annual Report: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (Auditor General of Ontario), P91–P109
Standing Committee on Social Policy
- bills referred to committee
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP373–SP431, SP437–SP475
- clause-by-clause, SP481–SP533, SP535
- Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023 (Bill 135), SP707–SP732, SP733–SP784, SP785–SP794
- clause-by-clause, SP794–SP820
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2023 (Bill 99), SP635–SP652
- clause-by-clause, SP649–SP652
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2023 (Bill 66), SP1003–SP1004
- clause-by-clause, SP1003–SP1004
- Planning for Your Silver Years Awareness Week Act, 2024 (Bill 137), SP1003
- Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26), SP89–SP134
- clause-by-clause, SP135–160
- Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188), SP1137–SP1154, SP1155–SP1179, SP1181–SP1198
- clause-by-clause, SP1202–SP1218
- Your Health Act, 2023(Bill 60), SP165–SP246
- clause-by-clause, SP291–SP368
- Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (Bill 98), SP373–SP431, SP437–SP475
- committee business, SP15
- Martin, SP15
- appointment of subcommittee, SP1
- closed session, SP161–SP163, SP985, SP1131
- consideration of estimates
- restrictions on, SP46
- election of chair, SP1, SP369, SP983
- election of vice-chair, SP1
- estimates (2023-2024), time allocation, SP477–SP479
- motions
- Fixing Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Till Death Do Us Part), 2022 (Bill 21), legislative timelines, SP1199–SP1202
- schedules and agendas
- selection of estimates (2022-2023), SP3–SP14
- selection of estimates (2023-2024), SP431–SP435
- Gates, SP433–SP434
- Gélinas, SP432–SP434
- Martin, SP431–SP432
- Pasma, SP433
- estimates (2022-2023)
- Ministry of Health, SP17–SP48
- estimates (2023-2024)
- Ministry Education, SP566–SP595
- Ministry Health, SP537–SP566
- Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, SP597–SP624
- Ministry of Long-Term Care, SP624–SP633
- Ministry of Colleges and Universities
- estimates (2022-2023), SP49–SP78
- Ministry of Education
- estimates (2022-2023), SP78–SP88
- pre-budget consultations, F245–F264
- selection of estimates (2024-2025), SP1133–SP1135
- Gélinas, SP1133–SP1134
- Pierre, SP1133–SP1134
- selection of estimates (2024-2025), time allocation, SP1134
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on the Interior
- bills referred to committee
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71), IN87–IN119, IN121–IN160
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2023 (Bill 31), IN283–IN330
- Building More Mines Act, 2023 (Bill 71)
- clause-by-clause, IN161–IN184
- committee business, IN85
- appointment of subcommittee, IN1, IN367
- closed sessions, IN369, IN371–IN372, IN557
- election of chair, IN1
- election of vice-chair, IN3
- selection of estimates (2022-2023), IN3–IN10
- selection of estimates (2023-2024), IN185–IN189
- selection of estimates (2024-2025), IN555–IN556
- Bourgouin, IN555–IN556
- Yakabuski, IN555
- estimates (2022-2023)
- estimates (2023-2024)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, IN213–IN229
- Ministry of Energy, IN229–IN248
- Ministry of Mines, IN248–IN264
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, IN191–IN211
- estimates (2024-2025)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, IN655–IN671
- Ministry of Energy, IN577–IN596
- Ministry of Mines, IN597–IN617
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, IN559–IN576
- Ministry of Northern Development, IN619–IN634
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, IN635–IN654
- Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2023 (Bill 31)
- clause-by-clause, IN325–IN329
- public bills (government and private members')
- Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93), IN265–IN278
- bills referred to committee
Steel industry
Strengthening Post-Secondary Institutions and Students Act, 2022 (Bill 26)
- Barnes, SP93, SP103, SP112, SP122, SP130
- Dunlop, SP89–SP98
- Gélinas, SP132–SP133
- Jordan, SP94, SP104, SP113–SP114
- Martin, SP94, SP104, SP107, SP111, SP124, SP131, SP133
- Pasma, SP92–SP93, SP95–SP96, SP103–SP106, SP112–SP113, SP115–SP116, SP120–SP121, SP123–SP124, SP129–SP130
- Pierre, SP96, SP106, SP114, SP124, SP133
- Quinn, SP96–SP97, SP107, SP114, SP124–SP125, SP133–SP134
- Rae, SP97, SP106–SP107, SP121, SP131
- Shamji, SP94–SP95, SP97–SP98, SP101–SP102, SP104, SP112, SP115, SP122–SP123, SP125, SP128–SP129
- Stiles, SP102
- Wai, SP103, SP111, SP121–SP122
- amendments
- Gélinas, SP135–SP159
- Martin, SP135, SP142
- Pasma, SP135–SP159
- Pierre, SP136–SP141, SP143, SP145, SP147–SP148, SP150–SP157
- Shamji, SP137–SP139, SP141–SP142, SP144, SP148–SP150
- consultation process
- language and terminology
- public consultation
- scope of
- "sexual abuse," definition of
- Shamji, SP129
- statements by stakeholders
- Dunlop, SP90
- types of institutions
Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 (Bill 3)
- Bell, HE18, HE30–HE31, HE37–HE38, HE44–HE45, HE52–HE53
- Blais, HE22
- Burch, HE7–HE8, HE10–HE12, HE21, HE27, HE35–HE36
- Clark, HE5–HE14
- Grewal, HE13
- Harden, HE19, HE30, HE38, HE47–HE48, HE55–HE56
- McGregor, HE9–HE10, HE23, HE29
- McMahon, HE8–HE9, HE12, HE19, HE22, HE28, HE31, HE36–HE37, HE40, HE45–HE46, HE48, HE53–HE54, HE56–HE57
- Pang, HE28–HE29, HE49–HE50, HE57–HE58
- Sabawy, HE10, HE20–HE21, HE37, HE40–HE41, HE47
- Smith, L., HE13, HE23
- Thanigasalam, HE32, HE46, HE54–HE55
- amendments
- Bell, HE62, HE249–HE251, HE253–HE254, HE257–HE260, HE264–HE278, HE281–HE289, HE291–HE294, HE296–HE299, HE301–HE304
- Burch, HE60, HE256–HE257, HE261–HE262, HE264
- Fife, HE270–HE271, HE273–HE274
- Grewal, HE261
- Harden, HE62, HE250–HE256, HE260, HE262, HE272, HE277, HE279–HE281, HE283, HE291
- Holland, HE251
- McGregor, HE251–HE252, HE255, HE260–HE262, HE264, HE276–HE277, HE279–HE281, HE287, HE291, HE293, HE295, HE298, HE301–HE302
- McMahon, HE60–HE62, HE251, HE253, HE257–HE262, HE264–HE269, HE271, HE275, HE278, HE281–HE282, HE285–HE286, HE290–HE291, HE297–HE298, HE300, HE304
- Pang, HE253
- Sabawy, HE258, HE304
- Smith, L., HE264
- Thanigasalam, HE263
- Members'/ministers' constituencies, HE38
- public consultation
Student housing
- development of
- Burch, HE1072
- development of
Student transportation
Students - post secondary education
Students - post-secondary
- housing, development of
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Kernaghan, F263
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- housing, development of
Students - refugees and asylum seekers
Students - sexual abuse of
Students - special needs.
see Also Education - special education servicesSuperior Corporate Services Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr25)
Supply Ontario
Supporting Children's Futures Act, 2024 (Bill 188)
- Clancy, SP1142–SP1143, SP1145–SP1146, SP1150, SP1153, SP1160, SP1162, SP1167, SP1170, SP1174, SP1177–SP1178, SP1185–SP1186, SP1188–SP1189, SP1193–SP1194, SP1196–SP1197
- Gélinas, SP1159, SP1169–SP1170, SP1176–SP1177, SP1184–SP1185, SP1195–SP1196, SP1198
- Grewal, SP1171
- Kusendova-Bashta, SP1151, SP1158, SP1175–SP1176, SP1184, SP1198
- MacLeod, SP1160
- Pang, SP1143–SP1144, SP1168
- Parsa, SP1189–SP1198
- Pierre, SP1144, SP1168, SP1171–SP1172, SP1194–SP1195
- Quinn, SP1171, SP1175, SP1178
- Smith, L., SP1140–SP1141, SP1143, SP1151, SP1153–SP1154, SP1157, SP1183–SP1184, SP1187, SP1195, SP1197–SP1198
- Taylor, SP1141, SP1144–SP1145, SP1149–SP1150, SP1152–SP1153, SP1161–SP1162, SP1166–SP1167, SP1178–SP1179, SP1187–SP1188, SP1192–SP1193, SP1196
- Wai, SP1186–SP1187
- amendments
- Bouma, SP1204
- Clancy, SP1202–SP1217
- Gélinas, SP1205–SP1218
- Pierre, SP1206–SP1207, SP1209, SP1211, SP1215, SP1217
- Smith, L., SP1208, SP1210, SP1212–SP1213, SP1216
- Taylor, SP1202, SP1206–SP1208, SP1210–SP1213, SP1215–SP1216
Supportive housing
Supportive housing - development
Surgical procedures
- ambulatory surgery centres
- operational models
- Gélinas, SP218
- operational models
- cataracts
- delivery of, requests for proposals
- process of
- Jones, S., SP173–SP174
- Rae, SP173
- process of
- delivery of, requests for proposals
- delivery of
- funding
- hospitals. see Hospital services - surgical procedures
- independent health facilities. see Independent health facilities–surgical procedures
- public vs. private
- delivery of, cost
- delivery of, requests for proposals
- process of
- Gélinas, SP168–SP169
- Jones, S., SP169
- Rae, SP212
- process of
- innovation in
- services delivery
- standards of care
- public vs. private
- Gates, SP195
- Gélinas, SP191–SP192
- public vs. private
- ambulatory surgery centres