Letter: N
Names, legal
Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2021 (Bill 31)
- first reading
- Shaw, 415
- first reading
National Day of Mourning
- Gélinas, 3356
National Housing Strategy
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Natural gas plants
Natural resource development.
see also specific sector- northern Ontario
- Rickford, 2944
- northern Ontario
Natural resources development.
see also specific resource- Indigenous participation
- Mamakwa, 3282
- Indigenous participation
Navigation Project Management Inc. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr64)
New Democratic Party (NDP)
- broadband infrastructure policy
- Vanthof, 3157
- education policy
- election platform (2021-2022)
- employment policy
- fiscal policies
- Oosterhoff, 1286
- general remarks
- health care, funding for
- housing policy
- infrastructure policy
- Burch, 2447
- labour policy
- long-term care policy
- Armstrong, 2994
- broadband infrastructure policy
New Democratic Party (NDP) caucus
- notable members
- Andrew, 1742
- notable members
New Edinburgh Property Management Service Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr55)
New home construction industry
News media
Niagara Health
Niagara region
- general remarks
- Oosterhoff, 1300
- general remarks
9-1-1 Everywhere in Ontario Act, 2021 (Bill 56)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 1152
- first reading
No COVID-19 Evictions Act (Bill 90)
- first reading
- Morrison, 1968
- first reading
No Time to Waste Act (Plan for Climate Action and Jobs), 2022 (Bill 121)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 3374
- first reading
Non-profit organizations
- appreciation of
- and employment
- government funding
- support programs
- volunteers
- appreciation for
- Singh, G., 1559–1560
- appreciation for
Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9)
Northern Health Travel Grant
Northern Health Travel Grant Advisory Committee Act, 2021 (Bill 46)
- first reading
- Monteith-Farrell, 828
- first reading
Northern Ontario.
see also specific policy areas- economic development
- general remarks. see under Economic development–by region
- talent recruitment and retention
- government strategy
- resource development
- economic development
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp.
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010,
SO 2010, c 15
- commencement date
- Wai, 556
- commencement date
Not-for-profit organizations
Nuclear energy
- small modular reactors
- government strategy
- Smith, T., 3185
- government strategy
- small modular reactors
Nuclear energy industry
Nuclear generating facilities
- refurbishment projects
- Smith, T., 1089
- refurbishment projects
Nuclear industry
Nuclear waste management
- amount of
- annual reports
- Fraser, 1920
- annual reports
- compensation
- annual rate of increases
- Cuzzetto, 1959
- cross-border nurses, impact on
- increase cap. see Public sector compensation - increase cap
- increase rate
- retention bonus
- statements by stakeholders
- Lindo, 1463
- wage premiums
- Kusendova, 1505
- annual rate of increases
- education and training
- internationally trained
- statements by stakeholders
- Begum, 2563
- statements by stakeholders
- internationally trained
- lay offs
- mental health
- during COVID-19
- Gates, 1855
- during COVID-19
- recruitment and retention
- Baber, 1628
- by classification
- nurse practitioners
- Phillips, 1461
- nurse practitioners
- Community Commitment Program for Nurses
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- impact of compensation
- in Northern Ontario
- Miller, P., 908
- regional shortages
- by specialty
- statements by stakeholders
- Fife, 1600
- vacancy rate
- shortage
- training and education
- BEGIN initiative: Bridging Educational Grant in Nursing
- Community Commitment Program for Nurses
- Sarkaria, 3198
- degree programs
- French-language
- government funding
- Ghamari, 401
- government funding
- government funding
- Learn and Stay Program
- Nursing Program Transformation in Ontario's Colleges
- Ontario Learn and Stay Grant
- regional availability
- working conditions
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 1921
- statements by stakeholders
- amount of
Nurses - COVID-19
- burnout and stress
- compensation
- government response
- internationally trained
- recruitment initiatives
- Martin, 1916
- recruitment initiatives
Nurses - training and education
- enrollment spaces
- Fife, 1600
- enrollment spaces