Letter: I
Identification documents
Identity documents
- service fees
- Rasheed, JP40
- service fees
- housing, access
- Ghamari, F1445
- supports and services
- Ghamari, F1445
- Harden, F1442–F1443
- MacLeod, F1447
- housing, access
Immigrants - access to professions and trades
- barriers to
- Fraser, F678
- Canadian experience
- Anand, F661
- employer education
- employment
- employment services
- loans
- Smith, David, F645
- loans
- employment support programs
- Anand, F677
- federal-provincial collaboration
- Bethlenfalvy, F728
- foreign credentials, recognition of
- Anand, F612, F1754–F1755
- general remarks
- Barnes, F1969
- Piccini, F1969–F1970
- government strategy
- Dowie, F620
- license requirements
- Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
- support programs
- in Australia
- Crawford, F676
- in Australia
- training programs
- Smith, David, F648
- barriers to
- impact on labour shortage
- Bethlenfalvy, F32
- impact on labour shortage
Immigration and refugee services
- settlement incentives
- northern Ontario
- Babikian, F290
- northern Ontario
- settlement incentives
Immigration policy
In vitro fertilization
Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
Independent health facilities
- accreditation program
- standards evaluation
- Shamji, SP346
- standards evaluation
- advertising restrictions
- Shamji, SP352
- diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
- oversight
- Jones, S., SP538
- oversight
- diagnostic procedures
- access to
- Pierre, SP227–SP228
- radiologists, availability of
- Wai, SP227
- access to
- director
- accountability and transparency
- Gélinas, SP303
- Shamji, SP303–SP304
- appointment of
- associate director, northern Ontario
- governance struture
- Gates, SP302
- Gélinas, SP301–SP303
- Shamji, SP301, SP303
- responsibilities, operating room registry
- Gates, SP305
- Gélinas, SP305–SP306
- Gretzky, SP305
- accountability and transparency
- facility costs, restrictions
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- funding request process
- government funding
- history of
- Martin, SP278
- information sharing
- confidentiality requirements
- Gélinas, SP349
- confidentiality requirements
- inspections
- inspectors, qualifications
- Gélinas, SP344–SP345
- integration with health care system
- licensee responsibilities
- administrative services, requirements
- Gélinas, SP341
- community consultation and integration
- compliants process, for Indigneous communities
- Shamji, SP339–SP340
- compliants process, publication of
- Gates, SP339
- Gélinas, SP338–SP339
- Shamji, SP338
- compliants process, reporting timelines
- Gélinas, SP340
- data and information services, requirements
- incident review process, reporting timelines
- Gélinas, SP340
- information sharing
- Gélinas, SP341–SP342
- information sharing, infection rates
- information sharing, privacy protection
- quality advisors, hiring of
- Gélinas, SP337–SP338
- remediation process
- Gélinas, SP341–SP342
- staffing ratios
- Gélinas, SP335
- uninsured service fees, restrictions
- Gélinas, SP338
- administrative services, requirements
- licensing of
- call for applications, public
- corporations, fiduciary duty
- Shamji, SP328
- director's discretion
- Gélinas, SP320–SP321
- Shamji, SP320–SP321
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Gates, SP322–SP323
- Gélinas, SP322
- Gretzky, SP323
- Martin, SP308–SP309
- Shamji, SP308–SP309, SP322
- Indigenous consultation
- Shamji, SP346
- limitations, investor-owned
- Gates, SP324
- Gélinas, SP324–SP325
- Gretzky, SP324
- location limitations
- Gélinas, SP321
- requirements
- Gélinas, SP325
- Gretzky, SP325–SP326
- Shamji, SP325
- requirements, applied for services
- requirements, hospital partnerships
- Gélinas, SP326
- requirements, professional scope
- Gélinas, SP327
- term limits
- licensing of, application approval
- public notice
- Gélinas, SP329
- public notice
- licensing of, application assessment
- consultation process, health care unions
- disclosure requirements
- health human resources plan
- health service co-ordination
- health care and long-term care
- Gélinas, SP317
- health care and long-term care
- Indigenous consultation
- Gélinas, SP317
- patient perspective
- Gélinas, SP320
- regional operating room capacity
- Gates, SP315–SP316
- Gélinas, SP315
- Shamji, SP316
- licensing of, application or renewal
- information access
- Gélinas, SP333–SP334
- Gretzky, SP333–SP334
- Martin, SP334
- public notice
- information access
- licensing of, applications
- disclosure requirements
- Gélinas, SP311
- health human resources plan
- patient-centered care
- Gélinas, SP314
- public notice
- Gélinas, SP309
- staffing model analysis
- subject to FIPPA
- Gélinas, SP310, SP334–SP335
- Gretzky, SP334–SP335
- uninsured services standards
- Gates, SP312–SP313
- Gélinas, SP311–SP313
- Gretzky, SP312
- Martin, SP313
- Shamji, SP312–SP314
- disclosure requirements
- licensing of, conditions
- amendments to
- Shamji, SP332
- amendments to
- licensing of, non-transferable
- Shamji, SP331
- licensing of, renewal
- applications
- Shamji, SP330
- applications, approval timeline
- Shamji, SP330–SP331
- ministerial approval
- Gélinas, SP330
- requirements
- Shamji, SP330
- applications
- ministerial evaluation
- Gélinas, SP350
- ministerial payments
- procedures, same as hospitals
- Shamji, SP343
- procedures, same as hospitals
- ministerial responsibilities
- data collection and sharing
- Gélinas, SP352
- data collection and sharing
- operational costs
- oversight mechanisms
- ministerially appointed bodies
- Gélinas, SP351
- ministerially appointed bodies
- ownership models
- Gélinas, SP229, SP251, SP259
- Martin, SP196–SP197
- Shamji, SP238, SP268
- physician-owned
- Gélinas, SP270–SP271
- Martin, SP230
- payments and facility costs
- regional funding
- Gélinas, SP564
- service delivery
- service fees
- staff
- nurses, professional scope
- Gélinas, SP352
- nurses, professional scope
- staff, licensing
- health care workers, out-of-province
- Gates, SP347
- Gélinas, SP347–SP348
- Gretzky, SP348
- Martin, SP348
- health care workers, out-of-province
- staffing levels
- support staff
- Anand, SP271–SP272
- support staff
- staffing models, regulations
- Martin, SP261–SP262
- impact on hospital staffing
- surgical backlog remediation
- surgical procedures. see also Surgical procedures
- surgical procedures, expansion. see Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
- types of
- accreditation program
Independent health facilities - diagnostic and surgical procedures, expansion
- access to
- Martin, SP239, SP250, SP253
- equity-seeking groups
- Gélinas, SP228–SP229
- Gretzky, SP230
- cataracts
- delivery model
- general remarks
- Jones, S., SP166–SP167
- Martin, SP193, SP230
- Pierre, SP184, SP250
- government funding
- Jones, S., SP167
- government strategy
- impact on health care system
- Shamji, SP229–SP230
- licensing process
- northern and rural Ontario
- Gélinas, SP278
- operational costs
- Gélinas, SP218
- operational model
- regulations
- Shamji, SP255
- regulations
- oversight mechanisms
- service delivery
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- Gélinas, SP237
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- service delivery, regulations
- staffing models, regulations
- Standing Committee on Government Agencies
- West, SP194–SP195
- statements by stakeholders
- Jones, S., SP556
- surgical backlog remediation
- types of
- Martin, SP261
- low-acuity
- Martin, SP184, SP187, SP230–SP231
- wait times, impact on
- Jones, S., SP557
- access to
Indigenous children and youth
Indigenous communities
- Community Enhancement Program
- Rickford, IN625–IN626
- economic development
- education
- electrical infrastructure, development
- Moose River basin
- Gélinas, F1610–F1611
- Moose River basin
- fire services
- funding allocation per community
- government funding
- Bouma, IN625
- government partnerships
- Ontario Health Teams. see Ontario Health Teams
- inter-generational violence
- restorative justice models
- Dixon, JP887–JP888
- Fife, JP885–JP886
- McGregor, JP924
- Shamji, JP886
- restorative justice models
- jurisdiction in relation to
- Schreiner, IN289
- Shaw, IN322–IN323
- Smith, Dave, IN289
- police services
- public libraries
- Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (RAISE) program.
- Crawford, F1683
- renewable energy
- Bowman, F1630
- violent crime, reduction
- Wong-Tam, JP111
- Community Enhancement Program
Indigenous communities - COVID-19
- vaccination. see COVID-19 - vaccination–target populations
Indigenous communities - economic development
- economic growth and prosperity table
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Bailey, JP37
- Indigenous Economic Development Fund
- mining industry. see Mines and mining
- resource revenue-sharing agreements
- Rickford, JP32
- revenue sharing agreements
Indigenous communities - education
- government funding
- allocation
- Pasma, SP71
- allocation
- government funding
Indigenous communities - health care
- Aboriginal health access centres
- operational funding
- Gélinas, SP213
- operational funding
- access to
- Gretzky, SP295
- Rickford, JP289–JP290
- Shamji, JP289–JP290
- alternative-level-of-care (ALC) patients - transfers to long-term care facilities, non-preferred home
- impact of. see More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)–application
- culturally appropriate
- facility infrastructure
- government funding
- Shamji, F1302
- health access centres
- Byers, F1300
- Indigenous primary health care organizations
- expansion funding
- Gélinas, F237
- expansion funding
- Indigenous-provincial partnerships
- Anand, F239
- mental health
- service delivery, Indigenous-led
- staff
- recruitment and retention
- Dowie, F236–F237
- recruitment and retention
- vaccinations
- wait-time
- Kernaghan, F1301
- Aboriginal health access centres
Indigenous communities - justice
- access to
- Vanthof, JP149
- access to
Indigenous communities - living conditions
Indigenous communities - mental health and addictions
- community services, access to
- Dixon, IN100
- community services, access to
Indigenous communities - water and sewage infrastructure
- boil-water advisories
- resolution timeline
- Bourgouin, IN646–IN648
- McCarthy, IN646–IN648
- resolution timeline
- boil-water advisories
Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- water quality
- Bresee, IN101
- water quality
Indigenous institutes
- degree programs, funding
- health care
- Dunlop, SP61
- health care
- degree programs, funding
Indigenous Institutes.
see also specific instituteIndigenous Primary Health Care Council
- health care services. see Indigenous communities - health care
- ministry partnerships
- Bowman, F238
Indigenous relations
- reconciliation
- Kernaghan, F454
- reconciliation
Indigenous relations - land claims
Indigenous relations - reconciliation
Indigenous relations - treaties
Industrial chemicals industries
- electrification of
- Burch, F1169
- Dowie, F1168–F1169
- employment in
- Anand, F1168
- recycling
- Hazell, F1176
- tax incentives
- Alberta
- Hazell, F1170
- Alberta
- electrification of
Industrial development - by region
- Barrie
- Sabawy, HE747
- Barrie
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
see Also Personal informationinfrastructure development
Infrastructure development
- Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA). see Land use planning–approval timelines
- cost of
- government funding
- Surma, HE403
- government strategy
- Bethlenfalvy, F738–F739
- Hazell, F1024
- McGregor, HE382
- Surma, HE1286–HE1287
- municipalities
- asset management planning. see Municipal governments–asset management planning (AMP)
- northern Ontario
- project costs
- project managment process
- funding allocation
- Sabawy, HE548–HE549
- Surma, HE548–HE549
- funding allocation
- regulatory environment
- Treasury Board Secretariat, role of
Infrastructure development - by region
Infrastructure development - Canada Infrastructure Bank
Infrastructure development - funding
Infrastructure development - northern Ontario
- government funding
- Rickford, IN620–IN621
- government funding
Infrastructure development - Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- general remarks
- Surma, HE535–HE536, HE542
- general remarks
Infrastructure development - public-private partnerships (P3)
- contractors, cost thresholds
- Fife, F860
- contractors, cost thresholds
Infrastructure - highways and roads
- provincial highways, cost and maintenance
- transfer to municipal responsibility
- northern Ontario
- Vanthof, F287–F288
- northern Ontario
- transfer to municipal responsibility
- regional
- northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, JP287
- Rickford, JP287–JP288
- northern Ontario
- provincial highways, cost and maintenance
Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
Innovation and technology industry
Innovation and technology industry - by region
- Waterloo
- Harris, F1284
- Waterloo
Integrity commissioners
- school boards. see School board trustees — code of conduct breach resolution
Intellectual Property Ontario
International trade agreements
International trade missions
Intimate partner violence.
see also Brain injuries resulting from intimate partner violence; Gender-based violence; Human trafficking; Sexual assault- digital and technology-facilitated
- epidemic, declaration
- firearms, use
- Wong-Tam, JP722
- government strategy
- Hogarth, JP354
- Wong-Tam, JP871–JP872
- in Indigenous communities
- intersectionality
- McGregor, JP873–JP874, JP924
- in post-secondary institutions
- Hazell, JP927–JP928
- Sattler, JP926–JP927
Intimate partner violence - perpetrators.
see also Bail verification and supervision, offender monitoring, intimate partner violence perpetrators- accountability
- alcohol and drug use, correlation
- Clancy, JP957
- animal abuse, correlation
- Dixon, JP933–JP934
- Kernaghan, JP931–JP932
- Saunderson, JP977
- causal factors
- early intervention programs
- Dixon, JP724, JP905
- Fife, JP832
- Gretzky, JP816
- Mantha, JP742
- McGregor, JP832
- Pierre, JP724
- Sattler, JP984
- Saunderson, JP900–JP901
- Wong-Tam, JP740–JP741
- advocacy
- Dixon, JP823
- community-based
- Wong-Tam, JP821
- French-language
- Dixon, JP819
- government funding, JP903
- referrals
- Saunderson, JP817
- in schools
- Hazell, JP905
- Stop Now And Plan (SNAP)
- Indigenous
- restorative justice models
- Wong-Tam, JP857
- restorative justice models
- Indigenous Partner Assault Response group
- Sattler, JP923
- judicial process
- partner assault response (PAR) programs
- Dixon, JP868
- Sattler, JP899–JP900, JP942
- public education and awareness
- recidivism
- risk assessment tools
- Clancy, JP943
- Dixon, JP958
- McGregor, JP986
- Saunderson, JP928–JP929, JP944–JP945, JP977–JP978, JP1015–JP1016
- Wong-Tam, JP1017
- availability
- Sattler, JP976
- services
Intimate partner violence - prevention
- in athletics
- Dixon, JP846
- barriers to
- Mantha, JP737–JP738
- Wong-Tam, JP736
- best practices
- Scott, JP738
- general remarks
- government funding
- Indigenous communities
- government funding
- Shamji, JP886
- government funding
- Indigenous consultation
- in school curricula
- Barnes, JP758
- Dixon, JP994–JP995
- Fife, JP845
- Mantha, JP757–JP758
- Pierre, JP733–JP734
- Smith, L., JP962
- Wong-Tam, JP756–JP757, JP938
- French and Indigenous languages
- Dixon, JP845
- in athletics
Intimate partner violence - victim services
- access
- Dixon, JP808, JP813
- Mantha, JP727–JP728
- Wong-Tam, JP746, JP751
- centre of excellence
- Dixon, JP841
- child bystanders
- coordination
- counselling
- culturally-appropriate
- ESL instruction
- Clancy, JP966
- general remarks
- government funding
- immigrant and refugee communities
- integration
- Dixon, JP840, JP915–JP916
- McGregor, JP827–JP828
- Wong-Tam, JP840
- legal
- Clancy, JP952
- Downey, JP705–JP706, JP709
- Fife, JP837
- Hazell, JP914–JP915
- Sattler, JP913
- Wong-Tam, JP705
- London
- Harris, F1275–F1276
- municipal delivery
- McGregor, JP910–JP911
- Muslim women
- Dixon, JP836
- Fife, JP880–JP881
- McGregor, JP882–JP883
- Shamji, JP882
- Wong-Tam, JP834–JP835
- northern and rural Ontario
- Dixon, JP748
- Scott, JP724–JP725
- peer support
- Barnes, JP753–JP754
- Mantha, JP753
- performance targets
- Wong-Tam, JP829–JP830
- responders training
- Dixon, JP835–JP836
- rural Ontario
- screening
- Dixon, JP841
- sector stability
- Wong-Tam, JP960–JP961
- sex workers
- Hazell, JP919
- Smith, L., JP919–JP920
- Wong-Tam, JP917–JP918
- shelters and transitional housing
- capacity and overcrowding
- Clancy, JP962
- Harden, F1442–F1443
- with companion animals
- Kernaghan, JP932
- families
- Pasma, F1445
- government funding
- Anand, F1062
- Babikian, F492
- Bowman, F491
- Dixon, JP981–JP982
- Dowie, F1570
- Gretzky, F170
- Kernaghan, F491
- Wong-Tam, F1059–F1060, JP998
- in Indigenous communities
- by site
- Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo
- Fife, F487
- Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo
- staff recruitment and retention
- Dowie, F166
- wait-list
- capacity and overcrowding
- staff recruitment and retention
- support services
- trauma-informed
- McGregor, JP989–JP990
- wait-list
- wellness hubs
- Dixon, JP894
- access
Intimate partner violence - victims
- access to justice. see also Court administration - staff, intimate partner violence education
- Clancy, JP948
- Fife, JP846–JP847, JP876–JP877, JP893–JP894
- child bystanders
- coerced debts
- Glover, JP327
- economic autonomy
- Wong-Tam, JP918
- femicides
- general remarks
- identification, in schools
- Dixon, JP749
- information gathering and analysis
- paid employment leave
- Sattler, JP1021
- racialized
- Clancy, JP952
- recovery
- self-reporting
- McGregor, JP879
- access to justice. see also Court administration - staff, intimate partner violence education
Invasive species
- aquatic
- hydrilla
- Smith, Dave, P114
- hydrilla
- economic impact of
- Shaw, P117
- general remarks
- Smith, David, F262
- government funding
- government strategy
- Smith, G., IN31, IN568
- Yakabuski, IN567–IN568
- gypsy moth
- management of
- government funding
- Shaw, P119
- government funding
- monitoring and enforcement
- phragmites
- Smith, G., IN568–IN569
- Vanthof, IN568–IN569
- prevention and management partnerships
- public education
- Collard, P120
- wild pigs
- aquatic
Invest Ontario
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
- project streams
- Holland, HE541
- Surma, HE541
- funding
- Babikian, HE542–HE543
- Surma, HE543
- funding model
- Surma, HE533–HE534
- project streams
- private equity
- rental housing market
- Harden, F1394
- rental housing market
- private equity