Letter: T
Tarion Warranty Corp.
- Auditor General: Special Audit of the Tarion Warranty Corporation (2019)
- report recommendations, implementation
- Rasheed, JP43
- report recommendations, implementation
- Auditor General: Special Audit of the Tarion Warranty Corporation (2019)
Tax credits
- Canadian manufacturing tax credit (CME)
- Bowman, F869
- Canadian manufacturing tax credit (CME)
- government strategy
- Bowman, F890
- government strategy
Teacher candidates
- job outlook
- impact of
- Brady, F386
- impact of
- job outlook
see also Teachers - French-language- certificate of registration, removal
- due to suspension length
- Shamji, SP391
- due to suspension length
- certification timelines
- Pierre, SP443
- compensation
- Smith, David, F387
- criminal Code offenses, conviction of
- disciplinary process
- Lecce, SP382
- disciplinary process
- diversity and representation
- impact of
- Lecce, SP583
- impact of
- french language
- hiring of
- Lecce, SP572
- internationally trained
- certification timelines, requirements
- Lecce, SP379
- certification timelines, requirements
- mid-career professionals
- non OCT-certified
- occupational health and safety
- Kernaghan, F388
- professional development
- literacy instruction
- Pasma, SP444
- literacy instruction
- recruitment and retention
- shortage
- sick time
- supply
- Barnes, F808
- technical education
- availability
- Pasma, SP387
- availability
- unqualified
- role in education system
- Brady, F386
- role in education system
- working conditions
- impact on retention
- Hazell, F1743
- impact on retention
- certificate of registration, removal
Teachers - education and training
- literary instruction
- Martin, SP445
- proficiency requirements
- Barnes, SP532
- skilled trades certification
- Martin, SP455–SP456
- teaching methods
- for students with disabilities
- Pasma, SP532
- for students with disabilities
- literary instruction
Teachers - French-language.
see also Teachers- internationally trained
- recruitment and retention
- Report on the Shortage of Teachers in Ontario's French-Language Education System
- recommendations, implementation
- Collard, SP573–SP574
- recommendations, implementation
- shortage
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- oversight role, elevators. see also Elevators and escalators
- Rasheed, JP53
- oversight role, elevators. see also Elevators and escalators
Temporary employment agencies
- recruiters, fees charged
- victim compensation
- Gretzky, F598
- victim compensation
- recruiters, fees charged
Temporary foreign workers.
see Also Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009, SO 2009, c. 32- employee protection
- government strategy
- Smith, David, F603
- injuries and fatalities
- general remarks
- Gates, F595
- general remarks
- passports and work permits, retention of
- working conditions
- public awareness
- Bowman, F596
- public awareness
- workplace inspections, proactive
- number of
- Gates, F595
- number of
- workplace violations
- barriers to reporting
- Gretzky, F598–F599
- barriers to reporting
Temporary workers
Tenant protections
- general remarks
- Wong-Tam, F1073
- general remarks
The Hospital for Sick Children (Sickkids)
- patient demographics
- Martin, SP710
- patient demographics
The Ottawa Hospital
- staffing shortage
- Fife, F55
- staffing shortage
see also Ontario Place–lease of, redevelopment agreementsTobacco
Tobacco - contraband
Tobacco industry
- future
- Collard, F1531
- future
Tobacco industry - illicit sales
Tobacco products
- contraband sale
- Dowie, F1526
- contraband sale
Toronto Community Housing
- properties, vancant
- McMahon, HE773
- properties, vancant
Toronto Metropolitan University
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - employees
- collective bargaining agreements. see also Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), schedule 1, City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, amended by
- Grewal, HE701
- Harden, HE699–HE700, HE702–HE703, HE711–HE712, HE728–HE729
- Surma, HE699, HE701
- collective bargaining agreements. see also Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131), schedule 1, City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, amended by
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Scarborough subway extension
- government strategy
- Mulroney, HE561–HE562
- Pang, HE561
- government strategy
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Yonge North extension
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Mulroney, HE567–HE568
- Smith, L., HE567
Tourism industry
- agri-food tourism
- Kernaghan, F549
- American tourists
- Dowie, F548
- economic recovery
- Lumsden, HE653–HE654
- employee recruitment and retention
- Brady, F544
- employees
- housing
- Lumsden, HE660
- housing
- government funding
- Harris, F1802–F1803
- Kernaghan, F1803
- government strategy
- Anand, F1196
- Hogarth, F1799–F1800
- inflation, impact of
- Crawford, F1194
- Niagara Falls
- promotion
- Cho, S., HE1331–HE1332
- by region
- Niagara
- Gates, F1197–F1198
- Stevens, F1195
- Niagara
- regional attractions
- Greater Toronto Area
- Begum, F629–F630
- Greater Toronto Area
- staycation tax credit
- Cho, S., HE1333–HE1334
- Stevens, HE1333–HE1334
- agri-food tourism
Tourism industry - COVID-19
- economic recovery
- staycation tax credit
- Lumsden, HE654–HE655
- staycation tax credit
- economic recovery
Towing industry
- oversight
- Hassan, JP182–JP183
- McCarthy, JP190
- vehicle storage fees, regulation
- oversight
Traffic congestion
- economic impact
- Mulroney, HE553
- economic impact
- fare system, integration
- Harden, HE717
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE720–HE721
- McMahon, HE738
- Rae, HE738
- One Fare program
- Sarkaria, HE1281
- fare system, integration
Transit - by region
- Mississauga
- Ottawa
- Ghamari, F1403–F1404, F1455–F1456
- Harden, F1401–F1402, F1454
- Hogarth, F1456
- MacLeod, F1453
- accessible
- service network
- Ghamari, F1455–F1456
Transit funding
- general remarks
- Hamid, HE1280
- Harden, HE1268–HE1269
- Kanapathi, HE1279
- municipalities
- general remarks
Transit funding by region
- London
- Kernaghan, F1329
- London
Transit funding - by region
- Ottawa
- Blais, F1452–F1453
- Harden, F1454, HE1269
- Sarkaria, HE1269
- Ottawa
Transit infrastructure
- and population growth predictions
- Crawford, F47
- and population growth predictions
Transit infrastructure development
Transit infrastructure development - by region
Transit system development
Transit systems
- government funding
- Mulroney, HE554
- government funding
Transit systems - by region
Transit vehicles
- testing and commissioning process. see also Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown–quality control issues
Transit-oriented communities
- affordable housing component
- McMahon, HE712–HE713, HE729, HE736
- Rae, HE736
- development
- development of
- East Harbour, capital expenses
- reflection in estimates
- French, HE551
- reflection in estimates
- housing development
- government strategy
- Clark, HE310
- government strategy
- housing development, densification
- McGregor, HE430
- provincial polilcy statement
- Clark, HE430–HE431
- purpose-built rentals
- McGregor, HE438
- near greenbelt land
- McMahon, HE314
- regional development
- Surma, HE534–HE535
- affordable housing component
- area-maintenance contractors
- non-conformance reports, penalties and fines
- French, HE564
- non-conformance reports, penalties and fines
- Connecting Links program
- cost of
- support programs
- Mulroney, HE554
- support programs
- regional transportation plans
- government strategy
- Mulroney, HE568–HE569
- Smith, L., HE568
- government strategy
- Transportation Electrification program
- area-maintenance contractors
Transportation for the Future Act, 2023 (Bill 131)
- Andrew, HE703–HE704
- Coe, HE710–HE711
- Dowie, HE722–HE723
- Grewal, HE701–HE702
- Harden, HE699–HE700, HE702–HE703, HE708–HE709, HE711–HE712, HE717–HE719, HE721–HE722, HE725–HE726, HE728–HE729
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE704–HE705, HE720–HE721, HE727–HE728, HE730
- McMahon, HE700–HE701, HE704, HE709–HE710, HE712–HE713, HE719, HE722, HE726–HE727, HE729
- Pang, HE714, HE719–HE720, HE731
- Rae, HE705, HE713–HE714
- Sabawy, HE702, HE711
- Surma, HE697–HE705
- amendments
- Harden, HE736
- McMahon, HE734–HE739
- Rae, HE734–HE738
- public consultation
- Harden, HE719
- schedule 1
- City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, amended by
- Grewal, HE701
- Harden, HE699–HE700, HE702–HE703, HE712, HE729
- Surma, HE699–HE702
- City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A, amended by
Transportation funding
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Dixon, F1332–F1333
transportation infrastructure
Transportation infrastructure
- expressways
- cancelled projects, Toronto
- Harden, HE334
- cancelled projects, Toronto
- government strategy
- Sarkaria, HE1115–HE1117
- land expropriation
- Armstrong, HE1152
- Clancy, HE1151–HE1152
- McMahon, HE1151–HE1152
- Shaw, HE1151
- expressways
Transportation infrastructure development
Transportation infrastructure development - northern Ontario
- government funding
- Mamakwa, IN621–IN623
- Rickford, IN622
- government funding
Treasury Board Secretariat
Trial lawyers
- cases, types of
- automobile claims
- Crawford, F368
- automobile claims
- cases, types of
see also specific tribunalTribunals Ontario
- case backlog
- Downey, JP271
- Wong-Tam, JP269–JP271
- digital case management
- Downey, JP267
- vacancies
- case backlog
Trucking industry
Tuition fees
- freeze
- impact on post-secondary institutions
- Bowman, F1068
- impact on post-secondary institutions
- freeze