Letter: M
Maizal Tortilleria Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr10)
Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 43)
Making Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free Act, 2023 (Bill 61)
- first reading
- Andrew, 2193–2194
- first reading
Making Sexual Assault Evidence Kits Available Act, 2022 (Bill 59)
- first reading
- Scott, 2172
- first reading
Making the Patient Ombudsman an Officer of the Assembly Act, 2023 (Bill 95)
- first reading
- Fraser, 3383
- first reading
Manitoulin Health Centre
- emergency department, closure
- due to staffing
- Mantha, 5061
- due to staffing
- emergency department, closure
Manufacturing industry
Manufacturing industry - employment
- Alstom (Thunder Bay)
- decline
- government strategy
- job creation
- job creation/loss
- recruitment and retention
- women
- Khanjin, 1424
- women
Manufacturing industry - facility development
Manufacturing industry - funding
- Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC)
- general remarks
- Ontario Made Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit
- partnership agreements
- by region
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Fedeli, 2159
- Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Regional Development Program
Manufacturing industry - investments
- urban boundary expansion
- ministerial amendments
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- Burch, 2026
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- ministerial amendments
- urban boundary expansion
- government funding
- Pang, 1865
- government funding
Massage Therapy Day Act, 2024 (Bill 164)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 7150
- first reading
Maternal Mental Health Day Act, 2023 (Bill 33)
Mathur v. Ontario,
2024 ONCA 762.
see Also Climate change mitigation — government strategy- judgment, Ontario Court of Appeal
- Tabuns, 9800
- judgment, Ontario Court of Appeal
McMaster Children's Hospital
Medical assistance in dying (MAID)
Medical equipment
- production and supply. see Manufacturing industry - life sciences sector–production and supply
Medical isotopes
- general remarks
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8856
- Smith, T., 8856
- industry partnerships
- Byers, 5436
- Ontario's Life Sciences Strategy
- formal recognition in
- Byers, 5435–5436
- formal recognition in
- production and supply
- research and innovation
- uses, history of
- Martin, 5438
- general remarks
Medical laboratory assistants
- regulation of
- Gélinas, 3008
- regulation of
Medical Officers of Health
Medical radiation sciences
- health care workers
- working conditions
- Gélinas, 1678
- working conditions
- health care workers
Members' inaugural speeches
Members' Integrity Act,
SO 1994, c. 38.
see also Member's/ministers' conduct- reform
- Schreiner, 4203
- reform
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) - staff
Members' statements
- 4-H clubs
- Jordan, 10261
- 43rd Parliament
- Rakocevic, 387
- 108 Health Promotion Association
- Gallagher Murphy, 588–589
- 150th anniversary of Burlington
- Pierre, 5104
- 2023 Canadian International AutoShow
- McGregor, 2370
- 2023 Ontario budget
- Abilities Centre Accessibility Awards
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Coe, 483
- Across U-hub
- Wai, 6169
- Adams, Dr. Barry
- Fraser, 1257
- Addiction services
- Adoption disclosure
- Armstrong, 3064
- Adult and Teen Challenge Thunder Bay
- Holland, 1773
- Affordable housing
- Agawa Canyon Tour Train
- Romano, 732
- Agri-food industry
- Air quality
- Karpoche, 5876
- Aitcheson, Jim
- Rae, 10545
- Ajax Pumpkinville
- Barnes, 929
- Algoma University
- Romano, 11051
- Algoma University Thunderbirds soccer teams
- Romano, 9985
- Ali, Zeda
- Grewal, 7226
- Allan Cup
- Shaw, 3736
- Alzheimer Society of Ontario
- Wai, 1607–1608
- Amateur hockey
- Saunderson, 4253–4254
- Ambulance services
- Fife, 5985–5986
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Bailey, 4853
- Ancaster Community Food Drive
- Shaw, 2594
- Animal protection
- Glover, 1256
- Anniversary of invasion of Ukraine
- Triantafilopoulos, 2299
- Anniversary of MS Chi-Cheemaun
- Byers, 10218
- Anniversary of Queen's Park
- McCarthy, 3369
- Anniversary of the 1974 Cambridge flood
- Riddell, 9305
- Annual federal-provincial simulation
- Fife, 7193–7194
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Gallagher Murphy, 2235–2236
- Anti-discrimination activities
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-Semitism
- April Monday Matters event
- Wai, 8313–8314
- Arculus, Paul
- McCarthy, 218
- Ark Aid Street Mission
- Kernaghan, 8312
- Arkell, Denise
- Taylor, 4913
- Armenian genocide anniversary
- Armstrong, Aggie
- Hardeman, 5584
- Arrowhead Coffee Company
- Stevens, 927–928
- Art Battle
- Glover, 3065–3066
- Artemis II mission
- Flack, 3368
- Arthritis
- Glover, 5515–5516
- Arthur, Glenn
- Yakabuski, 7295
- Arthur Vipers hockey team
- Rae, 3540–3541
- Artificial intelligence
- Gallagher Murphy, 8916
- Arts and cultural funding
- Arts and culture
- Andrew, 11052
- Asian Heritage Month
- Babikian, 9253–9254
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- Taylor, 3861
- Assisted housing
- Armstrong, 1665–1666
- Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs awards
- Wai, 3903
- Asthma
- Flack, 4437
- Attawapiskat First Nation
- Bourgouin, 2956
- Autism Awareness Month
- Wai, 8696
- Autism treatment
- Automotive industry
- Ayr Curling Club
- Riddell, 9918
- Aysanabee
- Mamakwa, 7964
- Baboth family charitable donation
- Shaw, 10036–10037
- Back Door Mission for the Relief of Poverty
- French, 4562
- Badenoch, Kemi
- Martin, 10262
- Bail reform
- Bakersfield Public School
- Smith, L., 11100
- Balmy Beach senior men’s rugby team
- McMahon, 10819–10820
- Bancroft Fitness
- Bresee, 8051
- Bandi Chhor Divas
- Bangladeshi Heritage Month
- Begum, 2540–2541
- Banting, Frederick
- Saunderson, 5699
- BAPS Canada
- McGregor, 4851
- Barbecue event in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 5931
- Bark, Chad
- Saunderson, 8636–8637
- Barrick Gold Corp.
- Bell, 4469
- Barrie Colts hockey team
- Khanjin, 4435
- Barrie Trojan Swim Club
- Khanjin, 4914
- Battle of the Atlantic
- Hardeman, 9043
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Scott, 8180–8181
- Baxter, Joe
- Yakabuski, 8242
- Beardy, Elaina
- Mamakwa, 5807
- Beechwood Cemetery
- Collard, 5145
- Best of the Bay awards
- Allsopp, 10699
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Fraser, 9305
- Mantha, 10699–10700
- Beyond the Streets
- Burch, 8178
- Bicycle safety
- Glover, 9208
- Billy Bishop Museum ceremony
- Byers, 928–929
- Birchmount Green
- Smith, David, 8977
- Birthdays
- Smith, Dave, 10697–10698
- Bite of Brant
- Black, Amiera
- Rae, 1703–1704
- Black History Month
- Black Mental Health Week
- Andrew, 7654
- Black Queens of Durham holiday pop-up market
- Barnes, 11157
- Black Walnut Bakery Café
- Sattler, 3662
- Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Pipes and Drums band
- Brady, 4322–4323
- Black youth action plan
- Hogarth, 7720
- Blenheim Medical Health Foundation
- Jones, T., 6685
- Board of directors nomination policy
- Bowman, 2177
- Boating safety
- Ghamari, 1820
- Bon Soo Winter Carnival
- Romano, 7295
- Boon, Arthur
- Rae, 3135
- Boon, Rick
- Brady, 7194–7195
- Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
- McCarthy, 2154
- Boyd Heritage Museum
- Scott, 4642–4643
- Brampton athletes
- Sandhu, 10220
- Brampton Robotics
- Grewal, 2848
- Brampton Steelheads hockey team
- McGregor, 8421
- Brampton West Youth Council
- Sandhu, 2483
- Brampton West Youth Council food drive
- Sandhu, 2957
- Brantford Bulldogs
- Brawn, Rod
- Kernaghan, 9108–9109
- Breast cancer
- Brenn-B Farms
- Skelly, 1668
- Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre
- Babikian, 5144
- British Home Child Day
- Wong-Tam, 9843
- Broadband infrastructure
- Coe, 149
- Broadbent, Ed
- Brock University
- Pierre, 9917
- Brockville General Hospital
- Clark, 10165
- Brown-Shreves, Danielle
- Harden, 6869
- Bruce Power
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound constituency office
- Byers, 4381
- Brummell, John
- Ghamari, 3663
- Buchanan, Tajon
- Grewal, 7226
- Bullying
- MacLeod, 9365–9366
- Bullying Awareness Week
- Bresee, 6508
- Burlington Lions Optimist Minor Hockey Association
- Pierre, 7880
- Burlington Symphony Orchestra
- Pierre, 1606
- Burlington Teen Tour Band
- Pierre, 2956–2957
- Businesses in Essex
- Leardi, 10544
- Cadets
- Cambridge Celebrates Winterfest
- Riddell, 1255–1256
- Cambridge Food Bank
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation
- Riddell, 3541
- Cambridge Santa Claus Parade
- Riddell, 10545
- Camp quality
- MacLeod, 8421
- Canada Cord award
- McCarthy, 3861
- Canada men's national soccer team
- McGregor, 1517
- Canada Summer Games
- Stevens, 435
- Canada's men's national soccer team
- Grewal, 1515
- Canadian Cancer Society's daffodil campaign
- Gallagher Murphy, 3244
- Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
- Coe, 8696
- Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics
- Hogarth, 10700
- Canadian Forces Naval Reserve
- Glover, 3496
- Canadian national soccer team
- Cuzzetto, 1773
- Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation Tour Paramedic Ride
- Gates, 5050
- Canadian Peace Museum
- Bresee, 10329
- Canadian Remembrance Torch
- Glover, 5931
- Cancer screening
- Mantha, 8736–8737
- Cancer Warrior Canada Foundation
- Capital Pride
- Harden, 338
- Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week
- Hardeman, 994
- Carepoint Consumption and Treatment Service
- Kernaghan, 2483
- Carpenters and Joiners Union Local 494
- Dowie, 3425
- Castledine, Barbara Helen
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Mamakwa, 5646
- Cataract surgery
- Leardi, 2176
- Centennial College A-Building
- Begum, 5398
- Central York Fire Services
- Gallagher Murphy, 1819–1820
- Centre 105
- Quinn, 8473
- Centre for Skills Development
- Pierre, 7057
- Challah for #Israel
- Gallagher Murphy, 5452
- Chambers of commerce awards of excellence
- Chambers of Commerce Awards of Excellence
- Hardeman, 6265–6266
- Charron, Marcel
- West, 3245
- Chatzis, Harry
- Bouma, 6356
- Chestmates Dragon Boat Team
- Bresee, 5516
- Chicken Farmers of Ontario
- Skelly, 2021
- Child and family services
- Gélinas, 10219
- Child care
- Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day
- Sattler, 9842
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Flack, 436
- Children of youth
- Hardeman, 484–485
- Children's aid societies
- Bailey, 4124
- Children's health care
- Children's mental health services
- Harden, 4436
- Children's services
- Taylor, 7965
- Children's treatment centre
- Coe, 10372
- Choices Association Inc.
- Skelly, 9985
- Chosen Family Day
- Wong-Tam, 7091
- Christie, Gayle
- Cuzzetto, 10300
- Christmas events in Nickel Belt
- Gélinas, 10488
- Christmas parades in Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 10878
- Christmas parades in Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, Dave, 10487
- Christmas tree industry
- Bresee, 2153
- Christmas tree lighting
- Bresee, 10764–10765
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Church, Geoffrey
- Fraser, 7915
- Circle of Care
- Wai, 3425
- City of Cambridge
- Riddell, 2594
- City of Oshawa
- French, 7719
- City of Port Colborne
- Burch, 9162
- City of Toronto
- Hunter, 2484
- Civics education
- McCrimmon, 9043
- Clancy, Sandra
- Smith, Dave, 3903
- Clapperton, Mitchell
- Skelly, 7777
- Clerk of the Assembly
- Armstrong, 4054
- Climate change
- Coates, Patty
- Gélinas, 6509
- Cohen, Atara
- Smith, L., 5397
- Cohon, George
- Smith, L., 6765
- Coldest Night of the Year
- College funding
- Bailey, 545
- Colour the Night Gold
- Kernaghan, 4159
- Community Care of St. Catherines and Thorold Great Holiday Food Drive
- Stevens, 10370
- Community cleanup
- Kanapathi, 8793
- Community family barbecue and corn roast in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 865
- Community Health and Wellbeing Week
- Gélinas, 5452
- Community Leader Awards and Thanksgiving Dinner
- Cuzzetto, 9844
- Community Living Chatham-Kent
- Jones, T., 2849–2850
- Community Living Day
- Leardi, 4160
- Community Living Guelph Wellington
- Schreiner, 10038
- Community organizations
- Collard, 7227
- Community safety
- Community service awards
- Oosterhoff, 8792
- Community services
- Community support services
- Community Table
- Ghamari, 8568
- Condominium residents
- Begum, 4436–4437
- Conflict in Middle East
- Congenital heart disease
- Ghamari, 2236
- Connect4Life
- Smith, David, 11100
- Connell, Craig
- Vanthof, 7546
- Construct skills training
- Gallagher Murphy, 2715
- Consumer protection
- Convergence Music and Art Festival
- French, 5515
- COPD Awareness Day
- Jordan, 1364–1365
- Copernicus, Nicolaus
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4564
- Coptic and Egyptian Canadian communities
- Sabawy, 1705
- Cornwall Curling Club
- Quinn, 9162
- Coronation of King Charles III
- Cost of living
- Covant, Benji
- Smith, L., 10429
- COVID-19 response
- Brady, 590
- Cricket clubs
- Begum, 787
- Crime prevention
- Critical minerals recycling
- Hsu, 4966
- Crohn's and Colitis Canada's Gutsy Walk
- McMahon, 4644–4645
- Crosby Heights Public School visit
- Wai, 8737
- Crown attorneys
- Dixon, 4965
- CTV Lions Children's Christmas Telethon
- West, 6908
- CTV Lions Children’s Christmas Telethon
- West, 10698
- Cultural celebrations
- Kanapathi, 2541
- Culturally responsive mental health services
- Sattler, 7914
- Cunningham, Patricia
- Fife, 4002
- Curriculum
- Pierre, 2116
- Cycling infrastructure
- Bell, 10108
- Cystic fibrosis
- Andrew, 2176
- Dahl, Mellaney
- West, 10643
- Dairy industry
- Quinn, 7825
- Dancing with the CCH Stars
- Quinn, 2714–2715
- Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace
- Blais, 437
- D-Day
- D-Day anniversary
- De Sario Family Festival of Lights
- Rakocevic, 1864
- Death of police constables
- Khanjin, 811–812
- Debate tournament
- Ke, 8352–8353
- Decoration Day
- Jones, T., 4470
- Dementia
- Rakocevic, 4253
- Dementia care
- Coe, 5212
- Dental care
- Deputy Chief Julie Craddock
- Bailey, 2660
- Desi Mandi
- Pierre, 9632
- Development in Essex
- Leardi, 5584
- Di Nino, Consiglio
- Karpoche, 7825–7826
- Diabetes
- Rakocevic, 6356
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Diagnostic services
- Diamond, Kirk
- McGregor, 7966
- Dickey, Pam
- Smith, Dave, 6990–6991
- Diwali
- Doctor shortage
- Dodd, Natalie
- Hardeman, 4990
- Domestic violence
- Douglas, Michelle
- Wong-Tam, 1145–1146
- Douglas, Tommy
- Gates, 2368–2369
- Downtown Chatham Centre project
- Jones, T., 1517
- Downtown Milton SummerFest
- Hamid, 9422
- Dragon Boat Team Canada
- Pang, 6988–6989
- Dress Purple Day
- Anand, 5515
- Drew, Bobbie
- McCarthy, 673
- Driver examination centres
- Grewal, 1955
- DuChene, Krista
- Bouma, 3134
- Dundas Manor
- Quinn, 6432–6433
- Durdin, Paul
- Skelly, 3189
- Durham businesses
- McCarthy, 4967
- Durham College
- Coe, 5769
- Durham Community Action Group
- Barnes, 4563
- Durham Youth Services
- Barnes, 5767
- Dutch Heritage Month
- Skelly, 4437
- Dutch liberation anniversary
- Hardeman, 9043
- EarthFest London
- Sattler, 8351–8352
- Easter
- Kusendova-Bashta, 3370
- École catholique Saint-Dominique-Savio
- Byers, 5517
- Edith Cavell Public School Fresh West Market
- Burch, 4159
- Education
- Education funding
- Education issues
- Ke, 8917–8918
- Electricity supply
- Harden, 865–866
- Elevate Plus
- Allsopp, 9841
- Elliott, Christine
- Coe, 4761
- Elmira Maple Syrup Festival
- Emancipation Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 22–23
- Emergency services
- Grewal, 7719
- Employment practices
- Karpoche, 4470
- Employment standards
- Energy contracts
- Tabuns, 3735
- Energy policies
- Engineers
- Ke, 2662
- Enverga, Rosemer
- Thanigasalam, 3608
- Environmental protection
- Erie Shores Healthcare mobile health clinic
- Leardi, 8978–8979
- Etobicoke Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade
- Hogarth, 11158
- Events and businesses in Leeds–Grenville–Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
- Clark, 10329–10330
- Events in Beaches–East York
- McMahon, 4160
- Events in Brampton
- Sandhu, 5696–5697
- Events in Brampton East
- Grewal, 484
- Events in Brampton West
- Sandhu, 5267
- Events in Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Events in Cambridge
- Riddell, 5143
- Events in Don Valley East
- Shamji, 630
- Events in Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Events in Flamborough–Glambrook
- Skelly, 5104
- Events in Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Skelly, 339–340
- Events in Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Sarrazin, 387
- Events in Haliburton–Kawartha Lakes–Brock
- Scott, 6989–6990
- Events in Hamilton Centre
- Jama, 3540
- Events in Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Events in Kiiwetinoong
- Mamakwa, 338
- Events in Kitchener South–Hespeler
- Events in Kitchener South–Hespeler and Kitchener-Waterloo
- Dixon, 3735
- Events in Kitchener-Conestoga
- Harris, 5102–5103
- Events in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Events in Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 9633
- Events in Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 5314
- Events in Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 5453
- Events in Markham–Unionville
- Events in Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Events in Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 7092
- Events in Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Events in Niagara Centre
- Burch, 3369
- Events in Oakville
- Crawford, 4964
- Events in Oakville North–Burlington
- Triantafilopoulos, 9470
- Events in Oshawa
- French, 544
- Events in Ottawa–Vanier
- Collard, 9577
- Events in Oxford
- Hardeman, 4469
- Events in Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke
- Yakabuski, 588
- Events in Richmond Hill
- Wai, 2958–2959
- Events in Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 9842–9843
- Explosion in Orléans
- Blais, 2793
- Extremism
- Wong-Tam, 6509
- Fairfield-Gutzeit House
- Bresee, 6169
- Fallon, Reese
- McMahon, 995
- Farm safety
- Hardeman, 9670
- Farmers
- Burch, 4988
- Federal Leader of the Opposition
- Harden, 3539
- Fenelon Falls and District Lions Club
- Scott, 10370
- Ferry service
- Fertility services
- Hogarth, 10108
- Festival of the Maples
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
- Harris, 1366
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Martin, 4912
- Film and television industry
- Anand, 8515
- Fire safety
- Flack, 1863
- Fire safety in northern and remote communities
- First Nations police services
- Bouma, 1772
- First responders
- First services in Weenusk First Nation
- Bourgouin, 7138
- Fiscal and economic policy
- Sandhu, 1606
- Fisher, Aaron
- Dixon, 1667
- Flaherty, Jim
- Coe, 8243
- Flamborough Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Business Achievement Awards
- Skelly, 3737–3738
- Flooding
- Flosman, Rob
- Skelly, 10601
- Flu and COVID-19 immunization
- Pang, 10262–10263
- Food banks
- Food drive
- Taylor, 7055–7056
- Food drives
- Foran, Pat
- Coe, 10299
- Fort Erie Lions Club affordable housing project
- Gates, 9668
- Fort William Historical Park
- Holland, 4852
- Foster, Deborah
- Khanjin, 927
- Freemasonry
- Bailey, 8979
- Galt Gaslight District
- Riddell, 4760
- Garba
- West, 9985
- Gasoline prices
- Gélinas, 8568
- Gender-based violence
- Ghost Walk for Charity
- Quinn, 5454
- Giannone, Frank
- Cuzzetto, 3065
- Gidigaa Migizi (Doug Williams)
- Smith, Dave, 387–388
- Gill, Allissya and Suhava
- Sandhu, 11051–11052
- The Gingerbread Man
- Ghamari, 1365–1366
- Girls Inc. of York Region
- Gallagher Murphy, 4643
- Girvan, John Pollands
- Wong-Tam, 3859
- Giving Spoon fundraiser
- Jones, T., 8179
- Giving Tuesday
- Jordan, 6869
- Glencoe greenhouse facility
- Pinsonneault, 10642–10643
- Global Community Alliance gala
- Blais, 7093
- GO Transit
- Gogama health services
- Gélinas, 589
- Good Neighbour Awards
- Pasma, 8792–8793
- Goodwill Amity Power of Work Awards Lunch
- Pierre, 5932–5933
- Gopher Dunes
- Brady, 9421
- Government accountability
- Government appointments
- Karpoche, 7654–7655
- Government investments
- Government policies
- Government spending
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Grand Rapids Cup
- Romano, 282
- Grand River Champion of Champions Powwow
- Bouma, 4913
- Grand River Malayalee Association
- Dixon, 8110
- Grape and wine industry
- Gates, 5986–5987
- The Great Pumpkin Trail
- Pierre, 5454
- Great Union Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1864–1865
- Greater Napanee
- Bresee, 9844
- Greater Napanee Pride committee
- Bresee, 2793
- Greater Windsor Concert Band
- Dowie, 1367
- Green, Evelyn
- Andrew, 671
- Greenbelt
- Gregory A. Hogan Catholic School
- Bailey, 1310–1311
- Grey Cup
- GRIT Engineering
- Rae, 5808
- Groarke, Leo
- Smith, Dave, 7351
- Groundhog Day in Wiarton
- Byers, 7194
- Grow for Change Urban Farm
- Pierre, 1144
- Guide dogs
- Smith, Dave, 733
- Guildwood Day
- Hazell, 8978
- Gujurati Seniors Samaj of Mississauga
- Anand, 80–81
- Gun violence
- Gurpurab
- Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj
- Anand, 2114–2115
- Gustafson, Jeff
- Holland, 3135
- Hagersville Lions Chase the Ace raffle
- Brady, 3793
- Halal financing
- Fife, 9631
- Haliburton County Development Corp.
- Scott, 6354–6355
- Haliburton Highlands Sports Hall of Fame
- Scott, 9539–9540
- Halloween message
- Halloween pumpkin party
- Taylor, 5767
- Halton Regional Police Service Cram-a-Cruiser food drive
- Pierre, 4380
- Hamilton 40 Under Forty Business Achievement Awards
- Skelly, 1067
- Hamilton Alliance for Tiny Shelters
- Shaw, 4852
- Hamlin, Arthur
- Ghamari, 9471–9472
- Handshakes and Pancakes breakfast event
- Clark, 7966
- Harassment of women in politics
- Hsu, 485
- Harvest Hands
- Flack, 1821–1822
- Hasan, Iqbal
- Begum, 3540
- Hassan, Jamshed
- Hsu, 8000
- Hate crimes
- Sabawy, 10263–10264
- Havelock Lions Club
- Smith, Dave, 4914
- Hayward, Bob
- Hardeman, 7226–7227
- Health Access Taylor-Massey
- McMahon, 2437–2438
- Health care
- Anand, 10037
- Armstrong, 588, 2792
- Babikian, 2792
- Bailey, 10430
- Begum, 337, 11051
- Burch, 7999
- Coe, 9790
- Cuzzetto, 7546–7547
- Fife, 82, 6601–6602
- Fraser, 4003
- French, 2368, 5049–5050
- Gates, 4563, 8694, 10642, 11100–11101
- Gélinas, 4053, 5102, 7880
- Glover, 2237
- Hsu, 3664
- Hunter, 1607
- Jordan, 2541
- Karpoche, 4965, 8242, 9042
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8000–8001
- Leardi, 5877
- Pasma, 6168, 7350–7351, 9304–9305, 10219–10220
- Sabawy, 8516
- Shamji, 339, 2021, 4471
- Tabuns, 3188, 6053–6054
- Wong-Tam, 1820
- Health care funding
- Health care post-secondary education
- Health care workers
- Health Outreach Mobile Engagement bus
- Kernaghan, 8792
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Gélinas, 6764
- Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day
- Cuzzetto, 2237
- Hearts 4 Joy
- Smith, Dave, 2484
- Heintzman House
- Smith, L., 1770–1771
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Hendrickson, Vernon
- Smith, L., 2438
- Hespeler Santa Claus Parade
- Dixon, 10987
- Highlands Cinemas
- Scott, 5648
- Highway improvement
- Highway maintenance
- Mantha, 215–216
- Highway safety
- Historic architecture in Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas
- Shaw, 4212–4213
- HMCS Oakville
- Crawford, 929
- Hockey
- Hockey championship
- Romano, 3607
- Hodgson, Chris
- Scott, 9735
- Hogs for Hospice
- Jones, T., 485
- Holiday events in Bay of Quinte
- Allsopp, 10820
- Holiday events in Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Skelly, 11054
- Holiday events in Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 11157
- Holiday events in Oakville North–Burlington
- Triantafilopoulos, 10817–10818
- Holiday message
- McCrimmon, 10765
- Holiday messages
- Holiday wishes
- French, 11156–11157
- Holland, Ruth Ann
- Holland, 671
- Holodomor
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church breakfast program
- Burch, 1703
- Holy Trinity Church
- Smith, L., 10644
- Holy Week
- Rakocevic, 7913
- Home care
- Gélinas, 7193
- Home Hardware
- Harris, 9043
- H.O.M.E. Program
- Armstrong, 9041–9042
- Homebound Wellness Centre
- Barnes, 1448
- Homelessness
- Homelessness and assisted housing
- Bailey, 3606
- Honourable Erin O'Toole
- McCarthy, 4323
- Horse racing industry
- Gates, 4054
- Hospice care
- Brady, 2717
- Hospice Face to Face campaign
- Dowie, 10039
- The Hospice of Windsor Essex County
- Dowie, 5699
- Hospice Renfrew
- Yakabuski, 3662
- Hospital funding
- Hospital parking fees
- Gates, 10218–10219
- Hospital services
- House of Commons resolution
- Harden, 7776–7777
- Housing
- Hungarian Heritage Month
- Hunt, Doug
- Bouma, 5583
- Hunter, Lois
- Clark, 8976
- Hunting and fishing
- Mamakwa, 810
- Hutchinson, Tatum
- Smith, Dave, 2958
- Huxley, Erin
- Bouma, 10371–10372
- Hydro rates
- Hsu, 3031
- Ibrahim, Sam
- Thanigasalam, 4563–4564
- illumi Mississauga
- Anand, 927
- Immigrants' skills
- Sabawy, 1705
- Impossible Metals
- Saunderson, 7964
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous artwork unveiling
- Jones, T., 7881
- Indigenous consultation
- Gélinas, 2957
- Indigenous health care
- Mamakwa, 4213
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- Mamakwa, 10764
- Indigenous rights
- Smith, Dave, 1203–1204
- Indigenous Veterans Day
- Mamakwa, 10299
- Infectious disease control
- Ke, 811
- Info-Tech CIO Awards
- Coe, 6264
- Injured workers
- Inn From the Cold
- Gallagher Murphy, 1365
- Innovation Arena
- Harris, 3663–3664
- Intellectual Property Ontario
- Coe, 5769
- International agri-food workers
- Jones, T., 3066–3067
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- Wong-Tam, 4381
- International day of la Francophonie
- Kusendova-Bashta, 2847
- International Mother Language Day
- International School of Cambridge
- Riddell, 7824–7825
- International trade
- Leardi, 5398
- International Volunteer Day
- Rakocevic, 6988
- International Women's Day
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Islamic Society of Ajax
- Barnes, 590–591
- Italian Heritage Month
- Rakocevic, 9363
- Izumi Aquaculture
- Bresee, 4212
- Jenkins, Ferguson
- Jones, T., 2369
- Jerseyville Baptist Church
- Skelly, 9110
- Jewish and Asian communities
- Smith, L., 9164
- Jewish community
- Martin, 5453–5454
- Jewish Heritage Month
- Martin, 4912
- Jewison, Norman
- McMahon, 7404–7405
- Job creation
- Joseph Brant Hospital
- Pierre, 10699
- Jule
- Smith, David, 5315
- Julien, Cordelia Clarke
- Coe, 7225
- Juno Beach Centre Association
- Pierre, 386
- Justice system
- Kadri, Nazem
- Kernaghan, 484
- Kagan, Dr. Jennifer
- Triantafilopoulos, 4699
- Kanata Santa Claus Parade
- McCrimmon, 6766
- Karle, Carolyn
- Holland, 3423–3424
- Kautz, Gerrie
- Ghamari, 589
- Kawartha Lakes Dairy Producers annual banquet
- Scott, 8637
- Kayla's Children Centre
- Smith, L., 867
- Kerr, Ruby
- Romano, 4253
- Kerrfest and Kerrfest Kids
- Crawford, 787
- Khalsa Aid
- Khosa, Jaswinder Singh
- Grewal, 10765
- Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive
- West, 5313
- Kingsley, Mélisa
- West, 994
- Kingston Pakistani community
- Hsu, 673
- Kinmount Fair
- Scott, 339
- Kinsmen Super TV Bingo
- Smith, Dave, 10108–10109
- Kiwanis school supply drive
- Anand, 10487–10488
- Knott, Missy
- Smith, Dave, 5398–5399
- Korah Collegiate and Vocational School Colts sports teams
- Romano, 10600
- Kraft Hockeyville 2023
- Kramp, Daryl
- Labour Day
- Shamji, 630
- Labour dispute
- Labour legislation
- Gates, 1255
- Labour shortage
- Begum, 1311
- Lacrosse championships
- Khanjin, 337–338
- Laing, Ian
- Gallagher Murphy, 7055
- Lakehead University Thunderwolves men's hockey team
- Holland, 3029
- Lambton College Lions women's basketball team
- Bailey, 7778
- Lambton College women's basketball team
- Bailey, 7545
- Lambton county medical officer of health
- Bailey, 3134
- Lambton Generating Station
- Bailey, 10874
- Land use planning
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Landsdowne Children's Centre
- Bouma, 10371–10372
- Langton Six Pack Tournament
- Brady, 8569
- Lapaine, Mike
- Bailey, 1771–1772
- L'Arche Sudbury
- West, 5338
- Larochelle, Jess Randall
- McCrimmon, 5878
- Lawlor Pharmasave
- McMahon, 6168–6169
- Le Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans
- Blais, 10220
- Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities
- Fife, 2369
- Learning disabilities
- West, 6510
- Lebanese Heritage Month
- Fraser, 6870
- Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit
- Clark, 6263
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario virtual tours
- Sarrazin, 7915
- Lego Windsor and Essex county politics
- Dowie, 3031
- Lei, Victor
- Vanthof, 3134
- Liberal leadership
- Hsu, 6909
- Library services
- Life sciences sector
- Sabawy, 10643
- Lindsay Lions Club
- Scott, 4642–4643
- Living Wage Week
- Gretzky, 1310
- Local business
- Bresee, 7057
- The Loft at the Algoma Conservatory
- Romano, 217
- Lois Fairley Nursing Award
- London Children's Museum
- Kernaghan, 5768
- Long-term care
- Long-term care in Killarney
- Mantha, 6603
- Loplops Gallery-Lounge
- Romano, 6989
- Love, Scarborough campaign
- Babikian, 2152
- Lunar new year
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- Smith, David, 6168
- Lupus Awareness Day
- Pang, 4561–4562
- Lyme disease
- Mantha, 4214
- Lynch, Jillian
- Quinn, 4001–4002
- Lynch, Myles
- Quinn, 4001–4002
- Lyons, John
- Smith, Dave, 8516–8517
- Maaveerar Naal
- Kanapathi, 10644
- MacDonald, Amber
- Jordan, 4436
- Mack Alumni Association
- Stevens, 9364
- MacKay, Dan
- MacLeod, 8917
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Macphail, Agnes
- Byers, 2153
- Maker, Norman
- Smith, Dave, 9470
- Manders, Lauren
- Rae, 10874–10875
- Manitoulin Secondary School robotics team
- Mantha, 4914
- Manotick Legion Youth Education awards
- Ghamari, 4159
- Maple syrup
- Scott, 2898
- March break
- Harris, 2716
- March of Dimes
- Stevens, 3663
- Marian Shrine of Gratitude
- Rakocevic, 5267
- Mariposa Dairy
- Scott, 3370
- Markdale hospital
- Byers, 5145
- Markham Jazzlicious WinterFest
- Pang, 8475
- Marshall, Joyce
- Coe, 7718
- Matthews, Eddie
- Rae, 8737
- Maverick's Donuts
- Barnes, 8977
- May is Museum Month
- Smith, Dave, 8793
- Mazhar, Fauzia
- Fife, 7775–7776
- McCallion, Hazel
- McCallum, Taylar
- Smith, Dave, 2958
- McKay, Jack
- Mamakwa, 9254
- McKennitt, Loreena
- Rae, 4160–4161
- McKeough, Darcy
- Jones, T., 1956
- McPhail, Duncan
- Flack, 3736
- McWilliam, Whitney
- Clark, 8353
- Medical Equipment Modernization Opportunity
- Holland, 1312
- Medical isotopes
- Byers, 8052
- MedsCheck Program
- Shaw, 7403–7404
- Melly's Workplace
- Coe, 10599–10600
- Member for Hamilton Centre
- Jama, 3305
- Member for Hamilton Mountain
- Taylor, 10875–10876
- Member for Kitchener South–Hespeler
- Dixon, 8420
- Member for Kitchener–South Hespeler
- Dixon, 7718
- Member for Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 437
- Member for Mississauga East–Cooksville
- Rasheed, 10876–10877
- Member for Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Sabawy, 2849
- Member for Ottawa Centre
- Harden, 11052–11053
- Member for Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 11159
- Member for Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 4965–4966
- Member's farewell
- MacLeod, 9986–9987
- Members' safety
- MacLeod, 7293
- Member's wedding anniversary
- Vanthof, 9420–9421
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health services
- Michael Garron Hospital
- Shamji, 6356–6357
- Michigan Wolverines football
- Jones, T., 6603–6604
- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
- Migrant workers
- Ministry grants
- Cuzzetto, 9364–9365
- Miracle on Main Street
- Hamid, 10543
- Missing persons
- Taylor, 2661
- Mississauga Board of Trade
- Anand, 10700
- Mississauga Hospital
- Cuzzetto, 1312
- Mitchell District High School senior boys basketball team
- Rae, 7480–7481
- Mobile identification clinic in Leeds and Grenville
- Clark, 7136
- Mobile mental health services
- Holland, 9364
- Model Parliament
- Ke, 6990
- Modeste, Kevin
- Vanthof, 2153
- Moote, Melinda
- Shaw, 3133
- More, Laird
- Rae, 10327
- Morin, Don
- Gélinas, 8695
- Morris-Miller, Rebecca
- Taylor, 1547
- Moskotaywenene, Jerry
- Mamakwa, 9254
- Mother's Day
- Mount Forest Chamber of Commerce awards
- Rae, 9918
- Movember Foundation
- Sarrazin, 10328
- Mukti Foundation
- Sandhu, 4380–4381
- Mulroney, Brian
- Municipal development
- Hsu, 5987
- Municipal development and infrastructure
- Stiles, 1548
- Municipal elections
- Municipal planning
- Municipal services
- Karpoche, 3030
- Municipalities
- Sandhu, 388
- Murphy, David
- Quinn, 1447
- Music awards
- Cuzzetto, 5050
- Muslim community
- Muslim Welfare Canada
- Thanigasalam, 2660
- Mustakas, Alex
- Rae, 628
- Napanee Beaver
- Bresee, 8178–8179
- National Association of Women and the Law
- Triantafilopoulos, 7480
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Jama, 5144
- National Day of Mourning
- West, 3792
- National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada
- Babikian, 629–630
- National Indigenous History Month
- Mamakwa, 4760
- National Physicians' Day
- Anand, 4002–4003
- National Volunteer Week
- Taylor, 8419–8420
- Native Horizons Treatment Centre
- Bouma, 8419
- Natural gas rates
- Neary, Mary Ann
- McMahon, 9632–9633
- Nembhard, Nicholas
- Clancy, 7294–7295
- Nepean Housing Corp.
- Pasma, 10818
- New Democratic Party
- Karpoche, 10764
- New Haven Learning Centre
- Hogarth, 10486–10487
- Newmarket Lions Club Effective Speaking Contest
- Gallagher Murphy, 7598
- Next Generation 9-1-1 Program
- Sabawy, 7479
- Niagara Folk Arts Festival
- Stevens, 8916
- Niagara Week
- Oosterhoff, 4471
- Non-Profit Appreciation Week
- Wai, 7404
- Non-profit organizations
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week
- Gallagher Murphy, 7137
- Norbec manufacturing plant
- Pinsonneault, 9792
- North York General Hospital Seniors' Health Centre
- Ke, 217–218
- Northern Bands Hockey Tournament
- Northern cost of living
- Mamakwa, 7293
- Northern economy
- Holland, 7093
- Northern health services
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Northern Ontario development
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- West, 2175
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine University
- Holland, 8791–8792
- Northway Wellness Centre
- Romano, 5211
- Norwich Fire Fighters Association pancake breakfast
- Hardeman, 8111–8112
- Not Your Average Daycare
- Hunter, 3066
- Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services
- Bouma, 6602
- Nowruz
- Nurse practitioners
- Gélinas, 1256
- Nurses
- Oak Bridge Academy
- Riddell, 7481
- Oakville Awards for Business Excellence
- Crawford, 4213
- Oakville Culture Days
- Crawford, 5313
- O'Brien, Rick
- Jones, T., 5051
- Off-road vehicles
- Clark, 10875
- Ogimaa Shining Turtle
- Mantha, 1447
- Ojibway National Urban Park
- O'Malley, Gerard
- Yakabuski, 7826
- One Million Meals Peterborough
- Smith, Dave, 8241–8242
- Ontario Agriculture Week
- Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists
- Barnes, 10698
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Closed Circuit Television Grant
- Coe, 4988
- Ontario economy
- Rae, 5399
- Ontario Engineering Project Awards
- Dowie, 4965
- Ontario farmers
- Ontario film industry
- Anand, 5985
- Ontario Legislature Internship Programme
- Anand, 7193
- Ontario Place
- Ontario Regiment
- McCarthy, 546–547
- Ontario Staycation Tax Credit
- Scott, 2022
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants
- Ontario Trillium Foundation grants for Durham region
- Coe, 7194
- Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund
- Cuzzetto, 4851
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- Leardi, 6685–6686
- Ontario-Quebec Parliamentary Association
- Gallagher Murphy, 9363–9364
- Operation Jubilee
- Wai, 1448
- Operation Red Nose
- Allsopp, 10486
- Operation White Heart installation
- Barnes, 9843
- Optimism Place
- Rae, 866
- Optometry services
- Bouma, 5315
- Order of Ontario
- Organ and tissue donation
- Organ donation
- Clark, 8110
- Orléans football clubs
- Blais, 1548
- Orthodox Christian Week
- Pierre, 9208
- Osei, George
- Jones, T., 9303–9304
- Ottawa Carleton plowing match
- Ghamari, 731
- Ottawa Food Bank
- Collard, 8242
- Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala
- Collard, 4761
- Overholt, Brooke
- Rae, 5103
- Owen Sound Sports Hall of Fame
- Byers, 9042
- Oxford family skates
- Hardeman, 2849
- Oxi Day
- Babikian, 1449
- Palfreyman, Eli
- Dixon, 787–788
- Palliative care
- Dixon, 3245
- Palma Pasta
- Kusendova-Bashta, 7138
- Papaconstantinou, Marissa
- Smith, David, 2020
- Paramedic services
- Pare, Hannah
- Dowie, 9207
- Parent, Gary
- Gretzky, 8858
- Passover
- Passover and Easter
- Martin, 3423
- Pathways to Education
- Martin, 867
- Paton, Brian
- Hardeman, 6907–6908
- Pay equity
- Kernaghan, 7349–7350
- Pearson LIFT
- Anand, 9419
- Pelee Island
- Jones, T., 995
- Perley Health
- Fraser, 5808–5809
- Persian community
- Crawford, 7879
- Persons with disabilities
- Anand, 6510
- Perth–Wellington athletes
- Rae, 10940
- Peterborough Lakers lacrosse team
- Smith, Dave, 1607
- Peterborough Regional Science Fair
- Smith, Dave, 3735–3736
- Peterborough–Kawartha maple syrup
- Smith, Dave, 4381–4382
- Pharmacists
- Leardi, 8638
- Pierzchala, Grzegorz "Greg"
- Khanjin, 2177
- Plasma collection
- Sandhu, 2154
- Police
- Police officers
- Police service dogs
- Smith, Dave, 5268
- Police services
- Polish delegation
- Kusendova-Bashta, 2897
- Polish Heritage Month
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9421–9422
- Polish Independence Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1203
- Political discourse
- Harden, 10262
- Pollard Windows and Doors
- Pierre, 7350
- Porchlight Counselling and Addiction Services
- Portuguese Canadian community
- Glover, 4122
- Post-secondary education
- Stiles, 589–590
- Post-secondary education and skills training
- Poverty
- Poverty and homelessness
- Pasma, 1448
- Prasher, Lajpat Rai
- Sandhu, 10036
- Pride Month
- French, 9632
- Privatization of public services
- Gates, 150
- ProAction Cops and Kids
- Dixon, 9541
- Professional and cultural events
- Dixon, 6266
- Professional engineers
- Pierre, 6432
- Professional Engineers Day
- Dowie, 2482
- Professor's Lake Earth Day barbecue and litter pick-up
- McGregor, 4004
- Project Arrow
- Coe, 2238
- Project Hope
- Dixon, 2539
- Proposed hospital merger
- Fife, 9918
- Prostate cancer
- Brady, 5104
- Prostrate cancer
- Barnes, 5145–5146
- Protests in Iran
- Ghamari, 867–868
- Protests in Toronto
- Martin, 7139
- Provincial Day of Action on Litter
- Yakabuski, 4124
- Public protest
- Harden, 10543
- Public safety
- French, 10166
- Grewal, 4255
- Kanapathi, 9734–9735
- Leardi, 9670
- McGregor, 4159–4160
- Riddell, 10987
- Sabawy, 10939–10940
- Shamji, 3425
- Skelly, 6990
- Wai, 11101–11102
- Public skating events
- Riddell, 10763
- Public transit
- Punjabi Arts Association of Toronto
- Grewal, 7719
- Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal
- Bowman, 2661–2662
- Quinte Business Achievement Awards
- Allsopp, 10109–10110
- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
- Smith, L., 3133
- Racicot, Bishop Garfield
- Holland, 7547
- Radon Action Month
- Kusendova-Bashta, 6601
- Rahman, Sharif
- Byers, 6509–6510
- Rainboth, Bob
- Blais, 11053
- Rajasthan Association of North America
- Anand, 3246
- Ramadan
- Ramadan and Eid-Ul-Fitr
- Rapid Dose Therapeutics Inc.
- Triantafilopoulos, 6055
- Rare diseases
- Saunderson, 2595
- Rebuild Fitness and Physiotherapy
- Riddell, 1704
- Reconnect Ontario program
- The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre
- Coe, 5583
- Refugee services
- Barnes, 6510
- Religious holidays
- Remembrance Day
- Bresee, 10038
- Crawford, 5987
- Dixon, 10219
- Hamid, 10166
- Hardeman, 10166–10167
- Karpoche, 10108
- Kusendova-Bashta, 5878
- Martin, 10431
- McGregor, 995–996
- Oosterhoff, 1255
- Pinsonneault, 10263
- Quinn, 5933
- Rae, 5987–5988
- Riddell, 6168, 10327–10328
- Sarrazin, 6053
- Saunderson, 10329
- Scott, 1067
- Smith, David, 10264
- Taylor, 10166
- Triantafilopoulos, 10371
- Yakabuski, 10429
- Renfrew county
- Yakabuski, 1205
- Renfrew County Virtual Triage and Assessment Centre
- Yakabuski, 3187
- Replacement workers
- Research and innovation
- Coe, 993
- Resignation of member for Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Bailey, 5340
- Resilient Communities Fund
- Coe, 83
- Rexall pharmacist care clinic
- Barnes, 10298
- Richmond Lions Club
- Ghamari, 8472–8473
- Riding of Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Riding of Cambridge
- Riddell, 282
- Riding of Carleton
- Ghamari, 23–24
- Riding of Don Valley East
- Shamji, 3737
- Riding of Don Valley West
- Bowman, 10263
- Riding of Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 25
- Riding of Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Riding of Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Bresee, 82
- Riding of Kanata–Carleton
- Riding of Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 24
- Riding of Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 4966–4967, 9631–9632, 11158–11159
- Riding of Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 5211
- Riding of Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Sabawy, 9984
- Riding of Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 216
- Riding of Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 81
- Riding of Oshawa
- French, 216
- Riding of Scarborough Centre
- Smith, David, 9163
- Riding of Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 81
- Riding of Scarborough–Guildwood
- Riding of Simcoe–Grey
- Riding of Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Riding of Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 22–23
- Riding of Windsor West
- Gretzky, 484, 10261–10262, 10939
- Right to Heal RedPath Programs
- Smith, Dave, 9842
- Road safety
- Robertson, Margaret
- Skelly, 5582
- Robinson, Jaye
- Bowman, 9365
- Rootree
- Triantafilopoulos, 6055
- Rosy Rhubarb Festival
- Flack, 4966
- Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie Santa Clause Parade
- Romano, 1704–1705
- Roy, Lynn
- Ghamari, 6907
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
- Royal Canadian Legion
- Saunderson, 1257
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 25
- Romano, 10221
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 258
- Thanigasalam, 1310
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch 586
- Byers, 10372
- Royal Canadian Legion poppy campaign
- West, 5877
- Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
- Shaw, 4852
- Runciman, Robert W.
- Yakabuski, 5698
- Ruparell, Deepak
- Anand, 672
- Russell, Tom
- Clark, 6766
- SafePoint
- Gretzky, 5452–5453
- Salvation Army
- Smith, David, 4002
- Santa Claus parades in Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Byers, 10819
- Santa Claus parades in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 1820–1821
- Santa Claus parades in Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 10938
- Santa Claus parades in Oxford
- Hardeman, 10985–10986
- Santa Claus parades in Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke
- Sardelis, Voula
- Harden, 8110–8111
- Sarnia Lambton Chamber of Commerce
- Bailey, 5049
- Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
- Bailey, 10038–10039
- The Sashbear Foundation
- Barnes, 9420
- Saugeen Valley Children's Safety Village
- Byers, 3497
- Sault College Cougars women's hockey team
- Sault Ste. Marie Rotary Santa Claus Parade
- Romano, 6511
- Sault Youth Soccer Club
- Romano, 4759
- Saxton, Gerry
- Stevens, 2115
- Scala, Jayne
- Skelly, 2438
- Scarborough Health Network
- Smith, David, 5768–5769
- Scarborough Shooting Stars
- Thanigasalam, 544–545
- Scarborough Somaliland Community Association
- Smith, David, 2791
- Scarborough subway extension
- Scarborough Walk of Fame
- Smith, David, 8313
- Scarehouse Windsor
- Dowie, 5397
- School bus safety
- Harris, 590
- School facilities
- School field trip
- Martin, 9791
- School safety
- Hunter, 1772–1773
- School transportation
- Ghamari, 4989
- Vaugeois, 10429–10430
- Schulich Builders scholarships
- Coe, 3031
- Scooty Mobility Inc.
- McGregor, 5646–5647
- SE Health
- Rae, 1256
- Seasons Centre for Grieving Children
- Khanjin, 4644
- Senior citizens' housing
- Sarrazin, 6764–6765
- Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week
- Pang, 9304
- Seniors
- Seniors Community Grant Program
- Hogarth, 1516
- Seniors' housing
- Seniors Month
- Gallagher Murphy, 11157
- Seniors' services
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Vaugeois, 5314
- Seth, Dr. Asha
- Anand, 10298
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Fife, 9162–9163
- Shanmuganathan, Varathaledchumy
- Thanigasalam, 1549
- Shaw Festival
- Gates, 1772
- Shelter services
- Shelton, Ella
- Hardeman, 4990
- Shifa Gala 2023
- Crawford, 6055
- Shirt, Pauline
- Shop in Durham Week
- Coe, 6766
- Shoreman, Mike
- Shouldice Stone
- Byers, 9733
- Show Your 4-H Colours Day
- Scott, 1145
- Sikh community
- McGregor, 9305
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Simcoe Christmas Panorama River of Lights
- Brady, 1821
- Simcoe–Grey athletes
- Saunderson, 3305
- Simcoe–Grey businesses
- Saunderson, 3791–3792
- Singleton, Gord
- Gates, 8240–8241
- Sioux Lookout Bombers
- Mamakwa, 8791
- Six Nations Chiefs lacrosse team
- Bouma, 5049
- Six Nations remembrance ceremony
- Bouma, 810
- Skilled trades
- Skills development
- Ke, 2177
- Skills Ontario Competition
- Rae, 4471
- Skills training
- Slovakia Constitution Day
- Kusendova-Bashta, 629
- Small business
- Small Business Week
- Small businesses
- Smith, Aralyn
- Hardeman, 4990
- Smith, Corbyn
- Rae, 9255
- Smith, Don
- Harden, 4123
- Smith, Melania
- Smith, David, 4437–4438
- Snowflake Breakfast
- Collard, 2114
- Social assistance
- Social services funding
- Brady, 11158
- Social services in Niagara region
- Burch, 2848
- Social workers
- Anand, 7653–7654
- Solcz, Michael G.
- Dowie, 11052
- Sopha, Dave
- Riddell, 8242–8243
- South Coast Special Needs Kids Inc. sledge hockey match
- Brady, 7777
- Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre
- Riddell, 6869–6870
- Special care nursery
- Skelly, 10370–10371
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics Canada Winter Games
- West, 8473
- Special Olympics Ontario
- Dixon, 9303
- Sport and cultural events
- Grewal, 149
- Sports and recreation funding
- Sports and recreation infrastructure funding
- Jordan, 7402–7403
- Sports facilities
- Anand, 5143–5144
- Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple of Toronto
- Babikian, 4698
- St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic church
- Skelly, 5878–5879
- St. Clair Saints football team
- Dowie, 10430
- St. Marys Cement
- McCarthy, 2897
- Staats, Logan
- Bouma, 3539–3540
- Stewart, David
- Rae, 4645
- Street Haven
- Bell, 149–150
- Student achievement
- Bresee, 9919–9920
- Student assistance
- Sattler, 387
- Student fundraising
- Clark, 9365
- Student housing
- McGregor, 8859–8860
- Student issues
- Clancy, 9472
- Student nutrition programs
- Clancy, 10329
- Students
- Pang, 2898
- Sudbury community services
- West, 7718
- Suicide prevention
- Pierre, 732
- Summer safety
- Bourgouin, 4470
- Sunderland ringette
- Scott, 9109
- Sunrise Montessori School
- Kanapathi, 9253
- Suomi Koti
- Vaugeois, 629
- Supportive housing
- Sword, Jean Elizabeth
- Wong-Tam, 3859
- Taillefer, Fern
- Khanjin, 1547
- Tamil genocide
- Taste of the Kingsway
- Hogarth, 485
- Taxation
- Taylor, Al
- Pierre, 6870–6871
- Temporary nursing agencies
- Shamji, 2298
- Tenant protection
- Thalassemia
- Cuzzetto, 8916
- Thanksgiving
- Pang, 9791–9792
- Thornhill Presbyterian Church
- Smith, L., 9577
- Thornhill Seniors Club
- Kanapathi, 3860
- Thunder Bay fire service
- Holland, 5807
- Thunder Bay Polar Bear Plunge
- Holland, 8473–8474
- Thunder Bay Youth Wellness Hub
- Holland, 7056–7057
- Tibet
- Karpoche, 7294
- Tiny home youth build program
- Pierre, 2482–2483
- Tom Thomson Art Gallery
- Byers, 8567–8568
- Toniata Public School
- Clark, 9578
- Toronto International BuskerFest for Epilepsy
- McMahon, 5339
- Tourangeau, Steven
- Tourism
- Town of Tillsonburg
- Hardeman, 150
- Town of Wheatley
- Jones, T., 151
- Townsend, Clarissa
- Bresee, 10220
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon
- Township of Norwich Chamber of Commerce annual awards
- Tragedy in Ottawa
- MacLeod, 7827
- Trainer, Marie
- Brady, 10299–10300
- Transgender Day of Visibility
- Wong-Tam, 3133–3134
- Transportation infrastructure
- Trehub, Sandra
- Wong-Tam, 2436
- Trillium Health Partners Foundation
- Cuzzetto, 2661
- triOS College
- Tangri, 437–438
- Troublemaker Radio podcast
- Harden, 3029
- Trucking industry
- Vanthof, 10429
- TVO funding
- Tabuns, 4912–4913
- Tweddle, Thomas Allen (Al)
- Blais, 4437
- Twinning of Vaughan and Baguio
- Smith, L., 2021–2022
- U13A Cornwall Typhoons girls' hockey team
- Quinn, 3030
- UBC Millwright Union Local 1916
- Skelly, 7295
- Ukrainian Independence Day
- Ukrainian Remembrance Day ceremony
- Sabawy, 10263–10264
- United Steelworkers
- West, 1448–1449
- United Way Waterloo Region Communities Spirit Awards
- Riddell, 8860
- University and college funding
- Upper Canada Child Care
- Kanapathi, 5932
- Ussher, Jacqueline
- Rae, 6684
- Vaisakhi
- McGregor, 4254–4255
- Vandalism of Jewish High Holy Days banners
- Martin, 5212
- Vaughan International Film Festival
- Smith, L., 4852
- Veterans
- Veterinarians
- Holland, 3859
- Victim services
- Quinn, 5104
- Victim Services of Durham Region
- French, 10600
- Victim Support Grant Program
- Triantafilopoulos, 5517
- Victims of violence in Sault Ste. Marie
- Romano, 5809
- Victor Lauriston Public School
- Jones, T., 8858
- Village Media
- Romano, 2716
- Vimy Ridge Day
- Crawford, 3498
- Vincent, Katie
- Cuzzetto, 6684–6685
- Violence against Indigenous women and children
- Mamakwa, 2021
- Violence against women
- Violence in schools
- Blais, 5932
- Vision Health Month
- Visit to West Flanders
- Vanthof, 9985–9986
- Volt hockey
- Smith, Dave, 7599–7600
- Volunteer Peterborough
- Smith, Dave, 6054
- Volunteer service awards
- Volunteers
- Volunteers in London West
- Sattler, 6989
- Wagner, Doug
- Hardeman, 2368
- Wake, Colleen
- Armstrong, 9577
- Ward's Island Association clubhouse
- Glover, 7826
- Waterdown Farmers' Market
- Skelly, 4563
- Wawatay Native Communications Society
- Mamakwa, 2483
- Wearing of kaffiyehs
- Well Grounded Real Estate
- Smith, David, 6870
- Welland Canal
- Burch, 10599
- Welland Food Drive
- Wellesley Applejacks hockey team
- Harris, 4644
- Wellington Dukes
- Bresee, 2298
- Wellington Heights Secondary School senior girls volleyball team
- Rae, 2593–2594
- Westcott, Jan
- Harris, 7055
- Wheatley Arboretum and Learning Trail
- Jones, T., 8567
- Whitby Health Centre
- Coe, 10219
- Whitby Warriors
- Coe, 789
- WhiteWater O'Brien Winery
- Yakabuski, 5266
- Who Are the Jews? exhibit
- Martin, 2238
- Why Not City Missions
- Bouma, 5878
- Wiarton cenotaph
- Byers, 9471
- Wildlife protection
- Harden, 8419
- WindReach Farm
- Coe, 1954
- Windsor Goodfellows
- Dowie, 6603
- Windsor International Film Festival
- Windsor Veterans Memorial Services Committee
- Dowie, 6167
- Winter highway safety
- Vanthof, 10938
- Winter road safety
- Bresee, 5931
- Winterdance Dogsled Tours
- Scott, 7351–7352
- Women as Career Coaches event
- Women in politics
- Fife, 5453
- Women's Centre of York Region
- Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region
- Dixon, 435
- Women's employment
- Women's Enterprise Skills Training of Windsor
- Leardi, 6509
- Women's health and safety
- Stevens, 2594
- Women's health services
- Stevens, 3424
- Women's Health Week
- Rae, 8793
- Women's issues
- Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham Region
- Coe, 4255
- Women's services
- Vaugeois, 2715
- Women's world hockey championship
- McGregor, 3064
- Wong, Ethan
- Barnes, 7653
- Wong, Julianna
- Barnes, 7653
- WoodGreen Community Services
- Smith, David, 1147
- Woodman Park Community Centre and Pool
- Bouma, 9541
- Work Crokinole Championship
- Hardeman, 9472
- Workers' compensation
- Vaugeois, 4697–4698
- Workplace safety
- Burch, 5338–5339
- World AIDS Day
- Gélinas, 1863
- World Asthma Day
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Friendship Year
- Anand, 5209–5210
- World Jazz Festival
- McGregor, 733–734
- World Junior Hockey Championship
- Jordan, 10765
- World Philosophy Day
- Martin, 1605
- World Water Day
- Martin, 2956
- World Wheelchair Curling Championship
- Scott, 7776
- The Wright Clinic
- Armstrong, 1066
- Wyndham House
- Schreiner, 4055
- Yeomans, Connor
- Ghamari, 6264
- Yom Ha'atzmaut
- Martin, 3901
- Yom ha-Shoah
- Yom Hazikaron and Israeli Independence Day
- Martin, 8978
- Yonge North subway extension
- Kanapathi, 7056
- York Region Mental Health Community Care Hub
- Gallagher Murphy, 10107
- York Regional Police Appreciation Night
- Wai, 4382
- Yosef Mokir Shabbos
- Smith, L., 544
- Youth employment
- Bowman, 3860–3861
- Youth involvement in politics
- Hamid, 10985
- Hsu, 10544–10545
- Youth services
- Sattler, 4254
- YWCA Cambridge
- Riddell, 5768
- YWCA Week Without Violence
- Stevens, 9917
- ZAC Vanier BIA
- Collard, 5769
- 4-H clubs
- activities and initiatives
- Harden, 3029
- expense allowances. see specific party
- activities and initiatives
Members'/ministers' appreciation
Members'/ministers' condolences
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest)
- Clark, 9845
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest)
Members'/ministers' conduct
- Collard, Lucille (Ottawa-Vanier)
- conflict of interest
- gifts, conflict of interest
- Stiles, 3542–3543
- gifts, standards for accepting
- Hillier, Randy (Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston)
- investigations
- Jama, Sarah (Hamilton Centre)
- reporting of
- travel, conflict of interest. see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario — investigations — Las Vegas trip
Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Ajax
- Barnes, 17–18
- Beaches–East York
- McMahon, 647
- Brampton East
- Grewal, 510
- Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound
- Cambridge
- Carleton
- Ghamari, 24
- Durham
- McCarthy, 13–15
- Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 25
- Essex
- Leardi, 1804–1805
- Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Hogarth, 3539
- Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Sarrazin, 387
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Brady, 652
- Hamilton Centre
- Hamilton East–Stoney Creek
- Lumsden, 654
- Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Bresee, 82
- Kitchener Centre
- Clancy, 7214
- Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 24
- Lambton–Kent–Middlesex
- Pinsonneault, 9274–9275
- Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Jordan, 645–646
- Markham–Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 437
- Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 339
- Milton
- Hamid, 9276
- Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 216
- Newmarket–Aurora
- Gallagher Murphy, 53–54
- Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 281
- Oshawa
- French, 216
- Parry Sound-Muskoka
- Smith, G., 10881
- Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Perth–Wellington
- Rae, 657
- Scarborough Centre
- Smith, David, 649–650
- Scarborough–Agincourt
- Babikian, 81
- Scarborough–Guildwood
- Hazell, 5040–5042
- Simcoe–Grey
- Thornhill
- Smith, L., 519–521
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Holland, 671
- Thunder Bay—Superior North
- Vaugeois, 234
- Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 22
- Windsor West
- Gretzky, 484
- Ajax
Members'/ministers' correction of record
- Anand, 2352, 3168
- Begum, 10500
- Bowman, 10660
- Calandra, 8325
- Cho, S., 9844
- Collard, 10952
- Fife, 2128
- Fraser, 2168, 7492, 9593
- Gates, 6277
- Gélinas, 355, 2075, 9180, 10120
- Hogarth, 8053
- Hunter, 1461
- Karpoche, 1683–1684
- Kernaghan, 2327
- Leardi, 10003
- MacLeod, 2625
- Mantha, 9379
- McMahon, 9803
- Parsa, 3147, 8749
- Sattler, 4942
- Shamji, 6444
- Smith, L., 4379
- Smith, T., 8708
- Stiles, 9056
- West, 1221, 8976
- Wong-Tam, 1300, 6546, 10325
- Yakabuski, 8708
Members'/ministers' farewell speeches
- Harden, 11052–11053
- Hunter, 4177–4178
- MacLeod, 9986–9987
- Rasheed, 10876–19877
- Romano, 11159
- Taylor, 10875–10876
Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches
- Barnes, 16–19
- Bowman, 465–467
- Brady, 651–653
- Bresee, 277–280
- Byers, 428–430
- Clancy, 7212–7215
- Dixon, 527–530
- Flack, 476–479
- Gallagher Murphy, 53–55
- Grewal, 508–511
- Hazell, 5040–5042
- Hsu, 246–248
- Jama, 3490–3492
- Jones, T., 313–316
- Jordan, 645–647
- Kerzner, 323–325
- Leardi, 64–66
- Lumsden, 653–657
- McCarthy, 11–16
- McGregor, 304–307
- McMahon, 647–649
- Pasma, 57–59
- Pierre, 317–319
- Pirie, 301–304
- Quinn, 310–313
- Rae, 657–660
- Riddell, 309–310
- Saunderson, 296–298
- Shamji, 472–475
- Smith, David, 649–651
- Smith, G., 536–539, 644–645
- Smith, L., 518–520
- Vaugeois, 233–236
- Williams, 321–323
- Wong-Tam, 143–146
Members/ministers named
- Andrew, Jill (Toronto-St. Paul's), 10557
- Andrew, Jill (Toronto–St. Paul's), 1151
- Andrews, Jill (Toronto–St. Paul's), 8921
- Bell, Jessica (University—Rosedale), 1157
- Bourgouin, Guy (Mushkegowuk–James Bay), 1155
- Burch, Jeff (Niagara Centre), 1153
- Calandra, Paul (Markham—Stouffville), 10557
- Fife, Catherine (Waterloo), 1152
- Gates, Wayne (Niagara Falls), 1152
- Glover, Chris (Spadina–Fort York), 1157
- Gretzky, Lisa (Windsor West), 1152
- Harden, Joel (Ottawa Centre), 1152
- Jama, Sarah (Hamilton Centre), 8738, 8798, 9047
- Karpoche, Bhutila (Parkdale–High Park), 1152
- Kernaghan, Terence (London North Centre), 1154
- Stevens, Jennifer (St. Catharines), 1155
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport), 1151
- Tabuns, Peter (Toronto–Danforth), 1151
- Taylor, Monique (Hamilton Mountain), 8507
- Vaugeois, Lise (Thunder Bay—Superior North), 1152
- West, Jamie (Sudbury), 1151
Members'/ministers' personal narratives
- Allsopp, 9870–9872
- Anand, 3164
- Armstrong, 3962–3963
- Gélinas, 3890
- Hamid, 9276
- Hogarth, 4187–4188
- Kerzner, 4210
- Kusendova-Bashta, 364–365, 11130
- Leardi, 3002–3004
- MacLeod, 2617–2618
- Mamakwa, 4191–4192
- McCarthy, 131–132
- McGregor, 2624
- Oosterhoff, 1891
- Quinn, 3494–3495
- Romano, 11159
- Skelly, 299–301
- Vanthof, 4874–4875
- West, 1245
Members'/ministers' privileges
- kaffiyeh, wearing of
- poppies, wearing of
- Calandra, 9579
- wearing of paraphernalia
Members'/ministers' public apologies
Members/ministers quoting
- committee presentations
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- McCarthy, 10576
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194)
- Mayor of Hamilton
- unhoused persons
- Taylor, 10361
- unhoused persons
- news media
- other members
- government advertising, partisan
- time allocation
- Vanthof, 10238–10242
- committee presentations
Members'/ministers' quoting
- poetry
- Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen)
- Dixon, 10219
- Dulce et Decorum Est (Owen)
- poetry
Members'/ministers' record
Members'/ministers' remarks
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport)
- as NDP party leader
- Tabuns, 2024
- as NDP party leader
- withdrawn
- Andrew, 2071, 2348, 3092, 5000, 5705, 6916, 7691, 8866, 10037, 10491
- Bell, 3812, 11065
- Bethlenfalvy, 2543
- Bowman, 6996
- Burch, 1520, 3130, 5265, 7301
- Calandra, 341, 458, 2128, 4648, 6183
- Clark, 1519, 2124, 3501, 3666, 3796
- Dixon, 1675
- Downey, 7234, 7356, 10437, 10654
- Fife, 5055, 10043, 10114
- Ford, D., 936
- Fraser, 1871, 6611, 10828
- Gates, 2534, 7203, 8835, 9656, 10131
- Gélinas, 8701
- Glover, 1375, 2591, 2857, 8485, 10151
- Harden, 2903, 3905, 10944
- Hogarth, 2072
- Hsu, 5323, 5324
- Jones, S., 1322, 1669, 3069, 3141, 9545, 9591
- Kernaghan, 2128, 6837
- Khanjin, 5774
- Lecce, 7360, 10375
- Mamakwa, 2795, 3716
- McCrimmon, 6177
- McGregor, 3084
- McMahon, 6916
- Oosterhoff, 3089
- Piccini, 682, 8388, 8578, 10136, 11108
- Sattler, 1011
- Schreiner, 5154
- Shaw, 4305, 5901, 5902, 7008
- Smith, Dave, 140
- Stevens, 5630, 11168
- Stiles, 1663, 4200, 5456, 5457, 5701, 6606, 7299, 7917, 9368, 9544, 9582, 10306, 10823
- Tabuns, 1775, 6048
- Tangri, 4478
- Taylor, 5936
- Vaugeois, 1657, 9876
- West, 9867
- Wong-Tam, 752, 1061, 10154
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport)
Members'/ministers' resignations
Members'/ministers' safety
Members'/ministers' salaries
Members'/ministers' staff
- communications. see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario - investigations — greenbelt land removal
- Premier's office
Menstrual Health Day Act, 2022 (Bill 30)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1223
- first reading
Mental health and addictions
- community outreach
- West, 545
- cost of
- Crawford, 4363
- COVID-19, impact of
- Kernaghan, 2625
- economic impact
- Fife, 2616
- education and awareness
- factors affecting
- poverty
- statements by stakeholders
- Kernaghan, 4377
- statements by stakeholders
- poverty
- fatalities
- government response
- French, 4280
- government response
- gambling, science of
- Glover, 9661–9662
- general remarks
- government strategy
- maternal
- men
- Quinn, 9575–9576
- municipal-provincial consultations
- Wong-Tam, 2158
- northern Ontario
- West, 545
- prevalence
- prevention
- by region
- social determinants of
- Vaugeois, 2626
- stigma
- West, 9942
- community outreach
Mental health and addictions - children and youth
Mental health and addictions - housing
Mental health and addictions services
- access
- access to
- affordability
- beds
- wait-time
- Wong-Tam, 6919
- wait-time
- community organizations
- community programs
- community programs, closures
- community programs, peer support
- community-based supports, by site
- York Region Mental Health Community Care Hub
- Gallagher Murphy, 10107
- York Region Mental Health Community Care Hub
- culturally-appropriate
- Black community
- Karpoche, 7487
- Black community
- culturally-appropriate care
- economic impact
- Schreiner, 2615
- first responders
- Coe, 10488
- government funding
- government strategy
- HART hubs
- Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hub
- intergovernmental health system
- data collection and sharing
- Tibollo, 1872
- data collection and sharing
- mobile crisis intervention units
- operational funding
- increase
- Stiles, 2599
- increase
- peer support workers
- pre-budget consultations
- as preventative measures
- Dixon, 530
- by region
- regional programs
- Tibollo, 2606
- support programs
- treatment, involuntary
- Ke, 9853–9854
- treatment models
- universal coverage
- wait-list
- wait-time
- youth to adult system, transition
- impact of
- Fife, 2158
- impact of
Mental health and addictions services - by region
Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- access
- Kernaghan, 7306
- access, by region
- Windsor
- Gretzky, 7363–7364
- Windsor
- access to
- availability of
- community programs
- government funding
- government strategy
- providers
- in schools. see Education — mental health services
- service referrals
- wait-list
- Karpoche, 2161
- Pasma, 2161
- Schreiner, 10156–10157
- wait-list
- support programs
- infants and early childhood
- Martin, 2223–2224
- infants and early childhood
- treatment programs
- Tibollo, 2494
- treatment programs, wait-list
- wait-list
- wait-time
- wellness hubs, age range
- Ke, 1956
- youth wellness hubs
- youth wellness hubs, by region
- Thunder Bay
- development of
- Holland, 7056
- development of
- Thunder Bay
- access
Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Addictions Recovery Fund
- allocation
- annual rate
- Begum, 1715
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- operational funding
- Shaw, 2802
- operational funding
- community organizations
- community support programs
- eating disorders. see Eating disorders
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Tibollo, 2160
- intergovernmental collaboration
- Jones, S., 1831
- northern Ontario
- Vaugeois, 9936
- per capita
- Taylor, 9940
- program allocation
- Tibollo, 1873–1874
- programs
- programs, by region
- Ottawa
- Harden, 9082
- Ottawa
- providers
- operational
- Gates, 2607
- operational
- by region
- by site
- North Initiative for Social Action
- West, 3154
- North Initiative for Social Action
- statements by stakeholders
- Tibollo, 3311
Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
Mental health and addictions services - providers.
see also by specific site- Adult and Teen Challenge (Thunder Bay)
- Back Door Mission
- French, 2622
- Catholic Family Services of Hamilton
- closure of
- Shaw, 2614
- closure of
- Hamilton Mental Health Outreach
- closure of
- Shaw, 2614
- closure of
- North Bay Addictions Centre of Excellence
- Tibollo, 1780
- Porchlight Counselling and Addiction Services
- Dixon, 1146
- Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services
- Harden, 8999
- Runnymede Healthcare Centre
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- Harden, 9000
- Soul Space
- Harden, 8999–9000
Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
Mental health and addictions services - staff
Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
Methane gas
Métis communities
Métis governments
- accountability and transparency
- advertising. see Also Government advertising
- cost of
- Harden, 7919–7920
- cost of
- board of directors
- Ecker, Janet
- termination of
- Harden, 5939
- termination of
- Ecker, Janet
- communication with elected officials
- consultant contracts, Boxfish Infrastructure Group
- corporate structure
- engineers
- French, 6638
- executive compensation
- performance of
- project delays. see Also Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
- properties, sale of
- Verster, Phil (CEO)
- vice-presidents, number of
- Harden, 8189–8190
MFIS Holdings and Investments Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr65)
- first reading
- Riddell, 11175
- first reading
Michael Garron Hospital
- capacity and overcrowding
- Shamji, 6356
- capacity and overcrowding
- cadets. see Cadets
- Canadian Armed Forces
- Ontario Regiment (RCAC)
- McCarthy, 546–547
- Ontario Regiment (RCAC)
- Canadian Forces Naval Reserve
- Glover, 3496
- World War I. see World War I
Military history
Military personnel
- appreciation
- reservists
- Khanjin, 2955
- Yakabuski, 3001
- job protected leave
- Anand, 2981
- Barnes, 8912
- Begum, 2977, 2982
- Blais, 2999, 3001
- Cuzzetto, 2993
- Hogarth, 5046–5047
- Khanjin, 3011
- McCarthy, 3235
- McGregor, 5032
- McNaughton, 2949, 2963
- Piccini, 5013
- Romano, 3221
- Sabawy, 2963
- Saunderson, 5028
- Skelly, 5075, 5077
- Smith, David, 2953–2954
- West, 5022, 5028–5029
- statements by stakeholders
- McNaughton, 2955
- Ottawa flood (2019)
- Blais, 2999
- AV Terrace Bay pulp mill
- Domtar mill, Espanola
Minden Hospital - Haliburton Highlands Health Services
Mines and mining industry
- approvals and permits process
- Sarkaria, 8754
- approvals and permits process
Minimum wage
Minimum wage increase
Mining industry
- aggregates. see Aggregate industry
- Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.
- Vanthof, 2690
- approvals and permits process
- government strategy
- Mamakwa, 2795
- government strategy
- biomining
- West, 2676
- critical minerals, extraction
- relation to colonialism
- Mamakwa, 3131
- relation to colonialism
- Detour Gold Corp.
- Glover, 2742
- digital administration system
- mining claims
- Tabuns, 2163
- mining claims
- economic development
- economic impact
- education and awareness
- for electric vehicle battery production
- employment
- environmental approval process
- environmental assessments
- consultation with
- Andrew, 2684
- consultation with
- environmental impact
- financing programs, exploration
- general remarks
- gold mining
- Cuzzetto, 10173
- Pirie, 10173–10174
- government strategy
- history of
- Mica Bay Incident
- Mamakwa, 3131
- Mica Bay Incident
- infrastructure development. see Also Indigenous communities - infrastructure — community development agreements
- and infrastructure development
- Anand, 9079
- junior mining companies
- government strategy
- Leardi, 9194
- government strategy
- policy development
- Indigenous consultation
- Vaugeois, 4353–5354
- Indigenous consultation
- promotion of
- Pirie, 2800
- recruitment and retention
- by region
- regulations
- regulatory environment
- regulatory reform
- Ring of Fire development. see Ring of Fire development
- tailing ponds
- tailings and waste
- trade
- US manufacturing
- Coe, 10994
- Pirie, 10994–10995
- US manufacturing
- underground hazards identification
- drones, use of
- Harris, 3448
- drones, use of
- water treatment plants. see by specific site
Mining industry - Critical Minerals Strategy
- Critical Minerals Innovation Fund
- economic impact
- for electric vehicle production
- funding
- general remarks
- government strategy
- history of
- Pirie, 2651
- mining projects
- recycling
- Hsu, 4966
- supply chain
Mining industry - Indigenous communities
- economic development
- Bouma, 2659
- economic impact
- Dixon, 2755
- government relations
- Vaugeois, 4380
- Indigenous consultation and consent
- Anand, 2749, 2750
- Andrew, 2696
- Armstrong, 2694
- Bell, 2708
- Bouma, 4114
- Calandra, 4441, 4442
- Dixon, 2756, 2757
- Fife, 2659, 2749, 2750, 2757, 2768, 2769, 2787, 4083, 4284, 5746
- Flack, 4121
- French, 2751, 4092
- Gates, 2756, 2759
- Gélinas, 2757, 2758, 2759, 2765, 2767, 2957
- Glover, 2744
- Harden, 4097, 4105, 4106, 4110
- Harris, 2740, 2741
- Hsu, 2693, 2694, 2696
- Karpoche, 2741
- Kernaghan, 2658, 2713, 2759, 5746
- Leardi, 2658, 2659, 2694, 2765
- Mamakwa, 2795, 3742, 4082, 4119, 4120, 4121, 4122, 4441, 10505
- Mantha, 4113, 4114, 4115
- McCarthy, 2688, 4106
- Oosterhoff, 4097
- Pirie, 4082, 4083
- Rickford, 2766, 2767, 3742
- Sarrazin, 2712, 2713
- Sattler, 2765
- Schreiner, 2746
- Shaw, 2707, 2708, 2740, 4100–4101, 4107
- Smith, Dave, 4106
- Smith, L., 2712
- Tabuns, 4121
- Vaugeois, 2688, 2694, 2695, 2756, 2763, 2764
- West, 2677, 2678, 2749, 4084, 4089, 4092, 4093, 10527
- Wong-Tam, 4107, 4108, 4111
- Cat Lake First Nation
- Mamakwa, 5646
- Land Defence Alliance
- Mamakwa, 5057
- mining claims
- and Indigenous consultation
- Mamakwa, 3191–3192
- and Indigenous consultation
- participation in
- statements by stakeholders
- Mamakwa, 4120
- economic development
Mining industry - Indigenous consultation and consent
Mining industry - occupational health and safety
Mining industry - processing
- facilities, development of
- Canada Nickle (Timmins)
- Pirie, 7415
- Canada Nickle (Timmins)
- facilities, development of
Mining industry - tailings and waste
Mining infrastructure
- environmental assessment
- Adams Mine Landfill
- Vanthof, 3841–3842
- Adams Mine Landfill
- environmental assessment
Mining sites
- abandoned
- Canadian companies' international sites
- accountabilities
- Bell, 4469
- accountabilities
- Copper Cliff Mine Complex South Project (Sudbury)
- Côtés Gold (Gogama)
- Gélinas, 4621–4622, 5757–5758
- employee housing, availability. see Housing - by region — Gogama
Mining sites - closure plans
- general remarks
- ministerial authority
- site rehabilitation
- Glover, 2743
- technical review by qualified professions
Mining sites - development
- financial assurance, phased
- general remarks
- timelines
Mining sites - rehabilitation
Ministerial statements
- Anniversary of invasion of Ukraine
- Black History Month
- Child abuse prevention
- Convenience Store Week
- Dress Purple Day
- Economic outlook and fiscal review
- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 1269–1272, 6005–6007, 10051–10053
- responded to
- presented
- Franco-Ontarian Day
- responded to
- Stiles, 5006
- responded to
- Gender Equality Week
- Human trafficking
- International Day of la Francophonie
- responded to
- Schreiner, 2866
- responded to
- International Women's Day
- McIntyre Powder Project
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on
- Violence Against Women
- responded to
- Bowman, 2043–2044
- responded to
- Violence Against Women
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
- presented
- Fullerton, 2040–2041
- Parsa, 7072–7074, 10954–10955
- Williams, 7074–7075, 10955–10956
- responded to
- presented
- Police Week
- Pride Month
- Region of Peel
- Seniors' Month
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month
- Small business
- Test Your Smoke Alarm Day
- Vimy Ridge Day
- Vyshyvanka Day
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month
- Women's History Month
- presented
- Williams, 5327–5328, 10000–10001
- responded to
- Andrew, 10001–10002
- Clancy, 10002
- Hazell, 10002
- Karpoche, 5328–5329
- presented
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Parole), 2023 (Bill 96)
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- FOI requests
- Mamakwa, 5585
- FOI requests
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Ministry of Public and Business Service
Ministry of Public and Business Services
Ministry of Red Tape Reduction
- mandate
- Leardi, 6242–6243
- mandate
Ministry of Transportation
- enforcement officers
- ministerial accountability
- public service communications
- winter severity index
- categories
- Holland, 1395
- categories
Missing children
- Amber Alerts. see Amber Alerts
- by incident
- Kerr, Ruby
- Romano, 4253
- Kerr, Ruby
Missing persons
- government funding
- Ontario Community Safety and Policing Grant
- Bailey, 3955
- Ontario Community Safety and Policing Grant
- government funding
Missing Persons Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 74)
Missing persons - investigative tools
- general remarks
- Project Lifesaver
- vulnerable persons alert
- general remarks
- Sabawy, 4586
- general remarks
Modernizing Ontario for People and Businesses Act, 2020,
S.O. 2020, c. 18, s. 11
Monkey pox
- sick days. see employment standards — sick days — infectious diseases
- transmission
- Wong-Tam, 207
More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7)
- application
- Sioux Lookout
- Mamakwa, 815
- Sioux Lookout
- first reading
- Calandra, 229–230
- second reading, 327–337, 354–375, 377–386, 401–424, 501, 558–559
- Barnes, 383–386, 401–402
- Begum, 365, 414, 419–422, 423
- Bourgouin, 385, 421
- Calandra, 327–331, 335–336, 369, 370–371, 372, 378, 419
- Coe, 386
- Cuzzetto, 362–364, 365–366, 381
- Dowie, 336, 362
- Fraser, 370, 371–373
- Gates, 367–371, 381
- Gélinas, 336–337, 355–362, 370, 372
- Ghamari, 420
- Glover, 381, 405, 417
- Harris, 382, 405, 414–419
- Hogarth, 418
- Jordan, 331–335, 361
- Ke, 366
- Kusendova-Bashta, 336, 364–367, 372
- Leardi, 377, 423
- Mamakwa, 336
- Mantha, 369–370, 383
- Martin, 382, 383, 402, 405–406, 413–414, 422
- McCarthy, 362, 367
- McGregor, 421
- Pang, 335, 365
- Pasma, 366
- Pierre, 374–375
- Rakocevic, 361
- Romano, 373–374, 377–378, 405
- Sandhu, 414
- Sarrazin, 407–408
- Sattler, 366, 378–382
- Schreiner, 382–383
- Shaw, 406, 413, 421
- Smith, T., 418
- Stevens, 335–336
- Stiles, 410–414, 418
- Taylor, 335, 377, 378, 401
- Vaugeois, 402–406, 424
- Wai, 413
- Wong-Tam, 362
- Yakabuski, 381, 409, 422–424
- division (carried), 558–559
- legislative process
- legislative process, motions
- public response
- Gélinas, 1521
- statements by stakeholders
- Mantha, 453–454
- time allocation motion, 450–455, 497
- third reading, 563–580, 602
- Royal assent, 602–603
- application
More Convenient Care Act, 2024 (Bill 231)
- first reading
- Jones, S., 10779–10780
- second reading, 10809–10817, 10865–10874, 10908–10921, 10953
- Bell, 10911–10912
- Coe, 10817
- Fraser, 10872–10874
- Gallagher Murphy, 10865–10868
- Gates, 10867, 10872
- Gélinas, 10816, 10817
- Glover, 10912–10914
- Gretzky, 10868–10872
- Harden, 10868
- Jones, S., 10809–10813, 10816–10817
- Jordan, 10816, 10817, 10871
- Karpoche, 10816
- Leardi, 10813–10817
- Mamakwa, 10871
- Martin, 10908–10911
- Schreiner, 10914–10915
- Shaw, 10867–10868
- Smith, David, 10868, 10872
- Smith, L., 10867, 10871
- Vanthof, 10920–10921
- Vaugeois, 10915–10917
- Yakabuski, 10917–10920
- division (carried), 10953
- referred to Standing Committee on Social Policy, 10953
- third reading, 10837–10858
- Armstrong, 10845, 10852
- Bresee, 10848
- Coe, 10849
- Gélinas, 10837–10846, 10848, 10853, 10856
- Kanapathi, 10844
- Leardi, 10852, 10853, 10857
- Pasma, 10845, 10858
- Rakocevic, 10858
- Romano, 10853–10858
- Shaw, 10848, 10849–10853
- Tibollo, 10846–10849
- Vanthof, 10857
- first reading
More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23)
- first reading
- Clark, 823
- committee presentations
- committee process. see also Committee procedure—consideration of bills
- committee submissions
- committee witnesses
- Burch, 1472
- second reading, 855–865, 885–897, 899–907, 917–927, 945–964, 965–985, 1007–1008
- Anand, 963, 967, 968, 972, 977, 980
- Armstrong, 864, 920
- Bell, 863, 864–865, 885–893
- Bethlenfalvy, 917–920
- Bouma, 863
- Burch, 893, 899–903
- Byers, 948, 955, 963
- Clark, 855–858, 863–864
- Collard, 959
- Crawford, 948, 956–957, 977
- Dixon, 977–980
- Dowie, 947, 968–970
- Downey, 893–897
- Fife, 920–924
- Flack, 924, 952, 980, 982–983
- Fraser, 897, 903–906
- French, 892, 897
- Gallagher Murphy, 864
- Gates, 947–948, 952, 962
- Gélinas, 902, 926
- Glover, 923, 953, 956, 959, 970–973, 974–975, 979–980, 982
- Harris, 893, 902, 905, 973–975
- Holland, 861–863
- Hsu, 904–905
- Jordan, 956
- Kanapathi, 919, 952, 970
- Karpoche, 967, 973, 975–977, 980
- Khanjin, 892–893, 920, 925, 926, 958, 959–964
- Leardi, 897, 924, 979, 982
- Mantha, 906, 957, 963
- Martin, 903
- McCarthy, 948–953
- McGregor, 964, 967, 972, 975, 983–984
- McMahon, 957–959
- Parsa, 858–861
- Pasma, 948, 953–957
- Pierre, 892
- Quinn, 923
- Rae, 983
- Rakocevic, 972, 979, 980–983
- Rasheed, 906–907
- Romano, 905
- Sandhu, 902
- Sattler, 863, 919, 926–927, 945–948, 956, 970
- Schreiner, 924–926
- Shaw, 897, 951–952, 963
- Stiles, 967–968, 970, 977, 983
- Vaugeois, 924
- Wai, 896
- West, 902–903
- Wong-Tam, 896, 965–968
- Yakabuski, 895–896
- division (carried), 1007–1008
- environmental impact
- statements by stakeholders
- Sattler, 3799
- statements by stakeholders
- environmental registry
- public consultation
- French, 3830
- public consultation
- impact on municipalities
- Indigenous consultation
- legislation amended by
- McCarthy, 951
- ministerial authority
- McCarthy, 951
- municipal councils, impact on
- motions for deferral
- Fife, 1553
- motions for deferral
- municipal response
- public response
- scope of
- French, 1641
- stakeholder consultation
- stakeholder response
- Fife, 1974–1975
- statements by stakeholders
- third reading, 1595–1605, 1624–1641, 1643–1647, 1655–1665, 1684–1696, 1717–1718
- Anand, 1633–1637
- Armstrong, 1658
- Babikian, 1644, 1664
- Bell, 1602, 1604–1605, 1624–1633
- Bourgouin, 1604, 1641
- Burch, 1686, 1691–1695
- Clark, 1595–1598, 1602–1604
- Coe, 1690, 1694
- Cuzzetto, 1645, 1646–1647
- Dowie, 1640
- Dunlop, 1636
- Flack, 1660–1662, 1663–1664, 1685–1686
- French, 1632, 1636, 1637–1641
- Gates, 1603, 1686, 1689–1690, 1694
- Gélinas, 1631–1632, 1645, 1658
- Glover, 1645, 1690
- Harden, 1635
- Harris, 1603, 1631, 1632–1633
- Holland, 1600–1602
- Jordan, 1688–1691
- Kanapathi, 1603
- Kusendova-Bashta, 1687–1688, 1690
- Martin, 1640–1641, 1645, 1694
- McMahon, 1637, 1641, 1643–1646
- Oosterhoff, 1686, 1687, 1695
- Parsa, 1598–1600
- Quinn, 1690, 1695–1696
- Sabawy, 1662–1664
- Sattler, 1694–1695
- Schreiner, 1659–1660, 1663–1664
- Smith, Dave, 1632, 1636
- Smith, L., 1658
- Stiles, 1640, 1659, 1660, 1663, 1695
- Vanthof, 1664–1665, 1684–1687
- Vaugeois, 1655–1659, 1664
- Yakabuski, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1663
- division (carried), 1717–1718
- Royal assent, 1740
- first reading
- Appointment of Auditor General (carried), 7071
- Appointment of Financial Accountability Officer (carried), 6008
- Appointment of Sergeant-at-Arms (carried), 4762
- Committee membership (carried), 2382, 3438, 5065, 5821–5822, 7422–7424, 8488, 9684, 9747, 10003
- Committee sittings (carried), 2044, 2734, 2808, 3261, 4137, 4484–4485, 4984–4985, 5597, 6369, 7076, 9594, 10343, 11175
- Concurrence in supply (carried), 2609
- Consideration of Bill 74
- division (carried), 3147
- Consideration of Bill 141 (carried), 6191
- Consideration of Bill 156, 7210–7211
- division (carried), 7210–7211
- Consideration of Bill 189
- division (carried), 9123–9124
- Consideration of Bill 241 (carried), 11175
- Former Clerks of the Assembly (carried), 4459
- Government motions
- Government notice of motion
- Number 1 – Committee membership and sittings (carried), 37–46
- Number 3 – Appointment of House officers / Committee membership (carried), 255–269, 350–351
- Number 4 – Time allocation (carried), 450–455, 497
- Number 5 – New members of provincial Parliament, 644–660
- Number 6 – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second (carried), 803–808
- Number 7 – Time allocation (carried), 1135–1144, 1164–1165, 1221–1222
- Number 9 – House sittings (carried), 1161
- Number 10 – Time allocation (carried), 2015–2019, 2047–2049, 2128–2129
- Number 11 – 2023 Ontario budget, 3047–3053
- Number 13 – Bail reform (carried), 3323–3339, 3436–3437
- Number 15 – Time allocation, 4580–4595
- Number 18 – Attacks on Israel (carried), 5389, 5529–5530
- Number 19 – Member's conduct (carried), 5443–5446, 5595–5596
- Number 20 – Time allocation (carried), 6926, 7002–7003
- Number 22 – 2024 Ontario budget, 7981–7987
- Number 23 – Legislative reform (carried), 7959–7963
- Number 24 – Legislative reform (carried), 7989–7998, 8015–8029, 8146–8147
- Number 25 – Time allocation (carried), 9944–9951, 9999–10000
- Number 26 – Time allocation (carried), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- Number 27 – Time allocation (carried), 10591–10599, 10711–10712
- Number 29 – Time allocation (carried), 11002–11010, 11066–11067
- Government order
- Number 1 – Throne speech debate (carried), 11–21, 46–56, 57–69, 425–435, 461–482, 501–531, 533–539, 559
- Number 2 – Appointment of House officers / Committee membership (carried), 271–280, 296–316, 317–325, 350–351
- Number 3 – New members of provincial Parliament, 4985, 5084–5086, 7212–7215, 9273–9277
- Number 33 – 2023 Ontario budget, 3236–3244, 3264–3292, 3293–3303, 3359–3368, 3385–3388
- Number 35 – Bail reform (carried), 3436–3437
- amendment to the amendment, 3389–3405
- Number 38 – Attacks on Israel (carried), 5529
- Number 39 – Member's conduct (carried), 5595
- Number 40 – Taxation (carried), 6277–6278
- Number 41 – Taxation, 6181–6188
- Number 42 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (carried), 7630
- Number 43 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (carried), 7630
- Number 44 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Education, including supplementaries (carried), 7630
- Number 45 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Health (carried), 7630
- Number 46 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Long-Term Care (carried), 7630
- Number 47 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (carried), 7630–7631
- Number 48 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of the Attorney General (carried), 7631
- Number 49 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Francophone Affairs (carried), 7631
- Number 50 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs (carried), 7631
- Number 51 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (carried), 7631
- Number 52 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of the Solicitor General (carried), 7631
- Number 53 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism (carried), 7631
- Number 54 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Infrastructure (carried), 7631
- Number 55 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (carried), 7632
- Number 56 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (carried), 7632
- Number 57 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Transportation, including supplementaries (carried), 7632
- Number 58 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (carried), 7632–7633
- Number 59 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Finance (carried), 7633
- Number 60 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (carried), 7633–7634
- Number 61 – Concurrence in supply for Cabinet Office (carried), 7634
- Number 62 – Concurrence in supply for the Office of the Premier (carried), 7634
- Number 63 – Concurrence in supply for the Treasury Board Secretariat, including supplementaries (carried), 7634
- Number 64 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (carried), 7634
- Number 65 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Energy (carried), 7634
- Number 66 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (carried), 7634
- Number 67 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Mines (carried), 7634
- Number 68 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (carried), 7634–7635
- Number 69 – Concurrence in supply for the Ministry of Northern Development (carried), 7635
- Number 70 – Taxation, 6253–6255
- Number 71 – Concurrence in supply for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor (carried), 7635
- Number 76 – 2024 Ontario budget (carried), 8041–8050, 8068–8080, 8081–8105, 8331–8343, 8364
- Number 77 – Legislative reform (carried), 8146–8147
- Number 110 – Time allocation, 10661
- Number 110 – Time allocation (carried), 10711–10712
- Numbers 4 through 26 – Concurrence in supply (carried), 2781–2791
- Numbers 42 through 69, 71 – Concurrence in supply (carried), 7618–7635
- Government notice of motion
- House and committee sittings, 9647–9659
- House sittings (carried), 94, 803, 1010–1020, 2172, 2610, 3044, 4984–4985, 5007, 5065, 5329, 6882, 7076–7080, 7240, 10780, 11175
- presented
- responded to
- division (carried), 1020
- Opposition day motions
- Number 1 – Government accountability (lost), 5225–5247
- Number 1 – Health care (lost), 2385–2397
- Number 1 – Highway tolls (lost), 7495–7513
- Number 1 – Mental health services (lost), 9933–9944
- Number 1 – Social assistance (lost), 1086–1098
- Number 2 – Affordable housing (lost), 10184–10202
- Number 2 – Health care (lost), 7735–7750
- Number 2 – Health care workers (lost), 1381–1393
- Number 2 – Mental health services (lost), 2611–2627
- Number 2 – Ontario Place, 5355–5358
- Number 3 – Education funding (lost), 3082–3100
- Number 3 – Government accountability (lost), 5600–5606
- Number 3 – Government advertising (lost), 7929–7947
- Number 3 – Housing, 1533–1536
- Number 3 – Municipal funding (lost), 10345–10362
- Number 4 – Affordable housing (lost), 8649–8669, 8671–8676
- Number 4 – GO Transit (lost), 6070–6079
- Number 4 – Government accountability (lost), 10615–10627
- Number 4 – Tenant protection (lost), 3808–3827
- Number 5 – Climate change (lost), 6281–6291
- Number 5 – Education funding (lost), 9058–9072
- Order of business (carried), 1273–1274, 11116–11117
- Poet Laureate of Ontario (carried), 10613
- Private members' motions
- Number 1 – Ojibway National Urban Park (lost), 847–853, 879–880
- Number 2 – Highway construction (carried), 712–719, 745–746
- Number 4 – Ambulance services (carried), 985–991
- Number 5 – Agri-food industry (carried), 907–913
- Number 6 – Nurses (carried), 1123–1129
- Number 8 – Health care (carried), 1248–1254, 1268
- Number 15 – Ojibway National Urban Park (carried), 1802–1807
- Number 16 – Winter highway maintenance (carried), 1395–1400
- Number 19 – Domestic violence (carried), 1846–1852
- Number 22 – Cancer screening (lost), 2586–2592, 2608–2609
- Number 27 – Consumer protection (lost), 2699–2704, 2729–2730
- Number 34 – Social assistance (lost), 3012–3018, 3043
- Number 36 – Prescription contraceptives (lost), 6822–6829, 6881
- Number 45 – Chronic diseases (carried), 3717–3722
- Number 48 – Missing persons (carried), 3955–3960
- Number 49 – Student mental health (carried), 4245–4252
- Number 50 – Domestic violence (carried), 4894–4899, 4928
- Number 51 – Addiction services (carried), 4362–4368
- Number 54 – Police funding (carried), 4682–4686
- Number 55 – Religious and spiritual services in correctional facilities (carried), 4753–4757, 4773–4774
- Number 56 – Consumer protection (carried), 4954–4959
- Number 62 – Medical isotopes (carried), 5435–5440
- Number 63 – Nuclear energy (carried), 5500–5505, 5530
- Number 64 – Agricultural labour policy (carried), 5567–5572
- Number 65 – Affordable housing (lost), 5676–5683, 5710–5711
- Number 66 – Indigenous health care (lost), 5791–5796, 5820–5821
- Number 68 – Epilepsy (carried), 6109–6114
- Number 69 – Taxation (carried), 5715–5737, 5780–5781
- Number 70 – Taxation (carried), 6043–6050, 6277–6278
- Number 72 – Taxation, 6253–6255
- Number 75 – Taxation (carried), 7177–7182, 7207
- Number 77 – Cancer screening (carried), 9623–9630
- Number 81 – Taxation (carried), 7701–7706, 7731
- Number 82 – Taxation (carried), 8031–8036, 8064
- Number 85 – Education issues (carried), 8453–8459
- Number 90 – Hate-related incidents (carried), 8676–8682
- Number 92 – Artificial intelligence (carried), 8957–8963
- Number 94 – Caregivers (lost), 9033–9039, 9055–9056
- Number 109 – Electric vehicles (lost), 9616–9622, 9645–9646
- Number 113 – First responders (carried), 9825–9830
- Number 117 – Consumer protection (carried), 10090–10095
- Number 131 – Trucking safety (carried), 10245–10251
- Number 135 – Condominium legislation (carried), 10411–10416
- Number 136 – Community safety (carried), 10468–10473
- Number 144 – Transit relief program (carried), 10304
- Number 145 – Community liaison officer programs (carried), 10891–10892
- Number 145 – Community school liaison officer programs (carried), 10859–10864
- Number 149 – Arts and cultural funding (lost), 10921–10928, 10953–10954
- Number 152 – Employee ownership (lost), 11089–11095, 11114–11115
- Number 154 – Public transit, 11176–11182
- Taxation, 6181–6188
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy (carried), 8545
- Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (carried), 4484–4485, 9594
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts (carried), 4484–4485, 9270
- Standing orders (carried), 6882
- Throne speech debate (carried), 8–9
- Time allocation motions
- Affordable Energy Act, 2024 (Bill 214) (carried), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216), 10235–10245
- Building Ontario For You Act (Budget Measures), 2024 (Bill 216) (carried), 10276–10277
- Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 (Bill 227) (carried), 10591–10599, 10661, 10711–10712
- Election Finances Amendment Act (Quarterly Allowances), 2024 (Bill 220), 10293
- Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136) (carried), 6926, 7002–7003
- Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 (Bill 112) (carried), 4580–4595, 4656
- Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022 (Bill 28) (carried), 1135–1144, 1164–1165, 1221–1222
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 51) (carried), 2015–2019, 2047–2049, 2128–2129
- More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022 (Bill 7) (carried), 450–455, 497
- New Deal for Toronto Act, 2023 (Bill 154) (carried), 6926, 7002–7003
- Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 2) (carried), 450–455, 497
- Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 150) (carried), 6926, 7002–7003
- Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 (Bill 212) (carried), 10235–10245, 10276–10277
- Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 197) (carried), 9944–9951, 9999–10000
- Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024 (Bill 223) (carried), 10591–10599, 10661, 10711–10712
- Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 (Bill 194) (carried), 9944–9951, 9999–10000
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229), 11002–11010
- Working for Workers Six Act, 2024 (Bill 229) (carried), 11066–11067
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund
- debtor payment
- eligible payment methods
- McCarthy, 8378
- eligible payment methods
- debtor payment
see also Road safety - motorcyclesMount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries Act, 2024 (Bill Pr55)
- first reading
- referred to Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 10183, 10265–10266
Mount Pleasant Public Cemeteries Act, 2023 (Bill 113)
- first reading
- Bell, 4484
- first reading
Moving Ontarians Safely Act, 2023 (Bill 40)
MS Remedies Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr52)
- first reading
- Triantafilopoulos, 10000
- second reading
- Triantafilopoulos, 11097–11098
- third reading
- Triantafilopoulos, 11097–11098
- first reading
Municipal Accountability Act, 2024 (Bill 241)
- first reading
- Calandra, 11174
- first reading
Municipal Accountability and Integrity Act, 2024 (Bill 207)
- first reading
- Burch, 9593
- first reading
Municipal Act, 2001,
S.O. 2001, c. 25.
see also - Municipal governance - strong mayor systemMunicipal by-laws
- appeal
- timelines
- Bell, 1631
- timelines
- legislative process
- provincial priorities
- Gates, 1494
- provincial priorities
- passage
- legislative process
- Stiles, 1499
- prescribed number of councillors
- Andrew, 2067
- Bell, 1955, 2036
- Burch, 1711
- Clark, 2051
- Gélinas, 2066, 2083, 2084
- Glover, 1577, 2080, 2082
- Harden, 1482
- Karpoche, 1610
- McMahon, 2084
- Rakocevic, 2082
- Sattler, 2048
- Stevens, 1584
- Stiles, 1551
- Tabuns, 1610
- Vanthof, 1570, 2065
- Wong-Tam, 1520
- impact on representation
- procedural rules
- Parsa, 2054
- provincial priorities
- regional application
- regional application, Toronto
- legislative process
- appeal
Municipal councillors
- harassment and abuse
- head of council
- legislative tools
- role of
Municipal elections
- candidates
- electoral process
- Gates, 1495
- general election (2022)
- mayoral resignation
- ranked-ballot system
- restrictions on use
- Sattler, 135–136
- restrictions on use
- reform
- right to. see Toronto (City) v. Ontario (Attorney General), 2021 SCC 34
Municipal finances
- accountability and oversight
- Fife, 4283
- budgets
- inflation
- Sattler, 2060
- reform. see Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- inflation
- external audit, provincial
- infrastructure deficits
- government strategy
- Shaw, 3432
- government strategy
- infrastructure development
- Northern Ontario Resource Development Support Fund
- Rickford, 214
- Northern Ontario Resource Development Support Fund
- municipal-provincial partnerships
- municipal-provincial up/downloading
- Andrew, 10352–10353
- Burch, 10347–10348
- Fife, 10359
- Gélinas, 10360–10361
- Hamid, 10353–10356
- Kernaghan, 10360
- Pasma, 10349
- Rae, 10356–10359
- Sattler, 10349
- Smith, Dave, 10349–10352
- Stevens, 10359
- Stiles, 10345–10347
- Taylor, 10361
- Vaugeois, 10360
- Wong-Tam, 10356
- Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund
- Bethlenfalvy, 10119
- revenues
- Clark, 2126
- taxes
- Ontario Provincial Police
- Cobalt
- Vanthof, 10273
- Cobalt
- Ontario Provincial Police
- accountability and oversight
Municipal finances - COVID-19
Municipal finances - reserve fund
Municipal governance
- charter cities
- council administration and authority
- general remarks
- Clark, 2127
- government strategy
- legislative reform
- mayoral authority
- reform. see Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- strong vs. weak mayor system
- Burch, 107
- municipal-provincial relations
- reform
- regional composition
- Wong-Tam, 1504
- relationship with province
- staff
- chief administration officers
- Burch, 108–109
- chief administration officers
- user engagement by region
- Windsor-Essex
- Dowie, 3031
- Windsor-Essex
- wards, number of
- Glover, 764
Municipal governance - policy development
- accountability and transparency
- consultation. see also Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 (Bill 39)
- accountability and transparency
Municipal governance - regional chairs
- appointment of, ministerial authority
- reform (2018)
- Burch, 1470
- selection process
- Burch, 1476
Municipal governance - strong mayor system
- accountability and oversight
- applicable regions
- consultation process
- statements by stakeholders
- French, 754
- statements by stakeholders
- council administration and authority
- decision making role
- general remarks
- government strategy
- housing development
- Sattler, 2074
- ministerial authority, regulatory
- Holland, 102
- municipal elections
- reform. see under Municipal elections - mayoral resignations
- municipal response
- municipal structures, types of
- Holland, 1444
- municipalities, impact on
- Wong-Tam, 751
- in other jurisdictions
- provincial priorities
- public consultation
- public response
- regional application
- regulations
- Taylor, 177
- statements by stakeholders
- Toronto
- Calandra, 2105
- Toronto and Ottawa
Municipal governance - strong mayor system, administrative authority
Municipal governance - strong mayor system - effect on housing development.
see also Housing development- general remarks
- population growth projections
- regulations
Municipal governance - structure
Municipal infrastructure
- federal funding
- Cuzzetto, 1647
- government funding
- infrastructure deficit
- natural gas connections. see Natural gas - distributors
- federal funding
Municipal planning
Municipal planning by region
- Don Valley West
- Bowman, 3307
- Don Valley West
Municipal restructuring
Municipal restructuring - Peel Region
- Brampton, impact on
- Caledon, impact on
- cost
- dissolution terms
- Fife, 4540
- facilities, service agreements
- general remarks
- history of
- impact on employee retention
- Burch, 8418–8419
- municipal boundaries, impact on
- Jama, 4749
- municipal employees
- Taylor, 4588
- municipal infrastructure, impact on
- municipal taxes, impact on
- municipalities, single-tier
- police services, impact on
- public consultation
- Armstrong, 4734
- Bell, 4529, 4530, 4549, 4818, 4833
- Bourgouin, 4537, 4546
- Burch, 4498, 4567, 4568, 4735, 4736, 4738, 4739, 4741, 4742, 4743
- Clark, 4439, 4440, 4701, 4702, 4735
- French, 4547, 4548, 4549
- Gates, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4515
- Glover, 4830, 4833
- Harden, 4823
- Jama, 4536, 4747, 4748, 4752
- Kernaghan, 4496
- McCarthy, 4735
- McGregor, 4536, 4537, 4546, 4547
- Rakocevic, 4742, 4751
- Sabawy, 4747
- Sarkaria, 4816, 4817
- Sattler, 4816, 4837, 4839
- Shaw, 4751
- Stiles, 4439, 4440, 4701, 4702
- Tangri, 4568
- Taylor, 4521, 4587–4589
- Vanthof, 4583–4584
- West, 4515
- services, impact on
- statements by stakeholders
- timelines
- Calandra, 7062
- transition board, creation of
- transition board, role of
- transition board, transparency of
Municipal restructuring - Peel Region, reversal
Municipal restructuring - Simcoe County
- amalgamation
- Burch, 1471
- chambers of commerce awards
- manufacturing and businesses
- modernization fund
- Holland, 2065
- regional differences
- Shamji, 4695
- state of emergency
- unorganized townships. see Unorganized land
- amalgamation
Municipal-provincial relations
Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2024 (Bill 31)
see Galleries and museumsMusic industry
Muslim community
- community organizations
- Muslim Welfare Canada
- Thanigasalam, 2660
- Muslim Welfare Canada
- community organizations