Letter: T
Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021 (Bill 104)
T226Tarion Warranty Corp.
see also New home warranties- as administrative authority
- annual general meetings
- transparency
- Gélinas, P277
- transparency
- audit by Auditor General
- Ghamari, F448
- builder relations
- call centre
- general remarks
- jurisdiction conflicts with HCRA
- Kramp, G787
- mandate
- model reform
- performance audits
- public perception of
- Gélinas, P277–P278
- regulatory framework
- primacy over organizational bylaws
- Kramp, G810–G811
- primacy over organizational bylaws
- sponsorship of home builders' convention
- technical service representatives
- Bailey, JP313–JP314, JP318
- use of "warranty" in name
- Parsa, P279–P280
- warranty service representatives
- workplace culture
Tarion Warranty Corp. - board of directors
- code of conduct
- Bailey, G807
- compensation disclosure
- conflict of interest
- Consumer Advisory Council
- membership
- Bailey, G742, JP260, JP266, JP284, JP345
- Bouma, JP304
- Ghamari, JP332
- Glover, G805
- Harris, G806
- Kusendova, JP266, JP279, JP289, JP324
- Miller, N., P273–P274
- Rakocevic, G729, G744, G753–G754, G758, G770, G779, G788, G806, JP261, JP290, JP302, JP304, JP309–JP310, JP312, JP328, JP330–JP331, JP336, P283
- Sabawy, G759, G785, G787
- Schreiner, G727, G735, G783, G790
- Singh, S., JP262–JP263
- Stevens, G783
- Tangri, P289
- role and duties
- Harris, G784–G785
- selection of consumer advocates
- Kusendova, JP332–JP333
- code of conduct
Tarion Warranty Corp. - builder regulation
- builder directory
- builder solvency assessment
- Rakocevic, P290
- illegal home construction
- licensing
- performance deficits
- removal of role. see also Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
Tarion Warranty Corp. - financial management
- compensation
- cap on
- disclosure
- performance management
- performance measurement
- salaries and benefits
- senior management
- revenue
- warranty recovery rate from builders
- compensation
Tarion Warranty Corp. - oversight mechanisms
Tarion Warranty Corp. - warranty administration
- application
- Bailey, JP349
- building repair timelines
- Cardinal Creek Village
- claims process
- approval-disbursement rate
- buyer compensation
- Glover, G772
- filing periods
- general remarks
- resolution timeline
- consumer education
- coverage lengths
- coverage limit
- defect assessment
- dispute resolution process
- "finished house," definition of
- Ghamari, P288
- recovery rate from builders
- term commencement
- application
Task Force on Environmental Health
Tax avoidance
- Harden, F418
see also specific taxes and industries- Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE). see under Child care
- economic impact
- Harris, F532
- general remarks
- McDonell, G408
- harmonized sales tax (HST)
- Blais, F2060
- marginal tax rate
- Oosterhoff, F1288
- personal income tax
- property tax. see Property tax
- provincial land tax
- tax credits
- charitable donations
- Hunter, F1640
- charitable donations
Taxation policy
- general remarks
- tax expenditures
- during COVID-19
- Harden, E1063–E1064
- general remarks
- Smith, T., E1064
- relative allocation
- Harden, E1060, E1063–E1064
- target populations
- Harden, E1060, E1063–E1064
- during COVID-19
Taxi industry
- commercial insurance
- driver education and training
- tourism promotion
- Ke, F1684
- tourism promotion
- insurance
- Fife, F3001
- mandatory training
- general remarks
- Glover, G1238
- general remarks
- unlicensed operators
- "driver," definition of
- Skelly, F3008
- general remarks
- government strategy
- penalties
- repeat offenders
- Tangri, F3000–F3001
- "driver," definition of
Taxi industry - COVID-19
Teacher candidates
- average salary
- Arthur, F1053–F1054
- Piccini, F994
- in other jurisdictions
- Arthur, F1054
- behavioural support training
- Lecce, E94
- collective bargaining
- cost to ministry. see under Ministry of Education—budget allocation
- compensation
- continuing education
- Education Program-Other (EPO) funding. see under Education funding - elementary/secondary
- education and training
- hiring criteria
- layoffs
- West, G376
- attrition protection fund. see under Education funding - elementary/secondary
- due to class size adjustment. see under Class sizes—adjustment
- due to enrolment rates
- due to expiry of Local Priorities Fund (LPF)
- Lecce, E84
- recall notices
- Lecce, E82–E83
- professional development
- qualifications
- recruitment and retention
- bilingual and francophone. see under Education - French-language
- representation and diversity
- Lecce, E356
- sexual abuse of students
- supply of
- Cho, S., F3249
- surplus notices
- Arthur, F769
- working conditions
- average salary
Teachers - labour dispute.
see also Education support workers—collective bargaining; Public sector compensation - increase cap- compensation as bargaining topic
- Arthur, F1053–F1054
- Piccini, F994–F995
- Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO)
- strike vote participation rate
- Cuzzetto, G397
- strike vote participation rate
- general remarks
- job action
- Piccini, F1182
- negotiation disclosure
- public perception of
- Support for Parents Initiative
- Piccini, F1182–F1183
- compensation as bargaining topic
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
- mandate, upholstered/stuffed articles
- regulatory duplication
- Fife, G218–G219
- regulatory duplication
- mandate, upholstered/stuffed articles
Technology sector - COVID 19
- regulation of
- jurisdiction
- Crawford, G1124
- jurisdiction
- regulation of
Telecommunications industry
Telecommunications infrastructure
Telehealth Ontario
Télévision française de l'Ontario (TFO).
see TVOntario (TVO)/ Télévision française de l'Ontario (TFO)- mandate expansion
- Lecce, E355
- mandate expansion
Temagami Forest Management Corp.
Temporary employment agencies.
see also Employment - contract- employment standards, enforcement. see Employment standards—enforcement
- scheduling in
- Piccini, F27
- worker health and safety
- Harden, SP981
- workers, time spent with
- West, F29
Temporary workers
- in construction industry
- Smith, D., F615
- in construction industry
- protection of. see Rental housing-tenant protections
The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
Thorold Tunnel
Thunder Bay District Jail
Thunder Bay Police Service
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
Time Act,
RSO 1990, c T.9
- ministry responsible for
- Roberts, M239
- ministry responsible for
Time Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 214)
Time change.
see Daylight saving timeTobacco - contraband
Tobacco products.
see also Smoking; VapingTobacco - retail
Tobacco tax
- increase
- impact on illegal market
- Downey, F202
- impact on illegal market
- increase
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
- community outreach programs
- Andrew, F1845
- revenue streams
- Skelly, F1841–F1842
- community outreach programs
Toronto Region Board of Trade
- COVID-19
- Recovery Activation Program (RAP)
- Coteau, F2371
- Recovery Activation Program (RAP)
- COVID-19
Toronto South Detention Centre
- public private partnership (P3) agreement
- interpretation
- French, P35
- interpretation
- public private partnership (P3) agreement
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC).
see also MetrolinxToronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- and affordable housing. see Housing development—transit-oriented
- annual construction preview report
- Blais, SP661–SP662
- Karahalios, SP661–SP662
- community benefits agreements
- downtown relief line
- economic impact
- Eglinton Crosstown West extension. see under Light Rail Transit (LRT)
- existing plan, redevelopment of
- fare integration
- Bell, E175
- federal government response to
- funding allocation. see Transit funding—capital projects—TTC expansion
- general remarks
- GO Transit transfer points
- impact on transit overcrowding
- implementation timeline
- Ontario content requirements
- partner negotiations
- plan, changes to
- Scarborough
- Scarborough extension
- Scarborough subway
- Sheppard extension
- Bell, E217
- subways
- Surma, SP911, SP914–SP916
- technological sustainability
- Cho, S., E188
- vehicles
- above-ground vs below-ground
- Blais, SP537, SP600
- Tabuns, SP552, SP558–SP559, SP561
- above-ground vs below-ground
- workers
- Yonge North extension
- zoning, amendments to
- Blais, SP528
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - construction process.
see also Metrolinx- compensation for damages due to
- Bell, SP544, SP649–SP653, SP664–SP665
- Hogarth, SP652–SP653
- Sabawy, SP651, SP665
- Tabuns, SP552, SP649, SP652–SP653, SP664
- Thanigasalam, SP649, SP652, SP664
- Wai, SP653
- continuity of
- Bell, SP530
- costs, disclosure of
- Bell, SP666–SP667
- Hogarth, SP667
- Sabawy, SP667–SP668
- Wai, SP668
- environmental assessment
- general remarks
- Babikian, SP562–SP563, SP591, SP598–SP600
- Bell, SP611
- Hogarth, SP529, SP559–SP560, SP606, SP615
- Karahalios, SP538, SP566, SP590
- Martin, SP538
- Sabawy, SP551, SP596, SP617–SP618
- Tabuns, SP607
- Thanigasalam, SP610
- and heavy rail service
- Tabuns, SP558
- impact on businesses
- impact on communities
- Bell, SP611, SP638, SP642–SP643
- Blais, SP547, SP597, SP628
- Hogarth, SP623–SP624
- Martin, SP555
- Sabawy, SP638–SP639
- Tabuns, SP546–SP547, SP574, SP587, SP639
- land expropriation
- minimum parking requirements, removal of
- Blais, SP528
- municipal assets
- municipal government cooperation
- Bell, SP657–SP658
- Tabuns, SP658
- Thanigasalam, SP658
- Ontario Line
- procurement process
- public consultation
- compensation for damages due to
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
- advertising campaign
- business case
- completion timeline
- Bell, SP912–SP913
- cost projections
- development process
- general remarks
- noise and construction mitigation
- procurement process
- Mulroney, SP912–SP913
- stops and access points
- transit project assessment process (TPAP)
- under- vs. above-ground
- Bell, E164
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- infrastructure development and maintenance
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- Arthur, F134, F655
- Arthur ., F150–F151
- Bell, SP665–SP666
- Bell ., G289
- Calandra, G351–G352, G354
- Cho, S., F655
- Fee, A28
- French, G353, G357
- Glover, G293, G313, G325, G338, G350, G352, G354, G356
- Hoggarth, G309
- Karahalios, SP665
- Piccini, F133–F134
- Schreiner, G292, G309, G314, G351, G355, G357
- Shaw, F151
- Skelly, F108
- Smith, D., F108, F133, F149–F150
- Surma, G290, G324–G325, G337
- Tabuns, SP666
- public consultation
- Shaw, F134
- transfer to provincial jurisdiction
- service delivery
- Cho, S., F655
- infrastructure development and maintenance
Toronto waterfront redevelopment
Toronto waterfront redevelopment - Port Lands
- flood protection. see Toronto waterfront redevelopment—flood protection
- general remarks
- Crawford, P313
Toronto waterfront redevelopment - Quayside
- business and implementation plan
- Toronto city approval
- Tabuns, P309
- Toronto city approval
- general remarks
- geographic scope
- intergovernmental steering committee (IGSC)
- role in RFP and PDA approval process
- Tabuns, P310
- role in RFP and PDA approval process
- investment and real estate committee (IREQ)
- land ownership
- City of Toronto
- Tabuns, P309
- City of Toronto
- land value, per acre
- Burch, P303
- procurement process
- equal access to information
- Burch, P304–P305
- equal access to information
- Sidewalk Labs, project termination
- impact on project status
- Crawford, E925
- impact on project status
- business and implementation plan
Toronto waterfront redevelopment - Sidewalk Toronto.
see also Smart cities- digital infrastructure and governance
- Framework Agreement
- Master Innovation and Development Plan
- Plan Development Agreement
Tourism Development and Recovery Fund
Tourism industry
- culinary tourism
- cycling tourism
- general remarks
- French, F2273
- infrastructure for
- Schreiner, F1386–F1387
- general remarks
- development of
- Cho, S., F706
- economic impact
- economic impact by sector
- employment
- promotion and recruitment
- Skelly, F705
- promotion and recruitment
- facility closures
- government funding
- government strategy
- Sabawy, F938
- hotel and hospitality
- capacity
- Hunter, F1592
- capacity
- impact of climate change
- Arthur, F939
- impact of housing shortage
- Arthur, F939
- Indigenous tourism
- and Ontario Day
- West, T171
- promotion
- Blais, F1646
- Hunter, F1645–F1646
- promotion, international
- Piccini, F938
- promotion of
- promotion, regional hubs
- recovery strategy
- regulatory environment
- Crawford, F1630
- role of transit network
- Khanjin, E171
- seasonal festivals
- revenue generation
- Smith, D., F1904
- revenue generation
- by sector
- eco-tourism
- Skelly, F1663
- eco-tourism
- worker wages
- Arthur, F939
Tourism industry by region
- northern Ontario
- visitor demographics
- Mantha, F2619–F2620
- Martow, F2022
- visitor demographics
- northern Ontario
Tourism industry - COVID-19
- arts and culture. see Arts and culture
- capacity restrictions
- Miller, P., E483
- consumer confidence
- digital tourism
- economic impact
- Bisson, F1509
- Blais, F1434
- Gates, F1386–F1388, F1471, F1521–F1522
- Gélinas, F1521
- Glover, F1461, G984
- Hunter, F1330, F1498
- Lindo, F1531
- MacLeod, E486, F1324–F1326, F1329–F1330
- Miller, P., F1351, F1396
- Morrison, F1536
- Shaw, F1326, F1339
- Skelly, F1390
- Vanthof, F1519
- general remarks
- and insurance coverage
- Blais, F1702
- Fife, F1529–F1530
- Gélinas, F1520
- Miller, N., F1518
- online events, transition to
- Rasheed, F1394
- post-secondary-education communities
- and prices
- Skelly, F1379
- recovery rate
- MacLeod, E458
- supplier contracts, status of
- MacLeod, F1331
- Schreiner, F1330–F1331, F1393–F1394
- and youth employees
- Hunter, F1404
- economic impact by region
- Niagara
- Gates, A365
- northern Ontario
- MacLeod, E484
- St. Catharines
- Stevens, F1689–F1690, F1692
- Niagara
- economic impact by sector
- economic recovery rate
- and employee retraining
- employment loss
- worker retraining. see under Employment - COVID-19
- festivals
- financial supports
- Arthur, F1547
- Blais, F1511–F1512
- Crawford, F1952
- Gates, F1481, F1509
- Glover, F2883
- Hunter, F1303, F1338, F1342–F1343, F1550
- MacLeod, F1326
- Miller, N., F1469, F1511
- Miller, P., F1342
- Oosterhoff, F1480
- Phillips, F1303
- Smith, D., F1339–F1340
- government funding
- Blais, F1330
- Gates, F1375
- Glover, F1461
- Hunter, F1330
- Lindo, F1398, F1434–F1435, F1456
- MacLeod, F1326–F1328, F1330–F1331
- Miller, P., F1327–F1328
- Oosterhoff, F1470
- Schreiner, F1387, F1394, F1532
- Shaw, F1326, F1487, F1497
- Simard, F1841
- Skelly, F1842
- low-interest loans
- northern Ontario
- and regulatory reform
- summer camps
- Schreiner, F1444
- wage subsidies
- Miller, P., F1385
- financial supports - federal
- general remarks
- MacLeod, E456
- government supports
- operating grants/loans
- by sector
- hotel and hospitality
- Blais, F1593–F1594
- hotel and hospitality
- guidelines for
- and heritage buildings
- Roberts, F1389
- infection control
- and international markets
- lead time for
- marketing
- multi-jursditcional attractions
- Smith, D., F1435
- northern Ontario
- open air spaces, expansion of
- in other jurisdictions
- promotion of
- property tax relief
- Gates, E475
- provincial fees and permits, waiver
- Vanthof, F1380, F1472–F1473
- regional
- reopening
- resource-based
- rural Ontario
- Piccini, F1423
- sector partnerships
- snowmobiling
- Cho, S., F2178–F2179
- Skelly, F2180
- infrastructure maintenance
- Monteith-Farrell, F2179
- stadiums and halls, re-purposing of
- Harden, F1542
- stakeholder consultation
- MacLeod, E457
- tax credits and incentives
- and testing
- travel restrictions
Tourism industry - COVID-19, domestic tourism
- general remarks
- promotion of
- Fee, F1528
- Gates, F1376
- Hunter, F1479, F1781, F2338
- Khanjin, F1530–F1531, F1885
- Lindo, F1888, F2282–F2283
- Martin, F2518
- McKenna, F1594
- Miller, N., F1617
- Miller, P., F1703–F1704, F1717, F2374, F2401
- Piccini, F3155
- Roberts, F3111–F3112
- Sabawy, F1480
- Skelly, F1435–F1436, F2966
- Smith, D., F2477
- as recovery strategy
- Crawford, F1693
- Smith, D., F1875–F1876
- tax credit
- Arthur, F3115
- Phillips, F3016
- Piccini, F3155
- Roberts, F3016, F3111–F3112
Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
- fee waivers
- Yakabuski, E432
- financial assistance
- general remarks
- Andrew, F1878–F1879
- Miller, P., E482, F2374–F2375
- Parsa, E477
- Schreiner, F2476
- Taylor, F1637
- loans and grants
- northern Ontario
- in other jurisdictions
- Simard, F1879
- provincial refund programs
- Calandra, F2346
- Reconnect Festival and Event Programs. see under Tourism industry - funding
- by region
- regulatory fees
- Blais, F1629
- seasonal businesses
- Schreiner, F2555
- seasonal festivals
- MacLeod, E479–E480
- by sector
- francophone tourism
- Simard, F1877–F1878
- hotel and hospitality
- Indigenous tourism
- Crawford, F1920–F1921
- Mamakwa, F1648
- Schreiner, F1650–F1651
- Smith, D., F1875
- francophone tourism
- tourism economic development recovery fund (TEDRF). see under Tourism industry - funding
- fee waivers
Tourism industry - COVID-19, government supports
- general remarks
- Wai, F3239
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant. see Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant
- general remarks
Tourism industry - funding
- allocation by project
- Reconnect Festival and Event Program
- Regional Tourism Organization (RTO)
- tourism economic development recovery fund (TEDRF)
Towing industry
- regulation
- general remarks
- Crawford, G1220
- French, G1217, G1256
- Harris, G1252
- Mulroney, G1202, G1208
- Sabawy, G1229–G1230
- Thanigasalam, G1216–G1217
- implementation timeline
- French, G1207–G1208
- possessory liens
- French, G1218
- general remarks
- restricted tow zones, municipal
- Towing Task Force
- Mulroney, G1202
- regulation
Township of Ignace
Township of Machin
Toxic substances
Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
Traffic congestion
Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON)
- general remarks
- Smith, T., E1138–E1139
- general remarks
- business case process. see also under GO Transit - stations—viability assessments
- as climate change mitigator
- Shaw, F940–F941
- costs compared to driving
- McKenna, E218
- fares
- during COVID-19
- Blais, F2071–F2072
- during COVID-19
- GO Transit. see GO Transit
- government strategy
- Mulroney, E156–E158
- impact on business investment
- Fife, F1191
- intercity transit routes
- planning process
- Presto fare card system
- cost to transit agencies
- Bell, E222
- cost to transit agencies
- Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
- Viva bus network (York Region)
- Mulroney, E167
Transit congestion
Transit - COVID-19
Transit funding
- Downey, F403
- Harden, F412
- capital projects
- allocation disclosure
- gas tax program. see also Community Transportation Grant Program—funding source
- general remarks
- GO Transit expansion
- Hamilton LRT
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- spending schedule
- TTC expansion
- Community Transportation Grant Program. see Community Transportation Grant Program
- general remarks
- Schreiner, F2097
- local subsidies
- Arthur, F1048
- Metrolinx operating subsidy. see under Metrolinx
- Presto implementation and maintenance
- Bell, E222
- public-private partnerships (P3s). see also Infrastructure development - public-private partnership (P3) model
- sources of
- post-secondary students
- Blais, F2053
- post-secondary students
Transit infrastructure
- barrier-free access
- community impact
- Stiles, A194–A195
- connection points
- Piccini, F845
- economic impact
- Shaw, F1145
- electrification of
- Schreiner, F2212
- general remarks
- Hunter, F2077
- government funding
- government strategy
- and local decision making
- Schreiner, G317
- planning process
- jurisdiction
- Piccini, F1146
- jurisdiction
- provincial uploading. see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
- use of P3 model
- Khanjin, F2072
Transit infrastructure construction
- business disruption due to
- GO Transit network. see GO Transit
- government funding
- government strategy
- Calandra, G358
- history of
- Miller, N., P222
- impact on small business
- Morrison, F2652
- and municipal planning
- projected delay schedule
- Bell, E161
- public-private partnerships
- public-private partnerships (P3s)
- role of private sector
- Skelly, F413
- Wyecroft Road Extension and Bridge Project
- Triantafilopoulos, E206
Transit infrastructure development
- community benefits agreements
- Bell, SP915, SP935–SP936
- Burch, SP931
- Harden, SP936–SP937
- Mulroney, SP915
- Thanigasalam, SP936
- community impact
- Bell, SP934
- Martin, SP924–SP925
- community rights standards
- Bell, SP937–SP938
- Thanigasalam, SP938
- delays and cancellations
- Bell, SP912–SP913
- Martin, SP924
- employment opportunities
- government funding
- hearings of necessity
- Mulroney, SP914–SP915
- land expropriation
- occupational health and safety
- Burch, SP931
- Harden, SP928–SP929
- public consultation
- public-private partnerships
- Bell, SP938–SP939
- Harden, SP934, SP939–SP940
- Thanigasalam, SP940
- community benefits agreements
Transit infrastructure development - acceleration
Transit infrastructure development by region
Transit systems
Transit systems by region
- Hamilton
- Kitchener-Waterloo. see also GO Transit—K-W service
- Niagara
- Skelly, F1276
- Ottawa LRT
- Harden, F402
- Toronto subway. see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
Transit-oriented communities
- affordable housing
- Bell, SP940–SP941
- Burch, SP921–SP922, SP931–SP932
- Thanigasalam, SP941
- government strategy
- Babikian, SP928
- Mulroney, SP910
- Surma, SP911–SP912, SP916
- inclusionary zoning
- affordable housing
Transportation industry - COVID-19
- financial supports
- Miller, P., F1514
- Shaw, F1513–F1514
- financial supports
Transportation infrastructure.
see also Highways - development and maintenance; Municipal governments—asset management program- bridges
- cycling infrastructure
- Blais, F2242
- French, E184, E196
- Hunter, F2239
- economic impact
- Bell, F2241
- Crawford, F2268
- Piccini, F2284–F2285
- Schreiner, F2267, F2271, F2283–F2284
- expansion of
- and road safety
- Schreiner, F2270–F2271
- economic impact
- Triantafilopoulos, E208
- general remarks
- Mulroney, E158–E159
- government funding. see also Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)—program streams—rural and northern stream
- highways and roads. see Highways - development and maintenance
- materials used for
- Mulroney, E159
- northern Ontario
- Rickford, E1219–E1220
- Smith, D., E1218–E1219
- remote air carrier support program
- Thunder Bay bypass
- French, E209–E210
Travel industry
Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO)
Travel industry - COVID-19
- agency billing periods
- Blais, F1629
- airlines
- financial supports
- Hunter, F1557
- financial supports
- cross-border travel restrictions
- economic impact. see Tourism industry - COVID-19
- financial supports
- Hunter, F1557
- MacLeod, F1333
- Rasheed, F1333
- northern Ontario, travel to
- Hunter, F1577
- Schreiner, F1558–F1559
- and ground cargo transport
- Skelly, F1557–F1558
- infection control
- Tangri, F2461–F2462
- labour costs
- recovery
- Blais, F1629
- recovery
- promotion of
- regulatory fees
- waiving of
- Blais, F1629
- waiving of
- safety measures
- Fife, F1555–F1556
- Hunter, F1557
- Rasheed, F1349, F1558
- Skelly, F1351
- travel incentives
- Miller, P., F1560–F1561
- agency billing periods
Treasury Board Secretariat
- orders
- Shaw, P177–P178
- orders
Tree planting
- afforestation
- Arthur, F1107–F1108
- Roberts, F1108
- as permit requirement
- in urban areas
- Skelly, F1108
- afforestation
Trespass to property
Trespass to Property Act, RSO 1990, c T.21
- Yarde, JP227
Tribunal proceedings
- and access to justice. see under Justice - administration of
- adjudicators
- decision length
- Nicholls, A180
- general remarks
- legal representation
- motions to dismiss
- operational management
- Bouma, A179
- procedural rules
- Bouma, A180
- Carver, Brent
- Martin, F2542
- Carver, Brent
Trillium Drug Program
Trillium Trust
Truck drivers
Truck safety
- regulation of
- Hatfield, F477–F478
- regulation of
Trucking industry
- and COVID-19
- driver recruitment
- Bourgouin, G1312
- forest operators
- shortage
- Bourgouin, E413
- shortage
- government services, digital
- Sandhu, G1313
- insurance rates
- Bourgouin, E412, G1311–G1312
- Yakabuski, E412–E413
- long-combination vehicles
- noise restrictions. see under Bylaws - municipal—noise regulation
- off-peak deliveries. see also under Business—supply chain
- recruitment and retention
- Fife, F2993
- regulatory environment
- Harris, G1311
- regulatory reform
- Sandhu, G1314
- safety
- Sandhu, G1313
- training, languages
- Sandhu, G1313
Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (Bill 145)
- Bailey, G567, G571, G579, G581
- Coe, G570–G571, G582
- Glover, G566, G571–G572, G577, G579
- Kramp, G575
- Rakocevic, G572, G576–G577, G579–G580
- Sabawy, G565, G567–G568, G571, G575, G580–G581
- Schreiner, G566–G567, G570, G577–G578, G580
- Wai, G568, G574–G575, G581
- amendments
- general remarks
- legislative timeline
- Sabawy, G581
- title
- Kramp, G575
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Tuition fees
TVOntario (TVO)/ Télévision française de l'Ontario (TFO).
see also Education - French languageTVOntario/TFO
2345260 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr12)
2271767 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr43)
2353043 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr44)
2372830 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr30)
2404907 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr24)
2560462 Ontario Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr41)
- Miller, P., T212
2585303 Ontario Inc. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr26)
Tyndale College