Letter: W
Wabaseemoong First Nation
- mercury contamination. see Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
wage subsidy
Walkerton E. coli outbreak (2000)
War in Afghanistan
Waste diversion
- compostable packaging
- Miller, N., 9900–9901
- economic impact
- general remarks
- government strategy
- government strategy, consultation
- mattress recycling
- Miller, N., 1528
- public consultation
- Phillips, 3341
- rates
- recycling. see Recycling programs
- compostable packaging
Waste diversion - textiles
- donation and recycling
- fast fashion, impact of
- general remarks
- programs, charity/corporate
- programs, municipal
- recovery rates
- donation labels
- general remarks
- Karahalios, 3548
- to other countries
- donation and recycling
Waste management
Watay Power Project.
see Electricity transmission—Wataynikaneyap Power ProjectWater extraction
- for commercial bottled water
Water power
Water power generating facilities
Water protection
- Clean Water and Wastewater Fund
- Burch, 5905–5906
- community initiatives
- Khanjin, 11448–11449
- federal funding
- Yurek, 5905–5906
- general remarks
- government funding
- government programs
- government strategy
- Great Lakes
- Barrett, 7502–7503, 7508
- Hatfield, 11791
- Khanjin, 4991
- Miller, N., 13570
- Monteith-Farrell, 7505
- Oosterhoff, 7507
- Piccini, 5814
- Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health
- Yurek, 9111
- general remarks
- Barrett, 9111
- government funding
- Yurek, 9111–9112
- Great Lakes Local Action Fund
- Triantafilopoulos, 9410
- Lake Erie
- Arthur, 6749
- Lake Simcoe
- Khanjin, 10780
- Roberts, 10779–10780
- litter removal
- Hogarth, 13030
- Khanjin, 13576
- Miller, N., 13570–13571, 13573
- Schreiner, 13575
- moraines and aquifers. see also Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001, SO 2001, c 31; Paris Galt moraine
- phosphorus level mitigation
- plastics and micro-plastics
- polystyrene, mandatory encapsulation
- Collard, 11491
- Gélinas, 11491
- Ghamari, 11491–11492
- Glover, 11492
- Khanjin, 11495, 13576
- Miller, N., 11489–11491, 11495–11496, 13570–13573
- Oosterhoff, 13576
- Schreiner, 11493, 13575–13576
- Smith, D., 13577
- Smith, D. r, 11493–11494
- Vanthof, 13573–13574
- Walker, 13574–13575
- polystyrene, removal
- Miller, N., 13570–13571
- public education campaigns
- Mother Earth Water Walkers
- Schreiner, 3550
- Mother Earth Water Walkers
- regulations
- Clean Water and Wastewater Fund
Water quality
- black shale investigation
- Detroit River
- Gretzky, 6722
- Elmira groundwater contamination (1989)
- Harris, 3552
- general remarks
- Shaw, 6421
- lead levels
- lead pipe removal
- nutrient pollution
- French, 11928
- phosphorus level mitigation
- Khanjin, 488
- in schools. see School facilities—water quality
- trihalomethanes
Water quality - drinking water
- drinking water operators
- training and examination
- Khanjin, 13399
- training and examination
- Indigenous communities. see Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- Indigenous Drinking Water Projects Office
- Khanjin, 13399
- safety standards
- Mamakwa, 13398
- testing
- results delivery method
- Downey, 4467
- results delivery method
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre
- Khanjin, 13399
- drinking water operators
Water supply
Water treatment plants.
see also Sewage and wastewater managementWaterfront Toronto development
Waterpower Day Act, 2021 (Bill 268)
- first reading
- Mantha, 12196–12197
- first reading
Watershed management.
see also Flood management- Shaw, 10549–10552
- conservation authorities
- Fife, 11171
- Experimental Lakes Area
- government funding
- jurisdiction
- Collard, 10861
- Muskoka
- Miller, N., 9962
- task force
Watersheds and wetlands
- conservation. see also Conservation authorities
- development on
- Fife, 11966–11967
- general remarks
- Shaw, 11616
- government funding
- International Joint Commission (IJC)
- adaptive management committees
- Piccini, 7504
- adaptive management committees
Water-taking permits
- regulatory reform
- Fife, 5882
- regulatory reform
Waterways Analysis Act, 2018 (Bill 20)
Waterways Examination Act, 2018 (Bill 27)
Weather events.
see under Climate changeWeddings
- and COVID-19
- attendance restrictions
- Thompson, 8801
- marriage licences. see Certificates of birth, marriage, and death
- attendance restrictions
- and COVID-19
Wemax Real Estate Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr47)
- first reading
- Singh, G., 12358
- first reading
We're All in This Together Act (Cutting MPP Salaries to CERB Equivalent), 2021 (Bill 249)
- first reading
- Baber, 11310
- first reading
- conservation
- Yurek, 12227
- development on
- Schreiner, 12104–12105
- ecological role
- French, 11928–11929, 11932, 12454
- Gates, 12002
- protection of
- Hatfield, 12109
- conservation
- protection of
- Natyshak, 6823
- protection of
Whistleblowers and whistleblowing
White Pines Wind Project.
see also Government contracts- environmental impact
- Bell, 221
- general remarks
- Smith, T., 350–351
- local opinion
- notice to proceed. see also Elections and by-elections—caretaker convention during
- public response to
- Smith, T., 66
- scope
- Rickford, 187
- environmental impact
White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
Whittrick N D T Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr50)
Wildfire management
- 2020 season statistics
- Yakabuski, 9170
- during COVID-19
- Yakabuski, 9169–9170
- early fire ban
- Yakabuski, 8263
- general remarks
- government funding
- Yakabuski, 9170
- government strategy
- Yakabuski, 9169
- mutual-aid agreements
- Yakabuski, 9169–9170
- personnel and fleet resources
- Yakabuski, 9169
- prevention
- restricted fire zones
- Yakabuski, 9170
- restricted fire zones
- response coordination
- Yakabuski, 9169
- stakeholder partnerships
- Yakabuski, 9169
- through climate policy
- Schreiner, 9171–9172
- 2020 season statistics
- in California
- Tabuns, 5816
- government strategy
- Roberts, 10777–10778
- Yakabuski, 10778
- in California
Wildfires in northern Ontario
- and climate change. see under Climate change
- containment strategies
- Eabametoong evacuation (2020)
- Yakabuski, 9170
- economic impact
- Vanthof, 637
- general remarks
- government response to
- international aid
- inter-provincial aid
- Parry Sound 33
- Red Lake evacuation (2020)
- Yakabuski, 9170
- risks to highway safety
Wildlife management.
see also Hunting and angling—animal welfare and- bear control
- Vanthof, 8658
- biodiversity, importance of
- disease management
- general remarks
- Schreiner, 5089
- impact on forestry industry
- Fedeli, 2455
- population management. see Hunting and angling—moose hunting
- wolf transfer
- bear control
Wilfred Laurier University
- in contemplation of marriage
- Bailey, 11558–11559
- Park, 11477
- creation of
- legal aid support
- French, 11480–11481
- legal aid support
- digital wills
- Downey, 12122
- inheritance administration. see Estate administration
- revocation on marriage
- impact on child inheritance
- Smith, D., 11478
- repeal of
- Bailey, 11558–11559
- Downey, 11424, 12122
- Park, 11477–11479, 12254
- impact on child inheritance
- validation by courts
- witnessing procedures. see under Estate administration
- in contemplation of marriage
Wind energy
Wind industry
- COVID-19 grants
- Cho, S., 12436
- COVID-19 grants
Wind turbine projects.
see also White Pines Wind Project- Conestogo Wind Energy project
- public response to
- Pettapiece, 1744–1745
- public response to
- Eastern Fields Wind Power Project cancellation
- on Oak Ridges Moraine
- Smith, D., 2297
- public response to
- in Sarnia–Lambton
- Bailey, 58–59
- Strong Breeze Wind Project
- public response to
- Yurek, 55
- public response to
- White Pines Wind Project. see White Pines Wind Project
- Conestogo Wind Energy project
Wind turbines
- construction
- impact on groundwater aquifers
- Smith, D., 3553
- impact on groundwater aquifers
- economic impact
- Nicholls, 1555
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- impact on aquifer
- impact on health
- noise pollution
- North Stormont project
- decommissioning of
- Karahalios, 12840–12841
- decommissioning of
- removal of
- Hunter, 9764
- siting of
- Rickford, 1230–1231
- siting of, municipal consultation
- Smith, T., 349
- construction
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
Wine industry
- economic impact
- local wines
- in Niagara region
- taxation
- VQA support program
- Gates, 12436
Wireless services
Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2013,
S.O. 2013, c. 8
Wolf Lake
- mining exploration permit
- Schreiner, 9002–9003
- mining exploration permit
- and COVID-19
- economic impact. see under COVID-19 - economic impact—equity-seeking groups
- government strategy
- Burch, 10101–10103
- Gretzky, 10093, 10101–10102
- Kanapathi, 10093–10094
- discrimination against
- Gretzky, 7681–7682
- economic barriers task force
- Bethlenfalvy, 12202
- economic development
- economic empowerment
- Dunlop, 11857–11858
- Fife, 10710–10711
- from equity-seeking groups
- gender-based budgeting. see under Policy development
- government strategy
- MacLeod, 3521
- Investing in Women's Futures program
- Investing in Women's Futures Program
- labour market participation
- in leadership roles
- pay equity. see Pay equity—gender wage gap
- in politics
- McKenna, 11970
- and poverty
- Stiles, 7540
- recognition as persons
- Karahalios, 1733–1734
- representation in STEM
- rights and advancement
- Status of Women report (1970)
- Andrew, 11141
- Dunlop, 11139–11140
- Hunter, 11141
- Schreiner, 11142
- in STEM fields
- support and recognition programs
- Leading Women, Leading Girls
- Lindo, 4600
- Leading Women, Leading Girls
- support organizations
- Stiles, 7540
- voting rights, historically
- Women's Economic Security Program
- in the workforce
- and COVID-19
Women in politics
Women's College Hospital
- digital services
- Gélinas, 3697
- digital services
Women's shelters
- access to
- Andrew, 6276
- closures
- Bisson, 6469
- demand for
- Andrew, 6653
- general remarks
- government funding
- Dunlop, 12657–12658
- Gretzky, 5171–5172, 12207
- Hillier, 5067–5068
- MacLeod, 2876, 5068
- Miller, N., 12657–12658
- Pang, 2863
- Sattler, 13728
- West, 4921
- Halton Women's Place
- Crawford, 10163
- stakeholder consultation
- access to
Woodbine Entertainment Group
- as payer for Woodbine GO station
- Yurek, 3523
- as payer for Woodbine GO station
Woodex Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr49)
Work-integrated learning.
see also Apprenticeship training programs; Youth unemployment- access to
- across sectors
- Sattler, 3355
- in auto sector. see under Automotive industry—recruitment and retention
- availability
- Hassan, 3352
- A Battle We Can’t Afford to Lose: Getting Young Canadians from Education to Employment, (Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 2014)
- Hassan, 3353
- Building the Workforce of Tomorrow: A Shared Responsibility (The Premier's Highly Skilled Workforce Panel, 2016)
- Hassan, 3353
- eligibility
- general remarks
- institution resource needs
- Sattler, 3355
- paid vs. unpaid
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- chemical labelling
- Kramp, 3102–3103
- chemical labelling
Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
- first reading
- McNaughton, 11212–11213
- second reading, 11236–11245, 11263–11277, 11327–11336, 11351–11373, 11437–11448, 11524–11543, 11577–11578
- Armstrong, 11330, 11444, 11446
- Bailey, 11272–11277, 11530
- Bell, 11243
- Berns-McGown, 11276, 11357, 11362–11366
- Bouma, 11532–11536, 11541
- Burch, 11524–11527, 11529, 11538, 11541
- Coe, 11369, 11536, 11542–11543
- Coteau, 11355–11358
- Fife, 11276–11277
- Gates, 11263–11273, 11336, 11527, 11530, 11535
- Ghamari, 11370, 11373, 11532, 11535, 11538
- Gill, 11445–11448
- Glover, 11444
- Gretzky, 11330, 11526, 11532, 11536–11539, 11541–11542
- Harris, 11244, 11527–11530, 11542
- Hatfield, 11331, 11336, 11351–11355, 11361, 11369, 11372
- Karpoche, 11357, 11370–11373
- Kernaghan, 11329, 11335, 11365, 11370, 11373
- Khanjin, 11244, 11271, 11331, 11353, 11357, 11437–11442, 11444, 11447, 11529, 11537–11538
- Kramp, 11536
- Mantha, 11334–11335, 11362, 11373, 11445
- McDonell, 11539
- McKenna, 11240–11243, 11245, 11330–11332, 11335, 11357, 11362, 11365–11366, 11372, 11440, 11443, 11447, 11526, 11530, 11533, 11540
- McNaughton, 11236–11240, 11243–11245
- Monteith-Farrell, 11244
- Morrison, 11244
- Natyshak, 11530–11533, 11536, 11538
- Piccini, 11272, 11276, 11355, 11358–11362, 11444
- Rakocevic, 11529, 11535
- Roberts, 11365–11370, 11441
- Sattler, 11327–11331, 11354, 11369, 11441
- Schreiner, 11331–11332
- Singh, G., 11245, 11272
- Singh, S., 11271, 11358, 11366
- Skelly, 11272, 11276–11277, 11329–11330, 11335, 11356, 11361
- Smith, D., 11332–11336, 11354
- Stevens, 11441, 11447–11448
- Stiles, 11526, 11533, 11539–11542
- Tabuns, 11354
- Vanthof, 11361–11362
- West, 11440, 11442–11445, 11447
- Yakabuski, 11441
- division (carried), 11577–11578
- third reading, 12150–12164, 12173–12182, 12567–12584
- Anand, 12180
- Bailey, 12567–12571
- Barrett, 12574
- Begum, 12571
- Berns-McGown, 12154–12155
- Bouma, 12579, 12584
- Bourgouin, 12176–12181, 12579, 12583
- Calandra, 12571, 12580, 12583
- Coe, 12177
- Crawford, 12173–12177
- Cuzzetto, 12180
- Fife, 12572–12576
- Gates, 12155–12164
- Harris, 12570, 12575–12580, 12583
- Hogarth, 12176
- Kanapathi, 12181
- Kernaghan, 12176, 12181, 12575, 12580–12584
- Khanjin, 12155
- Mantha, 12177
- McNaughton, 12150–12156
- Miller, N., 12579–12580
- Morrison, 12180, 12579, 12584
- Natyshak, 12570, 12575
- Nicholls, 12155
- Oosterhoff, 12571
- Sandhu, 12156
- Sattler, 12181–12182
- Singh, G., 12181, 12580
- Stiles, 12155
- Walker, 12575
- division (carried), 12610
- Royal assent, 12663
- first reading
Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Access to Mental Health Support for Essential Workers), 2021 (Bill 267)
- first reading
- Taylor, 12144
- second reading, 12515–12520, 12542
- first reading
Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Presumption Respecting COVID-19), 2020 (Bill 191)
- first reading
- Gates, 7836–7837
- first reading
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- appreciation
- McNaughton, 11244–11245
- average industrial wage
- calculation of
- Bailey, 12568
- Crawford, 12173–12174
- Harris, 12576
- calculation of
- claims assessment process
- compensation
- coverage expansion
- deeming
- deeming policy
- Berns-McGown, 11364–11365
- Bourgouin, 12178–12179, 12181
- Burch, 11525–11527
- Gates, 11271–11273, 11336, 11527, 11530, 12158, 12161–12163, 12996–12997, 13925–13926, 13953
- Gretzky, 11526, 11537
- Karpoche, 11357, 11372
- Kernaghan, 11370, 12176, 12581
- Mantha, 11335, 12177
- McKenna, 11530
- Monteith-Farrell, 11244
- Natyshak, 11531–11532
- Sattler, 11369
- Singh, G., 12181
- Singh, S., 11358
- Stevens, 1492
- Taylor, 12987–12988
- West, 11443
- Yarde, 12994–12995
- employer premiums, administrative construction jobs
- employer premiums, reduction in
- executive compensation
- fund surplus
- government strategy
- Health and Safety Excellence Program
- Crawford, 12175–12176
- history of
- West, 11442–11443
- mandate
- operational review
- physician assessments
- presumptive coverage
- PTSD presumption
- reform
- Coteau, 11357
- staffing
- Sattler, 13203
- treatment coverage
- Gates, 8267
- unfunded liability
- workplace eligibility
- West, 10906
- appreciation
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
- claims
- coverage
- exempted from civil liability protection
- Cuzzetto, 9986
- general remarks
- maximum insurable earnings
- for employee benefits
- for employer premiums
- Anand, 12180
- Bailey, 11273–11275, 11277, 11530, 12568, 12570–12571
- Bouma, 11533–11536, 12579
- Burch, 11524
- Coe, 11542–11543
- Crawford, 12174, 12176
- Gates, 11271, 12156–12157
- Ghamari, 11370, 11373, 11532
- Gill, 11445–11446
- Gretzky, 11330
- Harris, 11527–11530, 11542, 12579–12580, 12583
- Hatfield, 11336
- Karpoche, 11371
- Khanjin, 11271, 11331, 11438–11441, 12155
- McDonell, 11539
- McKenna, 11240–11241, 11335, 11362
- McNaughton, 11237, 12151, 12154–12155
- Natyshak, 11531, 11536, 12570
- Nicholls, 12155
- Oosterhoff, 12571
- Piccini, 11355, 11358–11359, 11361–11362, 11444
- Roberts, 11365–11370, 11441
- Sandhu, 12156
- Sattler, 11328–11330, 12182
- Skelly, 11277, 11335, 11361
- Smith, D., 11354
- Smith, T., 11332–11335
- Stiles, 11539
- West, 11442
- stakeholder consultation
- Gates, 12156
- stakeholder response
- Bailey, 12569–12570
- Harris, 12570
- premium payment deferral
- presumptive coverage, essential workers
- Armstrong, 11330, 11446
- Bourgouin, 12176, 12178
- Burch, 11524–11525, 11529
- Fife, 12574–12575
- Gates, 11265–11266, 11271, 11336, 11530, 12158–12160, 12997, 13926
- Gretzky, 11330, 11526, 11537
- Hatfield, 11353
- Karpoche, 11371
- Kernaghan, 12176
- Mantha, 12177
- Sattler, 11330, 11354, 11369, 12182
- Stiles, 11540
- Taylor, 12473
- general remarks
- Gates, 13980–13981
- Gretzky, 13977
- mental health supports
- Begum, 12518, 12571
- Cuzzetto, 12517–12518
- Fife, 12573, 12575
- Gates, 12519
- Gretzky, 13977
- Natyshak, 12575
- Stevens, 12518–12519
- Taylor, 12515–12516, 12519–12520, 12988, 13104, 13979–13980
World War I
World War II
World Wars I and II
- Canadian contributions
- Harris, 10186–10187
- Hatfield, 10313–10314
- Oosterhoff, 9626–9627
- Skelly, 10311
- Canadian contributions
wpd White Pine Winds Incorporated.
see also White Pines Wind Project- Collingwood project
- Smith, T., 350
- Collingwood project
WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2020 (Bill 194)
- first reading
- Fraser, 8386–8387
- first reading