Letter: N
National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco
- mandate of
- Shaw, F202
- mandate of
Native Horizons Treatment Centre
- renovation funding
- Scott, E887
- renovation funding
Natural gas
- conservation programs
- Tabuns, G65
- Walker, E1143
- general remarks
- Smith, D., E1184–E1185
- Walker, E1184–E1185
- stakeholder consultations
- Tabuns, P368–P369
- conversion to
- impact on heating costs
- Lecce, G122
- impact on heating costs
- impact on agriculture industry
- Piccini, F956
- renewable natural gas
- from waste. see under Waste management
- conservation programs
Natural gas access
Natural gas expansion
- cost of development, transparency
- economic impact
- Kanapathi, G115
- as economic policy
- Lecce, G107–G108
- environmental impact
- Tabuns, G1263–G1264
- funding source
- general remarks
- Harris, F583
- Walker, E1142–E1143, E1152
- government funding
- impact on home construction industry
- Kramp, G118
- Nipigon LNG project
- French, G125
- northern Ontario
- oversight by Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- program eligibility
- project determination
- impact of ROI analysis
- Arthur, F657
- impact of ROI analysis
- target communities
- via private sector
Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
- cancellation
- funds to telecommunications infrastructure
- French, G126
- funds to telecommunications infrastructure
- cancellation
Natural gas rates
Natural resources
- development
- general remarks
- Crawford, F2032
- general remarks
- management. see also Forest industry; Mines
- government funding
- sustainable resource management
- Monteith-Farrell, E454
- sustainable resource management
- government funding
- policy development
- development
Nature centres.
see Zoos and nature centresNeonicotinoids.
see under PesticidesNeskantaga First Nation
New Democratic Party (NDP)
New home construction industry
- builder accountability. see also Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA); Tarion Warranty Corp. - builder regulation
- consumer protection. see also Tarion Warranty Corp.—mandate
- consumer protection standards
- vs. pre-owned homes
- Rakocevic, P291–P292
- vs. pre-owned homes
- dispute resolution process. see also under Tarion Warranty Corp. - warranty administration
- environmental sustainability
- Singh, G., JP274
- illegal home construction
- inspections. see under Housing construction
- mould
- new home registration
- Kusendova, JP269–JP270, JP289
- owner's manual
- Anand, JP294–JP295
- policy development
- stakeholder information sharing
- Coe, JP276
- Hatfield, JP301–JP302
- warranty administration
New home construction industry - reform
- consultation process
- consumer protection
- re historical claims
- Ghamari, P288
- re historical claims
- general remarks
- Bailey, JP260, JP318
- Bouma, JP261
- Coe, JP285, JP295
- Gélinas, P289–P290
- Ghamari, JP315, JP317, JP327, JP335, P288
- Glover, G734, G750–G751, G801
- Harris, G745, G808, G819
- Hatfield, JP291, JP293
- Kramp, G729, G742–G743, G753, G781–G782, G801
- Kusendova, JP295, JP323
- Rakocevic, G725, G737, G741–G742, G745, G768–G770, G788, G791, G803–G804, G818–G819, JP293, JP313, JP322, JP327–JP328, JP336–JP337, JP349–JP350
- Sabawy, G750, G788
- Schreiner, G727, G743–G744, G751, G761, G782, G804, G819
- Singh, G., JP319, JP328
- Singh, S., JP284, JP329
- Stevens, G783
- Tangri, JP261
- Wai, G749
- implementation timeline
- Rakocevic, JP261–JP262, JP265, JP271–JP272, JP283, JP290
- legislation review periods
- Bouma, JP307
- regulatory framework
- warranty administration
- condo developments. see Condominiums—legislative reform
- policy holder
- Ghamari, JP335
- single- vs. multi-provider model
News media
- podcasting
- Schreiner, F2507
- podcasting
Niagara Parks
- tourist injuries, prevention of
- Gates, F1388
- tourist injuries, prevention of
Niagara Parks Commission
911 services
Nipigon Bridge failure
Non-profit organizations.
see Charities and non-profitsNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- workplace safety provisions
- McKenna, SP964
- workplace safety provisions
Northern Ontario.
see also specific issues- Far North communities. see also Indigenous communities - Far North
- population retention
- Arthur, F1014
- promotion of
- Ke, T174
- remoteness coefficient
- re government funding
- Mamakwa, F421
- re government funding
- tourism
- Mamakwa, F705
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC)
- alignment with federal regulations
- Smith, D., F1219
- grants
- investment allocation
- recipient demographics
- Rickford, E1228–E1229
- renewal funding program
- workforce renewal
- Gates, A477
- workforce renewal
- alignment with federal regulations
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC).
- application process, timeline for
- Monteith-Farrell, E1223
- Rickford, E1223–E1224
- expenditures vs. revenue
- Mantha, E1193–E1195
- Rickford, E1193–E1195
- funds, disbursement of
- Monteith-Farrell, E1218, E1221
- Rickford, E1217–E1218, E1221
- indigenous communities, inclusion of
- Mantha, E1205–E1206
- Rickford, E1141–E1142, E1205–E1206
- internship program
- stakeholder engagement
- Smith, D., E1222–E1223
- application process, timeline for
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Northern Ontario School of Medicine - as independent institution
- academic freedom
- accreditation
- association with Lakehead and Laurentian universities
- Piccini, G1369–G1370
- collective bargaining rights
- consultation
- Bourgouin, G1371
- Glover, G1361, G1403–G1404
- Gravelle, G1396, G1402
- Piccini, G1403
- Schreiner, G1397–G1398
- Wai, G1386
- West, G1384
- general remarks
- Bourgouin, G1357, G1370
- Crawford, G1304–G1305
- Gravelle, G1395, G1399
- Lindo, G1347
- Monteith-Farrell, G1396, G1399
- Piccini, G1306–G1307, G1397
- Sandhu, G1359–G1360
- Schreiner, G1348
- West, G1387–G1388
- governance structure
- Glover, G1350, G1396–G1397, G1400
- Lindo, G1306
- Monteith-Farrell, G1400–G1401
- Piccini, G1369–G1370, G1399–G1401
- Schreiner, G1362, G1368–G1369, G1388, G1398, G1402
- impact on faculty
- impact on Indigenous relations
- Lindo, G1305
- impact on Indigenous students
- impact on student recruitment
- Glover, G1360–G1361, G1397–G1398
Nova Chemicals
Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy industry
- general remarks
- Ghamari, P196
- skilled labour shortage in
- Cuzzetto, E1208
- Miller, N., P185–P186
- Rickford, E1208–E1209
- Surma, P195
- Walker, E1209
- small modular reactors, development and commercialization of
- Blais, F2232
- Hunter, F2234
- Rickford, E1150–E1151
- general remarks
Nuclear generating stations
- refurbishment
- general remarks
- Cuzzetto, E1206–E1207
- Piccini, F1173
- Walker, E1207–E1208
- impact on medical isotope creation
- Smith, D., F1173
- general remarks
- small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs)
- Pettapiece, E1190–E1191
- Piccini, F1173
- Rickford, E1192
- Walker, E1190–E1192
- refurbishment
Nuclear medicine
Nuclear waste
- community retention
- Bailey, G538
- compensation
- annual increase, cap on
- Gélinas, E617
- annual increase, cap on
- and COVID-19
- extern program. see under Hospitals - COVID-19
- disciplinary history
- recruitment and retention
- scopes of practice
- training. see Colleges and universities—nursing programs
- credential bridge programs
- Fife, F1194
- Piccini, F1128–F1129
- Smith, D., F1193
- credential bridge programs
- community retention
Nurses - nurse practitioners
Nurses - registered nurses (RNs)
Nurses - registered practical nurses (RPNs)