Letter: Q
Quadcard Entertainment Ltd. Act, 2022 (Bill Pr4)
Queen's Park Restoration Act, 2023 (Bill 75)
- amendments
- Calandra, 4155–4156
- first reading
- Calandra, 2673
- committee presentations
- French, 4184
- second reading, 2811–2842
- Anand, 2832
- Andrew, 2834, 2841
- Armstrong, 2819
- Bell, 2833
- Bresee, 2841–2842
- Calandra, 2811–2814, 2818, 2824
- Coe, 2824–2827
- Flack, 2824, 2838
- Ford, M., 2834
- French, 2828–2832
- Glover, 2824, 2826
- Harden, 2823–2824
- Harris, 2814–2819, 2823, 2826–2827, 2830, 2831, 2838–2839, 2840–2841
- Hsu, 2832–2834
- Jordan, 2827
- Kanapathi, 2818
- Karpoche, 2818
- McMahon, 2819
- Oosterhoff, 2841
- Rae, 2833, 2834–2839
- Rakocevic, 2831
- Shaw, 2827, 2831, 2839, 2841
- Smith, David, 2834
- Smith, L., 2819
- Tabuns, 2838
- Tangri, 2838
- Taylor, 2827, 2837–2838, 2839–2842
- Vanthof, 2819–2824
- Williams, 2842
- referred to Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, 2842
- third reading, 4155–4158, 4178–4197, 4207–4212
- Bouma, 4179–4183
- Calandra, 4155–4156
- French, 4183–4187, 4193, 4197
- Gallagher Murphy, 4190
- Hogarth, 4186, 4187–4191
- Kernaghan, 4183, 4186, 4190, 4197
- Kerzner, 4210–4212
- Leardi, 4193, 4194
- MacLeod, 4183
- Mamakwa, 4191–4194
- Martin, 4182, 4194
- Pierre, 4191
- Rickford, 4186
- Smith, Dave, 4187, 4194–4197
- Stevens, 4182, 4190–4191
- Vanthof, 4156–4158
- Vaugeois, 4182, 4187, 4191, 4194
- West, 4207–4210
- Royal assent, 4459
- amendments
Queen's Park Restoration Secretariat
- ministry, creation of. see Legislative Assembly - facility rehabilitation
Queens university
- student housing, development of
- Calandra, 6675
- student housing, development of
Queen's University
Queensway Carleton Hospital
Question of privilege
Question period
- Abortion images
- Access to health care
- Access to justice
- Access to prescription contraceptives
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Accessibility for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Addiction services
- Affordable housing
- presented
- Andrew, 1373, 10499
- Armstrong, 10497
- Begum, 2854, 7061, 10492
- Bell, 2854, 4859, 5941–5942, 6614, 7357, 7839, 7922–7923, 7972–7973, 8057, 8740, 8862, 8982–8983, 10492
- Burch, 2967–2968
- Fife, 1826–1827, 6439
- Gates, 5816–5817
- Ghamari, 4479
- Glover, 6443–6444
- Gretzky, 2855–2856, 8359
- Hsu, 7887–7888
- Karpoche, 1779, 8740
- Kernaghan, 2309, 5772–5773, 10608
- Mamakwa, 6441, 8643, 10494
- McMahon, 3799–3800
- Oosterhoff, 2858
- Rakocevic, 6443
- Riddell, 4571–4572
- Sattler, 2967, 10497
- Schreiner, 3670–3671, 7102, 7487, 7923–7924, 9680, 10555–10556, 10995–10996
- Stevens, 2861, 9219
- Stiles, 2853–2854, 7097, 7916–7917, 8002–8003, 8114, 8185–8186, 8796–8797, 8981–8982, 9989–9990, 10169–10170, 10222–10223, 10646–10647, 10647–10648
- Triantafilopoulos, 10176
- Vaugeois, 2861
- Wong-Tam, 2855–2856, 10499, 10607
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 8002–8003
- Calandra, 2855, 2967, 5703–5704, 5772–5773, 5942, 6439, 6441, 6443–6444, 6614, 7061, 7097–7098, 7102–7103, 7357–7358, 7487–7488, 7887–7888, 7916–7917, 7922–7923, 7923–7924, 7972–7973, 8057, 8114–8115, 8185–8186, 8359, 8643, 8740, 8796–8797, 8862, 8981–8982, 8982–8983, 9989–9990, 10169–10170, 10223–10224, 10492–10493, 10494, 10497, 10499, 10555–10556, 10607–10608, 10646–10647, 10648, 10995–10996
- Cho, S., 5817
- Clark, 1373, 1827, 2853–2854, 2856, 2858, 3670
- Ford, D., 3671, 7061, 9680, 10608, 10647, 10648–10649
- Oosterhoff, 9219–9220
- Parsa, 1779, 2309, 2861–2862, 2968
- Rae, 10176
- Rickford, 6441–6442, 8643–8644
- Surma, 1779, 3800, 7839, 10494
- Tangri, 4479, 4571–4572, 4859
- presented
- Aggregate extraction
- Agri-food industry
- presented
- responded to
- Air quality
- Air quality in schools
- Amateur hockey
- Amateur sport
- Ambulance services
- Animal protection
- Anti-discrimination activities
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-racism and anti-ableism activities
- Anti-racism and anti-discrimination activities
- Anti-Semitism
- Arts and cultural funding
- Assistance to farmers
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- Assisted housing
- Autism treatment
- presented
- responded to
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive industry
- presented
- responded to
- Bail reform
- Beef farmers
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Blood and plasma donation
- Boating safety
- Broadband infrastructure
- Cancer screening
- Caregivers
- Charitable gaming
- Child abuse prevention
- Child and family services
- presented
- responded to
- Child care
- presented
- Andrew, 11109–11110
- Armstrong, 4446, 5410–5411, 6180, 6880, 7068, 7236, 8431, 8868, 9169, 9214–9215, 9268, 9314–9315, 10441
- Begum, 10771–10772
- Clancy, 10830
- Crawford, 442–443
- Glover, 8525
- Gretzky, 8432
- Karpoche, 940, 1828–1829, 2966, 6180, 7360–7361, 8008, 9847–9848, 10439–10440
- Pierre, 1825
- Quinn, 2187
- Sattler, 4771, 9315
- Shaw, 160–161, 3378–3379
- Smith, L., 347–348
- Stevens, 4771, 7888–7889
- Tabuns, 7557–7558
- Vaugeois, 8426–8427
- responded to
- Calandra, 160–161
- Dunlop, 9848, 10439–10440, 10441, 10772, 10830, 11109–11110
- Lecce, 347–348, 442–443, 940, 1825, 1828–1829, 2187, 2966, 3379, 4446–4447, 4771–4772, 5410–5411, 6180, 6880, 7069, 7236, 7360–7361, 7557–7558, 8008, 8426–8427, 8431–8432, 8525–8526, 8868, 9169, 9214–9215, 9268, 9315
- Surma, 7888–7889
- presented
- Child care workers
- Children and youth
- Children and youth mental health services
- Children's aid societies
- Children's health care
- Children's health services
- Children's mental health services
- presented
- responded to
- City of Ottawa
- Climate change
- presented
- responded to
- Colleges
- Community safety
- Concussions
- Condominium legislation
- Conservation authorities
- Conservation officers
- Consumer protection
- presented
- Andrew, 2798
- Bell, 221, 2375, 2909
- Blais, 817–818
- Collard, 9639–9640
- French, 3502–3503
- Ghamari, 5463–5464, 5658
- Karpoche, 2798, 8985, 9172
- Kernaghan, 7558–7559
- Pasma, 4165–4166, 5350, 9054–9055
- Rakocevic, 159–160, 642, 2375, 8194, 8989–8990, 9050
- Rasheed, 8745
- Saunderson, 1157, 3376
- Shaw, 9121–9122
- Smith, L., 7837–7838
- Tabuns, 8006
- Vanthof, 9172
- West, 90
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 817–818, 9050, 9121–9122, 9172
- Calandra, 3503, 8985
- Downey, 9640
- Ford, D., 8985
- McCarthy, 5350, 5463–5464, 5658–5659, 7558–7559, 7837–7838, 8194, 8745, 8989–8990, 9054–9055
- Rasheed, 90, 159–160, 221, 642, 1157, 2375–2376, 2798, 2909–2910, 3376, 4165–4166
- Smith, T., 8006
- Thompson, 9172–9173
- presented
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional services
- Cost of living
- presented
- Andrew, 3504
- Blais, 6175
- Bouma, 4442, 5652
- Dixon, 89
- Dowie, 1521
- Fife, 6694–6695
- Fraser, 3252
- Gates, 3310
- Glover, 3504
- Hardeman, 2032
- Harris, 878
- Hsu, 6774–6775
- Hunter, 2031
- Jones, T., 4219
- Karpoche, 6693, 10655
- Kernaghan, 2030, 6608
- Pasma, 10655
- Rakocevic, 6608
- Shamji, 3504–3505
- Stevens, 2031
- Stiles, 3247–3248, 3666–3667
- responded to
- presented
- Court decision
- Court facilities
- COVID-19 immunization
- COVID-19 response
- Crime prevention
- Curriculum
- Cycling infrastructure
- Defibrillators
- Dental care
- Diagnostic and laboratory services
- Diagnostic services
- Disaster relief
- Discrimination
- Diverse entrepreneurship
- Doctor shortage
- Domestic violence
- presented
- responded to
- Driver examination centres
- Economic development
- presented
- responded to
- Education
- presented
- responded to
- Education funding
- presented
- Andrew, 1557–1558
- Bell, 8704
- Fife, 8923
- Gates, 4013–4014
- Glover, 3433
- Gretzky, 4980
- Hunter, 2603–2604, 3196–3197
- Karpoche, 3199, 4925, 8008, 8704
- Khanjin, 3249–3250
- Mamakwa, 4766
- Pasma, 816–817, 1320, 2303, 2442–2443, 2664–2665, 2910, 3072–3073, 3142–3143, 3433, 4481, 4766, 5814–5815, 6615, 7838, 7886–7887, 7977, 8318, 8798–8799, 9261
- Stiles, 286, 593–594, 632–633, 3609–3610, 3738–3739, 8797–8798, 9046–9047, 9112–9113
- Tabuns, 8318
- West, 8742–8743
- responded to
- Barnes, 4013–4014
- Bethlenfalvy, 1320
- Lecce, 286, 593–594, 633, 817, 1320, 1557–1558, 2303, 2442, 2603, 2665, 2910–2911, 3073, 3143, 3196–3197, 3199, 3250, 3433, 3609–3610, 3739, 4481, 4766, 4925, 4980, 5815, 6615, 7838, 7887, 7977, 8008, 8318, 8704, 8797–8798, 8798–8799, 8923, 9046–9047, 9112–9113, 9261–9262
- Pasma, 9047
- Pierre, 8742–8743
- Tibollo, 2443, 2604
- presented
- Education issues
- Education on intolerance
- Elder abuse
- Electric vehicles
- Electricity restructuring
- Electricity supply
- presented
- responded to
- Electronic service delivery
- presented
- Bouma, 10776–10777
- Bresee, 2448–2449, 4709
- Hardeman, 3619
- Kanapathi, 4448
- responded to
- McCarthy, 10776–10777
- Rasheed, 2448–2449, 3619, 4448, 4709–4710
- presented
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency services
- Employee ownership
- presented
- Kernaghan, 11111
- responded to
- Piccini, 11111–11112
- Tangri, 11111
- presented
- Employment
- Employment standards
- presented
- responded to
- Employment supports
- Energy conservation
- Energy contracts
- Energy policies
- presented
- responded to
- Cuzzetto, 9923, 10269
- Harris, 6368
- Lecce, 10049–10050, 10115, 10308, 10378, 10382–10383, 10552
- Oosterhoff, 10177–10178, 11164–11165
- Smith, T., 1158–1159, 5819–5820, 6367, 7304, 8479, 8518–8519, 8577
- Yakabuski, 9923, 10269
- Energy rates
- Environmental assessments
- Environmental protection
- presented
- responded to
- Equal opportunity
- Executive compensation
- Explosions in Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Farmers
- Federal budget
- Ferry service
- Fertility services
- Film and television industry
- Fire in Pikangikum
- Fire services
- Firearms control
- Firefighters
- First Nations consultation
- First Nations consultations
- First Nations law enforcement
- First Nations police services
- First responders
- First responders' mental health services
- Fiscal and economic policy
- presented
- responded to
- Flooding
- Food banks
- Foreign-trained health care workers
- Forest firefighting
- presented
- responded to
- Forest industry
- presented
- responded to
- French-language education
- French-language services
- presented
- Bailey, 10340–10341
- responded to
- presented
- Front-line workers
- Fundraising
- presented
- Kernaghan, 10334–10335
- Stiles, 10376–10377
- responded to
- Downey, 10335, 10376–10377
- presented
- Gasoline prices
- Gender-based violence
- presented
- responded to
- GO Transit
- Government accountability
- presented
- Andrew, 6915–6916
- Begum, 5458–5459, 5938–5939
- Bell, 1776, 5882, 6061, 10888
- Blais, 5656, 9216–9217
- Bowman, 3869–3870, 5110–5111, 5347–5348, 6518, 7921, 9118
- Burch, 1520, 1825–1826, 1872, 1959, 2025–2026, 2157–2158, 5349, 5586–5587, 5652–5653, 5812, 5883, 8697–8698, 8862–8863
- Fife, 5055–5056, 5107, 5347, 5882, 10114, 11058–11059
- Fraser, 2444, 4997–4998, 5523–5524, 5589, 6611
- French, 1454, 6994, 7063, 10438, 10885
- Gates, 6917–6918
- Glover, 3741, 3864, 5994, 7064, 8056, 9795–9796, 10269, 10826, 10885, 11063
- Harden, 741, 1001, 4475–4476
- Hazell, 8524, 8925
- Hsu, 5323–5324, 5883–5884
- Karpoche, 3740, 3865, 8055, 10270
- Kernaghan, 5215, 6061
- Mamakwa, 4324–4325, 5585, 5586, 10113, 10605
- McCrimmon, 5112–5113, 5406
- Sattler, 5777, 8642
- Schreiner, 5154
- Shamji, 5776
- Shaw, 4325, 5653–5654, 5702, 5883, 10307
- Stevens, 5062
- Stiles, 2181–2182, 2243–2244, 2300–2301, 2439–2440, 2663, 2852–2853, 2901–2902, 2960–2961, 3427–3428, 3542–3543, 3740, 3863, 4216–4217, 4217–4218, 4256–4257, 4440–4441, 4474–4475, 4701, 4992–4993, 4993–4994, 5053–5054, 5054–5055, 5105–5106, 5106–5107, 5149–5150, 5213–5214, 5271–5272, 5342, 5343–5344, 5401–5403, 5456–5457, 5457–5458, 5518–5519, 5519–5520, 5649–5650, 5700–5701, 5771–5772, 5810–5811, 5811–5812, 5879–5880, 5880–5881, 5935, 5936, 5937, 5991–5992, 5992–5993, 6057–6058, 6058–6059, 6170–6171, 6267, 6358–6359, 6512–6513, 6606, 6687, 6770–6771, 6872–6873, 6911–6912, 6992, 7059–7060, 7097, 7196–7197, 7197–7198, 7229, 7298–7299, 7604–7605, 7605–7606, 7658, 7781, 8980–8981, 9258–9259, 9310, 9368, 9369, 9542–9543, 9634–9635, 9673, 9674, 9793–9794, 9846, 10110–10111, 10170–10171, 10224, 10266, 10267–10268, 10306–10307, 10436–10437, 10437–10438, 10490–10491, 10491–10492, 10549–10550, 10604, 10768, 10822–10823, 10823–10824, 10881–10882, 10882–10883, 10942–10943
- Tabuns, 1775, 5152
- Vaugeois, 5407
- Wong-Tam, 1520–1521, 5273–5274, 5777
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 2440, 6518, 8925–8926, 9217, 10111, 10113
- Bouma, 9673–9674, 9794, 10170–10171, 10224, 10768
- Byers, 7922
- Calandra, 741, 1001, 1872–1873, 1959–1960, 2025–2026, 2157, 2182, 2244–2245, 2300–2301, 2439, 2445, 2852–2853, 2901–2902, 2960–2961, 3427–3428, 3542–3543, 3740, 4216–4217, 4217–4218, 4257, 4325, 4440–4441, 4701, 4993–4994, 5053–5054, 5054–5055, 5055–5056, 5058, 5062, 5105–5106, 5106–5107, 5107–5108, 5110–5111, 5113, 5149, 5150, 5152–5153, 5154, 5213–5214, 5214–5215, 5271, 5273–5274, 5324, 5342–5343, 5343–5344, 5344–5345, 5347, 5348, 5349, 5351–5352, 5401, 5402–5403, 5407–5408, 5456–5457, 5457–5458, 5519–5520, 5523–5524, 5585, 5586, 5587, 5589–5590, 5649–5650, 5652–5653, 5654, 5656–5657, 5701–5702, 5702–5703, 5772, 5776, 5810–5811, 5811–5812, 5812–5813, 5879–5880, 5881, 5882, 5883, 5884, 5935–5936, 5936–5937, 5992, 5993–5994, 6057–6058, 6058–6059, 6061, 6170–6171, 6267, 6358–6359, 6512–6513, 6606–6607, 6611–6612, 6873, 6912–6913, 6994–6995, 7059, 7060, 7097, 7197, 7229, 7298–7299, 7604–7605, 7605–7606, 7658, 7781, 8524, 8642, 8697–8698, 8863, 8980–8981, 9118, 9258–9259, 9310, 9368–9369, 9369–9370, 9542–9543, 9634–9635, 10114–10115, 10824–10825, 10888–10889
- Clark, 1454, 1520–1521, 1775, 1776, 1826, 1872, 2852–2853, 4701, 10438–10439, 10491–10492
- Downey, 10224, 10436–10437, 10437–10438, 10490–10491, 10549–10550, 10604–10605
- Dunlop, 5700–5701, 5777, 7196–7197, 8642
- Ford, D., 2182, 2444, 4993, 4997–4998, 5055, 5149, 5152, 5154, 5271, 5459, 5519, 5880, 5881, 5938–5939, 5991–5992, 5993, 6061, 6518, 6771, 7060–7061, 7921, 9216, 9794, 9796, 10114, 10605
- Kerzner, 3427, 10605
- Lumsden, 3870, 6992–6993
- Mulroney, 2663–2664, 4474–4475, 4475–4476
- Parsa, 2157–2158, 6918
- Piccini, 4325
- Sandhu, 8055–8056, 10823, 10826–10827, 10881–10882, 10882–10883, 10885
- Sarkaria, 10266–10267, 10267–10268, 10306–10307
- Surma, 3740–3741, 3863, 3864–3865, 3870, 5347–5348, 5406, 5776, 6687, 6771, 6872, 6911, 6912, 6916, 7063–7064, 9674, 9796, 9846, 10269–10270, 10942–10943, 11058–11059, 11063
- Tangri, 3863
- Thanigasalam, 8524
- Tibollo, 7198
- presented
- Government advertising
- presented
- Bell, 11065
- Burch, 5217
- Fife, 7198–7199, 7918
- Fraser, 10336–10337
- Harden, 7919–7920
- Pasma, 7924–7925, 10045–10046
- Stevens, 5218
- Stiles, 7917–7918, 10883–10884
- responded to
- presented
- Government appointments
- presented
- responded to
- Government consultants
- Government contract
- presented
- responded to
- Government contracts
- presented
- Begum, 11103–11104
- Fife, 4005–4006
- French, 6366
- Gélinas, 6173
- Ghamari, 4769–4770
- Gretzky, 11166
- Karpoche, 10944
- Kernaghan, 10997
- Sattler, 10997
- Shaw, 10944, 11106–11107
- Stiles, 4383–4384, 7483–7484, 10943–10944, 10989–10990
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 10944
- Downey, 7483–7484
- Ford, D., 4005–4006, 6174, 10943–10944
- Lumsden, 4005
- Martin, 6173
- Mulroney, 4383–4384
- Sarkaria, 4769–4770
- Surma, 6366–6367, 10944–10945, 10989–10990, 10997, 11103–11104, 11106–11107, 11166
- presented
- Government fiscal policies
- Government investments
- Government policies
- presented
- responded to
- Government policy
- Government services
- Government services for Indigenous communities
- Government spending
- presented
- responded to
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- presented
- Bowman, 10380–10381
- Fife, 9738
- Glover, 2801
- Hsu, 3909–3910
- Shamji, 9263–9264
- Stiles, 4971–4972, 6769–6770, 9846–9847, 10040–10041, 10111–10112, 11057–11058
- responded to
- presented
- Great Lakes protection
- Green power generation
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Grey Cup
- Gun violence
- Hate crimes
- Health care
- presented
- Andrew, 2549, 2722, 5655–5656, 8865–8866, 10443
- Armstrong, 3194–3195, 8323–8324, 10227, 10706–10707
- Begum, 1875
- Bell, 1832, 2247, 7099–7100, 7662
- Blais, 1319, 2188–2189, 4445, 10310, 10774
- Bowman, 1779–1780, 2376, 9995, 10828
- Brady, 9376
- Burch, 2722, 7783, 8485, 10773–10774
- Byers, 2377–2378
- Clancy, 9551
- Collard, 5997, 7064, 10312, 10495–10496, 10947–10948
- Fife, 2795–2796, 6178–6179, 7664
- Fraser, 2906, 3867–3868, 10772–10773
- French, 9483
- Gates, 5778–5779, 6997, 7203, 7412, 11169–11170
- Gélinas, 735–736, 789–790, 1451, 1618, 1714, 2183–2184, 2246, 2302, 3141, 3743, 4129, 4444, 4648, 4919, 4995–4996, 5465, 6059–6060, 6689–6690, 6997–6998, 7484, 7660, 8187–8188, 8701, 8864, 9049, 9373, 10044, 10225, 10991–10992
- Harden, 2546, 2903, 3743, 4059, 4444, 4648, 7305
- Hazell, 9741, 10048–10049, 10443–10444, 10886–10887
- Hsu, 2548, 6365, 9799, 10046, 10441–10442, 10889
- Kanapathi, 1674–1675
- Karpoche, 1673–1674, 4064–4065, 7727–7728
- Kernaghan, 440–441, 4221, 4863–4864, 7891, 8870–8871
- Mamakwa, 7659
- McCrimmon, 9851, 10271–10272, 10707
- McMahon, 10228, 10652, 11061–11062
- Oosterhoff, 7200–7201
- Pasma, 4059, 7785, 8528, 11060
- Sattler, 85–86, 738, 2671–2672, 6696, 7729
- Shamji, 2248, 3143–3144, 4062, 5278, 6442, 7145–7146, 7783–7784, 8359–8360, 8801–8802, 9678, 10175, 10608–10609, 10993–10994
- Shaw, 341, 7730
- Skelly, 220–221
- Stevens, 344–345, 4919–4920, 6610–6611, 6774, 11168
- Stiles, 2243, 2301, 2371–2372, 2440–2441, 2664, 2719–2720, 2902, 3068–3069, 3137, 3248, 3308–3309, 4057–4058, 4127, 4473–4474, 4918–4919, 6171–6172, 7096–7097, 7140–7141, 7141–7142, 7658–7659, 7721–7722, 7722–7723, 7779, 7780, 7970–7971, 7971–7972, 8113, 8477–8478, 8519–8520, 8737–8738, 8920, 9045–9046, 9113–9114, 9166–9167, 9211–9212, 9423–9424, 9475–9476, 9736–9737, 10225, 10768–10769
- Tabuns, 84, 218–219, 1450–1451, 1519, 1669–1670, 1707, 1957–1958, 2024–2025, 2156–2157, 2667, 3866, 4065–4066, 7788
- Vanthof, 7920–7921
- Vaugeois, 6877–6878
- West, 2184–2185, 6691, 7726
- Wong-Tam, 85, 447–448, 684, 1460, 1776–1777, 3141, 3674–3675, 4060, 6691, 7491–7492, 7975
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 7721–7722, 10774–10775, 10994
- Calandra, 2301, 2372, 4445, 5278, 6171
- Dunlop, 448, 736, 1675, 2376, 2378, 2796, 4444
- Ford, D., 218, 2184, 2243, 2441, 2664, 4059, 4060, 4062, 4473, 6171, 7096–7097, 7140, 7141–7142, 7146, 7203–7204, 7664, 7730, 9046, 9476, 9741–9742, 10310–10311
- Holland, 7659–7660
- Jones, S., 84, 85, 86, 218–219, 220–221, 341–342, 345, 440–441, 447, 684, 735, 738, 790, 1319, 1519, 1618, 1669–1670, 1673–1674, 1707, 1714, 1776–1777, 1779–1780, 1832, 2024–2025, 2156–2157, 2183, 2184–2185, 2188–2189, 2243, 2246, 2247–2248, 2546, 2548, 2549–2550, 2664, 2667, 2671–2672, 2719–2720, 2723, 2902–2903, 2906, 3068–3069, 3137, 3141, 3143–3144, 3195, 3308–3309, 3309–3310, 3674–3675, 3743, 3866, 3867–3868, 4127, 4129, 4221, 4474, 4648–4649, 4863–4864, 4918–4919, 4995–4996, 5278, 5465–5466, 5655–5656, 5779, 5997, 6365, 6442, 6690, 6691, 6696, 6774, 6877–6878, 6997–6998, 7064, 7096, 7100, 7140–7141, 7141–7142, 7146, 7305–7306, 7484–7485, 7491–7492, 7659, 7660, 7662, 7664, 7722–7723, 7723–7724, 7726, 7728, 7729, 7730, 7779–7780, 7780–7781, 7783, 7784, 7785, 7788, 7891, 7921, 7971–7972, 7975, 8324, 8359–8360, 8485, 8802, 8864, 8865–8866, 8870–8871, 8920, 9373–9374, 9376, 9475–9476, 9483, 9551, 9678, 9736–9737, 9741, 9799, 10044–10045, 10046, 10048–10049, 10175–10176, 10271–10272, 10442, 10443, 10444, 10495–10496, 10608–10609, 10652–10653, 10828, 10887, 10889, 10947–10948, 11060, 11062, 11168, 11169–11170
- Leardi, 9851, 9995, 10225, 10227–10228, 10310, 10312, 10706–10707, 10768–10769, 10772–10773, 10773–10774, 10991–10992, 10993
- Martin, 1450–1451, 1460–1461, 1875, 1957–1958, 2302, 2371–2372, 2376, 2440–2441, 2795–2796, 3248–3249, 4057–4058, 4059, 4060, 4062, 4064–4065, 4065–4066, 6059–6060, 6172, 6179, 6442, 6610–6611, 7200–7201, 7412
- McCarthy, 7097
- Quinn, 8113–8114, 8187–8188, 8477–8478, 8520, 8528, 8701, 8738, 9045–9046, 9049, 9113–9114, 9167, 9212–9213, 9423–9424
- Sarkaria, 441, 1958, 2024–2025
- Tibollo, 2722
- presented
- Health care funding
- presented
- Bell, 814–815
- Bowman, 2799–2800
- Burch, 342, 9922
- Fife, 998–999, 1317, 2441
- French, 7362, 8117–8118
- Gates, 6273, 9922–9923
- Gélinas, 5323
- Kernaghan, 600, 875–876, 1831, 2441
- Pasma, 7667
- Rae, 3042
- Shamji, 874, 1711–1712
- Shaw, 7666, 8321, 10445
- Stevens, 7666
- Stiles, 7409–7410, 8186–8187
- Tabuns, 284, 632, 813
- Taylor, 2378–2379, 3802, 8063, 8321–8322
- Vanthof, 10445
- Wai, 3314
- West, 821
- Wong-Tam, 1617
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 2441–2442
- Calandra, 2378–2379
- Cho, S., 6273
- Dunlop, 8187
- Ford, D., 632, 874–875, 8117–8118
- Jones, S., 284–285, 342, 600–601, 632, 1317, 1617, 1711–1712, 1831, 3802, 7362–7363, 7666, 7667–7668, 8063, 8321–8322, 10445–10446
- Leardi, 9922–9923
- Martin, 813, 814–815, 821, 874, 875–876, 999, 2800, 5323, 6273, 7409–7410
- Oosterhoff, 3042
- Quinn, 8186–8187
- Sarkaria, 1317–1318
- Surma, 3314–3315
- presented
- Health care post-secondary education
- Health care workers
- presented
- responded to
- Highway construction
- Highway safety
- Highway tolls
- Home and community care
- Home care
- presented
- responded to
- Homelessness
- presented
- responded to
- Horse racing industry
- Hospice and palliative care
- Hospice care
- Hospital funding
- presented
- Bell, 32
- French, 3619
- Mantha, 8430
- Stevens, 7065, 10950
- Stiles, 10331–10332, 10375–10376
- responded to
- Jones, S., 32, 3619–3620, 7065–7066, 8430–8431, 10331–10332, 10950
- Leardi, 10375–10376
- Pasma, 7065–7066
- presented
- Hospital parking fees
- presented
- Andrew, 9849
- Burch, 11171
- Gates, 10831–10832
- Stiles, 9990–9991
- responded to
- Jones, S., 10831–10832, 11171
- Leardi, 9849, 9990–9991
- presented
- Hospital services
- presented
- Bell, 1315
- Bourgouin, 391, 1459, 5590–5591
- Bowman, 4570–4571
- Burch, 35, 2304–2305, 3038, 4769, 9430, 10995
- Fife, 30
- French, 87
- Gates, 1459, 4702–4703
- Gélinas, 87, 674–675, 2666, 3911, 4012, 4164–4165, 4702, 9168, 9425
- Glover, 3908–3909, 4164, 9425
- Gretzky, 92–93
- Harden, 91, 392
- Kernaghan, 792
- Pasma, 27–28, 153–154, 736–737
- Sattler, 1610
- Shamji, 31
- Shaw, 33
- Stiles, 27, 4565–4566, 4646–4647, 4762–4763, 6991–6992, 9167–9168
- Tabuns, 152–153, 1259–1260, 1609
- Taylor, 1266
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 1315
- Calandra, 154
- Ford, D., 152–153
- Jones, S., 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 87, 91, 93, 391, 392, 674–675, 737, 792–793, 1259–1260, 1266, 1315, 1609–1610, 2666, 3038, 3909, 3911, 4012–4013, 4164–4165, 4566, 4571, 4646–4647, 4702–4703, 4763, 5590–5591, 6991–6992
- Jones, T., 4769
- Leardi, 10995
- Martin, 1459, 2304
- Oosterhoff, 2305
- Quinn, 9168, 9425, 9430
- Sarkaria, 31, 87, 92–93
- presented
- Housing
- presented
- Babikian, 495, 1527–1528
- Begum, 4263
- Bell, 682–683, 1004, 1519–1520, 4767, 6999, 8315–8316, 8481, 9742–9743
- Bouma, 3800, 4926, 5221–5222, 5465, 5778
- Bowman, 6996–6997
- Brady, 5156
- Burch, 3798, 6172
- Cuzzetto, 1073, 3199–3200
- Dixon, 635–636
- Dowie, 90–91
- Fife, 10333–10334
- Ghamari, 1831–1832, 4062–4063, 4999–5000
- Hardeman, 3619
- Hogarth, 3741
- Jones, T., 5466
- Ke, 350
- Kernaghan, 5651–5652, 7201
- Kusendova-Bashta, 871–872
- Leardi, 8742
- Martin, 86, 641–642, 737, 2251–2252
- McGregor, 4170–4171
- McMahon, 739–740, 3073–3074, 5815–5816, 7976
- Pierre, 2550
- Sabawy, 1715–1716, 2910, 7146–7147
- Sandhu, 1005
- Schreiner, 8361
- Shaw, 4767
- Smith, David, 445–446
- Smith, L., 6917
- Stiles, 2487–2488, 3426–3427, 3795–3796, 5650–5651, 6434–6435, 8354–8355, 9370–9371, 10332–10333, 10702–10703, 11056–11057
- Taylor, 8741
- Thanigasalam, 87–88, 798
- Wai, 934–935
- Wong-Tam, 290, 1004, 8741–8742
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 683, 1005
- Calandra, 3426–3427, 5650, 5651–5652, 5815, 6172, 6434–6435, 6999, 7201–7202, 7976, 8315–8316, 8354–8355, 8361–8362, 8481, 8741–8742, 9370–9371, 9742–9743, 10332–10333, 10333–10334, 10702–10703, 11056–11057
- Clark, 86–87, 87–88, 290, 445–446, 495, 641–642, 683, 737–738, 798, 1004–1005, 1073–1074, 1519–1520, 2487, 3073–3074, 3200, 3795–3796, 3798, 4063, 4263
- Flack, 4999–5000, 5221–5222, 5465, 5466, 5778, 6917, 7146–7147, 8742
- Ford, D., 3741, 5156, 5651, 5816, 6172, 6996–6997
- Fullerton, 2487
- Parsa, 290, 350, 635–636, 740, 871–872, 934–935, 1527–1528, 1716, 1831–1832, 2251–2252, 2488, 2550, 2910
- Pasma, 90–91
- Tangri, 3619, 3800–3801, 4063, 4170–4171, 4767, 4926
- presented
- Human trafficking
- Hunting and fishing
- Hydro rates
- Immigrants
- Immigrants' skills
- presented
- Babikian, 4704–4705
- Cuzzetto, 1002–1003
- Kanapathi, 1264
- Kusendova-Bashta, 345–346
- Pierre, 10442
- Wai, 10337–10338
- Wong-Tam, 10992–10993
- responded to
- Barnes, 10442–10443, 10993
- McNaughton, 345–346, 1002–1003, 1264, 4705
- Piccini, 10337–10338
- presented
- Immunization
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous children and youth
- Indigenous children's services
- Indigenous economic development
- Indigenous education
- Indigenous health care
- Indigenous housing
- Indigenous infrastructure funding
- Indigenous land dispute
- Indigenous mental health and addiction services
- Indigenous protected and conserved areas
- Indigenous relations
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- responded to
- Clark, 10703–10704
- responded to
- Indigenous rights
- Infrastructure funding
- Infrastructure renewal
- Injured workers
- Intellectual Property Ontario
- International trade
- Invasion of Ukraine
- Invasive species
- Islamophobia
- Job creation
- presented
- Gallagher Murphy, 10770
- Kernaghan, 9927
- Smith, L., 10605–10606, 11105–11106
- West, 11162–11163
- responded to
- presented
- Justice system
- presented
- responded to
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Laboratory services
- Labour dispute
- presented
- Andrew, 1075–1076, 5219–5220, 9047
- Begum, 1156–1157
- Bouma, 5588
- Burch, 1153
- Fife, 1215
- French, 742, 1212–1213, 9998
- Gates, 1151–1152
- Gélinas, 1157–1158
- Glover, 1217–1218
- Gretzky, 1214, 3869, 4708–4709
- Hsu, 1155
- Hunter, 1216, 1456
- Karpoche, 1079
- Kernaghan, 1080–1081
- Pasma, 1212, 1369–1370
- Schreiner, 1076
- Stevens, 1218–1219
- Stiles, 1071
- Tabuns, 997, 1072, 1149, 1150–1151, 1210–1211
- Taylor, 1077
- West, 998, 1074, 1211–1212, 1451–1452, 3871, 9048, 9998, 10173
- Wong-Tam, 1149–1150
- responded to
- Calandra, 3869, 3871–3872
- Dunlop, 742
- Ford, D., 1071, 1149–1150, 1211
- Lecce, 997–998, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075–1076, 1077–1078, 1079–1080, 1080–1081, 1150–1151, 1151–1152, 1154, 1155–1156, 1156–1157, 1158, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215–1216, 1217–1218, 1219, 1370, 1451–1452, 1456–1457, 5220, 5588–5589
- McNaughton, 4708–4709
- Mulroney, 5220, 9998, 10173
- Piccini, 9047–9048
- presented
- Labour disputes
- Labour legislation
- presented
- Gélinas, 3198
- Gretzky, 3198
- Leardi, 11167
- Stiles, 1258–1259
- Triantafilopoulos, 10707–10708
- Vaugeois, 10827–10828
- responded to
- presented
- Labour policy
- Land use planning
- presented
- Begum, 5158
- Bell, 5060
- Blais, 1556
- Bowman, 2029, 3547
- Brady, 157, 4767–4768, 10273–10274
- Burch, 1315–1316, 4994
- Collard, 5275–5276
- Fife, 8486, 8699, 9676
- Fraser, 1871, 4329–4330
- French, 2550–2551, 5108–5109
- Hsu, 1614, 8866
- Jama, 3747
- McMahon, 1523–1524, 2161–2162
- Sattler, 3747–3748, 3799
- Schreiner, 1558, 1962–1963, 2667–2668, 3141–3142, 4388, 6363
- Shaw, 4994–4995, 6269–6270, 6364–6365
- Stiles, 1707–1708, 2372–2373, 2486–2487, 2959–2960, 3500–3501, 3664–3665, 5270, 8571–8572, 8639–8640
- Tabuns, 1823–1824, 1958–1959
- Taylor, 1524–1525
- Vanthof, 1260–1261, 1376, 1830, 3748, 8699
- Vaugeois, 1555–1556
- responded to
- Calandra, 1556, 1959, 2372–2373, 2959–2960, 3500–3501, 4330, 4994–4995, 5060, 5159, 5270–5271, 6269–6270, 6363, 6364–6365, 8486
- Clark, 1376, 1523–1524, 1525, 1555–1556, 1557, 1558–1559, 1615, 1708, 1871, 1958, 1962–1963, 2029–2030, 2486–2487, 2550–2551, 2667, 3141–3142, 3547, 3665, 3799, 4388
- Fedeli, 8571–8572, 8640, 9676
- Flack, 9676
- Ford, D., 1260–1261, 2029, 2162, 2668, 3664, 3799, 4388, 5108, 5270, 5275–5276, 6363–6364
- Jones, S., 8866
- Parsa, 1316
- Piccini, 2372
- Sarkaria, 5109, 5276
- Smith, G., 1614, 1824, 2162
- Surma, 10273–10274
- Tangri, 3747–3748, 4767–4768
- Thompson, 157–158, 1376, 1830, 3547, 3748–3749, 8699–8700
- presented
- Landfill
- Landlord and tenant board
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- Legislative building
- LGBTQIA+ discrimination
- Library services
- Licence Appeal Tribunal
- Licence plates
- Life sciences sector
- Literacy and basic skills
- Long-term care
- presented
- Andrew, 557
- Begum, 488
- Bowman, 491
- Brady, 5705–5706
- Coe, 286–287
- Collard, 637
- Dowie, 5276–5277
- Fife, 1378–1379
- Fraser, 343–344, 681–682
- French, 818
- Gallagher Murphy, 7143, 7363, 9220
- Gates, 94, 285, 348, 487, 593, 678–679, 797, 819, 1522, 1551, 2492–2493, 2860, 3077, 4168–4169, 4482, 4923–4924, 5405–5406, 5657–5658, 7885, 8116, 8191–8192, 8360–8361, 10606
- Gélinas, 592, 1521
- Glover, 8116
- Gretzky, 8929–8930
- Hogarth, 933
- Jones, T., 1078–1079
- Mamakwa, 677, 815–816, 10949
- Pang, 821–822
- Pasma, 636
- Rae, 5779–5780
- Rakocevic, 348
- Riddell, 289–290, 4977
- Sabawy, 5349–5350, 7068
- Sattler, 596
- Shamji, 552–553
- Shaw, 389, 3077
- Smith, Dave, 4998
- Smith, David, 4573
- Tabuns, 340–341, 389–390, 439, 486–487, 547–548, 591–592, 1550–1551
- Taylor, 598
- Triantafilopoulos, 287–288
- Vaugeois, 395, 487, 3673
- Wai, 3315, 5655, 6915, 8707, 10119–10120, 10656
- responded to
- Calandra, 94, 285–286, 286–287, 287–288, 289–290, 340–341, 343–344, 348–349, 389–390, 395–396, 439, 486–487, 488, 489, 491, 547–548, 552–553, 557, 592–593, 598, 636, 637, 677–678, 679, 681, 797, 815–816, 819, 822, 1378–1379, 1521–1522, 1551, 2493, 2860, 3077, 3673, 4168–4169, 4482–4483, 4924, 5405–5406, 8116
- Cho, S., 4998–4999, 5276–5277, 5349–5350, 5655, 5657–5658, 5705–5706, 5779–5780, 6915, 7068, 7143, 7363, 7836, 7885–7886, 8192, 8707, 9220, 9552
- Ford, D., 439, 486, 487–488, 592, 682
- Jones, S., 596, 636, 679, 4924, 8361, 8929
- Jordan, 933, 1079, 4977
- Kusendova-Bashta, 8930, 10119–10120, 10606–10607, 10656, 10949
- Martin, 816
- Surma, 3315, 4573–4574
- presented
- ᓄᒪᑫ ᑲᓇᐍᓂᒥᐍᐏᐣ/ Long-term care
- Making Ground River Bridge
- Manufacturing industry
- Manufacturing jobs
- Manufacturing sector
- Medical assistance in dying
- presented
- Brady, 11108
- responded to
- Jones, S., 11108–11109
- presented
- Medical schools
- MedsCheck Program
- Mental health and addiction services
- presented
- Bell, 9550
- Bouma, 4014, 5350–5351
- Bresee, 4226
- Burch, 2606
- Collard, 6063
- Fife, 2158
- French, 2166
- Gates, 2607
- Gretzky, 601, 2600, 3311, 6919
- Hsu, 2908
- Ke, 9852–9853
- Kernaghan, 2160
- Mamakwa, 3546
- Oosterhoff, 3254–3255
- Rae, 10709–10710
- Sattler, 2606
- Schreiner, 554
- Shaw, 2802
- Smith, Dave, 2670, 5002
- Stiles, 2599
- Taylor, 2159
- Vaugeois, 1873–1874
- West, 4333, 6920–6921
- Wong-Tam, 2158, 6919
- responded to
- presented
- Mental health services
- Mercury poisoning
- Mineral exploration and production
- presented
- Coe, 10335–10336
- responded to
- Pirie, 10335–10336
- presented
- Mining industry
- presented
- responded to
- Ministry spending
- Missing persons
- presented
- Taylor, 3250–3251, 4652–4653, 5780, 8699, 10047–10048
- responded to
- Calandra, 3250–3251, 4652–4653
- Clark, 10047–10048
- Kerzner, 5780, 8699
- presented
- Municipal development
- presented
- responded to
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- Municipal government
- Municipal planning
- presented
- responded to
- Municipal restructuring
- Music industry
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
- Natural gas leaks
- Natural gas rates
- Natural gas wells
- Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation
- presented
- Mamakwa, 10378–10379
- responded to
- Kerzner, 10378–10379
- Tibollo, 10379
- presented
- Noise pollution
- Northern agri-food industry
- Northern air service
- Northern airports
- Northern and Indigenous mental health and addiction services
- Northern economy
- presented
- Romano, 10275–10276
- Vaugeois, 9547–9548
- responded to
- Barnes, 9548
- Bouma, 10275–10276
- Sarkaria, 9548
- presented
- Northern emergency services
- Northern health care
- Northern health services
- presented
- responded to
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- presented
- Bourgouin, 288, 10611–10612
- Mantha, 5885–5886, 7556, 10610–10611
- Vanthof, 7490
- West, 4978–4979
- responded to
- presented
- Northern highway improvement
- presented
- Holland, 1828
- Mantha, 2033–2034
- West, 493–494, 10115–10116
- responded to
- Cho, S., 493–494
- Mulroney, 1828, 2033–2034
- Sarkaria, 10115–10116
- presented
- Northern home care
- Northern hospital funding
- Northern municipal infrastructure
- presented
- Vanthof, 10118–10119
- responded to
- presented
- Northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario development
- presented
- responded to
- Northern Ontario film and television industry
- Northern police services
- Northern transportation
- Nuclear energy
- Nurse practitioners
- Nurses
- presented
- responded to
- Nursing agencies
- Nutrient management
- Occupational health and safety
- Office of the Premier
- OHIP coverage of COVID-19 immunization
- Oil and gas wells
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario economy
- presented
- Byers, 11165–11166
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 11165–11166
- presented
- Ontario farmers
- Ontario film and television industry
- Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
- Ontario Place
- presented
- responded to
- Ontario Science Centre
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Optometry services
- Organ and tissue donation
- Paramedic services
- Paramedic workplace safety
- Pay equity
- Personal support workers
- Pharmacare
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Pharmacists
- Police
- Police oversight
- Police services
- Post-secondary education
- Post-secondary education and skills training
- Post-secondary education funding
- Premier's comments
- Prescription contraceptives
- Prescription drugs
- Pride Toronto
- Privatization of public services
- Prostate cancer
- Protection for workers
- Protection of privacy
- presented
- Pierre, 5219
- Quinn, 1874
- Rae, 1006
- Rasheed, 9641–9642, 10497–10498
- responded to
- Kerzner, 1006
- McCarthy, 5219, 9642, 10497–10498
- Rasheed, 1874
- presented
- Provincial parks
- Provincial schools
- Public health
- Public Order Emergency Commission
- Public Order Emergency Commission report
- Public safety
- presented
- Barnes, 9995–9996
- Coe, 10705–10706
- Cuzzetto, 9851–9852, 10996
- French, 8987–8988, 9170, 10171
- Grewal, 4169, 10556, 10775
- Jones, T., 5528
- Ke, 937–938, 5777–5778, 7665, 8526, 10709, 11166–11167
- Kernaghan, 8747
- Martin, 10499–10500
- Pang, 9744, 10230
- Pierre, 5776–5777
- Rakocevic, 10172, 10945–10946
- Rasheed, 10949–10950
- Sandhu, 7205–7206, 11110–11111
- Skelly, 10384–10385
- Stiles, 3373
- Wai, 3671, 10830–10831
- Wong-Tam, 2027–2028, 3374, 5592
- Yakabuski, 10118
- responded to
- Calandra, 3373, 3374
- Downey, 2027–2028
- Ford, D., 8988
- Ford, M., 3373
- Kerzner, 937–938, 3671, 4169–4170, 5528, 5776–5777, 5777–5778, 7205–7206, 7665, 8526, 8747–8748, 8987, 9170, 9744, 9995–9996, 10118, 10230–10231, 10384–10385, 10556, 10709, 10831, 10996, 11167
- McCarthy, 10172
- McGregor, 5592, 9852, 10172, 10499–10500, 10706, 10775, 10945–10946, 10949–10950, 11110–11111
- Riddell, 9170
- presented
- Public sector compensation
- Public service delivery
- Public transit
- presented
- Anand, 2548–2549, 7306
- Andrew, 1963–1964, 2249, 5523, 6174–6175, 7660–7661, 9677–9678, 10314, 10775–10776, 10825
- Babikian, 2165, 7199
- Barnes, 2189
- Begum, 3255, 3905, 4218–4219, 4920–4921
- Bell, 7553, 8928
- Coe, 2602, 5593–5594
- Crawford, 1213–1214, 2494–2495
- Cuzzetto, 7299–7300
- French, 1671, 10825
- Gallagher Murphy, 7302–7303
- Harden, 2249, 3036, 3192, 3429, 3867, 3905–3906, 4007, 6875–6876, 6913, 7358–7359, 7554, 8190, 8645–8646, 10384, 10890
- Hazell, 5321–5322, 6271–6272, 7100–7101, 7836–7837, 9173
- Hogarth, 489–490, 3744
- Hunter, 3435
- Kanapathi, 4009, 4168, 4650
- Karpoche, 1868, 3036, 3905, 4007, 4325–4326, 5320
- McCarthy, 3551
- McGregor, 2721–2722, 4128–4129
- McMahon, 6916–6917
- Oosterhoff, 1784
- Pang, 3374–3375
- Pasma, 1868
- Rakocevic, 4920, 8928, 9480–9481, 10313–10314
- Skelly, 816
- Smith, David, 1559, 3139
- Smith, L., 5410
- Stiles, 4566–4567, 4763–4764, 4858–4859, 8476–8477, 9794–9795
- Tabuns, 2185–2186
- Wai, 7231
- Wong-Tam, 1671, 2186, 2380–2381
- responded to
- Bresee, 10314
- Calandra, 2548, 6271–6272
- Cho, S., 490, 1213–1214, 1559, 1671, 1784, 2165, 2189–2190, 2494–2495, 2549, 2602, 3139, 3374–3375, 3551, 3905–3906, 4168
- Ford, D., 3435, 4219, 4859, 4921, 6876, 6913, 7837, 9795
- Mulroney, 816, 1964, 2185–2186, 2249–2250, 2380–2381, 2722, 3036–3037, 3192–3193, 3255, 3429–3430, 3744–3745, 3867, 4007–4008, 4009, 4128–4129, 4218–4219, 4326, 4566–4567, 4650, 4763–4764, 4858, 4920
- Quinn, 10890–10891
- Sarkaria, 5320, 5321–5322, 5410, 5523, 5593–5594, 6875–6876, 6913, 6916–6917, 7100–7101, 7358–7359, 7661, 7836–7837, 8190, 8476–8477, 8645–8646, 9481, 9677–9678, 10384, 10776, 10825
- Surma, 1868, 7553–7554
- Thanigasalam, 5322, 6174–6175, 7199, 7231–7232, 7299–7300, 7303, 7306, 7359, 8928–8929, 9173
- presented
- Recycling
- Red tape reduction
- presented
- responded to
- Refugee services
- Region of Peel
- Remembrance Day
- presented
- Ghamari, 10338–10339
- responded to
- Dunlop, 10339
- presented
- Replacement workers
- Research and innovation
- Residential schools
- presented
- Mamakwa, 10770–10771, 11061
- responded to
- presented
- Respite care
- Retirement homes
- Ring of Fire
- Road safety
- Rural and northern health services
- Rural and northern infrastructure
- Rural economic development
- School facilities
- School nutrition programs
- School safety
- presented
- responded to
- Dunlop, 10554–10555
- Lecce, 3910–3911
- School transportation
- School trustees
- Senior citizens
- Senior citizens' housing
- Seniors
- Seniors' health services
- Seniors' housing
- Seniors' services
- Services for children and youth
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Sexual assault
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Shelter services
- Skilled trades
- presented
- Babikian, 4704, 5056, 9679
- Bailey, 1156
- Bouma, 4135–4136
- Coe, 7361–7362
- Dowie, 3197
- Gallagher Murphy, 4134, 9849–9850
- Ghamari, 599–600, 1960, 4131–4132, 5590
- Holland, 1318
- Jones, T., 1554–1555
- Khanjin, 2245–2246
- Leardi, 394–395, 598–599
- Oosterhoff, 444
- Pang, 792, 3251
- Pierre, 10117
- Sabawy, 493, 7000
- Sarrazin, 9998–9999
- Sattler, 5593
- Smith, L., 3311–3312, 5591, 9052–9053
- Triantafilopoulos, 7149
- West, 5593, 8427
- Yakabuski, 1826
- responded to
- presented
- Skills training
- Small business
- presented
- Andrew, 9316–9317
- Barnes, 1967
- Bowman, 9548–9549
- Burch, 7098–7099
- Coe, 6521
- Dixon, 10711
- Gallagher Murphy, 398
- Glover, 4334
- Jordan, 10444–10445
- Karpoche, 7612–7613
- Kusendova-Bashta, 597, 8193
- Pierre, 6920, 10178–10179
- Pinsonneault, 10950–10951
- Riddell, 4480–4481
- Sabawy, 5405
- Smith, L., 5709–5710, 9682
- Thanigasalam, 3310–3311
- Wong-Tam, 5459–5460, 7613
- responded to
- presented
- Smart Serve Ontario
- responded to
- Downey, 2552
- responded to
- Social assistance
- presented
- Bell, 794
- Dowie, 448
- Glover, 553–554, 2856–2857
- Gretzky, 3614
- Harden, 555–556
- Hsu, 394, 2908
- Khanjin, 158
- Mantha, 744–745
- Pasma, 292–293, 676, 1527, 2118
- Rakocevic, 4133
- Sattler, 4171
- Schreiner, 88–89
- Stevens, 795–796, 10276
- Stiles, 6607
- Taylor, 496, 676, 2118, 7979
- Vaugeois, 156–157, 793, 2119
- Wai, 1525
- Wong-Tam, 9854
- responded to
- presented
- Social services
- Special education
- Special-needs children
- Special-needs students
- Sports and recreation facilities
- Sports and recreation funding
- Student achievement
- Student assistance
- Student safety
- Supportive housing
- Taxation
- presented
- Allsopp, 10945
- Babikian, 5887, 8363, 9262, 9552
- Bailey, 8929, 9997–9998
- Barnes, 7610–7611, 8323, 8574–8575, 9638–9639, 11168–11169
- Bouma, 5813, 5882–5883, 5937–5938, 5941, 5996, 6001, 6060, 6173, 6269, 6276, 6360–6361, 6437, 6442–6443, 6516–6517, 6522, 6610, 6692, 6773–6774, 6775, 6874, 6880–6881, 6913–6914, 7062–7063, 7103, 7410, 7555, 7832, 8007–8008, 8062–8063, 8115–8116, 8358, 8528, 8644–8645, 8703–8704, 8983, 9371, 9478, 11060–11061
- Brady, 8483–8484
- Bresee, 6065–6066, 6272, 7417, 7925, 8251
- Byers, 7660, 8324, 8579, 9264, 10339
- Clark, 7661–7662, 7782–7783, 8005–8006, 8189, 8432, 8642–8643, 9169–9170, 9372–9373
- Coe, 6366, 6608–6609, 6690–6691, 6877, 7553, 8318–8319, 8740–8741, 8922, 9427, 10179–10180
- Crawford, 9048, 9118–9119, 9175, 9215, 9589–9590
- Cuzzetto, 9547
- Dixon, 11066
- Dowie, 7973, 8701–8702, 9049–9050, 9312, 9585–9586
- Gallagher Murphy, 7490, 7607, 7663–7664, 7727, 7781–7782, 7838–7839, 7891–7892, 7920, 7974–7975, 8010, 8057–8058, 8116–8117, 8191, 8249, 8320–8321, 8648, 8744, 8804–8805, 8870, 8927–8928, 8990, 9054, 9120–9121, 9168, 9267–9268, 9317, 9376–9377, 10651
- Ghamari, 5816, 5886, 5944–5945, 5997–5998, 6061–6062, 6174, 6270, 6364, 6440–6441, 6520, 7979–7980
- Hamid, 9310–9311, 9549
- Hardeman, 8122–8123, 8322, 9640, 9745, 11064–11065
- Harris, 7666–7667, 7728, 8425–8426, 8700, 8864–8865, 9374–9375
- Hogarth, 7978–7979, 8480, 9122, 9425–9426
- Holland, 6995, 7730–7731, 8484–8485, 8577–8578, 8923–8924, 9055
- Jones, T., 6178, 6444, 6518–6519, 6612, 6778–6779, 7491, 8004, 8357, 8745–8746, 9218–9219, 9643–9644
- Jordan, 8524–8525, 8805–8806, 9853
- Kanapathi, 8061
- Ke, 8060–8061
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9051
- Leardi, 5888–5889, 5994–5995, 6063–6064, 6179–6180, 6273–6274, 7485, 7884–7885, 7976–7977, 9676–9677, 10440, 10951
- Martin, 7558, 8317–8318, 10113–10114
- McCrimmon, 6177, 6776–6777
- McGregor, 9170–9171, 9584–9585
- Oosterhoff, 7488, 7724, 7919, 8188, 8573, 9637–9638
- Pang, 8056, 8647, 8926, 9480
- Pierre, 5884, 5939, 6368, 6616, 6695, 9550–9551
- Pinsonneault, 9314, 9545–9546, 10228–10229, 10607
- Quinn, 8868–8869, 9481
- Rae, 7608–7609, 7784–7785, 8247–8248, 8521–8522, 9115–9116, 9213–9214, 9260–9261, 9675, 11062–11063
- Romano, 7556–7557, 7612, 7787–7788, 7886, 10888
- Sabawy, 5818–5819, 5943, 6694, 8986–8987, 9431, 9587–9588, 9740, 10771
- Sandhu, 7486, 8427, 9378
- Sarrazin, 8008–8009, 8641, 9217, 10654–10655
- Saunderson, 7890–7891, 8526–8527, 9642–9643, 9993–9994, 10172
- Scott, 7922, 8119, 8989, 10379
- Skelly, 7833, 8429, 8580, 9116–9117
- Smith, Dave, 5814, 6000, 6067, 6614–6615, 6777–6778, 6875, 7304–7305, 7729–7730, 7786, 7924, 8121–8122, 8527–8528, 8705, 9173–9174, 9316, 9483–9484, 9590–9591
- Smith, David, 9266, 10045, 10439
- Smith, L., 5817–5818, 5881–5882, 5999, 6176, 6274–6275, 6362, 6438–6439, 6515, 6613, 6689, 6878–6879, 7300–7301, 7835, 8253, 8360, 8431, 8576, 8747, 9432–9433, 9477
- Triantafilopoulos, 8194
- Wai, 7356–7357, 7613, 7889, 8120, 8482–8483, 8706–8707, 8800–8801, 9429, 9482–9483
- Yakabuski, 8059–8060
- responded to
- Barnes, 9116–9117, 9215
- Bethlenfalvy, 5882, 6270–6271, 6515–6516, 6690–6691, 7305, 7417, 7607, 7786–7787, 7832–7833, 8117, 8427, 8574–8575, 10113–10114, 10172–10173
- Bresee, 6614–6615, 6692–6693, 6778–6779, 10045
- Cho, R.S.J., 5887–5888
- Cho, S., 7663–7664, 7891–7892, 7980, 8363–8364, 8706–8707, 9550–9551
- Crawford, 6001–6002, 6176, 6777, 6878–6879, 7973, 8061, 8321, 8480–8481, 8647
- Cuzzetto, 10651
- Dixon, 6612, 7608
- Fedeli, 5939, 6173, 6269, 6362, 6609, 6689, 7555, 7662, 7782–7783, 7835–7836, 7976–7977, 8005–8006, 8189, 8253, 8358–8359, 8432–8433, 8642–8643, 8701–8702, 9049–9050, 9170, 9312, 9373, 9585–9586, 9639, 9675–9676
- Flack, 8928, 9374–9375, 9589–9590, 10228–10229, 10654–10655
- Ford, D., 5813, 6177, 8484, 9373
- Gallagher Murphy, 11169
- Grewal, 6273–6274
- Holland, 7063, 7410, 9745–9746, 10339–10340, 10888, 11064–11065
- Jones, S., 6995
- Jordan, 9644, 11062–11063
- Kerzner, 6518–6519, 6694, 6773–6774, 7613–7614, 7838–7839, 8062–8063, 8323, 8527–8528, 8579, 8747, 8805–8806, 8990, 9122, 9267–9268, 9552–9553
- Khanjin, 9427, 9547
- Kusendova-Bashta, 9429–9430
- Leardi, 8526–8527
- Lecce, 9676–9677, 10771
- McCarthy, 9433, 9640–9641
- McGregor, 10951–10952
- Oosterhoff, 9587–9588, 11060–11061
- Pang, 9121
- Pierre, 9120–9121
- Pirie, 6276, 9316, 9478–9479
- Rae, 8746
- Rickford, 5883, 6272–6273, 6517, 6610, 6775–6776, 6874, 6914, 7612, 7787–7788, 7924, 8121–8122, 8324, 8484–8485, 8648, 8705–8706, 8924, 9055, 9116, 9173–9174, 9317, 9377, 9481–9482, 9591
- Sarkaria, 6438–6439, 6613, 6875, 7300–7301, 7486, 7610–7611, 7728–7729, 7886, 8249
- Sarrazin, 6695–6696, 6880–6881, 7609, 8580
- Smith, G., 5941, 5996, 6061–6062, 6067, 6366, 6368, 7491, 7729–7730, 8009, 8057–8058, 8251, 8322, 9740, 9993–9994, 10379–10380, 10607
- Smith, T., 5814, 5816, 5817–5818, 5818–5819, 5888–5889, 5937–5938, 5943, 5994–5995, 5998, 6000–6001, 6060–6061, 6065–6066, 6174, 6178, 6360–6361, 6364, 6437–6438, 6440–6441, 6520, 6522, 7103, 7485, 7488, 7553, 7557, 7660, 7724, 7727, 7781–7782, 7784–7785, 7833–7834, 7885, 7919, 7922, 7974–7975, 7978–7979, 8004–8005, 8056, 8115–8116, 8119, 8248, 8317–8318, 8357, 8360, 8482–8483, 8521–8522, 8524–8525, 8573, 8576–8577, 8641–8642, 8644–8645, 8700–8701, 8703–8704, 8740–8741, 8744, 8800–8801, 8804–8805, 8865, 8868–8869, 8922–8923, 8926, 9048–9049, 9051–9052, 9118–9119, 9168–9169, 9171, 9214, 9217–9218, 9261, 9264–9265, 9311, 9371, 9426, 9477, 9480, 9546, 9549–9550, 9584–9585
- Tangri, 5886–5887, 5999, 6275, 6444, 6616, 6777–6778, 6877, 7357, 7558, 8010–8011, 8061–8062, 8122–8123, 8431, 8529, 8870, 8929, 9054, 9175, 9266–9267, 9378, 9431, 9482–9483, 9642–9643, 11066
- Thanigasalam, 5884–5885, 6179–6180, 7667, 7731, 7889, 7920, 8059–8060, 8120, 8194–8195, 8319
- Thompson, 5944–5945, 6064, 6443, 7490, 7890–7891, 7925, 8577–8578, 8989, 9218–9219, 9262–9263, 9314, 9484, 9853–9854, 9997–9998, 10179–10180, 10440–10441
- Yakabuski, 8188, 8191, 8426, 8429, 8983, 8987, 9637–9638, 10439, 10945
- presented
- Teachers
- Technology sector
- Telecommunications
- Temporary nursing agencies
- Tenant protection
- presented
- Andrew, 743, 2969, 5709, 10708–10709
- Armstrong, 4063
- Barnes, 3547–3548
- Bell, 599, 873–874, 3501–3502, 3796–3797, 4167, 4331, 4387, 6999, 7611, 8189, 8522, 9174, 10653–10654
- Clancy, 7204, 7785–7786, 8192–8193, 9997
- Coe, 3746–3747
- Fife, 2033
- French, 8707
- Hazell, 5707–5708
- Karpoche, 1526, 2032, 2488, 3669–3670, 5709, 5819, 8357–8358, 8803
- Kernaghan, 4063, 4926–4927, 9377
- Sattler, 1559–1560
- Shaw, 8522, 10705
- Stiles, 6435–6436
- Tabuns, 8188
- Vaugeois, 8195
- West, 9218
- Wong-Tam, 599, 3074–3075, 3873, 5325, 5706–5707, 6438, 8358
- responded to
- Calandra, 5325, 5706–5707, 5707–5708, 5709, 6435, 6999–7000, 8195, 8707, 8803
- Clark, 599, 743, 873–874, 1526, 1559–1560, 2032–2033, 3501–3502, 3670, 3796, 4063–4064, 4167, 4331, 4387–4388
- Downey, 2488, 3074–3075, 3502, 3547–3548, 5819, 6435–6436, 6438, 7204, 7611, 7786, 8189, 8192–8193, 8358, 8522, 9174, 9218, 9377–9378, 9997, 10653–10654, 10705, 10708–10709
- Parsa, 743, 2488, 2969
- Tangri, 3747, 3797, 3873, 4926–4927
- presented
- Tobacco control
- Tourism
- Tourism and hospitality industry
- Township of Armstrong sewage lagoon
- Trade mission
- Transit-oriented communities
- Transportation infrastructure
- presented
- Anand, 793, 9848–9849
- Babikian, 4706–4707, 10226–10227, 10493, 10885–10886
- Blais, 8481–8482
- Brady, 596–597, 2123, 4167, 6998, 9801
- Bresee, 3870–3871
- Gallagher Murphy, 634
- Grewal, 9738–9739
- Hamid, 10704, 10991
- Hogarth, 10270
- Jones, T., 4975
- Kanapathi, 4650, 7359–7360, 10827
- Khanjin, 344
- Mantha, 10229–10230
- McGregor, 595–596, 741–742, 4862–4863, 7413
- Sabawy, 5059–5060, 5587, 10334
- Sandhu, 391–392, 10609
- Smith, David, 4921, 11107
- Smith, L., 7098
- Stiles, 8478
- Tangri, 2445
- responded to
- Bresee, 9848–9849, 10227, 10270, 10334, 10493, 10609, 10704–10705, 10827, 10885–10886, 10991, 11107
- Calandra, 8481–8482
- Cho, S., 2123, 2445, 3870–3871, 4706–4707, 4921
- Mulroney, 344, 391–392, 595–596, 596–597, 634–635, 741–742, 793, 4167–4168, 4650, 4863, 4975
- Sarkaria, 5059–5060, 5587–5588, 6998, 7098, 7360, 7413–7414, 8478, 9738–9739, 9801, 10230
- presented
- Transportation infrastructure and housing
- Treaties recognition
- Trucking safety
- Underground locates
- University and college funding
- presented
- Hsu, 7361
- Jones, T., 2605–2606
- Sattler, 6176–6177, 7607–7608, 7834, 8005, 8806, 10268, 10381–10382, 11165
- Stiles, 7229–7230, 7297, 10701–10702
- Taylor, 10651–10652
- responded to
- Bethlenfalvy, 8005
- Dunlop, 2605–2606, 6176–6177, 7229–7230, 7297, 7361, 7608, 7834, 8806
- Quinn, 10268–10269, 10382, 10651–10652, 10701–10702, 11165
- presented
- University funding
- Veterans
- presented
- Allsopp, 10311
- Barnes, 3506–3507
- Scott, 10272–10273
- responded to
- Barnes, 10311
- Kanapathi, 10272–10273
- Parsa, 3507
- presented
- Veterinary services
- Victim services
- Victims of crime
- Violence against women
- Violence in schools
- Waste water monitoring
- Water and sewage infrastructure
- Water quality
- Wearing of kaffiyehs
- Wildlife protection
- Winter highway maintenance
- Winter highway safety
- presented
- Bourgouin, 10829
- Mantha, 11063–11064
- Vaugeois, 2905
- responded to
- Mulroney, 2906
- Sarkaria, 10829–10830, 11064
- presented
- Women in science and technology
- Women in sports
- Women's employment
- presented
- responded to
- Women's entrepreneurship
- Women's issues
- Women's services
- Workplace safety
Qui Vive Island Club Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr41)