Letter: I
Immigrant employment
- access to professions and trades
- bridge training programs
- Sattler, P10
- bridge training programs
- access to professions and trades
Immigration and refugee policy
- anti-racism strategy, integration of
- Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement. see Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement
- entry at non-designated ports
- to fill skills shortage
- Surma, P12–P13
- provincial responsibilities
- French, P22
- recruitment
- as economic policy
- Fife, F2514
- as economic policy
- refugee determination process
Immigration and refugee services
- access to
- community integration
- Sabawy, F865
- during COVID-19
- general remarks
- support services. see Charities and non-profit—and COVID-19
- employment support programs
- government funding
- Lindo, P18
- immigration rates
- Parsa, T163
- in-school supports. see Students—immigration and refugee support services
- international qualifications
- recognition of
- Arthur, F1091
- recognition of
- language instruction
- Fee, F1221
- language programs
- Surma, P12
- mental health services
- Cho, S., F529
- provincial funding
- Lindo, F529–F530
- settlement programs
- system navigation
- Fee, F529
- through the YMCA. see under YMCA—community support programs
- work permits
- post-training
- Smith, D., F3117
- post-training
- workplace integration
- Anand, F954
IMPACT program.
see Mental health and addictions services—community integration programsIncome inequality
- Harden, F419
Independent contractors.
see under Employment - contractorsIndependent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
- and Auditor General of Ontario
- and Auditor General of Ontario, 2018 audit
- Morrison, P164–P165
- energy procurement role
- Tabuns, FT180–FT181, SP156
- governance, reform of
- Shaw, P165
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan, role in
- Fife, FT18–FT19, FT158
- Martin, FT151
- Miller, N., P218
- Miller, P., FT235–FT236
- Park, FT150–FT151
- Romano, FT156–FT158
- Shaw, FT213–FT214
- rate-regulated accounting, use of
- Baber, FT32, FT173–FT174
- Downey, FT70, FT164
- Fife, FT68–FT69, FT89, FT152–FT154, FT171
- Martin, FT168
- Romano, FT34–FT35, FT86–FT87
- Shaw, FT172, P166
- Vanthof, FT154–FT155, FT164–FT166
Independent Financial Commission of Inquiry
- commissioners, appointment of
- Fife, FT102
- findings
- Barrett, P170
- Fife, FT116–FT117, FT116–FT118
- Martin, FT78–FT79
- Shaw, FT68
- Vanthof, FT129
- re: pension plan accounting methods
- Fife, FT88–FT89
- mandate of
- commissioners, appointment of
Independent health facilities
Indigenous communities
- assistance to
- role of provincial government
- Skelly, F394
- role of provincial government
- and community foundations
- Downey, F435
- cost of living
- culturally-responsive supports
- Lindo, F1212
- culture
- Mamakwa, F705
- culture, tourism and sport strategy
- general remarks
- MacLeod, E462
- general remarks
- economic conditions in. see under Economic conditions
- flooding claims
- Rainy Lake First Nation
- Rickford, E1236
- Rainy Lake First Nation
- funding support
- cultural activities
- Shaw, F1165
- cultural activities
- general remarks
- Mamakwa, F803–F804
- housing
- intergenerational trauma
- Internet access
- jurisdiction regarding
- living conditions
- marriage ceremonies
- Schreiner, G1055
- missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- population density
- Skelly, F395
- potable water
- rental housing, barriers to
- Morrison, SP706–SP707
- suicide in
- tourism, promotion of
- Mamakwa, F1575
- Miller, P., F1576–F1577
- Roberts, F1575–F1576
- Schreiner, F1573
- turtle lodges
- creation of
- Cuzzetto, E1256–E1258
- creation of
- urban Indigenous population
- Gélinas, M179
- water supply
- Mamakwa, F720
- assistance to
Indigenous communities - band offices
- centralized administration
- by treaty area
- Smith, D., F1248–F1249
- by treaty area
- centralized administration
Indigenous communities - COVID-19
- amateur athletics and sport events, cancellation of
- Blais, F1452
- Hunter, F1452, F1731
- MacLeod, F1731
- Shaw, F1453
- Smith, D., F1452–F1453
- government funding
- Schreiner, F1456–F1457
- employment, retraining programs
- Miller, P., F1454
- general remarks
- Mamakwa, F1302
- government funding
- government response
- government supports
- health complications due to
- Mamakwa, E1247
- infection control
- Mamakwa, E1241, E1243
- Rickford, E1241–E1242, E1253
- public education
- Rickford, E1227–E1228
- transmission. see under COVID-19 - transmission
- vaccination. see under COVID-19 - vaccination–target populations
- amateur athletics and sport events, cancellation of
Indigenous communities - economic development
- Fife, G530–G531
- Lindo, F2244
- Sabawy, F943
- Schreiner, G549
- economic advisory council
- economic growth and prosperity table
- funding
- general remarks
- Coe, E1243
- Coteau, F2532–F2533
- Cuzzetto, E1256
- Mamakwa, F2530
- Rickford, E1228–E1229, E1233, E1244, E1256–E1257
- Roberts, F1016
- policy development process
- project porfolio
- Rickford, E1245
- revenue sharing agreements
- role of broadband access
- Crawford, F2533
- by sector
- through housing policy
- Singh, S., F2535
- via tourism industry
- Blais, F1646
- Crawford, F1920–F1921
- Hunter, F1646
- Khanjin, F1921
- Schreiner, F1650–F1651
- Smith, D., F1875
Indigenous communities - education
- consultation
- financial literacy
- Mamakwa, F451
- general remarks
- Lecce, E130
- Indigenous content in provincial curriculum. see Curriculum reform—Indigenous content
- Indigenous Education Grant
- Indigenous Graduation Coach Program
- Indigenous-focused collaborative inquiry program
- Stiles, E139
- language preservation
- Mamakwa, F1003
- post-secondary
- OSAP eligibility
- Piccini, F3385
- OSAP eligibility
- Reciprocal Education Approach
- enrolment notices
- Lecce, E355
- enrolment notices
- reciprocal funding agreement
- school board supports
- Skelly, F1110
- schools, on-reserve
- student relocation
- Thunder Bay inquest. see Office of the Chief Coroner—inquests—Seven First Nations Youths (2016)
Indigenous communities - Far North
- airports. see also Airports
- essential service classification
- Mamakwa, F1080
- hours of operation
- impact on air ambulance operations
- Mamakwa, F1028–F1029
- infrastructure upgrades
- cost of
- Smith, D., F1081–F1082
- general remarks
- Mamakwa, F1081
- government funding
- Arthur, F1028
- cost of
- jurisdictional division
- runway conditions
- Mamakwa, F1028–F1029
- use of float planes
- Skelly, F1081
- essential service classification
- cost of air travel
- Mamakwa, F881
- cost of living
- dental health. see under Public health - Far North communities
- health services, access to
- Mamakwa, E509
- impact of climate change
- Arthur, F1056
- public health. see Public health - Far North communities
- supply chains
- Hunter, F2025–F2026
- surgical services
- Mamakwa, E509–E510
- transportation of goods
- Smith, D., F1055–F1056
- airports. see also Airports
Indigenous communities - health
- Aboriginal health access centres
- government funding
- Gélinas, E590
- government funding
- cardiac support programs
- Mamakwa, F961
- Charter of Relationship Principles Governing Health System Transformation in Nishnawbe Aski Nation Territory
- Mamakwa, F717
- continuum of care
- Mamakwa, F1005
- data collection programs
- Gélinas, P67
- elder care
- long-term care facilities. see Long-term-care facilities - new—in Indigenous communities
- general remarks
- Rickford, E1246
- government consultation
- Fraser, SP377
- Gélinas, SP300–SP301, SP377, SP396–SP397
- Kusendova, SP393
- Mamakwa, SP300–SP301, SP361–SP362, SP377, SP394–SP395
- Martin, SP231, SP376–SP377
- government strategy
- Mamakwa, SP240–SP241, SP268, SP286, SP301–SP304
- Martin, SP301, SP304–SP305
- Sabawy, SP301
- Triantafilopoulos, SP300–SP301
- home and community care
- access to
- Mamakwa, E509
- access to
- hospitalization rates
- Mamakwa, E1246
- jurisdiction
- jurisdiction regarding
- Elliott, E510
- Mamakwa, E509, F934, F1066–F1067, F1101
- Rickford, E1246–E1247
- long-term care
- Shaw, F1005
- mental health and addictions services. see Mental health and addictions services—Indigenous communities; Rev. Tommy Beardy Memorial Wee Che He Wayo-Gamik Family Treatment Centre
- midwives, access to
- Mamakwa, F660–F661
- Ontario's First Nations Health Action Plan
- Gélinas, E25
- physician access
- Mamakwa, F891
- reform
- reform consultation
- Elliott, E510–E511
- reform funding
- telehealth
- Shaw, F1008
- Aboriginal health access centres
Indigenous communities - housing
- housing supports
- Lindo, F1212–F1213
- Indigenous Supportive Housing Program
- Rural and Urban Indigenous Housing Program
- Rickford, E1233
- urban reserves
- Mamakwa, F1224
- housing supports
Indigenous communities - infrastructure development
- economic impact
- Rickford, E1256–E1257
- electrical grid, connection to
- Mamakwa, F657
- government funding
- Aboriginal financial institutes
- Rickford, E1245
- general remarks
- Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program
- Coe, E1244–E1245
- Rickford, E1235, E1244, E1256–E1257
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
- Rickford, E1241–E1242, E1244, E1257
- Aboriginal financial institutes
- jurisdiction regarding
- French, E882
- project portfolio
- general remarks
- Rickford, E1245
- general remarks
- telecommunications
- water and sewer. see Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
- economic impact
Indigenous communities - police services
Indigenous communities - water and sewer infrastructure
Indigenous Institutes
Indigenous peoples
- cancer rates
- Morrison, P24
- cancer rates
Indigenous relations
- Fife, G530–G531
- Glover, G550
- Mamakwa, F922–F923, F943, G525
- Sabawy, F943
- Schreiner, G544
- communications
- during COVID-19
- Rickford, E1226–E1228
- during COVID-19
- free, prior and informed consent
- Mamakwa, F1248
- general remarks
- Mamakwa, E1229–E1230, F421, F3156
- jurisdictional disputes
- ministerial responsibility
- reconciliation. see also Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- and structural racism
- treaties
- United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- federal legislation. see United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SC 2021, c 14
- private member's bill. see United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76)
Indigenous relations - land claims
- assessment timelines
- Rickford, E1249
- general remarks
- Rickford, E1236, E1249–E1250
- Ipperwash Provincial Park. see Ipperwash Provincial Park
- number of
- Rickford, E1249
- process review
- Rickford, E1229
- Six Nations of the Grand River
- assessment timelines
Indigenous Services Canada
- federal budget
- Rickford, E1230
- federal budget
Indigenous treaty rights
- Downey, F368
Indigenous youth
- programming
- suicide rate. see also Mental health and addictions services - children and youth—Indigenous communities
Industrial contracting industry
- special formulas, funding for
- Gélinas, E11
- special formulas, funding for
- vaccination
- general remarks
- Martow, F43
- by pharmacists
- public health funding for. see Public health—funding—allocation
- general remarks
- vaccination
Infrastructure development
- approval timelines
- French, F2050
- Khanjin, F2134–F2135
- community benefit agreements
- Bell, F2241–F2242, F2249–F2250, F2259, SP541, SP569, SP637
- Blais, F2250
- Hogarth, SP637–SP638
- Lindo, F2233
- Tabuns, SP637
- in BIPOC communities
- Lindo, F2269
- to mitigate skilled labour shortages
- community benefits agreements
- completion timelines
- impact on business
- Schreiner, F2507
- impact on business
- and COVID-19
- data collection
- Scott, E231
- dual-purpose construction
- Scott, E230
- economic impact
- as economic policy
- employment, skilled tradespeople
- Gates, F3310–F3311
- McNaughton, F3304, F3311
- general remarks
- government funding
- Mulroney, SP913
- government strategy
- for green initiatives
- industry consultation
- inflation, impact pf
- Blais, F2270
- land values, capitalization
- market updates. see under Ministry of Infrastructure
- municipal cost recovery
- French, F2079
- northern and rural Ontario
- private sector
- role of
- Scott, E231
- role of
- project assurance
- impact on business
- Schreiner, F2507
- impact on business
- project planning
- project prioritization
- Crawford, F2122–F2123
- Piccini, F2150
- project timelines
- Fife, F2380
- projects by region
- London
- Sattler, F2135
- London
- public benefits model
- Stiles, F708
- rapid infrastructure-delivery model. see also Long-term care facilities - new—Accelerated Build Pilot Program
- by region
- regional planning
- regulatory environment
- interprovincial regulations
- Skelly, F2377
- interprovincial regulations
- as social policy
- Crawford, F2220
- transparency
- Scott, E231
- approval timelines
Infrastructure development - COVID-19
Infrastructure development - government funding
- expense eligibility
- Blais, F2021
- federal funding
- federal transfers
- Canada Infrastructure Program
- Mulroney, E163
- Canada Infrastructure Program
- funding programs
- Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. see under Water quality
- Community Hubs Capital Program
- disbursement timelines
- French, E882
- general remarks
- French, E244
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). see Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
- Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF). see Infrastructure development - Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
- provincial contributions
- general remarks
- for green initiatives
- municipal funding formula
- Burch, F2141
- project eligibility
- Hunter, F2042
- expense eligibility
Infrastructure development - maintenance and repair
Infrastructure development - Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
Infrastructure development - public-private partnership (P3) model.
see also Government contracts - public-private partnership (P3) model- contract negotiation
- contractor eligibility
- Scott, E239
- dispute and legal proceedings. see also specific project
- as economic policy
- general remarks
- Scott, E246
- Infrastructure Ontario procurement model. see under Infrastructure Ontario
- performance measurement
- procurement cycles
- Fife, F2380
- project completion rates
- project portfolio
- relative cost
- risk management
- use of. see also under Hospital construction; Transit funding—public-private partnerships (P3s)
- value-for-money assessment
Infrastructure Ontario
- conflicts of interest, disclosure
- contract procurement process
- executive officers
- guiding principles
- Wai, P39
- internal investigations
- directives and reports
- general remarks
- St. Michael's Hospital contract procurement process. see St. Michael's Hospital (Toronto)–expansion project–contract procurement
- loan program
- loan program, COVID-19
- repayment deferral
- Scott, E934
- repayment deferral
- municipal loan support
- Scott, E244
- real estate services
- capital projects, procurement process. see also Government buildings - capital project procurement
- evaluation of (2014)
- Ghamari, P33
- evaluation of (2014)
- cost variances in
- Ghamari, P96–P97
- general real estate portfolio (GREP)
- capital projects, procurement process. see also Government buildings - capital project procurement
- role of
- strategic advisory services
- Scott, E239
Infrastructure - social
- government funding
- Arthur, F469
- government funding
Infrastructure - telecommunications.
see also Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP), cancellation, funds to telecommunications infrastructureInnovation and technology industry
- community partnerships
- universities and colleges
- Coe, F2575–F2576
- Hunter, F2990
- Lindo, F535
- Piccini, F2354–F2355
- universities and colleges
- and cybersecurity
- Smith, D., F2994
- development to implementation timeline
- Arthur, F1180, P372
- Smith, D., F1180–F1181
- e-commerce
- economic impact
- entrepreneurial support services
- export potential
- Skelly, F424
- financial technologies (fintech) development
- Downey, F686–F687
- general remarks
- Roberts, F2409
- geographic expansion
- broadband requirements
- Hunter, F2603
- broadband requirements
- global competitiveness of
- Harris, F534
- government procurement
- barriers to
- Cho, S., F425, F686
- Fife, F2600–F2601
- general remarks
- Fife, F2452–F2453
- local preference policies
- barriers to
- human capital
- intellectual property
- domestic ownership
- Coteau, F2462
- general remarks
- Piccini, F2354
- government strategy. see Intellectual Property Action Plan
- legal frameworks
- Coteau, F2410
- domestic ownership
- intellectual property, protection of
- Babikian, F2684
- Coteau, F2910
- Schreiner, F2851
- Skelly, F2854
- Smith, D., F2851–F2852, F2907–F2908
- Wai, F2682
- intellectual property, women
- Hunter, F2685
- loan programs
- Export Development Canada (EDC)
- general remarks
- Calandra, F2356
- general remarks
- Export Development Canada (EDC)
- market access and procurement
- as means of reducing GHG emissions
- Arthur, P372–P373
- product markets
- Calandra, F2356
- Martin, F2573–F2574
- promotion of
- recruitment programs
- Fife, F2639–F2640
- research and innovation
- role in policy development
- Arthur, F1180
- support for
- tax credits
- community partnerships
Innovation and technology industry - COVID-19
- e-commerce
- Pang, F2381
- general remarks
- intellectual property
- financial loss due to theft
- Morrison, F2595
- financial loss due to theft
- loan programs
- product reconfiguration
- Harden, F2357
- remote work environments
- and cybersecurity
- Morrison, F2595
- general remarks
- Coteau, F2410–F2411
- and cybersecurity
- e-commerce
Innovation and technology industry - entrepreneurial support services
Innovation and technology industry - human resources
Innovation and technology industry - mobile gaming sector
Insurance industry.
see also Financial services- automobile insurance. see Automobile insurance
- commercial insurance. see under Business; Business - small and medium-sized
- and COVID-19
- commercial agreements. see Business - COVID-19, insurance
- general remarks
- Harden, F2631–F2632
- impact of climate change
- Shaw, F976
- jurisdiction over
- Harden, F2494
- personal liability and property damage (PLPD)
- minimum coverage
- Smith, D., F1205
- minimum coverage
- profit margins
- Gates, F1241
- regulatory framework
- enforcement
- Bethlenfalvy, F3211
- enforcement
- return on equity
- Arthur, F987
Intellectual Property Action Plan
- general remarks
- Fedeli, F2298
- general remarks
Interactive digital media sector
- gaming industry
- female developers and gamers
- Lindo, F1944–F1946
- female developers and gamers
- government supports
- Crawford, F1952
- Fife, F1939–F1940
- Glover, F1953
- Lindo, F1955
- Smith, D., F1954
- growth in
- Schreiner, F1936
- growth of
- Glover, F1953
- gaming industry
Interactive digital media tax credit
International trade.
see also Foreign investmentInter-provincial trade
Interprovincial trade
- regulatory environment
- Bailey, G1339
- regulatory environment
Invasive species
Invasive Species Centre
Invest Ontario
- board of directors
- chief executive officer
- general remarks
- Cho, S., F3287–F3288
- Fedeli, F2298
- Piccini, F3289
- Sarkaria, F2305
- government funding
- Bethlenfalvy, F3211
- investment eligibility
- charities and non-profits
- Hunter, F3288
- and equity
- Fife, F3288–F3289
- Hunter, F3288, F3293
- charities and non-profits
- regional partners
- BIPOC entrepreneurs
- Hunter, F3287
- BIPOC entrepreneurs
Invest Ontario Act, 2021,
SO 2021, c 8, Sched. 6
- "regional partner"
- definition of
- Hunter, F3287
- definition of
- "regional partner"
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
- application process
- funding disbursement schedule
- funding model
- general remarks
- and municipal infrastructure projects
- project allocations
- project allocations, transparency
- French, E236
- project approval rates
- project approval timelines
- project completion rates
- French, E915
- projects by region
- northern Ontario
- Scott, E919
- northern Ontario
- small municipalities
- Piccini, F2078
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) - program streams
- application intake periods
- community, culture, and recreation stream
- COVID-19 resilience infrastructure stream
- funding allocations
- funding caps
- general remarks
- green stream
- launch periods
- public transit stream
- rural and northern stream
Investment industry
- deferred sales charges
- investor protection
- management expense ratios (MERs). see Financial services - investment management–service fees
Ipperwash Provincial Park