Letter: M
Macdonald, Sir John A.
Magna Carta
- Armstrong, 10844–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10842–10843
Magna Carta Day Act (In Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 (Bill 201)
- first reading
- McKenna, 9015
- second reading, 9138–9143
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 9143
- third reading, 10841–10849
- Armstrong, 10843–10845
- Khanjin, 10845–10847
- McKenna, 10841–10843
- Thompson, 10847–10848
- Royal assent, 10941
- first reading
Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 9662
- committee consultation
- Shaw, 10877
- second reading, 9733–9778, 10065–10074, 10090–10106, 10141–10147
- Baber, 9751, 10099
- Bailey, 9772–9777
- Begum, 9767–9768, 9772, 9777–9778
- Bell, 10144–10147
- Berns-McGown, 9740–9741
- Bourgouin, 9776
- Burch, 9771, 9775–9776, 10093, 10099, 10102
- Calandra, 9733
- Cho, S., 9771–9772, 9777, 10145
- Coe, 9760–9761, 9771, 10071, 10090–10094, 10105
- Crawford, 9752–9757, 10097
- Cuzzetto, 9741, 10073, 10096–10100
- Fedeli, 10065–10069
- Fee, 9741–9742
- Fife, 9742–9752
- French, 9756–9757
- Gates, 9755, 9760, 9763, 9767, 10094, 10096–10097, 10099, 10101–10103
- Gélinas, 10106
- Ghamari, 9776, 10068, 10073, 10094, 10102
- Gretzky, 10093, 10100–10103
- Harris, 9736–9738, 9741, 9767, 10093, 10097, 10100, 10103
- Hunter, 9761–9764, 9768
- Kanapathi, 10068, 10072, 10092–10094, 10103
- Karpoche, 10145–10146
- Ke, 9738–9740, 9752
- Kernaghan, 10094–10097, 10105
- Khanjin, 9750–9751, 9762–9763, 9772, 10071
- Kramp, 9764–9768, 10105–10106
- Mamakwa, 10072, 10144
- Mantha, 10143, 10146
- Martin, 10146
- Miller, N., 10142–10143, 10146
- Monteith-Farrell, 9742, 10068–10072
- Morrison, 10068
- Parsa, 9756
- Piccini, 9775–9776
- Rakocevic, 10100, 10103
- Sattler, 9769–9772, 10067, 10071, 10073
- Schreiner, 10072–10073
- Shaw, 9741, 9752
- Singh, S., 9751, 9756, 9760
- Skelly, 9733–9736, 9741–9742, 9755, 9760, 9764, 10143
- Smith, D., 10096, 10103–10106
- Stevens, 9772
- Tabuns, 10141–10144
- Taylor, 10073–10074
- West, 9751, 9757–9761, 9763
- general remarks
- Bailey, 9774–9775
- Bell, 10146–10147
- Burch, 10099
- Collard, 10880–10881
- Kanapathi, 10092–10093
- Rasheed, 10874
- Schreiner, 10073
- West, 9757, 9759
- third reading, 10867–10892
- Armstrong, 10878
- Babikian, 10887–10888
- Barrett, 10868–10869
- Begum, 10888–10892
- Berns-McGown, 10874, 10879, 10887, 10891
- Coe, 10874
- Collard, 10880–10882
- Khanjin, 10879–10881
- McKenna, 10875
- Mitas, 10890
- Monteith-Farrell, 10874, 10891
- Morrison, 10883–10888
- Oosterhoff, 10879, 10882, 10891
- Pang, 10871–10872
- Pettapiece, 10886
- Rasheed, 10872–10874, 10891
- Roberts, 10887
- Sarkaria, 10867–10868, 10874–10875
- Sattler, 10881–10882, 10886–10887
- Shaw, 10875–10880
- Stevens, 10875
- Tangri, 10869–10871
- Taylor, 10881
- Wai, 10878
- Royal assent, 10941
- first reading
Main street recovery plan.
see Business - main street recovery planMaking Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2019 (Bill 125)
Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- first reading
- second reading, 1954–1973, 2004–2025, 2056–2073, 2168–2169
- Andrew, 2063–2064, 2072
- Armstrong, 2013
- Baber, 1962, 2024, 2067–2068
- Babikian, 2063
- Bailey, 2020
- Bell, 2015–2016
- Berns-McGown, 2024
- Bisson, 2059–2060, 2067
- Bouma, 1972
- Burch, 2007, 2021, 2060
- Cho, S., 1971
- Coteau, 2061–2065
- Downey, 2060
- Fife, 1963–1973
- Fullerton, 2065–2068
- Gates, 1971–1972, 2056–2060, 2068
- Ghamari, 2008
- Gill, 2021–2025
- Harris, 2016–2017
- Kernaghan, 2017–2021
- Kusendova, 2012–2013
- Martin, 2072
- Martow, 2020
- McDonell, 2012, 2024
- McKenna, 1963
- Miller, P., 2008, 2012, 2016
- Natyshak, 2064
- Oosterhoff, 2007–2008, 2068
- Parsa, 1954–1957, 1963
- Piccini, 2071–2072
- Roberts, 2064
- Romano, 2059
- Scott, 2004–2009
- Singh, S., 2072–2073
- Skelly, 2013–2015, 2017
- Stiles, 2068–2071, 2073
- Taylor, 1962–1963
- Thanigasalam, 2016
- West, 1962, 1972, 2009–2013, 2020, 2023
- Wilson, 1957–1962
- division (carried), 2168–2169
- time allocation motion, 2075–2086, 2127–2131, 2144–2145
- third reading, 2432–2447, 2449–2451
- Royal assent, 2478
Making the Patient Ombudsman an Officer of the Assembly Act, 2021 (Bill 302)
- first reading
- Fraser, 13996
- first reading
Malton Black Development Association
- Anand, 3083
Managing Transformation: A Modernization Action Plan for Ontario (2018)
- findings
- recommendations
- general remarks
- government response to
- re education
- re pension treatment
- Fraser, 1219
- re public assets, sale/lease of
Mandamin, Josephine.
see Water conservation—public education campaigns—Mother Earth Water WalkersMandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006,
SO 2006, c 26.
see also Public health—infection control—mandatory blood testingMandatory Police Training Act, 2019 (Bill 105)
Mandeep Singh Cheema Charitable Foundation
- Anand, 8283–8284
Manufacturing industry
- decline
- economic impact
- employment
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact of Canadian dollar
- Gates, 4196
- Ontario Made program
- plant closures
- Harris, 308
- recovery rate
- shift to high-tech models
- Glover, 1944
- shipbuilding
- Skelly, 10906
- vacancies
- McNaughton, 13429
- worker recruitment
- Piccini, 13655
- worker retraining
Manufacturing industry - COVID-19
- government supports
- operational reconfiguration
Marmora Freezing Corp.
see Fiera FoodsMarriage solemnization
Maternal Mental Health Act, 2021 (Bill 176)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 7166–7167
- second reading, 12711–12716, 12741–12742
- first reading
Math skills
McClintic, Terri-Lynne.
see also Correctional servicesMcClure,
R v,
2001 SCC 14.
see under Solicitor-client privilegeMcVety, Charles.
see Canada Christian CollegeMeasles
Meat processing facilities
Meat processing industry
see also News media- tax credits
- Tibollo, 5513
- tax credits
Media literacy
- Kernaghan, 4941
Medical emergencies abroad
Medical imaging
Medical isotopes
Medical laboratory services.
see also Public health laboratories- Penetanguishene
- Dunlop, 3766
- private delivery
- Gélinas, 10288–10289
- service quality
- Penetanguishene
Medical Officers of Health - COVID-19
- section 22 orders
- Peel
- Bell, 13810
- Calandra, 12796
- Horwath, 12796–12797
- Sattler, 12792, 12807
- Singh, S., 12850–12851, 12867
- Yarde, 13093
- Toronto
- Peel
- section 22 orders
Medical records
Medical research
- in London
- Kernaghan, 5762–5763
- in London
Medical residents
- unmatched
- Kernaghan, 10614
- unmatched
Medical supplies at home
- funding for
- gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
- Gélinas, 4084
- gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
- funding for
Member appreciation
- Fraser, John (Ottawa South)
- Kwinter, Monte (York Centre)
- Liberal (1985-2018)
- Baber, 13804
- Liberal (1985-2018)
- Mamakwa, Sol (Kiiwetinoong)
- Mantha, 13402
- McDonell, Jim (Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- Walker, 14049–14050
- Rasheed, Kaleed (Mississauga East—Cooksville)
- Smith, T., 474
- Wynne, Kathleen (Don Valley West)
- Dunlop, 7553
Members' introduction
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP)
- compensation
- Baber, 11325
- Calandra, 11324–11325
- investment restrictions
- compensation
Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
- compensation
- demographics and diversity
- election campaigns. see Political campaigning
- fundraising. see Political fundraising
- independent members
- general remarks
- Downey, 11716–11717
- and legislative procedure. see Legislative procedure
- general remarks
- oaths and affirmations
- Bisson, 6918
- social media accounts
- regulation of
- Downey, 11716, 12589–12590, 14098–14099
- Gill, 12053
- Khanjin, 12049
- Miller, N., 11789, 12624
- Park, 11805
- Skelly, 12640–12641
- Taylor, 12048–12049
- regulation of
- staff
Members' statements
- 5n2
- Hunter, 12970
- 360°kids
- Pang, 9683
- Aaniin Community Centre and Library
- Kanapathi, 2523
- ABB Burlington
- Abilities Centre
- Abortion
- Harden, 5072
- AboutFace
- Parsa, 5170–5171
- Abrigo Centre
- Stiles, 2522
- Access to justice
- Access to Justice Week
- Park, 1843–1844
- Access to natural gas
- Skelly, 2891
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Acromegaly
- Lalonde, 816
- Across U-hub
- Pang, 2641
- Adamson Barbecue
- Hillier, 10772
- Addiction services
- Adoption
- Tangri, 6581
- Advance care planning
- Skelly, 4406
- Advocis
- McDonell, 1596
- Aerospace industry
- Anand, 9155
- Affordable housing
- Andrew, 3969–3970
- Armstrong, 88, 6580
- Barrett, 9345
- Collard, 10629–10630, 11383, 12286–12287
- Cuzzetto, 9105
- Fife, 12285
- French, 11449
- Gates, 13551
- Gretzky, 14057–14058
- Harden, 2942–2943, 6876
- Hassan, 4170, 11199–11200
- Kernaghan, 6278, 13552
- Morrison, 11768
- Sattler, 5848–5849
- Singh, S., 9683
- Stevens, 6978
- Taylor, 6518–6519
- Agricultural colleges
- Bouma, 12728
- Agricultural labour policy
- Barrett, 12529–12530
- Agriculture industry
- Piccini, 6179–6180
- Agri-food industry
- Ahmadiyya Muslim community
- Lecce, 20–21
- Air cadets
- Crawford, 3247
- Airplane tragedy
- Parsa, 6923
- Airports in northern Ontario
- Mamakwa, 2355
- Alcohol addiction
- Anand, 3671
- Alexander, Philip
- Hatfield, 742
- Allward, Walter
- Hatfield, 4234–4235
- Alma Mater Society of Queen's University
- Arthur, 3033
- Al-Nadwa Educational Islamic Centre iftar
- Martow, 5218
- Alnwick/Haldimand Fire Department
- Piccini, 11086–11087
- Al-Qazzaz Foundation for Education and Development
- Rasheed, 4456–4457
- Alzheimer Society
- Kernaghan, 7244
- Ambulance services
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Anaphylaxis
- Kusendova, 5073–5074
- Ancaster arts centre
- Shaw, 3882
- Ancaster Community Food Drive
- Shaw, 11622
- Anderson, Farel
- Wilson, 13264
- Andy's House
- Miller, N., 7152–7153
- Anglican Church of St. Paul, L'Amoreaux
- Babikian, 2641
- Animal protection
- Anniversary of 9/11
- Baber, 8936–8937
- Anniversary of attack in Toronto
- Cho, S., 4502, 12895–12896
- Anniversary of Rwandan genocide
- Lindo, 4236–4237
- Anniversary of Sikh massacre
- Singh, G., 5369
- Anniversary of the Great Fire of Windsor
- Hatfield, 4339
- Antaya, Ken and Ron McDermott
- Natyshak, 2472
- Anti-Asian racism
- Babikian, 13198
- Karpoche, 12216–12217
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- Anti-racism activities
- Anti-Racism Directorate
- Coteau, 2355
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-smoking initiatives for youth
- Gélinas, 1388
- Anti-vaping initiatives for youth
- Triantafilopoulos, 8657
- Anto, Rani
- Rasheed, 6582–6583
- Apollo Restaurant
- West, 7087–7088
- Apple industry
- Gill, 1186
- Aquaculture
- Walker, 1843
- Armenian community
- Baber, 1529
- Armenian genocide anniversary
- Babikian, 4627, 12969–12970
- Armenian Independence Day
- Babikian, 9257
- Armstrong, George
- Smith, D., 11675
- Arsenault, Fred
- Begum, 7541
- Arthurs, Russ and Janet
- Roberts, 10672–10673
- Artists in Momentum
- Rasheed, 4980
- Arts and after-school programs
- Morrison, 5319–5320
- Arts and cultural funding
- Arts and culture
- Arts and culture businesses
- Downey, 2891
- Arts and culture sector
- Andrew, 8415
- Arulpirarangah, Abivarman
- Thanigasalam, 3570
- Ashley, Joanne
- Coe, 2147
- Asian Heritage Month
- Wai, 4812
- Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
- Kusendova, 3883
- Assistance to farmers
- Vanthof, 7875
- Assistance to persons with disabilities
- French, 8374
- Harden, 9002
- Sattler, 10849–10850
- Stiles, 10629
- Athar, Abdul Rashid
- Coteau, 9306–9307
- ATS Automation Tooling Systems
- Karahalios, 891
- Attack in Egypt
- Sabawy, 2422
- Attack in New Zealand
- Rasheed, 3672
- Attack in Pittsburgh
- Attacks in Israel
- Khanjin, 13527–13528
- Attacks in Sri Lanka
- Attacks in the Philippines
- Baber, 3082–3083
- Autism
- Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
- Taylor, 1529
- Autism treatment
- Andrew, 3032
- Armstrong, 11908
- Bell, 8375
- Berns-McGown, 3529–3530
- Bisson, 3429
- Burch, 11126
- Fife, 3034, 3530
- Fraser, 3186
- French, 3185
- Gélinas, 2742–2743, 3380, 13835
- Gretzky, 3671
- Hassan, 3247
- Monteith-Farrell, 3345, 4265
- Pang, 5562
- Rakocevic, 3346
- Taylor, 2000, 3431
- Wai, 3883
- West, 3480, 9962
- Yarde, 3480–3481
- Autistics 4 Autistics
- Taylor, 4037
- Autofest Oshawa
- French, 741
- Automobile insurance
- Automotive industry
- Baden Corn Festival
- Harris, 480
- Baku massacre
- Babikian, 7708
- Bangladesh Independence Day
- Begum, 3830
- Bank Act of 1871
- Martin, 12652
- Basketball
- Cho, S., 5473
- Battaglia, Roberta
- Cuzzetto, 8547
- Battle of Britain
- Downey, 1035
- Battle of Crysler's Farm
- McDonell, 6837
- Battle of the Atlantic
- Battle of Vimy Ridge
- Nicholls, 12597
- Battochio, Lou
- Bisson, 2210–2211
- Bayview Yards
- Ghamari, 4037–4038
- Bazinet, François
- McDonell, 4405–4406
- Beamsville and District Lions Club food drive
- Oosterhoff, 9206–9207
- Bear control
- Vanthof, 8658
- Bells of Peace
- Bennett, Claude
- Roberts, 6421
- Benson, Gerry
- McDonell, 2640
- Bethesda House
- Park, 9683–9684
- Better Beginnings, Better Futures
- West, 5518
- Betty's Restaurant
- Gates, 10125
- Beverage alcohol sales
- Kernaghan, 781
- Bhatt, Dipak
- Anand, 1332
- Bicycle safety
- Bell, 136
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Harris, 7424
- Bigelow, Jane
- Kernaghan, 14058
- Bite of Brant
- Bouma, 12530
- Black History Month
- Black July
- Singh, G., 8549
- Black youth in care
- Lindo, 3715
- Blais, Jody and Nicole
- Bourgouin, 3570
- Blenheim Youth Centre
- Nicholls, 4871
- Blind Hockey Night
- Cuzzetto, 7657
- Blood donation
- Bloom, Howard
- Downey, 137
- Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf
- Wynne, 6787
- Bollywood Monster Mashup
- Tangri, 340–341
- Bone marrow donation
- Anand, 4668
- Border security
- Piccini, 13265–13266
- Rasheed, 13310, 13983–13984
- Sabawy, 13356
- Sandhu, 13357
- Boughton, Mike
- Gill, 581
- Boys and Girls Club of Brantford
- Bouma, 11296–11297
- Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough
- Hunter, 11511
- Boys and Girls Club of Peel
- Sarkaria, 2864
- Boys and Girls Clubs of North Simcoe
- Dunlop, 2212
- Bozzo, Natale
- Hogarth, 12184
- Braley, David
- Skelly, 10126–10127
- Brampton Centre youth council
- Singh, S., 4406
- Brampton university
- Yarde, 2099
- Branson Ambulatory Care Centre
- Baber, 7088
- Brantford Blessing Centre
- Bouma, 10376
- Breast cancer
- British home children
- Morrison, 1438
- Broadband infrastructure
- Brooklin Spring Fair
- Coe, 5072
- Brotech Precision
- Khanjin, 6723
- Bruce Power
- Parsa, 3767
- Buchanan, Blair
- Coe, 3429–3430
- Building Bridges event in Guelph
- Schreiner, 3129
- Building Something Amazing
- Coe, 841–842
- Bullen, Fayne
- Dunlop, 3346–3347
- Bullying
- Miller, P., 5796–5797
- Burgoyne Bridge
- Stevens, 4340
- Burl's Creek Event Grounds
- Downey, 781
- Business awards gala
- Skelly, 4135
- Business improvement areas
- Morrison, 4266
- Businesses in Carleton
- Ghamari, 2577
- Businesses in Windsor–Tecumseh
- Hatfield, 11969–11970
- Cadets
- Bouma, 5519
- Caffeine
- Khanjin, 3532
- Ke, 6922
- Caledonia
- Barrett, 11296
- Cambridge athletes
- Karahalios, 6280
- Cambridge North Dumfries Ontario Health Team
- Karahalios, 7366
- Cambridge Rivers' Edge Gardeners
- Karahalios, 5121–5122
- Cambridge Scottish Festival
- Karahalios, 380
- Campbell, Judith Anne
- Ghamari, 9003–9004
- Canada Day celebrations
- Tangri, 8416–8417
- Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
- Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing
- Anand, 6278–6279
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Canadian International AutoShow
- Harris, 3249
- Canadian Open golf tournament
- Crawford, 181
- Canadian Police Memorial Ride to Remember
- Sarkaria, 1235
- Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar
- Anand, 1642
- Canadian soldiers
- Canadian Women's Hockey League
- Park, 4169
- Canal Days
- Burch, 180
- Cancer treatment
- Caplan, David
- Coteau, 5960
- Careers day
- Kusendova, 2642
- Caregivers
- Caribana
- Singh, S., 581–582
- Caring Card campaign
- Khanjin, 7894
- Carrousel of the Nations
- Gretzky, 9411–9412
- Cavanagh, Thomas
- Ghamari, 6787
- Celebrity Chef—Men Who Cook
- Singh, S., 3381
- Celiac disease
- Martow, 5171
- Celtic culture
- McDonell, 5273
- Centre culturel La Ronde
- Bisson, 5643
- CFB Trenton
- Kramp, 7658
- Chai Lifeline Canada
- Martow, 20
- Chakraborty, Arka
- Andrew, 6010–6011
- Challenger Baseball
- Smith, D., 6980
- Challenger baseball in Whitby
- Coe, 782–783
- Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre
- Coe, 11297
- Chatham Coloured All-Stars
- Nicholls, 5847
- Child advocate
- Child care
- Child Welfare Immigration Centre of Excellence
- Anand, 9103–9104
- Childhood cancer
- Walker, 1280–1281
- Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Children and youth
- Burch, 3766
- Children and youth in care
- Children and Youth in Care Day
- Anand, 4982
- Children's colouring contest
- Khanjin, 3084
- Children's health services
- Vanthof, 9963
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- Roberts, 6876
- Children's mental health services
- Children's services
- Kernaghan, 10026
- Children's Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent
- Children's Vision Month
- Fraser, 9562–9563
- Chinese Canadian Head Tax Redress Day
- Ke, 5603–5604
- Chinese community
- Sabawy, 4814
- Chinese New Year
- Wai, 6922–6923
- Chinese-Canadian relations
- Pang, 1844–1845
- Christmas
- Mitas, 10849
- Christmas Baskets
- Bouma, 2819–2820
- Christmas concert
- Bouma, 6666
- Christmas Cop Shop
- Smith, D., 2891–2892
- Christmas in Paris
- Bouma, 5798
- Christmas wish list
- Hatfield, 6786
- Church-Wellesley Village
- Morrison, 7940
- Cinemas
- Arthur, 10286–10287
- City of Brampton
- City of Markham
- Martow, 181–182
- City of Richmond Hill
- Civilian oversight of police
- Morrison, 13264
- Clarington Sports Hall of Fame
- Park, 2051–2052
- Clark, Justin
- Roberts, 11674
- Clarke, Daphne
- Hatfield, 4626
- Class size
- Schreiner, 6012
- Clēan Works and Pure Life Machinery
- Oosterhoff, 9054
- Climate change
- Coach John Leadership and Community Engagement Initiative
- Thanigasalam, 13147
- Colaco, Ronald
- Cuzzetto, 1688
- Coldest Night of the Year
- Coldest Night of the Year walkathon
- Parsa, 7087
- College standards and accreditation
- Colours of Love International Concert
- Kusendova, 1999
- Comegna, Arturo
- Romano, 3881
- Commercial tenant protection
- The Common Table Free Farmers Market
- Coteau, 380
- Community associations
- Collard, 13030
- Community Care Durham Community Food Box program
- Coe, 7825
- Community Care St. Catharines and Thorold
- Stevens, 5369
- Community grants
- Coe, 12531
- Community Healing Call-In
- Andrew, 6581
- Community organization funding
- Crawford, 13837
- Community safety
- Community services
- Burch, 12128–12129
- Coe, 12729
- Crawford, 2522
- Community support agencies
- Gretzky, 1797–1798
- Como Foundation
- Cuzzetto, 10163–10164
- Compassionate care visits
- Hatfield, 9103
- Conditions in Bearskin Lake
- Mamakwa, 1386
- Conflict in Middle East
- Harden, 13600–13601
- Conners, Corey
- Pettapiece, 4170
- Conservation authorities
- Conservative Party of Canada
- Karahalios, 9257
- Consideration of Bill 156
- Vanthof, 6519–6520
- Constituency staff
- Burch, 6665
- Consumer protection
- Contaminated soil
- Skelly, 4813
- Cooperation for Justice and Peace conference
- Babikian, 6128
- Co-operative housing
- Morrison, 1930
- Coptic community
- Sabawy, 3932
- Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre
- Piccini, 7656–7657
- Correctional facilities
- Correctional officers
- Ghamari, 5071–5072
- Correctional services
- Taylor, 5472
- Country Heritage Park
- Gill, 10126
- Covia
- Smith, D., 4922
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 demographic data
- Rakocevic, 8882
- COVID-19 immunization
- Armstrong, 12727
- Babikian, 13837
- Bailey, 11509, 12529, 12651–12652
- Begum, 11844, 12649–12650, 13145, 13409
- Berns-McGown, 13410
- Bourgouin, 12344–12345
- Burch, 12405–12406, 12845–12846
- Cuzzetto, 13199
- Fraser, 11675
- French, 12345, 13653
- Gates, 11564, 11770, 12690–12691
- Harris, 11622, 12847
- Hassan, 12650–12651, 13029
- Hogarth, 14058
- Hunter, 12794–12795
- Kanapathi, 12970
- Kernaghan, 11337–11338
- Kramp, 11510–11511
- Mamakwa, 11909–11910
- Mantha, 12183–12184
- McKenna, 11722–11723
- Miller, N., 11676
- Oosterhoff, 12693
- Pang, 13264
- Park, 11449
- Rakocevic, 12034, 12893–12894, 13265
- Rasheed, 12729–12730
- Sabawy, 13145, 14059
- Sandhu, 13914–13915
- Sattler, 11723
- Stiles, 11565
- Tangri, 14151
- Yarde, 13030
- COVID-19 in India
- Tangri, 13357–13358
- COVID-19 response
- Anand, 8001–8002, 13836, 14060
- Andrew, 10628, 12215
- Armstrong, 10944
- Baber, 11449, 12184–12185, 12346, 12652, 12895, 13601–13602, 13983
- Babikian, 9104, 12287
- Bailey, 8109
- Begum, 9345, 12405
- Bell, 9609, 12727–12728
- Berns-McGown, 12082–12083
- Blais, 8003
- Bouma, 8086–8087
- Bourgouin, 13914
- Cho, S., 9309
- Coe, 10447, 11843
- Crawford, 8003
- Cuzzetto, 7874–7875
- Fee, 8548
- Fife, 12596–12597, 13076
- Fraser, 12033
- French, 12792–12793
- Gates, 9449
- Gélinas, 10772–10773, 12345–12346
- Ghamari, 8658–8659, 10998
- Gill, 8744, 8882, 12599
- Glover, 11968–11969, 12793, 13263
- Harden, 12728
- Hogarth, 8257, 9154–9155
- Kanapathi, 7939
- Karahalios, 9713, 11970, 12692, 13410–13411
- Karpoche, 12691, 13551–13552
- Ke, 8085, 8373, 10997, 11127, 13312–13313
- Kernaghan, 8175, 9256–9257
- Khanjin, 12129
- Kramp, 7938, 9053, 10997–10998, 11383
- Mantha, 12794, 12846–12847
- Martin, 7873, 8883–8884
- Martow, 8175, 8882–8883
- Miller, N., 8002, 8319–8320, 11508–11509, 11623–11624, 11970–11971
- Monteith-Farrell, 9345–9346, 10556–10557, 11621, 12083–12084
- Morrison, 11621–11622
- Natyshak, 8255–8256, 11509, 12530
- Nicholls, 8175–8176
- Oosterhoff, 8255
- Pang, 8375
- Rakocevic, 9837–9838
- Rasheed, 9451, 10630–10631
- Roberts, 8744
- Sabawy, 10850
- Sandhu, 7939–7940
- Sattler, 9153
- Simard, 12130
- Singh, G., 10945
- Skelly, 8320
- Stiles, 8478, 12729
- Tabuns, 9902, 10344, 11623, 13198–13199
- Tangri, 11127–11128, 13146
- Taylor, 9713, 12970
- Thanigasalam, 7940, 12345
- Triantafilopoulos, 7940, 8256, 10556
- Vanthof, 8256, 10507
- West, 9610–9611, 12084–12085
- Wynne, 10125–10126
- Yarde, 10630
- COVID-19 response in Beaches–East York
- Berns-McGown, 9410
- COVID-19 response in Burlington
- McKenna, 7825–7826
- COVID-19 response in Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 7802
- COVID-19 response in Milton
- Gill, 7801–7802
- COVID-19 response in Mississauga East–Cooksville
- COVID-19 response in Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 7892
- COVID-19 response in Scarborough Centre
- Mitas, 9308
- COVID-19 response in Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 9308
- COVID-19 testing
- Miller, N., 13704
- Wai, 6365–6366
- Crabtree, Marilyn
- McDonell, 11383–11384
- Craft brewers
- Hogarth, 4134
- Credit River bridge
- Cuzzetto, 5172
- Crime prevention
- Cripps, Jason
- Fee, 2979–2980
- Crnec, Steve
- Hatfield, 9561
- Crohn's disease
- Gates, 2315–2316
- Crowell, George Harvey
- Armstrong, 683
- Cruickshank, Les
- McDonell, 2776
- Cruikshank, Stewart
- Tabuns, 12847
- Cultural celebrations
- Kanapathi, 3717
- Cultural facilities
- Burch, 9779
- Curriculum
- Cycling infrastructure
- Fife, 339
- Cyprus Independence Day
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cho, S., 9562, 13602–13603
- Wilson, 5797
- Dacosta, Dominic
- Karahalios, 10506–10507
- The Dads of Milton
- Gill, 9052
- Dalai Lama
- Karpoche, 4314
- The Dam
- Rasheed, 6472
- D'Amico, Anne Marie
- Martin, 6581–6582
- Dance Evolution
- West, 6519
- Dancey, Ronald
- Karahalios, 1237
- Danforth neighbourhood
- Ghamari, 239–240
- Darlington refurbishment project
- Park, 2264–2265
- Daylight saving time
- Roberts, 12032
- Daynes, Bernie
- Smith, D., 13473–13474
- Debate tournament
- Ke, 7709
- Decoration Day
- Mantha, 5451
- Decorum in chamber
- Lindo, 180–181
- Depratto, Michel
- McDonell, 8318
- Deter, Barb
- Natyshak, 4760
- Developmental Service Worker Appreciation Day
- Gretzky, 8318–8319
- Developmental service workers
- Fraser, 11769
- Diab, Marc
- Tangri, 1087
- Diabetes
- DiCaire, Véronic
- Simard, 10163
- Dickinson, Faith
- Smith, D., 6877
- Dietary supplements
- Fife, 4561
- Dillon, Dave
- Barrett, 6126–6127
- Dingwall, Floyd
- McDonell, 8085–8086
- Disaster relief
- Martin, 1034
- Discrimination
- Diwali
- Dockstader, Karl
- Burch, 9410
- Doctor shortage
- Arthur, 2315
- Doctors' Day
- Kusendova, 4628
- Don Valley North community barbeque
- Ke, 1087
- Doors Open Richmond Hill
- Wai, 5073
- Doucette, Sarah
- Karpoche, 889
- Down syndrome
- Down Syndrome Awareness Fun Walk
- Driver examination centre
- Kusendova, 1036
- Driving instructors
- Anand, 12969
- Drumm, Joe
- Coe, 1085
- DSV Global Transport and Logistics
- Gill, 9780–9781
- Dudley-Hewitt Cup
- Vanthof, 4236
- The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
- Wai, 13263
- Dunn, James L.
- Hatfield, 7300
- Durham Region Hospice–Clarington
- Piccini, 7205
- Durham Wellness Hub
- Coe, 4405
- Dwyer, Will
- Khanjin, 7086–7087
- Dysautonomia
- Romano, 2265
- Earth Day
- Earth Hour
- Tangri, 12345
- Earth Week
- Triantafilopoulos, 4871
- Easter
- Mitas, 12347
- Easter Seals Telethon
- Smith, D., 4313
- Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference
- McDonell, 5960–5961
- École Notre-Dame-du-Sault robotics teams
- Mantha, 340
- Economic development
- Economic reopening and recovery
- Sabawy, 12217–12218
- Skelly, 8549
- Thanigasalam, 14152
- Wai, 8658
- EcoSikh
- Anand, 5797
- Eczema Society of Canada
- Karahalios, 2353–2354
- Ed's House
- Piccini, 4719
- Education
- Education funding
- Armstrong, 7539, 9206
- Arthur, 7086
- Bell, 3930, 4501, 8656–8657, 9207
- Berns-McGown, 5071, 5761, 7153, 8742–8743
- Bisson, 7154
- Collard, 9207–9208
- Fraser, 8658
- French, 3615, 6666–6667, 7204, 13263
- Gates, 7205
- Gélinas, 8257
- Glover, 4626
- Gretzky, 9001
- Harden, 7422
- Karpoche, 3932, 8884
- Kernaghan, 3670, 4405
- Lindo, 6278
- Martin, 10227
- Oosterhoff, 3431
- Sattler, 2421–2422, 6921
- Schreiner, 8814
- Shaw, 4134, 13654
- Singh, G., 4503
- Singh, S., 13760
- Skelly, 7153
- Stiles, 2925
- Taylor, 9346
- Triantafilopoulos, 3034
- Vanthof, 4135
- Wynne, 1733
- Yarde, 4921–4922
- Education on intolerance
- Simard, 9498
- Educational assistants
- Armstrong, 6012–6013
- Educators
- Rakocevic, 6920–6921
- Egyptian Heritage Month
- Sabawy, 8415
- El Masry, Fadi
- Fraser, 11769
- Eldercare Foundation
- Roberts, 11910
- eLearn.fyi
- Martow, 10125
- Electoral reform
- Triantafilopoulos, 14150
- Elliot, Walt
- Gill, 8111
- Elmira Maple Syrup Festival
- Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival
- Downey, 4082–4083
- Emancipation Day
- Emergency services
- Employment
- Barrett, 7154
- Employment services
- Employment standards
- Energy companies in Oakville
- Crawford, 8815
- Energy policies
- Engineering graduates
- Triantafilopoulos, 1035–1036
- Engineers
- Cho, S., 11509–11510
- Environmental assessment
- Gill, 11245
- Environmental initiatives
- Shaw, 13197–13198
- Environmental initiatives in Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 4456
- Environmental protection
- Arthur, 3569, 3881, 7801
- Fife, 10849
- Fraser, 12847
- French, 10287–10288, 10906–10907
- Gretzky, 6722, 10907
- Shaw, 12894
- Etobicoke-Lakeshore Santa Claus parade
- Hogarth, 2741–2742
- Eurowerx
- Rasheed, 1845
- Eva's Satellite
- Cho, S., 1644
- Events in Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond Hill
- Events in Barrie–Innisfil
- Khanjin, 10229
- Events in Black River-Matheson
- Vanthof, 12529
- Events in Burlington
- McKenna, 8319
- Events in Carleton
- Ghamari, 7365
- Events in Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 90
- Events in Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Simard, 3297
- Events in Haldimand–Norfolk
- Barrett, 5761–5762
- Events in Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 2641–2642
- Events in King–Vaughan
- Lecce, 2892
- Events in Markham–Stouffville
- Calandra, 3831
- Events in Markham–Unionville
- Pang, 7875
- Events in Milton
- Gill, 6921
- Events in Mississauga
- Rasheed, 889
- Events in Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 6011
- Events in Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 10505–10506
- Events in Orléans
- Events in Orléans and Toronto
- Lalonde, 5319
- Events in Ottawa
- Lalonde, 2819
- Events in Ottawa–Vanier
- Lalonde, 4084
- Events in Parry Sound
- Miller, N., 139
- Events in Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Miller, N., 3479–3480
- Events in Perth–Wellington
- Pettapiece, 13552–13553
- Events in Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, D., 3130
- Events in Richmond Hill
- Events in Scarborough–Rouge Park
- Thanigasalam, 10557
- Events in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 1894
- Events in Sri Lanka
- Events in Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- McDonell, 303
- Events in Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 1595–1596
- Events in York South–Weston
- Hassan, 741–742
- Extraordinary Education Centre
- Ke, 9838
- Face Off for Mental Health
- Bailey, 3430
- Fairall, Dennis
- Hatfield, 10673
- Fairview Mall
- Ke, 4313
- Family caregivers
- Fraser, 7939
- Family violence
- Farm Boy
- Triantafilopoulos, 6723–6724
- Farm education
- Pettapiece, 11563–11564
- Farmers
- Vanthof, 12970
- Farmers in India
- Singh, S., 11564
- Farmers' mental health services
- Pettapiece, 11339
- Federal-provincial public infrastructure funding
- Babikian, 12083
- Ferrochrome plant
- Romano, 88
- Fierté Simcoe Pride
- Downey, 415
- Fight Like Mason
- Natyshak, 2892
- Filipino community
- Fraser, 13915
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Fine Arts Society of Milton
- Gill, 4171
- Fire in Arthur
- Pettapiece, 532
- Fire in Richmond Hill
- Wai, 9611
- Fire in Toronto
- Rakocevic, 6470
- Fire services
- Coe, 13525
- Firefighters
- Firefighting in northern Ontario
- First Nations policing
- Monteith-Farrell, 815
- First responders
- FishAbility
- Piccini, 2742
- Flaherty, Jim
- Coe, 6368
- Flemingdon Park basketball courts
- Coteau, 1187–1188
- Flemingdon Park Ministry
- Coteau, 7874
- Flooding
- Nicholls, 7710
- Flooding in Algoma–Manitoulin
- Mantha, 1528
- Flu immunization
- Foley, Mike
- Fraser, 2863
- Food and toy drive
- Nicholls, 10628
- Food banks
- Food drive
- Ghamari, 10287
- Food drive in Scarborough Centre
- Mitas, 9651
- Food for Life
- Gill, 10228
- Food literacy
- Kramp, 9838–9839
- FoodShare Toronto
- Hassan, 1796–1797
- Foote, John Weir
- Kramp, 10289
- Ford Motor Company
- Cuzzetto, 2777
- Foreign-trained doctors
- Begum, 11566
- Fort Erie Race Track
- Foster care
- Taylor, 8177
- Fournier, Rebecca
- Skelly, 12893
- Fox 40 International Inc.
- Nicholls, 12793–12794
- Fox, Terry
- Kramp, 10127
- Franco-Ontarian Day
- Kusendova, 9307
- Franklin Horner Community Centre
- Hogarth, 8659
- Freedom of religion
- Sabawy, 1998
- Freedom of speech
- Baber, 13356–13357
- French-language services
- West, 2576–2577
- Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Baber, 1281
- Front-line workers
- Armstrong, 7891
- Bouma, 7824
- Crawford, 7803
- Gates, 13076–13077
- Gretzky, 8001
- Lindo, 7824
- McDonell, 10506
- Pettapiece, 13761
- Schreiner, 13077–13078
- Singh, G., 10445
- Skelly, 13759–13760
- Stevens, 8176
- Tabuns, 13761
- Fryer, Erica and Kylie Masse
- Natyshak, 3345–3346
- Fur Ball Gala
- Smith, D., 3615
- Fur industry
- Barrett, 5912–5913
- Fusion Pharmaceuticals
- Skelly, 4237
- Future Possibilities for Kids
- Kanapathi, 6422
- Gabriel Pizza
- Roberts, 7893–7894
- Gaidatsis, John
- Cho, S., 7655
- Gas theft
- Gasoline prices
- Gendron, Bruno
- Roberts, 10555
- Genevra House
- West, 4921
- Georgian Bay Hunters and Anglers
- Dunlop, 4759
- Gies Family Centre
- Harris, 1187
- Gillian's Place
- Stevens, 10772
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
- Wynne, 9411
- Giving Tuesday
- Yarde, 6580
- Glen Abbey Golf Club
- Crawford, 12971
- Global Coptic Day
- Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Parsa, 2146
- GlobalMedic
- Parsa, 11087
- GO Transit
- Go Transit maintenance facility
- Coe, 4813
- Goodwill, the Amity Group
- McKenna, 9208
- Gordie Howe International Bridge Indigenous art project
- Hatfield, 9307
- Gordy, Jason
- Barrett, 4170–4171
- Government accountability
- Government and community services fair
- Hogarth, 5217
- Government fiscal policies
- Kernaghan, 5217–5218
- Government investments
- Kusendova, 3616–3617
- Government policies
- Government services
- Government's agenda
- Government's record
- Governor General's medals and honours
- Simard, 8478
- Graduations
- Harris, 8256–8257
- Graham, Frank Edward
- Dunlop, 182
- Grand River Champion of Champions Powwow
- Bouma, 302
- Grandview Children's Centre
- French, 1527–1528
- Grape and wine industry
- Gates, 8937–8938
- Gratkowska, Joanna
- Kusendova, 13312
- Greek community
- Triantafilopoulos, 532
- Greek Independence Day
- Greenbelt
- Gretzky, Walter
- Bouma, 11971
- Gretzky, 11842–11843
- Grey Cup
- Skelly, 3617
- Guelph and District Multicultural Festival
- Schreiner, 5563
- GuelphGives
- Schreiner, 10945–10946
- Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis
- Schreiner, 2051
- Guild Festival Theatre
- Hunter, 181
- Guildwood Tennis Club
- Hunter, 9105
- Gun violence
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab
- Sandhu, 5847
- Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga
- Gill, 1797
- Halloween
- Martin, 5712
- Halloween events in Milton
- Gill, 5796
- Halloween events in Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 5711
- Hamilton Naturalists' Club
- Shaw, 5910
- Hamilton Tiger-Cats
- Skelly, 6179
- Hanover and District Hospital Auxiliary
- Walker, 88
- Hanukkah
- Martow, 11086
- Harden, Rosemary
- Harden, 10554–10555
- Hardman, Ron and Stefan Schultz
- Bouma, 8814
- Harlev, Guy
- Cho, S., 6580
- Harris, Lawren
- Parsa, 9902
- Harry Jerome Awards
- Martin, 4670
- Hatch
- Cuzzetto, 2355–2356
- Hate crimes
- Hatfield, Pearl
- Hatfield, 6226–6227
- Hauth, Sylvie
- Monteith-Farrell, 2470–2471
- Haven on the Queensway
- Hogarth, 7479
- Hays, Christine
- Natyshak, 1491
- Health care
- Health care funding
- Andrew, 5518
- Bailey, 11295
- Gates, 5644–5645, 13982–13983
- Sabawy, 5912, 12217–12218
- Sandhu, 12218
- Health care in Brampton
- Singh, G., 7657–7658
- Health care workers
- Health issues
- Ke, 2423
- Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Martin, 7424
- Heart disease
- Cuzzetto, 3571
- Heart Month
- Khanjin, 11564–11565
- Heartbeat of the Yellow River
- Pang, 2818
- Heddle Shipyards
- Skelly, 10906
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Triantafilopoulos, 7540–7541, 12215–12216
- Hellenic Heritage Month Act
- Babikian, 4085
- Hellenic Home for the Aged
- Mitas, 6011
- Helmond, Jason
- Herbert's Boots and Western Wear
- Khanjin, 1331
- Heritage conservation
- Morrison, 11297
- Heritage Hockey Sticks
- Bouma, 10773
- Heron Gate
- Harden, 1281
- HERstory
- Armstrong, 815–816
- Hiatus House
- Gretzky, 5171–5172
- High-tech industry
- Pang, 3930–3931
- Highway improvement
- Highway of Heroes
- Hatfield, 3570–3571
- Highway of Heroes cleanup
- Piccini, 12034
- Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign
- Piccini, 3479
- Highway safety
- Highway tolls
- Hike for Hospice
- Fraser, 5120–5121
- Hindu Heritage Month
- Triantafilopoulos, 10674
- His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Miller, N., 12651
- Hockey 4 Youth
- Fraser, 7028
- Hockey for Humanity Khalsa Cup
- Sarkaria, 380–381
- Hockey tournament
- Ghamari, 3187
- Holiday activities
- Miller, N., 2743
- Holiday season
- Parsa, 11127
- Holiday toy and food drive
- Rasheed, 2820
- Holocaust memorial
- Martin, 12847–12848
- Holodomor
- Home builders
- Khanjin, 5319
- Home care
- Home James
- Nicholls, 7301
- Home Runs for Hospice
- Bouma, 9611
- Homelessness
- Homophobia and transphobia
- Morrison, 4759–4760
- Hooper, Lorne Nelson
- Fraser, 6878
- Horse racing industry
- Hatfield, 5762
- The Hospice Face to Face campaign
- Hatfield, 10228
- Hospice palliative care
- Hospital evacuation
- Mantha, 3931
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Mantha, 9307–9308
- Hospital funding
- Hospital services
- Oosterhoff, 13551
- Hospitality industry
- Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre
- Burch, 1235
- Housing
- Berns-McGown, 10374–10375
- Housing in Chatham–Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 9498–9499
- Hum, Ed
- Smith, D., 9902–9903
- Human rights
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
- Des Rosiers, 2777–2778
- Human trafficking
- Hunter, Bill
- Hassan, 7478
- Hunting and fishing licences
- Harris, 2820–2821
- Hydro rates
- Arthur, 10995–10996
- Bisson, 11676
- Oosterhoff, 4626–4627
- Rasheed, 302
- Stevens, 9208
- Ice storm
- McDonell, 2943
- Illegal drugs
- Nicholls, 9609
- Immunization
- Karpoche, 11200
- Impaired drivers
- Gates, 6178
- Impaired driving
- Cuzzetto, 9713–9714
- Incident in Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 378
- Indigenous affairs
- Indigenous economic development
- Mamakwa, 3766
- Indigenous graduates
- Mamakwa, 5273–5274
- Indigenous languages
- Mamakwa, 4669
- Indigenous mental health services
- Indigenous programs and services
- Indigenous public health
- Bourgouin, 7708
- Indigenous relations and reconciliation
- Indigenous rights
- Mamakwa, 6876–6877
- Indigenous scholarship award
- Shaw, 7477–7478
- Indigenous services
- Mamakwa, 13310–13311
- Indus Community Services
- Anand, 13197
- Infrastructure funding
- Injured workers
- Insurance industry
- Bisson, 9837
- Insurance rates
- International Association of Business Communicators awards
- Bailey, 9901
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
- Martow, 10076
- International Mother Language Day
- International Plowing Match
- Nicholls, 1235
- International trade
- International Women's Day
- Invasive species
- Investing in Women's Futures program
- Morrison, 3829
- Investments in Sarnia–Lambton
- Bailey, 8813
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Israeli Independence Day
- Martow, 4920–4921
- Italian Heritage Month
- Martin, 5318
- Jackson, Albert
- Hatfield, 3247
- James, Lois
- Thanigasalam, 5848
- Jane and Finch community
- Rakocevic, 182
- Jane-Finch community hub
- Rakocevic, 9052
- Japanese-Canadian relations
- Nicholls, 1493
- Jenkins, Ferguson Arthur
- Nicholls, 13475
- Jewish community in Thessaloniki
- Triantafilopoulos, 12346
- Jewish Heritage Month
- Martin, 13311–13312
- Jewish High Holy Days
- Job creation
- John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport
- Skelly, 7826
- Johnstone, Audrey
- Skelly, 13553
- Jones, Trevor
- Smith, D., 13760
- June 27 Miracle Project
- Hatfield, 8547
- Kagan, Keira
- Martow, 8939
- Kalil, Dave
- Roberts, 13030–13031
- Kaneff, Ignat
- Cuzzetto, 8815
- Kapuskasing
- Bourgouin, 12650
- Kashechewan First Nation
- Bisson, 4562
- Keeley-Meloche, Ann
- Bouma, 8937
- Keeping, Max
- Roberts, 9347
- Keeso, Jared
- Pettapiece, 4314
- Kell, Larry
- Khanjin, 341
- Kelly, Leonard Patrick (Red)
- Kelly, Leonard "Red"
- Dunlop, 1733
- Kelly-Pemberton, Jackie and Steven Pemberton
- McDonell, 11622–11623
- Kemp family charitable donation
- Park, 137
- Kempenfest
- Downey, 4669
- KF Aerospace
- Skelly, 3032
- Khalra, Jaswant Singh
- Singh, G., 1086
- Kids Country Club
- Sattler, 3830–3831
- Kids with Incarcerated Parents
- Hogarth, 7027
- Kilpatrick, Tom
- Hatfield, 1842–1843
- Kim, Albert
- Cho, S., 7027
- Kimberly-Clark
- Miller, N., 13526
- Kindness Week
- Fraser, 6979
- King Street transit pilot
- Baber, 2689–2690
- Kingston WritersFest
- Arthur, 1186
- Kishkon, Elizabeth
- Hatfield, 1034
- Kiwanis Club of Brantford
- Bouma, 4562
- Klein, Stephanie
- Ke, 2691
- Kleinburg Binder Twine Festival
- Lecce, 890
- Kniaziew, Richard and Pauline
- Nicholls, 6519
- Kohoutová, Věra Marie
- Hunter, 6581
- Korean Harvest Festival
- Cho, S., 9411
- Kroupa, Milan
- Wilson, 9838
- Kurdian, Sirvard
- Babikian, 2212–2213
- Laboratory services
- Bisson, 11724
- Gélinas, 10288–10289, 10850, 11674
- Labour dispute
- Ladies of the Lake
- Khanjin, 11448–11449
- LaHay, Gerry
- Kernaghan, 9562
- Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital
- Park, 2863–2864
- Lakeshore Mardi Gras
- Hogarth, 581
- Lakeside Process Controls
- Tangri, 5601–5602
- Lalonde, Martin
- Dunlop, 4339
- Land use planning
- Andrew, 11125
- Bell, 12033
- Berns-McGown, 11722
- Blais, 11085–11086
- Glover, 13759
- Karpoche, 11449–11450
- Schreiner, 11910
- Landfill
- Lane, Julia
- Natyshak, 6878
- Lansdowne Children's Centre
- Bouma, 5472
- Laurentian University
- Gélinas, 12529, 13028–13029
- West, 6012, 12598–12599
- Laurier Brantford YMCA
- Bouma, 2471–2472
- Layoffs at Bombardier
- Miller, N., 6665–6666
- Leashes by the Lake
- Hogarth, 1188
- Lefebvre, Tysen
- Ghamari, 1894
- Lefrançois, Eddy
- Mantha, 5563
- Legal aid
- Legislative reform
- Harris, 6470
- Legislative staff
- Simard, 10907
- Leu, Abigail
- Coteau, 11296
- LGBTQ community
- Kernaghan, 1330–1331
- Library services
- West, 4457
- Life insurance
- Cuzzetto, 10908
- Life Sciences Ontario
- Tangri, 3480
- Life Sciences Ontario Scholarship Program
- Tangri, 5172–5173
- LifeLabs
- Dunlop, 3766
- Lighthouse program
- Crawford, 12085
- Lights and Sirens toy drive
- Kernaghan, 6722–6723
- Lights at Glenhyrst
- Bouma, 2925
- Lincoln M. Alexander Awards
- Ke, 3186
- Lindsay-Noel, Taylor
- Cho, S., 10772
- Lions Clubs
- Pettapiece, 10851–10852
- Lisi, Sarah Lynn and Connor Mahoney
- McKenna, 3971
- Lista, Aldo
- Cuzzetto, 12971
- Literacy and basic skills
- Fife, 11675
- Lobsinger, Abigayle
- Fife, 6126
- Local business
- London community organizations
- Armstrong, 3033
- London-Middlesex Suicide Prevention Council
- Sattler, 1437–1438
- Long-term care
- Armstrong, 7938–7939, 9963, 10447
- Babikian, 10375
- Begum, 8742
- Bourgouin, 11908
- Burch, 2211, 3083, 7204
- Cuzzetto, 6979
- Gates, 10771
- Gill, 12184
- Glover, 10075–10076
- Harris, 2423, 10908–10909
- Karpoche, 9497–9498
- Ke, 8177
- Mantha, 9051–9052, 10075
- Miller, N., 11084–11085
- Monteith-Farrell, 9104
- Oosterhoff, 7423
- Pang, 10446, 12461
- Pettapiece, 8320, 9256
- Rakocevic, 13705
- Rasheed, 12217
- Sattler, 8477
- Shaw, 10074–10075, 10446
- Stiles, 9682
- Taylor, 11085
- Triantafilopoulos, 9497
- Wai, 12346–12347, 14059–14060
- West, 8111
- López, Saúl Arias
- Andrew, 13982
- The Love Lettering Project
- Karpoche, 7478
- Lum, Foon Hay
- Bell, 7802
- Lunar new year
- Pang, 12131
- Lunar New Year
- Lung disease
- Martin, 3034–3035
- Lupus Awareness Day
- Pang, 14187
- Lyme disease
- Mantha, 4717
- MacDonald, Joan and Coleman
- McDonell, 10629
- MacDonell, Archibald
- McDonell, 3082
- MacEachern, Don
- McKenna, 8884
- Macfie, John
- Miller, N., 2210
- Mackay, George Leslie
- Lecce, 3715–3716
- Mackay, Russell
- Roberts, 9258
- Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital
- Martow, 7539–7540
- Made in Dundas Box
- Shaw, 9610
- Made in York Region
- Pang, 1734
- Madonna robotics team
- Baber, 303
- Malton Black Development Association
- Anand, 3083–3084
- Mandamin, Josephine
- Mantha, 3297
- Mandarin MS Walk
- Crawford, 4761
- Mann Cup
- Smith, D., 6623
- Mantha, Matthieu and Roch
- Mantha, 4235
- Manufacturing jobs
- Yarde, 7605–7606
- Manufacturing sector
- Maracle, Henry
- Karahalios, 1440
- March Mudness
- Dunlop, 4315
- Markdale Hospital
- Pettapiece, 11770
- Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association
- Kanapathi, 11126
- Markham Fair
- Calandra, 1087–1088
- Markham Greek Summer Festival
- Calandra, 479
- Markham-Milliken Children's Festival
- Kanapathi, 780–781
- Markham–Unionville community barbeque
- Pang, 842
- Maternal mental health
- Karpoche, 6061
- May 16th Miracle
- Nicholls, 7891–7892
- Maynard, Ken
- Parsa, 12462–12463
- McCallion, Hazel
- Rasheed, 11337
- McDonald, Larry
- Nicholls, 9153
- McKay, Audrey
- Burch, 6060
- McLean, Roland
- Mantha, 12032
- McNeill, Wilma
- Meals on Wheels
- Gates, 3616
- Medical hub
- Wynne, 2265
- Mehrab, Karima
- Bell, 11245–11246
- Member for Ottawa–Vanier
- Collard, 8883
- Member's comments
- Harden, 5712
- Member's conduct
- Burch, 5072
- Member's grandchildren
- Nicholls, 11450
- Members of provincial parliament
- Tangri, 5761
- Mengistab, Abel
- Harden, 8319
- Men's mental health
- Baber, 10946–10947
- Menstrual Hygiene Day
- Karpoche, 5217
- Menstrual products
- Stiles, 5471
- Mental health
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health funding
- Tabuns, 480
- Mental health services
- Merritton Legion
- Stevens, 3381–3382
- Métis Nation of Ontario Legacy Preservation Project
- Kusendova, 13982
- Smith, D., 13355–13356
- Mid-Autumn Festival
- Pang, 1331
- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
- Wai, 9497
- Migrant workers
- Hatfield, 8109–8110
- Mikhael, Maya and Brian Hogan
- Gretzky, 6224–6225
- Millikin, Douglas
- Miller, N., 13526
- Mills, Carl
- Ke, 1595
- Milton Good Neighbours Community Day
- Gill, 4760
- Milton's Walk of Fame
- Gill, 3249
- Minimum wage
- Mining exploration
- Bourgouin, 3614–3615
- Mining industry
- Vanthof, 3531–3532
- Minister's comments
- Tabuns, 6471–6472
- Minister's conduct
- Coteau, 3033–3034
- Ministry hiring
- Gélinas, 4627
- Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
- McKenna, 6128
- Miracle on Main Street
- Gill, 10946
- Missing children
- Sabawy, 7478
- Missing persons
- responded to
- Lalonde, 5524–5525
- responded to
- Mission Services of London
- Sattler, 3185
- Mississauga Cooksville Lions Club
- Rasheed, 5604
- Mississauga Food Bank
- Rasheed, 5218
- Mississauga Muslim Community
- Rasheed, 7154–7155
- Mississauga Santa Claus parade
- Sabawy, 2864
- Moeser, Ron
- Thanigasalam, 1493
- Moffat, Helen
- Pettapiece, 3766–3767
- Mohammad, Aslam Mahida
- Hassan, 11382
- Moharram Ventures
- Kernaghan, 10996–10997
- Mohawk College
- Shaw, 1492
- Moose tags
- Gélinas, 6060–6061
- Moreira-Laidlow, Beatrice
- Cuzzetto, 10076
- Mother's Day
- Cho, S., 13411–13412
- Collard, 13311
- Mitas, 13078–13079
- Move to Give
- Khanjin, 4870
- Movember
- Baber, 5911
- Multiculturalism
- Multiple myeloma
- Piccini, 1894–1895
- Multiple sclerosis
- Gélinas, 6179
- Municipal development
- Municipal elections
- Municipal finances
- Municipal funding
- Harris, 3830
- Municipal government
- Wynne, 415
- Municipal planning
- Municipal social services funding
- Bailey, 10027
- Municipal taxation
- Anand, 12083
- Municipalities
- Triantafilopoulos, 5645–5646
- Music festivals in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 533
- Music Hall Concert Theatre
- French, 8743
- Musicians from Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Nicholls, 9682
- Muskoka Watershed Advisory Group
- Miller, N., 9962
- Muslim community
- Hassan, 1331
- Muslims for Remembrance Day
- Lecce, 2211
- Musson, Doug
- McKenna, 2944
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association of Ontario
- Kusendova, 5120
- Nadeau, Tim, Cody and Chase
- Smith, D., 10028
- Names
- Singh, G., 4813–4814
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day
- Ke, 6879
- National Child Day
- Karahalios, 2421
- National Day of Mourning
- McKenna, 13079
- National Forest Week
- Barrett, 9155
- National Indigenous History Month
- National Nursing Week
- National Poetry Month
- Hatfield, 12893
- Natural gas
- Oosterhoff, 14151
- NDP Black caucus
- Lindo, 4405
- Nemesvary, Mike
- Ghamari, 13654
- Nepean
- Roberts, 2522
- Nepean Sailing Club
- Roberts, 6179
- New Circles Community Services
- Coteau, 3882
- Newman, Stephen
- Gill, 2577
- Niagara firefighters
- Gates, 1033
- Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre
- Burch, 4561
- Niagara Grape and Wine Festival
- Stevens, 1188
- Niagara region
- Burch, 1688
- Niagara-on-the-Lake Candlelight Stroll
- Gates, 6721–6722
- Nixon, Robert "Bob"
- Bouma, 180
- Noise pollution
- Morrison, 9003
- Non-profit organizations
- Crawford, 10075
- Non-profit veterinary clinics
- Noonan, Pat
- Hatfield, 780
- Nordion
- Ghamari, 4814
- Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show
- Barrett, 1282
- Noront ferrochrome facility
- Bisson, 4812
- North York Central Library
- Cho, S., 8814–8815
- Northern air service
- Monteith-Farrell, 10028
- Northern economy
- Northern health services
- Gélinas, 20
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Monteith-Farrell, 7422
- Northern municipalities
- Bourgouin, 7939
- Northern Ontario
- Northern transportation
- Northumberland United Way
- Piccini, 11201
- Northumberland.io Producer Alliance
- Piccini, 7875
- Norwest, Henry
- Barrett, 2050
- Notebomer, Julia
- Pettapiece, 9451
- Now Magazine Readers' Choice awards
- Karpoche, 2147
- Nowruz
- Nuclear energy
- Park, 10447
- Nunney, Claude
- McDonell, 1387
- Nurses
- Oak Ridges Community Clean Up
- Parsa, 4922
- Oakville Awards for Business Excellence dinner
- Crawford, 3972
- Oakville Community Foundation
- Crawford, 6278
- Oakville Hospital Foundation
- Crawford, 12085
- Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
- Triantafilopoulos, 5318
- Offutt, John
- Bell, 11084
- Bisson, 8813–8814
- Oktoberfest
- Harris, 1388
- Oldham, Megan
- Miller, N., 4236
- Ontario 55+ Winter Games
- Ontario Action of Litter Day
- Khanjin, 7803
- Ontario Agriculture Week
- Ontario artists
- Khanjin, 13705
- Ontario budget
- Ontario Christian Gleaners
- Karahalios, 4668–4669
- Ontario Day
- Parsa, 13916
- Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario economy
- Piccini, 1033–1034
- Ontario farmers
- Barrett, 9561–9562
- Ontario film and television industry
- Skelly, 11909
- Ontario Fire College
- Bisson, 11246
- Ontario Health Team–Northumberland
- Piccini, 6837
- Ontario Legislature virtual tour
- Pang, 13264
- Ontario Library Service–North
- Monteith-Farrell, 4759
- Ontario Parasport Games
- Park, 3297–3298
- Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
- Coe, 2316
- Ontario Tech University
- French, 4134
- Ontario Trial Lawyers Association
- Romano, 1438–1439
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Crawford, 8111
- Ontario Volunteer Service Awards
- Babikian, 6520
- Ontario's Best Butter Tart Festival
- Dunlop, 5563–5564
- Oosterhoff, Jake
- Oosterhoff, 12460–12461
- Opening of mine
- Mantha, 1893
- Opioid abuse
- Optometrists
- Bouma, 4980
- Optometry services
- Burch, 13652–13653
- Order of Ottawa recipients
- Ghamari, 2470
- Organ and tissue donation
- Organ donation
- Orillia Perch Festival
- Dunlop, 4982
- Orléans Bengals football club
- Osgoode Care Centre
- Ghamari, 3931–3932
- Osgoode Youth Association
- Ghamari, 10028–10029
- Ottawa police and first responders
- Ghamari, 6126
- In Our Fathers' Footsteps
- Martow, 6061
- Out of the Cold program
- Stevens, 6470–6471
- Owner-operator truck drivers
- Bourgouin, 13145
- Oxi Day
- Oyawoye, Raufikat
- Gill, 12692–12693
- Paddle the Don
- Wynne, 4760
- Pak Pioneers Community Organization
- Rasheed, 2523
- Palliative care
- Paniccia, Domenico
- Hassan, 10227
- Papple, Randy
- Bouma, 3380
- Paramedic services
- Harris, 11382
- Kusendova, 12287–12288
- Parasport
- Oosterhoff, 5959
- Parkdale Community Legal Services
- Karpoche, 2981
- Parry Sound–Muskoka athletes
- Miller, N., 7422–7423
- Participation House
- Kernaghan, 3248
- Passover
- Baber, 4456
- Martin, 12285–12286
- Pasta it Forward
- Kusendova, 9258
- Patchett, Bill
- Piccini, 4981
- Patterson, Alex
- Gélinas, 6837
- Pediatric cancer treatment
- Berns-McGown, 6622
- Pediatric palliative care
- Shaw, 5368–5369
- Peel Learning Foundation
- Anand, 4718
- Peetabeck Inninuwuk Community Culture and Recreation Centre project
- Bourgouin, 11199
- Pelham Summerfest
- Oosterhoff, 239
- Peltier, Autumn
- Mantha, 9498
- Persaud, Girmalla
- Thanigasalam, 14058
- Personal protective equipment
- Khanjin, 8375–8376
- Personal support workers
- Persons Day
- Persons with disabilities
- Fraser, 10997
- Peterborough Cares
- Smith, D., 1797
- Peterborough Lakers
- Smith, D., 843
- Peterborough Porch Pirates for Good
- Smith, D., 12894
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre
- Smith, D., 12692
- Peterborough Strong COVID-19 fundraiser
- Smith, D., 7826–7827
- Pharmacare
- Phone It Forward campaign
- Downey, 2264
- Pipeline
- Barrett, 11724–11725
- Pipelines
- Bailey, 13409–13410
- Places of religious worship
- Places of worship
- Rasheed, 8414–8415
- Play for a Cure
- Natyshak, 7424
- Poenn, Dieter
- Mantha, 2862–2863
- Poet laureate
- Hatfield, 2354
- Poet Laureate of Ontario
- Hatfield, 13197
- Polar Bear Express
- Bourgouin, 5317–5318
- Police
- Police auxiliary units
- Bouma, 3187
- Police Week
- Ghamari, 5272
- Polish community
- Kusendova, 1799
- Polish Independence Day
- Poole, Dr. Robin
- McDonell, 11969
- Pope John Paul II
- Port Perry
- Park, 13265
- Portugal Day
- Armstrong, 5601
- Post-secondary education
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Yarde, 2640
- Poverty
- Gretzky, 11336–11337
- Lindo, 6059
- Power, Cressida
- Mitas, 6471
- Pre-budget consultations
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
- Karahalios, 1643
- Prescription drugs
- Tangri, 13914
- Pride Month
- Private member's bills
- Hatfield, 301–302
- Probation and parole officers
- Skelly, 5517–5518
- Professional engineers
- Project Spotlight
- Wai, 6621
- Property taxation
- ProResp
- Nicholls, 12130–12131
- Prostate cancer
- Anand, 2423
- Protection for workers
- Protests in India
- Singh, G., 11200–11201
- Yarde, 11970
- Provincial debt
- Kramp, 5073
- Public health
- Public Heroes Awards
- Wai, 4626
- Public libraries
- French, 4560
- Public safety
- Sattler, 4267
- Public service employees
- Public space
- Public transit
- Queen's Career Apprenticeship program
- Arthur, 12032
- Quinn, Lee-Anne
- Smith, D., 10347
- Race-based data
- Hassan, 8084
- Racial discrimination
- Racism
- Radon
- Blais, 11724
- Rail safety
- Triantafilopoulos, 1280
- Raitt, Lisa
- Gill, 5713
- Ramadan
- Realtors
- Hillier, 4981
- Recovery Day Ottawa
- Des Rosiers, 933–934
- Recreational facilities
- Piccini, 11566
- Red Dress Day
- Mantha, 13311
- Red tape reduction
- Reed, George and Audrey
- Smith, D., 339
- Reena Foundation
- Martow, 1438
- Regent Park
- Morrison, 379–380
- Registered practical nurses
- Rehhorn, Angela
- Dunlop, 3569–3570
- Religious communities
- Cho, S., 8086
- Religious minorities in Afghanistan
- Anand, 534
- Remembrance Day
- Renewable energy
- Dunlop, 5602
- Research and development
- Kramp, 13602
- Research and innovation
- Réseau des jeunes parlementaires
- Simard, 6127–6128
- Residential schools
- Blais, 13836
- Bourgouin, 13914
- Fife, 13835
- Singh, G., 13915
- West, 13836–13837
- Restaurant industry
- Rasheed, 8743
- Retirement homes
- Wai, 10674
- Richardson, Mike and Jennifer
- Khanjin, 11246
- Richmond Santa Claus Parade
- Ghamari, 11200
- Riding of Beaches–East York
- Berns-McGown, 137–138
- Riding of Brampton Centre
- Singh, S., 414
- Riding of Cambridge
- Karahalios, 5644
- Riding of Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas
- Shaw, 414
- Riding of Hastings–Lennox and Addington
- Riding of Kiiwetinoong
- Mamakwa, 339–340
- Riding of Kingston and the Islands
- Arthur, 89
- Riding of Kitchener–Conestoga
- Harris, 138
- Riding of London West
- Sattler, 1643–1644
- Riding of Mushkegowuk–James Bay
- Bourgouin, 138
- Riding of Niagara West
- Oosterhoff, 89
- Riding of Orléans
- Lalonde, 238–239
- Riding of Scarborough Southwest
- Begum, 89–90
- Riding of Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 7873–7874
- Riding of Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Monteith-Farrell, 379
- Riding of Toronto–St. Paul's
- Andrew, 87
- Riding of York South–Weston
- Hassan, 301
- Ring of Fire
- Kramp, 7367
- Ring of peace
- Rasheed, 2146
- Road improvement
- Oosterhoff, 3716
- Road safety
- Robarts Research Institute
- Kernaghan, 5762–5763
- Robert Mulligan Invitational
- Arthur, 9256
- Roberts, Wayne
- Schreiner, 11622
- Robinson, Linda and Keith
- McDonell, 9410
- Rohmer, Richard
- Collard, 10446–10447
- Rose, Nicola
- Tangri, 478–479
- Rotary Club of Milton
- Gill, 11768
- Rotary Park
- Oosterhoff, 9681–9682
- Royal Botanical Gardens
- McKenna, 5643–5644
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch #136—Milton
- Gill, 5471
- Royal Canadian Legion halls
- Stevens, 7893
- Ruffalo, Mario
- Schreiner, 6922
- Rural Ontario
- Vanthof, 9053–9054
- Rural Ottawa South Support Services
- Ghamari, 11382
- Rural Rascals, Cockwombles and Legends
- Hillier, 6838
- Russell, Regan
- Shaw, 8815
- Rutledge, Barry
- Khanjin, 381
- Saint Charbel Maronite Catholic church
- Sabawy, 1530
- Saint Luke's Place
- Fee, 2691–2692
- Salvation Army
- Rasheed, 5961
- Samis, Reg and Liz
- Pettapiece, 6838
- Sarnia Shoebox Project
- Bailey, 6786
- Saulnier, Bridget and Shawn
- Gill, 6127
- Sault Area Hospital
- Romano, 1236
- Saunders, Pat
- Taylor, 10446
- Scarborough
- Babikian, 6471
- Scarborough Business Association
- Hunter, 10850
- Scarborough Health Network
- Scarborough Ribfest
- Mitas, 9563–9564
- Scarborough York Region Chinese Business Association
- Wai, 2741
- School bus safety
- School facilities
- School nutrition programs
- Rakocevic, 4812–4813
- Scleroderma
- Scleroderma Awareness Month
- Parsa, 8176
- Season's greetings
- Second Harvest
- Baber, 7299
- Secord Elementary School
- Berns-McGown, 2689
- Security guards
- Yarde, 7825
- Self-Employment for Persons with Disabilities program
- Pang, 2316
- Senior citizens
- Seniors
- Seniors and Kids Intergenerational Programs
- Bouma, 11725
- Seniors Community Grant Program
- Triantafilopoulos, 6280
- Seniors' dental care
- Harris, 6421
- Seniors events in Simcoe North
- Dunlop, 1644
- Seniors' health services
- Lindo, 9609–9610
- Seniors in Isolation
- Roberts, 11337
- Seniors' Light Tour
- Downey, 2980
- Seniors' Month
- Kusendova, 5472–5473
- Seniors' services
- Park, 12462
- Services for children and youth
- Bell, 12216
- Services for children with disabilities
- Phillips, 12597
- Services for persons with disabilities
- Services for seniors
- Lindo, 11674
- Services for victims of violence
- Wynne, 2422–2423
- Seva Food Bank
- Anand, 7479
- Sexual assault crisis centres
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Blais, 11843–11844
- Des Rosiers, 3831
- Lindo, 1387
- Shangrow, Richard Arthur
- Hogarth, 6520
- Sharma, Pravin Lata
- Crawford, 237–238
- Shaw, Andrea
- Coe, 5216
- Shelter services
- Fife, 9153
- Sheraton Ottawa Hotel
- Harden, 12183
- Sicard, John
- Roberts, 9412
- Sickle cell disease
- Sickle cell disease and thalassemia
- Phillips, 12032–12033
- Sikh community
- Sikh genocide
- Singh, G., 9838, 10227, 14058–14059
- Yarde, 6011
- Sikh Genocide Awareness Week
- Singh, G., 7245
- Sikh Heritage Month
- Sikh massacre
- SilverScenes Film Festival
- Martow, 9780
- Simcoe Christmas Panorama River of Lights
- Simcoe, John Graves
- Barrett, 238
- Simpson, Robin
- West, 1595
- Sindh Music Festival
- Kusendova, 6878–6879
- Sindhi community
- Kusendova, 782
- Sir John A. Macdonald statue
- Mamakwa, 782
- Sistema Toronto
- Hunter, 1086–1087
- Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh
- Miller, P., 10506
- Skeen, Dora
- Hunter, 12217
- Skilled trades
- Skills training
- Coe, 9839
- Skydiving landing zone
- Wilson, 8085
- Sledge hockey challenge
- Smith, D., 6422
- Small business
- Andrew, 7655–7656, 7801
- Bell, 7826, 10505
- Berns-McGown, 9778–9779
- Coe, 10907
- Collard, 9780
- Crawford, 10907–10908
- French, 7824
- Gates, 12461
- Glover, 9649, 10908
- Gretzky, 13077
- Hunter, 7825
- Kanapathi, 9837, 10996
- Kernaghan, 12691–12692
- Khanjin, 10944–10945
- Martin, 10945
- Miller, N., 11200
- Oosterhoff, 10445–10446
- Pettapiece, 12650
- Piccini, 12848
- Sattler, 12794
- Singh, G., 12530–12531
- Singh, S., 9207, 11769, 13312
- Stiles, 9154, 13602
- Thanigasalam, 8477
- Wai, 13029
- West, 13029–13030
- Small Business Week
- Parsa, 1687
- Small truck business operators
- Bourgouin, 9306
- Smith, Dave
- Fraser, 8938
- Smith, Edward
- Pettapiece, 12598
- Smith, Harry Leslie
- Harden, 2470
- Smith, Maddie
- McKenna, 2000
- Snowmobiling
- Vanthof, 2052
- Social assistance
- Social issues in Windsor and Essex county
- Hatfield, 1331
- Social services
- Social services funding
- Bailey, 11199
- Somali Hope Academy
- Ghamari, 8110
- Special Olympic World Games
- Smith, D., 3382
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics World Summer Games
- Special-needs children
- Wai, 2642
- Special-needs students
- Gélinas, 9450
- Speech from the throne
- Des Rosiers, 89
- Speech-language pathologists and audiologists
- Oosterhoff, 7301–7302
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Stevens, 4039
- Spirit of Christmas dinner
- Stevens, 6723
- Sport a Rainbow
- Smith, D., 13655
- Sports and recreation infrastructure
- Sports funding
- Anand, 9307
- Sri Varasiththi Vinaayagar Hindu Temple Chariot Festival
- Babikian, 478
- SSE Care Solutions
- Pang, 10851
- St. Jacobs Farmers' Market
- Harris, 8002–8003
- Stafford, Ed
- Hogarth, 3130
- Stanford, Shane
- Martin, 9779
- Staples, Tammie
- Piccini, 11247
- State of emergency
- Hillier, 7802
- Steel industry
- Skelly, 843
- Stewart, Anita
- Ke, 10289
- Stratford Festival
- Pettapiece, 11723
- Stratford Perth Rotary Hospice
- Pettapiece, 21
- Stray current
- Nicholls, 13762
- Strickland, Donna
- Fife, 1387
- Stroke
- Martin, 13835–13836
- Stryker Canada
- Skelly, 4502–4503
- Student achievement
- Rasheed, 4084
- Student assistance
- Student Choice Initiative
- Bell, 6836
- Student fundraising
- Hogarth, 4562
- Student literacy
- Fife, 5602
- Student Nutrition Program
- Sattler, 13356
- Student safety
- Student unions
- Glover, 3186–3187
- Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre
- West, 2098–2099
- Suicide prevention
- Stevens, 2944
- Sunnen, Marian
- Nicholls, 11910
- Supportive housing
- Natyshak, 5847
- Schreiner, 13760–13761
- Supports for seniors
- Bisson, 137
- Syl Apps Youth Centre
- Fraser, 13146
- Tamil community
- Kanapathi, 12185
- Tamil Genocide Education Week
- Hunter, 13654–13655
- Kanapathi, 13653
- Tamil Heritage Month
- Thanigasalam, 6722
- Taste of Brampton
- Taxation
- Taxi insurance
- Sattler, 7301
- Teachers
- Teachers' labour dispute
- Teachers' professional development
- Glover, 6922
- TEC Hub
- Monteith-Farrell, 1893–1894
- Technology sector
- Harris, 5274
- Teeyan Da Mela
- Anand, 5563
- Temagami Country Christmas
- Vanthof, 2864
- Tenant protection
- Terrorist attacks
- Fraser, 4562
- Terry Fox Run
- Thanksgiving
- Collard, 9682
- Theatre Scarborough
- Hunter, 1643
- Thomson, Murray
- Harden, 5172
- Thunder Bay generating station
- Monteith-Farrell, 2891
- Thunder Bay Police Service
- Gravelle, 5712–5713
- Tibet
- Hogarth, 6788
- Tinsley, Peter
- Kramp, 4719–4720
- Tiny township charity golf tournament
- Dunlop, 22
- Together We Stand Foundation
- Khanjin, 1893
- Tornadoes in Ottawa
- Toronto Blockchain Week
- Downey, 4719
- Toronto Blue Jays
- Cho, S., 3972
- Toronto Raptors
- Tourism
- Tow truck operators
- French, 6127
- Town of Innisfil
- Khanjin, 8479
- Traffic fatality
- Harden, 5172
- Trans community
- Kernaghan, 3931
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- McKenna, 10555–10556
- Morrison, 2421
- Transgender rights
- Transportation infrastructure
- Cho, S., 10346–10347
- Sandhu, 5562
- Stiles, 5911
- Treaties recognition
- Karpoche, 10228
- Mamakwa, 5796, 5959–5960, 9104–9105, 10163, 11127, 13704–13705
- Morrison, 10673–10674
- Tree preservation
- Harden, 742
- Trucking industry
- Bourgouin, 6665
- Trucking licensing
- Singh, G., 12530–12531
- Yarde, 12692
- TryEngineering
- Anand, 1125
- Turner, June
- Smith, D., 11201
- The Turtle Project
- Cho, S., 5711
- Tuxedo Court
- Hunter, 8415–8416
- Tweedale, Neil
- Roberts, 1528–1529
- Unionville seniors affordable housing development
- Pang, 9054
- United Church of Canada
- Wynne, 5273
- United Way
- Pettapiece, 9346
- United Way Centraide North East Ontario
- West, 532
- Unity in the Community
- Rasheed, 14152–14153
- University and college funding
- University funding
- Armstrong, 3669
- University of Toronto Chair in Tamil Studies
- Kanapathi, 13311
- Vaillancourt, Shelley
- McDonell, 12794
- Vaisakhi
- Van Loan, Peter
- Khanjin, 782
- Vandertuin, John
- Bouma, 9346
- Vanier, Jean
- Roberts, 4871–4872
- Vaping products
- Begum, 6621
- Vaping products and e-cigarettes
- Wynne, 6367
- Vari, George
- Martow, 6724
- Vehicle registration
- Harris, 4921
- Velvet revolution
- Kusendova, 6367
- Vesey, Bob
- Coe, 3185
- Veterans
- Veterans' House
- Lalonde, 1006
- Victims and Survivors of Crime Week
- Rakocevic, 5272–5273
- Viersen, Andries
- Oosterhoff, 12460–12461
- Violence against Indigenous women and girls
- Mamakwa, 5470–5471
- Violence against women
- Violence in Syria
- Sabawy, 480
- Violence link training
- Ghamari, 9712
- Vision Zero
- Coe, 13704
- Visit to Punjab
- Tangri, 6368
- Volunteer awards
- Miller, N., 4458
- Volunteer firefighters
- McKenna, 1530
- Volunteer MBC
- Singh, S., 2522–2523
- Volunteer service awards
- Khanjin, 12033–12034
- Park, 12034
- Skelly, 13653
- Volunteers
- Harris, 1597
- Kramp, 3532
- McDonell, 12846, 13705–13706
- McKenna, 10673
- Pang, 13031
- Piccini, 12795
- Triantafilopoulos, 13147
- Wilson, 11126–11127
- Wynne, 4870–4871
- Volunteers in Burlington
- McKenna, 4314
- Volunteers in Northumberland–Peterborough South
- Piccini, 13475–13476
- Volunteers in Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- McDonell, 9651
- Volunteers in Whitby
- Coe, 3768
- Walk for homelessness
- Parsa, 3347
- Warsaw Uprising
- Kusendova, 534
- Waste diversion
- Waste reduction
- Bouma, 13601
- Hogarth, 13030
- Khanjin, 13553–13554
- Miller, N., 9900–9901
- Water quality
- Water supply
- Schreiner, 2691
- Waterfront for All
- Glover, 2776
- Waterloo region
- Harris, 6623
- Waterloo Region Advocacy Day
- Harris, 3296
- Watts, Harry
- Fee, 3672
- Waves of Changes for Autism
- Lecce, 1332
- W.E. Trans Support
- Gretzky, 3186
- Wearing of poppies
- Stevens, 1931
- Weber, Taylor
- Pettapiece, 3381
- Welland Harm Reduction Society
- Burch, 4339
- WellFort
- Singh, S., 5519
- West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
- West Park Healthcare Centre
- Hassan, 7243–7244
- West Parry Sound Health Centre
- Miller, N., 2862
- Weston Santa Claus Parade
- Hassan, 6225–6226
- Whetung, Murray
- Smith, D., 11768–11769
- Whitby Sports Hall of Fame
- Coe, 9002
- Whitby technology sector
- Coe, 1688–1689
- Whitby Youth Council
- Coe, 1798–1799
- Whitchurch Stouffville Chamber of Commerce business awards
- Calandra, 4039
- Whittamore, Gilbert Francis
- Calandra, 5471
- Wikwemikong High School robotics team
- Mamakwa, 4313
- Wildfires in Australia
- Harris, 7204
- Williamstown Fair
- McDonell, 9563
- Willowdale business improvement area
- Cho, S., 11297
- Willowdale COVID Response Network
- Cho, S., 7801
- Wilmot Family Resource Centre
- Harris, 11125–11126
- Wilson, Tom
- Martin, 582
- Windsor Symphony Orchestra music education program
- Glover, 12286
- Winegard, William
- Schreiner, 4627
- Winspear, Sandra
- Miller, N., 13411
- Winter highway maintenance
- Winter is Coming food drive
- Smith, D., 10946
- Witness—Canadian Art of the First World War
- Pang, 1687
- Wolf Lake
- Schreiner, 9002–9003
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month
- Women in politics
- Stevens, 9900
- Women in Song
- Mantha, 13601
- Women's achievements
- Women's habitat
- Hogarth, 6060
- Women's issues
- Women's Lacrosse U19 World Championship
- Smith, D., 8177
- Women's representation in provincial Parliament
- McKenna, 11970
- Women's softball and fast pitch championships
- Ghamari, 138–139
- Woodland Cultural Centre
- Bouma, 1186–1187
- Wooley, Sandra
- Roberts, 9499
- Workers' compensation
- Monteith-Farrell, 3767–3768
- Workers' rights
- Harden, 4668
- Workplace safety
- World AIDS Day
- Gélinas, 2778
- World Autism Awareness Day
- Berns-McGown, 4038
- World Eating Disorders Action Day
- Fraser, 5518–5519
- World Polio Day
- French, 1732–1733
- World Tourism Day
- Oosterhoff, 9308–9309
- World Vision
- Pang, 9451–9452
- Wounded Warriors Canada
- Coe, 2892
- Yellow Brick House
- Yezidi New Year
- Parsa, 4501
- York Memorial Collegiate Institute
- Hassan, 5121
- York Regional Police
- Wai, 5519
- York South–Weston youth council
- Hassan, 13983
- York University
- York University Markham Centre campus
- Pang, 415
- York University Markham Centre Campus
- Pang, 9207
- On Your Mark Academic Support Program
- Stiles, 3883
- Youth employment
- Romano, 4266
- Youth Fusion
- Martow, 4133–4134
- Youth Job Link program
- Berns-McGown, 4501
- Youth justice centres
- Armstrong, 12460
- Youth mental health
- Anand, 2523–2524
- Youth mental health services
- Singh, S., 12894–12895
- Youth services
- Anand, 340
- YouthLink
- Hunter, 6061
- YWCA Hamilton's Women of Distinction Awards
- Skelly, 11338
- Zebra Technologies
- Sabawy, 3346
- Zero Discrimination Day
- Sandhu, 7243
- Zonta Club of Oakville
- Crawford, 6722
- 5n2
Members'/ministers' accountability
Members'/ministers' apologies
Members'/ministers' conduct
- general remarks
- Leader of the Official Opposition
- Ford, 1274
- MacLeod, Lisa as Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
- member from Humber River–Black Creek
- Rickford, 9551
- member from Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston
- member from Niagara West
- Calandra, 9967
- Gates, 10125
- Horwath, 10030–10031, 10076–10077
- Vanthof, 9967
- member from Nipissing
- member from Peterborough–Kawartha
- Armstrong, 4455
- member from Sarnia–Lambton
- Calandra, 12134, 12187
- Vanthof, 12133–12134, 12186
- Premier
- prior to election
- remarks by member from Timmins
- remarks by official opposition re Attorney General
- Thompson, Lisa as Minister of Education
- Andrew, 1234
- Tibollo, Michael as Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- Wilson, Jim as Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
- Yakabuski, John as Minister of Transportation
Members'/ministers' constituencies
- Algoma–Manitoulin
- Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond Hill
- Barrie–Innisfil
- Barrie–Springwater–Oro-Medonte
- Beaches–East York
- Berns-McGown, 2689
- Beaches—East York
- Berns-McGown, 137
- Brampton Centre
- Brampton East
- Brampton North
- Brampton South
- Sarkaria, 380–381
- Brantford–Brant
- Burlington
- Cambridge
- Carleton
- Chatham-Kent–Leamington
- Chatham-Kent—Leamington
- Nicholls, 90
- Davenport
- Don Valley East
- Don Valley North
- Don Valley West
- Wynne, 2265, 4760, 10125–10126
- Durham
- Eglinton–Lawrence
- Martin, 424
- Essex
- Etobicoke Centre
- Surma, 2785
- Etobicoke–Lakeshore
- Flamborough–Glanbrook
- Glengarry–Prescott–Russell
- Simard, 2397
- Guelph
- Schreiner, 5563, 10945–10946
- Haldimand–Norfolk
- Hamilton East–Stoney Creek
- Miller, P., 2868–2869
- Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas
- Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas
- Shaw, 414
- Hastings—Lennox and Addington
- Kramp, 90
- Kanata—Carleton
- Fullerton, 256
- Kiiwetinoong
- Kingston and the Islands
- King–Vaughan
- Kitchener South–Hespeler
- Fee, 538–539
- Kitchener South—Hespeler
- Fee, 2670
- Kitchener–Conestoga
- Lanark–Frontenac–Kingston
- Hillier, 6838
- London North Centre
- London–Fanshawe
- London—Fanshawe
- Armstrong, 2100–2101
- Markham–Stouffville
- Markham–Thornhill
- Markham—Thornhill
- Kanapathi, 264
- Markham–Unionville
- Milton
- Mississauga Centre
- Kusendova, 1999
- Mississauga East–Cooksville
- Mississauga–Erin Mills
- Mississauga–Lakeshore
- Mississauga–Malton
- Mississauga–Streetsville
- Tangri, 110
- Mushkegowuk—James Bay
- Bourgouin, 138
- Niagara Centre
- Niagara Falls
- Niagara West
- Nickel Belt
- Gélinas, 12345–12346
- Northumberland-Peterborough
- Piccini, 7505
- Northumberland–Peterborough South
- Oakville
- Crawford, 47, 6722, 10907–10908
- Oakville North–Burlington
- Orléans
- Ottawa Centre
- Harden, 210
- Ottawa South
- Fraser, 7028
- Ottawa West–Nepean
- Ottawa West—Nepean
- Roberts, 2522
- Ottawa–Vanier
- Des Rosiers, 933–934
- Parkdale–High Park
- Karpoche, 1557–1558
- Parry Sound–Muskoka
- Parry Sound—Muskoka
- Miller, N., 7505–7506
- Perth–Wellington
- Pettapiece, 13552–13553
- Peterborough–Kawartha
- Peterborough–Kawartha
- Smith, D., 11339
- Peterborough—Kawartha
- Smith, D., 247–248
- Pickering–Uxbridge
- Richmond Hill
- Sarnia–Lambton
- Scarborough Centre
- Scarborough Southwest
- Scarborough–Agincourt
- Scarborough–Guildwood
- Scarborough—Rouge Park
- Simcoe North
- Spadina–Fort York
- Glover, 5711
- St. Catharines
- Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- McDonell, 5960–5961, 9563, 12846, 14047–14048
- Sudbury
- Thornhill
- Martow, 5218
- Thunder Bay–Atikokan
- Timiskaming–Cochrane
- Vanthof, 6803
- Timmins
- Bisson, 5643
- Toronto Centre
- Morrison, 120–121, 379, 10883–10884
- Toronto–St. Paul's
- Toronto—St. Paul's
- Andrew, 87
- University–Rosedale
- Bell, 543
- Whitby
- Willowdale
- Windsor West
- Hatfield, 2595
- Windsor—Tecumseh
- Hatfield, 11969–11970
- York Centre
- York South–Weston
- York South—Weston
Members'/ministers' correction of record
- Andrew, 4716
- Begum, 12572
- Berns-McGown, 8376
- Calandra, 3636, 7794, 13717
- Cho, R.S.J., 6045
- Clark, 773, 951, 8670
- Coteau, 4745
- Des Rosiers, 3428
- Elliott, 1731, 2469
- Fedeli, 2576
- Fife, 2469, 9711
- Gélinas, 1088, 5795, 6790, 9711
- Ghamari, 10246
- Gretzky, 3504
- Hatfield, 2599, 4667
- Hogarth, 4745
- Horwath, 13716
- Jones, 8087
- Kernaghan, 8244
- Lalonde, 1033
- Lindo, 7618
- MacLeod, 740
- Mantha, 5550
- Martow, 2421
- McKenna, 1738
- Natyshak, 13040
- Nicholls, 2614, 4203
- Sabawy, 5215
- Scott, 5215
- Shaw, 2548
- Singh, G., 6590
- Smith, D., 4301, 4717
- Smith, T., 2689
- Stevens, 9203
- Stiles, 7977, 14163
- Thompson, 4455, 5315, 6009
- Tibollo, 1891, 2420
- Walker, 4867, 12949
- West, 2023, 5169, 12338, 12662–12663
Members'/ministers' electoral record
- Hatfield, P. (Windsor—Tecumseh)
- Hatfield, 9987
- Hatfield, P. (Windsor—Tecumseh)
Members'/ministers' finances
- operating budgets
- Bisson, 6920
- operating budgets
Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches
- Andrew, 2275–2277
- Arthur, 1043–1046
- Baber, 270–271
- Babikian, 357–359
- Begum, 3495–3497
- Bell, 543–545
- Berns-McGown, 319–322
- Bethlenfalvy, 1713–1718
- Bouma, 38–39
- Bourgouin, 457–459
- Burch, 267–268
- Calandra, 67–68
- Cho, S., 1138–1140
- Crawford, 46–48
- Cuzzetto, 442–444
- Downey, 26–27
- Dunlop, 512–515
- Fee, 538–541
- Ford, 437–439
- Fullerton, 254–257
- Ghamari, 27–28
- Gill, 36–38
- Glover, 4531–4534
- Harden, 209–213
- Harris, 307–309
- Hassan, 1667–1669
- Hogarth, 245–247
- Kanapathi, 264–265
- Karahalios, 68–70
- Karpoche, 1556–1559
- Ke, 1712–1713
- Kernaghan, 258–261
- Khanjin, 115–116
- Kramp, 428–431
- Kusendova, 116–118
- Lindo, 49–52
- Mamakwa, 144–146
- Martin, 422–425
- McKenna, 262–264
- Monteith-Farrell, 2791–2792
- Morrison, 119–121
- Pang, 160–161
- Park, 459–461
- Parsa, 311–315
- Piccini, 151–153
- Rakocevic, 3259–3261
- Roberts, 45–46
- Sabawy, 309–311
- Sandhu, 436–437
- Sarkaria, 153–154
- Shaw, 250–252
- Singh, G., 4480–4482, 4524–4525
- Singh, S., 1351–1353
- Skelly, 519–520, 791–793
- Smith, D., 247–248
- Stevens, 1473–1475
- Stiles, 104–107
- Surma, 2785–2787
- Tangri, 109–110
- Thanigasalam, 110–111
- Wai, 159–160
- West, 2009–2012
- Yarde, 2795–2798
Members/ministers named
- Arthur, Ian (Kingston and the Islands), 845
- Begum, Doly (Scarborough Southwest), 845
- Bell, Jessica (University–Rosedale), 846
- Berns-McGown, Rima (Beaches–East York), 845
- Bourgouin, Guy (Mushkegowuk–James Bay), 845
- Burch, Jeff (Niagara Centre), 845
- Fife, Catherine (Waterloo), 844
- Gates, Wayne (Niagara Falls), 845
- Glover, Chris (Spadina–Fort York), 846
- Harden, Joel (Ottawa Centre), 846
- Hassan, Faisal (York South–Weston), 845
- Horwath, Andrea (Hamilton Centre), 844
- Karpoche, Bhutila (Parkdale–High Park), 844
- Kernaghan, Terence (London North Centre), 845
- Mantha, Michael (Algoma–Manitoulin), 844
- Monteith-Farrell, Judith (Thunder Bay–Atikokan), 846
- Morrison, Suze (Toronto Centre), 846
- Natyshak, Taras (Essex), 844
- Rakocevic, Tom (Humber River–Black Creek), 846
- Shaw, Sandy (Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas), 845
- Singh, Gurratan (Brampton East), 845
- Singh, Sara (Brampton Centre), 844
- Stevens, Jennifer (St. Catharines), 845
- Stiles, Marit (Davenport), 844
- Tabuns, Peter (Toronto–Danforth), 844
- Taylor, Monique (Hamilton Mountain), 844, 3178
- West, Jamie (Sudbury), 846
- Yarde, Kevin (Brampton North), 845
Members'/ministers' personal narrative
- Andrew, 2276–2277, 2903, 13525
- Babikian, 357–358
- Bailey, 13581
- Begum, 2278, 3496
- Bell, 543
- Berns-McGown, 320–321
- Bethlenfalvy, 1714–1716
- Bisson, 1202, 1393, 1718, 2077, 6449, 6911
- Burch, 3311
- Calandra, 2277
- Cho, S., 9674, 9676, 13578
- Clark, 944
- Crawford, 47
- Cuzzetto, 443–444
- Downey, 27
- Dunlop, 515
- Fee, 539–540, 3893–3894, 3907
- Fraser, 1035, 2904, 5998, 7169, 9335, 10972–10973
- Gates, 1364, 3698–3699, 13123–13124, 13441
- Ghamari, 28
- Glover, 13805
- Harden, 697–698, 5182–5183
- Harris, 309
- Hatfield, 7262–7264
- Kanapathi, 13373
- Karahalios, 69
- Karpoche, 1556–1557
- Ke, 1712–1713
- Khanjin, 116
- Kusendova, 116–117, 1609, 2012, 13222–13223
- Lalonde, 2428–2429
- Lindo, 2488–2489
- MacLeod, 14804
- Mantha, 12462, 12873, 13380–13381
- Martow, 5614, 10995
- McDonell, 11506
- McKenna, 3997, 8979–8980, 11657, 13948–13949
- McNaughton, 13944
- Miller, N., 796–797
- Monteith-Farrell, 2792
- Morrison, 119–120, 2891, 4946, 4951–4952, 5028, 6082–6083
- Natyshak, 3308
- Oosterhoff, 6302–6303, 12936
- Park, 460
- Parsa, 313–314
- Pettapiece, 4526, 8296
- Piccini, 151
- Rakocevic, 7186
- Rasheed, 3576, 12379, 13246, 13977
- Rickford, 6684–6685
- Roberts, 45, 2489, 2908, 6104–6105, 9080–9081, 9333
- Romano, 3731–3732, 6182
- Sabawy, 309–310
- Sandhu, 436
- Sarkaria, 153, 1465
- Sattler, 4391
- Shaw, 5384
- Singh, G., 1613, 14200
- Singh, S., 1608, 2491, 3151, 6025, 6489
- Skelly, 519–520, 791–792
- Smith, D., 8294
- Stevens, 5999
- Stiles, 105
- Surma, 2535–2536, 2786
- Tangri, 109
- Thanigasalam, 111, 5191–5192
- Tibollo, 6848–6849
- Triantafilopoulos, 3947
- Vanthof, 218, 12991
- Wai, 159, 4406, 13349
- West, 5153, 14048–14049
- Yakabuski, 12025–12026, 13515–13516
- Yarde, 2795–2796
Members'/ministers' privileges
Members/ministers quoting
- An Act to amend the Health Protection and Promotion Act 2020, Bill 227
- Gélinas, 13912
- articles
- Auditor General
- 2018-2019 public accounts
- Rickford, 6355
- 2020 Annual Report of Environmental Value-for-Money Audits and the Operation of the Environmental Bill of Rights
- Shaw, 10551
- COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report
- Burch, 10827
- Rakocevic, 10820–10822
- trucking industry
- Vanthof, 13049
- 2018-2019 public accounts
- books
- case law
- ONSC decision re Toronto City Council downsizing. see City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
- Tabuns, 956
- ONSC decision re Toronto City Council downsizing. see City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
- Chief Medical Officer of Health
- COVID-19
- Gélinas, 10724, 13932
- Martin, 10982–10983
- COVID-19
- Climate Change Dispatch blog
- committee documents
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- Armstrong, 4414
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
- committee presentations
- constituent submissions
- constituents
- opioid addiction and services
- West, 5812
- opioid addiction and services
- election campaigns
- political fundraising
- Karahalios, 11801
- political fundraising
- Environmental Commissioner
- electricity conservation
- Kernaghan, 4830
- electricity conservation
- Erskine May's Parliamentary Practice
- member conduct
- Skelly, 1641
- member conduct
- federal members
- school bus safety
- Stiles, 2760
- school bus safety
- Financial Accountability Officer
- re Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- French, 517
- re Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Focus on Finance, October 2017
- government finances
- Fedeli, 1168
- government finances
- Frost, Leslie
- budget speech
- Bethlenfalvy, 1718
- budget speech
- George, Chief Dan
- Indigenous relations
- Begum, 3497
- Indigenous relations
- government press releases
- Worker Protection Benefit Program
- McKenna, 13097–13098
- Worker Protection Benefit Program
- Green New Democratic Deal
- French, 11929
- Hansard
- legislative process
- Taylor, 12670
- per-vote subsidy
- political fundraising
- Fife, 12626–12627
- Hatfield, 11792–11793
- Rakocevic, 11824
- legislative process
- historical figures
- parliament
- Smith, T., 965–966
- parliament
- House of Commons Procedure and Practice, 3rd Ed. (Bosc and Gagnon)
- Calandra, 11625–11627
- John A. Macdonald
- residential schools
- Mamakwa, 13838
- residential schools
- jurists
- Binnie, Justice Ian
- energy policy
- Downey, 4101
- energy policy
- Dickson, Chief Justice Brian
- religious freedom
- Martin, 6290
- religious freedom
- Maisonneuve, Chief Justice Lise
- McLachlin, Chief Justice Beverley
- crown liability
- Bouma, 6811
- crown liability
- Morawetz, Chief Justice Geoffrey
- legal aid
- Fife, 9589
- legal aid
- Stanley, Chief Justice George
- legal aid
- Taylor, 9539–9540
- legal aid
- Strathy, Chief Justice George
- legal aid funding
- Fife, 9589
- legal aid funding
- Winkler, Chief Justice Warren
- Binnie, Justice Ian
- letters
- Long-term Care COVID-19 Commission
- Burch, 13219–13220
- Shaw, 13229
- Stiles, 13251
- Looking Horse, Chief Arvol
- Shaw, 10550
- municipal council motions
- religious freedom
- Lindo, 6289
- religious freedom
- municipal resolutions
- disclosure of sex offenders in LTC facilities
- French, 3782–3783
- disclosure of sex offenders in LTC facilities
- news media
- alcohol policy
- alcohol retail
- animal welfare cases
- Morrison, 6084–6085
- child care
- climate change
- French, 1566–1567
- COVID-19
- Armstrong, 13287–13288
- Burch, 10826
- Fife, 11883–11884
- Gélinas, 10723
- Hassan, 10832
- Karahalios, 13287
- rental housing, above-guideline increases
- Andrew, 13506
- COVID-19, community experiences
- Rakocevic, 12955
- COVID-19 impact
- Fife, 9750
- COVID-19 protocol compliance
- Ghamari, 10001
- education
- employment standards reform
- Fife, 1970
- energy policy
- environment
- French, 11929–11930
- farm security
- Vanthof, 6804
- federal carbon tax, provincial media campaign
- Arthur, 5301–5302
- government contracts
- Tabuns, 353
- government record
- Mantha, 5488
- government service transfer
- Shaw, 4591
- GTA transit expansion
- Gravelle, 5802
- health care funding
- Sattler, 7453
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- Miller, N., 5244–5245
- human trafficking
- West, 13411
- insurance industry
- Fife, 9751
- land use planning
- Gretzky, 12021–12022
- Shaw, 11160
- long-term care
- Fife, 11962–11963
- long-term care, private operators
- Fife, 10051
- municipal elections procedure
- natural gas expansion
- French, 1462–1463
- nuclear energy
- Tabuns, 2231
- opioid deaths
- Hatfield, 13389
- police administration of naloxone
- Kusendova, 5186
- political fundraising
- religious freedom
- Arthur, 6293
- retirement homes
- Shaw, 13637
- road safety
- Gretzky, 13120
- sexual violence
- Bouma, 13407
- Standing Orders reform
- Taylor, 9038–9039
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- Sattler, 977
- tribunal decisions
- Rakocevic, 7238–7239
- tribunal hearings
- Fife, 14010
- TTC expansion
- French, 7123–7124
- Office of the President of the Treasury Board
- ministerial zoning orders
- French, 11934
- ministerial zoning orders
- Officers of the Legislature
- powers of the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario
- Hillier, 7048
- powers of the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Toronto ward boundary review (2016)
- Tabuns, 617
- Toronto ward boundary review (2016)
- Ontario's Flooding Strategy
- French, 11934
- open letters
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- Vanthof, 8141
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- other members
- animal protection system reform
- Sarkaria, 5350
- autism services
- Budget 2019
- Oosterhoff, 4642
- child care
- Fife, 3845
- committee process, travelling consultations
- Gélinas, 3448
- education
- electricity
- Environmental Commissioner, transfer of mandate
- Shaw, 2550
- flood management
- French, 11934–11935
- forestry
- Mantha, 3828
- gas plant cancellations
- Gretzky, 5419–5420
- government advertising
- government finances
- health care
- Smith, D., 4300
- hospital funding
- Tabuns, 500
- land use planning
- Gretzky, 12025
- legislative procedure, reasoned amendments
- Begum, 9148–9149
- lobbying
- Horwath, 3605
- local health integration networks (LHINs)
- Karahalios, 3457
- Magna Carta
- Khanjin, 10847
- minimum wage increase
- Smith, T., 2307
- natural gas expansion
- Bethlenfalvy, 2499–2500
- omnibus bills
- Hatfield, 12107–12108
- Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
- Tabuns, 2226–2227
- pre-election
- Harden, 13254
- public health
- Gélinas, 10724
- re Auditor General
- Gretzky, 10815
- Rakocevic, 10819–10820
- re Chief Medical Officer of Health
- realtors
- Rakocevic, 7236–7237
- recognized party status
- Rasheed, 2789
- SIU investigations
- Smith, D., 3259
- skilled trades
- McNaughton, 13947
- social assistance
- French, 516
- time allocation motions
- transit
- Mulroney, 7312
- university campuses
- Horwath, 1832
- vehicle registration process
- Harris, 2542
- animal protection system reform
- parliamentary rules and procedures
- poetry
- An Armistice At Last? (Clarke)
- Hatfield, 2354
- COVID Hair (Mulhern)
- Hatfield, 13232–13233
- Four Letter Words (Badaoa)
- Hatfield, 13233
- The Healthcare Worker in COVID (Gervais)
- Hatfield, 13247
- High Flight (Gillespie Magee)
- Hatfield, 10203–10204
- I Love This Land (Laforme)
- Hatfield, 10203
- If (Kipling)
- McKenna, 263
- Languages at the River (Gervais)
- Hatfield, 13233
- Memorial of a Plague Year: March 2020-March 2021 (Moritz)
- Hatfield, 12248–12249
- Migrant Worker (Mulhern)
- Hatfield, 13233
- Untitled (Rich)
- Hatfield, 13390
- We Are Safe (Gervais)
- Hatfield, 13233
- Why We Fight (Grenon)
- Hatfield, 10202
- Windsor's Miracle (Mulhern)
- Hatfield, 13234
- A Wonderfully Incredible Amazing True Tale of COVID-19 From the Chair of the Mayor of the Biggest Little City in Canada (Dilkens)
- Hatfield, 13233–13234
- An Armistice At Last? (Clarke)
- poets
- Rumi
- Parsa, 14054–14055
- Singh, G., 14055
- Rumi
- politicians
- Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario Constitution
- Khanjin, 10846
- Report on Ontario’s Provincial Emergency
- Gélinas, 10328–10329
- reports
- 2012 Annual Report, Chapter 3, Section 3.07: Legislative Estimates Review Process (Auditor General of Ontario)
- Shaw, 3742
- 2014 Post-Election Report (Chief Electoral Officer)
- Nicholls, 12622–12623
- 2016-2017 Annual Report (Chief Electoral Officer)
- Nicholls, 12622–12623
- 2018-2019 Annual Report (Chief Electoral Officer)
- Nicholls, 12622
- The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019)
- Environmental Commissioner
- 2018 Environmental Protection Report
- pollution
- Arthur, 3097
- pollution
- 2018 Environmental Protection Report
- Expenditure Estimates: A Review of Ontario's Proposed Spending Requirements for the 2018-19 Supply Bill (Financial Accountability Office of Ontario)
- Shaw, 3742–3743
- The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns about Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value for Money
- Hatfield, 4190–4191
- Independent Police Oversight Review, (Tulloch, 2017)
- Ontario Ombudsman
- 2014-2015 Annual Report
- Hunter, 3166
- 2014-2015 Annual Report
- A Progress Report on Ontario’s Cap-and-Trade Program and Climate Change Action Plan: Year One
- Calandra, 2224
- Report of the Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Illnesses Task Force (2018)
- Mantha, 5622–5623
- Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances
- Mantha, 1212
- from the Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2010)
- Armstrong, 433
- Standing Committee on Mental Health and Addictions
- Gélinas, 5892–5894
- The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (2006)
- Tabuns, 496
- Third Quarter Finances 2020-21
- Fife, 11879
- Towing and Storage Advisory Group—Report and Recommendations
- Miller, N., 13689
- 2012 Annual Report, Chapter 3, Section 3.07: Legislative Estimates Review Process (Auditor General of Ontario)
- The SARS Commission Final Report
- Gélinas, 10723–10724
- The SARS Commission First Interim Report
- Gélinas, 10723
- stakeholder submissions
- real estate reform
- Rakocevic, 7237–7240
- real estate reform
- stakeholders
- survey results
- West Parry Sound Housing Summit
- Miller, N., 5243
- West Parry Sound Housing Summit
- survivors, Tamil genocide
- trade publications
- Truell, Dr. Rory
- social work
- Gretzky, 3619
- social work
- An Act to amend the Health Protection and Promotion Act 2020, Bill 227
Members'/ministers' record
- Coe, Lorne (Whitby)
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 18
- Calandra, 8996
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 18
- Gélinas, France (Nickel Belt)
- Gélinas, 1576–1578
- Hassan, Faisal (York South—Weston)
- Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
- Calandra, 9496
- Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
- Hatfield, Percy (Windsor—Tecumseh)
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019, SO 2019, c 16
- Calandra, 8996
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019, SO 2019, c 16
- MacLeod, Lisa (Napean)
- legislative procedure, evening sittings
- Bisson, 9027–9028
- legislative procedure, evening sittings
- Martin, Robin (Eglinton—Lawrence)
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 8
- Calandra, 8996
- Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 8
- Schreiner, Mike (Guelph)
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 18
- Calandra, 8996
- Reserved Parking for Electric Vehicle Charging Act, 2019, SO 2019, c 18
- Scott, Laurie (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock)
- MacLeod, 473
- Coe, Lorne (Whitby)
Members'/ministers' remarks
- Fraser, John (Ottawa South)
- as interim party leader
- Fraser, 7491
- as interim party leader
- Hiller, Randy (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)
- pipeline protests
- Morrison, 7512
- pipeline protests
- request for clarification of topic
- West, 5148
- withdrawn
- Andrew, 2100, 2979, 4559, 8842
- Armstrong, 3067, 3591
- Arthur, 5298, 6413
- Baber, 11779, 12185, 13601
- Babikian, 5595
- Begum, 3497, 7136
- Bell, 882, 12728, 14137
- Berns-McGown, 3530
- Bisson, 428, 726, 852, 860, 922, 1397, 3582, 4003
- Blais, 11460
- Bouma, 1144, 3605, 4431, 5019
- Bourgouin, 3665, 5953
- Burch, 692, 838, 971
- Calandra, 3590, 4682, 5021, 6528, 8272, 9966, 10517, 10729, 11822, 12187, 14189
- Cho, S., 10554
- Clark, 4132, 4757
- Crawford, 4730, 9992
- Downey, 14102
- Fedeli, 1795, 2209
- Fife, 1970, 6774, 11847, 11913
- Ford, 79, 837, 995, 1076, 1112, 1271, 1274, 1632, 1988, 2200, 2414, 2730, 2732, 3021, 3520, 3605–3606, 3659, 3661–3662, 4307, 4807, 4914, 9160, 9613, 11132, 11300, 11385, 11515, 11913, 11975
- Fraser, 5362, 6003, 11730, 12194
- Fullerton, 5786, 10038, 10509, 11000, 11912, 11982
- Gates, 526, 1755, 2493, 3504, 3699, 3997, 4680, 7465, 7549, 10211, 11038, 11272
- Ghamari, 531, 5489
- Gill, 2601–2602
- Glover, 885, 1921
- Gretzky, 2900, 3237
- Harden, 4167, 4581, 9800, 10454
- Harris, 1886
- Hassan, 1669
- Hatfield, 663, 4190, 4193
- Hillier, 7406–7407, 9263, 9785
- Horwath, 10, 30, 78, 404–406, 468–469, 527, 770, 805, 960, 1024, 1226, 1269, 2306, 2460, 2808, 2996, 3176, 7375, 7842, 7870, 8378, 9781, 10559, 11567, 11629, 12653, 12695, 12864, 13358, 13477
- Hunter, 408, 3423, 5904, 11390
- Karahalios, 10037, 13287
- Karpoche, 3650, 6614
- Kernaghan, 260, 2316, 3671, 5367, 14120
- Kramp, 1132, 1134
- Lecce, 300, 3164, 3605, 6116, 6986, 11460
- MacLeod, 100, 522, 805, 1762, 1995, 2515, 2573, 3178, 4396, 4557
- Martin, 2900
- McDonell, 4646
- McKenna, 10493, 11330, 11517, 13100
- Miller, P., 3028, 6609, 10518
- Mitas, 8798
- Morrison, 951, 5557, 11392, 11454
- Mulroney, 2771
- Natyshak, 835, 2733, 2996, 3238, 3421, 3518, 3607, 4332, 8325, 11733, 11974
- Nicholls, 4993
- Oosterhoff, 547, 1810
- Pang, 1839, 4575, 4997
- Phillips, 2469, 4132, 6714
- Piccini, 692–693, 1945, 1953, 3632, 5552, 11250, 11272, 11413, 12065, 12926
- Rakocevic, 579, 1891, 3850, 14146
- Rasheed, 523, 4577, 4584
- Rickford, 1988, 4162, 4338
- Romano, 4471, 10515
- Sarkaria, 864
- Sattler, 12065
- Schreiner, 2872
- Scott, 12023
- Shaw, 913, 997, 5140, 5608, 11977
- Simard, 11006
- Singh, G., 413, 4516
- Singh, S., 10948
- Skelly, 1116, 9949
- Smith, T., 1787–1788, 2420, 2631–2632, 2679, 3709, 6058, 9168, 14102
- Stiles, 841, 3641, 4161, 5464, 6511, 7448
- Surma, 4391, 5444
- Tabuns, 81, 129, 615, 617, 835, 1545, 6409, 6472
- Taylor, 3178, 3522, 7669, 12000
- Thanigasalam, 3028
- Thompson, 1273, 4161, 4166, 4772, 5110
- Tibollo, 523
- Triantafilopoulos, 4773, 7339
- Vanthof, 852
- Walker, 4076
- West, 2952
- Wynne, 10562
- Yakabuski, 2997
- Yarde, 1883, 5456
- Yurek, 450, 4659, 6413, 8778–8779, 10563
- Fraser, John (Ottawa South)
Members'/ministers' travel
Menstrual Hygiene Day Act, 2019 (Bill 120)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 5275
- first reading
Menstrual products
Mental health and addictions
- addiction and trauma
- Morrison, 6440
- addiction as health issue
- Harden, 6436
- addiction, causes of
- Harden, 6436
- alcohol addiction
- Anand, 3671
- and the arts
- Kusendova, 6377
- assistive apps and devices
- cost of
- coverage for. see under Assistive Devices Program
- general remarks
- Gretzky, 13590
- Kernaghan, 13587–13588, 13592
- impact on hospitalization rates
- Kernaghan, 13588
- awareness and education
- Des Rosiers, 933–934
- children and youth
- Karpoche, 3142–3143
- in children and youth
- co-occurrence
- cost of
- during COVID-19
- Andrew, 13982
- Taylor, 13927
- children and youth
- Coe, 14063–14064
- Elliott, 14063
- and crime
- demographics
- Tibollo, 5809
- destigmatization of
- Anand, 13388
- Ke, 13378–13379
- Kernaghan, 13587
- Sattler, 13386
- Tibollo, 13383–13384
- education and awareness
- emergency department visits
- Tibollo, 6274
- fatalities due to
- Ke, 13379–13380
- Gambling Research Exchange Ontario
- general remarks
- Anand, 13388
- Hogarth, 3145
- Ke, 13378–13380
- Tibollo, 6848–6849
- harm reduction strategies
- West, 5808
- and homelessness
- and hospital admissions
- and housing
- Hogarth, 3145
- Indigenous communities
- role of living conditions
- Mamakwa, 13398
- role of living conditions
- left untreated, cost
- maternal
- Karpoche, 6061
- of men
- Baber, 10946–10947
- in northern and rural Ontario
- Berns-McGown, 6392
- physical health impacts
- Gretzky, 13590
- and poetry
- Hatfield, 13232–13234
- and poverty
- prevalence
- prevalence of
- public discussion of
- Anand, 6443
- public education
- Recovery Month. see under Public education campaigns - health
- social determinants of
- social support
- Tibollo, 9118
- support organizations
- trauma
- Martin, 6428
- addiction and trauma
Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
Mental health and addictions - COVID-19
- children and youth
- Baber, 13804
- Begum, 14187
- Bell, 13811
- Hassan, 13886
- Mantha, 13814
- Shaw, 13793–13795
- Singh, S., 13817
- Stiles, 12870, 13800–13801
- culturally-safe services
- Tibollo, 8948
- general remarks
- government funding
- Martin, 13589
- Tibollo, 8948, 13383–13384
- government strategy
- Park, 8948
- hospital admission rates
- Stiles, 13801
- overdose rates
- Baber, 13803
- prevalence
- Ke, 13379
- response table
- Tibollo, 8893–8894
- services for front-line health workers
- Tibollo, 9119
- social isolation
- suicide rates
- virtual services
- children and youth
Mental health and addictions services.
see also Consumption and treatment services- access to
- across-sector
- Tibollo, 5809
- addictions treatment
- and BIPOC groups
- on campus. see Colleges and universities—campus mental health supports
- community services
- coordination of care
- Ontario health teams
- Tibollo, 6849
- Ontario health teams
- during COVID-19
- dedicated ministry
- Stevens, 1844
- de-escalation resources
- French, 518
- Durham
- Coe, 9712
- as economic policy
- Stiles, 13800–13801
- family services
- Mantha, 13382
- as fiscal policy
- Stiles, 13800–13801
- front-line services
- Burch, 6377
- gambling
- Elliott, 4808–4809
- general remarks
- Fife, 3267, 9634
- Mantha, 13382–13383
- Morrison, 9634
- Tibollo, 13385–13386
- Walker, 10249
- government funding
- Cuzzetto, 12517
- Elliott, 13991
- Sattler, 3185
- Tibollo, 10235–10236
- government strategy
- in hospitals
- and housing
- Gélinas, 4816
- housing services
- impact on public safety
- Indigenous communities
- inpatient beds
- integration
- Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- McDonell, 6435
- Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry
- integration across ministries
- Elliott, 638
- languages served
- Stiles, 12185
- Mindability
- mobile clinics
- Tibollo, 12354
- mobile crisis intervention units
- northern Ontario
- personal readiness
- Ke, 13380
- program closures
- due to COVID-19
- Stiles, 12836
- due to COVID-19
- programs
- Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy (iCBT)
- Safer Opioid Supply Program
- Sattler, 13387
- Structured Psychotherapy Program
- pilot programs
- Tibollo, 13384–13385
- pilot programs
- public consultation
- Smith, T., 5220
- race-based data collection
- Karpoche, 6850
- regional disparities
- rehabilitation services
- Elliott, 9693
- service access points
- service capacity
- Elliott, 4257
- Gretzky, 2265–2266
- general remarks
- Kernaghan, 13587–13588
- by geography
- Mantha, 13382–13383
- wait times
- Begum, 638
- Lindo, 331
- Mantha, 13381–13382
- Sattler, 976
- service delivery
- and socio-economic policy
- treatment and rehabilitation
- Elliott, 1724
- treatment retention rates
- Tibollo, 9118
- wait times
- for women
- wraparound services
Mental health and addictions services - by region
- Algoma—Manitoulin
- Mantha, 13813
- in Durham
- Coe, 4405
- expansion
- Niagara
- Gates, 10211–10212
- in Niagara region
- in northern and rural Ontario
- Sault Ste. Marie
- Mantha, 13813
- Algoma—Manitoulin
Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
- access
- Karpoche, 7371
- access points
- Thompson, 4772
- access to
- in Brampton
- Singh, S., 6978
- during COVID-19
- early intervention
- impact on health care system
- Karpoche, 3143
- impact on health care system
- emergency room visits
- Schreiner, 6430
- federal funding match
- Karpoche, 7371
- funding allocation
- Fullerton, 7371
- government funding
- hospital admission rates
- Indigenous communities
- in Indigenous communities. see Indigenous communities - health care
- ministerial oversight
- Sattler, 7938
- in northern Ontario
- in schools. see Students—mental health services
- service capacity
- stakeholder consultation
- Elliott, 4864–4865
- standard of care
- Karpoche, 3146
- transition to adult services
- Martin, 3144
- wait times
- Vanthof, 934
- wait times, cap
- Karpoche, 5222
- wait times, cap on
- wait-lists
- access
Mental health and addictions services - COVID-19
Mental health and addictions services - digital
- iCBT
- Tibollo, 11133
- iCBT
Mental health and addictions services - funding
- Andrew, 13900
- Armstrong, 755–756
- Bethlenfalvy, 12200, 12321
- Bouma, 38
- Elliott, 2886, 3342–3343, 13713–13714
- Fee, 757–758
- Fife, 757–758
- Gates, 6742
- Karpoche, 2886
- Khanjin, 758
- Kusendova, 117, 13900
- Martin, 2899
- Skelly, 2898
- Tibollo, 12354
- Addiction Services Initiative pilot
- Shaw, 4761
- allocation
- Bailey, 6382
- Elliott, 331, 2308, 4805
- French, 4371
- Karpoche, 6851
- Lindo, 331
- Martin, 3144
- Park, 2309
- Parsa, 12366
- Sattler, 319
- Scott, 5206
- Tabuns, 480
- Thanigasalam, 4805
- Tibollo, 5810, 6848
- during COVID-19
- Elliott, 13923
- Phillips, 10363
- Tibollo, 9119
- children and youth
- Elliott, 14063–14064
- front-line services
- by region
- by service
- children and youth
- school-based support
- Harden, 12887–12888
- school-based support
- community services
- due to COVID-19
- Tibollo, 13383–13384
- federal match
- federal vs. provincial
- general remarks
- Andrew, 3144
- Armstrong, 738–739
- Begum, 638
- Bouma, 38, 40, 4777
- Crawford, 4387
- Cuzzetto, 4530
- Elliott, 299, 331, 368, 577, 638, 738–739, 1079, 1428, 1788, 1840, 1927, 1929, 2207, 2258, 2308, 2886, 3874, 4257, 4307, 4816, 4864–4865
- Fedeli, 1325, 4320–4321, 4462
- Fife, 43
- Ford, 5263, 8260
- French, 517–518, 4371
- Gates, 5257
- Ghamari, 6387
- Gill, 4367
- Gretzky, 2265–2266
- Harris, 3331
- Horwath, 368, 4770, 4787, 5206, 5462, 8324
- Jones, 8485
- Karpoche, 2886, 3143, 4256–4257
- Ke, 13379–13380
- Kernaghan, 6453
- Kusendova, 117, 5187
- Lindo, 331
- MacLeod, 1378, 4389
- Mantha, 446
- Martin, 2899, 4477, 5780, 13589–13590
- McNaughton, 8267
- Miller, N., 6378
- Park, 2308
- Phillips, 5964
- Piccini, 694
- Rasheed, 12380–12382
- Roberts, 2613
- Sabawy, 1332, 13217
- Sandhu, 3510
- Sattler, 13387
- Schreiner, 6430, 6853, 9121
- Scott, 5206
- Shaw, 4348
- Skelly, 2898
- Tabuns, 480, 953
- Taylor, 511
- Thompson, 4772
- Tibollo, 299, 5776, 6274, 6414, 8948, 9120
- Triantafilopoulos, 4775
- Walker, 10250
- London
- Armstrong, 3342–3343
- Mississauga
- Anand, 5172
- by population
- priority populations
- Tibollo, 6848
- by program
- by region
- by sector
- by service model
- sources of
Mental health and addictions services - funding, children and youth
Mental health and addictions services - providers
- CMHA Middlesex
- Sattler, 13386
- EveryMind (Mississauga)
- Anand, 13388
- geographic distribution
- Mantha, 13382–13383
- Oaks Centre (Elliot Lake)
- Mantha, 13382
- Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre
- Anand, 13389
- CMHA Middlesex
Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
Mental health and addictions services - staff
- recruitment and retention
- general remarks
- Sattler, 13386
- general remarks
- recruitment and retention
Mental health and addictions - staff
Mental health and addictions strategy
Mental health and addictions system
Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART)
- Piccini, 11176
Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
Métis Nation of Ontario
see also GO Transit- Bombardier contracts
- Thanigasalam, 5803–5804
- CN Rail track negotiations. see Rail service—track usage
- construction projects
- risk assessment
- publication of
- Hassan, 8400
- publication of
- risk assessment
- independence of
- Bell, 4889
- leadership, change in
- operating subsidy
- oversight of
- regional consultations
- Harris, 4151
- role in TTC expansion. see under Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
- transparency
- Union Pearson Express
- sound barriers
- Tabuns, 7145
- sound barriers
- Bombardier contracts
Middlesex-London Health Unit
- Canadian campaigns
- Afghanistan
- Skelly, 10312
- general remarks
- Harris, 10313
- World Wars I and II. see World Wars I and II
- Afghanistan
- Canadian campaigns
Military personnel.
see also Veterans- appreciation for
- demographics
- Dunlop, 10184
- fishing licences. see Fishing—licensing—fee exemptions
- Highway of Heroes
- mental health
- Dunlop, 10182
- resources for families
- service recognition. see under Veterans
- support services
- Together We Stand Foundation
- Khanjin, 1893
Mills, Garrett.
see also Soccer goalposts - unanchoredMinimum wage
Minimum wage earners
Minimum wage increase
Minimum wage increase - to $14
Minimum wage increase - to $15
- cancellation
- Andrew, 2072, 2100
- Bell, 2016
- Berns-McGown, 4130
- Bisson, 2130
- Coteau, 1381, 11357
- Fife, 1964
- Fraser, 2449
- Gates, 2060
- Gretzky, 449
- Harden, 1798
- Hassan, 1796–1797, 1930
- Horwath, 1787, 1833–1834, 2306–2307
- Karpoche, 1332, 2445
- Kernaghan, 2017, 2143
- Morrison, 2525, 4239
- Parsa, 1954
- Sattler, 317, 1322, 2444
- Scott, 1003, 1322, 2006, 2420, 2439
- Shaw, 2548
- Skelly, 2014
- Smith, T., 1789
- Stiles, 2069, 2446, 5543
- Taylor, 12998
- West, 1003, 2023, 3494–3495
- economic impact
- McKenna, 11357
- Fight for $15 & Fairness campaign
- Gates, 2060
- general remarks
- vs. low-income individuals and families tax credit. see Taxation - Low-income individuals and families tax credit—vs. minimum wage increase
- cancellation
Mining industry
- bulk samples
- business environment
- Smith, T., 3792
- CENGN Smart Mining Testbed
- Rickford, 7616
- Critical Minerals Strategy
- decline and recovery
- Rickford, 3527
- economic impact
- electricity use
- West, 4207
- electricity-powered equipment
- West, 3918
- environmental regulations
- ferrochrome facilities
- Bisson, 4812
- foreign investment
- general remarks
- Bisson, 4610
- global ranking
- Fedeli, 3740
- government consultation with
- government funding
- government strategy
- health and safety
- Indigenous communities
- investments in Ontario
- Gélinas, 364–366
- licenses of occupation registry
- Skelly, 12746
- mining claims
- Mitas, 9677–9678
- nepheline syenite
- Smith, D., 4922
- Ontario Geological Survey Focus tool
- Smith, D., 11918
- Ontario Junior Exploration Program
- Anand, 12449
- Fedeli, 12888
- Miller, N., 12659–12660
- Smith, D., 12660
- recruitment and retention
- regulatory environment
- regulatory reform
- resource revenue-sharing agreement
- role in land exploration
- Fedeli, 2457
- training
- Ontario Mine Rescue Program
- Fedeli, 12888
- Ontario Mine Rescue Program
- waste diversion
- Bourgouin, 10124
- working group
Mining sites
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
- conference attendance
- Khanjin, 3126
- conference attendance
Ministerial responsibility
- Coteau, 7851
Ministerial statements
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
- presented
- Cho, R.S.J., 5276, 10519–10520
- responded to
- Fraser, 10521
- Harden, 5276–5277, 10520–10521
- Lalonde, 5277–5278
- Schreiner, 10521
- presented
- Adoption Awareness Month
- Affordable housing
- Animal protection
- Anniversary of the Status of Women Report
- presented
- Dunlop, 11139–11140
- responded to
- Andrew, 11141
- Hunter, 11141–11142
- Schreiner, 11142
- presented
- Anti-bullying initiatives
- presented
- Dunlop, 7219
- Lecce, 10389–10391
- MacLeod, 4269–4270
- Thompson, 3299
- responded to
- Collard, 10392–10393
- Kernaghan, 4270–4271
- Schreiner, 3300–3301, 7220–7221, 10393
- Stiles, 3299–3300, 10391–10392
- Taylor, 7220
- Wynne, 4271–4272
- presented
- Asian Heritage Month
- presented
- Lecce, 13565–13567
- responded to
- presented
- Black History Month
- presented
- Dunlop, 7218–7219
- Smith, T., 7217–7218, 11578–11580
- responded to
- Hunter, 11581
- Schreiner, 7220
- Yarde, 7219–7220, 11580–11581
- presented
- Broadband infrastructure
- presented
- Scott, 11783–11784
- responded to
- Vanthof, 11784–11785
- presented
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Child care
- Children and Youth in Care Day
- Community Living Day
- Concussions
- Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 response
- presented
- Bethlenfalvy, 10459
- responded to
- Hunter, 10461
- Schreiner, 10460–10461
- Shaw, 10459–10460
- presented
- Crime prevention
- Crime Prevention Week
- presented
- Jones, 10175–10176
- Tibollo, 2102–2103
- responded to
- Collard, 10177
- Des Rosiers, 2103–2104
- Schreiner, 10177
- Yarde, 2103, 10176–10177
- presented
- Cyber Security Awareness Month
- Down syndrome
- Economic and fiscal update
- Economic outlook and fiscal review
- Education
- Education reform
- Emergency Preparedness Week
- Energy policies
- presented
- Walker, 13773–13777
- presented
- Equal Pay Day
- Forest firefighting
- Forest industry
- Front-line workers
- presented
- McNaughton, 10300–10302
- responded to
- Hunter, 10303–10304
- Schreiner, 10303
- West, 10302–10303
- presented
- Gender Equality Week
- Gordon, Fitzroy
- Government accountability
- Health care
- Holodomor
- Home and community care
- Human trafficking
- presented
- Dunlop, 9066–9067, 11396–11397
- Jones, 9067–9068, 11397–11398
- responded to
- Collard, 9069, 11399
- French, 11398–11399
- Schreiner, 9069–9070
- Taylor, 9068–9069
- presented
- Human Trafficking Awareness Day
- Impaired driving
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- International Day of la Francophonie
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities
- presented
- responded to
- Collard, 11011–11012
- Des Rosiers, 2781
- Fraser, 6585
- Harden, 2780–2781, 6584–6585, 11010–11011
- International Day of the Girl
- International Women's Day
- Italian Heritage Month
- presented
- Tibollo, 14074–14077
- responded to
- Fraser, 14077–14078
- Hassan, 14077
- Schreiner, 14078
- presented
- Local Government Week
- Mental health and addiction services
- Mental health in agriculture
- Missing persons
- Museum Month
- National Child Day and Trans Day of Remembrance
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
- National Housing Day
- presented
- Clark, 2524, 6227–6228, 10570–10571
- responded
- responded to
- Blais, 10572
- Des Rosiers, 2525–2526
- Morrison, 2524–2525
- Schreiner, 10572
- Singh, S., 10571–10572
- presented
- Nuclear energy
- presented
- Calandra, 12859–12860
- presented
- Nurses
- presented
- Elliott, 13567–13568
- responded to
- Gélinas, 13568
- Hunter, 13568–13569
- presented
- Ontario Agriculture Week
- Ontario economy
- Ontario Gazette
- presented
- Walker, 2473–2474
- presented
- Ontario Heritage Week
- Organ and tissue donation
- Personal support workers
- presented
- Elliott, 13615–13616
- responded to
- Fraser, 13617–13618
- Harden, 13616–13617
- Schreiner, 13618
- presented
- Physicians
- presented
- Elliott, 13159
- responded to
- Collard, 13160
- Gélinas, 13159–13160
- Schreiner, 13160–13161
- presented
- Pipelines
- presented
- Walker, 11858–11859
- responded to
- Sattler, 11859–11860
- presented
- Police Week
- presented
- Jones, 5074–5075, 13424–13425
- responded to
- Des Rosiers, 5076–5077
- Vanthof, 13425–13426
- Yarde, 5075–5076
- presented
- Post-secondary education and research
- Poverty
- Pride Month
- Public transit
- Real estate industry
- Religious freedom
- Rwandan genocide
- Seniors
- Seniors' Month
- presented
- Cho, R.S.J., 5610, 13997–13998
- responded to
- Fraser, 13999
- Schreiner, 13999
- Singh, S., 13998–13999
- presented
- Sexual Assault Prevention Month
- presented
- Dunlop, 13717–13719
- responded to
- Lindo, 13719–13720
- presented
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Small business
- presented
- Sarkaria, 9220–9222, 11464–11466
- responded to
- Fife, 9222, 11466–11467
- Hunter, 9223, 11467–11468
- Schreiner, 9222–9223, 11468
- presented
- Social workers
- Toronto Newcomer Day
- presented
- MacLeod, 5173–5174
- presented
- Tourism
- Trans Day of Remembrance
- Transportation infrastructure
- Vimy Ridge Day
- White Ribbon campaign
- Winter highway maintenance
- Woman Abuse Prevention Month
- Women's History Month
- Women's issues
- World Autism Awareness Day
- World Teachers' Day
- Accessibility for persons with disabilities
Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2018 (Bill 24)
- first reading
- Miller, P., 744
- first reading
Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2018 (Bill 60)
- first reading
- Miller, P., 2472–2473
- first reading
Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2019 (Bill 60)
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
see also Ministry of the Solicitor GeneralMinistry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Limits on Solitary Confinement), 2019 (Bill 113)
- first reading
- Des Rosiers, 4982
- first reading
Ministry of Education
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Francophone Affairs
- Ghamari, 2605
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- advisory councils
- budget
- health care system reform
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Advanced Glucose Monitoring Devices), 2021 (Bill 272)
- first reading
- Natyshak, 12418–12419
- second reading, 13545–13550, 13564–13565
- first reading
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Supporting Individuals in their Homes and Communities with Assistive Devices for Mental Health), 2021 (Bill 277)
- first reading
- Kernaghan, 12705
- second reading, 13587–13592, 13613–13614
- first reading
Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
- anniversary
- McKenna, 6128
- anniversary
Ministry of Long-Term Care
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Ministry of the Attorney General.
see also Office of the Children's LawyerMinistry of the Solicitor General.
see also Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services- scope of
- Sarkaria, 5350
- scope of
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Ministry of Transportation
Miranda, Enrico.
see also Temporary workersMissing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG)
- awareness and education
- general remarks
- government funding
- Hogarth, 12212
- government strategy
- national inquiry report
Missing children.
see Amber AlertsMissing persons
Missing Persons Act, 2018,
SO 2018, c 3, Sched. 7
Mohawk College
Money laundering
- general remarks
- Tabuns, 4961
- impact on housing market. see Housing market—impact of money laundering
- general remarks
More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
see Housing Supply Action Plan- first reading
- Clark, 4721
- second reading, 4845–4855, 4943–4963, 5037–5047, 5080–5098, 5281
- Anand, 4947–4949
- Andrew, 4950, 4960
- Armstrong, 4854–4855, 4943–4944, 4947
- Bailey, 5087–5088
- Barrett, 5039–5040
- Bell, 4946–4947, 4955–4956, 5044, 5087, 5095
- Berns-McGown, 5096–5098
- Burch, 5045–5047, 5080–5088
- Calandra, 5091–5096
- Clark, 4845–4849, 4854
- Cuzzetto, 4950, 5044–5045
- Des Rosiers, 5037–5039, 5041
- Dunlop, 5041–5042, 5045
- Ghamari, 4946, 5094–5095
- Glover, 4853, 4944–4945, 4959
- Harris, 4956–4961
- Hogarth, 4851–4853, 4951
- Kanapathi, 4960
- Ke, 4954–4955
- Kernaghan, 5090, 5094
- Khanjin, 4854
- McDonell, 5042–5044
- Morrison, 4946, 4952–4954, 4956, 5040, 5044
- Nicholls, 5040
- Oosterhoff, 5090
- Parsa, 4945–4946, 5087
- Rakocevic, 5040–5041, 5088
- Rasheed, 5044
- Sandhu, 4955
- Schreiner, 5089, 5091, 5095
- Scott, 4849–4850
- Singh, G., 5090–5091
- Skelly, 5090
- Smith, D., 4949–4951
- Stiles, 4950–4951
- Tabuns, 4955, 4961–4963
- Triantafilopoulos, 4853
- Vanthof, 4853–4854
- Walker, 4850–4851
- division (carried), 5315–5316
- time allocation motion, 5227–5245, 5270–5271
- third reading, 5528–5536, 5539–5549, 5577
- amendments
- as omnibus legislation
- Clark, 4848
- Royal assent, 5600
- first reading
More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
- Adjournment debate (carried), 2821, 4673, 4762, 4814, 4872, 5071, 5088–5089, 5118, 5582, 6281, 6789, 7437–7438
- Bisson, 7438
- Adjournment debates (carried), 5714
- Appointment of House officers (carried), 158–159
- Appointment of Information and Privacy Commissioner (carried), 7778
- Charitable donations (carried), 2143
- Committee membership (carried), 534–535, 1388, 2693, 2821, 3085, 4721, 5648–5649, 5798–5799, 6880, 7099, 7313–7315, 8074, 8955, 9223–9224, 9511, 11260
- Committee sittings (carried), 534, 1654, 1998, 2693–2694, 5320–5322, 6789, 6841, 7044, 7556–7558, 9511–9514, 11311, 13090–13091, 13277
- Concurrence in supply (carried), 11785
- Consideration of Bill 6 (carried), 6789–6790
- Consideration of Bill 61 (carried), 10589
- Consideration of Bill 66 (carried), 3568
- Consideration of Bill 112 (carried), 13428
- Consideration of Bill 123 (carried), 6281, 6841
- Consideration of Bill 124 (carried), 5849
- Consideration of Bill 156 (carried), 7558
- Consideration of Bill 159 (carried), 6841
- Consideration of Bill 162 (carried), 7379–7380
- Consideration of Bill 168 (carried), 6993
- Consideration of Bill 236 (carried), 10958
- COVID-19 protocols at the Legislative Assembly (carried), 11235–11236
- Estimates (carried), 5275
- Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 7790, 7792, 7814–7822
- Franco-Ontarian flag (carried), 11971–11972
- Government motions
- Government notice of motion
- Number 1 – Government policies, 307–326
- Number 2 – Time allocation (carried), 281–290, 300–301
- Number 3 – Committee membership (carried), 381–382
- amendment (carried), 381–382
- Number 4 – Time allocation (carried), 723–729, 814–815
- Number 5 – Standing orders (carried), 912–931, 1571–1579, 1594, 1712–1719, 1731, 1738–1739
- Number 6 – Time allocation, 1011–1022
- amendment, 1013–1022
- Number 7 – Select Committee on Financial Transparency (carried), 1165–1175, 1195–1213, 1373
- Number 8 – Time allocation (carried), 1259–1268, 1305–1310, 1330, 1339–1342
- Number 9 – Time allocation (carried), 1310–1318, 1436–1437
- amendment (lost), 1436
- Number 10 – Time allocation (carried), 1417–1424, 1437
- Number 11 – Time allocation (carried), 1571–1579, 1594
- Number 12 – Time allocation (carried), 1712–1719, 1731
- Number 13 – Time allocation (carried), 1775–1785, 1842
- Number 14 – Time allocation (carried), 1871–1880, 1892
- Number 15 – Time allocation (carried), 2075–2086, 2127–2131, 2144–2145
- Number 20 – Time allocation (carried), 2619–2628, 2646–2650, 2688–2689
- Number 25 – Standing orders (carried), 2784–2798
- amendment (lost), 2788–2798
- Number 29 – Time allocation (carried), 2961–2968, 2978–2979
- Number 30 – Time allocation (carried), 3059–3069, 3127
- Number 31 – Time allocation (carried), 3387–3406, 3428–3429
- Number 32 – Time allocation (carried), 3407–3417, 3429
- Number 33 – Time allocation (carried), 3807–3817, 3879–3880
- Number 34 – 2019 Ontario budget (carried), 4318–4324, 4666–4667
- Number 35 – Time allocation (carried), 4213–4223, 4264
- Number 36 – Time allocation (carried), 4603–4614, 4667
- Number 61 – Time allocation (carried), 5049–5059, 5118–5119
- Number 62 – Time allocation (carried), 5227–5245, 5270–5271
- Number 65 – Time allocation (carried), 5477–5493, 5515
- Number 66 – Time allocation (carried), 5493–5501, 5515–5516
- Number 67 – Interim supply (carried), 5689–5698
- Number 68 – Time allocation (carried), 5739–5749, 5770–5773, 5795–5796
- Number 69 – Time allocation (carried), 5969–5984, 6010
- Number 70 – Time allocation (carried), 6203–6213, 6303–6307
- Number 71 – House sittings (carried), 6281
- Number 72 – Time allocation (carried), 6345–6353, 6364–6365
- Number 73 – Legislative reform, 6397–6403
- Number 74 – Time allocation (carried), 6447–6456, 6469
- Number 75 – Time allocation (carried), 7623–7638, 7669
- Number 77 – Order of business (carried), 7929–7938, 7952–7954, 8014–8015
- amendment, 7954–7989
- Number 78 – Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 8016–8032
- amendment, 8032–8072
- Number 80 – Time allocation (carried), 8073–8084, 8098–8107, 8122
- Number 81 – House sittings (carried), 8123
- Number 82 – Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 8247–8255, 8269–8274, 8307
- amendment, 8274–8306
- Number 83 – Time allocation (carried), 8534–8545, 8560
- Number 84 – Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 8562–8576
- Number 85 – Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight (carried), 8576–8581, 8755–8756
- Number 86 – Time allocation (carried), 8830–8845, 8895
- Number 87 – Time allocation (carried), 8958–8965
- Number 88 – Legislative reform, 8991–9000
- Number 88 – Legislative reform (as amended) (carried), 9219
- Number 89 – Not-for-profit corporations (carried), 9093–9103
- Number 90 – Time allocation (carried), 9426–9438, 9462–9463
- Number 91 – Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, 9877–9887
- Number 92 – Time allocation (carried), 10046–10056, 10087
- Number 93 – Report on Ontario's Provincial Emergency, 10316–10325, 10327–10334
- Number 94 – 2020 Ontario budget (carried), 10360–10368, 10863
- Number 96 – Time allocation (carried), 10575–10586, 10641–10642
- Number 97 – Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health (carried), 10718–10725, 10863–10864
- amendment, 10725–10759, 10863
- Number 98 – Time allocation (carried), 10667–10672, 10690–10694, 10783–10784
- Number 100 – Time allocation (carried), 10943–10944
- Number 101 – Legislative reform (as amended) (carried), 11285–11295, 11312–11318, 12142–12143
- Number 102 – Natural gas pipeline, 11582–11607
- Number 103 – Pipelines (as amended) (carried), 11761–11767, 11782
- amendment (as amended) (carried), 11761–11764, 11782
- amendment to the amendment (carried), 11764–11767, 11782
- Number 104 – Time allocation (carried), 12100–12111, 12142
- Number 105 – 2021 Ontario budget (carried), 12197–12204, 12610
- Number 106 – House sittings (carried), 12860
- Number 107 – House sittings (carried), 12860
- Number 108 – Poet Laureate of Ontario (carried), 13079–13080
- Number 109 – Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 13279–13300
- Number 110 – Report on Ontario's provincial emergency, 13621–13642
- Number 111 – Extension of emergency orders (carried), 13779–13807, 13809–13817, 13849
- Number 112 – Lobbyists Registration Act review (carried), 13973
- Number 113 – Appointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health (carried), 13905–13914, 13931–13943
- Number 114 – Time allocation (carried), 14166–14183, 14202
- Government order
- Number 1 – Throne speech debate (carried), 25–76, 91–125, 141–161, 165–167, 179–180
- Number 2 – Government policies, 357–367, 420–455, 457–466, 509–520, 791–802
- Number 3 – Time allocation (carried), 814–815
- Number 4 – Standing orders (carried), 1040–1060, 1065–1075, 1127–1164, 1656–1664, 1738–1739
- Number 6 – Select Committee on Financial Transparency (carried), 1242–1258, 1373
- Number 7 – Time allocation (carried), 1373–1374, 1416
- Number 9 – Time allocation (carried), 1823–1830, 1842
- Number 11 – Time allocation (carried), 3109–3114, 3127
- Number 14 – Time allocation (carried), 3861–3867, 3879–3880
- Number 16 – Time allocation (carried), 4245–4252, 4264
- amendment (carried), 4245–4252
- Number 17 – 2019 Ontario budget (carried), 4344–4392, 4633–4648, 4666–4667
- Number 19 – Time allocation (carried), 4649–4654, 4667
- Number 20 – Time allocation (carried), 5101–5106, 5118–5119
- Number 23 – Interim supply (carried), 5774
- Number 25 – Time allocation (carried), 6303–6307
- Number 26 – Legislative reform (as amended) (carried), 6496–6501, 6620–6621
- Number 40 – Order of business (carried), 8014–8015
- amendment, 7991–8000
- Number 42 – Extension of emergency declaration (carried), 8307
- Number 43 – Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight (carried), 8755–8756
- amendment, 8673–8674
- Number 44 – Legislative reform
- Number 44 – Legislative reform (as amended) (carried), 9219
- Number 45 – Not-for-profit corporations (carried), 9189–9196
- Number 47 – 2020 Ontario budget (carried), 10545–10554, 10694–10712, 10761–10770, 10788–10811, 10863
- Number 58 – Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health (carried), 10863–10864
- amendment, 10811–10835, 10863
- Number 60 – Legislative reform (as amended) (carried), 12054–12070, 12142–12143
- amendment (carried), 12056–12059, 12111–12116, 12142
- amendment to the amendment (lost), 12057–12070, 12096
- Number 64 – 2021 Ontario budget (carried), 12395–12404, 12423–12430, 12498–12513, 12543–12567, 12610
- Numbers 27 through 33 – Concurrence in supply (carried), 7441–7456, 7491–7492
- Numbers 48 through 57 – Concurrence in supply (carried), 11878–11892, 11921–11922
- Government notice of motion
- His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (carried), 12526–12529
- Calandra, 12526–12528
- Fraser, 12527–12528
- Vanthof, 12527
- House sittings, 645–646, 817, 2579, 2865–2867, 5604–5609
- Bisson, 2865–2867, 5605–5607, 11216–11218
- Calandra, 11214–11216
- Clark, 2867
- Fraser, 5608, 11218–11219
- Morrison, 11219–11220
- Parsa, 5608–5609
- division (carried), 645–646, 817, 2579, 2867, 5609, 11220
- House sittings (carried), 784–785, 878, 1006–1007, 1189, 1333–1335, 2579–2580, 2611, 2779, 2893, 2945, 4982–4983, 5369, 5452, 5474, 5566, 7743–7745, 8016, 8123, 8896, 10393, 13850, 14203
- Islamophobia (carried), 14097
- Legislative reform (carried), 6842, 9793
- Members' code of conduct on harassment (carried), 1478
- Member's comments (carried), 5712
- Opposition day motion (carried), 7800–7801, 7823
- Opposition day motions
- Number 1 – Hospital funding (lost), 1603–1619, 5852–5871
- Number 1 – Long-term care (lost), 9796–9815, 11401–11419
- Number 1 – Public transit (lost), 7561–7579
- Number 2 – Autism treatment (carried), 3891–3906
- Number 2 – College standards and accreditation (carried), 10645–10662
- Number 2 – French-language services (lost), 6187–6202
- Number 2 – Long-term care (lost), 7840–7871
- Number 2 – University and college funding (lost), 1935–1954
- Number 2 – Workplace safety (lost), 11862–11878
- Number 3 – Education funding (lost), 4567–4585
- Number 3 – Long-term care (lost), 2151–2168, 12300–12316
- Number 3 – Religious freedom (carried), 6287–6303
- Number 4 – Cancer treatment (lost), 2478–2494
- Number 4 – COVID-19 response (lost), 12861–12875
- Number 4 – Public health (lost), 4769–4787
- Number 5 – Climate change (lost), 4986–5005
- Number 5 – COVID-19 response (lost), 13091–13106
- Number 5 – French-language services (lost), 2698–2714
- Order of business (carried), 2871, 3134, 3172, 3880–3881, 4654, 5583, 5958–5959, 5998, 6901, 7438, 7752, 7765–7766, 7777–7778, 7792–7794, 7876, 10934, 11223, 12183, 13161, 14033–14034, 14042
- Prison transfer (carried), 1319–1320
- Private members' motions
- Number 3 – Immigrant and refugee services (carried), 388–394, 400–401
- Number 4 – Skilled trades (carried), 383–388, 400
- Number 7 – Municipal elections (lost), 586–593, 604
- Number 10 – Youth employment (carried), 760–766
- Number 11 – Mental health and addiction services (lost), 754–760, 767
- Number 12 – Social assistance (lost), 1103–1109
- Number 13 – Carding (lost), 749–754, 766–767
- Number 14 – Organ donation (carried), 1098–1103, 1108
- Number 15 – GO Transit (carried), 1293–1299, 1305
- Number 16 – Affordable housing (carried), 1299–1305
- Number 17 – Accessibility for persons with disabilities (carried), 894–901, 912
- Number 18 – Veterans (carried), 907–912
- Number 22 – "Notwithstanding" clause (lost), 1909–1917
- Number 23 – Health cards (carried), 1499–1504, 1515
- Number 24 – Broadband service (carried), 2331–2336, 2340
- Number 26 – International language studies (carried), 2534–2540, 2546
- Number 30 – Youth employment (carried), 3352–3357, 3367–3368
- Number 31 – Mental health and addiction services (carried), 2896–2902, 2913
- Number 32 – Hydro rates (lost), 3137–3142, 3153–3154
- Number 34 – Waste diversion (carried), 3544–3550, 3556
- Number 40 – Student assistance (lost), 3948–3955
- Number 42 – GO Transit (lost), 4149–4155
- Number 43 – Family support services (lost), 4506–4511, 4523
- Number 46 – Public transit (lost), 6883–6888, 6900
- Number 67 – Lyme disease (carried), 5621–5627
- Number 68 – Accessibility for persons with disabilities (lost), 5372–5378, 5390–5391
- Number 76 – Addiction services (lost), 5807–5812, 5818–5819
- Number 83 – Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training (carried), 6027–6034
- Number 84 – Anti-racism activities (carried), 6488–6494, 6496
- Number 85 – Health care funding (carried), 9327–9331, 9338
- Number 91 – Nuclear energy (carried), 7496–7502, 7514
- Number 93 – Indigenous affairs (carried), 7508–7514
- Number 105 – Public health (carried), 9125–9131, 9143–9144
- Number 106 – Education funding (lost), 9131–9138, 9144
- Number 108 – Charitable gaming (carried), 9698–9704
- Number 109 – Education (carried), 9530–9537
- Number 110 – COVID-19 response (carried), 9555–9561, 9575
- Number 112 – Climate change (carried), 9523–9530, 9537
- Number 114 – Firearms control (carried), 9642–9647
- Number 116 – Community safety (carried), 9951–9955
- Number 117 – Health care (lost), 10611–10616, 10642
- Number 119 – Hospital funding (carried), 10617–10623
- Number 121 – Legal services (carried), 10899–10906
- Number 122 – Human trafficking (carried), 11118–11123
- Number 127 – Immunization (carried), 11227–11233
- Number 129 – Caregivers (carried), 11827–11832
- Number 138 – Road safety (carried), 11375–11381
- Number 140 – Environmental protection (carried), 11615–11621
- Number 142 – Internet access (lost), 11833–11838, 11856
- Number 143 – Tenant protection (lost), 12070–12076, 12096
- Number 145 – Services for children and youth (lost), 11951–11956, 11983
- Number 148 – Homelessness (lost), 12279–12285, 12298
- Number 149 – Condominium legislation (carried), 12521–12526
- Number 150 – Owner-operator truck drivers (carried), 13185–13189
- Number 151 – Greenbelt (carried), 12875–12881
- Number 157 – Tenant protection (lost), 13505–13511, 13538
- Number 158 – Ground current (carried), 13191–13196
- Number 162 – COVID-19 response (lost), 13593–13600, 13614
- Private members' public business (carried), 325, 556, 1494, 1675, 1735, 3019, 4597, 5220, 5581, 5648, 6065, 6281, 6473, 6667–6668, 7044, 7313, 7558, 8955, 9223, 9467, 10087, 10286, 10785, 11260, 11806–11807, 12359, 12664, 12706, 13175, 13371, 13539, 13935
- Reappointment of Integrity Commissioner (carried), 10924
- Reappointment of Ombudsman (carried), 10924
- Bisson, 10924
- Religious freedom (carried), 6034
- The Shoebox Project (carried), 6913
- Sign-language interpretation (carried), 1675, 2775, 5275, 6522, 9499, 11009, 13995–13996
- Social distancing in the chamber (carried), 8935–8936
- Standing Committee on Government Agencies (carried), 9224
- Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly (carried), 5198
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts (carried), 1088
- Throne speech debate (carried), 5
- Time allocation motions
- Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32) (carried), 1871–1880, 1892
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132) (carried), 5969–5984, 6010
- Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213) (carried), 10667–10672, 10690–10694, 10783–10784
- Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5) (carried), 723–729, 814–815
- Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115) (carried), 5477–5493, 5515
- Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36) (carried), 1417–1424, 1437
- Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4) (carried), 1310–1318, 1373–1374, 1416, 1436–1437
- Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68) (carried), 3387–3406, 3428–3429
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197) (carried), 8830–8845, 8895
- Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31), 1011–1022
- amendment, 1013–1022
- Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87) (carried), 4213–4223, 4245–4252, 4264
- amendment (carried), 4245–4252
- Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116) (carried), 6447–6456, 6469
- Franco-Ontarian Emblem Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 182) (carried), 8958–8965
- Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107) (carried), 5049–5059, 5101–5106, 5118–5119
- Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34) (carried), 1775–1785, 1823–1830, 1842
- Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204) (carried), 9426–9438, 9462–9463
- Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario's Power Supply), 2018 (Bill 67) (carried), 2961–2968, 2978–2979
- Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 167) (carried), 8534–8545, 8560
- Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47) (carried), 2075–2086, 2127–2131, 2144–2145
- More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108) (carried), 5227–5245, 5270–5271
- Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Act (Interim Period), 2019 (Bill 117) (carried), 5493–5501, 5515–5516
- The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74) (carried), 3807–3817, 3861–3867, 3879–3880
- Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138) (carried), 6345–6353, 6364–6365
- Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229) (carried), 10575–10586, 10641–10642
- Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124) (carried), 5739–5749, 5770–5773, 5795–5796
- Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307) (carried), 14166–14183, 14202
- Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184) (carried), 8073–8084, 8098–8107, 8122
- Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100) (carried), 4603–4614, 4649–4654, 4667
- Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136) (carried), 6203–6213, 6303–6307
- Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159) (carried), 8073–8084, 8098–8107, 8122
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195) (carried), 8830–8845, 8895
- Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66) (carried), 3407–3417, 3429
- Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57) (carried), 2619–2628, 2646–2650, 2688–2689
- Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48) (carried), 3059–3069, 3109–3114, 3127
- Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156) (carried), 7623–7638, 7669
- Select Committee on Financial Transparency (carried), 1259–1268, 1305–1310, 1339–1342
- Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180) (carried), 8958–8965
- Standing orders (carried), 1712–1719, 1731
- Standing orders (on the amendments to the main motion) (carried), 1571–1579, 1594
- Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154) (carried), 8958–8965
- Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257) (carried), 12100–12111, 12142
- Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 (Bill 236) (carried), 10943–10944
- Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218) (carried), 10046–10056, 10087
- Tibetan Heritage Month Act, 2020 (Bill 131) (carried), 8958–8965
- Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2) (carried), 281–290, 300–301
- Voting (carried), 8003–8004
- Adjournment debate (carried), 2821, 4673, 4762, 4814, 4872, 5071, 5088–5089, 5118, 5582, 6281, 6789, 7437–7438
Motor vehicle dealers
- economic impact
- Dunlop, 2545
- economic impact
- electric, on highways
- handlebar regulations
- in high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes
- as vulnerable road users
- French, 5008
Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
- first reading
- Surma, 12983
- second reading, 13019–13028, 13045–13064, 13067–13076, 13106–13110, 13113–13133
- Andrew, 13051, 13054, 13059, 13110–13111, 13116, 13127, 13130–13133
- Babikian, 13069, 13073, 13127
- Begum, 13127, 13133
- Coe, 13064, 13122
- Crawford, 13106–13111
- Cuzzetto, 13117–13119
- Fife, 13051, 13060, 13063, 13067–13071
- Gates, 13073, 13115–13116, 13118, 13123–13128
- Gélinas, 13026, 13050, 13055, 13116, 13122, 13130, 13133
- Gretzky, 13109, 13119–13123
- Hassan, 13113–13117
- Hogarth, 13059
- Kanapathi, 13073, 13129
- Ke, 13123, 13130
- Kusendova, 13070
- Martin, 13070, 13116, 13127
- McKenna, 13110, 13115, 13118, 13126
- Mulroney, 13019–13024, 13026–13027
- Pang, 13063, 13071–13074, 13110
- Piccini, 13059
- Roberts, 13027, 13055
- Sabawy, 13051
- Sandhu, 13054
- Singh, G., 13027, 13055–13060, 13069, 13073, 13129
- Smith, D., 13132
- Surma, 13024–13027
- Tangri, 13060–13064
- Taylor, 13074
- Thanigasalam, 13026, 13050–13055, 13116, 13123, 13133
- Triantafilopoulos, 13050–13051
- Vanthof, 13027–13028, 13045–13051, 13064, 13070
- Wai, 13054
- West, 13026, 13054, 13058, 13063–13064
- Yarde, 13110, 13118, 13128–13132
- third reading, 13643–13652, 13669–13692, 13749–13759, 13818–13823, 13849
- Armstrong, 13685, 13756
- Bell, 13682–13686, 13688, 13821
- Blais, 13681, 13686–13688
- Bouma, 13688, 13821
- Coe, 13676, 13685, 13692, 13820
- French, 13651–13652, 13669–13678, 13682, 13685–13687
- Ghamari, 13823
- Glover, 13749–13753
- Harden, 13650, 13680, 13686–13687
- Khanjin, 13677, 13681, 13687
- Mamakwa, 13752–13753
- Mantha, 13650, 13676–13677, 13688, 13691–13692, 13757–13758, 13823
- Miller, N., 13686, 13688–13690, 13692
- Morrison, 13681, 13752, 13758–13759
- Mulroney, 13643–13645, 13650–13651
- Nicholls, 13678–13682, 13685, 13752, 13757
- Oosterhoff, 13681, 13687–13688, 13756
- Pettapiece, 13690–13692, 13823
- Piccini, 13651
- Sattler, 13677, 13822–13823
- Shaw, 13651
- Singh, S., 13820
- Skelly, 13752–13757
- Smith, D., 13818–13822
- Smith, T., 13821
- Stiles, 13820–13821
- Surma, 13645–13647, 13650–13651
- Tabuns, 13756
- Thanigasalam, 13647–13651, 13677, 13753
- Walker, 13650
- division (carried), 13849
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Moving Ontarians More Safety Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
- first reading
- Downey, 9320
- second reading, 9439–9449, 9537–9553, 9578–9607
- Anand, 9579–9580, 9590–9591
- Armstrong, 9551–9553, 9578–9580
- Arthur, 9590
- Babikian, 9582, 9590
- Begum, 9550
- Bell, 9598, 9607
- Bouma, 9578, 9587, 9591, 9598, 9601, 9604
- Cho, S., 9448, 9579
- Collard, 9580–9583
- Downey, 9439–9443, 9448–9449
- Fife, 9587–9591
- Gates, 9604
- Gélinas, 9604
- Glover, 9545, 9550, 9600–9601, 9603, 9607
- Hatfield, 9579, 9582, 9586–9587, 9594
- Hogarth, 9591–9595
- Karpoche, 9586, 9591, 9595
- Kusendova, 9583–9587
- Lecce, 9599–9602
- Mamakwa, 9602–9604
- McDonell, 9449, 9595
- McKenna, 9586
- Mitas, 9546–9551
- Nicholls, 9581, 9586
- Park, 9443–9447, 9546, 9582–9583, 9598–9599, 9601–9602
- Pettapiece, 9550, 9594, 9600
- Rakocevic, 9545–9546, 9549
- Roberts, 9545, 9550
- Sattler, 9604–9607
- Shaw, 9579, 9582, 9595
- Tabuns, 9595–9599
- Tangri, 9448
- Taylor, 9447–9449, 9537–9546
- Triantafilopoulos, 9545
- Wai, 9546, 9549
- West, 9585
- third reading, 10253–10265, 10277–10286, 10307–10311, 10335–10344, 10418–10425, 10427–10434
- Anand, 10424–10425
- Andrew, 10263
- Arthur, 10285, 10420, 10424, 10430
- Baber, 10264
- Babikian, 10420, 10430–10434
- Barrett, 10424
- Bourgouin, 10286, 10338
- Burch, 10309, 10337, 10341
- Cho, S., 10433–10434
- Coe, 10310, 10433
- Downey, 10253–10265
- Gates, 10342–10343
- Gélinas, 10335–10338, 10419
- Ghamari, 10285, 10338–10343
- Hunter, 10264
- Kanapathi, 10285
- Khanjin, 10342
- Lindo, 10420, 10427–10430, 10433
- Martin, 10286, 10307–10311
- Martow, 10263, 10309
- McDonell, 10433
- Miller, N., 10338
- Monteith-Farrell, 10423, 10433
- Nicholls, 10420, 10424
- Park, 10421–10425, 10429–10430
- Sattler, 10343–10344, 10418–10421
- Skelly, 10338, 10342
- Taylor, 10264, 10277–10286, 10310, 10424
- West, 10342, 10429, 10432
- Royal assent, 10617
- first reading
Multiple myeloma
- education and awareness
- Piccini, 1894–1895
- education and awareness
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Municipal Act, 2001,
SO 2001, c 25.
see also City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 11, Schedule A; Regional/district chairs- memorandum of understanding
- re provincial-municipal consultation
- Des Rosiers, 828
- re provincial-municipal consultation
- memorandum of understanding
Municipal and regional governments.
see also Legislation—drafting re regulations; Municipalities; Regional/district chairs; Toronto City Council; Toronto City Council - election (2018)- autonomy of
- bylaws under Planning Act, 1990. see Home sharing agreements—recognition under Planning Act, 1990
- community safety and well-being plans
- complaints against
- council administration
- offices of
- term appointments
- West, 10012
- term appointments
- online services
- Clark, 10407
- regional priorities, differences in
- relationship with province
- role of
- stakeholder consultation
- Stevens, 9202–9203
- two-tier model
- wards, number of
- alignment with provincial ridings
- impact on decision-making
- in other jurisdictions
- representation and size
Municipal bylaws
- noise restrictions
- suspension of
- Glover, 13807
- Harden, 13631
- Morrison, 9003, 13791–13792
- suspension of
- noise restrictions
Municipal contractors
- liability insurance
- Bisson, 9837
- liability insurance
Municipal councillors
- conduct of
- Blais, 11843–11844
- Harden, 11723
- role of
- Schreiner, 828–829
- workload
- Tabuns, 956
- conduct of
Municipal elections.
see also Elections/by-elections; Electoral process- administration
- regional variation
- Sattler, 9999
- regional variation
- election (2018), date of
- Clark, 605
- election reform (2016)
- McDonell, 609–610
- incumbent advantage
- Clark, 823
- nomination and registration forms
- October 22, 2018
- ranked ballot procedure
- general remarks
- impact on voter turnout. see under Electoral process—ranked ballot system
- London election (2018)
- pilot
- restrictions on use
- Armstrong, 10055–10056
- Berns-McGown, 9926
- Bisson, 9929–9930, 9939, 10047–10048, 10050
- Blais, 10054
- Bourgouin, 9899
- Cho, S., 9926
- Clark, 10406–10408
- Collard, 9934–9935, 10405–10406
- Downey, 9899
- Fraser, 10412
- Gill, 9842–9843, 9845, 9925–9926
- Hatfield, 9939, 9987–9988, 10414–10415
- Hunter, 9981–9982, 10027–10028, 10417, 10595
- Karpoche, 10411
- Mantha, 9990
- Piccini, 9939
- Sattler, 9999, 10408–10409
- Schreiner, 9909, 9992–9993, 10050, 10409–10410
- Singh, G., 9945
- Skelly, 10014
- Stiles, 9901, 10415–10416
- Taylor, 10010
- West, 10012–10014, 10054–10055
- Yarde, 10011
- restrictions on use, stakeholder reponse
- stakeholder consultation
- Armstrong, 10056
- Bisson, 10048
- Calandra, 10295–10296
- Collard, 9934
- Fife, 10050–10051
- Hunter, 9845, 9981
- Karpoche, 9927
- Sattler, 9842, 9999, 10408–10409, 10668–10669
- Schreiner, 10050, 10295–10296, 10409
- West, 10013, 10054
- regional variation
- Sattler, 10409
- regional/district chairs (2018). see Regional/district chairs
- scheduling of
- West, 10012
- third-party advertisers
- campaign termination
- Downey, 11718–11719, 12594
- campaign termination
- Toronto City Council (2018). see Toronto City Council - election (2018)
- voter registry, provincial consolidation
- administration
Municipal Elections Act, 1996,
SO 1996, c 32, Sched.
- general remarks
- Clark, 10406
- general remarks
Municipal Emergency Act, 2020 (Bill 187)
Municipal finances
- Audit and Accountability Fund
- budgets
- budgets, requirement to balance
- Bisson, 5230
- Municipal Modernization and Accountability Fund
- Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund
- revenue generation
- development charges. see under Housing development
- general remarks
- Shaw, 5137
- via property taxes
- Burch, 5085
Municipal finances - COVID-19
- Arthur, 8818–8819
- Bisson, 8094
- Blais, 8010–8011, 8421–8422
- Bourgouin, 7939
- Burch, 8093–8094
- Clark, 8094, 8757
- French, 8030
- Horwath, 8747
- Kernaghan, 8050, 8175
- Morrison, 7978
- Schreiner, 8797
- Singh, S., 8477
- Stiles, 8804
- federal supports
- provincial supports
- provincial transfers
- Bouma, 12544
- Social Services Relief Fund
- Safe Restart Agreement
Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
Municipal governments
Municipal infrastructure
- government strategy
- Mulroney, 9915
- government strategy
Municipal planning
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
Municipal property tax assessments
Municipal Representation and Restructuring Protection Act, 2019 (Bill 121)
- first reading
- Horwath, 5473
- first reading
- amalgamation (1998)
- Bisson, 3579
- audit and accountability fund
- budgets
- community safety and well-being plans. see under Community safety
- consultation with
- consultation with, memorandum of understanding
- costs re flooding damage
- Shaw, 252
- emergency preparedness plans
- Barrett, 3402
- fiscal year, alignment with provincial
- Clark, 6123
- government services, transfer of
- memorandum of understanding
- re provincial-municipal consultation
- Des Rosiers, 828
- re provincial-municipal consultation
- modernization fund
- programs
- mandatory vs. non-mandatory
- Shaw, 5136–5137
- mandatory vs. non-mandatory
- property tax revenue
- Burch, 4660
- provincial jurisdiction over
- provincial transfer payments
- public notifications
- publication requirements. see also Legislation Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 21, Sched. F; Newspapers
- Ghamari, 3937
- publication requirements. see also Legislation Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 21, Sched. F; Newspapers
- restructuring
- consultation and approval
- Horwath, 5460
- consultation and approval
- utilities management
- Bell, 7113–7114
- amalgamation (1998)
Municipal-provincial relations
Murray Whetung Community Service Award Act, 2020 (Bill 220)
MUSH sector.
see also Broader public sectorMusic industry
Muslim community
Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- awareness of
- government funding
- Gélinas, 12367–12368
see Farming—mycotoxin contamination