Letter: G
Galleries and museums
Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2024 (Bill 99)
Gas plant cancellations
Gas plants
- contracts
- Tabuns, 1870
- contracts
Gas station employees
- theft of gas
- attendant safety protections
- West, 6260
- attendant safety protections
- theft of gas
Gas stations
- prepayment models
- theft of gas
- cost of. see Fuel prices
Gender Affirming Health Care Advisory Committee Act, 2024 (Bill 42)
Gender equity
Gender-based violence.
see also Intimate partner violence- community services
- education and awareness
- fatalities
- femicide
- general remarks
- Shaw, 7914
- government funding
- for Renfrew county inquest. see also Coroner's inquests
- government strategy
- government strategy (federal)
- Williams, 1850
- impact on equity-seeking groups
- Bowman, 2043
- Indigenous women
- inter-governmental coordination and strategy
- prevalence of
- protests in Iran
- Andrew, 1065
- sexual assault assessment
- shelters
- operational funding
- Shaw, 4810
- operational funding
- statistics
- support services
- in Toronto
- stakeholder statements
- Andrew, 7075
- stakeholder statements
Gender-based violence - prevention
- action taken by survivors
- Harden, 1281–1282
- community responsibility
- Hazell, 7076
- community services
- consent-based culture
- Harden, 1280
- educating men
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Indigenous communities
- Fullerton, 2041
- Indigenous Women's Advisory Council
- Williams, 7074–7075
- Indigenous-led strategies
- Parsa, 7073–7074
- intergovernmental strategy
- Fullerton, 1785
- inter-sectional
- national action plan
- national action plan, implementation
- reports and recommendations
- Wong-Tam, 4795
- through economic and job training
- Williams, 7074–7075
- through safe homes
- Andrew, 7075
- action taken by survivors
General motors - Oshawa plant closure
- union response
- Gates, 2296
- union response
Geopolitical policy
- budgetary considerations
- Bethlenfalvy, 4312
- budgetary considerations
Georgian College
Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited Act, 2023 (Bill Pr31)
Get It Done Act, 2024 (Bill 162)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 7105–7106
- second reading, 7368–7390, 7393–7402, 7427–7459, 7575–7584, 7635, 7668–7669
- Armstrong, 7429, 7577
- Bell, 7446–7447, 7453, 7454–7457
- Bresee, 7402, 7442
- Byers, 7401, 7429–7430, 7437, 7446, 7455–7456, 7458–7459
- Cho, S., 7428–7429, 7449, 7450
- Clancy, 7428, 7438–7439
- Crawford, 7397–7398, 7432, 7453
- Dowie, 7429, 7430–7433
- Flack, 7436
- Fraser, 7377, 7447–7450, 7577, 7579, 7581
- French, 7376, 7377–7378, 7386, 7387–7390, 7393–7394
- Gallagher Murphy, 7378, 7386
- Gates, 7442, 7446, 7449, 7454, 7457–7459
- Gélinas, 7394, 7580–7582
- Glover, 7437, 7443–7447, 7452–7453
- Gretzky, 7397, 7441–7442
- Harden, 7397, 7402
- Hazell, 7427–7430
- Jones, T., 7457, 7635
- Jordan, 7442, 7453
- Kanapathi, 7377
- Karpoche, 7433
- Kernaghan, 7387
- Kerzner, 7438, 7446, 7456, 7584
- Khanjin, 7374–7375, 7439, 7447
- Leardi, 7393, 7394–7398
- MacLeod, 7583
- Martin, 7387
- McCarthy, 7375–7376, 7378
- McGregor, 7576, 7578, 7580
- McMahon, 7427–7429, 7453, 7456
- Pang, 7387
- Rae, 7438–7439, 7449
- Rakocevic, 7429, 7432, 7433–7438, 7576, 7578–7579, 7581
- Riddell, 7401
- Sabawy, 7433, 7450–7454
- Sarkaria, 7368–7372, 7377–7378
- Sattler, 7393, 7439, 7456, 7459
- Schreiner, 7577–7579
- Shaw, 7378–7387, 7428, 7437, 7442–7443, 7450, 7459, 7583, 7584
- Smith, L., 7577
- Stevens, 7398, 7401
- Tangri, 7439–7443
- Taylor, 7581–7584
- Thanigasalam, 7372–7373
- Vanthof, 7450, 7575–7577
- Wai, 7397
- West, 7398–7402
- division (carried), 7668–7669
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 7668–7669
- third reading, 8752–8779, 8781–8790, 8874–8886, 8930–8931
- Anand, 8760–8761, 8772, 8784, 8787
- Armstrong, 8773–8777, 8879
- Bell, 8771, 8776, 8781, 8784, 8787–8788
- Bouma, 8876, 8877–8880
- Bresee, 8755–8756, 8788, 8883
- Coe, 8879
- Cuzzetto, 8769–8772, 8783–8784
- Downey, 8884
- Flack, 8768, 8776
- Fraser, 8874–8877
- Gallagher Murphy, 8781, 8789
- Gélinas, 8876, 8877, 8879, 8886
- Glover, 8761, 8782, 8788
- Jordan, 8767
- Karpoche, 8760, 8768
- Kernaghan, 8876–8877, 8880
- Khanjin, 8756–8758
- Leardi, 8760, 8768
- McGregor, 8883
- McMahon, 8777, 8782–8784, 8788
- Rakocevic, 8772, 8784–8789, 8877, 8883, 8884
- Riddell, 8758–8761
- Sabawy, 8777–8779, 8781–8782
- Sarkaria, 8752–8755, 8760–8761
- Sattler, 8760
- Schreiner, 8884–8886
- Scott, 8886
- Shaw, 8876, 8880–8884, 8886
- Tabuns, 8768, 8781, 8789–8790
- Tangri, 8782
- Vanthof, 8761–8769
- Wai, 8771, 8775–8776
- Williams, 8880
- Wong-Tam, 8771–8772, 8776
- division (carried), 8930–8931
- Royal assent, 9244
- first reading
Gilda Investments Limited Act, 2024 (Bill Pr49)
- first reading
- Martin, 11175
- first reading
GO Transit
- accessibility
- Vaugeois, 3411
- Barrie service
- electrification
- fare system, integration. see Transit–fare system, integration
- fare-evasion quotas
- fares, discount programs
- fares, electronic payment
- fares, free
- Oakville service
- Crawford, 1213
- Scarborough service
- Babikian, 5516
- accessibility
Go Transit - service expansion
- general remarks
- Sarkaria, 8476
- general remarks
GO Transit - service expansion
GO Transit - service expansion - by region
Go Transit - staff
- vacation cap
- Harden, 8645–8646
- vacation cap
GO Transit - stations
- construction
- Sandhu, 5163
- Surma, 5094
- Wai, 5163
- government funding
- station contribution fees
- Anand, 5177, 5178
- Babikian, 5183
- Begum, 5186, 6482
- Coe, 5169, 5170, 6479
- Dowie, 5135, 5136
- Fife, 5136, 5141, 5175, 5177, 6479
- Fraser, 5140, 5141, 5142
- French, 5131, 5138, 5140, 6472, 6491, 6492
- Gallagher Murphy, 5140
- Glover, 5135
- Harden, 5124, 5129, 5131
- Harris, 5131, 5132
- Hazell, 6477
- Jama, 5165, 5166
- Kanapathi, 6471
- Karpoche, 5173
- Kernaghan, 6488
- Rakocevic, 5190
- Sandhu, 5223, 6497, 6498
- Sattler, 6479
- Surma, 5094, 5143, 6451, 6452
- Wong-Tam, 5181
- Hamilton
- Mimico redevelopment
- redevelopment
- Surma, 5096
- Union redevelopment
- construction
Government accountability and transparency
- communication methods
- freedom of information requests, process
- Fife, 9089
- fundraising
- Andrew, 10621
- Downey, 10491–10492, 10625–10626
- French, 10617–10618
- Kernaghan, 10619–10620
- Mamakwa, 10622
- Pasma, 10619
- Shaw, 10623–10624
- Stiles, 10615–10617, 10626
- Vaugeois, 10622–10623
- conflict of interest
- general remarks
- members'/ministers' travel
- referral to Integrity Commissioner
- Stiles, 5602
- referral to Integrity Commissioner
- personal fundraising, Premier
- personal phone use, Premier
Government advertising
- contracts
- cost of
- costs
- Gates, 10620
- as economic policy
- education
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Fraser, 10336, 10337
- Smith, Dave, 10417–10418
- health care
- housing development
- Metrolinx. see Metrolinx
- oversight by Auditor General
- partisan
- regulations
Government appointments.
see Also Appointments to agencies, boards, and commissionsGovernment contracts
- accountability and transparency
- Atlas Strategic Advisors Inc.
- domestic vs. international corporations
- Vaugeois, 9548
- lease agreements
- public procurement directives
Government debt and deficit
- annual deficit
- annual deficit, projection
- debt burden reduction
- Crawford, 9077
- debt reduction strategy
- legislated requirements
- Bowman, 7921
- legislated requirements
- debt-to-GDP ratio
- deficit reduction
- general remarks
- government strategy
- interest on debt
- interest rate, projection
- McCarthy, 2872
- Smith, Dave, 10157–10158
Government expenditures
- accountability and transparency
- allocation of
- allocation policies
- Auditor General of Ontario Reports. see Auditor General of Ontario
- budget allocation
- municipal transfers
- Stiles, 2543
- municipal transfers
- debt-to-GDP
- Shaw, 8883
- Financial Accountability Officer reports. see Financial Accountability Office (FAO)
- general remarks
- healthcare
- Vaugeois, 403
- Office of the Premier
- over time
- Fedeli, 9195
- planned vs. actual
- program allocation
- Fife, 1978
- program spending
- rebate
- services, per resident
- spending authority
- Byers, 1304–1305
- tax credits
- Harden, 1097
Government finances
- accountability and transparency
- contingency funds
- fall economic statement (2022)
- Bethlenfalvy, 1457
- fall economic statement (2023)
- fall economic statement (2024)
- fiscal cycle
- general remarks
- government strategy
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- legal challenges
- predictions, budget surpluses
- Bethlenfalvy, 3055
- program spending
- fraud prevention
- Stiles, 3427–3428
- fraud prevention
- provincial credit rating
- Bethlenfalvy, 9638
- Bresee, 4357
- Crawford, 4357
- Smith, Dave, 10157–10158
- provincial-federal transfers
- Bethlenfalvy, 1947
- revenue generation
- review of
- tax revenue generation
Government identification documents.
see also Driver's licences; Photo ID cardsGovernment notices of motion
- Appointment of House officers / Committee membership, 255–269, 350–351
- Attacks on Israel, 5389
- presented
- Jones, T., 5389
- amendment, 5389–5391
- presented
- Kerzner, 5389–5391
- presented
- amendment to the amendment, 5391–5397, 5414–5434
- presented
- Khanjin, 5391–5393
- responded to
- Begum, 5395–5396, 5414–5416
- Blais, 5420
- Bouma, 5429–5430
- Bowman, 5420–5421
- Dunlop, 5425–5426
- Ford, D., 5393–5394
- Fraser, 5419–5420
- Ghamari, 5432–5434
- Harden, 5428–5429
- Hazell, 5427
- Hsu, 5420
- Martin, 5416–5418
- McCrimmon, 5427
- McMahon, 5426–5427
- Shamji, 5427–5428
- Smith, L., 5421–5423
- Stiles, 5418–5419
- Vanthof, 5394–5395
- West, 5423–5425
- presented
- division (carried), 5529–5530
- presented
- Bail reform, 3323–3339, 3436–3437
- Committee membership and sittings, 37–46
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, 803–808
- Legislative reform, 7959–7963, 7989–7998, 8015–8029, 8146–8147
- Member's conduct, 5443–5446, 5595–5596
- New members of provincial Parliament, 644–660
Government orders
- Appointment of House officers / Committee membership, 271–280, 296–316, 317–325, 350–351
- responded to
- division (carried), 350–351
- Attacks on Israel
- amendment to the amendment, 5469–5494, 5495–5499
- responded to
- Calandra, 5498–5499
- Cho, S., 5492–5494
- Cuzzetto, 5477–5478
- Gallagher Murphy, 5474–5476
- Harris, 5473–5474
- Leardi, 5497–5498
- Lecce, 5481–5484
- Mulroney, 5495–5497
- Piccini, 5484–5485
- Pierre, 5476–5477
- Quinn, 5478–5481
- Rickford, 5486–5489
- Romano, 5489–5490
- Sandhu, 5485–5486
- Smith, Dave, 5469–5471
- Yakabuski, 5471–5473
- responded to
- division (carried), 5529
- amendment to the amendment, 5469–5494, 5495–5499
- Bail reform, 3436–3437
- Concurrence in supply, 2781–2791, 7618–7635, 7632–7633
- Legislative reform, 8146–8147
- Member's conduct, 5595
- amendment to the amendment, 5507–5515, 5534–5560, 5561–5567, 5573–5576
- responded to
- Anand, 5559–5560
- Bresee, 5548–5549
- Byers, 5546–5548
- Coe, 5514–5515, 5534–5535
- Crawford, 5556–5559
- Dowie, 5554–5556
- Fraser, 5535–5536
- Ghamari, 5575–5576
- Jama, 5573
- Jordan, 5576
- Kerzner, 5536–5539
- Khanjin, 5541–5543
- Leardi, 5507–5508
- Martin, 5549–5552
- Pang, 5562–5564
- Rae, 5561–5562
- Riddell, 5512–5514
- Smith, Dave, 5510–5512
- Smith, David, 5564–5565
- Smith, G., 5565–5566
- Smith, L., 5543–5546
- Triantafilopoulos, 5539–5541
- Wai, 5552–5554
- Williams, 5573–5575
- Yakabuski, 5508–5510
- responded to
- division (carried), 5595
- amendment to the amendment, 5507–5515, 5534–5560, 5561–5567, 5573–5576
- New members of provincial Parliament, 4985, 5084–5086, 7212–7215, 9273–9277
- Taxation, 6181–6188, 6253–6255, 6277–6278
- Appointment of House officers / Committee membership, 271–280, 296–316, 317–325, 350–351
Government policies and directives
- general remarks
- Tangri, 4676
- general remarks
Government procurement - supply chain management
Government record
Government record (federal)
Government record - Liberal (2003-2018)
- advertising
- budgets
- Pang, 4413
- business policy
- Hamid, 10323
- directives and policies
- economic policy
- Fedeli, 1544
- education policy
- energy policy
- fundraising
- general remarks
- government contracts
- Vanthof, 8763
- greenbelt
- health care policy
- housing policy
- Flack, 8653
- Karpoche, 11139–11140
- Smith, L., 6917
- judicial appointments
- labour relations
- Lecce, 1216
- long-term care
- manufacturing policy
- mental health and addictions services
- Wong-Tam, 9936
- social assistance policy
- taxation policy
- Leardi, 6143
- transportation policy
Government record - Liberals (2003-2018)
- budgets
- Pang, 4413
- directives and policies
- Calandra, 3909–3910
- economic policy
- Fedeli, 1544
- education policy
- energy policy
- environment policy
- greenbelt
- Clark, 1871
- greenbelt
- general remarks
- greenbelt
- greenbelt plan, amendments
- Fraser, 2062
- health policy
- Jones, S., 1265
- labour relations
- Lecce, 1216
- manufacturing
- Harris, 4350
- manufacturing policy
- Yakabuski, 2480
- transportation policy
- budgets
Government record - NDP (1990-1995)
Government record - PC (1943-1987)
Government record - PC (1995-2003)
- directives and policies
- education policy
- general remarks
- Karpoche, 975
- home and community care policy
- housing policy
- long-term care
- Harris, 416
- municipal affairs policy
- natural resources and wildlife policy
- Kernaghan, 4556–4557
- post-secondary education
- Vaugeois, 4953
- social assistance programs
- Glover, 470
Government record - PC (2018-present)
- accountability and transparency
- advertising
- budgets
- Bethlenfalvy, 3070
- business policy
- Hamid, 10323–10324
- Smith, Dave, 10322
- regulations
- Crawford, 2562
- children and youth policy
- children and youth services
- Taylor, 9384
- climate change policy
- Shaw, 2531
- climate policy
- crime policies
- directives and policies
- Blais, 1486
- Burch, 1469, 2107
- Ford, D., 3505
- Gates, 1492
- Glover, 1488, 2079
- Gretzky, 2729
- Hsu, 3909–3910
- Kernaghan, 4560
- McGregor, 4470–4471
- Sabawy, 4759–4760
- Sattler, 2016
- Shamji, 1104, 2248
- Shaw, 3514–3515
- Stiles, 1552
- Vaugeois, 1655
- public consultation
- Pasma, 1881
- public response
- Karpoche, 2122
- stakeholder consultations
- Vaugeois, 4953–4954
- economic policy
- education policy
- electric vehicles policy
- Rae, 9620–9621
- energy policy
- environmental assessments
- Tabuns, 3858
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- environmental policy
- Bell, 1513
- Burch, 2529
- French, 2754
- Glover, 1511, 2583, 6821
- Hsu, 8347
- Khanjin, 1512
- Leardi, 2753, 2754
- McMahon, 2567–2568
- Pasma, 2558
- Sattler, 2329, 2569
- Schreiner, 2535
- Shaw, 2530–2531, 3849, 4100, 9407, 10529, 10530
- Stiles, 4971
- Tabuns, 1509
- Taylor, 3885
- Vaugeois, 619
- West, 3881, 3885
- Yakabuski, 2478
- gender-based violence
- Gretzky, 9652
- general remarks
- greenbelt
- health care
- health care policy
- housing policy
- Calandra, 2105–2106
- Clark, 855–856, 1437, 1596, 2050, 4633–4634
- Coe, 2075–2076, 2077
- Fife, 8656
- Flack, 8653–8654
- Holland, 1443, 1916, 2063–2064
- Kanapathi, 1498, 4719
- Kernaghan, 8664
- Khanjin, 959–960
- Leardi, 2077
- McGregor, 3816, 3818
- Parsa, 664, 2088
- Pierre, 2111
- Rasheed, 2094, 4639–4640
- Stiles, 129
- Surma, 8490
- rental housing
- Tangri, 4635
- tenant protections
- Parsa, 2969
- human trafficking prevention policy
- Indigenous relations
- infrastructure policy
- justice policy
- labour policy
- land use planning policy
- Clark, 2290–2291
- legal actions and proceedings
- legal proceedings
- legislative agenda
- legislative process reform
- Calandra, 1937
- long-term care policy
- manufacturing policy
- mental health and addictions policy
- municipal affairs policy
- municipal-provincial relations
- Kernaghan, 6215–6216
- post-secondary education policy
- Shamji, 7684
- post-secondary institutions and sexual violence and harassment
- privatization
- Rakocevic, 480
- public consultation
- real estate policy
- Rasheed, 4640–4641
- regulatory policies
- Gill, 6208–6209
- regulatory policy
- regulatory reform
- rental policy
- salaries, premier's office
- senior citizens
- sexual violence, harassment, and trafficking prevention policy
- social assistance policy
- taxation policy
- transit policy
- Bowman, 2883
- transportation and transit policy
- women
- women's issues
- Vaugeois, 9192
Government services
- access
- northern Ontario
- Vaugeois, 237
- northern Ontario
- accessibility
- birth registration
- consulting contracts
- consulting services, use of
- Stiles, 3499
- delivery models
- digital delivery
- government strategy
- in Indigenous communities. see Indigenous communities
- privatization
- access
Government services - business services
Government-issued documents
- vulnerable persons, access
- mobile identification clinics
- Clark, 7136
- mobile identification clinics
- vulnerable persons, access
Grand River Hospital
- departments
- closures due to staffing
- Fife, 30
- closures due to staffing
- departments
Great Lakes
- environmental protection. see also Water protection
Greater Golden Horseshoe
- growth plan, integration of. see Land use planning–Provincial Planning Statement (2023)
Greek community
- education and awareness
- Hellenic Heritage Month
- Oxi Day
- Babikian, 1449
- education and awareness
Green Lights for Coast Guard Auxiliary Act, 2024 (Bill 239)
- first reading
- Kernaghan, 11000
- first reading
Green Party of Ontario
Green Party of Ontario, housing policy
- Schreiner, 7584–7585
- boundary adjustments. see Also Land use planning - municipal official plans — urban boundary expansions
- Clark, 1871
- Schreiner, 5911
- accountability and transparency
- Harden, 5978
- Gormley lands. see York Region — urban boundary expansion
- Indigenous response
- Shaw, 5893
- Nobleton lands. see York Region — urban boundary expansion
- public response
- statements by stakeholders
- Shaw, 5893–5894
- subsequent changes, process for
- Shaw, 7011
- timelines
- boundary adjustments, reversal
- conservation of
- creation of
- economic impact
- expansion
- Greenbelt Plan, review of
- land purchases, timeline
- Burch, 1826
- protection of
- Gates, 2112
- boundary adjustments. see Also Land use planning - municipal official plans — urban boundary expansions
Greenbelt - boundary adjustments, process.
see Also Integrity Commissioner of Ontario — investigations- accountability and transparency
- communications. see Also Members of provincial parliament - staff — communications
- FOI requests
- general remarks
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- ministerial accountability
- ministers' role in
- Stiles, 6606
- parliamentary investigation
- McCrimmon, 5112–5113
- premier's role in
- Stiles, 9259
- Premier's role in
- public inquiry
- Schreiner, 5154
- RCMP investigation
- record retrieval and dissemination
- Stiles, 5228–5229
- select committee investigation
Greenbelt Council
- information directives
- Stiles, 2853
- information directives
Greenbelt - development on
- conflict of interest
- environmental impact
- general remarks
- government strategy
- housing
- impact of
- infrastructure
- land availability. see also Housing Affordability Task Force
- land ownership, conflict of interest
- land swap
- land swap, process
- municipal councils response
- motions (Oshawa)
- French, 1571
- motions (Oshawa)
- municipal response
- Gates, 2135
- public response
- serviced land
- Dowie, 5913–5914
- species at risk, protection
- government communications (federal)
- Shaw, 4655
- government communications (federal)
- speculation
- Shaw, 5901–5902
- statements by stakeholders
Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 136)
- first reading
- Calandra, 5352–5353
- second reading, 5797–5806, 5893–5914, 5977–5985
- Armstrong, 5906, 5913
- Begum, 5927
- Bouma, 5901, 5903–5904, 5906–5907, 5909, 5910, 5912, 5913, 5924, 5930
- Bourgouin, 5922
- Byers, 5985
- Calandra, 5797–5799, 5805–5806
- Coe, 5805
- Dowie, 5805–5806, 5911, 5913–5914
- Downey, 5902
- Flack, 5799–5802, 5805–5806
- Fraser, 5924–5928
- Gallagher Murphy, 5927
- Gates, 5981–5985
- Jordan, 5906–5907
- Kanapathi, 5926
- Leardi, 5806, 5928
- McMahon, 5980–5981, 5984
- Pang, 5906
- Pierre, 5928–5929
- Rae, 5802–5806
- Rakocevic, 5902, 5910
- Schreiner, 5911–5914
- Shamji, 5984
- Shaw, 5893–5903, 5907, 5913, 5927
- Skelly, 5904–5907
- Smith, L., 5903
- Tabuns, 5805
- Taylor, 5806
- Vanthof, 5907–5911
- Vaugeois, 5805, 5906
- West, 5902, 5910, 5930, 5977–5980
- Yakabuski, 5923
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 5985
- time allocation motion, 6926, 7002–7003
- third reading, 7005–7014
- Royal assent, 7069
- first reading
Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023
(Bill 136)
Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act,
(Bill 136)
- committee process
- public consultation
- Schreiner, 7079–7080
- public consultation
- committee process
Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
Grocery stores.
see Food retail and distributionGroup of Seven
- artistic works
- artists associated with
- education and awareness
- exhibited works
- history of
- Indigenous Group of Seven
Group of Seven Day Act, 2023 (Bill 78)
Group of Seven Day Act, 2024 (Bill 158)
- first reading
- Riddell, 6884
- second reading, 7637–7642
- referred to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy, 7642
- third reading, 11128–11129
- Riddell, 11128
- Sattler, 11128–11129
- first reading
Grow Ontario Strategy
Growing Agritourism Act, 2024 (Bill 186)
- first reading
- Rae, 8365–8366
- second reading, 8896–8902
- referred to Standing Committee on the Interior, 8902
- third reading, 11133–11134
- Rae, 11133
- Schreiner, 11134
- Vanthof, 11133–11134
- first reading
Gun control
- government funding
- government strategy
- gun buyback program (federal)
- Brady, 1781
- illegal guns
- illegal guns, trafficking
Gun violence
- causes of
- Glover, 2613–2614
- community-based programming
- Martin, 773
- exposure to
- Hunter, 769
- government response. see also Mental health and addictions services; Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
- government strategy
- impact on communities
- impact on victims
- Hunter, 769
- incidents of
- by region
- Toronto
- Glover, 771
- Toronto
- by region
- injuries and fatalities
- by region
- Toronto
- Rakocevic, 7404
- Toronto
- by region
- prevalence of
- Collard, 771
- Hunter, 769
- government response to
- Smith, Dave, 551
- police task force. see also Ontario Provincial Police
- Kerzner, 551
- prevention
- as public health concern, 770
- reduction strategies
- Glover, 4643
- social determinants of
- Glover, 772
- and trauma
- Shamji, 772
- victim supports
- victims of
- causes of