Letter: H
Habitat for Humanity Canada
- business model
- Bell, HE160
- business model
- social determinants of
- poverty
- Pasma, F1457
- poverty
- social determinants of
Health care
- access
- government strategy
- McGregor, F1745
- government strategy
- access by region
- Fort Erie
- Gates, SP792
- Fort Erie
- government funding
- innovation and technology
- accelerators
- Bowman, F409
- accelerators
- privatization
- structural stressors
- government response
- Jones, S., SP537–SP538
- government response
- support programs
- funding
- Gates, SP630
- funding
- access
Health care - administration
- supply chain management
- Cuzzetto, F391
- supply chain management
Health care - by region
- northern Ontario
- Dowie, F1664
- government strategy
- Holland, F1661–F1662
- northern Ontario
Health care - children
- government funding
- Sattler, F1265
- government funding
Health care - diagnostic imaging
Health care funding
- allocation
- Brady, F418
- allocation
Health care - funding
- annual allocation
- Shamji, SP32
- annual allocation
Health care funding
Health care - funding
Health care funding
- funding models
- Jones, S., SP552
- general remarks
- government strategy
- health human resources
- Kernaghan, F33
- planned vs. actual
- primary care, team based
- reflection in estimates
- Gélinas, SP549
- reflection in estimates
- primary care, team-based
- allocation process
- Gélinas, SP548–SP549
- Jones, S., SP548–SP549
- employees
- Gélinas, SP548–SP549
- mental health services
- Gélinas, SP549
- allocation process
- and rate of inflation
- Bowman, F31
- funding models
Health care funding - by region
- Waterloo
- Harris, F1791
- Waterloo
Health care - gender-affirming
- access to
- Harden, F318–F319
- access to
Health care industry - operators
- private
- political donations
- Harden, F330
- political donations
- private
Health care infrastructure
- capital projects funding
- government strategy
- Wai, SP27
- government strategy
- capital projects funding
Health care - Northern Health Travel Grant
Health care policy
Health care - primary care
- access
- access by region
- northern and rural Ontario
- Hsu, F1413–F1414
- Kernaghan, F1003
- northern and rural Ontario
- access to
- access to, by region
- community health centres
- Byers, F1363
- Collard, F130
- reform
- Collard, F1517
- Jordan, F1517–F1518
- family health teams
- government funding
- government strategy
- Jones, S., SP539
- information management systems
- Kernaghan, F1367–F1369
- nurse practitioners
- unattached patients, access to
- Jones, S., SP21
- unattached patients, access to
- recruitment and retention
- Brady, F508
- recruitment and retention program
- funding status
- Gélinas, SP20–SP21
- funding status
- referrals process, specialists
- Martin, SP264
- reform
- Byers, F1228
- regional partnerships
- Byers, F225
- service coordination, team-based. see Also Community Health Centres (CHCs); Ontario Health Teams
- clinician types, expansion
- Jones, S., SP549–SP550
- expansion of
- Jones, S., SP539
- funding proposals
- Jones, S., SP556–SP557
- government strategy
- Jones, S., SP548
- clinician types, expansion
- team-based care
- Blais, F313
- virtual appointments
Health care services
- access to
- chronic pain management. see Chronic pain
- clinics, service fees
- Dowie, F1294–F1295
- Kernaghan, F1290
- Sattler, F1293
- coverage
- Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). see Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- delivery of
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit
- innovation and technology
- Shamji, SP195
- innovation and technology
- French-language services
- insured services
- Gélinas, SP284
- models of care
- Community Health Centres (CHCs) vs. Ontario Health Teams
- Dowie, F387
- Community Health Centres (CHCs) vs. Ontario Health Teams
- northern Ontario
- geographical accessibility
- Dowie, F251
- geographical accessibility
- standards of care
- wait times
- impact on patient health
- Gretzky, SP296
- legal challenges. see also Cambie Surgeries Corporation v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2022 BCCA 245
- Saunderson, SP180
- impact on patient health
Health care services - delivery
Health care system
- administrative data
- Jones, S., SP167
- anti-racism education
- Mamakwa, SP210–SP211
- general remarks
- Gates, SP188
- government strategy
- health human resources
- northern and rural Ontario
- Shamji, SP279
- operational efficiencies
- in other provinces
- Rae, SP219
- oversight mechanisms
- Shamji, SP279
- privatization
- public vs. private
- Gates, SP295
- service delivery model
- public vs. private
- West, SP205
- public vs. private
- structural stressors
- administrative data
Health care workers
- administrative work
- Crawford, F1790
- as-of-right initiative. see Health care workers - recruitment and retention-as-of-right initiative
- compensation
- education and recruitment programs
- education and training
- enrolment spaces, expansion
- Jones, S., SP539–SP540
- enrolment spaces, expansion
- employment
- employment programs
- Jones, S., SP40
- internationally trained
- licensing process
- standards
- Gélinas, SP245–SP246
- Martin, SP245–SP246
- Rae, SP244
- timelines
- Gélinas, SP243–SP244
- standards
- mental health and well-being
- burnout
- Begum, F660
- burnout
- national licensure
- Rae, SP245
- occupational health and safety
- professional scope
- Jordan, SP264–SP265
- recruitment and retention
- Burch, F1201–F1202
- Hazell, F1202
- Kernaghan, F1262
- Leardi, F1303
- Oosterhoff, F1200–F1201
- factors affecting
- Gates, SP749
- government strategy
- Jones, S., SP544–SP545, SP556, SP560–SP561, SP792
- Kernaghan, F33
- Quinn, SP560
- Rae, SP544
- regulation of
- Gates, SP273
- registered cardiology technologists. See Registered cardiology technologists
- scope of practice, expansion
- Jones, S., SP538
- shortage
- Shamji, SP23
- supply and distribution
- Cuzzetto, F349
- support programs
- Smith, David, F387
- violence against
- impact of staff shortages
- Pasma, F347–F348
- impact of staff shortages
- workplace violence
- Kernaghan, F1791
- administrative work
Health care workers - recruitment and retention
- as-of-right initiative
- inter-provincial mobility, regulations
- Gélinas, SP243
- Jones, S., SP166, SP170–SP171
- Jordan, SP239
- Martin, SP219–SP220, SP272, SP277
- Quinn, SP285
- Shamji, SP244
- inter-provincial mobility, regulations
- funding
- Jones, S., SP19
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact on system
- Fife, F396
- internationally trained
- northern and rural Ontario
- Triantafilopoulos, F219
- northern Ontario
- Crawford, F209
- program initiatives
- Jones, S., SP18
- provincial strategy
- Kernaghan, F392–F393
- recruitement initiatives
- Shamji, SP177
- as-of-right initiative
Health facilities - health clinics
Healthy Babies Healthy Children program
- government funding
- Kernaghan, F1263
- government funding
Healthy Smiles Ontario
Heart Valve Disease Awareness Act, 2023 (Bill 66)
- Brady, SP990–SP991, SP999–SP1000
- Cuzzetto, SP987–SP991, SP998
- Gélinas, SP989–SP990, SP999, SP1001
- Jordan, SP1000
- Martin, SP989
- Quinn, SP1000
- Shamji, SP997
- Vaugeois, SP1001
- Wai, SP989, SP997
- amendments
- Martin, SP1003–SP1004
Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023 (Bill 97)
- Bell, HE425–HE426, HE429–HE430, HE438, HE448–HE449, HE455–HE456, HE461–HE462, HE469–HE470, HE478–HE479, HE484, HE486–HE487
- Burch, HE476–HE477, HE483–HE484
- Clark, HE423–HE432
- Grewal, HE466–HE467
- Harden, HE435–HE436, HE445, HE448, HE451–HE452, HE463–HE465
- Holland, HE431, HE446–HE447, HE457
- Leardi, HE478, HE480–HE481
- McGregor, HE429–HE431, HE437–HE438
- McMahon, HE428–HE429, HE431–HE432, HE436–HE437, HE439–HE440, HE446, HE449, HE452–HE453, HE456–HE457, HE462, HE465–HE466, HE470–HE471, HE477, HE479–HE480, HE484–HE485, HE487–HE488, HE491
- Pang, HE463
- Rae, HE441, HE447, HE453, HE471
- Sabawy, HE485–HE486
- Schreiner, IN219
- Smith, L., HE477–HE478, HE489
- Thanigasalam, HE437, HE450, HE454, HE472, HE488
- Thompson, IN219
- amendments
- Bell, HE493–HE522, HE524–HE531
- McGregor, HE507, HE510–HE511, HE516, HE518, HE521, HE531
- McMahon, HE494–HE501, HE503, HE505–HE508, HE511–HE520, HE522–HE523, HE525–HE526, HE529–HE531
- Pang, HE495, HE502, HE505
- Rae, HE494–HE504, HE506, HE508–HE509, HE516, HE520
- Sabawy, HE512
- Smith, L., HE512, HE520–HE521, HE525
- Thanigasalam, HE511
- committee process
- consultation process
- Clark, HE432
- impact on housing suppy
- impact on rental housing market
- Smith, L., HE440–HE441
- Schedule 2: City of Toronto Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 11, S A
- Bell, HE497, HE500
- McMahon, HE497–HE498, HE500–HE501
- Schedule 6: Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P.13
- Bell, HE519
- Schedule 7: illegal evictions, fines and penalties
- Bell, HE526
- Schedule 7: Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, SO 2006, c 17
- Bell, HE530
- scope of
- tenant protections
- Harden, HE435
- tenant protections
- stakeholder consultation
- Bell, HE439
- tenant protections
- McMahon, HE488
Heritage organizations
Heritage properties
- designation
- backlog
- McGregor, HE1314–HE1315
- McMahon, HE1314–HE1315
- process
- Andrew, HE675
- removal
- backlog
- and housing development
- McMahon, HE291
- Little Jamaica
- recogntion of
- Andrew, HE676
- recogntion of
- protection
- Fife, F1354
- protection of
- McMahon, HE188
- public use of
- racialized communities
- recognition of
- recogntion of
- Andrew, HE674–HE676
- Ford, M., HE676
- designation
Highway 11/17
Highway 17
- public-private partnership (P3)
- French, HE562–HE563
- Mulroney, HE563
- public-private partnership (P3)
Highway 407
Highway 407 ETR
Highway 413
Highway and road - expansion
- Highway 174/17
- highways
- government strategy
- Mulroney, HE569–HE570
- Sandhu, HE569
- government strategy
Highway and road - maintenance
Highway and road safety
- government strategy
- Mulroney, HE554
- government strategy
Highway construction and expansion
- government strategy
- northern Ontario
- Pirie, IN30
- northern Ontario
- government strategy
Highway maintenance and repair
Highway tolls
- revenue source
- Clancy, HE1164
- revenue source
Highways and roads - construction and expansion
Highways and roads - infrastructure development
Highways and roads - maintenance and repair
Highways and roads safety
Highways and roads safety - vulnerable users
- cycling infrastructure
- Harden, HE1297–HE1298
- McMahon, HE1292
- Surma, HE1297–HE1298
- driver training
- Mantha, HE646
- general remarks
- Shaw, HE1122
- injuries and fatalities
- Fife, F768
- Harden, F1530–F1531
- offender penalties
- Bell, HE632–HE633, HE644–HE645
- French, HE629–HE633, HE635, HE641–HE642, HE644, HE647, HE651
- Glover, HE650
- Mantha, HE636
- Martin, HE643, HE652
- McMahon, HE633
- Sabawy, HE641
- Sattler, HE635
- Smith, L., HE649–HE650
- in other jurisdictions
- McMahon, HE642
- statements by stakeholders
- French, HE630–HE631
- police officers
- training
- French, HE637–HE638
- Martin, HE637
- training
- cycling infrastructure
Home and community care
- access to
- care hours
- accountability and transparency
- Gates, SP784
- accountability and transparency
- community involvement
- Gélinas, SP765
- community support services
- capacity
- Gélinas, SP747
- capacity
- cost of
- family caregivers
- Bowman, F489
- family-managed care
- funding allocation
- Gélinas, SP37
- funding allocation
- government funding
- government strategy
- integrated models of care
- Martin, SP730–SP731, SP756
- by region
- Durham
- Barnes, SP730
- Durham
- linguistically appropriate services
- vs. other care models
- cost of
- Kernaghan, F945
- cost of
- oversight
- Dowie, F994
- patient bill of rights
- Gélinas, SP775
- patient consent
- Martin, SP764
- patient referral forms
- standardization
- Barnes, SP775
- standardization
- personal health information
- protection of
- Gélinas, SP812–SP813
- Jordan, SP812
- protection of
- privatization
- Gates, SP722, SP731, SP767
- Gélinas, SP794–SP795
- Martin, SP730, SP780–SP781
- Shamji, SP723
- respite services
- worker recruitment and retention
- Gretzky, F151
- worker recruitment and retention
- service availability
- service availability, Northern Ontario
- Gélinas, SP711–SP712, SP789
- service availability, rural Ontario
- Brady, SP712–SP713
- standards of care
Home and community care - delivery models
Home and community care - funding
Home and community care - pediatric
Home and community care providers
- accountability and oversight
- Bayshore Healthcare
- billing practices
- Gélinas, SP737–SP738
- recruitment and retention
- Gélinas, SP738
- billing practices
- billing practices
- Brady, SP739
- contract procurement process
- Shamji, SP716
- general remarks
- Martin, SP766
- government funding
- Gates, SP781–SP782
- nursing agencies, use of
- Gélinas, SP746
- staff compensation
- Gates, SP741
Home and community care - reform
- accountability and transparency
- administrative centralization
- Gates, SP784
- general remarks
- Martin, SP767
- integration into health care system
- standardization of care
- Jones, S., SP790
- Jordan, SP723–SP724
- Martin, SP714
- transition to Ontario Health Teams. see Also Ontario Health Teams — home and community care
Home and community care - services
Home and community care - staff
- care coordinators
- Gélinas, SP712
- for-profit agencies
- Gélinas, SP790
- for-profit vs. not-for-profit agencies
- Barnes, SP800–SP801
- Gates, SP801
- Gélinas, SP800–SP801, SP801
- on Ontario Health Teams
- Gélinas, SP758
- primary care vs. agencies
- Gélinas, SP772
- compensation
- nurse practitioners, role of
- placement availability
- Barnes, SP728
- recruitment and retention
- Brady, SP742
- Gélinas, SP720
- Gélinas, SP773
- Jones, S., SP790–SP791
- Martin, SP760
- Quinn, SP759
- Shamji, SP790–SP791
- compensation, role of
- employment models, impact of
- Gélinas, SP729, SP789, SP799–SP800
- government strategy
- care coordinators
Home and community care workers
- compensation
- Kernaghan, F944–F945, F952–F953, F1309–F1310
- Sattler, F1304
- compensation
Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA)
Home heating
- affordability programs
- federal heat pump subsidies
- Lecce, IN594–IN595
- Shaw, IN594–IN595
- federal heat pump subsidies
- affordability programs
Home ownership
Honouring Our Veterans Act, 2023 (Bill 65)
- Bailey, PH107
- Begum, PH108–PH109, PH114–PH115
- Coe, PH91–PH95, PH100–PH101, PH110, PH113
- Dixon, PH95
- Gallagher Murphy, PH101–PH102
- Sarrazin, PH109
- Shaw, PH92, PH94–PH95, PH100–PH102, PH106–PH108, PH115–PH116
- Smith, Dave, PH99–PH100, PH107–PH108
- Smith, David, PH94–PH96
Hospice care.
see Palliative careHospice Care Ottawa
see Palliative care facilitiesHospital funding
- allocation models
- Jones, S., SP557–SP558
- allocation of, emergency departments
- base funding
- Gélinas, SP557–SP558
- extern program
- Gélinas, SP563
- program allocation
- Gélinas, SP557
- allocation models
Hospital services
Hospital services - emergency
- department closures
- Kernaghan, F1706–F1707
- due to staff shortages
- Hazell, F1350
- northern Ontario
- Bowman, F1661
- wait-time
- Harden, F1493
- department closures
Hospital services - emergency care
Hospital services - surgical procedures.
see also Surgical procedures- backlog remediation
- funding
- Gélinas, SP259–SP260
- Martin, SP201–SP202, SP264
- prioritization criteria
- Martin, SP264
- funding
- hybrid operating rooms
- Brady, F393
- inpatient vs. outpatient centres
- Gélinas, SP292
- operating rooms, service capacity
- wait times
- Rae, SP201
- wait-lists
- backlog remediation
- debt
- Elder Care Capital Assistance Program (ELDCAP). see Long-term care
- expenditures
- uninsured patients
- Shamji, SP551–SP552
- uninsured patients
- government funding
- Jones, S., SP538
- medium-sized
- government funding
- Clark, F1434
- government funding
- northern and rural Ontario
- budgets
- Gélinas, F1579
- budgets
Hospitals - beds
Hospitals - by site
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- response strategies
- Bowman, F235
- response strategies
Hospitals - capital projects
Hospitals - capital projects by region
- Niagara
- Gates, SP740–SP741
- Pierre, SP737
- construction timeline
- Gates, SP542–SP543
- Jones, S., SP542–SP543
- Niagara
Hospitals - construction by region
Hospitals - funding
Hospitals - funding, by site
Hospitals government funding
- Fife, F55
Hospitals - services
- wait times
- Peterborough
- Bowman, F923
- Peterborough
- wait times
Hospitals - staff
Housing Affordability Task Force
- recommendations
- report (2022)
- land availability
- Burch, HE311–HE312
- recommendations
- McGregor, HE192
- land availability
Housing - affordable.
see Affordable housingHousing - affordable, development of.
see Affordable housing - development ofHousing - by region
- Ottawa
- zoning
- Ghamari, F1444
- zoning
- Ottawa
Housing developers
- approvals and permits, timelines
Housing development
- adaptation of existing buildings
- Building Faster Fund
- Smith, L., HE1015
- building targets, municipalities
- government funding, release of
- Kernaghan, F863
- government funding, release of
- community engagement
- community relations
- McGregor, HE331
- government strategy
- Smith, L., HE587–HE588
- community response
- McGregor, HE368
- completion timelines
- factors affecting
- Sabawy, HE486
- factors affecting
- construction projects
- status of, Toronto
- Smith, L., HE330–HE331
- status of, Toronto
- construction starts
- data collection and tracking
- developer incentives
- Sabawy, HE327
- format diversity
- Bell, HE487
- McMahon, HE326, HE382–HE383
- developer incentives
- Bell, HE487
- laneway suites
- McMahon, HE385
- formats, types of
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- inclusionary zoning
- infill vs. low-density
- Clancy, HE1155–HE1156
- McMahon, HE1129
- interest rates
- impact of
- Harris, HE1083
- impact of
- interest rates, impact of
- intergovernmental cooperation
- Bell, HE80
- jurisdiction
- Sabawy, HE326
- and labour markets
- land availability
- modular
- non-profit organizations
- stakeholder recommendations
- Smith, L., HE367
- stakeholder recommendations
- planning process
- provincial and municipal relationship
- regulatory environment
- rural Ontario
- agricultural workers
- Rae, HE908
- agricultural workers
- in smaller municipalities
- transit-oriented. see Transit-oriented communities–housing development
Housing development - approvals and permits
- requirements
- site plan control
- exemptions
- Smith, L., HE123
- exemptions
- site plan control, exemptions
- timelines
- Bell, HE299
- Burch, HE118, HE262
- Calandra, HE1175–HE1176
- Coe, HE87
- Crawford, F376–F377
- Fife, F649
- Grewal, HE134, HE247
- Harden, HE262
- Leardi, HE165
- McGregor, HE132, HE390–HE391
- McMahon, HE1025
- Pang, HE57, HE162, HE327
- Sabawy, HE20, HE37–HE38, HE123, HE359
- Smith, L., HE23
- Thanigasalam, HE131
- application fees, refund of
- in other jurisdictions
- Smith, L., HE359
- regional variation
- Clark, HE318
- timelines, to completion
- McGregor, HE368
Housing development - by region
- Barrie
- Burch, HE980
- Burlington
- Cambridge
- McMahon, HE1023
- Durham
- Armstrong, HE982–HE983
- Barnes, HE982
- Coe, HE981
- Greater Golden Horseshoe
- McMahon, HE992
- Halton
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE127
- Triantafilopoulos, HE939–HE940
- Kitchener
- Harris, HE1041–HE1042
- McMahon, HE1041
- Rae, HE1051
- Mississauga
- Niagara
- Ottawa
- Armstrong, HE1139–HE1140
- Ghamari, F1444
- Harden, HE207
- Sabawy, HE1139
- Peel
- Bell, HE125
- McMahon, HE964
- Rae, HE945–HE946
- Sudbury
- Dowie, F1570
- Town of Wasaga Beach
- Burch, HE1234
- Waterloo
- Burch, HE1033, HE1068–HE1069
- Coe, HE1070
- Harris, HE1032–HE1033
- McMahon, HE1031, HE1079
- Rae, HE1080
- York
- Barrie
Housing development - construction
Housing development - densification
- community response
- densification models
- McMahon, HE106
- format diversity
- McMahon, HE326
- general remarks
- Bell, HE126
- Kernaghan, F1330
- Leardi, HE481
- McMahon, HE763–HE764, HE907
- government strategy
- Bell, HE1137, HE1179–HE1180
- Clancy, HE1149
- Coe, HE1147
- McMahon, HE462, HE470–HE471, HE480, HE1146
- mid-density
- Bell, HE141, HE170
- Smith, L., HE215–HE216
- government strategy
- Bell, HE103
- municipal approvals
- by region
- Harden, HE329
- by region
- municipal official plans
- Harden, HE451
- northern Ontario
- Smith, Dave, HE1181
- public consultation
- impact of
- Harden, HE329
- impact of
- public parks and spaces, development of
- Bell, HE94
- by region
- Toronto
- McGregor, HE337
- Toronto
- secondary units
Housing development - government funding
- Building Faster Fund
- Calandra, HE1176–HE1177
- Hogarth, F1510
- Indigenous Supportive Housing Program
- Calandra, HE1177
- municipal allocation
- Hazell, F1675
- Building Faster Fund
Housing development - municipal charges
- development charges
- Kernaghan, F1274
- Leardi, F1272
- cost of
- Yakabuski, F743
- exemptions and discounts
- Burch, HE1001
- Pang, HE1025–HE1026
- affordability requirements
- Bell, HE271, HE276–HE279
- Cuzzetto, F464
- Dowie, F445
- Harden, HE277–HE278
- Hogarth, F556
- McGregor, HE276–HE277
- McMahon, HE271
- Sabawy, HE227, HE237
- Smith, L., HE238
- Thanigasalam, HE155
- general remarks
- Clark, HE75
- impact on affordability
- impact on municipalities
- Armstrong, HE1140
- Bell, HE96, HE106, HE113, HE204, HE213–HE214, HE270, HE273–HE275, HE277–HE278
- Blais, HE199–HE200
- Bowman, F456, F1087, HE984
- Brady, F149, F559
- Burch, HE1049, HE1069, HE1184–HE1185
- Byers, HE152–HE153
- Calandra, HE1184–HE1185
- Cuzzetto, F141–F142
- Dowie, F125
- Fife, F445, F455, HE270, HE274
- Gretzky, F140, F151–F152
- Grewal, HE151, HE174
- Harden, HE150–HE151, HE217, HE236
- Holland, HE151–HE152
- Kernaghan, F123, F148, F446
- McMahon, HE151, HE274–HE275, HE278
- Pang, HE984
- Shaw, HE925
- Smith, L., HE154–HE155
- expenditure audit
- Blais, F364–F365
- funds, use of
- Bell, HE766–HE767
- Calandra, HE766
- development charges, exemptions and discounts
- exemptions and discounts
- Bell, HE1178
- parkland dedication fees
- development charges
Housing development - provincial building targets
- data collection and tracking
- Blais, HE578, HE585–HE586
- Clark, HE585–HE586
- housing starts vs. housing completions
- Blais, HE579
- general remarks
- land availability
- Burch, HE476
- municipal allocation
- Ottawa
- Blais, HE578
- Ottawa
- municipal allocation, by region
- Kingston
- Crawford, F376
- Kingston
- planned vs. actual
- data collection and tracking
Housing development - regional governance
- development timelines
- Burch, HE853
- general remarks
- McMahon, HE857, HE923–HE924
- development timelines
Housing development - transit-oriented communities
- government strategy
- Kanapathi, HE1293
- Kusendova-Bashta, HE705
- Surma, HE697–HE698, HE705, HE1293
- procurement process
- accountability and transparency
- Harden, HE1296–HE1297
- Surma, HE1296–HE1297
- accountability and transparency
- government strategy
Housing market
Housing policy
Housing supply
- availability levels
- Sabawy, HE485
- effect on costs
- format diversity
- Burch, HE476
- general remarks
- McGregor, HE279–HE280, HE297
- government strategy
- labour availability
- Rae, F644
- political parties platforms
- McGregor, HE349
- and population growth predictions
- Anand, F47
- population growth projections
- government strategy
- Clark, HE309–310
- government strategy
- availability levels
Housing Supply Action Implementation Team
- Clark, HE5
Housing - supportive
- Bowman
- government funding, F468
- availability of
- Harden, HE226–HE227
- definition of
- Harden, HE235
- government funding
- Bell, HE223
- Bowman
Human Mental health and addictions services
Human trafficking
- definition of
- Wong-Tam, JP330
- digital and technology-facilitated
- Smith, L., JP939–JP940
- general remarks
- Collard, JP319–JP320
- Smith, L., JP939
- labour trafficking
- trends
- Crawford, F594
- trends
- in northern and rural Ontario
- Fife, F1023
- and organized crime
- McGregor, JP999
- prevention
- prosecution of
- Dixon, JP1003
- public education
- Wong-Tam, JP1001–JP1002
- definition of
Human trafficking - government strategy
Human trafficking - prevention
Human trafficking - victim services
- federal government, role of
- Oosterhoff, JP328
- general remarks
- government funding
- housing, access to
- Glover, JP328–JP329
- Wong-Tam, JP340–JP341, JP997
- inter-connectivity of
- Collard, JP328
- Glover, JP330, JP336–JP337, JP343
- Scott, JP333
- multilingual
- Kusendova-Bashta, JP326
- staffing of
- support staff, training
- McGregor, JP1024
- federal government, role of
Human trafficking - victims
- children and youth in care
- Clancy, SP1153
- MacLeod, SP1159
- prevention
- Pang, SP1168
- Taylor, SP1166–SP1167
- coerced debts
- community support programs for
- Dixon, JP326
- landlords
- Wong-Tam, JP337
- in other jurisdictions
- Glover, JP327
- prohibition of
- Collard, JP322, JP325, JP381–JP382
- Glover, JP320, JP322, JP336, JP379
- Saunderson, JP329, JP333–JP334
- Schreiner, JP321
- Scott, JP321, JP379–JP382
- recovery, from perpetrator
- Hogarth, JP342
- recovery, success rate
- Saunderson, JP344
- tribunal, adjudication by
- community support programs for
- children and youth in care
Hunting and angling
- government strategy
- Smith, G.
- government strategy