House speaker index

Letter: W

  • Wai, D. (PC, Richmond Hill)

    • Adventure Learning Experiences Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr51)
    • Appreciation
      • Barrow, Dave, 518
    • Business
      • corporate governance
        • virtual proceedings, 556
      • Ontario Business Registry
    • Charities and non-profit organizations
      • digital productivity, 556
      • employees and volunteers
        • recruitment and retention, 2914
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week, 1553, 2332–2333
    • College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO)
      • practice barriers
        • language requirements, 2375
    • Community services
      • awards
      • government funding
        • Inclusive Community Grants, 2995
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • general remarks, 2881
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • general remarks, 56–57
      • in other jurisdictions
        • general remarks, 56
    • COVID-19 - prevention
      • general remarks, 57
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • vaccine hesitancy, 57
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • Protection for people with disabilities
        • responded to, 505
    • Employment standards
      • employee privacy, protection of
        • electronic device monitoring, 2915
    • Government notices of motion
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
    • Government services
      • digital delivery
    • Housing development
      • consumer protections, 2825
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
        • recognition of, 657
          • general remarks, 2913
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
      • police response
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Long-term care - facility construction
      • regional allocation, 760
    • Long-term care - reform
      • general remarks, 27
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • care plans
        • culturally-appropriate care, 27
      • hours of care
        • general remarks, 1548
    • Members' statements
      • Barrow, Dave, 518
      • Economic reopening and recovery, 2881
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week, 2332–2333
      • Portraits of Giving, 246–247
      • Seniors' health services, 760
    • More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 (Bill 109)
      • second reading, 2825
    • Non-profit organizations
      • appreciation of, 1553
    • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9)
      • first reading, 88
      • third reading, 1553
    • Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 15
      • commencement date, 556
    • Occupational health and safety
      • naloxone kits
        • mandatory businesses, 2912
      • workplace violations
    • 1921628 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr52)
    • Persons with disabilities
      • accessibility for
        • government strategy
          • general remarks, 505
    • Private members' public business
      • Connected Communities Act, 2022 (Bill 104)
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9)
    • Protest convoys
      • police response
        • tow truck access, 2593
    • Protest convoys - Ottawa
      • economic impact, 2590
    • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
    • Public education campaigns - community
    • Question period
      • Long-term care
        • presented, 27
    • Regulations - business
      • general remarks, 555
      • reduction
        • as economic policy, 555
        • monetary value, 555
    • Retirement homes
      • general remarks, 715
      • unlicensed, 716
    • Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
      • general remarks, 56–57
      • resumption of business, 57
    • Senior citizens
      • active living centres, 2995
        • government funding, 2995
      • community development
        • Senior Community Grant, 2995
      • community services
        • campus of care model, 760
      • health and well-being
        • government strategy, 2995
    • Sewer and wastewater infrastructure - York region
      • proposal assessment process
        • advisory panel, 139
    • Skilled trades
      • recruitment and retention
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Yonge North extension
      • funding, municipal
        • cost recovery, 556
    • 2238990 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr56)
    • Veterinary services
      • facility services
        • species accreditation, 560
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
    • York Region Wastewater Act, 2021 (Bill 5)
      • second reading, 139
  • Walker, B. (PC, Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound)

    • Appreciation
    • Beef industry
      • economic impact, 1464
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • education, impact on, 3161
      • satellite technology
        • government funding, 3160
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • and agriculture industry
      • federal-provincial relationship, 3162
      • government strategy, 3163
      • health care services
      • in Indigenous communities
        • Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 3162
    • Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
      • federal-provincial joint programs
        • by region
          • southwestern Ontario, 3162
      • provincial, 3160
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
      • Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN), 3160
      • Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) project, 3160, 3162
    • Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
    • Cancer
      • education and awareness
        • Brain Cancer Awareness Day, 519
    • Cancer - pediatric
      • general remarks, 16
      • public education
        • Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, 16
    • Court administration
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
      • reporting requirements
        • general remarks, 1101
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • new variants
        • general remarks, 1101
      • public health measures
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, 1080
      • mobile and pop-up clinics, 1080
      • vaccination rates
        • general remarks, 1080
    • Credit unions and caisse populaires
    • Developmental services
    • Employment
      • labour shortage, 2067
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
    • Government notices of motion
      • Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
      • Retiring members of provincial Parliament
    • Government orders
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • general remarks, 1307
      • Liberals (2003-2018)
        • infrastructure policy, 3164
    • Government services
      • delivery, speed of, 1880
      • digital delivery
        • business services
          • single-window access point, 1880
    • Great Lakes
      • conservation
        • Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health, 1587
    • Groundhog Day
    • Gun control
      • illegal guns
    • Gun violence
      • government strategy, funding for, 1627
    • Highway 407 ETR
      • lease of
        • general remarks, 1878
    • Hospitals - capacity
      • captial projects by region
    • Hospitals - funding
      • captial projects by region
    • Immigrants - access to professions and trades
      • Canadian experience, 1183
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
        • recognition of, 658
          • general remarks, 2067
    • Infrastructure development
      • general remarks, 3162
    • Infrastructure development - funding
      • municipalities
        • government strategy, 1832
      • by region
        • Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, 2408
    • Infrastructure Ontario (IO)
      • broadband infrastructure development
        • procurement processes, 3161
          • reverse auctions, 3165
    • International border crossings - protest restrictions
    • Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 (Bill 100)
    • Life jackets
      • children 12 and under
        • use of, requirements, 1758
          • statements by stakeholders, 1758
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, 911
      • palliative care
        • general remarks, 1500
      • reform
        • general remarks, 884
    • Manufacturing - employment
      • Alstom (Thunder Bay)
        • general remarks, 1894
    • Medical isotopes
      • production
        • Bruce Power, 519
      • production and supply, 665–667, 670
      • supply
        • general remarks, 665
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
      • BruceGreyOwen Sound, 1080
    • Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2415, 3245
    • Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 3061–3065
    • Mental health and addictions
      • government strategy, 1296
    • Military
      • reservists
        • job-protected leave, 2910
    • Myasthenia gravis
      • public education campaigns, 3297
    • Myasthenia Gravis Month Act, 2022 (Bill 117)
    • New Democratic Party (NDP)
      • election platform (2021-2022)
        • long-term care, 1511
    • Nuclear industry
    • Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
      • annual funding
        • general remarks, 1833
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • domestic procurement, 1880
    • Private members' public business
      • Lifejackets for Life Act, 2022 (Bill 76)
        • second reading, 1758
      • Police Services Amendment Act, 2022 (Bill 78)
      • Research and innovation
      • Stopping Illegal Handgun Smuggling Act, 2021 (Bill 52)
    • Protest convoys
      • police response, 1885–1886
      • provincial government response
        • general remarks, 2863
    • Protest convoys - Ambassador Bridge
      • businesses impacted by
        • general remarks, 2864
      • economic impact, 2863–2864
    • Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021 (Bill 37)
      • third reading, 1511
    • Public assets - surplus
      • cost to maintain, 1880
    • Question period
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17
    • Roadside attractions
    • Sauble Family Health Team
    • Skilled trades
    • Students - special needs
      • nursing and rehabilitation services
        • service rates, 1470
    • Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
    • Throne speech debate
    • Transit development
      • transit vehicles
        • Canadian content requirements, 1894
    • Tributes
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Working for Workers Act, 2022 (Bill 88)
  • West, J. (NDP, Sudbury)

    • Appreciation
      • Mathur, Sophia, 571
      • Ontario Mine Rescue, 288
    • Autism services
      • service capacity
        • treatment wait-lists, 2222
    • Autism services - government funding
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • technological change, 3169
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government strategy, 3172
    • Broadband infrastructure development - government funding
    • Broadband services
      • afforability, 3163
      • affordability, 3175
    • Business
      • commercial deliveries
        • washroom facility access
          • general remarks, 657
          • ownership and maintenance, 650, 657
    • Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
      • financial impact, projected
    • Community housing
      • advocacy campaigns
        • One Percent Solution, 1031
      • wait-lists
    • Consumption and treatment services
      • sites by region
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • pharmacy locations
        • infection control, 1026
        • symptomatic testing, 1026
    • Debates re answers to question period
      • Northern highway improvement
    • Driver examination centres
      • drive test backlog
      • temporary
        • geographic distribution, 300, 1820
    • Employment standards
      • disconnecting from work, 657
      • workers - contract, 662
    • Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022 (Bill 84)
    • Fiera Foods Company
      • worker fatalities, 657
    • Food security
    • French-language debates
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Journée nationale de l'habitation, 1030
      • Période de questions
        • Éducation postsecondaire de langue française, 637
        • Université Laurentienne, 3111
    • Fuel prices
      • general remarks, 2121
      • regional variation, 2121
      • regulation of
    • Gender-based violence
      • public education campaigns
        • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 1186–1187
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
      • government response, 1804
    • Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 (Bill 93)
    • Government expenditures
      • allocation policies, 1821
    • Government record
      • employment policy
        • general remarks, 657
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • health care policy, 1912
      • PC (1995-2003)
        • health care policy, 1912
        • insurance rates, 656
      • PC (2018-present)
        • health care policy, 1912
        • insurance rates, 655
    • Health care workers
    • Homelessness
      • general remarks, 1031
    • Housing market
      • prices
        • general remarks, 1031
    • Housing policy
    • Immigration policy
      • foreign credentials
        • recognition of, 658
    • Indigenous relations - treaties
      • Robinson-Huron Treaty
        • annuity rate court case, 654
    • Infrastructure - highways and roads
    • Intimate partner violence
      • victim support services
        • community organizations, 1187
    • Laurentian University
    • Legislative process
    • Licence plates
      • validation stickers
        • annual renewal fees exemption
          • government revenue, impact on, 1820
          • retroactive rebate, 1820
          • retroactive rebate, administrative costs, 1820
    • Long-term care - public vs. private
      • and COVID-19
        • fatalities, 224
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • general remarks, 1126
    • Members' statements
    • Mental health and addictions
      • fatalities by region
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • service capacity
    • Mines and mining
      • occupational health and safety
        • McIntyre Powder, 3312
    • Mines by site
      • Totten Mine (Sudbury)
        • mine rescue (September 2021), 288
    • Ministerial statements
    • New Democratic Party (NDP)
      • health care, funding for, 1913
    • Nurses
      • lay offs
        • general remarks, 1912
    • Occupational health and safety
      • occupational diseases - cancer, 658
    • Ontario Autism Program (2021)
      • enrolment rate, 2223
      • implementation timeline, 2222
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • benefit rates
        • general remarks, 1031
      • Guide Dog Benefit
        • guide dog, definition of, 774
      • housing allowance, 592
    • Ontario Works (OW)
      • benefit rates
        • general remarks, 1031
      • housing allowance, 592
    • Opioid addiction
      • fatalities by region
    • Opioids
      • over-prescription of
    • Opposition day motions
      • Affordable housing
      • Health care funding
      • Home care
        • responded to, 2144
      • Long-term care
        • responded to, 224
    • Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Bill 106)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • compensation
      • recruitment and retention
        • compensation, role of, 1126
    • Petitions
    • Post-secondary education
      • northern Ontario
        • accessibilty of, 1821
    • Private members' public business
      • Fairness in Petroleum Products Pricing Act, 2022 (Bill 91)
      • Making Northern Ontario Highways Safer Act, 2022 (Bill 59)
      • Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2021 (Bill 14)
        • second reading, 1126
    • Question period
      • Addiction services
      • Autism treatment
      • COVID-19 testing
      • Driver examination centres
        • presented, 300
      • Gasoline prices
      • Laurentian University
      • Mental health and addiction services
      • Northern highway improvement
      • Services for persons with disabilities
        • presented, 774
    • Rental housing
    • Reports by committees
      • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
        • Request for a Speaker's Warrant to Produce Documents from Laurentian University, 1705–1706
    • Road maintenance in winter
    • Road safety
      • fatalities
        • northern highways, 3237
    • Service animals
      • accreditation process
    • Small Business Support Grant
      • administration of
        • communication with applicants, 1794
    • Standing Committee on Public Accounts
      • proceedings re Laurentian University
        • production of documents
          • Speaker's warrant, request for, 1706
    • Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 48)
      • first reading, 829
    • Temporary employment agencies
      • general remarks, 657
      • licensing, 657
    • Tributes
    • Ukraine
      • invasion of (February 2022)
        • public response to, 2113
    • Universities and colleges
      • northern Ontario
        • general remarks, 1821
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
      • general remarks, 658
      • stakeholder consultation, 655, 734
        • statements by stakeholders, 655
    • Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • compensation, 656
        • statements by stakeholders, 656
      • compensation claims
        • statements by stakeholders, 729
      • general remarks, 655
      • surplus funds
        • employer return, 1183
      • unfunded liability, 656, 663
  • Wilson, J. (Independent, Simcoe—Grey)

    • Appreciation
      • Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 2670
      • Tec-we-Gwill Women's Institute, 2670
    • Hospitals - capacity
      • capital projects by site
        • Royal Victoria Regional-Health Centre, 407
        • Stevenson Memorial Hospital (Alliston), 408
    • Hospitals - funding by site
      • General and Marine Hospital (Collingwood), 402, 408
    • Members' statements
      • Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 2670
      • Government's record, 402
      • Tec-We-Gwill Women's Institute, 2670
    • Ontario Drug Benefit Program
      • exceptional access
        • Trikafta, 402
    • Question period
  • Wynne, K.O. (LIB, Don Valley West)

    • Cabinet ministers
      • mandate letters, release of, 2849
    • Child care - federal-provincial cost agreement
    • Child care - spaces
      • sector capacity, 1025
    • Community services
      • Canadian Community Services Organization, 2570
    • Education
      • general remarks, 1536
      • graduation rates, 1537
    • Education - COVID-19
      • government response
        • consultation, 2581
    • Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
      • vaccination policies
    • Education funding
      • general remarks, 2581
    • Education policy
    • Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2021 (Bill 69)
      • first reading, 1543
    • Electric vehicles
    • Employment standards - annual leave days
      • sick days
    • French-language debates
      • Avis de motion émanant du gouvernement
        • Députées et députés du Parlement provincial sortants, 3072
    • GO Transit - service expansion
      • Milton corridor
        • economic impact, 825
        • government funding, 825
        • rail use negotiations, 825
    • Government notices of motion
      • Retiring members of provincial Parliament
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
        • manufacturing policy
          • electric vehicles, 2341
      • PC (2018-present)
        • employment policy
          • general remarks, 204
        • gender-based policy, 2117–2118
    • Health care workers
      • vaccination policies
        • mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, 363
    • Home and community care - COVID-19
      • mandatory vaccination
    • Identity documents
      • photo ID cards
      • renewal process
        • online requirements
    • Keeping Students Safe on School Buses Act (Highway Traffic Amendment), 2021 (Bill 71)
    • Kindergarden
      • full-day
        • in other jurisdictions, 1025
    • Liberal Party of Ontario
      • election platform (2022)
    • Members' statements
      • Canadian Community Services Organization, 2570
      • Government services, 1250–1251
      • Invasion of Ukraine, 1890
      • Public consultation, 358
    • Members'/ministers' farewell speeches, 3070–3073
    • Question period
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - Ontario Line
      • maintenance and storage facility
        • location of, 358
    • Tributes
      • Carroll, Aileen (former member for Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford), 1725–1726
    • Ukraine
      • invasion of (February 2022)
        • general remarks, 1890
    • Youth
      • Ontario Educational Leadership Centre (OELC)
Last updated