Room bookings

Meeting rooms at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario are available to stakeholders or organizations whose purpose is to engage with Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs). The event must be inclusive to all political parties and be non-political in nature. Before submitting a room booking request, please read the detailed information below. 


Stakeholders must complete an application form. If approved, the following is required a minimum of three business days prior to your event: 

  • support letter from an MPP 
  • detailed itinerary with all scheduled meetings with MPPs throughout the day of the event
  • copy of the invitation sent out to all MPPs
  • guest list with first and last names only in an Excel document
  • room set-up details

Failure to provide proper documentation may result in delays to your guests entering the building and/or cancellation of the event. Please submit a separate form for each booking or inquiry.

Room information

Ninoododadiwin (Committee room 228

Ninoododadiwin (Committee room 228)


40’-2” x 29’-6 ½“


90 people, depending on setup requirements. 

It may be booked with Ę dwaę na ga da:t (Committee room 230) depending on need and availability.


Second floor, west wing


It has two sets of double doors that open into Ę dwaę na ga da:t (Committee room 230).

Available from:

7 a.m.–9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.


Internal catering (Parliamentary Food Services) or external catering is permitted. There is no kitchen or preparation space for outside caterers.

Ę dwaę na ga da:t (Committee room 230

Ę dwaę na ga da:t (Committee room 230)


40’-2” x 25’-7”


90 people, depending on setup requirements.

It may be booked with Ninoododadiwin (Committee room 228) depending on need and availability.


Second floor, west wing


It has two sets of double doors that open into Ninoododadiwin (Committee room 228).

Available from:

7 a.m.–9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.–2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.


Internal catering (Parliamentary Food Services) or external catering is permitted. There is no kitchen or preparation space for outside caterers.

In Camera dining room

In Camera dining room 


63’-10” x 35’ x 2 ¼”


100 people (sit-down reception) to 125 people (standing reception)


Basement, centre area

Available from:

7 a.m.–9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.


Catering options will be discussed upon booking.

For more information, please contact Room Bookings by e-mail at or by calling 416-325-4934.

Frequently asked questions


