The Speaker

The Legislative Assembly needs a neutral, non-partisan MPP to preside over its meetings and enforce its rules. At the beginning of every Parliament, the MPPs elect a Speaker from among themselves to fill that role. The current Speaker is the Honourable Ted Arnott.

Hon. Ted Arnott

Hon. Ted Arnott

Ted Arnott has been an MPP since 1990. Once the youngest MPP in his caucus, he is now one of the Legislature’s longest-serving members, his career having spanned eight Parliaments. In that time, he’s held parliamentary roles in government and opposition, including as parliamentary assistant and critic, among other roles.

Ted was born in Fergus, Ontario, and raised in nearby Arthur. He attended Wilfrid Laurier University before beginning his parliamentary career and now lives in Fergus with his wife, Lisa.

On July 11, 2018, he became the 42nd Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. He was re-elected as Speaker on August 8, 2022.