Letter: S
Safe and Healthy Communities Act (Addressing Gun Violence), 2019 (Bill 129)
- first reading
- Hunter, 5566
- first reading
Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
- first reading
- Thompson, 1895
- second reading, 2169–2187, 2189–2198, 2241–2251, 2361–2395, 3009–3019, 3031
- Andrew, 2195, 3015–3018
- Armstrong, 2246–2250, 2375
- Arthur, 2366–2367, 2375
- Baber, 2245
- Bailey, 2192, 3013–3014
- Barrett, 2371–2372, 2384, 2394–2395
- Bell, 2379, 2384–2387
- Bouma, 2179, 2387–2391
- Burch, 2391–2394
- Calandra, 2191, 2371, 2379, 2386, 3011
- Coe, 2365–2366, 2368
- Dunlop, 2195–2196, 2367, 2389–2390
- Fee, 2241–2246
- French, 2178–2179
- Gates, 2387
- Gélinas, 2192, 2376–2380, 2384, 3014
- Ghamari, 2392, 3017
- Gill, 2193–2196, 2363–2364, 2379–2380
- Harden, 2191–2192, 2245, 2249, 3009–3010, 3012
- Harris, 3018–3019
- Hassan, 2364
- Karpoche, 2248–2249, 2390, 2392–2393
- Khanjin, 2244–2245
- Kusendova, 3014
- Lindo, 2196, 2361–2365, 2372, 3011
- Mamakwa, 2383
- Mantha, 3013
- Martin, 2250–2251
- McKenna, 2380–2384
- Morrison, 2368–2372
- Nicholls, 2375–2376, 2390
- Oosterhoff, 2172–2178, 2196, 3016
- Pang, 2364
- Pettapiece, 2383, 2393
- Rasheed, 2367–2368, 2372–2376
- Roberts, 2179–2180, 2375, 2386–2387
- Romano, 2248
- Sabawy, 2249
- Sattler, 2196–2198, 3011–3012
- Singh, S., 2380, 2389
- Skelly, 3012–3015
- Stevens, 3017
- Stiles, 2180–2187, 2189–2193, 2244, 2364, 2371, 2386
- Thanigasalam, 3010–3011
- Thompson, 2169–2172, 2180
- West, 2179
- Yarde, 2393
- division (carried), 3031
- time allocation motion, 3059–3069, 3109–3114, 3127
- third reading, 3485–3505, 3624–3642, 3679–3694, 4015–4025, 4065–4069, 4081–4082
- Anand, 3684–3688
- Andrew, 3686–3690, 3692, 4023
- Baber, 3503
- Bailey, 3624–3626, 3628
- Begum, 3495–3500, 3505
- Bell, 3627
- Berns-McGown, 3632, 3642
- Bisson, 3691–3692
- Bouma, 3637, 4015–4016, 4020
- Burch, 3682, 3687
- Calandra, 3631–3632, 4017–4018
- Clark, 3485–3486
- Downey, 3692–3694
- Fife, 3632–3633, 3638–3640, 3642
- Gates, 3503–3504
- Ghamari, 3633–3638
- Glover, 4067
- Gretzky, 3501–3503, 3683–3684
- Harden, 4018
- Harris, 4024–4025
- Hatfield, 3494, 3504
- Ke, 3687
- Khanjin, 3504
- Kramp, 4023
- Mantha, 4022–4023
- Martin, 3679–3683, 4067
- Miller, P., 3636
- Natyshak, 4067–4068
- Oosterhoff, 3486–3488, 3627, 3640–3641, 4019
- Park, 3690–3691
- Piccini, 3494, 3632
- Rakocevic, 3627
- Roberts, 3687
- Romano, 3691
- Sabawy, 3682
- Sarkaria, 4068–4069
- Sattler, 4020–4024
- Singh, G., 3637
- Skelly, 3636–3637
- Smith, D., 3641–3642, 4019, 4066–4067
- Stiles, 3628–3631, 3633, 3641, 3682, 3691
- Tangri, 3495, 3682–3683
- Taylor, 4065–4066, 4068
- Thompson, 3488–3495
- Wai, 4022
- West, 3494–3495
- division (carried), 4081–4082
- public consultation
- Royal assent, 4100
- first reading
Safe consumption sites.
see Consumption and treatment servicesSafe Drinking Water Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 32
- amendments to
- Rakocevic, 5927
- amendments to
Safe injection sites.
see Consumption and treatment services - sitesSafe Restart Agreement
Safe Third Country Agreement.
see Immigration and refugee policy—Canada-United States Safe Third Country AgreementSafeguarding our Communities Act (Patch for Patch Return Policy), 2015,
SO 2015, c 33
- Harris, 5191
Safeguarding our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55)
Safeguarding Our Information Act, 2018 (Bill 55)
- general remarks
- Crawford, 9042
- general remarks
Safer Ontario Act, 2018,
SO 2018, c 3
- commencement
- disciplinary process
- and First Nations police services
- Ghamari, 3315–3316
- general remarks
- inclusion of Missing Persons Act, 2018. see Missing Persons Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3, Schedule 7
- police services, administrative duties
- police services, outsourcing
- proclamation of
- Yarde, 3200–3201
- public consultation
- Horwath, 11
- response of opposition parties
- Yarde, 3200
- review of legislation
- SIU investigations, initiation criteria. see also Ontario Special Investigations Unit Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3, Schedule 4
- SIU investigations, status reporting
- Ke, 3307
- stakeholder response to
- Tulloch report (2017)
Safer Ontario Act, 2018,
S.O. 2018, c. 3
Safer School Buses Act, 2021 (Bill 246)
- first reading
- Harris, 11259–11260
- second reading, 11754–11760
- referred to Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 11760
- third reading, 13390–13397
- Anand, 13396–13397
- Harris, 13390–13393
- Smith, D., 13395–13396
- Stiles, 13393–13394
- Thanigasalam, 13394–13395
- Royal assent, 13538
- first reading
Safety and rescue training.
see also Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10)SARS.
see Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)Sault Ste. Marie
- depiction on Google
- Babikian, 6471
- depiction on Google
Schmidt, Mayo.
see Hydro One leadership—CEO exit packageSchmidt v Canada (Attorney General),
2016 FC 269.
see also Legislative drafting—Charter analysis- Des Rosiers, 2534
School board trustees
School boards.
see also specific boards- anti-racism initiatives
- Harris, 13745
- budget management
- bus services. see also Education funding
- data collection
- race-based
- Lecce, 8923
- race-based
- funding allocation formula
- Hatfield, 2597
- funding by board
- hiring freeze
- mental health resources
- Stiles, 2190
- professional services
- Integrated Services for Northern Children. see under Education programs
- wait-lists
- Sattler, 4369
- reserve funding
- review task force
- student nutrition programs
- Shaw, 13353
- supervisory officers
- qualifications
- Fife, 8782
- qualifications
- systemic barriers, annual reporting on
- Collard, 13742
- Fraser, 13744
- Lindo, 13744–13745
- anti-racism initiatives
School boards - directors of education
School bus drivers
School buses
- government funding
- Sarkaria, 5334
- illegal passing
- allowable defences
- Smith, D., 13395–13396
- enforcement
- Harris, 13392
- incident rates
- Harris, 13391–13392
- allowable defences
- safety
- general remarks
- Harris, 13393
- general remarks
- government funding
School buses - amber-red light system
- activation process
- Harris, 13392–13393
- Thanigasalam, 13394
- application
- Smith, D., 13396
- general remarks
- Anand, 13396–13397
- Harris, 13391–13393
- Smith, D., 13395–13396
- Stiles, 13393
- Thanigasalam, 13394–13395
- implementation timeline
- in other jurisdictions
- retrofitting cost
- stakeholder consultation
- Harris, 13392
- stakeholder response
- Harris, 13391
- Smith, D., 13396
- Thanigasalam, 13394–13395
- activation process
School buses - safety
- collisions
- dual light warning system
- general remarks
- Yakabuski, 1841
- improper passing penalties
- seatbelts
- stop-arm cameras
- Transport Canada recommendations
School buses - safety mechanisms
- bus signage
- general remarks
- Lecce, 11759–11760
- Rakocevic, 11755
- Wynne, 2463
- red light system
- Harris, 13391–13392
- safety lights
- automated enforcement cameras
- cost
- driver compliance
- Dunlop, 11757–1158
- Harris, 11754–11755
- Lecce, 11760
- education campaigns
- Blais, 11757
- multi-colour systems
- seatbelts
- Blais, 11757
- single-colour systems
- Harris, 11754
- seatbelts
- stop-arm cameras
- Harris, 13392
- Transport Canada recommendations
School closures
School facilities
- accessibility
- Glover, 5375
- in Brampton
- Singh, G., 3637
- capital grants
- Tangri, 12337
- capital projects funding
- child care retrofits
- Rasheed, 7422
- condition of
- conditions in. see also Kashechewan First Nation—school conditions
- construction
- general remarks
- Hogarth, 9217
- infrastructure funding
- infrastructure funding, northern and rural Ontario
- Lecce, 7098
- Internet access. see Broadband access—in schools
- new
- new by riding
- water quality
- accessibility
School facilities - maintenance and repair
- in Alliston
- Lecce, 10387
- backlog
- capital priority list
- cost
- cost of
- energy retrofitting
- Fife, 9748
- Fix Our Schools campaign
- funding
- Andrew, 3689
- Baber, 10079–10080
- Bell, 175, 3627
- Burch, 3687
- Calandra, 2628
- Crawford, 4388
- Cuzzetto, 4593–4594
- Harris, 4612, 5286
- Horwath, 5949
- Karpoche, 132, 10641
- Lecce, 5949–5950, 6000–6001, 6004, 6411, 9844, 10079–10080, 10641, 11307
- Martin, 4477, 9844, 10227
- McKenna, 4353–4354
- Phillips, 10364
- Shaw, 254, 4345, 4589
- Stiles, 84, 276, 2257, 2465, 6004, 6271–6272, 7448–7449, 12837
- Tabuns, 953
- Thompson, 4337, 4570
- Wynne, 7306
- funding allocation
- Lecce, 6272
- funding sources
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Thompson, 175
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP)
- Skelly, 13029
- in London
- provincial funding
- Bailey, 12727
- in Alliston
- cellphone ban
- cellphone use
- demonstration schools
- fundraising by
- health eating programs
- Stiles, 7054
- internet access
- Thompson, 3710
- Internet access
- mental health services
- in northern and rural Ontario
- Gélinas, 2378
- nutrition program funding
- Ontario Student Nutrition Program
- Lecce, 9113
- over capacity
- Stiles, 6357
- student exclusions
- Stiles, 3900
- Student Nutrition Program
- Dunlop, 11008
- technology in
- Horwath, 4491
- violence in
Science North
Scottish community
Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208)
- first reading
- McDonell, 9423
- second reading, 9517–9523
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 9536–9537
- third reading, 14047–14050
- Fife, 14050
- McDonell, 14047–14048
- Singh, G., 14050
- Smith, D., 14050
- Walker, 14049–14050
- West, 14048–14049
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
R v,
2019 ONCJ 104.
see under Hate and hate speechSecurities Amendment Act (Climate Risk Financial Disclosure), 2021 (Bill 294)
- first reading
- Bell, 13615
- first reading
Securities law
- role of
- Bisson, 284
- role of
Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
- first reading
- Hardeman, 6521–6522
- constitutional challenge
- consultation process
- second reading, 6793–6808, 6815–6825, 6942–6961, 7017–7026, 7057–7083, 7411–7413, 7436–7437
- Anand, 7073
- Armstrong, 6815, 7073–7075
- Babikian, 7025, 7074
- Bailey, 6802, 6942–6947
- Barrett, 6798–6801, 6951, 6960
- Bisson, 7068–7069, 7081–7083, 7411–7413
- Bourgouin, 7017–7019
- Burch, 7025–7026
- Clark, 7413
- Coe, 6960–6961, 7071–7072
- Crawford, 6801–6802
- Cuzzetto, 6820
- Fife, 6947–6951, 7411–7413
- Ghamari, 6801, 6816–6821, 6946, 6959
- Gill, 7412
- Hardeman, 6793–6795, 6802
- Harris, 7062–7063, 7066–7069, 7412
- Hatfield, 7059–7061
- Hogarth, 7020, 7060
- Kanapathi, 7024, 7065, 7081
- Karahalios, 6951–6956
- Ke, 6823
- Khanjin, 7024, 7063–7066
- MacLeod, 6816
- Mamakwa, 6954–6956
- Martin, 6947, 6955
- McDonell, 7021–7025
- McKenna, 6955
- Miller, N., 6946
- Miller, P., 6959–6960
- Natyshak, 6821–6825
- Oosterhoff, 7411
- Park, 7057–7061
- Pettapiece, 6795–6798, 7068–7069
- Roberts, 6820
- Sandhu, 6824
- Sarkaria, 7078, 7080
- Sattler, 7061–7063
- Scott, 7077–7081
- Singh, G., 6956–6960
- Skelly, 6959
- Smith, D., 6801, 6815, 6954, 7020, 7060, 7062–7063, 7065, 7068–7069, 7072, 7075–7078
- Tangri, 7019, 7061
- Taylor, 6816, 6819–6820, 6823–6824
- Thompson, 6950
- Vanthof, 6802–6808, 6816, 6820, 6824, 6946–6947, 6950–6951, 7020–7021, 7024–7025, 7062–7063, 7065–7066, 7071–7072, 7074–7075, 7077–7078, 7080
- Walker, 7066, 7069–7073, 7075
- division (carried), 7436–7437
- general remarks
- stakeholder response
- time allocation motion, 7623–7638, 7669
- third reading, 8126–8163, 8187–8188
- Bailey, 8147
- Barrett, 8159–8162
- Begum, 8153–8154
- Bell, 8143, 8157, 8161
- Berns-McGown, 8151–8152
- Bisson, 8143, 8158–8159
- Bourgouin, 8162
- Calandra, 8142–8143
- Cuzzetto, 8147
- Ghamari, 8151, 8154
- Hardeman, 8126–8135
- Hatfield, 8134
- Kramp, 8154–8159
- Martow, 8134, 8152, 8158
- Nicholls, 8135, 8161
- Parsa, 8150
- Pettapiece, 8143–8148
- Schreiner, 8152–8154
- Singh, G., 8146–8152
- Smith, D., 8146, 8153, 8157, 8162
- Stiles, 8151, 8158, 8162
- Vanthof, 8135–8143
- West, 8135, 8142, 8153, 8158
- division (carried), 8187–8188
- Royal assent, 8247
- first reading
Security guards
Select Committee on Alternative Fuel Sources
- French, 1256
Select Committee on Developmental Services
- Taylor, 1217–1218
Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight.
see also Emergency management—government accountability during- appearance of Chief Medical Officer
- Martin, 10976
- appearance of COVID-19 command table
- appearances before
- committee independence
- Calandra, 9787
- COVID-19 vaccine oversight
- Fraser, 11208
- creation of
- general remarks
- independent members
- time allocation
- Fraser, 8585
- time allocation
- mandate
- Calandra, 8578–8579
- Fraser, 10977
- Martin, 11229–11230
- membership
- procedure
- Rakocevic, 13786
- reporting requirements
- role of
- written reports
- release of
- Fraser, 11314
- release of
- appearance of Chief Medical Officer
Select Committee on Financial Transparency
- and Auditor General, role of
- creation of
- disclosure of documents
- findings re climate change
- Shaw, 2550–2551
- general remarks
- independent members, participation
- Fraser, 1219–1220
- investigation deadline
- mandate
- official opposition members, participation
- scope
- and Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- terms of reference
- Shaw, 4248
- witness selection
- witness testimonies
Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2010)
Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2011)
Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment (2014-2016)
Select committees
Seneca College
Senior citizens
- active living centres
- aging at home. see also Home and community care
- dental care. See under Dental care; Dental care—for senior citizens
- education programs
- Begum, 2578
- and family caregivers
- financial stability
- Lalonde, 2635
- food security support programs
- fraud committed against
- general remarks
- Harden, 1336
- government strategy
- Cho, R.S.J., 1435
- McKenna, 1435
- Smith, T., 11131–11132
- Guaranteed Annual Income System
- health and well-being
- health care
- Gélinas, 9496
- housing
- housing communities
- development funding
- Pang, 9054
- development funding
- intergenerational programs
- Bouma, 11725
- Lifeline services
- tax deductions for
- Bisson, 137
- tax deductions for
- Meals on Wheels
- Gates, 3616
- population growth
- poverty
- prescription drug coverage
- Fraser, 4033–4034
- renovations
- Gélinas, 12368
- Seniors Community Grant Program
- Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit
- Armstrong, 10499
- Babikian, 10800
- Bouma, 10765, 12544
- Cho, R.S.J., 13998
- Cho, S., 10441, 10444
- Coe, 10444, 10476
- Crawford, 11172–11173
- Hunter, 10704
- Pang, 10807
- Park, 10497, 10499
- Phillips, 10364, 10437, 11146
- Piccini, 11177
- Rasheed, 10528
- Roberts, 10480–10481, 10537, 10704–10706
- Singh, S., 10503
- Skelly, 11167
- Triantafilopoulos, 10475–10477
- Seniors Safety Line
- Cho, R.S.J., 13998
- Silver Scenes Film Festival
- Martow, 9780
- social engagement
- technological literacy
- volunteer work
- Pang, 14045–14046
Senior citizens - COVID-19
- ageism
- government response
- government supports
- Guaranteed Annual Income System
- impact on
Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
- first reading
- Pang, 12358
- second reading, 12679–12685
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 12685
- third reading, 14045–14047
- Fife, 14046–14047
- Pang, 14045–14046
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Seniors' advocate
Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
September 11, 2001 attacks
Service animals
Service animals - in schools
- and autism services
- consultation
- general remarks
- policies governing
- Anand, 3685–3686
- Arthur, 2375
- Bailey, 3626
- Bouma, 2388–2389, 4016
- Coe, 2366
- Downey, 3069
- Fee, 1992–1993, 2241–2245, 3063–3064
- Ghamari, 3634
- Gill, 2195
- Harris, 4024
- Martin, 2250, 3681
- McKenna, 2044, 2382
- Oosterhoff, 2172–2175, 3487–3488, 3627
- Pang, 2364
- Pettapiece, 2383
- Piccini, 3494
- Rasheed, 2374
- Roberts, 3687
- Skelly, 3013
- Smith, D., 4019
- Stiles, 3112
- Tangri, 3495, 3683
- Thompson, 1992–1993, 2044
704176 Ontario Limited Act, 2020 (Bill Pr33)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- SARS and Public Health in Ontario (First Interim Report)
- Gélinas, 10973–10974
- Harden, 10978
- SARS Commission, recommendation implementation
- Burch, 10827
- Gélinas, 10723–10724, 10854
- Hassan, 10832
- Horwath, 11678–11679
- Rakocevic, 10821
- Stiles, 10789
- SARS and Public Health in Ontario (First Interim Report)
Sewage and wastewater management
Sex Offender Registry
- general remarks
- Bouma, 13407
- McKenna, 13407
- Smith, D., 13405
- Vanthof, 13406–13407
- and not-criminally-responsible offenders
- Smith, D., 13406
- public access
- disclosure restrictions
- Skelly, 13408
- FIPPA compliance
- Bouma, 13407
- general remarks
- Bouma, 13407
- McKenna, 13407–13408
- Skelly, 13408
- Smith, D., 13405–13406
- stakeholder consultation
- Vanthof, 13406
- stakeholder response
- Smith, D., 13406
- and vigilantism
- Smith, D., 13406
- disclosure restrictions
- removal from registry
- Smith, D., 13408–13409
- general remarks
Sex offenders
Sex workers
- from LGBTQ communities
- Andrew, 11697–11698
- from racilialized communities
- Andrew, 11696–11698
- from LGBTQ communities
Sex-ed curriculum.
see Curriculum - health and physical educationSexual assault crisis centres
Sexual violence and harassment
- on campus
- general remarks
- Des Rosiers, 5223–5224
- government funding
- Dunlop, 13718
- incidence rates
- McKenna, 13408
- of minors
- offenders
- recidivism rate
- registry of. see Sex Offender Registry
- prevalence of
- MacLeod, 5222
- prevention via education
- Lindo, 1387
- stigma
- Dunlop, 13718
- survivor services
- victim demographics
- McKenna, 13407–13408
- in the workplace
- workplace protocols
Shand, Patrick
- death of
- Hunter, 8009
- death of
Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig.
see also Algoma University- Mantha, 3734
ShopHERE program.
see Business - COVID-19—government supports—Digital Main Street programShopping - local
- Crawford, 10907–10908
- Khanjin, 10945
- Martin, 10945
- Miller, N., 6622–6623, 11200
Shuang Ying Company Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr46)
SickKids (The Hospital for Sick Children)
- general remarks
- Mantha, 9307–9308
- general remarks
Sickle cell disease
- awareness and education
- clinical protocol
- Andrew, 11705–11706
- Gélinas, 11708
- Hunter, 11707
- Khanjin, 11710
- Lindo, 11909
- hospital visits
- universal protocol
- Lindo, 13826
- universal protocol
- medical training and resources
- Khanjin, 13824–13825
- Lindo, 13826–13827
- patient interactions
- patient stories
- Khanjin, 13825
- Lindo, 13825–13827
- prevalence
- Khanjin, 13824
- public awareness
- Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day. see under Public education campaigns - health
- screening
- Gélinas, 11708
- treatment
- Harden, 11709–11710
- Khanjin, 11710
- Phillips, 11707–11708, 12032–12033
- access to. see Blood disorders—treatment access
Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day and Thalassemia Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 255)
- first reading
- Khanjin, 11638
- second reading, 11704–11710
- referred to Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 11710
- third reading, 13824–13827
- Khanjin, 13824–13825
- Lindo, 13825–13827
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Sikh community
Sikh Genocide (1984)
Sikh Genocide Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 177)
Single-Use Plastics Ban Act, 2019 (Bill 82)
- first reading
- Arthur, 3572
- first reading
62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron Sponsoring Committee Act (Tax Relief), 2020 (Bill Pr38)
665395 Ontario Limited Act, 2019 (Bill Pr7)
Skill hills and resorts
- closure
- due to COVID-19
- McKenna, 12865
- due to COVID-19
- closure
Skilled trades
- classification process
- compulsory trades
- Bourgouin, 2444
- de-prescription of trades
- deregulation in other jurisdictions
- Bourgouin, 2444
- employment opportunities
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- labour shortage
- Khanjin, 7541
- occupational health and safety
- perception of
- Begum, 13501–13502
- Berns-McGown, 13497
- Fife, 13968
- Harris, 13488, 13490
- McKenna, 13434, 13496, 13948–13949
- McNaughton, 13429, 13944
- Smith, D., 13497, 13499
- West, 13493–13494, 13496–13497, 13970
- Yakabuski, 13519
- personal protective equipment
- Fife, 13461
- promotion of
- racism in
- Berns-McGown, 13518–13520
- recruitment and retention
- sexism in
- Berns-McGown, 13518–13519
- system navigation
- training programs
- general remarks
- Khanjin, 8402–8403
- general remarks
Skilled trades - certification
- compulsory/voluntary
- designation
- Fife, 13516
- Gates, 13443–13444, 13957–13959
- McNaughton, 13946
- Skelly, 13467
- Taylor, 13541
- exemptions
- Gates, 13443
- restricted
- Skelly, 13467
- and safety
- Gates, 13958
- scope of practice
- Fife, 13965
- Gates, 13957–13958
- designation
- compulsory/voluntary
Skilled trades - education.
see also Apprenticeships; Pre-apprenticeship programsSkilled trades - enforcement
Skilled Trades Ontario
- board membership
- general remarks
- industry advisory committees
- Fife, 13967
- Gates, 13961–13962
- McNaughton, 13947
- Taylor, 13517
- mandate
- Harris, 13489
- McKenna, 13435
- McNaughton, 13432
- Skelly, 13467–13468
- membership fees
- ministry oversight
- Gates, 13439–13440, 13442–13443
- Harris, 13491–13492
- Ontario College of Trades, transition from
- McKenna, 13469
- registrar, role of
- Kernaghan, 13453
- services, centralized
- services, digital
- stakeholder consultation
- Bailey, 13455
- Coe, 13456
- Gates, 13447
- Kernaghan, 13455–13456
- McKenna, 13435, 13447
- McNaughton, 13432–13433, 13945–13947
- Skelly, 13468–13469
Skilled trades reform
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- regulatory
- Skilled Trades Panel
- stakeholder consultation
Skilled tradespeople
- compensation
- McKenna, 11447
- demographics
- Smith, T., 2434
- general remarks
- Dunlop, 4600
- internationally trained
- Begum, 13503–13504
- licenses
- Begum, 13491–13492
- pensionable hours
- Gretzky, 13543–13544
- Natyshak, 13543
- retraining opportunities
- shortage
- Bailey, 4604, 4919, 13522–13523, 13527
- Calandra, 1942
- Dunlop, 154, 1888, 1948, 2042, 2441–2442, 2520, 13459
- Fedeli, 2456, 4465
- Fullerton, 1939–1940, 2065
- Harris, 13488
- McNaughton, 13428–13429, 13944–13945
- Park, 2097
- Piccini, 3354
- Skelly, 13437, 13466
- Smith, D., 4537
- Smith, T., 2434
- West, 13493, 13969
- Wilson, 1959
- shortage, impact on housing development
- Calandra, 5092
- shortage of
- Dunlop, 383–384
- training. see Apprenticeship training programs
- unemployment
- compensation
Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
- diversity in
- general remarks
- Anand, 3685
- Baber, 11208
- Bailey, 13522
- Coe, 13501
- Harris, 12578
- Hogarth, 13950
- Khanjin, 5842–5843, 10354, 11441–11442, 13452
- Martin, 11243
- McKenna, 13472
- McNaughton, 5842–5843, 5909, 10354, 11208, 11244
- Miller, N., 13451
- Phillips, 5964
- Sabawy, 5908–5909
- Smith, D., 13501
- Smith, T., 3793–3794
- Thompson, 3885–3886
- Yakabuski, 11441
- Indigenous persons
- Fife, 13966–13967
- West, 13967
- women
- Bailey, 13521–13522
- Dunlop, 5845, 5957, 7309, 10354, 13457–13459
- Fife, 13461, 13463, 13465
- Gretzky, 13520, 13542
- Harris, 13490
- Hassan, 13465, 13500, 13519, 13522
- Khanjin, 5845, 5957, 10354, 11440–11441, 13449
- Martin, 7309
- McKenna, 11440
- McNaughton, 7309
- Miller, N., 13459
- Pettapiece, 6178
- Skelly, 13459, 13470
- Stevens, 13517, 13968
- West, 13494, 13970–13971
- Yakabuski, 13518
- youth
Skills gap
- general remarks
- government strategy
- post-secondary education, role in
Skills training
Skills-Advance Ontario
- government funding
- Anand, 8621
- government funding
- landing zones
- Wilson, 8085
- landing zones
Skypride Travel & Tours Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr32)
Small business
- appreciation
- Brampton
- Khanjin, 10603
- francophone entrepreneurship
- government strategy
- Guelph
- Khanjin, 10600
- Oosterhoff, 10600–10601
- Schreiner, 10600
- operating costs
- regulations
- regulatory reform
- Phillips, 5964
- tax rate
- tax rate reduction
Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Network.
see under Business - main street recovery planSmall Business Support Grant
- administrative communications
- Kernaghan, 14118
- allocation of funds
- Andrew, 13088
- Bailey, 11276
- Bell, 12791, 12803, 13366
- Bouma, 11541
- Cho, S., 11344, 11389, 11461, 11686, 12043–12044, 13479, 13482, 13564
- Fedeli, 13613
- French, 12439, 12751, 13297–13298
- Gates, 12434–12435, 12437–12438, 12461
- Karpoche, 13151–13152
- Sarkaria, 11465, 12139–12140, 12191, 12222, 12751, 13086, 13088, 13151–13152, 13365–13367, 13846, 14008
- Sattler, 12794
- Schreiner, 12043–12044
- Skelly, 11344, 11919
- Stiles, 13602
- Taylor, 11776
- application periods
- Burch, 13623
- application process
- Arthur, 11919
- Burch, 12437
- Cho, S., 11685
- Coteau, 12923
- Fraser, 12438–12440
- Glover, 12507
- Karpoche, 11685
- Kernaghan, 12691–12692
- Nicholls, 12507
- Schreiner, 11468
- Stevens, 12661–12662
- West, 13029–13030
- administrative support
- response timeline
- Andrew, 14160–14161
- application rejections
- Rakocevic, 13628
- disbursement
- disbursement timeline
- eligibility
- Begum, 12560, 12563
- Bell, 12193
- Bethlenfalvy, 12465–12466
- Coteau, 11357
- Fife, 11467, 12222, 12328, 12333, 12465
- French, 12421, 12823, 13298
- Gates, 12163–12164
- Gélinas, 12368
- Glover, 12925
- Gretzky, 12427
- Hassan, 12509, 12511, 12557, 12563
- Hunter, 12344, 12552
- Kernaghan, 13564
- Mantha, 11686, 12890–12892, 12911, 13814
- Piccini, 11362
- Rakocevic, 13613
- Sattler, 12341
- Schreiner, 14196
- Stiles, 12934, 13800
- Taylor, 12339
- Vanthof, 11362, 12452–12453
- Yarde, 12548
- extension
- Begum, 12545–12546
- Gates, 14020
- Schreiner, 12502–12503, 12661, 13482, 14026
- Stevens, 13846
- extension of
- Gates, 14008
- general remarks
- Bailey, 11274
- Begum, 12559
- Bell, 14141
- Bethlenfalvy, 11960
- Cho, S., 12791
- Coe, 14005, 14007
- Cuzzetto, 11888
- Fedeli, 12890, 12915
- Fife, 11276, 13086, 13479–13480
- Harris, 12557
- Hunter, 11467
- McNaughton, 12151
- Morrison, 13365
- Nicholls, 12502–12503
- Roberts, 11368
- Sarkaria, 12190, 14002, 14156, 14196
- Sattler, 12811, 13785
- Schreiner, 12825
- Skelly, 11272, 11276, 11356, 12662, 12804
- Smith, D., 11333–11334
- Stiles, 12837
- Taylor, 14174
- government funding
- as percentage of rent
- Glover, 12915
- reform
- Fife, 14015
- second payment
- Anand, 12447, 12449
- Bailey, 12923
- Bethlenfalvy, 12202, 12225
- Bouma, 12544, 12546
- Cho, S., 12319, 12333, 12440, 12786
- Crawford, 12225–12226
- Harris, 12555–12556, 12577
- Hogarth, 12437
- Mantha, 12761
- Martin, 12433
- Nicholls, 12365, 12505
- Park, 12372
- Parsa, 12339, 12363–12365, 12511
- Rasheed, 12380
- Sandhu, 12368–12369
- Sarkaria, 12226
- Skelly, 12661, 12803
- Smith, D., 13767
- Tangri, 12337, 12339, 12452
- second round funding
- Coe, 12844–12845
- stakeholder response
- Stiles, 13800
- third round funding
- Schreiner, 14196
- administrative communications
Smart cities
Smart Serve training
- content
- bystander intervention
- Des Rosiers, 2358
- bystander intervention
- content
Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
- first reading
- Downey, 6725
- second reading, 6967–6977, 6996–7016, 7271–7297, 7383–7406, 7467
- Anand, 7394
- Andrew, 7387–7390, 7392–7393, 7399
- Armstrong, 7280–7281
- Bailey, 7395
- Begum, 7289–7293
- Bell, 7281, 7293–7297, 7391
- Berns-McGown, 7390–7393
- Bisson, 7404–7405
- Bouma, 7399–7402
- Calandra, 7009
- Coe, 7004, 7013
- Crawford, 7005, 7286–7289
- Downey, 6967–6972, 6976–6977
- Fife, 7385–7387, 7389, 7402–7405
- Ghamari, 7006–7010, 7274, 7277, 7280, 7391
- Glover, 7277–7282, 7285–7286, 7288–7289, 7295–7296
- Hassan, 7292, 7296
- Hatfield, 7274–7276
- Hogarth, 7288, 7291–7292, 7296
- Karahalios, 7386, 7388, 7398
- Khanjin, 7292–7293
- Kramp, 7014
- Kusendova, 7289
- Mantha, 7004–7005
- Martin, 7275, 7277, 7281–7285, 7288, 7296, 7401, 7405
- McDonell, 6976
- McKenna, 7009
- Miller, P., 7389, 7398, 7401
- Morrison, 7008–7014
- Natyshak, 7005, 7009
- Pang, 6977
- Park, 6973–6976, 7390, 7392, 7404
- Pettapiece, 7005
- Rakocevic, 7396–7399
- Rasheed, 7014–7016
- Roberts, 6977, 7014, 7383–7387
- Romano, 7399, 7404
- Sabawy, 7292
- Sandhu, 7285
- Sarkaria, 7283–7286
- Sattler, 7271–7275, 7277
- Schreiner, 7275–7277
- Singh, G., 6976–6977, 6997–7005, 7010, 7394–7395, 7401–7402
- Skelly, 7389, 7392, 7395, 7397–7398, 7402, 7405–7406, 7467
- Stiles, 7014
- Tangri, 7274, 7285, 7295
- Taylor, 7013
- Thompson, 6972–6973
- Triantafilopoulos, 7393–7396
- Vanthof, 7284
- Walker, 7276, 7401
- division (carried), 7492–7493
- third reading, 8307–8318, 8336–8371, 8390–8396
- Armstrong, 8359
- Berns-McGown, 8392
- Bouma, 8343–8349, 8352, 8364
- Calandra, 8390
- Coe, 8349, 8357–8361, 8391
- Collard, 8353–8357
- Downey, 8307–8313, 8317–8318, 8391
- Fraser, 8356–8357
- French, 8393
- Gates, 8349
- Gélinas, 8344–8345, 8360, 8390
- Harden, 8352–8353, 8360
- Harris, 8317, 8356–8357
- Hassan, 8349, 8357, 8369–8371, 8390–8391
- Kanapathi, 8344–8345, 8361
- Ke, 8357
- Khanjin, 8360, 8364–8369
- Kusendova, 8393
- Lindo, 8350–8354, 8364
- Mamakwa, 8317, 8344, 8353, 8361–8364
- McKenna, 8317, 8353, 8368, 8393–8395
- Miller, N., 8348
- Morrison, 8391
- Oosterhoff, 8349, 8363–8364
- Pang, 8344
- Park, 8313–8317, 8353
- Rasheed, 8363, 8368
- Sattler, 8392
- Schreiner, 8391–8393
- Singh, G., 8317, 8336–8345, 8363, 8367–8369
- Singh, S., 8390
- Smith, D., 8360
- Tangri, 8392
- Thanigasalam, 8392
- division (carried), 8395, 8427–8428
- Royal assent, 8508
- first reading
Smith v Jones,
[1999] 1 SCR 455.
see under Solicitor-client privilegeSmoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Vaping is not for Kids), 2019 (Bill 151)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 6423
- first reading
Smoking cessation programs
Snow removal industry
- liability insurance
- cost of
- eligibility criteria
- Bisson, 10049–10050
- rate increases
- Bisson, 10049
- rates
- Bouma, 10767
- Burch, 10992, 10994
- Crawford, 10992
- Fraser, 10991
- Hatfield, 11361
- Miller, N., 10985–10988
- Piccini, 11361
- West, 10988–10991
- road salt
- liability insurance
Soccer goalposts - unanchored
Social assistance - COVID-19
- benefit rates
- COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People
- Dunlop, 11098
- government supports
- Hunter, 9720, 10495–10496
- Phillips, 10363
- Stiles, 10629
- Ontario Community Support Program
- Resilient Communities Fund
Social assistance programs.
see also Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP); Ontario Works (OW)- access to
- Schreiner, 10461
- administration
- administration, time spent on
- Basic Income Pilot. see Basic Income Pilot
- benefit rates
- Schreiner, 14026
- changes to
- Begum, 6582
- Berns-McGown, 641, 2047, 5184, 6175
- Burch, 641
- Elliott, 777
- Ford, 673
- French, 516
- Glover, 675–676, 4944–4945
- Gretzky, 523
- Harden, 176, 639, 683, 1106
- Horwath, 522, 672–673
- Hunter, 582, 774–775
- Lindo, 542, 781
- MacLeod, 522–523, 575, 636, 639, 675–678, 4130
- Sattler, 1105
- Shaw, 3744
- Smith, T., 5904, 6175, 7311, 11635
- Stiles, 479
- Taylor, 511, 532, 679, 1104
- West, 777–778, 14029
- determination of
- general remarks
- community support programs
- Burch, 12128–12129
- and cost of living
- Taylor, 6663–6664
- digital access
- Dunlop, 13538
- earning exemption, changes in
- employment services
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy. see also Social assistance reform
- navigation
- Collard, 11635
- private delivery
- reform
- MacLeod, 1107
- regulatory barriers
- Schreiner, 14026
- relationship between programs
- report, Income Security: A Roadmap for Change
- review of
- role of
- Miller, P., 5180
- service transfer, to municipalities
- Glover, 12926
- tax credits
- Transition Child Benefit. see Transition Child Benefit
- access to
Social assistance programs - performance measures
Social assistance programs - recipients
- and employment
- Skelly, 7549
- and employment
Social assistance recipients
Social assistance reform.
see also Social assistance programs—government strategySocial Assistance Research Commission
Social Benefits Tribunal
- general remarks
- legal representation
- cost of
- Gretzky, 11563
- cost of
- wait times
- Gretzky, 11562–11563
- Sattler, 11501
Social services
- government funding
- for women
- Gretzky, 1797–1798
- WSIB coverage
- Burch, 11538
- Gretzky, 11538–11539
Social services - children and youth.
see also Children and youth in care; Ontario OmbudsmanSocial workers
Soil management
Solar energy
Solar panels
Soldiers' Aid Commission.
see also Veterans Affairs Canada- eligible services. see also Veterans - support services
- financial assistance. see also Veterans - support services
- general remarks
- Pang, 9637
- grant amounts
- social assistance income exemptions
- Armstrong, 10188
- Bourgouin, 10221
- Dunlop, 10184–10185
- Fife, 9633
- Ghamari, 10221
- Harris, 10188
- Stevens, 10195–10196
- general remarks
- general remarks
- government funding
- Fife, 9629, 9633, 9637, 10251
- Glover, 10219
- Harris, 10187
- Ke, 10200
- Kramp, 10207
- Parsa, 10201
- Schreiner, 10217–10218
- Smith, D., 10218–10219
- Stevens, 10191–10192, 10195, 10217–10218
- West, 9636, 9640–9641, 10219, 10226
- history of
- Coe, 10198
- Dunlop, 10181
- Harris, 10186–10187
- Smith, D., 9229–9230
- public awareness
- Bailey, 10219
- Bisson, 9640
- Fife, 9632
- Gates, 10212
- Gélinas, 10246
- Harris, 10187–10188
- Martow, 10226
- Skelly, 10188
- Smith, D., 10219–10220
- Walker, 10247–10248
- West, 10220, 10226
- reporting structure
- Pang, 9637
- service demand
- support eligibility
- Anand, 9637
- Babikian, 9640
- Bouma, 9633
- Bourgouin, 10220–10221
- Coe, 10199–10200, 10212, 10218
- Crawford, 10212
- Dunlop, 10183–10184
- Fife, 9631–9632, 10251
- Gates, 10210
- Gélinas, 10245
- Harris, 10186–10187, 10189, 10198
- Kanapathi, 10197
- Khanjin, 10200
- Kramp, 10206–10207
- Martin, 10220
- Mitas, 9640
- Oosterhoff, 9628
- Parsa, 10201
- Schreiner, 10217–10218
- Smith, D., 10218, 10220
- Smith, T., 9218
- Stevens, 10190, 10192–10194
- West, 10226
- support services. see Veterans - support services
- support services reform
- unused funds
- "veteran"
Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
- first reading
- Smith, T., 9065
- second reading, 9227–9244, 9401–9409, 9626–9641
- Anand, 9236, 9630, 9637, 9641
- Armstrong, 9407–9408
- Babikian, 9629, 9640
- Berns-McGown, 9236, 9633
- Bisson, 9630, 9637–9640
- Blais, 9408–9409
- Bouma, 9633, 9636–9637
- Fife, 9237, 9629–9635, 9637, 9640–9641
- Fraser, 9409
- Harden, 9404
- Hogarth, 9633–9634
- Lindo, 9407
- Mantha, 9403
- McKenna, 9236
- Mitas, 9636, 9640
- Morrison, 9629, 9634
- Oosterhoff, 9626–9630
- Pang, 9635–9637
- Park, 9401–9405
- Pettapiece, 9404–9405
- Rasheed, 9641
- Roberts, 9232–9237, 9409, 9634
- Sabawy, 9404, 9407
- Sattler, 9405–9408
- Smith, T., 9227–9232
- Stevens, 9236–9244
- Triantafilopoulos, 9403, 9407
- Wai, 9408
- West, 9634, 9636, 9640–9641
- Yarde, 9404
- third reading, 10181–10227, 10243–10253
- Andrew, 10245, 10250
- Armstrong, 10188, 10225
- Arthur, 10205, 10209
- Bailey, 10217, 10219, 10249
- Begum, 10212
- Berns-McGown, 10245, 10248, 10253
- Bourgouin, 10220–10222
- Calandra, 10213
- Cho, S., 10219
- Coe, 10189, 10198–10201, 10208, 10212, 10218, 10222, 10226, 10252
- Crawford, 10189, 10212
- Dunlop, 10181–10185
- Fife, 10250–10253
- French, 10208, 10213–10216, 10246, 10249
- Gates, 10210–10213
- Gélinas, 10200, 10205, 10243–10246
- Ghamari, 10221, 10246
- Glover, 10219, 10221, 10226
- Harris, 10185–10189, 10198, 10209
- Hassan, 10200–10201, 10209, 10213
- Hatfield, 10189, 10197, 10200–10205
- Kanapathi, 10197
- Karpoche, 10189
- Ke, 10200
- Khanjin, 10200, 10204
- Kramp, 10204–10209
- Mantha, 10253
- Martin, 10220
- Martow, 10226
- Miller, N., 10225, 10248
- Parsa, 10201, 10209
- Schreiner, 10217–10218
- Skelly, 10188, 10197, 10205
- Smith, D., 10218–10220, 10245
- Stevens, 10189–10198, 10217–10218, 10220
- Walker, 10245–10250
- West, 10197–10198, 10204, 10213, 10219–10220, 10222–10227
- Royal assent, 10369
- first reading
Soldiers' Aid Commission - governance and administration
Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
- consultation
- Armstrong, 10225
- Bisson, 9641
- Coe, 10199–10200
- Hatfield, 10200
- Khanjin, 10204
- West, 10225–10226
- general remarks
- Armstrong, 9407–9408
- Arthur, 10209
- Bisson, 9630, 9638–9640
- Blais, 9408
- Cho, S., 10219
- Coe, 10198–10200
- Dunlop, 10181, 10183
- Fife, 9237, 9633–9635, 10251
- Gates, 10210–10213
- Gélinas, 10243
- Harris, 10185
- Hatfield, 10202–10204
- Kramp, 10206–10207
- Mantha, 10253
- Pang, 9635–9636
- Park, 9402–9404
- Parsa, 10209
- Roberts, 9233–9235
- Sabawy, 9404
- Sattler, 9405, 9408
- Smith, T., 9228, 9231
- Stevens, 9236–9237, 9240–9242, 10190, 10192, 10196–10197
- Walker, 10247, 10249–10250
- West, 10224–10225
- implementation timeline
- consultation
Solicitor General
- ministerial title change. see Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services—title change
Solicitor-client privilege
- as constitutional right
- defined
- Park, 2532
- jurisdiction over legislation impacting
- Romano, 2530–2531
- Lavallee, Rackel & Heintz v Canada (Attorney General), 2002 SCC 61
- Romano, 2531
- McClure, R v, 2001 SCC 14
- Romano, 2531
- owner of privilege
- Des Rosiers, 2534
- Smith v Jones, [1999] 1 SCR 455
- Romano, 2531
Somali community
- general remarks
- heritage month
- local support organizations
- notable Somali Canadians
- Somali Heritage Week. see under Public education campaigns - cultural
Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
Spanish flu
- McDonell, 8068–8069
Speaker quoting
- Beauchesne's Parliamentary Rules and Forms, 3919
- Erskine May's Parliamentary Practice, 11677
- House of Commons Procedure and Practice, 3rd Ed. (Bosc and Gagnon), 941–942
- Joseph Maingot, Parliamentary Privilege in Canada, 2nd Ed., 1685
- McGee's Parliamentary Practice, 3919, 4979
- speakers' rulings
- Speaker Carr (Ontario), 4979
Speaker's rulings.
see also Questions of privilegeSpeakers' rulings quoted
- Speaker Arnott (Ontario)
- Calandra, 11627
- Speaker Carr (Ontario), 3920
- Smith, T., 1171
- Speaker Edighoffer (Ontario)
- Smith, T., 9
- Speaker Fraser (House of Commons)
- Smith, T., 938
- Speaker Hipel (Ontario), as quoted by Speaker Carr (Ontario), 941
- Speaker Levac (Ontario)
- Speaker Milliken (Canada)
- Calandra, 11627
- Speaker Milliken (House of Commons), 226
- Bisson, 8
- Speaker Peters (Ontario), 226
- Speaker Regan (House of Commons)
- Skelly, 1641
- Speaker Arnott (Ontario)
Speaker's statements
- 42nd Parliament, 2890
- appointments
- appreciation
- Chamber apparel
- COVID-19
- legislative process during, 8004
- Franco-Ontarian flag, 12531
- introductions
- legislative staff, 813, 995, 14071
- legislative staff, retirements
- members' honour, assumption of, 7669
- members'/ministers' remarks, 471
- withdrawal requested, 10, 30, 78–79, 81, 100, 129, 260, 300, 404–406, 408, 413, 428, 450, 468–469, 522–523, 526, 531, 547, 579, 615, 617, 663, 678, 692–693, 726, 770, 805, 835, 837–838, 841, 852, 860, 864, 882, 913, 951, 960, 971, 997, 1024, 1076, 1112, 1116, 1132, 1134, 1144, 1226, 1269, 1271, 1273–1274, 1397, 1545, 1632, 1669, 1755, 1762, 1787–1788, 1795, 1810, 1883, 1886, 1891, 1921, 1952, 1970, 1988, 1995, 2100, 2200, 2306, 2316, 2414, 2420, 2460, 2469, 2493, 2515, 2573, 2601–2602, 2631–2632, 2679, 2730, 2732–2733, 2771, 2808, 2872, 2900, 2952, 2979, 2996–2997, 3021, 3028, 3067, 3164, 3176, 3178, 3237–3238, 3311, 3423, 3497, 3504, 3518, 3520, 3522, 3530, 3582, 3590–3591, 3605–3607, 3632, 3641, 3650, 3659, 3662, 3665, 3670, 3709, 3850, 3997, 4076, 4131–4132, 4161–4162, 4166–4167, 4190, 4193, 4307, 4332, 4338, 4391, 4396, 4431, 4471, 4516, 4557, 4559, 4575, 4577, 4581, 4584, 4646, 4659, 4680, 4682, 4730, 4757, 4772–4773, 4807, 4914, 4993, 4997, 5021, 5031, 5110, 5140, 5249, 5298, 5362, 5367, 5455, 5464, 5489, 5552, 5557, 5595, 5608, 5786, 5904, 5953, 6003, 6058, 6116, 6409, 6413, 6472, 6511, 6528, 6609, 6614, 6714, 6774, 6986, 7136, 7339, 7375, 7406–7407, 7465, 7549, 7669, 8272, 8325, 8378, 8778–8779, 8798, 8842, 9160, 9168, 9263, 9613, 9781, 9785, 9800, 9949, 9966, 9992, 10037–10038, 10211, 10454, 10509, 10515, 10517–10518, 10559, 10562–10563, 10729, 10948, 11000, 11006, 11038, 11132, 11250, 11272, 11300, 11330, 11385, 11390, 11392, 11413, 11454, 11460, 11515, 11517, 11567, 11629, 11730, 11733, 11779, 11822, 11847, 11912–11913, 11974–11975, 11977, 11982, 12000, 12023, 12065, 12185, 12187, 12194, 12653, 12695, 12728, 12864, 12926, 13100, 13287, 13358, 13477, 13601, 14102, 14120, 14137, 14146, 14189
- members'/ministers' resignations
- Poet Laureate, 13079–13080
- Remembrance Day, 1986–1987
- residential schools, 9452
- retirements, 2509–2510
- Beamish, Brian, Information and Privacy Commissioner, 8321
- Speaker's Book Award, 9564
- Trans Day of Remembrance, 10851
- tributes
- Javed, Yusra, 5700
- undertakings
- Hansard review regarding committee procedure, 8572
- women parliamentarians, 11910–11911
Speaker's statements on legislative procedure.
see also Speaker's rulings- answers to written questions, 4762, 5910
- cannot say indirectly what cannot be said directly, 978, 4773, 7136, 11792
- commenting on members' attendance, 73, 145, 162, 833, 915, 995, 997, 1157, 1452, 1612, 1839, 1938, 2200, 2498, 2977, 3311, 3325, 3663–3664, 4122, 4225, 7136, 7936, 7941, 8177, 8281, 9055, 10740, 10803–10804, 11412, 11921, 12065, 13359, 13953, 14061, 14116, 14153, 14173–14174, 14189
- Rasheed, 6405
- committees
- Chair, Standing Committee on Estimates, 11676
- corrections of record, 1368, 7618, 9203–9204, 10834
- decisions of the Speaker
- definitions
- electronic devices, use of, 1779, 2795, 3313, 3965, 3991, 6959, 7669
- imputing motive, 284, 690–692, 771, 832–833, 835, 841, 885, 953, 991, 1012, 1014, 1023, 1066, 1075–1076, 1134, 1945, 3421, 3690, 5292, 5340, 10032, 10593, 11117, 11150, 11161, 11809, 11820, 11974, 12009, 12028, 12033, 13802, 14111
- independent members
- intemperate language, 404, 406, 468, 520, 531, 578, 730, 959, 3519–3520, 4224, 7745–7746, 9209, 9263
- interjections, 4803
- introduction of bills, notice period, 226
- introduction of visitors, 6981
- matters out of order in debate
- members' code of conduct on harassment, 1686
- members must be in correct seat to speak, 179, 518, 2438, 3310
- members must conclude remarks when Speaker stands, 4686
- members not to address visitors in gallery, 3525, 5534
- members' statements
- independent members' participation in, 168
- members'/ministers' privileges
- motions
- naming a member, 520
- oral questions
- order and decorum, and conduct of members in the House, 102, 520, 1270–1271, 2455, 2735–2736, 2740, 2996, 3520–3521, 3607, 3701, 3958–3959, 4385, 4428, 4455, 5065, 5111, 5250, 8004, 9819, 11048, 11328, 11414, 12025
- parliamentary language, 9149
- personal attacks, 3708
- points of order, 1005
- political statements during, 8670
- right to raise, 14211 see also Questions of privilege—points of order
- props, use of, 1132, 1168, 1274, 1418, 2410, 3531, 5126, 8488, 9688, 12373
- question period
- questions and comments, 6920
- questions of privilege
- quorum, 10256, 10816
- referring to members by role or riding, 19, 80, 171, 213, 428, 520, 528, 570, 582, 726, 835–836, 838, 889, 927, 952, 956, 978, 1023, 1025, 1138, 1199, 1225, 1339, 1371, 1520, 1756, 2007, 2072, 2100, 2501, 2550, 2653, 2766, 2827, 3117, 3423, 3837, 3950, 4071, 4114, 4116, 4258, 4340, 4491, 4627, 4697, 4735, 4771, 5109, 5349, 5355, 5433, 5706, 5780, 5814, 6240, 6488, 6785, 6870, 7549, 7605, 7615, 7854, 7997, 8764, 8832, 9684, 9857, 9893, 9933, 10585, 10591, 11174, 11361, 11742, 11792, 11966, 12184, 12615–12616, 12864, 12885–12886, 12920, 13575
- referring to members not present, 150
- Speaker's role
- speaking through the Chair, 19, 80, 103, 428, 439–440, 467, 469, 520, 525, 571, 575–576, 694, 717, 729, 927, 978, 989, 1134, 1153, 1189, 1273, 1334, 1925, 2041, 2045, 2068, 2090, 2256, 2287, 2305, 2531, 2567, 2762, 2965, 2989, 2994, 3073, 3076, 3118, 3122, 3383, 3523, 3698, 3704, 3708, 4124, 4163, 4228, 4365, 4491, 4559, 4601, 4709, 4771, 4806, 5214, 5290–5291, 5362, 5416, 5429, 5480, 5573, 5704, 5806, 5904, 5949, 6019, 6241, 7720, 7744, 8008, 8754, 8807, 8942, 8944, 9210, 9859, 9950, 10009, 10143, 10591, 10999, 11042, 11157, 11202, 11346–11347, 11460, 11739, 12049, 12051–12052, 12074, 12188, 12220, 12242, 12618, 13787, 13793, 14064, 14105, 14175, 14178, 14180, 14191, 14197
- speech should relate to matter being discussed, 694, 856, 859, 918, 1041, 1066, 1133–1135, 1137, 1143–1144, 1207, 1219, 1759, 1941, 1946, 1949, 2181, 2249, 2374, 2609, 2915, 2964, 2988, 2991, 3067, 3391, 3396–3397, 3501, 3689, 3911–3912, 4020, 4683, 5058, 5140, 5234, 5418, 5479, 5487, 7934, 8570–8572, 8640, 8841, 9074, 9667, 9833–9834, 9858–9859, 9866–9867, 10756, 10803, 10809, 10994, 11292, 11747–11749, 12162, 12753, 13056, 13067, 13069, 13119, 13130, 13212, 13246, 14177–14178
- standing ovations, 79, 87, 127, 2138, 2253, 2306, 2774
- taking photographs in the chamber, 3965, 4082
- unanimous consent, restrictions on use, 10540
- unparliamentary language, 1133, 1952, 3637, 3659, 4699, 4706, 4754, 5249, 9803, 11340
- use of intemperate language, 2041
- visitors
- warnings, duration of, 4385
- withdrawing remarks, procedure for, 526, 1132, 1269, 2100, 3028, 4471, 9160
Speaking Out About Workplace Violence and Workplace Harassment Act, 2019 (Bill 111)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 4815
- first reading
Special Ability Riding Institute Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr14)
Special Advisor on Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine.
see also Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway MedicineSpecial constables
Special education
Special education - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Special Hockey Day Act, 2018 (Bill 53)
- first reading
- Smith, D., 2148
- first reading
Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019,
SO 2019, c 1, Schedule 5
Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
- government funding
- independence
- investigation process
- investigator training
- Singh, S., 3784
- jurisdiction
- mandate
- police officer compliance. see Police services oversight—investigation compliance
- public transparency
- reports, disclosure of
- Jones, 8010
Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
- general remarks
- initiation criteria
- Burch, 3320
- Crawford, 3388
- Des Rosiers, 3216–3217
- Fee, 3318
- Fife, 3268
- French, 3217, 3221, 3223
- Ghamari, 3304
- Harris, 3330–3331, 5191
- Karahalios, 3317, 3319
- Kusendova, 5186
- McKenna, 3204–3205
- Mulroney, 3077, 3193–3194, 3773
- Natyshak, 3308
- Park, 3777
- Sarkaria, 5188
- Sattler, 3208
- Singh, S., 3784–3785
- Smith, D., 3259
- Yarde, 3201, 3779–3780
- length of
- preliminary inquiries
- status reporting
- Ke, 3307
Special Services at Home program
Special Services at Home (SSAH)
Speech-language pathologists
- Oosterhoff, 7301
Sporting events
- 2019 Canada Games
- Tibollo, 3126
- Canada Games (2021)
- Canadian Open Golf Tournament
- Crawford, 181
- and COVID-19
- economic impact
- Grey Cup
- Skelly, 3617
- Ontario 55+ Winter Games
- Bouma, 3084
- Ontario Parasport Games
- Park, 3297
- Ontario Summer Games
- Special Olympics
- Special Olympics provincial games
- Fife, 7153
- Special Olympics World Games
- tailgating. see under Alcoholic beverages—public consumption
- Tim Hortons Brier
- 2019 Canada Games
Sporting events - funding
- Games Ontario program
- Jones, 474
- Games Ontario program
- athlete funding
- Quest for Gold program
- Anand, 9307
- Quest for Gold program
- and COVID-19
- athlete maintenance
- Canada Games (2021). see under Sporting events
- athlete funding
Sports - amateur
- and COVID-19
- general remarks
- mentorship and volunteering
- Downey, 9893
Sports and recreation
Sports and recreation - COVID-19
Sports and recreation facilities
Sports and recreation programs
Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Civil War (1983-2009).
see also Tamil genocideSt. Anne's Indian Residential School
- legal action, federal government
- Mamakwa, 14066
- legal action, federal government
St. Clair College
St. James Town Act (Residential Tenancies Amendments), 2019 (Bill 93)
- first reading
- Morrison, 3972–3973
- first reading
Standing Committee on Estimates
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
- hearings in Indigenous communities
- Mamakwa, 2693–2694
- hearings in Indigenous communities
Statements by stakeholders
- COVID-19
- Fife, 12395
- Gélinas, 13160
- child care
- civil liability
- Armstrong, 10404–10405
- Downey, 10399–10400
- Fife, 10052, 10411
- French, 10413
- Harris, 10015–10016
- Piccini, 9936
- Sattler, 9998
- Singh, G., 9941–9942
- Skelly, 9994, 9997
- Smith, D., 9985
- Tabuns, 9922
- correctional facilities
- Andrew, 12256
- economic impact
- Fife, 12961
- emergency orders
- Mamakwa, 13796
- government response
- French, 12821, 12872
- Horwath, 12874
- Sattler, 13633–13634
- Shaw, 12871
- legions
- French, 10214–10215
- long-term care
- Shaw, 13229
- medical procedures backlog
- Stiles, 13801
- mental health and addictions
- Ke, 13379
- mental health and addictions, children and youth
- outdoor restrictions
- Hatfield, 13390
- paid sick days
- French, 12821–12822
- Horwath, 13092–13093
- Kernaghan, 13101
- PPE access
- Horwath, 13092
- rental housing, above-guideline increases
- residential rental assistance
- Berns-McGown, 12071–12072
- Roadmap to Reopen strategy
- Monteith-Farrell, 14107
- school reopening
- Monteith-Farrell, 14107
- school transportation
- Stiles, 13394
- vaccination data collection
- Gélinas, 13861–13862
- vaccination rollout
- Glover, 13211–13212
- Stiles, 13802
- vaccinations
- Armstrong, 12871
- developmental services for adults
- Gretzky, 3148–3149
- diabetes
- domestic violence
- e-bikes
- French, 13673–13674
- Sattler, 13822–13823
- e-learning
- Oosterhoff, 4573
- election reform
- Fife, 12627
- Miller, N., 12623–12624
- electoral process
- Miller, N., 11786–11789
- electoral reform
- Morrison, 11721
- electric vehicles
- electronic vehicle registration
- employment standards
- employment standards reform
- endangered species legislative reform
- energy industry regulatory reform
- Rickford, 4257–4258
- energy policy
- environment
- Fife, 12401
- environmental assessment reform
- environmental policy
- episodic disabilities
- Andrew, 11814
- fall economic statement (2018)
- Coe, 2626
- family law
- farm security
- Hardeman, 6794
- federal carbon tax, provincial media campaign
- Fife, 5290
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Ghamari, 13582–13583
- fiscal policy
- debt and deficit
- Karahalios, 14161
- debt and deficit
- food delivery fees
- Fife, 10960–10963
- forest industry
- Yurek, 1926
- Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week
- Rasheed, 13976–13977
- gender-based violence
- Andrew, 6370
- GO Transit expansion, Kitchener-Waterloo
- Lindo, 4149
- government contracts
- government procurement
- Fife, 12961
- government record
- Armstrong, 4980
- government service transfers
- Burch, 4636–4637
- GreenON
- Gélinas, 555
- groundwater protection legislation
- Schreiner, 3551
- health and physical education curriculum
- Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- Crawford, 13222
- Gates, 13879
- Hassan, 13887–13888
- Karpoche, 13179, 13870
- Martin, 13140, 13142
- Pang, 13172–13174
- Park, 13183–13184
- Schreiner, 13877
- Thanigasalam, 13237, 13239
- health care
- Arthur, 6812
- Elliott, 3340
- Monteith-Farrell, 12498–12499
- Shaw, 1998
- Yarde, 1611
- health care system
- health care system reform
- highway tolls
- French, 10485–10486
- Taylor, 10488
- home and community care
- Elliott, 7207–7208
- home sharing agreements for seniors
- hospital funding
- Barrett, 5858
- housing availability
- French, 12821
- housing development, development charges
- Clark, 8918
- Housing Supply Action Plan
- human trafficking
- Andrew, 11694–11695, 11697
- Bell, 13325
- Crawford, 13331–13332
- French, 13334, 13737
- Hogarth, 12213
- Lindo, 13735
- Rakocevic, 13347–13348
- Sattler, 13724–13725, 13727
- Vanthof, 11120–11121
- independent officers of the legislature
- information privacy
- insurance rates
- West, 10989–10991
- judicial appointments reform
- justice system reform
- Bouma, 11642
- French, 11479–11480
- Glover, 11554
- Park, 11476–11477
- labour relations
- Harris, 3850
- land use planning
- Bourgouin, 12460
- Fife, 12110
- French, 12455–12457
- Lindo, 12030
- Sattler, 12103–12104
- Schreiner, 12105, 12480
- Landlord and Tenant Board
- online hearings
- procedural reform
- Morrison, 11278–11279
- legal aid
- Shaw, 5407
- legal aid services
- Armstrong, 11555
- French, 11479–11480
- Morrison, 4639–4640
- legal services, virtual delivery
- Khanjin, 10903
- Martow, 10899–10901
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- long-term care
- Coe, 2165–2166
- Crawford, 2158–2159
- French, 2156–2157
- Hatfield, 13234–13235
- Horwath, 13656–13657
- Lindo, 13662
- Morrison, 7979–7980
- Schreiner, 10410
- Singh, S., 13658–13659
- Low-income individuals and families tax credit
- Fedeli, 2512
- manufacturing
- French, 2731
- mental health
- mental health and addictions
- mental health services
- migrant workers
- Hatfield, 11352–11353
- minimum wage exclusions
- Fife, 1968
- minimum wage increase
- ministerial zoning orders
- French, 11930–11934
- Vanthof, 11942
- municipal elections procedure
- municipal notices in newspapers
- Ghamari, 3938
- natural gas expansion
- Nikola Tesla Day
- Rakocevic, 14041–14042
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- Monteith-Farrell, 6682–6683
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- Fife, 14011–14012
- Gélinas, 14022
- Schreiner, 14025
- nuclear energy
- Park, 7497–7498
- occupational health and safety
- Bailey, 11275
- McKenna, 10754–10755
- occupiers' liability
- Burch, 10993–10994
- Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 188)
- Miller, N., 5611–5612
- OHIP service coverage review
- French, 4371–4372
- Ontario College of Teachers
- Stiles, 3630
- open tendering
- Nicholls, 3995
- opioid addiction
- Karpoche, 6852
- West, 12404–12405
- OSAP reform
- Sattler, 4391–4392
- palliative care
- Lecce, 10971
- Oosterhoff, 10965–10966
- pawnbrokers
- Fife, 3847
- pediatric palliative care
- Stiles, 5389
- personal health information
- collection, use, and disclosure
- Shaw, 13227–13228
- collection, use, and disclosure
- personal protective equipment
- Gélinas, 10982
- personal support workers
- Armstrong, 10107
- personal support workers (PSWs)
- Gates, 13880
- Glover, 13222
- West, 12385–12387, 12391
- pet ownership
- Hogarth, 6245
- Planning Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 88)
- police services
- police services oversight reform
- police services reform
- Jones, 3772
- political advertising
- Monteith-Farrell, 14107
- political advertising, third-party
- Downey, 14100
- pollution
- Bell, 3229
- post-secondary education
- post-secondary tuition reform
- Fullerton, 3028
- Power Workers' Union strike notice
- Lecce, 2993
- prescription drugs
- public accountants, regulatory framework
- public health
- public health units, amalgamation
- Fife, 4428
- public sector wage increase cap
- Gates, 13880
- racism and anti-racism
- Islamophobia
- Schreiner, 14186
- Islamophobia
- real estate industry reform
- Thompson, 7227
- Recovery Month
- Anand, 13388
- regulations
- religious freedom
- Martin, 6291
- renewable energy
- Calandra, 2219–2221
- rent control exemptions
- Morrison, 4952
- Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
- Glover, 13807
- residential tenancies reform
- Andrew, 8103–8104
- Ring of Fire development
- road maintenance
- Mantha, 6019
- road safety
- s.33: notwithstanding clause (Charter)
- Safer Ontario Act, 2018
- Sarkaria, 3775
- school bus safety mechanisms
- Harris, 11755, 13391–13393
- Thanigasalam, 13395
- school buses
- Wynne, 2759
- sick leave
- Sattler, 11328–11329
- Sicke Cell Disease Awareness Day
- Khanjin, 13825
- skilled trades
- Bailey, 13520–13521
- Fife, 13966
- Gates, 13954, 13958–13962
- Hassan, 13472
- McNaughton, 13945–13947
- Wilson, 1923
- skilled trades reform
- Dunlop, 2441–2442
- Small Business Support Grant
- Stiles, 13800
- social assistance
- Somali Heritage Week
- student safety
- taxi industry
- Rakocevic, 8037
- textile waste diversion
- Skelly, 3545–3546
- time-of-day delivery restrictions
- Crawford, 9754
- Toronto City Council downsizing
- toxic substances
- Shaw, 3986
- transit
- transit-oriented development
- Surma, 8759–8761
- transportation
- French, 5009
- transportation development
- Sattler, 7151
- trucking industry
- Sarkaria, 14003–14004
- Truth and Reconciliation curriculum
- Taylor, 511
- TTC expansion
- tuition fees
- university expansion project cancellations
- vaping and youth
- Gélinas, 1652
- veterans' priority access beds
- Stevens, 2327
- water protection
- polystyrene encapsulation
- Miller, N., 13571–13573
- Walker, 13574–13575
- polystyrene encapsulation
- work-integrated learning
- Hassan, 3353
- Bailey, 12569
- Gates, 12156–12157, 12161
- WSIB premiums
- Khanjin, 11439–11440
- youth justice
- Taylor, 13065
- COVID-19
States of emergency
- Black River-Matheson
- Vanthof, 12529
- Black River-Matheson
Statistics Canada
Status of Zebra Mussels Act, 2018 (Bill 18)
- first reading
- Bisson, 644
- first reading
Stay Home If You Are Sick Act, 2021 (Bill 239)
- first reading
- Sattler, 11213
- second reading, 11607–11614, 11638
- first reading
Steel industry.
see also under United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industryStem cell research
- government funding
- Fife, 5120
- government funding
Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 146)
- first reading
- Rasheed, 6180
- first reading
Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2019 (Bill 154)
Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
- time allocation motion, 8958–8965
- third reading, 8965–8989
- Baber, 8975–8977
- Bouma, 8983–8984
- Calandra, 8985–8986
- Collard, 8969–8970
- French, 8986–8989
- Gélinas, 8974–8975
- Mamakwa, 8982–8983
- McKenna, 8979–8980
- Monteith-Farrell, 8972–8973
- Nicholls, 8989
- Park, 8973–8974
- Rasheed, 8965–8967
- Sattler, 8978–8979
- Smith, D., 8970–8972
- Taylor, 8967–8969
- Thanigasalam, 8982
- West, 8980–8982
- Yarde, 8984–8985
- Royal assent, 9345
Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2021 (Bill 260)
- first reading
- Blais, 11857
- first reading
Street checks
- vs. carding. see under Carding
- Tulloch report (2018). see Independent Street Checks Review (Tulloch, 2018)
- use of
- Smith, D., 3327
Strengthening Human Rights in Ontario Act, 2020 (Bill 183)
- first reading
- Horwath, 7670
- first reading
Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017,
S.O. 2017, c. 25
- enactment of
- Fraser, 13203–13204, 13362
- enactment of
Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act,
2017, S.O. 2017, c. 25
- enactment of
- Fraser, 13512
- enactment of
see also Labour relations- back-to-work legislation. see also York University strike
- Canada Post
- Carleton University
- administrative, technical, and library staff
- Harden, 112
- administrative, technical, and library staff
- CN
- as a constitutional right
- general remarks
- West, 2993
- Medical Laboratories of Windsor
- Gretzky, 3700
- Nestle factory, Toronto
- Stiles, 13357
- nurses
- Ontario Nurses' Association Local 8
- Gretzky, 4718
- Owen Sound Family Health Organization
- Port Arthur Health Centre
- in post-secondary education sector
- strikebreakers
- Gates, 13962–13963
- Kernaghan, 13971–13972
- West, 13962, 13972
- teachers. see under Teachers - labour dispute
- Thunder Bay District Health Unit
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
- Gretzky, 3700
- York University. see York University strike
- awareness of
- Martin, 13835
- awareness of
Student Choice Initiative.
see Tuition fees—ancillary feesStudents
- behavioural supports
- Stiles, 8807
- bullying and cyberbullying. see Bullying and cyberbullying
- financial aid
- Hunter, 12344
- individual education plans (IEPs)
- Stiles, 3641
- mental health services
- nutrition program funding
- safety of
- support services
- Shaw, 4589
- suspensions
- technological skills
- Piccini, 11176
- volunteer hours
- behavioural supports
Students - post-secondary
Students - sexual abuse of.
see also Teachers - guilty of sexual abuse; Teachers - professional misconduct- definition, changes to
- false accusations
- Barrett, 2394
- general remarks
- prevention
- therapy, funding for
- zero tolerance for
Sub judice convention.
see under Legislative procedure - debate; Speaker's rulingsSubstance use
- criminalization of. see also Consumption and treatment services—and criminalization of users
- Karpoche, 5190
- fatalities due to
- Hunter, 9122
- prevention
- Karpoche, 5190
- criminalization of. see also Consumption and treatment services—and criminalization of users
Succession law.
see Estate administration; WillsSuicide - child and youth
Suicide prevention
Suicide rates
Suicide - youth
- in Indigenous communities
- Smith, D., 7510
- in Indigenous communities
Sunshine Protection Act, 2019 (Bill 98)
- first reading
- Lalonde, 4268
- first reading
Supply Act, 2019 (Bill 81)
Supply Act, 2020 (Bill 181)
Supply Act, 2021 (Bill 261)
- first reading
- Bethlenfalvy, 11923
- second reading, 11959–11968, 11986–11989, 12046
- Bethlenfalvy, 11959–11961
- Cuzzetto, 11988–11989
- Fife, 11961–11968
- Parsa, 11986–11987
- Sattler, 11987–11988
- division (carried), 12046
- third reading, 12046
- division (carried), 12046
- Royal assent, 12076
- first reading
Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
- first reading
- Fife, 12611
- consultation
- Fife, 12960
- second reading, 12959–12965, 12982
- first reading
Supply Ontario
Support for Adults in Need of Assistance Act, 2021(Bill 253)
- first reading
- Gélinas, 11461–11462
- first reading
Support for Families program.
see under COVID-19 - child benefitsSupport for Learners program.
see under COVID-19 - child benefitsSupport Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 266)
- first reading
- West, 12143–12144
- second reading, 12385–12391, 12418
- first reading
Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
- first reading
- Scott, 11783
- ministerial statement
- Scott, 11783–11784
- second reading, 11897–11908, 11926–11949, 11989–12009, 12021–12032, 12150
- Bailey, 11993
- Barrett, 12003
- Begum, 11940, 11948
- Blais, 11946–11947
- Bouma, 11993, 11998
- Cho, S., 12004
- Coe, 11935, 12007, 12029
- Collard, 11944–11945, 11947–11948
- Fife, 11935, 11939, 11943, 11947
- French, 11906, 11926–11936, 11944
- Gates, 12000–12004, 12024
- Gélinas, 11944, 11947
- Ghamari, 11999, 12004–12008
- Gill, 12029
- Gretzky, 12009, 12021–12025
- Harris, 11992, 11995, 12008, 12024, 12027–12029
- Khanjin, 11936, 11943, 11947, 11994, 11996–11999, 12003
- Lindo, 12030–12031
- Mamakwa, 11940
- Mantha, 12031
- McDonell, 11903–11906
- Natyshak, 12024
- Nicholls, 11935, 11944
- Pettapiece, 11948–11949
- Piccini, 11906–11907, 11936–11941, 11947, 12023, 12025
- Rakocevic, 11993–11994, 12008, 12028
- Roberts, 11907
- Schreiner, 11994–11995
- Scott, 11897–11900, 11906–11908
- Shaw, 11990–11994, 11999–12000
- Singh, G., 12004, 12007–12008
- Skelly, 11943–11944, 11995–11996, 11999–12000
- Smith, D., 11939–11940
- Stevens, 11907
- Stiles, 11936, 11992–11993, 12003
- Taylor, 11993–11994
- Thompson, 11940
- Vanthof, 11907, 11941–11944, 11998, 12007, 12029
- Walker, 11900–11903
- Yakabuski, 12025–12026, 12028–12031
- division (carried), 12150
- general remarks
- Fife, 11966–11967
- as omnibus legislation
- Glover, 13806
- time allocation motion, 12100–12111, 12142
- presented
- Khanjin, 12100–12102
- responded to
- Fife, 12109–12111
- Fraser, 12107
- Hatfield, 12107–12109
- Sattler, 12102–12104
- Schreiner, 12104–12105
- Vanthof, 12105–12107
- division (carried), 12142
- presented
- third reading, 12454–12460, 12477–12498
- Bourgouin, 12459–12460, 12477–12478
- Calandra, 12454
- Crawford, 12481–12484
- Cuzzetto, 12486–12487
- Fraser, 12457–12458
- French, 12454–12457
- Gill, 12458–12459
- Pang, 12495–12496
- Sabawy, 12494–12495
- Schreiner, 12479–12481
- Scott, 12496–12498
- Stiles, 12484–12486
- Vanthof, 12487–12493
- Wai, 12493–12494
- division (carried), 12542
- Royal assent, 12554
- first reading
Supporting Economic Recovery and Renewal in the Niagara Region Act, 2020 (Bill 209)
- first reading
- Gates, 9463
- first reading
Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 (Bill 236)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 10864–10865
- second reading, 10927–10934
- Armstrong, 10933–10934
- Coe, 10931–10933
- Crawford, 10933
- Cuzzetto, 10930–10933
- Gates, 10933
- Harris, 10933
- Hatfield, 10932
- Sarkaria, 10927–10928
- Tangri, 10928–10930
- time allocation motion, 10943–10944
- presented
- Khanjin, 10943
- responded to
- Bisson, 10943–10944
- Collard, 10944
- presented
- third reading, 10959–10964
- Fife, 10960–10963
- Ghamari, 10959–10960
- Sattler, 10963–10964
- Schreiner, 10963
- Royal assent, 11009
- first reading
Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78)
Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
- first reading
- Downey, 9792
- second reading, 9889–9900, 9919–9927, 9929–9950, 9981–10016
- Andrew, 9950
- Armstrong, 9935
- Berns-McGown, 9926, 9932–9934, 9938
- Bisson, 9929–9933, 9939, 9986
- Bourgouin, 9899, 10006–10008
- Cho, S., 9926, 9935, 9939
- Coe, 9995
- Collard, 9933–9935
- Crawford, 9992, 10005, 10014
- Cuzzetto, 9986, 9990, 9996, 10010
- Downey, 9889–9900
- Fee, 9987
- Fife, 9986, 9991, 9995
- Fraser, 9983–9984
- Gates, 9898–9900, 10000, 10003–10006
- Gélinas, 9983, 9986, 9992, 9996
- Ghamari, 9997, 10000–10003
- Gill, 9923–9927
- Harris, 9999, 10003, 10007–10008, 10014–10016
- Hatfield, 9922–9923, 9926, 9932, 9939, 9987–9991
- Hunter, 9981–9984
- Kanapathi, 10002
- Karpoche, 9923, 9927
- Ke, 10000, 10006
- Khanjin, 10008–10011
- Lindo, 9987
- Mantha, 9990
- Martin, 9923
- Martow, 9899
- Miller, N., 9933, 9949
- Monteith-Farrell, 9949, 10008
- Parsa, 9900, 9991, 10005, 10013
- Piccini, 9935–9939
- Sabawy, 9899
- Sattler, 9997–10000
- Schreiner, 9991–9993
- Shaw, 9996, 10002, 10005–10008, 10013
- Singh, G., 9940–9950
- Skelly, 9922, 9926–9927, 9932, 9934, 9949–9950, 9986, 9991–9997, 10011, 10014
- Smith, D., 9938, 9950, 9983–9987
- Tabuns, 9920–9924, 9983
- Taylor, 10010
- Walker, 9932–9933
- West, 9999, 10003, 10011–10014
- Yarde, 10002, 10005, 10011, 10014
- division (carried), 10039–10040
- general remarks
- "good faith effort," definition of
- legislative timeline
- West, 10054
- "person," definition of
- time allocation motion, 10046–10056, 10087
- presented
- Khanjin, 10046–10047
- responded to
- Armstrong, 10055–10056
- Berns-McGown, 10053
- Bisson, 10047–10050
- Blais, 10054
- Fife, 10050–10052
- Hillier, 10053
- Schreiner, 10050
- West, 10054–10055
- division (carried), 10087
- presented
- third reading, 10396–10418
- Armstrong, 10403–10405
- Clark, 10406–10408
- Collard, 10405–10406
- Downey, 10396–10403
- Fife, 10411–10412
- Fraser, 10412
- French, 10412–10413
- Gates, 10414
- Gélinas, 10417–10418
- Harden, 10413–10414
- Hatfield, 10414–10415
- Hunter, 10417
- Karpoche, 10410–10411
- Sattler, 10408–10409
- Schreiner, 10409–10410
- Stiles, 10415–10416
- Taylor, 10416
- Royal assent, 10617
- first reading
Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
- first reading
- Sarkaria, 12705
- second reading, 12743–12781, 12914–12947, 12982
- Bailey, 12759, 12767, 12919, 12921–12924
- Barrett, 12752, 12768
- Bouma, 12763, 12771, 12775, 12779
- Burch, 12767, 12775, 12780
- Calandra, 12941, 12943, 12947
- Coteau, 12915–12916, 12923, 12932, 12934–12935, 12938–12939, 12943, 12945–12947
- Dunlop, 12780–12781
- Fedeli, 12914–12916
- Fraser, 12933
- French, 12751–12752, 12759
- Glover, 12766, 12915, 12924–12928, 12935–12936, 12938–12939, 12941, 12944, 12946
- Harden, 12916–12921
- Harris, 12759, 12763–12768, 12771–12772, 12776
- Hatfield, 12763, 12772–12776, 12916, 12920, 12927, 12932–12933
- Karahalios, 12767
- Mamakwa, 12924, 12939–12942, 12946
- Mantha, 12759–12763, 12772, 12928, 12941, 12947
- Martin, 12751
- McDonell, 12758, 12780
- Miller, N., 12762, 12775–12776
- Nicholls, 12920, 12932
- Oosterhoff, 12935–12939, 12946
- Pettapiece, 12944
- Piccini, 12928–12933
- Rakocevic, 12938, 12942–12945
- Sarkaria, 12743–12746, 12751–12752
- Sattler, 12752–12760, 12780
- Shaw, 12762, 12771, 12776–12781, 12919–12920, 12923, 12931–12932, 12935, 12944
- Skelly, 12746–12749, 12916, 12923, 12928, 12938, 12940, 12945
- Smith, D., 12749–12751, 12920–12921, 12924, 12927–12928, 12935
- Stiles, 12933–12936
- Tabuns, 12768–12772
- Walker, 12927
- division (carried), 12982
- third reading, 14001–14027, 14029–14033, 14072
- Anand, 14017–14021, 14025, 14027
- Babikian, 14015, 14026, 14032
- Bourgouin, 14016, 14020, 14024
- Coe, 14004–14008
- Crawford, 14019
- Cuzzetto, 14020, 14024
- Fife, 14009–14017
- Gates, 14008, 14016, 14020, 14024, 14026–14027
- Gélinas, 14021–14025
- Kanapathi, 14015
- Ke, 14009, 14016
- Kusendova, 14008, 14023–14024, 14033
- McKenna, 14009
- Sarkaria, 14001–14004, 14008–14009
- Schreiner, 14025–14027
- Singh, G., 14015, 14019
- Vanthof, 14032
- West, 14029–14033
- division (carried), 14072
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Supportive housing
- access to
- consultation
- Clark, 10456
- and COVID-19
- development by region
- Mississauga—Lakeshore
- Cuzzetto, 9105
- Mississauga—Lakeshore
- general remarks
- Schreiner, 13509–13510
- government funding
- government strategy
- Gretzky, 157
- Guelph
- Schreiner, 13760–13761
- licensing
- Armstrong, 10158
- Burch, 10156–10157
- Coe, 10157–10158
- Harris, 10159
- Schreiner, 10160–10161
- living conditions
- Armstrong, 10158
- Burch, 9462, 10156–10157
- Coe, 10157
- Gélinas, 10159–10160
- Stevens, 10160
- and mental health care
- Gélinas, 4816
- modular housing project (Toronto)
- Gill, 12073
- for persons with autism
- Armstrong, 49
- regulation of
- Burch, 9462
- by site
- wait times
- Begum, 638
- for women
- Fife, 12285
Surgical procedures
- and COVID-19. see under Hospitals - COVID-19
- delay and cancellation
- private delivery
- Horwath, 3869
- wait times in northern Ontario
- Gélinas, 20
- wait-list, centralized
- Tangri, 12336
- wait-lists
- wait-lists, rare procedures
- Elliott, 6870
Sustainable Growth: Ontario's Forest Sector Strategy.
see Forest industry—government strategy