Letter: R
- as cause of lung cancer
- Gélinas, SP1103–SP1104
- Martow, SP1103
- Thompson, SP1104
- as cause of lung cancer
- tank cars
- refurbishment
- Fedeli, F181
- refurbishment
- tank cars
Railway safety
Rare diseases
Real estate industry.
see also Consumer protection—real estate—grow house registry- personal real estate corporations
- Fife, F417
- personal real estate corporations
Realty Transformation Plan.
see Government buildings—sell and lease backRecycling fees
- general remarks
- McNaughton, F541
- general remarks
- on ranked ballot system
- Baker, F1400
- Hardeman, F1409, F1411, F1415, F1425–F1426, F1444–F1445, F1479–F1480
- Hatfield, F1412, F1427, F1440, F1480–F1481
- Hudak, F1428, F1433–F1434, F1442–F1443
- Rinaldi, F1427, F1480
- Walker, F1480–F1481
- on ranked ballot system
Refugees, Syrian
- acceptance of
- Gates, A232
- acceptance of
Remote Electrification Readiness Program
Renewable energy
Renewable energy industry
Renewable energy projects
Rent control
- exemptions [units built after 1991]
- Hatfield, SP492
- exemptions [units built after 1991]
Rental housing
- construction rate
- Hardeman, SP492
- construction rate
- Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario, Ministry of Community and Social Services. October 2012 (F. Lankin and M. Sheikh, Commissioners)
- Jaczek, E306
- Patient Care Groups: A new model of population based primary health care for Ontario, May 2015 (David Price, Elizabeth Baker, Brian Golden, Rosemary Hannam)
- Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario, Ministry of Community and Social Services. October 2012 (F. Lankin and M. Sheikh, Commissioners)
Reports by committee
- Inclusion and Opportunity: A New Path for Developmental Services in Ontario. (Select Committee on Developmental Services. 1st Session, 41st Parliament)
- press release
- Report on Ornge Air Ambulance, and Related Services: Summary Report. 2014 (Standing Committee on Public Accounts)
Reports referred to committee
- 2013 Annual Report: Ministry of Community and Social Services; Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2013 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Ontario Power Generation (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Education of Aboriginal Students (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Financial Services Commission of Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Infrastructure Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Metrolinx (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Hydro One, Independent Electricity Operator, Ontario Energy Board (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: Public Accounts of the Province (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2014 Annual Report: University undergraduate teaching quality (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Healthy Schools Strategy (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Energy, Hydro One, Ontario Energy Board (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Community Care Access Centres (Auditor General of Ontario)
- 2015 Annual Report: Treasury Board Secretariat (Auditor General of Ontario)
- draft report on regulations
- Albanese, T12–T13, T15–T17
- Bailey, T15–T17
- Baker, T31, T95
- French, T14–T16, T28–T29, T32, T34–T35, T104
- Hoggarth, T104
- Lalonde, T33
- Mangat, T12, T17, T29
- McGarry, T34, T104
- Thompson, T15–T17
- Vernile, T13, T17, T28, T32–T34, T94
- Walker, T29–T34, T51, T94–T95, T104
- Wong, T104
- recommendations
- Albanese, T16–T17
- Baker, T96, T98–T100
- Ballard, T110–T111
- Colle, T49–T50
- Dickson, T41, T43
- French, T16, T36–T40, T42–T43, T45–T50, T95–T97, T99–T100, T108–T111
- Hillier, T46–T50
- Kwinter, T37, T40, T43
- Lalonde, T47–T48, T109–T110
- Martow, T110
- McGarry, T36, T38–T41, T46–T47, T49, T98–T99, T106–T112
- Thompson, T16–T17
- Vernile, T36–T37, T39, T42
- Walker, T36–T39, T42, T47, T49–T50, T96–T100, T106–T111
- Ornge Air Ambulance and Related Services (Auditor General of Ontario)
Research and development
- Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit
- Albanese, F1343–F1345
- Fife, F1343–F1344
- Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit
Retirement planning
Retirement security
- Martow, SP1068
Ring of Fire development.
see also Railways, construction in Ring of Fire- consultation with aboriginal communities
- Deloitte LLP as consultants
- employment for aboriginal peoples
- Miller, N., E707–E708
- funding
- general remarks
- Naidoo-Harris, F86
- infrastructure development
- private sector investment
- stakeholders
- Duguid, E117
Ring of Fire Infrastructure Development Corporation
Road maintenance
Road safety
- advisory committee
- general remarks
- Ontario Road Safety Annual Report
- Crack, E841
- pedestrian crossovers
- public education campaigns
- rules for cyclists and drivers. see also Cycling accidents
- Del Duca, E258–E259
Road safety inspections
Road-building machines
- permit fees for
- Albanese, F1332
- Barrett, F1332–F1333
- Fedeli, F1331–F1333
- permit fees for
Robotics industry
- Clearpath Robotics Inc.
- Vernile, F285
- Clearpath Robotics Inc.
Rowan's Law Advisory Committee Act, 2015 (Bill 149)
- Delaney, JP314
- Fife, JP306, JP308, JP312
- Fraser, JP306–JP307
- MacLeod, JP306, JP309, JP312–JP314
- Naidoo-Harris, JP309
- Potts, JP311–JP312
- amendments
- Fraser, JP325–JP326
- Hatfield, JP325
- MacLeod, JP325–JP326