Letter: B
Baha'i community
Bangladeshi community
Bangladeshi Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 44)
Banking services
Bankruptcy laws.
see US Steel CanadaBasic income
Basic income pilot project.
see Poverty reductionBDS Movement.
see Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions MovementBear control
Beechwood Cemetery Company Act, 2017 (Bill Pr72)
Behavioural economics
Bengali community
- appreciation
- Berardinetti, 796
- appreciation
Bills referred to committee
- Private members' public bills
- Affordable Electricity Act, 2018 (Bill 197), 7298
- Albanian Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 36), 717
- Asbestos Use Prohibition Act, 2017 (Bill 88), 2419
- Auditor General Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 67), 1826–1827
- Bangladeshi Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 44), 925
- Child Abuse Prevention Month Act, 2017 (Bill 170), 6006
- Children's Law Reform Amendment Act (Relationship with Grandparents), 2016 (Bill 34), 1386
- Compassionate Care Act, 2017 (Bill 182), 7173
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Protection Act, 2017 (Bill 157), 5367
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act, 2016 (Bill 26), 925
- End Age Discrimination Against Stroke Recovery Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 9), 494
- Enhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101), 2880
- Fairness in Consumer Reporting Act, 2017 (Bill 167), 5800
- Flood Avoidance, Insurance and Recovery Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 179), 6591
- Garrett's Legacy Act (Requirements for Movable Soccer Goals), 2017 (Bill 180), 6988
- Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016 (Bill 16), 274
- Highway Traffic Amendment Act (School Bus Camera Systems), 2017 (Bill 94), 2419
- Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 56), 1386
- Home Care and Community Services Amendment Act (Dan's Law), 2016 (Bill 54), 1609
- Honouring our Veterans Act, 2017 (Bill 100), 5598
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 164), 6007
- Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Genetic Characteristics), 2016 (Bill 30), 1386
- Illegal Pill Press Act, 2017 (Bill 126), 5135
- Improving Post-Stroke Recovery for All Act, 2016 (Bill 9), 494
- Insurance Amendment Act (Life Settlements), 2017 (Bill 162), 5800
- Jonathan's Law (Employee Leave of Absence When Child Dies), 2016 (Bill 31), 2267
- Katelynn's Principle Act (Decisions Affecting Children), 2016 (Bill 57), 1826
- Kickstarting Public Participation Act, 2017 (Bill 77), 3293–3294
- Korean Heritage Month Act, 2017 (Bill 123), 4105
- Lawren Harris Day Act, 2017 (Bill 128), 4331
- Lebanese Heritage Month Act, 2016 (Bill 60), 1609
- Life Leases Act, 2017 (Bill 155), 5598
- Liquor Licence Amendment Act (Maple Wine and Mead), 2017 (Bill 184), 6983
- Liquor Statute Amendment Act (Sale of Spirits Manufactured for Brand Owners), 2017 (Bill 116), 4104–4105
- Long-Term Care Homes Amendment Act, 2017 (Bill 110), 3293
- Lung Health Act, 2016 (Bill 71), 1827
- Magna Carta Day Act, 2017 (Bill 97), 2645
- Mandatory Sexual Assault Law Training for Judicial Officers Act, 2017 (Bill 120), 6347
- Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2016 (Bill 6), 495
- Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions Act, 2017 (Bill 149), 5023–5024
- Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act (Councillor Pregnancy and Parental Leave), 2016 (Bill 46), 1154
- Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day Act, 2016 (Bill 79), 2267
- Nick's Law (Opioid Abuse Awareness), 2017 (Bill 161), 5599
- Ontario Craft Beer Week Act, 2017 (Bill 107), 3089
- Organic Products Act, 2017 (Bill 153), 6592
- Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2018 (Bill 186), 7716
- Protecting Rewards Points Act (Consumer Protection Amendment), 2016 (Bill 47), 1154
- Protecting Vulnerable Persons in Supportive Living Accommodation Act, 2017 (Bill 135), 4573
- Putting Voters First (Election Amendment) Act, 2016 (Bill 75), 2049
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward Act, 2017 (Bill 168), 5801
- Rea and Walter Act (Truss and Lightweight Construction Identification), 2017 (Bill 105), 3494–3495
- Reducing Waste One Pod at a Time Act, 2017 (Bill 173), 6591–6592
- Registered Professional Planners Act, 2017 (Bill 122), 4331
- Reliable Elevators Act, 2017 (Bill 109), 3695
- Safe Texting Zones Act, 2017 (Bill 19), 2880
- Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 (Bill 17), 717
- Simcoe Day Act, 2017 (Bill 159), 5366–5367
- Stop the Calls Act, 2017 (Bill 137), 4810
- Student Absenteeism and Protection Act, 2018 (Bill 198), 7716
- Supporting Agricultural Experts in their Field Act, 2016 (Bill 4), 274
- Tax Fairness for Realtors Act, 2017 (Bill 104), 3088–3089
- Ticket Speculation Amendment Act (Purchase and Sale Requirements), 2016 (Bill 22), 494
- Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2017 (Bill 33), 6192
- Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017 (Bill 74), 6812–6813
- Transparency in Gas Pricing Act, 2017 (Bill 146), 5135–5136
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (PTSD Benefits), 2017 (Bill 151), 5024
- WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2017 (Bill 145), 6191
- Private members' public bills
Birth certificates.
see Certificates of birth, marriage and deathBirth registration
- for multi- and co-parent families. see Parental recognition
Black community
see Electric power failuresBladder cancer
- awareness campaign
- Fraser, 4547
- awareness campaign
Blood donation and collection
Book publishers
- Biblioasis in Windsor, Ontario
- Hatfield, 368
- Biblioasis in Windsor, Ontario
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement
Brain injuries.
see Persons with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)Braiseryy Chicken Ltd. Act, 2017 (Bill Pr61)
Breast cancer
Broadband networks, access to
Broader public sector organizations
see Electric power failuresBruce Power
- Top Innovative Prize Award
- Fraser, 4780–4781
- Top Innovative Prize Award
Budget 2017
- balanced
- balanced budget
- city of Toronto, response to
- gender-based
- general remarks
- pre-budget consultations
- public consultation
- Vanthof, 4478–4479
- release date
- review by Auditor General/Financial Accountability Officer
Budget 2018
Budget deficit.
see also Government debtBudget Measures Act (Housing Price Stability and Ontario Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit), 2017 (Bill 134)
Budget speech 2017 (April 27, 2017)
- presented
- Sousa, 3881–3887
- responded to
- Bailey, 3932–3933
- Baker, 3919–3926, 3928, 3932, 3937, 3941–3942, 4000–4001, 4174–4175, 4289
- Ballard, 4003, 4283, 4285
- Barrett, 3937
- Bradley, 4001–4002
- Brown, 4285–4288
- Clark, 4427–4428
- Coe, 4283–4284
- Colle, 4428
- Coteau, 4281–4283
- Del Duca, 4170–4171
- Fedeli, 4175–4176
- Fife, 3929–3934, 3941
- Flynn, 4002–4003
- Forster, 3928, 3933, 3943–3944, 3999–4000, 4002
- Fraser, 4426–4427
- Gates, 4284, 4289–4290
- Gélinas, 3917–3921, 4288–4289
- Hillier, 3920, 3926–3929, 3942, 4175
- Horwath, 4166–4170
- Hunter, 4173
- Jaczek, 4425
- MacCharles, 3935–3936
- MacLeod, 4428–4429
- Mantha, 4001
- Matthews, 3925
- McDonell, 4001
- McGarry, 3934–3935, 3938
- Miller, N., 3938–3942
- Miller, P., 3929, 3937
- Oosterhoff, 4284–4285
- Pettapiece, 3924, 3937–3938
- Potts, 3933, 4003–4004
- Qaadri, 4171–4172
- Rinaldi, 4172–4173, 4175
- Sandals, 3920
- Taylor, 3920, 3924–3925, 4428
- Vanthof, 3942, 4174, 4290–4291
- Walker, 3913–3917, 3925, 3928–3929, 4173–4174
- Yakabuski, 4289
- Zimmer, 4004, 4284
- division (carried), 4446–4447
- presented
Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 (Bill 139)
- first reading
- Mauro, 4687
- second reading, 4835–4870, 4971–4982, 5136–5151, 5244–5270
- Armstrong, 4853, 5268–5270
- Arnott, 5136
- Bailey, 4971–4972
- Baker, 5252–5253
- Ballard, 5270
- Barrett, 4863
- Berardinetti, 5145–5146, 5150, 5267
- Bradley, 4857–4858, 4867, 4972, 5246, 5250–5253
- Clark, 5249, 5253
- Coe, 5146, 5149, 5265–5267
- Delaney, 5137
- Des Rosiers, 4853–4854
- Dong, 5146–5147
- Fedeli, 5269–5270
- Forster, 4857, 4864–4866, 4868, 4972, 5252, 5255, 5261–5262
- Gélinas, 4849
- Gretzky, 5247–5250
- Hardeman, 4973–4982, 5137–5138, 5246
- Harris, 5262–5264
- Hatfield, 5136–5145, 5147, 5149–5150, 5245–5246, 5249, 5256, 5258–5259, 5261
- Hillier, 5244–5245, 5247
- Mantha, 5270
- Martow, 4972–4973
- Mauro, 4835–4839
- McGarry, 4839–4846, 4849, 4863
- McMahon, 5147–5148
- McNaughton, 4845, 4857
- Milczyn, 5261
- Miller, N., 4846–4850
- Miller, P., 4862–4863, 4867–4868
- Moridi, 5269
- Munro, 5255–5256
- Naidoo-Harris, 5270
- Naqvi, 4854–4858
- Natyshak, 5247, 5256–5259, 5266–5267
- Oosterhoff, 4844–4845, 4849–4850, 4867
- Pettapiece, 4853
- Potts, 5148–5149, 5151
- Rinaldi, 4845, 4852–4853, 4868–4870, 4971, 4973, 5249, 5255, 5259
- Sattler, 4845, 4850–4852, 4854
- Smith, 5267
- Tabuns, 5146, 5267
- Thompson, 5252, 5259–5260, 5262
- Vanthof, 4863–4864
- Vernile, 4868
- Walker, 4858–4862, 4864, 5137, 5150
- Wilson, 5258, 5261
- Yakabuski, 5253–5256
- Zimmer, 5250, 5258
- division (carried), 5287–5288
- third reading, 6539–6550, 6713–6724, 6875–6891, 6925–6941, 7039–7047
- Armstrong, 6722–6723, 7042
- Bradley, 6885–6889, 6927–6928
- Clark, 6884
- Coe, 6548
- Dickson, 6928
- DiNovo, 6931, 6936, 6940
- Fedeli, 6723, 6931, 6936
- Forster, 6884, 6888, 6925–6927, 6929
- French, 7044–7046
- Gélinas, 6548–6549
- Gretzky, 6928, 6935, 6937–6939, 6941, 7046
- Hardeman, 6713–6722, 6724, 7043
- Hatfield, 6875–6885
- Hillier, 6889–6891
- Hoggarth, 6888–6889
- Jones, 6549
- MacLaren, 6929–6932
- MacLeod, 7045–7046
- Mauro, 6539–6542, 6931–6932, 6939–6940, 7042–7043, 7045
- McGarry, 6543–6545, 6549–6550, 6935–6936, 6940–6941
- Miller, N., 6932–6937
- Naqvi, 6545–6548
- Natyshak, 7043
- Nicholls, 6928, 6932
- Rinaldi, 6549, 6723, 6884, 7046–7047
- Romano, 6940
- Tabuns, 6723–6724
- Thompson, 7039–7044
- Wilson, 6888
- Wong, 6883–6884
- division (carried), 7059–7060
- Royal assent, 7060
- first reading
Building construction
- wood frame buildings
- Fedeli, 6273
- wood frame buildings
Building construction, truss and lightweight (TLC)
Building inspectors
- directives to
- entry into private dwellings
- Hillier, 6629
Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016 (Bill 70)
- first reading
- Sousa, 1534–1535
- second reading, 1669–1680, 1753–1772, 1827–1836, 1858–1877, 1977
- Armstrong, 1678
- Baker, 1672–1678, 1761, 1830, 1834, 1866, 1871
- Cho, 1834
- Coe, 1831–1833, 1835
- Damerla, 1678, 1828–1829
- Del Duca, 1868–1871
- DiNovo, 1834–1835
- Fedeli, 1679–1680, 1753–1762
- Fife, 1762–1772
- Fraser, 1876
- French, 1863–1867, 1877
- Gates, 1761, 1771
- Gretzky, 1679, 1861, 1866–1867
- Hardeman, 1678–1679
- Jones, 1770–1771
- MacLaren, 1871
- Martins, 1867–1868, 1872
- Martow, 1830–1831
- Matthews, 1867
- McGarry, 1669
- McNaughton, 1866
- Miller, N., 1872, 1876–1877
- Moridi, 1827–1828, 1831
- Munro, 1830
- Pettapiece, 1862
- Potts, 1770
- Sandals, 1861–1862
- Sattler, 1762, 1833–1834, 1871, 1876
- Smith, 1761–1762
- Sousa, 1669–1672, 1679
- Tabuns, 1830, 1835–1836
- Vanthof, 1862
- Vernile, 1771
- Walker, 1872–1877
- Yurek, 1858–1863
- division (carried), 2015
- time allocation motion, 1930–1943
- third reading, 2217–2225
- division (carried), 1969–1970
- Royal assent, 2240
- first reading
Building safety
- general remarks
- Baker, 6435
- general remarks
Bullying prevention
Burden Reduction Act, 2017 (Bill 27)
- first reading
- Duguid, 370
- second reading, 574–575, 619–629, 1493–1508, 1541–1570, 1877–1878
- Armstrong, 1545
- Bailey, 1545–1546, 1550, 1559
- Ballard, 1568–1570
- Bradley, 1568
- Campbell, 1550, 1564
- Clark, 1507
- Del Duca, 1555–1558, 1560
- Delaney, 1554–1555
- Duguid, 574–575, 619, 1507
- Flynn, 1541–1542
- French, 1507–1508
- Gates, 1549, 1554, 1563
- Gélinas, 1497–1498, 1567
- Hillier, 1561–1563
- Jones, 624, 1554, 1559–1560
- Leal, 623–624
- Martins, 619–624, 1498, 1545, 1549–1550, 1559, 1563–1564
- Martow, 1564
- Mauro, 1542–1544, 1546
- McDonell, 623
- McNaughton, 624–629, 1494–1497, 1499
- Milczyn, 1544, 1554
- Natyshak, 1499–1508
- Nicholls, 1544–1545, 1548–1549
- Sattler, 1564–1568
- Singh, 1551–1555
- Smith, 1546–1547, 1550–1551
- Tabuns, 623
- Vanthof, 1499, 1559
- Vernile, 1570
- Walker, 1498–1499
- Wong, 1508
- Yakabuski, 1567
- Zimmer, 1567
- division (carried), 1921–1922
- third reading, 2597–2605
- Royal assent, 3001–3002
- first reading
Business co-operatives
Business development
Business environment
Business, global competition
Business Growth Initiative
Business support programs.
see Business development—support programsBusinesses
- environmental compliance approvals
- McNaughton, 1495
- regulatory requirements
- Duguid, 1181
- McNaughton, 1180–1181
- bulk sales
- commercial arbitration, reform
- Duguid, 620
- international standards
- re consumer protection
- re transactions with government
- Duguid, 621
- reduction and streamlining
- redundancy (federal-provincial overlap)
- McNaughton, 628
- technology transfer
- McNaughton, 627–628
- environmental compliance approvals
Businesses, small and medium-sized