Letter: R
Racial Equity in the Education System Act, 2022 (Bill 67)
see also Anti-racism activities; specific communities- anti-Asian racism
- anti-Black racism
- anti-Semitism
- government response to
- Lecce, 1837
- government response to
- anti-Semitism, response to
- Toronto District School Board
- Andrew, 1837
- Toronto District School Board
- in education system
- Andrew, 1673
- general remarks
- Fraser, 2348
- public education campaigns
- Emancipation Month
- see unde
- Black community
- see unde
- Emancipation Month
Rail service
Railway development
- historically
- Bisson, 1846
- historically
Real estate industry
Regulations - business
- administration of. see also Government services–digital administration
- compliance costs
- general remarks
- government strategy
- reduction
- as economic policy
- general remarks
- monetary value
- rate of
Regulations - infrastructure
Regulatory colleges
Regulatory process
Religious freedom
Religious symbols
- Quebec restrictions on
- Fraser, 2348
- Quebec restrictions on
Religious symbols - Quebec restrictions on
- as discrimination
- Singh, G., 2663–2664
- as discrimination
Remembrance Week Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 38)
Renal disease.
see Kidney diseaseRenewable energy contracts
Renewable energy projects
- general remarks
- Pang, 3032
- general remarks
Rent control
Rent Stabilization Act, 2021 (Bill 23)
Rental housing
- affordability
- affordable
- definition of
- Vanthof, 3106
- definition of
- annual increase rates
- cost of
- evictions
- general remarks
- government strategy
- general remarks
- Andrew, 2825
- general remarks
- and housing supply
- Cuzzetto, 2826
- landlord buy out agreements
- Sattler, 1446
- landlord buyout aggreements
- statements by stakeholders
- Armstrong, 1327
- statements by stakeholders
- in London
- CBC investigation
- Sattler, 1446
- CBC investigation
- maintenance and repair
- rent control
- rent increases
- rent increases, above-guideline
- rent increases, guidelines
- Kernaghan, 1242
- rent subsidies
- Hunter, 2804
- and social assistance recipients
- Taylor, 3295
- supply
- tenant protections
- vacanacy decontrol
- vacancy decontrol
- vacancy units
- Karpoche, 2580
Rental housing - COVID-19
Rental housing - development
- cost of
- Sabawy, 3294
- development charges. see Land use planning–development charges
- general remarks
- purpose-built
- transit-oriented
- cost of
Rental housing - evictions
Rental housing - short-term
- Airbnb
- Smith, D., 1243
- Airbnb
Rental housing supply
Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020,
SO 2020, c 17.
see also COVID-19 - emergency ordersReopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020,
SO 2020, c 17
- general remarks
- Karahalios, 2607
- general remarks
Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020,
SO 2020, c 17
Reports by committees
- Committee of the Whole House
- Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight, 32–33
- Standing Committee on Estimates, 1028, 1653, 2175
- Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 1542, 3116, 3193
- Hardeman, 2519
- Standing Committee on General Government, 1263, 2948
- Standing Committee on Government Agencies, 260, 639, 902, 1097, 1358, 1593–1594, 1736, 1967, 2175, 2415–2416, 2895, 3193
- Standing Committee on Justice Policy, 3193, 3246
- Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, 301, 3246
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 1653–1654
- Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, 961, 1363, 1654, 1737–1738, 2226, 2465, 2682, 2948, 3246, 3349
- Standing Committee on Social Policy, 1152, 2278, 2852
Residential school system
- general remarks
- Mantha, 135–136
- Indigenous families, impact on
- Mamakwa, 1868
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. see under Indigenous relations - Truth and Reconciliation
- records and documentation
- release of
- Mamakwa, 1640
- release of
- student fatalities
- Vatican, delegation to
- general remarks
Residential schools
- human remains, search for
- Mamakwa, 2880
- human remains, search for
Residential Tenancies Act,
c. 17
- land lease model
- Bailey, 3346
- land lease model
- compensation
- impact on retention
- Sattler, 420
- minimum wage. see under Employment standards - minimum wage
- impact on retention
- economic impact
- Sabawy, 434
- labour shortage
- Sattler, 419–420
- patio service
- third-party delivery services. see Food delivery industry
- working conditions
- impact on retention
- Sattler, 420
- impact on retention
- compensation
Restaurants - COVID-19
- capacity limits
- economic impact
- Arthur, 294–295
- government consultation
- government response
- patio service. see under Restaurants
- proof-of-vaccination policies. see under Business - COVID-19
- recovery timeline
- Sattler, 418
- staff working conditions
- impact on retention
- Sattler, 420
- impact on retention
Retirement homes
- combined facilities
- long-term care and supporting housing
- Coe, 1512
- long-term care and supporting housing
- consumer protection
- eviction
- Monteith-Farrell, 1514
- general remarks
- long-term-care patients
- ownership models
- ownership of
- Shaw, 1505
- pricing information
- regulatory enforcement
- regulatory environment
- Harden, 1509
- rental fees
- annual rates
- Harden, 1509
- annual rates
- resident satisfaction
- Cho, R.S.J., 1459–1460
- unlicensed
- Wai, 716
- visitors
- combined facilities
Retirement Homes Act, 2010,
SO 2010, c 11
- guiding principles
- Coe, 1512
- guiding principles
Retirement homes - COVID-19
- emergency orders
- facility inspections
- Bouma, 1062
- fatalities
- Shaw, 1510
- infection control
- government funding
- Cho, R.S.J., 296
- government funding
- rate increases
- Monteith-Farrell, 1514
- resident vaccination
- Accessible Drive to Vaccines program
- Cho, R.S.J., 1460
- Accessible Drive to Vaccines program
- by site
- White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence
- Harden, 1509
- White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence
- staff vaccination policies
- Cho, R.S.J., 1460
Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
Retirement homes - staff
- recruitment and retention
- Recruitment and Retention Incentive Program
- Kusendova, 1642
- Recruitment and Retention Incentive Program
- recruitment and retention
Right to Timely Mental Health and Addiction Care for Children and Youth Act, 2021 (Bill 79)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 1707
- first reading
Ring of Fire development
Road maintenance in winter
Road safety
- automated speed enforcement
- Smith, D., 1376
- collision rates
- Blais, 1171
- commercial vehicles
- northern highways
- Vanthof, 1088
- northern highways
- enforcement
- fatalities
- annual rate
- Blais, 1171
- cyclists
- Stiles, 1251
- general remarks
- northern highways
- West, 3237
- pedestrian
- penalties. see Driving - careless/distracted
- regional rates
- vehicle collisions
- Karpoche, 334
- annual rate
- general remarks
- Bell, 1168
- government strategy
- northern Ontario
- street design
- Vision Zero approach
- Bell, 1169–1170
- winter driving
- automated speed enforcement
Road safety - speed limits
- enforcement, police services
- Taylor, 3303
- enforcement, police services
Roadmap to Wellness.
see Mental health and addictions services–
government strategyRoadside attractions
Ross Memorial Hospital Act, 2022 (Bill Pr65)
Rouge National Urban Park
- creation of
- Calandra, 340
- creation of
- invasion of Ukraine. see under Ukraine - invasion of (February 2022)
Ryerson University