Letter: E
Eabametoong First Nation
- housing
- Mamakwa, F3385
- housing
Early childhood educators (ECEs)
Eating disorders
- academic impact
- Andrew, M266
- body shaming
- Andrew, M254
- Canadian Eating Disorders Strategy
- Andrew, M278
- caregiver support
- cost of
- Andrew, M256
- and COVID-19
- demographics
- and digital image modification
- Coteau, M274
- discrimination and harassment
- general remarks
- prevalence
- Andrew, M254
- recognition and diagnosis
- socio-cultural determinants of
- stigma
- Kanapathi, M272
- academic impact
Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61)
Eating disorders - public education and awareness
- awareness week. see under Public education campaigns - health
- general remarks
- media and culture industries
- Andrew, M258
- in medical schools
- school settings
- target audiences
Eating disorders - treatment programs
Economic conditions
Economic development.
see also specific industryEconomic policy
- autism services. see Autism services
- curricula development program
- Lecce, E103
- curriculum. see Curriculum
- data collection
- demographic
- Hunter, SP1079
- demographic
- destreaming
- equity programming
- financial literacy
- full-day kindergarten. see Kindergarten—full-day
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Indigenous communities. see Indigenous communities—education
- mandatory volunteer hours
- scope expansion
- Piccini, F2128
- scope expansion
- online learning. see Education - online learning
- outcome measurement
- general remarks
- Arthur, F3074
- general remarks
- policy development
- role of consultation
- Fife, F525
- role of consultation
- racism and discrimination in
- Reciprocal Education Approach. see under Indigenous communities - education
- in rural communities
- Fee, F584
- shop classes
- Downey, F445
- special education. see Special education
- specialist high skills major
- specialized teachers/programming
- speech therapy services. see Speech-language pathology services
- streaming
- suspension and expulsion
- vaccine-preventable disease teams
- Gélinas, E572
Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2
- O. Reg. 274/12: hiring practices. see under Teachers—hiring of
Education associations
- political endorsements
- Kusendova, G960
- political endorsements
Education - COVID-19
- cases and outbreaks
- community support
- EQAO testing
- Lecce, E370–E371
- general remarks
- Hunter, F3027
- instructional time
- school closures
- school safety
- staff mental health
- student broadband access
- French, F2216
- student mental health
- general remarks
- staff contracts
- staff training
- support funding
- Student Nutrition Program
- Smith, T., E1010, E1076, E1112–E1113
- summer learning programs
- vaccination clinics. see under COVID-19 - vaccination
Education - COVID-19, funding
- from board reserves. see also School boards—deficit allowance
- federal
- general remarks
- for high-transmission communities
- Lecce, E353
- new staff
- provincial
- reflection in annual estimates. see under Ministry of Education
- technological supports
Education - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks
- implementation timeline
- ministry briefings
- outcome measurement
- Stiles, E384–E385
- stakeholder consultation
Education - COVID-19, in-school learning
- alternative space utilization
- Hunter, F1657
- attendance models
- Lecce, E357–E358
- class sizes
- community classrooms
- Hunter, F2026
- and contact tracing
- Hunter, F2712
- as economic policy
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- HVAC upgrading
- impact on child care sector
- Harden, F2496
- infection control
- learning gap
- remediation of
- Hunter, F3248
- remediation of
- new staff
- regional
- Fife, F2710
- return-to-school directives
- Jones, EM230
- school buses
- stakeholder response
- student vaccination. see under COVID-19 - vaccination–target populations
- testing
- timeline for
- Stiles, E850
- alternative space utilization
Education - COVID-19, online learning
Education - elementary/secondary
Education - French-language
Education funding
- allocation
- annual increase
- attrition protection fund
- for behavioural supports
- by board
- capital projects. see under Schools; Schools—capital projects funding
- Education Programming - Other (EPO) funding
- for equity programming
- funding formula
- funding source
- Shaw, F1053
- general remarks
- Indigenous programming supports
- Local Priorities Fund (LPF)
- renegotiation of. see also Education support staff—collective bargaining
- Lecce, E84
- renegotiation of. see also Education support staff—collective bargaining
- for math supports
- for mental health. see under Mental health and addictions funding—children and youth
- mental health programming. see Mental health and addictions funding - children and youth
- Northern Supports Initiative
- online classes
- Shaw, F770
- Parents Reaching Out Grants
- allocation process
- Gates, F1251
- allocation process
- per capita
- Shaw, F1053
- Priorities and Partnerships Fund (PPF)
- reciprocal education agreement. see Indigenous communities—education—reciprocal funding agreement
- for re-engagement programs
- Stiles, F693
- secondary programming grant
- Stiles, E93
- Special Education Grant. see Special education—government funding
- special needs programming
- Lecce, E80
- staff compensation increases
- Stiles, E350
- year-over-year
- Fife, F3247–F3248
- Hunter, F3284–F3285
- Thanigasalam, F3252
Education funding - Grants for Student Needs (GSN)
Education - online learning
- administration
- broadband requirements
- course breadth and variety
- during COVID-19. see under Education - COVID-19
- cyber security controls
- delivery model, public vs. private
- exemptions
- Skelly, F1111
- general remarks
- government funding
- impact on jobs. see also Education funding - elementary/secondary—attrition protection fund
- mandatory courses
- policy development process
- prerequisite skills
- Arthur, F1111
- student outcomes
- technological requirements
- voluntary uptake
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
Education reform.
see also Curriculum reformEducation reform - consultation
Education support staff
- average compensation. see Public sector compensation—average rate—support workers
- behavioural support training
- Lecce, E94
- collective bargaining. see also Education funding - elementary/secondary—Local Priorities Fund (LPF)
- education assistants
- representation and diversity
- Lecce, E356
- working conditions
Election offences
Electoral process - COVID-19
Electoral process - polling stations
Electoral process - ranked ballot system
Electoral reform
Electric vehicle industry
Electric vehicles
Electric vehicles - charging stations
Electricity consumption
Electricity generation
Electricity generation - biomass facilities
- Atikokan Generating Station
- contract termination and extension
- Monteith-Farrell, E1154
- Rickford, E1154–E1155
- contract termination and extension
- Calstock power plant
- construction
- northern Ontario
- Monteith-Farrell, E630
- OPG Thunder Bay
- closure
- Bourgouin, E407
- closure
- Atikokan Generating Station
Electricity generation - water power
- facilities
- regulatory oversight
- sector participation
- Schreiner, G471
- turbines
Electricity infrastructure
- hydro poles
- maintenance and upgrading
- Piccini, F2472–F2473
- Schreiner, F2472
- maintenance and upgrading
- hydro poles
Electricity rates
Electricity rates - COVID-19
Electricity rates - reduction
- borowing, cost of
- Rickford, E1166
- Tabuns, E1165–E1166
- business
- general remarks
- Cuzzetto, E1201–E1202
- Rickford, E1201–E1203
- Smith, D., F3018
- government subsidies
- Shaw, F2941
- renewable energy contract subsidy
- Phillips, F3013, F3018–F3019
- Thanigasalam, F3044
- general remarks
- general remarks
- Natyshak, A213
- Rickford, E1160–E1161
- Smith, D., F3019
- Tabuns, E1159–E1161
- government strategy
- Arthur, F1227
- Rickford, E1167
- Smith, D., F1226–F1227
- Tabuns, E1167
- Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program
- relief programs
- Barrett, E1174
- Rickford, E1174–E1175
- stabilization subsidy
- Glover, G1010
- borowing, cost of
Electricity sector
- general remarks
- Arthur, F3043–F3044
- worker compensation
- worker shortages
- Glover, G380
- general remarks
Electricity supply
Electricity supply - COVID-19
- stability
- Martin, F2168–F2169
- and pharmaceutical industry
- Martow, F2641
- stability
Electricity transmission
- Lake Erie Connector project
- Tabuns, E1167–E1168
- public vs. private
- Glover, G1010
- Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project
- Mamakwa, F657
- Lake Erie Connector project
Elevator technicians
- data collection
- service outages and repair times
- Piccini, F1136–F1137
- service outages and repair times
- supply
- data collection
Elevators and escalators - construction and maintenance
Emergency management
- general remarks
- Thanigasalam, F3033
- general remarks
Emergency management - emergency orders
- continuation with amendment
- enforcement
- extension of
- federal
Emergency management - environmental.
see also Flood management; WildfiresEmergency management - infectious diseases
Emergency Management Ontario
Emergency management - preparedness
Emergency orders review
- Anand, EM224
- Bailey, EM12–EM13, EM30, EM49, EM57, EM99, EM118, EM128, EM143, EM159–EM160, EM177, EM207, EM220, EM234–EM235
- Bisson, EM2, EM6–EM8, EM24–EM25, EM43–EM44, EM91, EM97–EM101, EM116–EM118, EM144–EM146, EM148–EM150, EM157–EM158, EM168, EM178–EM180, EM205–EM206
- Coe, EM115, EM133
- Elliott, EM56, EM58–EM59, EM61–EM64, EM66
- Fraser, EM10, EM13–EM14, EM27, EM30–EM31, EM42–EM43, EM58, EM61–EM62, EM93–EM94, EM97, EM100–EM101, EM112–EM113, EM115–EM116, EM128, EM131–EM132, EM135, EM144, EM148, EM160, EM164, EM178, EM208, EM211–EM212, EM222, EM224–EM225, EM235, EM239
- Gélinas, EM132–EM133, EM136, EM164–EM166, EM208–EM209, EM212–EM213, EM237, EM239–EM241
- Hogarth, EM8, EM26–EM27, EM41, EM56–EM58, EM92, EM111, EM126–EM127, EM136, EM142–EM143, EM158–EM159, EM176–EM177, EM206–EM207, EM219–EM220, EM237–EM238
- Jones, EM3–EM16, EM20–EM34, EM36, EM39–EM49, EM51–EM54, EM58, EM60–EM62, EM64, EM87–EM100, EM106–EM112, EM116–EM119, EM121–EM125, EM126–EM135, EM137–EM151, EM153–EM167, EM171–EM185, EM202–EM213, EM215–EM228, EM229–EM242
- Kusendova, EM226–EM227
- Martin, EM15–EM16, EM25, EM28–EM29, EM33–EM34, EM42, EM60–EM61, EM92–EM93, EM111–EM112, EM134, EM136, EM146, EM163, EM180, EM209–EM210, EM223, EM234
- Oosterhoff, EM9, EM25–EM26, EM48, EM64–EM66, EM95–EM96, EM114–EM115, EM150–EM151, EM166–EM167, EM183–EM184, EM227–EM228, EM241–EM242
- Park, EM16, EM30, EM34, EM45–EM46, EM64, EM99–EM100, EM118–EM119, EM131, EM167, EM184–EM185, EM213–EM214
- Parsa, EM242
- Rakocevic, EM10–EM12, EM27–EM28, EM39–EM40, EM54–EM56, EM62–EM63, EM91–EM92, EM109–EM110, EM125–EM126
- Singh, G., EM161–EM162
- Singh, S., EM14–EM15, EM31–EM33, EM46–EM48, EM94–EM95, EM113–EM114, EM128–EM130, EM141–EM142, EM175–EM176, EM183, EM218–EM219, EM222–EM223, EM225–EM226
- Stiles, EM232–EM233, EM236–EM237
- Triantafilopoulos, EM12, EM29–EM30, EM45, EM60–EM61, EM96–EM97, EM130, EM147, EM162–EM163, EM180–EM181, EM210–EM211, EM238–EM239
- Vanthof, EM59–EM60, EM223–EM224, EM226
Emergency response training
- AED. see Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- CPR. see Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- first aid and basic life support
- Kusendova, SP508–SP509
Emergency service providers
Emergency vehicles
see also Labour relations; Minimum wage- career vs. job
- West, G372
- compensation, direct deposit
- continuing education
- micro-credentials
- Pang, A379
- micro-credentials
- dismissal, grounds for
- misrepresentation
- Pettapiece, G697
- misrepresentation
- and driver licences
- Downey, F579
- employer-worker relations
- general remarks
- impact of automation
- Lecce, E110
- internships
- paid vs. unpaid
- Natyshak, A381–A382
- paid vs. unpaid
- labour market skills
- living wage
- determination of
- Gélinas, F2322
- determination of
- math skills
- Pettapiece, E389
- new staff turn-around
- training costs
- Harden, F2623–F2624
- training costs
- part-time and minimum-wage
- pay equity. see Pay equity
- public vs. private sector
- Harden, F443–F444
- return-to-work
- government strategy
- Lecce, E108
- government strategy
- support programs
- Investing in Women's Futures Program
- Dunlop, E1136–E1137
- Investing in Women's Futures Program
- unemployment rate
- workplace codes of conduct
- Gates, A469
- career vs. job
Employment - contract.
see also Temporary employment agencies- compensation plans. see also Pay equity—and employment status
- Fife, F71–F72
- dependent contractors
- independent contractors
- prevalence of
- West, F59
- worker misclassification
- compensation plans. see also Pay equity—and employment status
Employment - COVID-19
- employee mental health
- Burch, F2362
- government funding
- government strategy
- in BIPOC communities
- Coteau, F2301–F2302
- Sarkaria, F2302
- in BIPOC communities
- health and safety
- for immigrants and refugees
- Hunter, F2633
- impact of CERB
- Jobs Training Tax Credit
- application period
- Hunter, F3231–F3232
- disbursement cycle
- Fife, F3266
- general remarks
- Bethlenfalvy, F3210
- Fife, F3258
- Hunter, F3286
- Smith, T., E1078, E1125–E1126
- application period
- loss due to
- Miller, P., E481
- recovery rate
- sick days
- Blais, F1464
- Harden, F2882, F2928
- Hunter, F3096
- Jones, EM162
- Rakocevic, EM92
- Schreiner, F1539
- Shaw, F3081
- Singh, G., EM161–EM162
- Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
- paid
- Bell, P439
- Fife, F3212, F3221, F3276–F3277, F3296–F3297
- Gates, G1078, G1117
- Harden, SP989–SP991, SP1073
- Hunter, F3285
- Martin, SP990
- Nicholls, F2320
- Schreiner, G1078–G1079, G1116–G1117
- sick days, paid
- Bailey, EM177
- Bisson, EM117–EM118, EM179–EM180
- Fraser, EM128, EM178
- Gélinas, EM76, EM209
- Jones, EM109, EM125–EM126, EM128, EM179–EM180, EM209, EM215
- Rakocevic, EM109, EM125–EM126
- skilled trades
- HVAC technicians
- Fife, F2974
- HVAC technicians
- Skills Development Fund
- McNaughton, F3308
- worker retraining
- workplace transmission
- Harden, SP1073
- workplace transmission and outbreaks
- Amazon warehouse
- Gates, SP970
- Amazon warehouse
- WSIB benefits
- presumptive coverage
- Gates, F2113–F2114
- presumptive coverage
- youth unemployment rate
- employee mental health
Employment insurance
Employment insurance (EI) benefits
- artists and artisans
- Hunter, F1490
- artists and artisans
Employment - job creation/loss
Employment Ontario.
see Social assistance programs—employment services- employer partnerships
- public vs. private
- Harden, E1077–E1078
- public vs. private
- government funding
- target occupations
- Harden, E1076–E1077
- Smith, T., E1076
- employer partnerships
Employment Ontario - administration contracts.
see also Social assistance programs - employment services- Hamilton-Niagara pilot
- contract value
- Harden, E1069–E1070
- placement rate
- Harden, E1070
- contract value
- outcome measurement
- pilot programs
- vendor performance history
- Gretzky, E1045–E1046
- Hamilton-Niagara pilot
Employment - precarious
Employment standards
- and collective agreements. see Labour relations—collective agreements
- general remarks
- impact on mental health
- Karpoche, SP412
- leaves of absence
- domestic or sexual violence
- Harden, F446
- domestic or sexual violence
- overtime hours, averaging
- Fife, G227–G228
- scheduling
- working conditions
Employment Standards Act, 2000,
S.O. 2000, c. 41
- application to contractors. see under Employment - contract
- as baseline for contract negotiation
Employment standards - bereavement leave
Employment standards - enforcement
Employment standards reform (2018)
- annual leave days
- annual leave days, classification of
- consultation process. see under Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
- general remarks
- holiday pay provisions
- Fife, F69–F70
- impact on women
- implementation timeline
- West, F31
- stakeholder opinion
Employment standards - sick days
Employment - training
Employment - wages
- average industrial wage
- McNaughton, G1076
- minimum wage. see Minimum wage
- average industrial wage
Endangered species.
see also Wildlife protection- biodiversity
- Des Rosiers, JP176
- government strategy
- monitoring and tracking
- protection of
- protection orders
- biodiversity
Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6
- amendment proposals
- posting requirements
- Burch, JP176
- Des Rosiers, JP123, JP175–JP176, JP178
- posting requirements
- impact on land use planning
- overlap with Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994
- reactive nature of
- Des Rosiers, JP174
- review of
- amendment proposals
Endangered species - species-at-risk
- designation process
- classification criteria
- Burch, JP174–JP175
- Des Rosiers, JP123, JP150, JP174–JP175
- McDonell, JP124
- Committee on the Status of Species at Risk (COSSARO). see Committee on the Status of Species at Risk (COSSARO)
- classification criteria
- protection of
- fee-in-lieu. see under Housing development - environmental regulations
- ministerial response statements
- ministerial suspensions and delays
- Des Rosiers, JP176–JP179
- Hogarth, JP177
- Stiles, A240
- Species at Risk Conservation Fund
- eligible activities
- Des Rosiers, JP178–JP179
- eligible activities
- designation process
Ending Automobile Insurance Discrimination in the Greater Toronto Area Act, 2018 (Bill 44)
- stakeholder response
- Shaw, F665–F666
- stakeholder response
End-of-life care.
see Palliative careEnergy and Water Benchmarking program, O Reg 506/18
Energy bills
Energy generation
Energy policy
- and climate change mitigation
- Rickford, E1177–E1178
- Tabuns, E1176–E1178
- Walker, E1176
- and environmental protection
- Shaw, FT226–FT227
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Sarkaria, G1263–G1264
- Schreiner, G273–G274
- Tabuns, G273
- Northwest GTA Corridor Identification Study
- Sabawy, E212–E213
- procurement strategy
- Rickford, E1172
- Tabuns, E1171–E1172
- and climate change mitigation
Energy rate increases
- causes of
- Shaw, FT245–FT246
- due to debt retirement charge
- Shaw, FT238
- impact on employment
- Calandra, SP108
- impact on manufacturing industry
- Fee, SP106
- causes of
Energy rates
Engineers and engineering
- and COVID-19
- equity-seeking groups
- women
- Hunter, F2575
- Lindo, F2576–F2577
- women
- financing
- angel investments
- Fife, F2469
- angel investments
- post-COVID recovery
- Hunter, F3250
- promotion of
- Oosterhoff, F1230
- support programs
- general remarks
- Harden, F2357
- Hunter, F2355–F2356, F2990
- Lindo, F2584
- mentorship
- Hunter, F2573
- general remarks
Environmental assessment.
see under Land use planningEnvironmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c. 28
- general remarks
- Burch, JP176
- Des Rosiers, JP175–JP176
- government notification requirements. see Environmental Registry
- general remarks
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
- transfer of role
- Shaw, F402
- transfer of role
Environmental policy
- biodiversity offsetting
- Gates, E441
- consultation
- consultation requirements
- economic impact
- as economic policy
- Schreiner, G1176
- Shaw, F2306, F3129, F3173–F3174
- factors impacting
- Parsa, P364
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Indigenous consultation
- Shaw, G1162
- Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan
- public notification requirements
- regulatory frameworks
- stakeholder advocacy
- French, G1150
- biodiversity offsetting
Environmental protection
- and aggregate site rehabilitation. see Aggregate sites—rehabilitation
- education campaigns
- Khanjin, G427
- environmental assessments. see under Land use planning
- and forest industry regulations. see also Forest industry
- Shaw, F274
- general remarks
- and Indigenous communities
- Mamakwa, F3054
- Municipal-Industrial Strategy Abatement (MISA) standards. see Municipal-Industrial Strategy Abatement (MISA) standards
- and public health
- reporting requirements
Environmental protection - administrative monetary penalties
- adverse effect threshold
- allocation to Special Purpose Account
- assessment process
- as deterrent
- enforcement
- entities subject to
- general remarks
- mandatory program review
- offences subject to
- payment prevents conviction
- penalty schedule
- economic benefit offset
- general remarks
- impact on remediation rate
- maximum penalties
- reverse onus, repeal of
Environmental Registry
- government use of
- Des Rosiers, JP175–JP176
- government use of
Environmental sensitivities.
see Multiple chemical sensitivities/environmental sensitivitiesEpilepsy
Estate administration
Everest College
- closure of
- Shaw, F710
- closure of