Letter: O
Occupational health and safety
see also Young offendersOffice of the Premier
- budget expenditures
- Barnes, F1938
- FOI requests
- response time
- Clark, F1929, F1935–F1936
- Fife, F1935–F1936
- Kernaghan, F1929
- response time
- general remarks
- Premier's schedule
- role
- staff
- Clark, F1926–F1929, F1934
- Fife, F1926–F1928, F1934, F1936, F1941
- staff salaries
- staff training
- transparency
- budget expenditures
see also Renewable energyOil and gas wells
- inspections
- Kernaghan, JP189
- legacy
- government strategy
- Dowie, IN571
- Shaw, IN574
- Smith, G., IN571–IN572, IN574–IN575
- government strategy
- inspections
Oil industry
- workers
- recruitment and retention
- Crawford, F158
- recruitment and retention
- workers
Ontario Arts Council
- government funding
- Andrew, HE666
- Lumsden, HE666–HE667
- government funding
Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- transition to school-based supports
- Fraser, F685–F686
- Pasma, SP591–SP592
- funding
- Lecce, SP592
- transition to school-based supports
Ontario Autism Program - AcessOAP
Ontario Autism Program (OAP).
see Also Autism servicesOntario Automotive Modernization Program
- general remarks
- Fedeli, F752
- general remarks
Ontario Building Code
Ontario Child Advocate
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- benefit rates
- statements by stakeholders
- Kernaghan, F38
- statements by stakeholders
- benefit rates, increase
- earning exemptions, increase
- eligibility
- benefit rates
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) - benefit rates
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) recipients
- stigma
- Kernaghan, F51
- stigma
Ontario Drug Benefit
- approval process
- Cuzzetto, F391
- approval process
Ontario Drug Benefit Program
- specialized infant formula coverage
- Crawford, F1606–F1608
- Gélinas, F1611
- Hazell, F1611–F1612
- specialized infant formula coverage
Ontario English Catholic Teachers Assoc. v His Majesty,
2022, ONSC 6658
Ontario Health
Ontario Health atHome
- accountability and transparency
- Gélinas, SP810
- board of directors
- accountability and transparency
- Shamji, SP805
- membership
- Gates, SP784
- membership requirements
- Gélinas, SP802–SP804
- Martin, SP803
- Quinn, SP804
- Shamji, SP802
- transparency and public access
- Barnes, SP806
- Gélinas, SP789–SP790, SP806–SP807
- Jones, S., SP789–SP790
- Shamji, SP807
- accountability and transparency
- care coordinators, role of
- Martin, SP783
- French-language services
- Barnes, SP799
- Gélinas, SP798–SP799, SP804–SP805
- Quinn, SP804–SP805
- general remarks
- Shamji, SP776
- government funding
- reallocation
- Jones, S., SP788
- reallocation
- home and community care, contract procurement
- accountability and transparency
- Gélinas, SP809–SP810
- accountability and transparency
- regional organizations, consolidation into
- Barnes, SP750–SP751
- Quinn, SP788
- continuity of
- impact of
- impact on hospitals
- Gélinas, SP808
- Shamji, SP715, SP790, SP807–SP808
- impact on northern Ontario
- Shamji, SP777
- impact on patient care
- Jones, S., SP788–SP789
- timelines
- Shamji, SP795
- workforce continuity
- regional variability
- Gélinas, SP772
- accountability and transparency
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
- health cards
- service coverage
- Shamji, SP176–SP177
- service eligibility
- positron emission tomography (PET) scans
- Fife, F226
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
- Kernaghan, F1772
- take-home cancer drugs
- Fife, F1770
- Harris, F1771–F1772
- positron emission tomography (PET) scans
Ontario Health Teams.
see Also Health care - primary care — service coordination, team based- access to
- northern Ontario
- Gélinas, SP21
- northern Ontario
- complaint process
- Gélinas, SP810–SP811
- digital and virtual services
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Jones, S., SP19
- home and community care. see Also Home and community care - reform — transition to Ontario Health Teams
- implementation
- Shamji, SP773
- Indigenous communities
- Jordan, SP792
- integrated care
- Jones, S., SP539, SP545, SP787–SP788
- partnerships, Indigenous primary care
- Gélinas, F235
- patient rosters
- Martin, SP777–SP778
- programs, expansion
- northern Ontario
- Jones, S., SP22
- northern Ontario
- service coordination
- Jones, S., SP21
- access to
Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18
Ontario Heritage Trust
Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)
Ontario Infrastructure Bank
Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
see also Regenerative medicineOntario Invasive Species Centre
- general remarks
- Bouma, P123
- general remarks
Ontario Land Tribunal
- government funding
- Downey, JP267
- government funding
Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG)
- ministerial oversight
- Fife, F723
- money laundering
- prevention strategy. see also Casinos and gaming sector–money laundering
- Bethlenfalvy, F73–F724
- Fife, F723–F724
- prevention strategy. see also Casinos and gaming sector–money laundering
- ministerial oversight
Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF)
Ontario One Call
Ontario Place
- heritage property designation
- Andrew, HE675
- lease of, redevelopment agreements
- accountability and transparency
- competition process
- competition process, accountability and transparency
- French, HE537
- competition process, evaluation
- Blais, HE540
- parking garage development
- cost
- French, HE538–HE539
- cost
- Therme. see also Therme
- Bethlenfalvy, F626–F627
- Bowman, F627
- Fife, F626
- French, HE537–HE538
- annual payments
- Fife, F627
- redevelopment
- Lumsden, HE660–HE661
- McMahon, HE660
- redevelopment of
- French, HE546
- construction timeline
- Blais, HE539
- Surma, HE539–HE540
- government strategy
- Smith, L., HE547
- Surma, HE535, HE547–HE548
- job creation
- reports and recommendations
- French, HE546–HE547
- visitor transportation type
- expected rate
- Blais, HE539
- expected rate
- heritage property designation
Ontario Place - lease of, redevelopment agreements
- procurement process
- accountability and transparency
- French, HE1289–HE1291, HE1299
- Surma, HE1289–HE1291, HE1299
- accountability and transparency
- procurement process
Ontario Place - redevelopment
Ontario Public Service
Ontario Science Centre
- governance and programming
- relocation, Ontario Place
- cost of
- French, HE546–HE547
- cost of
Ontario Science Centre - board of directors
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
- funding models
- Martin, SP52
- funding programs
- total number of students
- Pasma, SP69–SP70
- total number of students
- funding streams
- government funding
- estimation vs. demand, annual
- Dunlop, SP53
- estimation vs. demand, annual
- loan repayment
- micro-credential programs
- eligibility
- Dunlop, SP75
- eligibility
- needs-based assessment
- Dunlop, SP53
- reform
- Dunlop, SP66
- student fixed contributions, exemption
- Indigenous students
- Dunlop, SP72
- Indigenous students
- funding models
Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network
Ontario Works (OW)
- benefit rates, indexed
- Kernaghan, F501
- benefit rates, indexed
Ontario Works - recipients
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- government funding
- Kernaghan, F953
- and high school graduation rates
- Fife, F1013
- student engagement
- Dowie, F1014–F1015
- government funding
Operating engineers
Opioid addiction.
see also Mental health and addictions- consumption and treatment services. see Consumption and treatment services
- harm reduction
- Fife, F456
Oshki-Pimache-O-Win: The Wenjack Education Institute
- official plan
- regional office, creation of
- Clark, F1939–F1940
- Hamid, F1939
Ottawa Carleton District School Board