Letter: H
Haggart Belting Canada Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr15)
Hallway medicine.
see Hospitals—capacity and overcrowdingHarassment
- offences
- enforcement
- Vanthof, G678
- enforcement
- offences
Hate and hate speech
Hate crime
- general remarks
- Glover, G1045
- general remarks
Hawke-Lea Holdings Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr42)
Hawkesbury and District General Hospital
- expansion project
- contract procurement
- French, E928
- contract procurement
- expansion project
Hazardous products
- asbestos
- and occupational health and safety
- Natyshak, A115–A116
- and occupational health and safety
- asbestos
Hazelnut industry
Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
- advisory committees
- Martin, SP1082, SP1086–SP1087, SP1092
- board membership
- Fraser, SP1081–SP1083, SP1085
- Gélinas, SP1081–SP1083, SP1087
- Harden, SP1081–SP1085
- Martin, SP1081, SP1083
- chief executive officer
- complaints investigations
- Sattler, SP1038
- disciplinary process
- Fraser, SP1090–SP1091
- Gélinas, SP1060
- Harden, SP1055, SP1061, SP1090–SP1091
- Martin, SP1090–SP1091
- personal health information
- Martin, SP1092
- employer directives
- general remarks
- Sattler, SP1031
- mandatory registration
- Sattler, SP1032
- minister, advising of
- and personal support workers
- registration
- regulatory framework
- general remarks
- Elliott, SP1004–SP1005
- general remarks
- representation on
- Sattler, SP1038
- advisory committees
Health care
- access to
- advanced care planning
- Fraser, G890–G893
- and economic development
- Shaw, F740
- equity
- general remarks
- Mamakwa, F467
- government strategy
- Martin, SP269
- housing partnerships
- Roberts, F389
- innovation and technology in
- Cho, S., F436
- Patient and Family Advisory Council
- personal health information. see Personal health information
- prevention
- privatization
- Gélinas, SP309
Health care - administration
Health care facilities
- family health teams
- nurse practitioner-led clinics
- staff
Health care funding
- administration
- Kramp, F1100–F1101
- Ontario Health vs. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
- allocation
- Canada Health Transfer
- capital projects
- general remarks
- inflation, health vs. economic
- Arthur, F930
- Northern Health Travel Grant
- per capita
- Arthur, F1159–F1160
- as percentage of GDP
- Glover, G366
- by region
- northern Ontario
- Arthur, F1021
- northern Ontario
- research and innovation
- Health Technologies Fund
- Fife, F2387
- Health Technologies Fund
- administration
Health care - northern Ontario
Health care - primary care
Health care professions
- without scope of practice
- regulation of
- Gélinas, SP1083–SP1084
- Martin, SP1082, SP1084
- regulation of
- without scope of practice
Health care services
- physiotherapy. see Physiotherapy
Health care services - billing
Health care services - delivery.
see also Ontario Health teams- coordination of care. see also Hospital services—transition out of care
- Health Care Navigation System
- Anand, P530
- online models
- Shaw, F1008
- operational efficiency
- Arthur, F973
- private vs. public
- public vs. private
- in religious facilities
Health care services - virtual delivery
- cost to patients
- Gélinas, E537
- during COVID-19. see also under Hospitals - COVID-19
- and equity
- Hogarth, P527
- federal funding
- Gélinas, E584
- funding structure
- Gélinas, P519
- general remarks
- medium of delivery
- northern Ontario
- Elliott, E516
- OHIP billing codes
- in other jurisdictions
- Gélinas, P524
- patient information access
- Gélinas, E537
- performance measurement
- physician billing
- post-surgical care
- Elliott, E518
- software and platform
- stakeholder response
- Martin, P531
- cost to patients
Health care system.
see also Local health integration networks (LHINs)Health care system - digital reforms
- Elliott, E6, E12
- Gélinas, E12
- Oosterhoff, M50–M51, M85, M91
- cross-provider coordination
- Digital First for Health Strategy
- Digital Health Playbook
- Elliott, E65–E66
- electronic medical records
- patient access. see Personal health information—patient access
- funding allocation
- general remarks
- telecommunications infrastructure requirements
- Gélinas, E69
Health care system - reform
- administrative centralization
- Elliott, E619
- agency integration
- Fraser, SP360
- Gélinas, SP352, SP359–SP360, SP371–SP373, SP376
- Kusendova, SP372
- Martin, SP359
- consultant fees
- Gélinas, E62–E63
- consultation process
- Armstrong, SP237, SP243, SP248–SP249, SP255, SP271, SP292, SP385–SP386
- Fraser, SP327–SP328, SP386
- Gélinas, SP234, SP266, SP279, SP298, SP315, SP327–SP328, SP385, SP387
- Mamakwa, SP247, SP259, SP261, SP287, SP318
- Triantafilopoulos, SP233–SP234
- and equity of access
- Armstrong, SP390
- Fraser, SP388
- Gélinas, SP389–SP390
- Karahalios, SP295
- Mamakwa, SP295–SP296
- Martin, SP333, SP388
- general remarks
- Armstrong, SP311
- Cho, S., SP2925–SP2926
- Elliott, E7, E506
- Fraser, SP406, SP408
- Gélinas, SP406–SP407
- Kusendova, SP407–SP408
- Martin, SP407
- Rasheed, F754
- Sabawy, SP408
- impact on employment
- impact on hospitals
- impact on labour relations
- impact on nursing care
- Kusendova, SP319
- performance metrics
- Sabawy, SP313
- and primary care
- consultation process
- cost
- French-language services advisory council, role of
- Fraser, SP399
- Gélinas, SP398–SP399, SP400–SP401
- general remarks
- health human resources
- government strategy
- Oosterhoff, M226
- government strategy
- impact on jobs
- Gélinas, E63
- Indigenous health council, role of
- Fraser, SP395–SP396
- Gélinas, SP396–SP397
- Mamakwa, SP394–SP395
- projected cost savings
- regulation-making authority
- stakeholder response
- Skelly, F936
- administrative centralization
Health care workers
- compensation
- annual increase, cap on. see Public sector compensation - cap on
- diversity and representation
- recruitment and retention
- compensation
Health care workers - COVID-19
Health equity
Health information.
see Personal health informationHealth policy
Health professionals.
see also Hospitals - staff; specific professionalsHealth professionals - regulation.
see also specific regulatory bodyHealth Quality Ontario (HQO)
- transfer under Ontario Health. see Ontario Health—agencies transferred under
Heath care infrastructure
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
- consumer protection
- impact on greenhouse gas emissions
- Blais, F2116–F2117
- labour market
- recruitment and retention
- McDonell, F2118
- recruitment and retention
- regulatory environment
- Rasheed, F2523
- service calls
- upselling
- Kramp, G781
- upselling
- supply chain
- domestic procurement
- Gates, F2118
- domestic procurement
- system upgrading
- Blais, F2116
- technological innovation in
- McDonell, F2117–F2118
- use prior to occupancy
Heritage properties
- designation of
- and development applications
- approval timelines
- Des Rosiers, JP115
- approval timelines
- Dominion Foundry Heritage site
- property tax
- Skelly, F1201
- protection of
- Stiles, A343–A344
- renovation and rehabilitation
- sale and demolition
- Shaw, F1200
- and tourism
- use for film and television production
- Piccini, F1911
Heritage sites
- designation of
- Piccini, F1385
- designation of
High wage transition fund.
see under Long-term care - staff—compensationHighway 407
Highway 427 extension
Highway - development and maintenance
- utility relocation
- Mulroney, SP910
- utility relocation
Highway safety
Highway tolls
Highway Traffic Act,
RSO 1990, c H.8
Highways - development and maintenance.
see also Connecting Links Program- construction projects
- general remarks
- GTA west corridor
- Highway 3 twinning
- Highway 7
- Highway 11/17 four-laning and bypass
- French, E210
- Highway 69 four-laning
- Highway 401/Harmony Road
- Highway 427 extension. see Highway 427 extension
- Prescott Russell Road 7
- French, E209
- project funding plans
- government funding
- Fife, F1170
- Highway Maintenance Program
- Indigenous consultations
- French, E190
- worker safety. see Road safety—roadside workers
- construction projects
Highways in northern Ontario
- construction. see Highways - development and maintenance—construction projects
- general maintenance
- Arthur, F1048–F1048
- rest areas
- winter maintenance
- privatization
- Bisson, F338
- privatization
Highways - winter maintenance
- closure during
- Bourgouin, E170
- contract service costs
- contract transfer
- contractor non-compliance
- contractor selection
- Thanigasalam, E226
- general remarks
- government funding. see Highways - development and maintenance—Highway Maintenance Program
- performance measures
- salt management
- French, E205
- service level classifications
- Thanigasalam, E224–E225
- closure during
Home and community care.
see also Hospital services—transition out of care; Long-term care- annual sector assessment
- care coordinators, role of
- coordination of. see under Health care services - delivery
- delivery model
- delivery models
- demand for
- economic impact
- Harden, M208
- eligibility
- Monteith-Farrell, E533
- essential caregivers
- recognition of
- Fraser, M182
- recognition of
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Pettapiece, E40
- in Indigenous communities. see under Indigenous communities - health
- integration of
- and long-term care
- Fraser, M118
- needs assessment, standardized
- in northern and rural Ontario
- and Ontario Health teams
- in other jurisdictions
- Harden, M201
- oversight of
- palliative services. see Palliative care
- patient bill of rights, by regulation
- patient transport
- for persons with disabilities
- Harden, M101
- private vs. public
- regulatory amendment
- regulatory environment
- Mitas, M126
- self-directed
- Armstrong, M98–M99
- service capacity
Home and community care - administration
- administrative costs
- billing
- missed visits
- Gélinas, E549
- missed visits
- care coordination
- agency responsible for
- care coordinators
- client-partnered scheduling
- general remarks
- Home and Community Care Support Services
- service procurement and partnerships
- caseload
- Harden, F437
- data collection
- for equity outcomes. see under Home and community care - reform—performance outcomes
- executive compensation
- executive qualifications
- Harden, M203–M204
- governance model
- Fraser, M151
- reporting requirements
- Oosterhoff, M203
- transparency
Home and community care - COVID-19
Home and community care - funding
- caregiver tax credit
- Roberts, F715
- copayments
- distribution process
- Armstrong, E44
- Family-Managed Home Care Program
- general remarks
- operating funding
- annual increases
- Gélinas, E542–E543
- annual increases
- per patient
- determination of
- Gélinas, M206
- determination of
- restriction to non-profit providers. see also Home and community care - service delivery—public vs. private
- transparency
- use of
- caregiver tax credit
Home and community care - patient bill of rights
- abuse, freedom from
- Mitas, M194–M195
- consent to care
- Harden, M193–M194
- essential caregivers
- Fraser, M182
- general remarks
- language rights
- Gélinas, M183
- patient as member of care team
- Fraser, M181
- personal health records
- Fraser, M181–M182
- regulatory vs. statutory
- stakeholder consultation
- substitute decision-makers
- Fraser, M181
- abuse, freedom from
Home and community care - providers
Home and community care - public
Home and community care - reform
- complaints, right to appeal
- consultation process
- continuity of care during
- Oosterhoff, M172
- coordination and integration
- digital technology
- Oosterhoff, M125
- general remarks
- home care sector
- Gélinas, M60
- legislative transition period
- Ontario Health teams
- performance outcomes
- public consultation
- regulation making authority
- stakeholder response
- Gélinas, M166
- transitional funding
Home and community care - service delivery
- abuse prevention plans and training
- complaints and appeals
- contracted delivery model
- culturally-appropriate services
- in francophone communities
- Armstrong, M178
- general remarks
- Harden, M119
- in Indigenous communities
- post-surgical
- service models
- standards of care
- team communications
Home and community care - service levels
Home and community care - staff
- annual labour reports
- care coordinators
- compensation
- general remarks
- Elliott, SP1004
- personal support workers
- compensation
- general remarks
- recruitment
- retention
- scheduling
- Armstrong, M229
- working conditions
- recruitment and retention
- shift availability
- Gélinas, E539
- staff compensation
- Burch, F1236
- staff turnover
- impact on continuity of care
- Burch, F1236
- impact on continuity of care
- volunteers
- role of
- Piccini, F1236
- role of
- worker shortage. see specific professionals
Home construction
- Building Code violations
- disclosure to inspectors
- Bailey, JP344
- Harris, JP344
- Rakocevic, JP344–JP345
- disclosure to inspectors
- Building Code violations
Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA).
see also Tarion Warranty Corp. - builder regulation- board of directors
- builder complaints
- builder directory
- Building Code violations
- disclosure to inspectors
- Bailey, JP344
- Harris, JP344
- Rakocevic, JP344–JP345
- disclosure to inspectors
- creation of
- FOI exemptions
- jurisdiction conflicts with Tarion
- Kramp, G787
- licensing
- general remarks
- Rakocevic, G780
- general remarks
- mandate
- oversight mechanisms
Home heating
- bioheating
- Yakabuski, E402
- fireplaces
- Mamakwa, F1234
- Smith, D., F1234
- Stevens, F1233–F1234
- fuel sources
- relative cost of
- Smith, D., F1234
- relative cost of
- bioheating
Home improvement industry
Home insurance
Home ownership
- affordability
- and COVID-19
- homeowners' associations
- dispute resolution
- Hatfield, JP299
- regulation of
- Hatfield, JP298–JP299
- dispute resolution
- impact on rental market
- Morrison, F2040
- as investment strategy
- Barrett, F2039
- land lease model
- general remarks
- Harris, G1003
- Skelly, G1000–G1001
- lease fees
- Schreiner, G1001
- resale of home
- Skelly, G1000
- security of tenure
- Skelly, G1001
- general remarks
- market entry
- Morrison, F2040
Home renovation
- flood mitigation
- Healthy Homes Renovation Tax Credit
- Thanigasalam, F3251–F3252
- home renovation tax credit
- supply chain
- demand vs. supply
- Calandra, F2345
- demand vs. supply
- underground market
Home sales
- mandatory energy audits
- Harden, SP149–SP150
- mandatory energy audits
Home Warranties to Protect Families Act, 2019 (Bill 169)
- and COVID-19
- Bisson, EM8
- Jones, EM8
- general remarks
- shelter supports
- Clark, F2000–F2001
- supportive housing
- Shaw, F2012–F2013
- during COVID-19
- Glover, G1337
- data collection
- Stevens, F1276
- demographics
- Indigenous persons
- Gates, F1232
- Indigenous persons
- housing services
- Mamakwa, F2220
- housing supports
- prevention programs
- shelter beds
- annual cost
- Gretzky, E1038
- annual cost
- social cost of
- Morrison, SP705, SP789–SP790
- support funding
- supports by region
- Sioux Lookout
- Mamakwa, F2025
- Sioux Lookout
- Transitional and Housing Support Program
- Smith, T., E1004
- and COVID-19
Horse racing industry
Horse racing industry - COVID-19
- digital programming
- general remarks
- Smith, D., F1601
- government supports
- Hatfield, F1601
- Miller, P., F1601–F1602
Hospice care.
see Palliative careHospitality industry.
see also Restaurant industryHospitality industry - COVID-19
- consumer confidence
- consumer price increases
- Hunter, F1537
- economic impact
- hotels and accommodation sector
- on other sectors
- Lindo, F2611–F2612
- restaurant sector
- special events sector. see Special events industry - COVID-19
- economic recovery
- Skelly, F1703
- employment loss
- worker retraining. see under Employment - COVID-19
- event venues
- revenue losses
- Cho, S., F1700
- revenue losses
- gaming sector
- health and safety protocols
- Gretzky, F1603
- health and safety protocols
- government supports
- impact of arts and culture closures
- Gates, F2403
- industry response
- in other jurisdictions
- Coteau, F2404
- in other jurisdictions
- infection control
- insurance
- promotion of
- reopening
- resorts
- restaurants
- staffing levels
- wellness sector
- labour shortage
- Crawford, F1712
- labour shortage
Hospitality industry - COVID-19, government response
- general remarks
- grants and loans
- interest rates
- Gates, E475–E476
- interest rates
- Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant. see Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant
- stakeholder consultation
- Coteau, F2404
- tax deferrals
- Arthur, F2389
- impact on personal debt
- Hunter, F2585–F2586
- payroll health tax
- Arthur, F2389
- property tax
- Arthur, F2505
- repayment of
- Arthur, F2388
- capacity and overcrowding by site
- supply chain management. see under Health care - administration
Hospitals - administrations
Hospitals - beds
Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
- bed development
- Elliott, E623
- beds, new
- beds, occupied by long-term-care patients
- Fullerton, E53
- and chronic disease prevention
- Miller, N., P54
- contributing factors
- general remarks
- government strategy
- ICU beds and ventilators
- Kanapathi, SP951
- inter-facility transfers
- in northern Ontario
- Arthur, F261
- patient flow
- Elliott, E62
- post-COVID-19
- Gélinas, P565
- bed development
Hospitals - construction
- design standards
- tool sterilization
- Gélinas, P566
- tool sterilization
- development timelines
- Scott, E906
- funding. see Hospital funding—capital projects
- general remarks
- project delays
- public-private partnerships (P3), use of
- reactivation care centres
- Elliott, E509
- by region
- by site. see by site
- design standards
Hospitals - construction by region
- Niagara Falls
- Windsor-Essex
- McNaughton, F3307
Hospitals - COVID-19
- capacity
- extern program
- general remarks
- government funding
- ICU beds
- geographic distribution
- Elliott, E517
- geographic distribution
- ICU capacity
- Kanapathi, F3217
- ICU demographics
- Hunter, F3293
- Infant Hearing Program
- Smith, T., E1113
- medical procedures
- and patient safety
- Crawford, P557
- patient transfers
- physician compensation
- redeployment rates
- Gélinas, E586
- redeployment rates
- revenue loss
- Elliott, E499–E500
- surgical backlogs
- triage protocol
- Harden, SP1071
- virtual care delivery
Hospitals - funding
- acute-care beds
- Triantafilopoulos, SP951
- allocation
- base funding
- capital projects
- capital projects by site
- community and priority services
- disbursement process
- Gélinas, E555
- disbursement process
- diagnostic imaging
- Gélinas, E526–E527
- general remarks
- Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund
- Elliott, E509
- in Ontario Health teams. see Ontario Health teams—funding structure
- operation of related facilities
- definition of
- Gélinas, E555
- definition of
- operational costs
- Shaw, F673
- per capita
- small- and medium-sized
- stabilization funding
- Elliott, E499
- stabilization funding
- small/medium-sized
- surge funding
- transitional beds
- Piccini, F1158
- transparency
- disclosure requirements
- Gélinas, M150
- disclosure requirements
- acute-care beds
Hospitals - maintenance
- alternative financing and procurement (AFP) agreements
- contract drafting
- French, P109–P110
- contract drafting
- funding. see Hospital funding—capital projects
- impact of Carillion Canada liquidation
- public private partnership (P3) agreements
- alternative financing and procurement (AFP) agreements
Hospitals - patient safety
- best practice implementation
- complaints process
- Barrett, P562
- during COVID-19. see under Hospitals - COVID-19
- critical incidents, never events
- general remarks
- medication management
- Cuzzetto, P566
Hospitals - private
Hospitals - services
- acute care
- response times
- Parsa, P568
- response times
- blood services. see Blood services
- community outsourcing
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- Gélinas, SP950
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- emergency and acute care
- laboratory data
- result retrieval systems
- Smith, D., F2385–F2386
- result retrieval systems
- transition out of care. see also Health care services - delivery—coordination of care
- wait times
- Miller, N., P89
- acute care
Hospitals - staff
Hot Docs Act (Tax Relief), 2019 (Bill Pr20)
Hotel industry
- accommodation as temporary social housing
- Roberts, F1348–F1349
- accommodation as temporary social housing
- affordability of
- Hunter, F3279
- cost of
- Shaw, F1134
- government strategy
- Martin, SP748–SP749
- consultation process
- Martin, SP715
- proximity to amenities
- Hogarth, JP103
- affordability of
Housing construction
- builder directory. see also under Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA); Tarion Warranty Corp. - builder regulation
- jurisdiction over
- Harris, G802
- jurisdiction over
- construction standards
- consumer education
- Bailey, JP269, JP276–JP277
- Coe, JP285
- Singh, S., JP272
- defect assessment
- burden of proof
- general remarks
- Hatfield, JP292–JP293, JP301–JP302
- Rakocevic, JP302
- defects, structural
- major vs. regular
- Harris, G736
- major vs. regular
- energy efficiency
- Schreiner, G727
- high-rise buildings elevators
- cost of
- Shaw, F1136
- service adequacy
- Piccini, F1136–F1137
- Shaw, F1136
- cost of
- injury rates
- falls
- Gates, F1273
- falls
- mass timber structures
- Roberts, F1108
- material costs
- impact on unit price
- Arthur, F3281
- impact on unit price
- new home registration. see under New home construction industry
- in northern Ontario
- builder directory. see also under Home Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA); Tarion Warranty Corp. - builder regulation
Housing construction - inspections
- accuracy and completeness
- building inspectors. see Building inspectors
- frequency and timing
- inspector accountability
- jurisdiction over
Housing - co-operative and non-profit
Housing development
- accessibility requirements
- community housing. see Community housing
- community partnerships
- community response to
- Schreiner, F2556
- condominium construction
- Des Rosiers, JP134
- consumer tax credit
- and COVID-19. see under Construction industry
- design
- energy efficiency programs
- Schreiner, G1107
- energy efficiency programs
- federal funding
- Fife, F563
- financing through health programs
- Mamakwa, F3259
- general remarks
- government funding
- Singh, S., F2035
- government strategy
- impact of apprenticeship reform. see under Apprentices—journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio
- impact on municipal revenue
- labour shortage
- land purchasing
- affordable housing provisions
- Roberts, F1133
- affordable housing provisions
- mid-density
- Schreiner, F2556
- mixed-financing models
- Smith, D., F2425
- non-profit
- parkland access
- Schreiner, F2556
- and population growth projections
- Yakabuski, E451
- for post-COVID recovery
- Blais, F2114
- provincial funding
- re-development of existing stock
- Hunter, F2132
- regulatory environment
- secondary suites
- site selection
- supply chain. see under Construction industry
- target market
- Harden, F429
- transit-oriented
- unit affordability
- zoning, impact of
- Arthur, F698
Housing development by region
Housing development - development charges.
see also Land use planning—development charges- administration
- impact on housing supply. see under Land use planning
- community benefits charge
- deferral
- determination of
- educational development charges
- Burch, JP173
- framework development
- consultation process
- Clark, F2004
- consultation process
- general remarks
- Arthur, F698
- increased density fees
- infrastructure and essential services
- eligible services
- determination of
- Des Rosiers, JP168
- McDonell, JP168–JP169
- inclusion of ambulance services
- inclusion of community services
- Burch, JP169–JP170
- Des Rosiers, JP169–JP170
- Hogarth, JP169–JP170
- determination of
- general remarks
- Fife, F523
- eligible services
- parkland dedication fees
- Burch, JP123, JP187–JP188
- reform
- temporary freeze on
- during COVID-19
- Skelly, F2063
- during COVID-19
- administration
Housing development - environmental regulations
- development on wetlands. see under Watersheds and wetlands
- environmental assessments. see under Land use planning
- fee-in-lieu
- suspension of. see Endangered species - species-at-risk—protection of—ministerial suspensions and delays
Housing development - inclusionary zoning
- effectiveness of
- general remarks
- in other provinces
- use restrictions
- Arthur, F872
- Des Rosiers, JP103, JP110, JP113, JP120–JP121, JP125, JP130, JP132, JP139, JP144, JP148, JP152–JP153, JP186
- McDonell, JP128–JP129, JP132–JP133
- Morrison, JP187
Housing market.
see also Affordable housing- detached vs. condo
- Cho, S., F676
- impact of broadband access
- Cho, S., F3280
- impact of COVID-19
- impact of foreign buyers' tax
- impact of local employment rates
- Smith, D., F3278
- impact on foreign business investment
- price appreciation
- Arthur, F3281
- Cho, S., F3280–F3281
- detached vs. condo
Housing - non-profit
- development timelines
- Morrison, F2427
- development timelines
Housing policy
Housing security
- Schreiner, G1323
Housing supply
- vs. demand
- Cho, S., F2080
- format diversity
- Piccini, F2080
- Roberts, F1134
- Singh, S., F2035, F2041, F2145–F2146
- general remarks
- Downey, F128
- Gates, F1232
- Sabawy, G1104–G1105
- Shaw, F1134
- government strategy
- impact of COVID-19
- Skelly, G1000
- Kitchener-Waterloo
- Harris, G1321
- long-term projections
- McDonell, JP116
- by region
- vs. demand
Housing Supply Action Plan
Human trafficking
- countermeasures
- Park, JP805
- education
- Hogarth, JP806
- vs. forced labour
- Collard, JP765
- general remarks
- Hogarth, JP757–JP758
- government strategy
- Dunlop, JP736
- Jones, JP737–JP738
- Karahalios, SP793
- consultation process
- Kusendova, JP749–JP750, JP761, JP777
- funding
- Hogarth, JP758–JP759, JP784
- Yarde, JP759
- funding allocations
- general remarks
- Collard, JP797
- Kusendova, JP786–JP787
- Morrison, JP750
- personal information, protection of
- Hogarth, JP817
- hotel guest registries
- Indigenous persons
- Morrison, JP793–JP794
- police, powers of
- police response to
- Jones, JP744
- prevention
- children in care
- Dunlop, JP740–JP741
- Gill, JP740
- Morrison, JP793
- children in care
- provincial inspectors
- powers of
- Yarde, JP759
- powers of
- provincial inspectors, powers of
- Roberts, JP818
- Singh, G., JP817–JP818
- Smith, D., JP818
- Yarde, JP759
- public awareness
- Dunlop, JP736–JP737, JP743
- reporting of
- Bouma, JP795
- short-term rentals
- Harris, JP811
- Hogarth, JP810–JP812
- Morrison, JP810
- Singh, G., JP812–JP814
- Yarde, JP810–JP811, JP814
- and socioeconomic conditions
- Glover, JP782
- and socio-economic conditions
- Morrison, JP793
- victim support services
- countermeasures
Human trafficking - police
- police services, definition of
- Hogarth, JP809, JP811–JP812, JP814–JP815
- powers of
- reporting requirements
- Hogarth, JP813
- training
- Hogarth, JP806
- police services, definition of
Human trafficking - sex trafficking
- child protection orders
- issuance of
- Dunlop, E1098
- issuance of
- child residential care. see under Child protection system - residential care
- community-based supports
- Community Supports Fund
- Dunlop, E1130
- culturally responsive
- general remarks
- Dunlop, E1129–E1130
- service capacity
- Coe, E1129
- Community Supports Fund
- conflation with sex work
- Tangri, JP798
- Yarde, JP747, JP796–JP797
- data collection
- demographic information
- Armstrong, E1097
- Mamakwa, E1250–E1251
- Rickford, E1250–E1251
- privacy protection
- Rickford, E1250
- demographic information
- general remarks
- Collard, JP776
- Dunlop, E1061
- Kusendova, JP749
- Pettapiece, E1060–E1061
- Smith, T., E1004
- government strateg
- consultation
- Jones, JP743
- Oosterhoff, JP743
- Yarde, JP741–JP742
- consultation
- government strategy
- conflation with sex work
- consultation
- Coe, E1129
- Dunlop, E1061–E1062, E1129
- consultation process
- Hogarth, JP810, JP815–JP817
- Morrison, JP810
- Singh, G., JP815–JP816
- Yarde, JP811, JP817
- general remarks
- Dunlop, E1061–E1062, E1129–E1130
- Smith, T., E1004–E1005
- government funding
- impact onin BIPOC communities
- investigation and prosecution
- Singh, G., JP755–JP756
- general remarks
- impact on sex trade workers' rights
- Collard, JP742–JP743
- Jones, JP743
- Yarde, JP741–JP742
- minors
- Bouma, JP796
- Kusendova, JP749, JP777
- Park, JP752–JP753, JP774
- Tangri, JP798–JP799
- population-based supports
- prevalence
- Dunlop, E1061
- prevention
- Tangri, JP765
- recruitment and grooming
- Jones, JP741
- victim demographics
- youth in care
- Armstrong, E1096–E1097
- youth in care
- victim support services
- government funding
- Morrison, JP739–JP740
- government funding
- child protection orders
Humewood House
Hunting and angling
Hunting and angling - licensing
Huron University College Act, 2020 (Bill Pr28)
- West, T67
Hurricane Hazel (1954)
- Schreiner, G1191
Huyer, Dr. Dirk.
see Chief Coroner of OntarioHybrid vehicles.
see Electric vehiclesHydro One
- government intervention
- cost of
- Schreiner, G380
- cost of
- government intervention
Hydro One privatization
- departure tax
- Shaw, FT283
- Tabuns, FT227–FT228
- impact on future revenue
- protection of public interests
- Fife, FT274–FT275
- departure tax
Hydro One privatization - revenue
Hydrogen technologies
- storage
- Bailey, G1352
- storage