Committee subject index

Letter: D

  • Dental care

    • government funding
  • Dental care - senior citizens

  • Dentists

    • internationally trained
  • Developmental service workers

    • wages
  • Developmental services

    • government funding
      • reflection in estimates
    • government strategy
    • reform
  • Developmental services - adult

    • supportive housing
      • government strategy
      • wait-lists
  • Developmental services - adults

    • Passport Program
      • benefit rates
  • Developmental services - Passport Program

    • adults, reapplication
  • Diabetes

    • patients, in-hospital costs
    • public awareness campaigns
      • Kusendova-Bashta, F936
    • type 1
      • prevalence of
  • Diagnostic imaging

    • mobile units
      • in long-term care homes
        • Triantafilopoulos, F254
  • Distilleries

    • spirits, and tourism promotion
    • spirits, sale in grocery stores
  • Divisions (recorded vote)

    • additional hearings re: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23), HE156, HE193
    • appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Child and Family Services Review Board, A282–A283
      • Consent and Capacity Board, A214
      • Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology board of governors, A178
      • Invest Ontario, A124
      • Landlord and Tenant Board, A194–A195, A261
      • Royal Ontario Museum, A134
      • Social Benefits Tribunal, A113
      • University of Toronto Governing Council, A261
    • bills referred to committee
    • committee business, F883
    • committee meetings, F882–F883
    • estimates (2023-2024)
    • estimates (2023-2024), time allocation
      • Standing Committee on Social Policy, SP479
    • estimates - assignment of ministries, HE67, JP202
    • motions
      • closed session, F613, SP371
      • committee meetings re: greenbelt land swap, HE693
      • Metrolinx, review on operations of, A157
      • Ontario Place Corp., study of and public hearings for, A238
      • Standing Committee on Justice Policy, chair's conduct, matter of privilege, JP166
    • Progress on the Plan to Build Act (Budget Measures), 2022 (Bill 36), F65–F66
    • selection of estimates (2022-2023)
      • Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, F13
      • Standing Committee on Justice Policy
        • amendments, JP10
        • Ministry of the Attorney General, JP10
        • Ministry of Francophone Affairs, JP10
        • Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, JP10
        • Ministry of Indigenous Affairs, JP10
        • Ministry of the Solicitor General, JP10
      • Standing Committee on Social Policy
        • amendments, SP8, SP10
        • Ministry of Colleges and Universities, SP14
        • Ministry of Education, SP14
        • Ministry of Long-Term Care, SP14
      • Standing Committee on the Interior
        • adjournment of committee, IN10
        • amendments, IN8
        • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, IN9
        • Ministry of Energy, IN4, IN9
        • Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, IN9
        • Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, IN9–IN10
    • selection of estimates (2023-2024)
      • Standing Committee on Social Policy
    • Standing Committee on Social Policy
      • adjournment of committee, SP15
  • Doctors

    • administrative responsibilities
    • family doctors
      • recruitment and retention
        • Smith, David, F158
      • shortage
    • internationally trained
      • credential recognition programs
      • credentialling of
    • physician locum programs. see Ontario Health
    • primary care doctors
      • recruitment and retention
    • recruitment and retention
      • government strategy
    • shortage
      • government strategy
  • Doctors - education and training

    • internationally trained
      • practice-ready assessment programs
  • Doctors - education and training, medical schools

    • enrolment spaces
      • operational funding
  • Doctors - family doctors

    • access to
      • impact on health care system
    • recruitment and retention
  • Dog train-and-trial facilities

  • Domestic violence

    • causes of
    • emergency shelters
      • government funding
      • staff recruitment and retention
    • prevention
  • Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie

    • emergency department
      • service reduction
  • Durham region

    • governance
Last updated