Letter: J
J2M Collingwood Holdings Inc. Act, 2023 (Bill Pr17)
James Smith Cree Nation
- mass stabbing (September 3, 2022)
- Mamakwa, 674
- mass stabbing (September 3, 2022)
Jewish community
Joshua's Law (Lifejackets for Life), 2023 (Bill 93)
Judicial appointments
Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
Judicial education.
see also by profession- continuing education
- intimate partner violence
- sexual assault law, intimate partner violence and coercive control. see also Judicial education–intimate partner violence
- courses, new appointments
- Leardi, 3962
- judicial notice
- decisions, impact on
- Dixon, 3938
- decisions, impact on
- sexual assault law, intimate partner violence and coercive control
- Armstrong, 3964–3965
- Bailey, 3937
- Coe, 3964, 4797
- Dixon, 3936, 3937
- Downey, 3920–3921, 4780
- Fraser, 3953
- Gallagher Murphy, 3987–3988
- Hogarth, 3921
- Kerzner, 3926
- Khanjin, 3947
- Kusendova-Bashta, 4807
- Martin, 3926
- Pang, 3951, 3975
- Pierre, 3947
- Sattler, 3949
- Shaw, 4809–4810
- Smith, Dave, 3962
- Triantafilopoulos, 3792, 3934–3935, 4806, 4808, 7568
- Vanthof, 3930
- education program, parameters
- Sattler, 3949
- evaluation process
- impact on decisions
- Smith, Dave, 3960–3961
- legislative process
- statements by stakeholders
- Khanjin, 3944
- continuing education
Judy Hatt Consulting Inc. Act, 2024 (Bill Pr57)
Jurors and juries
- civil trials
- compensation
- diversity and representation
- questionnaires
- selection process
Justice - administration of
- crown attorneys, role of
- Dixon, 4965
- crown attorneys, role of
Justice centres
Justice for Soli Act (Stop Criminalizing Mental Health), 2024 (Bill 196)
- first reading
- Wong-Tam, 9177
- first reading
Justice system
- Access to Justice Week
- community programs and services
- funding allocation
- Taylor, 3193
- funding allocation
- delays
- digital services, reform
- Saunderson, 4782–4783
- education and continuing education
- judges and judicial officials. see Judicial education
- sexual assault law, intimate partner violence and coercive control
- Downey, 3921
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Downey, 10609–10610
- French, 3942
- McGregor, 10950
- Rasheed, 10950
- and population growth
- Saunderson, 7522
- pretrial detention. see also Correctional facilities - inmates
Justice system - administration of
- justice centres. see Justice centres
Justice system - criminal
Justice system - reform
Justice system - youth
- youth justice centres
- Wong-Tam, 6984–6985
- youth justice centres
Justices of the Peace
- appointment process
- continuing education
- intimate partner violence. see also Judicial education–sexual assault law, intimate partner violence and coercive control
Justices of the Peace - Justices of the Peace Appointments Advisory Committee