Letter: G
G20 law
- regulation 233/10
- Singh, G287
- regulation 233/10
Gage Research Institute Act, 2015 (Bill Pr24)
Gas plants.
see Natural gas utilities- emissions
- Chiarelli, E373
- emissions
Gas station attendant safety.
see Gasoline wholesale and retail business—occupational health and safetyGasoline tax revenue.
see also Transit funding—gasoline taxGasoline wholesale and retail business
- occupational health and safety
- Colle, G35
- occupational health and safety
Georgian College.
see Marine Emergency Duties Training CentreGO Transit.
see also Presto fare payment system; Transit systems fare integrationGO Transit service expansion
- all-day service in Niagara region
- Gates, A218–A219
- Bowmanville
- Brantford to Aldershot station
- Del Duca, E807–E808
- Burlington GO station
- Cambridge
- electrification
- general remarks
- Kitchener-Waterloo region
- Newmarket–Aurora
- Niagara region
- rural Ontario
- Pettapiece, A236–A237
- Stoney Creek
- Del Duca, E839
- two-way, all-day service
- all-day service in Niagara region
Government accountability
Government advertising
- Auditor General oversight
- Albanese, F660–F661
- Baker, F657, F659
- Clark, G1294, G1298, G1352, G1385, G1388–G1389, G1405–G1406
- Colle, G1424
- Fedeli, F657–F658, F660–F661
- Fife, G1326, G1419
- Hillier, G1418, G1427
- Hoggarth, F660
- Milczyn, F657–F658
- Pettapiece, F659–F660
- Rinaldi, G1420
- Sattler, G1397
- Tabuns, F658, F660–F661
- Walker, G1422–G1423
- general remarks
- McDonell, G1081–G1082
- Rinaldi, G1512
- Thompson, G1080–G1082
- Wong, G1372
- partisan ads
- made with public funds
- Clark, G1335, G1339–G1340
- Fife, G1230–G1231, G1246, G1248, G1251, G1299, G1312, G1336, G1420, G1494–G1497, G1510–G1511, G1516
- restrictions on
- Clark, G1368, G1373
- Fife, G1346–G1347, G1498, G1512–G1515, G1517, G1520–G1522
- Gretzky, G1413
- Rinaldi, G1495–G1496, G1510, G1514–G1517, G1520–G1522
- Vernile, G1498
- made with public funds
- public infrastructure advertisements
- Fife, G1423
- Auditor General oversight
Government Advertising Act, 2004, S.O. 2004, c. 20
- Fife, G1419
- Hillier, G1417
- Walker, G1422–G1423
Government buildings
Government contracts
Government debt
Government land
Government record
Government revenue
Government spending
Great Lakes
Great Lakes conservation
- community involvement
- exemption from regulations
- general remarks
- Fraser, F185
- government funding
- Great Lakes Guardians’ Council
- impact on property owners
- MacLaren, G639
- impact on property values
- Thompson, G630–G631
- initiatives
- domestic and international agreements, G660
- through geographically focused initiatives (GFIs)
Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 (Bill 66)
- Barrett, G623
- Colle, G633
- Dickson, G622–G623, G633, G638, G643–G645, G657, G664
- Hatfield, G618, G620, G623–G625
- Hoggarth, G625, G630, G642, G649–G650, G666
- Kiwala, G620–G621, G626–G627, G653, G661–G662
- MacLaren, G639, G644, G651–G652
- Mangat, G618–G619, G625, G629, G633, G636–G638, G640, G647–G648, G651, G655, G659–G660
- Tabuns, G628–G629, G633, G636, G638, G641–G642, G644, G646–G647, G649, G651, G653, G655, G657–G659, G664, G666–G667
- Thompson, G618, G621, G625–G628, G630–G632, G636, G640–G642, G645–G646, G649, G653–G654, G657, G660, G662–G664, G666
- amendments
Green Party
- fundraising
- Clark, G1180
- fundraising
Green Smart energy efficiency program
- impact on small and medium-sized businesses
- McMahon, G897
- impact on small and medium-sized businesses
Greenhouse gas reduction
- data collection, standardization of
- Martow, G1036–G1039
- McDonell, G1036–G1040
- Potts, G1036–G1037
- Tabuns, G1036, G1038–G1039
- targets
- data collection, standardization of
Group purchasing organizations (GPOs)