Letter: S
Safe Restart Agreement
- allocation of funds
- general remarks
- Oosterhoff, F434
- general remarks
- allocation of funds
- transit development
- Eglinton East LRT. see Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Eglinton East extension
- general remarks
- Hunter, F349
- transit development
School boards
- regional catchment areas
- northern Ontario
- Smith, D., F99
- northern Ontario
- reserve funds. see under Education funding
- regional catchment areas
- student immunization
- required vaccines
- COVID-19
- Fraser, F463
- COVID-19
- required vaccines
- student immunization
Schools - capital projects
- French-language schools
- maintenance and repair
- HVAC systems. see under Education - COVID-19–infection control
- student safety, impact on
Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
Senior citizens.
see also Elder careSeptember 11, 2001 attacks
- accessibility standards
- BlindSquare program
- Roberts, F357
- BlindSquare program
- accessibility standards
- capacity and overcrowding
- Fife, F417
- capacity and overcrowding
Shelters - funding
- support models
- ShelterCare system
- Lindo, F401
- ShelterCare system
- support models
skilled trades
- labour shortage
- McNaughton, SP9
- labour shortage
Skilled trades
Skilled trades - apprenticeships
- apprenticeship fees
- Yakabuski, F197
- apprenticeship fees
Skilled Trades Ontario
- stakeholder response
- Bouma, F498
- stakeholder response
Skills gap
Small Business Support Grant
Smoking cessation programs
Social assistance programs
Social services
Social Services Relief Fund
- general remarks
- Ghamari, F185
- general remarks
Standing Committee on Estimates
Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Standing Committee on General Government
Standing Committee on Government Agencies
- appointments, online broadcast of
- appointments process
- committee business, A62–A63
- intended appointments
- Assessment Review Board, A31–A36, A40
- Collège d'arts appliqués et de technologie La Cité collégiale, board of governors, A41–A45, A50
- Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, A7–A12, A53–A57, A61
- Landlord and Tenant Board, A65–A74
- Licence Appeal Tribunal, A83–A88, A95–A99
- McMichael Canadian Art Collection board of trustees, A14–A19
- Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corp., A25–A26
- Niagara Parks Commission, A99–A105
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission, A36–A40
- Ontario Civilian Police Commission/Ontario Parole Board, A26–A29
- Ontario French-Language Educational Communications Authority, A85–A94
- Ontario Parole Board, A45–A50
- St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A57–A62
Standing Committee on Justice Policy
- committee business
- appointment of subcommittee, JP1
- committee business
Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- committee business
- reports referred to committee
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; Condominum Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario; Condominium Authority of Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P24–P42
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- reports referred to committee
- 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services; Electrical Safety Authority (Auditor General of Ontario), P1–P21
- reports referred to committee
Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills
- bills referred to committee
- Adventure Learning Experiences Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr51), T3–T4
- New Edinburgh Property Management Service Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr55), T6–T7
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9), T10–T14
- 1664503 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr53), T31–T32
- 1921628 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr52), T4–T6
- Polish Heritage Month, 2021 (Bill 18), T14–T17
- Total Pest Management Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr57), T35–T36
- 2238990 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr56), T34–T35
- 2492725 Ontario Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr54), T32–T34
- Vos Food Store Equipment Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr58), T36–T37
- committee business, T9–T10, T21–T22
- Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 9)
- clause-by-clause, T17–T18
- public bills (government and private members')
- bills referred to committee
Standing Committee on Social Policy
- bills refered to committee
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- statement by minister and responses
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- statement by minister and responses
- Build Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 43)
- bills referred to committee
- Working for Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 27)
- committee business
- bills refered to committee
- nutrition program funding
- Sattler, F385
- nutrition program funding
Students - post-secondary
- cost of living
- Stiles, A44
- cost of living
Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 (Bill 13)
- Bailey, G10
- Bell, G37–G38
- Bouma, G18–G19, G46–G47, G56–G57
- Bourgouin, G14, G50
- Fife, G7–G8, G10–G11, G28–G29, G47–G48, G52
- Glover, G13, G22–G23, G31–G32, G40–G41, G51, G54–G55, G57–G58
- Harris, G9, G27–G28, G39
- Khanjin, G14, G58–G59
- Oosterhoff, G21–G22, G36–G39
- Sabawy, G12–G14, G31, G49–G50
- Sandhu, G9
- Schreiner, G8–G9, G11–G12, G17–G18, G20–G21, G29–G30, G33, G35–G36, G48–G49, G51–G52, G57, G60
- Stiles, G19–G20
- Tangri, G5–G15
- Wai, G12, G28, G30
- amendments
- as omnibus legislation
- Glover, G78
Supportive housing