Letter: E
Early childhood educators.
see also College of Early Childhood EducatorsEarthquakes
- in Iran and Iraq
- Moridi, 6455
- in Iran and Iraq
East York Foundation Act, 2017 (Bill Pr63)
Eating disorders
- public education and awareness
- Armstrong, 2065–2066
- public education and awareness
Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2016 (Bill 78)
- first reading
- Armstrong, 2069
- first reading
E-cigarettes, flavoured.
see also Tobacco, flavoured- restrictions on sale of
- Natyshak, 6357
- restrictions on sale of
École Polytechnique massacre
Economic conditions
- Baker, 3925, 4036, 4692, 7119–7120
- Chan, 3200, 7369
- Chiarelli, 7175–7176
- Clark, 2336–2337
- Coe, 1831–1833
- Del Duca, 5430–5431, 7229
- Des Rosiers, 4126
- Dong, 6595
- Duguid, 3099–3100, 4126, 7369
- Fedeli, 1757–1760, 4043–4044, 5406–5407
- Flynn, 4002
- Gretzky, 3635–3636
- MacLeod, 6435, 7549–7550
- McMahon, 7335
- McNaughton, 3099–3100, 5184
- Sandals, 3147–3148
- Sousa, 2337, 6220–6221, 6261, 6426
- Thompson, 7342
- Wynne, 2336, 6260
- in Kitchener-Waterloo
- Leal, 6971
Economic conditions in northern Ontario
Economic development
Economic development in northern Ontario
Economic growth
Economic growth, regional
Economic inequality
- general remarks
- Tabuns, 5704
- general remarks
Economic policies
Education Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2017 (Bill 191)
- first reading
- Kiwala, 7108
- first reading
Education, elementary/secondary
- importance of
- Baker, 7703
- importance of
Education, experiential learning.
see Curriculum—changes toEducation, financial literacy.
see Curriculum—changes toEducation funding
Education programs
Eglinton Crosstown LRT
- general remarks
- Potts, 4139–4140
- general remarks
Egypt, church bombings
- remarks on
- Oosterhoff, 3877
- remarks on
eHealth Ontario.
see Electronic medical records (EMRs)—data gatheringEhlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS)
Elder abuse
Elderly persons centres (EPCs)
- about
- Damerla, 417
- about
Election Amendment Act (Voter Eligibility), 2018 (Bill 202)
- first reading
- Potts, 7532
- first reading
Election campaign candidates
Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 2)
- first reading
- Naqvi, 31
- second reading, 176–185, 274–286, 331–343, 443–453, 546–563, 565–574
- Anderson, 438
- Armstrong, 432, 560–561, 563, 573
- Bailey, 284–285
- Baker, 342, 556–557
- Ballard, 446
- Barrett, 551, 557–558, 560
- Berardinetti, 181–183, 185, 440
- Clark, 567–570
- Damerla, 285, 566–567
- DiNovo, 280–286
- Dong, 438–441
- Duguid, 574
- Fedeli, 443–447
- Fife, 336–343, 427, 551–552, 559–560, 562
- Flynn, 436–438, 548, 561, 569, 573
- Fraser, 435
- Gates, 447–451
- Gélinas, 446
- Gravelle, 562–563
- Gretzky, 570
- Hatfield, 334, 548, 550–551, 556, 558–559, 566–567, 569
- Hillier, 274–281, 427–428, 439
- Hoggarth, 424–425
- Jones, 184–185
- Kiwala, 451, 555–557
- Lalonde, 428
- Leal, 280–281
- MacCharles, 284
- MacLaren, 553–554
- MacLeod, 567
- Malhi, 553
- Mantha, 432–436
- Martins, 427
- Martow, 281, 435, 450–451
- Mauro, 565–566
- McDonell, 426–427, 569–570
- McGarry, 546–547
- McNaughton, 556
- Miller, N., 341–342, 549–550, 552
- Miller, P., 554
- Moridi, 450
- Naidoo-Harris, 572
- Naqvi, 176–181, 554–555
- Natyshak, 335–336, 342
- Nicholls, 183–184, 428–432
- Pettapiece, 547–548, 557
- Potts, 184, 334–335, 451–452
- Qaadri, 436
- Rinaldi, 341
- Sandals, 452–453, 559
- Sattler, 447
- Scott, 572
- Singh, 184, 431, 436, 570–573
- Smith, 446–447
- Taylor, 451
- Vanthof, 281, 285, 439–440, 552–553, 555
- Vernile, 425–426, 551
- Walker, 331–334, 336, 440, 548–549, 559, 561–562
- Wong, 431
- Yakabuski, 431–432, 566
- Yurek, 335
- Zimmer, 547, 549
- division (carried), 587–588
- third reading, 1977–1995
- Royal assent, 2094
- first reading
Election financing.
see also Government advertisingElection Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 (Bill 45)
- first reading
- Naqvi, 850
- second reading, 1098–1107, 1191–1226, 1259–1281, 1283–1293, 1335–1345, 1509–1512
- Albanese, 1283–1284, 1286
- Armstrong, 1194, 1225–1226, 1289–1290, 1292, 1336–1337
- Arnott, 1335–1336, 1338
- Bailey, 1194–1195, 1217
- Baker, 1217, 1226
- Ballard, 1341–1344
- Barrett, 1191–1195
- Berardinetti, 1103–1107
- Chan, 1341
- Cho, 1343
- Clark, 1267
- Coteau, 1272
- Crack, 1512
- Damerla, 1262, 1279
- Del Duca, 1266–1267
- Delaney, 1194, 1202, 1204–1205
- Fedeli, 1285
- Fraser, 1340, 1510
- Gates, 1338–1341
- Gélinas, 1195–1201, 1203–1204, 1337, 1343–1344
- Hardeman, 1259–1263, 1272
- Hatfield, 1206–1207, 1217–1218, 1262, 1271–1272, 1276–1281, 1285, 1287
- Hillier, 1206, 1208–1211, 1288
- Hoggarth, 1268–1269
- Jones, 1340
- Leal, 1287–1288
- MacCharles, 1270–1271, 1291–1292
- MacLaren, 1225
- MacLeod, 1271, 1273–1277
- Mantha, 1288, 1291, 1511
- Martow, 1337
- Matthews, 1223–1224, 1285
- McDonell, 1511
- McMeekin, 1290–1291
- Milczyn, 1204, 1268
- Miller, P., 1216–1217, 1221
- Moridi, 1292–1293
- Munro, 1344–1345
- Murray, 1276
- Naqvi, 1098–1103
- Natyshak, 1203, 1267–1268, 1277, 1280, 1509–1512
- Nicholls, 1291
- Pettapiece, 1202–1203, 1221
- Potts, 1221–1222, 1269–1270, 1272–1273
- Qaadri, 1203
- Rinaldi, 1220–1221
- Sandals, 1205–1208, 1280, 1343
- Sattler, 1263, 1340–1341, 1343
- Singh, 1263–1266, 1268
- Smith, 1284–1285
- Taylor, 1195
- Thompson, 1263
- Vanthof, 1218–1220, 1222
- Vernile, 1207, 1224–1225
- Walker, 1207, 1211–1216, 1218
- Wilson, 1277, 1279–1280
- Yakabuski, 1286–1289
- Zimmer, 1222–1223, 1226, 1337–1338, 1511
- division (carried), 1530–1531
- third reading, 2200–2216
- Royal assent, 2240
- first reading
see also Chief Electoral Officer- candidates and canvassers
- fixed election date. see also Election financing
- Niagara West–Glanbrook by-election
- pre-election finance report
- Fedeli, 7053
- use of vote counting equipment
Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario
- changes for Wahnapitae First Nation
- francophone representation in
- Bisson, 5838–5839
- geographical size
- Fedeli, 5827
- history of
- indigenous representation in
- Kiwala, 5831
- review and consultation
- study by Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission
- Ballard, 1342
- Berardinetti, 1105–1106, 5221
- Bisson, 5212–5213
- Delaney, 5221–5222
- Gélinas, 2213–2214
- Hardeman, 1261
- Hillier, 1209–1210
- Hoggarth, 1269
- Kiwala, 5832–5833
- MacLaren, 1225
- MacLeod, 2203–2204
- Mantha, 2214–2215
- Milczyn, 1204
- Naqvi, 1103, 2202–2203, 5038–5039
- Zimmer, 1511, 5041–5043
- limited to two ridings [KRR and TJB]
- members of the commission
- Naqvi, 5821
Electoral boundaries in northern Ontario, reform
- creation of Kiiwetinoong and Mushkegowuk ridings
- creation of Kiiwetinoong riding
- indigenous representation in
- Naqvi, 5822
- indigenous representation in
- creation of Mushkegowuk-James Bay riding
- general remarks
- Kenora-Rainy River
- Naqvi, 5822
- Kenora–Rainy River
- Miller, N., 5091
- as a means of reconciliation
- service budget for members/ministers
- Bisson, 5837–5838
- Timmins
- Naqvi, 5822
- travel for members/ministers
- Bisson, 5837–5838
Electoral districts
- in northern Ontario
- relationship to provincial government
- Mauro, 5842
- relationship to provincial government
- in northern Ontario
Electoral process
Electoral reform
Electric power failures
Electric vehicle charging stations
- partnership with Ikea and other retailers
- Murray, 75–76
- partnership with Ikea and other retailers
Electric Vehicle Incentive Program
Electric vehicles
Electrical grids
- microgrid in Penetanguishene
- Potts, 53
- microgrid in Penetanguishene
Electricity billing.
see also Local distribution companies (LDCs)Electricity conservation
Electricity export.
see also Interprovincial trade- to reduce energy rates
- Thibeault, 66–67
- to reduce energy rates
Electricity generating facilities
Electricity generation
Electricity price mitigation.
see also Harmonized sales tax (HST)- general remarks
- for industrial customers
- for industry
- Delaney, 654
- ineligibility of middle-income groups
- Martow, 241
- for low-income groups. see also Ontario Electricity Support Program
- for manufacturing industry
- Brown, 2951
- for northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario Energy Credit
- Thibeault, 205
- Northern Ontario Energy Credit
- for public institutions
- Brown, 2951
- in rural Ontario
- for small businesses
- for small manufacturers
- Ballard, 148
- through support programs and tax credits
Electricity price mitigation programs.
see also Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP); Ontario's Fair Hydro Program- Affordability Fund
- general remarks
- Thibeault, 6678
- Industrial Conservation Initiative
- Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI)
- for industry
- Bisson, 7555
- The Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program
- Thibeault, 6079
- Rural and Remote Rate Protection Program
- tax-based
- Sandals, 5900
Electricity pricing
Electricity rates
- in northern Ontario
- Fedeli, 7169
- in northern Ontario
Electricity subsidies
- delivery charge subsidy for rural Ontario
Electricity transmission.
see also Local distribution companies (LDCs); Transformer stationsElectronic medical records (EMRs)
- data gathering
- general remarks
- privatization
- system review
Elevator industry
- Walker, 3692
Elevator maintenance and repair
Elevator technicians
- shortage of
- Coe, 3689–3690
- shortage of
Elgin-Middlesex Detention Centre
Emergency management.
see also Disaster reliefEmergency medical services
Emergency medical technicians.
see ParamedicsEmergency service, hospital
Emergency service providers.
see also Firefighters; Paramedics and paramedic services; Police officersEmergency services, hospitals
Emmanuel Bible College Act, 2018 (Bill Pr80)
- first reading
- Harris, 7390–7391
- first reading
Employment and unemployment.
see also Skills gapEmployment creation
Employment inequality
Employment Ontario
- budget
- Hillier, 4141
- budget
Employment, precarious
Employment remuneration
Employment standards
Employment-related benefits
Empowering Home Care Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 35)
- first reading
- Gretzky, 592
- first reading
End Age Discrimination Against Stroke Recovery Patients Act, 2016 (Bill 9)
End the Public Funding of Partisan Government Advertising Act, 2017 (Bill 112)
End-of-life care.
see Palliative careEnergy affordability.
see also Agriculture industry; Energy rate increases; Renewable energy—generation, impact on energy rates- for business owners
- for community groups
- Forster, 4249
- for the general public
- Armstrong, 1006, 2233, 3571
- Bisson, 7554
- Brown, 374–375, 1701, 1785–1786
- Fife, 7224
- Forster, 6476–6477
- French, 111–112, 894, 3418
- Gates, 92, 390, 665, 1715
- Gretzky, 28–29, 2063, 6916
- Hardeman, 496–497
- Hillier, 3927
- Horwath, 650, 1738–1739, 2057, 2285–2286, 2668, 2787, 3176, 4191–4192, 6746
- Jones, 796, 1715, 1970–1971
- MacLaren, 7291
- MacLeod, 378, 848, 2344
- Martow, 174
- McDonell, 663
- McNaughton, 2959–2960
- Munro, 665
- Sattler, 107
- Scott, 613, 1005, 1717–1718, 6483
- Singh, 1913
- Smith, 103
- Tabuns, 4294–4295
- Thibeault, 785
- Thompson, 999
- Walker, 1893
- Yakabuski, 40–41, 1706–1707
- general remarks
- Harris, 6758
- for hospitals
- for households running medical equipment
- impact on investment
- Fife, 7374
- for industry
- for long-term care homes
- for low-income groups
- in Manitoba
- Hillier, 311
- for municipalities
- in northern Ontario
- for not-for-profit organizations
- in rural Ontario
- for seniors
- for small business owners
- Barrett, 360
- Brown, 1958, 5277–5278
- Clark, 357, 2957–2958
- Fedeli, 91
- Fife, 3096
- Fraser, 44
- Gates, 1716, 3191
- Gretzky, 2062–2063
- Horwath, 841, 2058, 2130, 2739
- Jones, 624
- Leal, 3096
- MacLeod, 357, 1015
- McDonell, 663
- Miller, N., 360, 2292, 4450
- Miller, P., 732
- Munro, 665, 3008–3009
- Natyshak, 1917
- Nicholls, 2388
- Pettapiece, 1792
- Scott, 129–130
- Singh, 1914, 1960–1961
- Taylor, 377
- Thibeault, 4680–4681, 5278–5279
- Thompson, 29, 2292
- Vanthof, 173–174, 849–850, 2796, 3193, 4358
- Walker, 2389, 4410, 4680–4681
- Yurek, 1019
Energy conservation
Energy contracts.
see also Renewable energy contractsEnergy dispatch order
- Delaney, 7296
Energy industry
Energy infrastructure
Energy policy
Energy production
Energy rate increases.
see also Energy affordability; Renewable energy contracts—overspending on- caused by privatization of energy industry
- due to administrative charges
- due to debt retirement charge
- due to delivery charges
- due to deregulation
- due to economic change
- Des Rosiers, 6755
- due to global adjustment charge
- effect on business and labour market competition
- for farmers
- for the general public
- Smith, 6725–6726
- general remarks
- for hospitals
- in hospitals
- impact on community groups
- impact on farmers
- Scott, 2564–2565
- impact on foreign investment
- Fedeli, 6536
- impact on forest industry
- Brown, 2557–2558
- impact on manufacturing industry
- Thibeault, 3459–3460
- indexed to inflation
- Wynne, 3003
- in low-density areas
- Fedeli, 91
- review by Auditor General
- in rural and northern Ontario
- Horwath, 6747
- in rural Ontario
- for schools
- Smith, 2994–2995
- wholesale vs. retail prices
Energy rate reduction [25% reduction].
See Ontario's Fair Hydro PlanEnergy rates
Energy rates, additional charges
Energy reliability.
see also Electric power failuresEnergy supply
Energy surplus.
see Energy production—oversupply, costEngineers.
see Professional engineersEnhancing Shareholder Rights Act, 2017 (Bill 101)
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
Environmental assessments
Environmental Commissioner's report (2017)
- Arnott, 7306
Environmental compliance
- registration on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR)
- Sattler, 1566–1567
- registration on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR)
Environmental innovation
- Jones, 6582
Environmental protection
- Scugog Lake Stewards project
- Anderson, 2241–2242
- Scugog Lake Stewards project
Environmental registry
Environmental regulations
- enforcement
- Fife, 6058
- enforcement
Equal Pay Coalition
- Sattler, 3579
Essex Region Conservation Authority
see Medical assistance in dying (MAID)Executive compensation, public sector
Eye examinations
Eye tattoos/jewelry