Letter: A
- beef
- inspectors
- in-facility presence
- Hardeman, 8131
- in-facility presence
- regulation of
- Calandra, 11575–11576
- Hassan, 11575
Abitare Design Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr6)
- first reading
- Karpoche, 3347
- first reading
Abortion services
AboutFace organization
- Parsa, 5170–5171
Abuse Prevention Week Act, 2021 (Bill 298)
- first reading
- Mantha, 13717
- first reading
Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
- first reading
- Downey, 11259
- consultation
- second reading, 11419–11435, 11468–11488, 11499–11508, 11553–11563, 11641–11661, 11688
- Armstrong, 11506, 11555–11556
- Bailey, 11557–11562, 11657, 11659
- Bell, 11645–11649, 11657, 11660
- Bisson, 11473–11474, 11478
- Bouma, 11431, 11502, 11505, 11641–11645, 11648
- Coe, 11479, 11485, 11506, 11555–11557, 11645, 11649, 11651
- Collard, 11483–11485, 11645
- Downey, 11419–11431
- Fife, 11479, 11485, 11502, 11644–11645, 11651, 11655–11661
- French, 11479–11483, 11486
- Gates, 11430
- Ghamari, 11654, 11657–11658, 11660
- Glover, 11507–11508, 11553–11556
- Gretzky, 11560, 11562–11563
- Harris, 11430, 11502, 11644, 11652
- Hassan, 11555, 11562
- Hatfield, 11644, 11648, 11651, 11654, 11657–11658
- Khanjin, 11557, 11649–11652, 11654
- Kramp, 11430
- Mantha, 11430, 11561
- McDonell, 11502–11506, 11648–11649
- McKenna, 11657
- Monteith-Farrell, 11505, 11557
- Morrison, 11649, 11652–11655, 11659
- Natyshak, 11554–11555
- Nicholls, 11473, 11554
- Park, 11474–11479, 11483, 11501, 11555, 11561, 11655, 11660
- Pettapiece, 11478
- Piccini, 11482
- Roberts, 11486–11488, 11561
- Sattler, 11499–11502, 11652
- Schreiner, 11556–11557
- Singh, G., 11431–11435, 11468–11475, 11501, 11506
- Singh, S., 11475
- Skelly, 11474, 11482, 11485
- Smith, D., 11478
- Tabuns, 11482
- Taylor, 11661
- Yarde, 11429, 11474, 11478, 11483
- division (carried), 11688
- general remarks
- Bailey, 11557–11560, 11659, 12689–12690
- Bell, 11645, 12260
- Bouma, 11641
- Coe, 12246, 12256
- Downey, 11428–11429, 12117, 12127
- Fife, 11658
- Ghamari, 11654
- Glover, 11507, 11554
- Khanjin, 11652
- McDonell, 11503, 11505
- Park, 11475–11476, 12252, 12256
- Sattler, 11499
- Schreiner, 11557
- Singh, G., 11432, 11434, 11470–11473
- Stiles, 12264, 12266–12267
- Tangri, 12236
- Yarde, 11429, 11478, 11483
- as omnibus legislation
- third reading, 12117–12128, 12231–12269, 12689–12690, 12704
- Andrew, 12254, 12256–12260
- Bailey, 12689–12690
- Bell, 12259–12264, 12267
- Berns-McGown, 12238, 12245, 12250, 12268–12269
- Coe, 12234, 12242–12246, 12256, 12262–12263
- Downey, 12117–12128
- Harden, 12127
- Hatfield, 12238–12239, 12242, 12246–12251
- Karpoche, 12234, 12243
- Kernaghan, 12235, 12242, 12246, 12249–12251
- Khanjin, 12127, 12246, 12250–12251, 12268
- Mantha, 12263
- Monteith-Farrell, 12128, 12255–12256, 12267
- Pang, 12238, 12250
- Park, 12251–12256, 12264, 12267
- Parsa, 12127–12128, 12239, 12255, 12260
- Rakocevic, 12259, 12263, 12268
- Sabawy, 12234, 12249, 12255, 12259, 12263
- Sandhu, 12239, 12242, 12267
- Schreiner, 12251–12252
- Singh, G., 12128
- Stevens, 12255
- Stiles, 12260, 12264–12268
- Tabuns, 12231–12235, 12239
- Tangri, 12235–12239, 12259
- Thanigasalam, 12235, 12242
- Tibollo, 12128
- Vanthof, 12240–12243
- Wai, 12245
- division (carried), 12704
- Royal assent, 12752
- first reading
Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
- first reading
- McNaughton, 1036
- second reading, 1448–1464, 1469–1478, 1665–1674, 1803–1821, 1850–1868, 1954
- Andrew, 1856
- Arthur, 1817–1818, 1820
- Baber, 1856, 1862
- Bailey, 1815
- Begum, 1859, 1862
- Bell, 1819
- Berns-McGown, 1806
- Bisson, 1865–1868
- Bourgouin, 1666
- Burch, 1472, 1475, 1673–1674, 1814–1815
- Calandra, 1806
- Coteau, 1807–1811
- Cuzzetto, 1669–1670
- Downey, 1857–1860
- Fee, 1860
- French, 1458–1464, 1469–1473
- Gélinas, 1666, 1803–1807
- Ghamari, 1812–1814, 1816
- Gill, 1471–1472, 1806–1807
- Gretzky, 1865–1866
- Harris, 1476–1479, 1665–1667, 1815
- Hassan, 1667–1671
- Hogarth, 1674
- Karahalios, 1457, 1859
- Kernaghan, 1811, 1819–1820, 1853–1855, 1857
- Khanjin, 1458, 1666
- Lecce, 1452–1458, 1862
- Lindo, 1670, 1807, 1815
- Mantha, 1457
- Martin, 1863–1866
- McDonell, 1673, 1811
- McNaughton, 1448–1452
- Miller, P., 1670
- Monteith-Farrell, 1457–1458
- Oosterhoff, 1810
- Pang, 1472
- Piccini, 1865
- Rasheed, 1820–1821, 1850–1853
- Roberts, 1852–1853, 1866
- Romano, 1852
- Sarkaria, 1856
- Singh, S., 1862–1863
- Skelly, 1819
- Stevens, 1473–1476
- Surma, 1671–1674
- Tangri, 1475, 1667
- Taylor, 1816–1817, 1852, 1856–1857, 1859
- Thanigasalam, 1475, 1670, 1819
- Vanthof, 1852, 1860–1861, 1863
- West, 1472, 1476, 1673, 1810–1811
- time allocation motion, 1871–1880, 1892
- third reading, 2499–2509, 2651–2660, 2665–2675, 2717–2726, 2824–2843, 2845–2849, 2860–2862
- Armstrong, 2830
- Babikian, 2673
- Bell, 2826–2829, 2831
- Berns-McGown, 2659, 2835, 2838, 2843
- Bethlenfalvy, 2499–2500
- Bisson, 2665–2669, 2847
- Bourgouin, 2668, 2845–2847
- Calandra, 2842–2843
- Dunlop, 2838–2839
- Fee, 2669–2672, 2674, 2824
- French, 2653–2660
- Gélinas, 2720–2723, 2824–2825
- Ghamari, 2830–2831
- Gill, 2660, 2829
- Glover, 2673, 2846–2847
- Harden, 2719
- Harris, 2722–2723, 2825, 2843
- Kanapathi, 2719
- Karahalios, 2668, 2722
- Kernaghan, 2723, 2835–2839
- Kramp, 2509, 2839–2843
- Lecce, 2500–2508
- Martow, 2838
- Miller, N., 2834
- Miller, P., 2828–2829
- Natyshak, 2669
- Oosterhoff, 2828
- Pang, 2718–2719
- Pettapiece, 2831–2835
- Rakocevic, 2659, 2825, 2834, 2839
- Rasheed, 2835
- Romano, 2668–2669, 2847–2848
- Sabawy, 2830
- Schreiner, 2829–2831
- Shaw, 2672–2673
- Singh, G., 2829, 2842
- Skelly, 2658–2659
- Smith, D., 2508–2509
- Tabuns, 2651–2653
- Tangri, 2717–2720
- Thanigasalam, 2659, 2673–2674, 2723–2726, 2825–2826
- Vanthof, 2674–2675, 2846
- West, 2509, 2718
- division (carried), 2860–2862
- Royal assent, 2922
- first reading
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005,
SO 2005, c 11.
see also Building construction—universal designAccessibility for persons with disabilities
- business resources
- Cho, R.S.J., 6583–6584
- certification programs
- compliance and enforcement
- Lalonde, 5277
- economic impact
- Lalonde, 5277
- in education
- EnAbling Change Partnership Program
- Cho, R.S.J., 5276
- general remarks
- government funding
- government strategy
- Inclusive Community Grant program
- in public buildings
- Cho, R.S.J., 6584
- in sport
- standards development
- targets
- transit systems
- Hassan, 8398
- business resources
Accessible Parking and Towing Industry Review Committee Act, 2018 (Bill 39)
Acid rain
- in Sudbury
- Bisson, 1778
- in Sudbury
- Lalonde, 816
An Act to perpetuate an ancient parliamentary right (Bill 1)
- first reading
- Ford, 5
- first reading
Addictions and Mental Health Ontario (AMHO)
- Ke, 13379
Administrative authorities.
see Delegated administrative authorities (DAAs)Adoption
Adoption services
Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
- first reading
- Elliott, 13042
- second reading, 13135–13145, 13164–13175, 13177–13185, 13210–13251, 13253–13258, 13276
- Armstrong, 13221
- Babikian, 13226, 13236
- Bourgouin, 13173
- Burch, 13219–13222, 13230
- Calandra, 13254–13255
- Crawford, 13222, 13244–13245
- Cuzzetto, 13221, 13230
- Elliott, 13135–13138
- Fraser, 13256–13258
- French, 13235, 13238–13240, 13242–13245, 13248
- Gates, 13174, 13180
- Gélinas, 13143–13145, 13164–13168, 13170–13171, 13185
- Glover, 13211–13215, 13218, 13222, 13226–13227, 13255
- Gretzky, 13170
- Harden, 13235, 13242, 13250, 13253–13257
- Hatfield, 13214, 13217, 13226, 13230–13236, 13247, 13250
- Hogarth, 13170, 13174, 13184–13185
- Kanapathi, 13218
- Karpoche, 13177–13181
- Ke, 13230, 13239
- Kernaghan, 13142, 13180, 13184
- Kusendova, 13214, 13221–13227, 13251
- Mamakwa, 13218, 13226
- Mantha, 13214, 13231, 13236, 13255
- Martin, 13138–13143, 13170, 13180, 13235, 13239, 13241–13242, 13244–13245, 13247–13250
- McKenna, 13213–13214, 13218, 13227, 13231, 13247
- McNaughton, 13257
- Morrison, 13239, 13245, 13247
- Pang, 13171–13175
- Park, 13181–13185
- Piccini, 13171, 13257
- Rasheed, 13246–13248
- Roberts, 13184
- Sabawy, 13142, 13215–13219
- Sandhu, 13143, 13181
- Sattler, 13244
- Shaw, 13222, 13227–13231, 13258
- Singh, G., 13174
- Stiles, 13241, 13248–13251
- Tabuns, 13240–13242
- Tangri, 13143, 13174, 13258
- Thanigasalam, 13236–13240
- Triantafilopoulos, 13174–13175
- Vanthof, 13142
- Wai, 13256
- division (carried), 13276
- general remarks
- Andrew, 13875
- Elliott, 13853
- Fraser, 13256
- Kusendova, 13224–13225
- Martin, 13138, 13170, 13180, 13242, 13856, 13860, 13875–13876, 13881
- Pang, 13171–13172
- Park, 13181–13184
- Rasheed, 13246
- Sabawy, 13217
- Shaw, 13228
- Thanigasalam, 13237–13238
- stakeholder consultation
- Andrew, 13875–13876
- Gélinas, 13861
- Harden, 13250
- Hassan, 13887
- third reading, 13853–13889
- Andrew, 13859, 13869, 13872–13877, 13882, 13887–13888
- Babikian, 13860, 13869
- Crawford, 13876
- Elliott, 13853–13855
- Fife, 13868
- Fraser, 13882–13885
- Gates, 13876–13882, 13888
- Gélinas, 13861–13869
- Hassan, 13876, 13881, 13884–13889
- Kanapathi, 13883
- Karpoche, 13869–13873
- Ke, 13868–13869, 13884
- Khanjin, 13861, 13878, 13881, 13888
- Kusendova, 13860, 13873, 13884–13885
- Martin, 13855–13861, 13868, 13872, 13875–13877, 13881, 13887–13889
- Schreiner, 13877–13878
- Singh, G., 13861, 13872, 13884
- Taylor, 13873
- West, 13860
- division (carried), 13927
- Royal assent, 14080
- first reading
Aerospace industry
Affordable housing
- access to
- Collard, 10629–10630, 11383
- Fraser, 6229
- French, 11449, 12422
- Hassan, 1199–11200
- Morrison, 11768
- Sattler, 5848
- Schreiner, 10572
- Singh, S., 10571–10572
- "affordable," definition of
- and alternative housing models
- availability of. see also Rental housing—affordability of
- Anand, 4948
- Armstrong, 4854–4855, 4944
- Barrett, 5233
- Bell, 2494–2495, 2587, 5545, 11778
- Clark, 5528–5529, 7722
- Crawford, 5238
- Cuzzetto, 5044–5045
- Dunlop, 5041–5042
- Gates, 8853–8854
- Glover, 4945, 8875, 10372
- Gretzky, 14057
- Hassan, 8854, 12283
- Hatfield, 9370
- Hogarth, 2495
- Karpoche, 5238
- Morrison, 3364
- Sattler, 2625
- Singh, S., 6228–6229
- Stevens, 335
- Stiles, 990
- cost of
- Glover, 12280–12281
- development
- use of ministerial zoning orders
- Ghamari, 13508
- use of ministerial zoning orders
- general remarks
- geographic ripple effect
- Tabuns, 4962
- government funding
- government strategy
- Ghamari, 13508
- Gill, 12073
- Glover, 12280–12281, 12285
- Stiles, 12284
- Habitat for Humanity
- and housing supply
- Anand, 4948
- Armstrong, 4944, 4947
- Begum, 9398
- Bell, 4955–4956, 5044, 5087, 5546, 11647
- Berns-McGown, 5096
- Bisson, 5577
- Burch, 5084, 5088, 9303, 9368
- Clark, 373, 1301
- Dunlop, 5042
- Glover, 4945
- Harris, 4956–4957
- Hogarth, 4951
- Karpoche, 1303
- Ke, 4954
- Martow, 8859–8860
- McDonell, 5043
- Morrison, 1299–1300, 1304–1305, 4952–4953
- Nicholls, 9380
- Parsa, 5087
- Rakocevic, 9380
- Rasheed, 5044
- Schreiner, 6744, 8866
- Skelly, 5090
- Tabuns, 1304
- Walker, 4850
- impact of housing speculation
- and inclusionary zoning. see under Housing development
- infrastructure development
- Cuzzetto, 11058
- Investment in Affordable Housing - Rental Supports. see under Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- municipal transfer payments
- Blais, 11519–11520
- Clark, 10456
- Fife, 11459
- portable housing benefit
- Rapid Housing Initiative (federal)
- rental housing. see under Rental housing
- statements by stakeholders
- access to
Affordable housing by region
Aggregate extraction
Aggregate industry
Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8
- amendments to
- Rakocevic, 5928
- amendments to
Aggregate sites - by site
- Hallman pit (Wilmot)
- Fife, 11658–11659
- Hallman pit (Wilmot)
Aggregate transportation
- road degradation due to
- Schreiner, 6703–6704
- road degradation due to
Agricultural events
Agricultural land
- alternate uses, environmental preservation and services. see also ALUS Canada
- availability of
- Vanthof, 8769
- conservation
- development on
- Calandra, 11393–11394
- Coteau, 12938
- Sattler, 12104
- Schreiner, 11393–11394, 11520–11521, 12104
- Shaw, 11731
- Vanthof, 11942–11944, 12029
- drainage
- stray current, protection from
- Coe, 13195
- Crawford, 13193–13194
- Mantha, 13194–13195
- Nicholls, 13191–13192, 13195, 13762
- Tabuns, 13193
Agricultural workers
Agricultural workers - temporary foreign workers
- and COVID-19. see Agriculture industry - COVID-19, temporary foreign workers
- general remarks
- Vanthof, 8135
- regulation of
- working conditions
- educational programs
- Bouma, 12530, 12728
- Pettapiece, 11563–11564
- educational programs
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal
- decisions re Drainage Act, 1990
- delivery method
- Downey, 4468
- delivery method
- decisions re Drainage Act, 1990
Agriculture industry.
see also under United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry- and climate change
- collaboration with Quebec
- economic development projects
- economic impact
- equipment, right-to-repair
- Coteau, 4728
- government strategy
- impact of CN strike
- and natural gas access
- organic. see Organic agriculture
- products payment system
- administration by board
- Downey, 4468
- administration by board
- public perception of
- Hardeman, 8132
- regional funding
- Northumberland–Peterborough South
- Piccini, 6179–6180
- Northumberland–Peterborough South
- regulatory environment
- Downey, 4468
- Kramp, 8156
- Oosterhoff, 12936–12937
- Vanthof, 2755–2756
- reporting requirements, reform
- statements by stakeholders
Agriculture industry by region
Agriculture industry - COVID-19
Agriculture industry - COVID-19, temporary foreign workers
- compensation
- consultation with workers
- Hatfield, 11352
- fatalities
- general remarks
- government funding
- health and safety
- Bell, 8707
- Calandra, 8119–8120
- Elliott, 8181, 8417–8418
- Ford, 8180, 8325
- Harden, 13235
- Hatfield, 8109–8110, 8119, 8679, 10456–10457, 11352–11354, 13235–13236
- Horwath, 8378, 8417–8418
- Jones, 8679
- McNaughton, 8092, 8264
- Natyshak, 8002, 8055, 8092–8093
- Nicholls, 11769
- Parsa, 8180
- Schreiner, 8264–8265, 13097
- Vanthof, 8023, 8181
- infection control
- in other provinces
- Fraser, 8278
- outbreaks
- response coordination
- Hatfield, 11351–11352, 11354
- testing
Agriculture industry - support programs
- crop insurance
- livestock tax deferral program (federal)
- Hardeman, 2204–2205
- loan guarantee programs
- Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
- risk management programs
Agri-food facilities
- animal abuse
- reporting of
- Hardeman, 8131
- reporting of
- biosecurity
- Armstrong, 7073
- Bailey, 6802, 6943–6944
- Barrett, 6798, 6800, 7631, 8160–8161
- Bouma, 6780
- Crawford, 6801
- Ghamari, 6818–6819
- Hardeman, 6780, 6793, 7628, 8127, 8129
- Harris, 7066
- Khanjin, 7064–7065, 7934–7935
- Kramp, 8155–8156
- Natyshak, 6822
- Pettapiece, 8145
- Smith, D., 6801, 7076
- Vanthof, 6803–6804, 8136–8137
- Walker, 7071
- biosecurity, breaches of
- animal loss due to
- Hardeman, 8131
- animal loss due to
- disease outbreaks
- inspections
- statements by stakeholders
- Barrett, 8161
- trespass on. see also Agri-food premises - security from trespass; Agri-food premises - trespass offences
- animal abuse
Agri-food facilities - security from trespass
Agri-food industry
- appreciation for
- economic impact
- farmers' markets
- Harris, 9737
- government strategy
- maple syrup farmers
- market expansion
- Ontario Food Terminal. see Ontario Food Terminal—product expansion
- promotion of
- Foodland Ontario program
- local
- Ke, 14081–14082
- MacLeod, 14084–14085
- Schreiner, 14083
- public perception of
- Vanthof, 8139–8140
- regulatory environment. see also specific agri-food industries
- regulatory reform
- research and innovation
- support programs
- whistle-blower protection
Agri-food industry - COVID-19
- supply chain
- Sattler, 11354
- supply chain
Agri-food premises - animal protection zones
Agri-food premises - security from trespass
- biosecurity
- Hardeman, 6802
- and constitutional rights
- definitions
- exemptions
- farms. see Farms - security from trespass
- and food safety
- general remarks
- livestock transport. see Livestock transport
- personnel safety
- processing facilities. see Food processing facilities - security from trespass
- vs. right to protest
- Bailey, 6947
- Barrett, 6951
- Bisson, 7411–7413
- Cuzzetto, 6820
- Fife, 6947–6949, 7411–7413
- Ghamari, 6817, 6959
- Hardeman, 8126, 8128, 8130
- Harris, 7412
- Miller, P., 6960
- Nicholls, 8161
- Park, 7060
- Roberts, 6820
- Sattler, 7061–7062
- Singh, G., 6956, 6959–6960
- Skelly, 6959
- Smith, D., 7062–7063, 8157
- Vanthof, 6802–6803
- stakeholder consultation
- Bailey, 6944–6945
- Barrett, 6799–6801, 7630
- Calandra, 7624
- Ghamari, 6819
- Hardeman, 6794, 7627–7629
- Harris ., 7069
- Hogarth, 7060
- Karahalios, 6955
- Khanjin, 7063–7064
- McDonell, 7022–7023
- Natyshak, 6821–6822
- Park, 7057, 7060–7061
- Pettapiece, 6797–6798, 7632–7633
- Sattler, 7061
- Scott, 7078–7079
- Smith, D., 7069
- Tangri, 7061
- Taylor, 6819
- vs. transparency
- biosecurity
Agri-food premises - security from trespass, enforcement
- joint and several liability
- limitation on proceedings
- limitation period
- penalties
- as deterrent
- fines
- general remarks
- restitution orders
- retroactivity provision
Agri-food premises - security from trespass, owners/occupiers
- citizen's arrest
- application
- civil and criminal liability
- and Indigenous relations
- procedure and training
- right to
- use of reasonable force
- citizen's arrest
Agri-food premises - trespass offences
Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program
- Hardeman, 8127
Ahmadiyya Muslim community
- and freedom of expression
- Singh, G., 11471
- and freedom of expression
Air pollution
- Northern Air Service
- Monteith-Farrell, 10028
- Northern Air Service
- alcohol, serving of. see Alcohol retail - expansion–hours of sale
- and COVID-19
- Far North communities
- financial assistance
- Far North communities
- Kenora
- Rickford, 1328
- provincial funding
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
- as regulator for cannabis retail. see Cannabis retail - licensing—oversight by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
Alcohol consumption.
see also specific beveragesAlcohol policy
- buck-a-beer. see Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
- government strategy
- legislative framework
- Skelly, 12748
- liquor license renewal, suspension, revocation
- Skelly, 12748
- public intoxication
- Skelly, 12748
- regulatory reform
- Phillips, 6171
Alcohol retail
- access to
- agency stores
- Smith, T., 1401
- Beer Store. see Beer Store, The
- and COVID-19
- economic impact
- general remarks
- Ford, 5463
- historically
- Smith, D., 5437–5438
- in northern Ontario
- in other jurisdictions
- taxation
- general remarks
- Smith, T., 1402
- wine. see Wine industry
- general remarks
- transportation
- Singh, S., 1355
Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
- availability
- general remarks
- incentives
- industry participation
- via minimum price floor
Alcohol retail - expansion
- The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019). see also Hughes, Ken
- consultation
- craft beer
- economic impact
- and employment
- general remarks
- Burch, 4472
- Calandra, 4635
- Downey, 5397, 5399
- Fedeli, 4323, 4661, 5130, 5393, 5395
- Fife, 4355–4356, 5288–5289
- Fraser, 4373
- Ghamari, 2604
- Harris, 8328
- Karahalios, 5420–5421
- Martow, 5412–5413
- Parsa, 5401
- Piccini, 4660–4661
- Sandhu, 5436
- Schreiner, 5414, 5434, 5576
- Skelly, 5429
- Stiles, 5401
- Surma, 5411–5412
- "happy hour" promotions
- West, 4358
- hours of sale
- impact on prices
- Bisson, 5484
- impact on small business
- point-of-sale locations
- public response
- Smith, D., 5440
- and road safety
- Gates, 4379
- social responsibility
- statements by stakeholders
- takeout and delivery
Algoma Steel
Algoma University
Algoma University Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 79)
All Trade Quantities Inc. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr9)
Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA)
- Stiles, 2071
Alternate Land Use and Services Program for Agricultural Land Act, 2018 (Bill 28)
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds.
see also Hospital beds; Long-term care - beds- as backstop for LTC beds
- general remarks
- French, 2157
- government strategy
- regulatory oversight of
- Shaw, 13637–13638
- relative cost
- Fife, 6889
- shortage
- transitional bed funding
- Piccini, 11175
Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) patients
ALUS Canada
Amazon Inc.
Amber Alerts.
see also Emergency alertsAmbulance services.
see also ParamedicsAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
An Act to require the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to discharge the responsibilities under subsection 15(1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act
- Kusendova, 5073–5074
see Hunting and anglingAnimal Care Review Board
Animal fighting.
see also Animal welfare offencesAnimal protection system
- advisory committee
- application
- to agriculture industry. see Animal welfare - livestock
- to hunting and angling. see Hunting and angling—animal welfare and
- captive wildlife
- data collection and tracking
- Martow, 6111
- enforcement entities
- bylaw officers
- Dunlop, 6075
- the OSPCA. see under Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- bylaw officers
- enforcement models. see also Law enforcement—models of
- general remarks
- Coe, 6079
- by public body. see Animal protection system - reform
- general remarks
- general remarks
- government funding
- investigations
- jurisdiction
- in other provinces
- Yarde, 5988
- shelter, definition of
- Hatfield, 7966
Animal protection system - reform
- animal welfare inspectors. see Animal welfare inspectors
- application
- agricultural animals
- Vanthof, 8140
- agricultural animals
- consultation process
- Begum, 6100
- Calandra, 6305–6306
- Coe, 6078
- Crawford, 5497
- French, 6092, 6307
- Gélinas, 6303–6305
- Ghamari, 6638
- Hardeman, 5348
- Harris, 5755, 5995–5996
- Hogarth, 5940, 6205–6206, 6630
- Jones, 5221, 5345–5347, 5755, 5938–5939, 6204
- Karahalios, 6211
- Parsa, 6096
- Pettapiece, 5352–5353
- Piccini, 6087–6088
- Sarkaria, 5349–5351, 5581
- Schreiner, 5580
- Vanthof, 5457
- Yarde, 5454, 5992
- development timeline
- Yarde, 5579
- general remarks
- Coe, 6079, 6082
- Crawford, 5497–5498, 6107
- French, 6094
- Gélinas, 5499
- Ghamari, 6108
- Hardeman, 5348–5349
- Harris, 5457, 6069–6070
- Hogarth, 5940, 5943, 5945
- Jones, 5345, 5937–5939
- Martow, 6094
- Morrison, 6086
- Oosterhoff, 10679–10680
- Park, 7058
- Parsa, 6096–6097
- Pettapiece, 5353
- Piccini, 6112
- Roberts, 6103–6104, 6107
- Sarkaria, 5351, 5580–5581
- Schreiner, 6076–6077
- Skelly, 6075, 6106
- Smith, D., 6101
- Stiles, 6072, 6076
- Yarde, 5453, 5579, 5987, 5992–5993, 6109
- implementation timeline
- public model
- regulations under
- stakeholder response to
- Barrett, 8161
- statments by stakeholders
Animal protection system - reform, interim period
- consultation process
- enforcement entities
- general remarks
- ministerial authority
- resource allocation
- statements by stakeholders
Animal welfare.
see also Farms—trespass on- abuse and neglect
- cosmetic altering. see also Animal welfare offences—in other jurisdictions
- critical distress in motor vehicle. see also Animal welfare offences
- exotic animals
- fundraising events
- Hogarth, 3345
- general remarks
- humane societies and rescues. see also Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
- public education campaign
- statements by stakeholders
- unlicensed breeders
- veterinary care. see also Veterinary hospitals
- wildlife
- Gélinas, 6304
- zoos
Animal welfare inspectors
Animal welfare inspectors - chief animal welfare inspector
Animal welfare inspectors - powers of
- euthanization with consultation
- general remarks
- limited powers of arrest
- Hogarth, 5941
- protection and seizure orders
- protection and seizure orders, appeal process. see Animal Care Review Board
- warrant and warrantless entry
Animal welfare inspectors - training
Animal welfare - livestock
- disease transmission
- Kramp, 8155
- farmers
- mental health impacts. see Farmers—mental health of
- training
- Vanthof, 5456
- general remarks
- role of farm organizations
- standards of care
- during transportation
- disease transmission
Animal welfare offences
- animal fighting. see Animal fighting
- cases
- "distress," definition of. see also Animal welfare—critical distress in motor vehicle
- general remarks
- harm to law enforcement or service animals
- Hogarth, 5941
- offenders
- differentiation between individuals and corporations
- failure to convict
- financial liability for protective action
- and interpersonal violence
- and other criminal offences
- in other jurisdictions
- Stiles, 6074
- reporting process
Animal welfare offences - penalties
- general remarks
- judicial discretion
- major offences
- mandatory minimum fines
- minor offences
- prohibition orders
- repeat offenders
- restitution orders
Anti-Asian Racism Education Month Act, 2021 (Bill 299)
- first reading
- Ke, 13773
- second reading, 14199–14202
- Khanjin, 14202
- Singh, G., 14199–14201
- division (carried), 14202
- first reading
see also Racism- community engagement
- during COVID-19
- Jones, 14163
- during COVID-19
- community-based
- in education
- in education, resource allocation
- general remarks
- government funding
- Lindo, 10478–10479
- Smith, T., 11579
- government strategy
- Andrew, 14128
- Berns-McGown, 6395, 8373
- Cho, S., 12139
- Coteau, 13474–13475, 13480
- Fraser, 6283–6284
- Horwath, 8114, 8180
- Hunter, 8009, 8116
- Jones, 8092, 12139
- Lecce, 1467, 13566, 13710
- Lindo, 1002, 1083, 1465, 2292, 3645, 3719, 5299, 6283
- Rasheed, 523
- Schreiner, 8091–8092
- Tibollo, 332, 523, 1002, 1084
- Lincoln M. Alexander Awards
- Ke, 3186
- name pronunciation
- importance of
- Singh, G., 14200
- importance of
- restorative justice programs
- government funding
- Harden, 14172
- government funding
- workplace training and support
- Jones, 8555–8556
- community engagement
Anti-Racism Act, 2017,
SO 2017, c 15
Anti-Racism Amendment Act (Anti-Asian Racism and Incidents of Hate), 2021 (Bill 291)
- first reading
- Coteau, 13487
- first reading
Anti-Racism Directorate
Anti-Sikh riots of 1984
A&One Fashion Jewellery Wholesale Ltd. Act, 2019 (Bill Pr13)
Apollo Shawarma and Grill Inc. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr34)
Applied behaviour analysis.
see also Behaviour analystsAppreciation
- Adams, Peter
- Smith, D., 1085
- Akande, Zanana
- Andrew, 11141
- Akhavan, Payam
- Parsa, 14054
- Alexander, Philip
- Hatfield, 742
- Allain, Deanna
- Taylor, 4065
- Allward, Walter
- Hatfield, 4234–4235
- Anderson, Farel
- Wilson, 13264
- Andreescu, Bianca
- Tibollo, 3604
- Antaya, Ken
- Natyshak, 2472
- Anto, Rani
- Rasheed, 6582–6583
- Arsenault, Fred
- Begum, 7541
- Arthurs, Janet
- Roberts, 10672–10673
- Arthurs, Russ
- Roberts, 10672–10673
- Ashe, Bernie
- Ghamari, 2470
- Ashley, Joanne
- Coe, 2147
- Augustine, Jean
- Andrew, 11141
- Ayres, David
- Wynne, 7088
- Battaglia, Roberta
- Cuzzetto, 8547
- Bazinet, François
- McDonell, 4405–4406
- Bennett, Claude
- Roberts, 6421
- Bloom, Howard
- Downey, 137
- Bowering, Fred
- Stevens, 415
- Bradley, Jim
- Brown, Rosemary
- Andrew, 11141
- Buchanan, Blair
- Coe, 3429–3430
- Bullen, Fayne
- Dunlop, 3346–3347
- Burr, Fred
- Hatfield, 1748
- Carter, George
- Lindo, 50
- CFB Trenton
- Kramp, 7658
- Colaco, Ronald
- Cuzzetto, 1688
- Comegna, Arturo
- Romano, 3881
- Conners, Corey
- Pettapiece, 4170
- Crabtree, Marilyn
- McDonell, 11383–11384
- Crnec, Steve
- Hatfield, 9561
- Cruikshank, Stewart
- Tabuns, 12847
- Dacosta, Dominic
- Karahalios, 10506–10507
- Daynes, Bernie
- Smith, D., 13473–13474
- Deadman, Tom
- Harden, 742
- Deter, Barb
- Natyshak, 4760
- DiCaire, Véronic
- Simard, 10163
- Dickinson, Faith
- Smith, D., 6877
- DiNovo, Cheri
- Karpoche, 1557
- Doucette, Sarah
- Karpoche, 889
- Downie, Gord
- Dr. Lou and Mae Lukenda Charitable Foundation
- Romano, 1236
- Drumm, Joe
- Coe, 1085
- Dwyer, Will
- Khanjin, 7086–7087
- El Masry, Fadi
- Fraser, 11769
- Elmi, Mahamud
- Ghamari, 8110
- Evans, Lyra
- Stiles, 2189
- Fee, Kenner
- Oosterhoff, 2173
- Fournier, Rebecca
- Skelly, 12893
- Foxcroft, Ron
- Nicholls, 12793–12794
- Fryer, Erica
- Natyshak, 3345–3346
- Gaidatsis, John
- Cho, S., 7655
- Gordy, Jason
- Barrett, 4170–4171
- Gratkowska, Joanna
- Kusendova, 13312
- Greenspon, Lawrence
- Ghamari, 2470
- Hanover and District Hospital Auxiliary
- Walker, 88
- Harden, Rosemary
- Harden, 10554–10555
- Hardman, Ron
- Bouma, 8814
- Harlev, Guy
- Cho, S., 6580
- Harrison, Dale
- Romano, 1236
- Hatfield, Pearl
- Hatfield, 6226–6227
- Hawkins, Arnold
- West, 11378–11379
- Hayes, Christine
- Natyshak, 1491
- Heimpel, Mitch
- Walker, 1868
- Heimpel, Richard
- Smith, T., 5270
- Helmond, Jason
- Hogan, Brian
- Gretzky, 6224–6225
- Hooper, Andy
- Ford, 8321
- Jacques, Michael
- Oosterhoff, 2173
- Joffe, Sophia
- Martow, 10125
- Johnson, Bert
- Pettapiece, 1439–1440
- Johnstone, Audrey
- Skelly, 13553
- Jones, Trevor
- Smith, D., 13760
- Kalil, Dave
- Roberts, 13030–13031
- Keeping, Max
- Roberts, 13351
- Keeso, Jared
- Pettapiece, 4314
- Kell, Larry
- Khanjin, 341
- Kelly, Leonard "Red"
- Dunlop, 1733
- Kelly-Pemberton, Jackie
- McDonell, 11622–11623
- Kemp family
- Park, 137
- Kilpatrick, Tom
- Hatfield, 1842–1843
- King, Rawlson
- Lindo, 4393–4394
- Kipros, Athanasia Mitas
- Mitas, 13078
- Klassen, Miriam
- Pettapiece, 11908
- Klein, Stephanie
- Ke, 2691
- Kniaziew, Pauline
- Nicholls, 6519
- Kniaziew, Richard
- Nicholls, 6519
- Knights of Columbus Council 9612
- Sabawy, 1332
- Kohoutová, Věra Marie
- Hunter, 6581
- Kroupa, Milan
- Wilson, 9838
- Lalonde, Martin
- Dunlop, 4339
- Lefebvre, Tysen
- Ghamari, 1894
- Leu, Abigail
- Coteau, 11296
- Lindsay-Noel, Taylor
- Cho, S., 10772
- Lisi, Sarah Lynn
- McKenna, 3971
- Lobsinger, Abigayle
- MacEachern, Don
- McKenna, 8884
- Mackay, Russell
- Roberts, 9258
- Mahoney, Connor
- McKenna, 3971
- Mantha, Matthiew and Roch
- Mantha, 4235
- Masse, Kylie
- Natyshak, 3345–3346
- McCallion, Hazel
- Rasheed, 11337
- McDermott, Ron
- Natyshak, 2472
- McElary-Downer, Robin
- Khanjin, 10028
- McGinnis, Lisa
- Ford, 8321
- McMurtry, Roy
- Mercer, Nicola
- Pettapiece, 11908
- Mikhael, Maya
- Gretzky, 6224–6225
- Mills, Carl
- Ke, 1595
- Moffat, Helen
- Pettapiece, 3766–3767
- Nadeau, Chase
- Smith, D., 10028
- Nadeau, Cody
- Smith, D., 10028
- Nadeau, Tim
- Smith, D., 10028
- Nemesvary, Mike
- Ghamari, 13654
- Newman, Stephen
- Gill, 2577
- Notebomer, Julia
- Pettapiece, 9451
- O'Connor, Gerri Lynn
- Bethlenfalvy, 1717
- Oldham, Megan
- Miller, N., 4236
- Oyawoye, Raufikat
- Gill, 12692–12693
- Papple, Randy
- Bouma, 3380
- Patterson, Alex
- Gélinas, 6837
- Paul, Annamie
- Schreiner, 9564
- Peltier, Autumn
- Mantha, 9498
- Pemberton, Steven
- McDonell, 11622–11623
- Persaud, Girmalla
- Thanigasalam, 14058
- Picotte, Myrna
- Bethlenfalvy, 1717
- Poenn, Dieter
- Mantha, 2862–2863
- Poole, Robin
- McDonell, 11969
- Power, Cressida
- Mitas, 6471
- Quinn, Lee-Anne
- Smith, D., 10347
- Raitt, Lisa
- Gill, 5713
- Rashid Athar, Abdul
- Coteau, 9306–9307
- Reed, George
- Smith, D., 339
- Richardson, Jennifer
- Khanjin, 11246
- Richardson, Mike
- Khanjin, 11246
- Robinson, Linda and Keith
- McDonell, 9410
- Rohmer, Richard
- Collard, 10446–10447
- Rose, Nicola
- Tangri, 478–479
- Rosenfeld, Fanny (Bobbie)
- Khanjin, 7264
- Rutledge, Barry
- Khanjin, 381
- Samis, Liz
- Pettapiece, 6838
- Samis, Reg
- Pettapiece, 6838
- Saulnier, Bridget
- Gill, 6127
- Saulnier, Shawn
- Gill, 6127
- Sault Area Hospital Foundation
- Romano, 1236
- Saunders, Pat
- Taylor, 10446
- Sharma, Pravin Lata
- Crawford, 237–238
- Shaw, Andrea
- Coe, 5216
- Shaw, Edward
- Shaw, 5846
- Sicard, John
- Roberts, 9412
- Simpson, Robin
- West, 1595
- Singh, Jagmeet
- Mantha, 3246
- Skeen, Dora
- Hunter, 12217
- Smith, Edward
- Pettapiece, 12598
- Smith, Harry Leslie
- Harden, 2470
- Smith, Maddie
- McKenna, 2000
- St. Mary Catholic Secondary School (Hamilton) students
- Shaw, 4069
- Stafford, Ed
- Hogarth, 3130
- Staples, Tammie
- Piccini, 11247
- Stephenson, Bette
- Andrew, 11141
- Stephenson, Dr. Bette
- Dunlop, 7553
- Strickland, Donna
- Stringer, Gordon and Kathleen
- Fraser, 1239
- Sunnen, Marian
- Nicholls, 11910
- Trapp-MacBride, Barbara
- Ford, 8321
- Vaillancourt, Shelley
- McDonell, 12794
- Van Loan, Peter
- Khanjin, 782
- Vandertuin, John
- Bouma, 9346
- Vesey, Bob
- Coe, 3185
- Vincent, Katie
- Cuzzetto, 443–444
- Warnock, Scott
- Dunlop, 1894
- Weber, Taylor
- Pettapiece, 3381
- Whetung, Murray
- Wilson, Tom
- Martin, 582
- Winspear, Sandra
- Miller, N., 13411
- Women in Song
- Mantha, 13601
- Wooley, Sandra
- Roberts, 9499
- Wynne, Kathleen
- Adams, Peter
see also Pre-apprenticeship training programs; Work-integrated learning- admission requirements
- Smith, D., 13497–13498
- availability of
- Certificate of Qualification exam timelines
- digital matching platform
- Coe, 10874
- enrolment fees
- Skelly, 2017
- enrolment rates
- Fullerton, 2066
- general remarks
- government strategy
- and infrastructure development
- journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio
- Bisson, 385, 2067, 2076–2077
- Bourgouin, 13540
- Dunlop, 2042, 2441, 2443, 2466
- Fedeli, 2456
- Fife, 13966–13967
- Fullerton, 1940, 2042, 2065–2066, 2520
- Gates, 2068, 13440, 13443, 13447, 13953, 13959–13960
- Gretzky, 13541–13544
- Harris, 2017, 13489
- Hassan, 13472
- Hatfield, 2596–2597
- Khanjin, 13451
- Martin, 13971
- McKenna, 13966
- McNaughton, 13947
- Natyshak, 12986, 13447, 13464, 13540, 13543
- Oosterhoff, 2008
- Parsa, 1955
- Piccini, 3354
- Schreiner, 2438
- Scott, 2009
- Skelly, 2014–2015, 2017, 13464
- Smith, D., 13499
- Smith, T., 2434
- Wilson, 1959–1960
- Yakabuski, 13515
- occupational health and safety
- Begum, 13473
- Fife, 13964–13965
- Hassan, 13473
- Ontario Adult Apprenticeship Program
- Dunlop, 13458
- Queen's Career Apprenticeship Program
- Arthur, 12032
- recruitment
- reform
- system navigation
- unionized
- Hunter, 3165
- unregistered
- admission requirements
Apprenticeships - employers
- Achievement Incentive Program
- employer participation incentives
- Group Sponsorship Grant
Apprenticeships - government funding
- Achievement Incentive Program. see under Apprenticeships - employers
- Apprentice Development Benefit
- Apprenticeship Capital Grant
- McKenna, 13434
- college programming
- Gélinas, 387
- general remarks
- Khanjin, 10577
- McNaughton, 11239–11240, 12153–12154, 13436, 13945
- Grant for Apprentice Learning
- McNaughton, 12154
- Group Sponsorship Grant. see under Apprenticeships - employers
- Tools Grants
Aquaculture industry
Archives and Recordkeeping Amendment Act, 2019 (Bill 80)
- first reading
- Tabuns, 3571
- first reading
Arconti v Smith,
2020 ONSC 2782.
see Court administration—examinations for discoveryArmenia
Arts and culture industry
- artist compensation
- Andrew, 11814
- in the Black community
- Andrew, 6992
- Community Building Fund. see Community Building Fund
- economic impact
- funding. see Arts and culture industry - government funding
- galleries and museums. see Galleries and museums
- general remarks
- government strategy
- impact on health and well-being
- and local business
- Downey, 2891
- non-profit organizations
- Glover, 13352
- public art
- work precarity
- Karpoche, 6279–6280
- artist compensation
Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
- cultural clubs
- Gretzky, 12427
- dance studios
- economic impact
- galleries and museums
- capacity limits
- Andrew, 14161
- capacity limits
- general remarks
- government supports
- eviction ban
- Arthur, 10354–10355
- Bell, 10505
- financial assistance
- general remarks
- Cho, S., 10637–10638
- Fife, 9747–9748
- Lindo, 9421
- eviction ban
- live performance sector
- livestreaming
- Andrew, 13859
- Martin, 13859–13860
- performance venues
- livestreaming
- reopening
- Andrew, 13992
- Fife, 13990–13991, 14016
- Gates, 14016
- MacLeod, 13990–13993
- Stevens, 13993
- Stratford Festival
- Fife, 13990–13991
- Pettapiece, 11723
- virtual programming
- Windsor Symphony Orchestra
- Hatfield, 12286
- cultural clubs
Arts and culture industry - government funding
Arts and culture industry - institutions
Asian community
- history of
- Lecce, 13566
- history of
Assessment Amendment Act (Areas in Transition), 2020 (Bill 179)
- first reading
- Martin, 7379
- first reading
Assistive Devices Program (ADP).
see also Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODBP)- claims process
- eligible devices
- as essential service
- general remarks
- health technology assessments
- evaluation timeline
- Fraser, 13548–13549
- general remarks
- Martin, 13547–13548
- evaluation timeline
- program scope
- wait times
Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation
- mercury contamination. see Mercury poisoning (Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong)
- appreciation
- Karahalios, 6280
- appreciation
Atlanta, Georgia
- shooting (March 16, 2021)
- Horwath, 12131
- shooting (March 16, 2021)
Attawapiskat First Nation
Attorney General of Ontario
Auditor General of Ontario
- 2011 Annual Report
- Crawford, 1753–1754
- 2018 Annual Report
- Downey, 2882–2883
- 2019 annual report
- Food and Nutrition in Long-Term Care Homes
- Fife, 8573
- Food and Nutrition in Long-Term Care Homes
- annual reports
- ministerial responses to
- Ghamari, 8617
- ministerial responses to
- appointment, suspension, and termination of
- general remarks
- government relationship with
- Gretzky, 10815
- Hassan, 10831
- Rakocevic, 10819–10820
- independence
- oversight of government advertising. see Government advertising—oversight
- oversight of government finances
- recommendations, adoption of
- Singh, S., 1176
- reporting requirements
- re environmental policy
- Arthur, 2921
- re environmental policy
- Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances
- 2011 Annual Report
- wildfires
- Harris, 7204
- wildfires
- advocacy campaigns
- Karpoche, 14122
- advocacy groups
- Autistics 4 Autistics
- Taylor, 4037
- Autistics 4 Autistics
- awareness of
- Roberts, 1493
- employment
- Autism at Work programs
- Roberts, 9412
- Autism at Work programs
- general remarks
- personal narratives
- Andrew, 3032, 3076
- Armstrong, 3125
- Arthur, 3080–3081
- Bell, 3076
- Berns-McGown, 3028–3029
- Bisson, 3078, 4609
- Bourgouin, 3078
- Burch, 3081
- Fee, 3893
- Fife, 3079
- Gélinas, 4613
- Gretzky, 3523
- Harden, 3010, 3074, 3523
- Hatfield, 3125–3126
- Karpoche, 3126, 3525, 3905
- Kernaghan, 3124
- Lindo, 3079–3080
- MacLeod, 3117–3118
- Monteith-Farrell, 4265
- Natyshak, 3525
- Rakocevic, 3346
- Sattler, 3123, 3527
- Singh, G., 3528
- Taylor, 3023, 3338
- Yarde, 3528
- prevalence of
- as a spectrum
- advocacy campaigns
Autism Awareness Day Act, 2021 (Bill 301)
- first reading
- Armstrong, 13928–13929
- first reading
Autism services.
see also Ontario Autism Program- access to
- applied behaviour analysis (ABA)
- Bruce Awad Summer Program
- Gretzky, 3671
- during COVID-19
- Blais, 8889
- diagnostic services
- general remarks
- geographic distribution
- government strategy
- Coteau, 11575
- Simard, 12473
- Smith, T., 11574–11575
- ministerial collaboration
- ministerial responsibility
- Lalonde, 3375
- navigation
- Bisson, 5054–5055
- in northern Ontario
- in other jurisdictions
- Taylor, 3338
- prior to Ontario Autism Program (2016)
- statements by stakeholders
- treatment services. see also Ontario Autism Program (2016); Ontario Autism Program (2019)
Autism services - adults
Autism services - government funding
- childhood budgets
- age adjustment
- delivery model
- delivery timeline
- funding caps
- travel funding
- Monteith-Farrell, 4265
- general remarks
- Dunlop, 14118
- Fee, 5144
- Fife, 5290–5291
- Ford, 4028, 4125, 7663
- Gretzky, 3643, 7680
- Hillier, 5511
- Horwath, 4028, 8887
- Karpoche, 14122
- MacLeod, 4033, 4041, 4231, 4389
- Martin, 14122
- Phillips, 5965
- Roberts, 6157
- Sabawy, 6256
- Shaw, 5142
- Smith, T., 7485–7486, 7662, 8887, 8889
- Stiles, 7684
- Taylor, 4805–4806, 6173
- Thompson, 5215
- public accounts
- school-based services
- transparency
- Shaw, 5695–5696
- childhood budgets
Autism services - providers
Autism services - reform
- advisory panel
- advisory panel, recommendations
- consultation process
- Bisson, 5231
- Fee, 3893
- Ford, 4028
- Fraser, 3025, 3524, 3609
- Gretzky, 3643, 3897
- Lalonde, 4042–4043, 4077
- MacLeod, 3521, 3609, 3706, 3903–3904, 4028, 4033, 4040–4041, 4076–4077, 4711–4712, 5362
- Martin, 5362–5363
- Romano, 3899
- Sabawy, 4711–4712
- Smith, T., 6358, 6782
- Taylor, 3761, 3891–3892, 4033
- Wai, 3883
- Yurek, 4806
- general remarks
- Andrew, 3107–3108
- Berns-McGown, 3082
- Bisson, 3392–3393, 3429, 5054
- Blais, 8888
- Dunlop, 3706
- Fee, 3893
- Fife, 3526, 3640
- Ford, 3175–3176
- Fraser, 3186
- Gretzky, 3121
- Harden, 3898
- Hassan, 3247
- Horwath, 3071, 3518–3519, 3705, 3895–3896, 4028
- Hunter, 3077, 4363
- Karahalios, 3896–3897
- Karpoche, 3904, 14122
- Kernaghan, 14116–14117
- Lalonde, 4076
- MacLeod, 3023, 3026, 3079–3080, 3117, 3121, 3123, 3238, 3246, 3521–3524, 3527–3528, 3903–3904, 4076
- Martin, 3898
- Monteith-Farrell, 14107–14108
- Sattler, 4020
- Shaw, 4587
- Taylor, 3522, 3905, 4032–4033
- West, 4358
- Yurek, 4806
- government contract with Daisy Group
- impact on caregivers
- impact on providers
- impact on schools
- implementation timeline
- implementation working group
- policy development
- public response to
- select committee
- Taylor, 5512
Autism services - reform transition process
Autism services - school-based
- After School Skills Development Program
- funding. see under Autism services - government funding
- general remarks
- Harden, 3010
- government strategy
- Romano, 3899
- service animals. see also Service animals - in schools
- staff training
- Support Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in School pilot
Autism services - wait-lists.
see also Autism services - providers–
service capacity- admission to treatment
- general remarks
- needs-based services
- Horwath, 8886–8887
- reduction, cost of
- Fife, 43
- transfer to direct funding option (DFO)
- Taylor, 2137–2138
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
- access to
- general remarks
- history of
- Armstrong, 6240
- impact on survival rates
- in public areas
- Khanjin, 11287–11288
- Rakocevic, 6030
- public registry
- registration
- Martin, 7424
- regulations re
- Kanapathi, 6242
- training
Automobile insurance
Automobile insurance rates
- affordability
- based on driver record
- based on postal codes
- Begum, 1729
- Fedeli, 1523–1524, 1587–1588, 1590, 1634–1635, 1678, 1795
- Gill, 1587–1588, 3726, 4367
- Hassan, 1841, 3729
- Rakocevic, 478, 883, 1891, 1931, 2691, 3728, 4512–4513
- Sandhu, 1634, 3730
- Sarkaria, 1590, 3728
- Singh, G., 44, 776–777, 1523–1524, 1634–1635, 2095–2096, 2575, 3727, 4516, 6755–6756, 11470, 12376–12377, 13129
- Surma, 3729–3730
- Thanigasalam, 3730
- Yarde, 1795, 5250
- commercial vehicles
- Vanthof, 7539
- during COVID-19
- Andrew, 13130
- Cho, S., 9654–9655
- Fife, 9745–9746
- Gates, 10101, 10103, 13115–13116
- Gretzky, 13119
- Hassan, 12550, 13114, 13116
- Hogarth, 9654–9655
- Phillips, 8824
- Rakocevic, 8037–8038, 8416, 8824, 9380, 10103, 10321, 10603, 11317, 13788, 14145
- Singh, G., 8641, 9649, 9945, 9948, 11470–11472, 12565, 13056–13058
- Singh, S., 9901, 10603
- Tabuns, 10143
- Yarde, 11383, 12547–12548, 12550, 13110, 13118, 13129–13130, 13422, 13527, 13915–13916
- and credit history
- general remarks
- government strategy
- Singh, G., 14069–14070
- Yarde, 14070
- increase
- over-payment
- rate setting guidelines
- relative to other provinces
Automobile insurance reform
Automotive industry.
see also under United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry- changes to
- Crawford, 3023
- COVID-19
- operational reconfiguration. see under Manufacturing industry
- worker supports
- French, 9411
- economic impact
- federal bailout
- Calandra, 3803
- Fiat Chrysler. see Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) - Windsor assembly plant
- General Motors. see General Motors
- general remarks
- government funding
- Crawford, 9713
- government strategy
- Bisson, 5973–5974
- Burch, 2738
- Coe, 3356
- Cuzzetto, 5693
- Fedeli, 4323, 5709, 10380–10381
- French, 234, 517
- Ghamari, 3853–3854
- Gretzky, 135, 157, 181, 450, 2738
- Hatfield, 8744
- Horwath, 2631, 2679, 2808
- Karahalios, 3024
- Lecce, 3226
- Park, 2632, 10380
- Parsa, 11135
- Piccini, 2732
- Schreiner, 2683
- Shaw, 4352
- Smith, T., 2732–2733, 3023, 3075, 3793, 3961, 3963, 4031
- Tangri, 3094
- and innovation and technology sector
- Smith, T., 3075
- investment rate
- Smith, T., 3023
- manufacturing facilities
- safety regulations, reform
- Gill, 3802
- safety regulations, reform
- market trends
- government response to
- Horwath, 3960
- government response to
- regulatory environment
- tariffs, steel and aluminum. see under Trade with United States
- Toyota. see Toyota
- unions
- Gates, 13956–13957, 13962
- in Windsor
- Hatfield, 2542
- changes to
Automotive industry - employment
- economic impact. see under Automotive industry—economic impact
- layoffs. see also Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) - Windsor assembly plant; General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
- leaves of absence
- French, 517
- recruitment and retention
Autonomous vehicles
Aviation fuel tax
Awenen Niin Act (Who Am I) Respecting Identity Documents, 2021 (Bill 256)
- first reading
- Monteith-Farrell, 11783
- second reading, 12077–12082, 12097
- first reading